Please go to Please call 404-727-2623 for more
information regarding Member benefits. Date joined online. Son of Sobek camp
Camp Carlos Registration 2014
Camp hours: Mon–Fri, 9 am–3 pm Aftercare: 3–5 pm For more information, visit or call 404-727-0519. Fax to 404-727-4292.
Name of child Age Street address City State Zip Parent’s name(s) Daytime phone(s) Evening phone(s) Mobile phone(s) Email address(s) If paying for Camp Carlos with a credit card, please call 404-727-0519. If paying with a check, please make it payable to Michael C. Carlos Museum and mail to: Camp Carlos, Michael C. Carlos Museum, 571 South Kilgo Circle ne, Atlanta, GA 30322.
I am a current Museum member. Membership expiration date
I wish to become a Museum member at the Family membership level ($90).
I am an Emory employee and wish to become a Museum member (10% discount on Family membership).
I have enclosed a separate check made payable to Michael C. Carlos Museum for my membership.
I would like to join online. Please go to Please call 404-727-2623 for more information regarding Member benefits. Date joined online camp sessions
session fee
aftercare fee
Please check the session for which you wish to register.
Son of Sobek
June 2–6 (7 to 9 years)
June 9–13 (10 to 12 years)
June 16–20 (7 to 9 years)
June 23–27 (10 to 12 years)
$60 $0
July 7–11 (7 to 9 years)
July 14–18 (10 to 12 years)
Wixárika Arts
Around the World with Indigo
Stone Sculpture (two week session) July 21–25 and July 28–August 1 (13 to 17 years)
$60 week one $370 $450 $60 week two
save form
When you‘ve completed the form and saved it, please attach the file to an email and send to Ana Vizurraga at
[email protected] Thanks!
Total $0