by. Thomas I. Wahl, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Dermot J. Hayes. Suggested citation format: Wahl, T. I., R. C. Mittelhammer, D. J. Hayes. 1992. âTo Invert or Not to.
To Invert or Not to Invert: The Case of Direct and Inverse AIDS Meat Demand Systems by Thomas I. Wahl, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Dermot J. Hayes
Suggested citation format: Wahl, T. I., R. C. Mittelhammer, D. J. Hayes. 1992. “To Invert or Not to Invert: The Case of Direct and Inverse AIDS Meat Demand Systems.” Proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. Chicago, IL. [].