Toastmasters International District 12 Newsletter

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Veterinary Clinical Center at 611 East 2nd Avenue. Season Ticket ... Earleen Norris,. DTM, PID; Karen de Vries, ACB; Dr.
Ima ge s

Toastmasters International District 12 Newsletter October 2013 Vol. 25 / No. 4


©Eric Tassill

A Message from District 1 2 Governor - Michael Osur Lt. Governor Education and Training - Kent Peterson Lt. Governor Marketing Esther Phahla Public Relations Officer Angie Nett Tribute to Bruce Murphy

Message from Michael Osur, DTM District 12 Governor 2013-2014

District Highlights Area Contests

Photos from contests around the District: Pages 1 1 - 1 3

Club Spotlight

Happy Talk Toastmasters, Club 6642: Page 1 0

Summer ends and fall begins; don't you love how the leaves change color? Wait...this is the Inland Empire. Unless you live up in Big Bear, those palm and eucalyptus trees do not change their colors. It is, however, time to renew your Toastmasters membership in all your favorite clubs. "Dues are due," as we love to say in District 1 2. Have you considered joining a specialty club like Storytellers or Mastermind to improve your ability to tell stories or expound on a new business venture in Division A? How about helping coach other clubs by joining Tumbleweeds in Division D? That's Debatable in Division B can challenge you to take sides by debating the current issues of the day. Perhaps the advanced evaluations offered by Circle ofChampions in Division C, is more to your liking. I know the new concept of a gourmet club in Division E is most definitely in line with my "tastes". I recently had the pleasure of attending Division E's new club, Panda Masters, for their chartering ceremony in Chino Hills. This club is seriously on a mission of self improvement as they make future leaders and communicators. Lt. Governor Marketing, Esther Phahla, and New Club chair, Lois Sicking , are busy building new clubs in every division. Join them for the next launch meeting and rekindle within yourself that excited feeling of helping get a new club started.


Continued from Page 1 Michael Osur

Michael Osur, DTM District 1 2 Governor

I have attended five area contests in almost every division this year. I am so impressed with high level of evaluations and the seriously funny humorous speeches presented. What talent we have in our District! Do attend the upcoming Division contests and register now for our District 1 2 Fall conference on November 8 and 9 at the Ontario Airport Hotel. For only $85 you can see the District finals of the Evaluation and Humorous speech contests, be inspired by 2011 World Champion finalist Olivia Schoefield and learn from our Region 1 0 International Director Don Griffith . Please see the flyer in this issue of Images. Remember, the important Business meeting is free to attend. Club presidents and VPs of Education should fill out the proxy form in this issue of Images if you are unable to personally attend. Our Silver Jubilee: 25 years of District 1 2; Making a Difference is well under way towards achieving success. Join us as we help our members achieve their goals and dreams.

Michael Osur, DTM

District 1 2 Governor gov@d1 951 -31 3-631 3

Kent Peterson, DTM

Lt. Governor of Education and Training 2013-2014 Advanced Manuals

Kent Peterson, DTM District 1 2 LGET

In our continuing series of looking at the Advanced Communications Series, this month we look at the " Interpersonal Communication" Manual. We communicate every day, whether with the boss, a spouse, our children, fellow workers, friends, etc. Communication is not always easy and is not always received the way the sender intended. Topics in this manual include: Conversing with ease, negotiating, handling criticism, coaching someone to improve performance and expressing dissatisfaction effectively. This is an absolute must manual for individuals to enhance personal skills. "Visit:" A 5 letter word with a lot of potential. Imagine if all Toastmasters visited a club other than their home club. What you will see is a different energy, another way to do things, ideas you can bring back to your home club, and chances to meet new people. A few of the clubs in our district have 50% or more of their members who have visited other clubs. This is really a great way to learn how other clubs give evaluations or Table Topics or how they manage their meetings. By visiting clubs, we build excitement in district 1 2.


Continued from Page 2 Kent Peterson

I have been asked to visit two different meetings this year where multiple areas got together and had 20-30 people attend. These meetings were extremely well organized, had great educationals, were entertaining and thought provoking. These were not regular meetings but Value Added meetings. Sometimes we can't get all the information we want into our regular club meetings and it is great to have other meetings where we can get together and learn from each other. Visit other clubs and see what they have to offer. Have a sister club come and visit yours. See if you can get 3 or 4 members from one club to visit another. Volunteer to do one of the functionary roles. Be a Toastmaster Ambassador.

To get your own copy of Interpersonal Communication

and other Advanced Manuals, visit

On a totally different subject, this is contest season and one thing I always enjoy is clubs that come out and support their members. Not only does it make the club member feel good, it shows there are carrying members. I hope to see you at Area, Division and the District contest. As the Lt. Governor of Education and Training for 201 3/201 4 I am here to serve District 1 2 and can be reached at lget@d1 2 or 909-705-9800 .

Kent Peterson, DTM

District 1 2, Lt. Governor Education and Training

Esther Phahla, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing 2013-2014

Our Marketing Workshop went very well on September 1 4th, Thank you to all our Presenters, Rose Beeson , Region 1 0 Advisor; Sheryl Roush ; Lois Sicking , District 1 2 New Club Extension Chair; Leigh Adams , District 1 2 Club Coach Chair and panel (Tom Jameson , Richard Snyder and Rosalyn Carter), Denis Nurmela and Sandra Dee Robinson .

Esther Phahla, DTM Club Membership Growth: As we bid the first quarter goodbye, District 1 2 LGM congratulations to all the clubs that have added 1 or more new, dual or reinstated member(s) to your Clubs. We have 1 70 New Member Payments thus far and 21 Charter Member payments. Division A Division B Division C Division D Division E

added 43 members. added 26 members. added 45 members. added 27 members. added 29 members.


Continued from Page 3 -

Esther Phahla

Reminder: Membership Dues are due October 1 st . For any questions regarding dues renewal please contact Sheila Umbaji Futch our District Membership Dues Renewal Chair at [email protected] New Club Building, is progressing very well under our District New Club Extension Chair : Lois Sicking , DTM, PDG. We have several launch meetings planned and hope to Charter more new clubs during the month of October. Thank you, Lois!

“Let us share with others the benefits we have gained for ourselves.” Dr. Ralph C. Smedley

Club Coaches Corner: One New Club Coach was added in the month of September. Welcome Aboard,

Shanna Choung , Club Coach for Club 1 001 501 Power Persuaders We are still in need of Club Coaches, join us and share your wisdom with our Challenged Clubs to help them flourish. If you are interested please contact Leigh Adams , District 1 2 Club Coach Chair at [email protected] Here’s to You the Member, Building One New Club Per Area and helping our Challenged Clubs get Distinguished while members achieve their goals !!!

Esther Phahla, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing

Angie Nett, DTM

Public Relations Officer 2013-2014

Angie Nett, DTM District 1 2 PRO

VP Public Relations is an important position within each club; it is the VP PR's responsibility to generate positive awareness of the Toastmasters brand for the purpose of attracting and retaining members. It requires keeping the public and members informed about club or district activities through effective communication channels and media relations. Good PR will build membership and gain public recognition. Source: We have just completed our first quarter of the current term and you’ve been very busy publicizing your club’s open houses, Speechcraft programs and contests. District 1 2 awards publicity! The Chuck Weck award is given to the winning club in recognition of superior publicity achievements in promoting their Toastmasters Club! It is named in honor of Chuck Weck, a past District 1 2 Governor.


Continued from Page 4 Angie Nett

Join District 1 2's Facebook page: /D1 2toastmasters

Join District 1 2's LinkedIn Discussions! groups/District-1 2Toastmasters1 953436/about

The winning club receives a traveling trophy to display until the next Chuck Weck Publicity Award Contest as well as a plaque that remains with the club. The award is given based on the highest accumulation of points earned by implementing PR campaigns in various media, during the period from July 1 through April 1 each Toastmaster year. Clubs are recognized at the District 1 2 annual Spring Conference. More information as well as a list of criteria and points describing the many ways your club can earn this award can be found at http://d1 click on “Chuck Weck Publicity Award”. Please be sure to submit your publicity efforts to me each month so that your club can be recognized at the Spring Conference.

Angie Nett, DTM

Public Relations Officer pro@d1

A Tribute to the Life of Beloved Husband, Son. Brother, Uncle, Friend & Toastmaster.

Bruce Murphy

Bruce passed away on September 1 st after a two-year battle with cancer. It was a heroic fight and one we really thought he would win. Bruce had many interests, golf was number one. He also loved to fish, and once took the trip of his life when he went with a buddy to pan for gold. As a member of TM Club 651 3 The Starlifters he shared his love of panning for gold in the stories he told. Everyone looked forward to hearing about his golden adventures. He also enlightened our group on other topics. Bruce will be missed. Charles Z. Radney , President Club 6513


Division A: MISSION POSSIBLE – This episode starts with a BANG

Shirr'l Griffin, CC, CL Division A Governor

September 21 st Area A1 , A2 and A3 Contests were Chaired by Tim Rennegarbe, ACB. Lois Sicking , DTM, PDG, sparked excitement as Toastmaster of the Day, as Test Speaker, Irene Escalante performed a extraordinary speech with a different twist titled: Slowpoke. Gina McIntyre, ACB and Clement Liu , DTM served as exceptional Evaluation and Humorous Contest Toastmasters, respectively, adding balance levity and structure to the contests. First-Timer Contests Toastmasters Vivian Vecchio for Evaluation and Jenice Pye-Conkrite for Humorous Speech wonderfully handled these roles lending pride to Toastmaster of the Day, Bill Cortus , DTM, PDG, and September 28th Area A2, A4 and A6 Contests’ attendees. Test Speaker Susan Monson reminded everyone about the unique Toastmasters Club Member-Mentor relationship in her speech: The Power of Mentoring. Lorrain Abate, DTM, Chaired the Contests and mentored our first-timers.

Kay Mellem , DTM, is serving as Chief Judge for both Area and the Division Contests. Brenda Premo, ACG, ALB has procured the fabulous

venue. A host of talented and generous Division A Toastmasters have and are contributing to the Contests. Check your program. Also, they are much appreciated. It couldn’t happen without YOU! CONGRATULATIONS to our Area Contest Winners! We are all looking forward to the Division A Contests, the District 1 2 Semi-Finals. Join us Saturday afternoon, October 1 9, 201 3 at 1 :30 p.m. at the Banfield Veterinary Clinical Center at 611 East 2nd Avenue. Season Ticket holders, you are set! Pre-Registration at agov@d1 is $8.00 for a savings or register at the door for $1 0.00 which includes a complimentary meal, *PLUS* bring a non-Toastmaster for FREE – 2 for 1 ! See you there. Division A Area Governors and their Assistant Area Governors are busy making club visits and submitting Club Visit Reports. Club Officers are encouraging their club members to bring guests. They know that achieving the Smedley Award shows that every member is committed to the quality and health of their Toastmasters Club and everyone’s experience. Additionally, October dues reports are wrapping-up. Area Governors are assisting their Clubs so that this first quarter is strong for their club members.


Continued from Page 6 Shirr'l Griffin

Division A introduces the Rancho Cucamonga Gavel Club! The meetings are every 1 st and 3rd Tuesdays at Abundant Living Family Church, Room 201 (youth building) starting at 6:00 p.m. Come check it out! Area A2 Governor, Rhonda Hawkins , CC; Diana McKee; Janea Liggins and A4 Assistant Area Governor, Regina Faulkerson , CC, CL are the Gavel Club Founders. Kudos to the team! Please join us! Division A looks forward to being your host, as well as for your guests, at these quality events! There’s also great news on the New Club front! Approaching a Chartering date progresses through the basics, the fundamentals and coming along side, “buddying” techniques, TM best practices, the Launch Team is using. Keller-Williams (KW) Rancho Cucamonga Club is building nicely to Chartering strength! District 1 2’s New Clubs Extension Chair, Lois Sicking , DTM, PDG, and Club Coaches Chair Leigh Adams , DTM (Division A New Clubs Chair), are giving KW an excellent example about the benefits Toastmasters has for individuals on their team by modeling the experience through engagement with the KW staff. Earleen Norris, DTM, PID; Karen de Vries , ACB; Dr. Charlotte Naugle, ACS, ALB (A3 Area Governor); Richard Snyder, DTM, PID and Dolores Weck, DTM, are all contributing Toastmasters to the effort. Esther Phahla, DTM is hand-in-hand in the hard work as well. Division A is honored by the many Toastmasters who show their support District-Wide helping out in everyway possible. (Please forgive me if I missed your name and you are a part of this team. I’ll be sure to add you to the November update.) You may recall that in the September Images issue I invited you to stay tuned because I would compare what I learned at the Toastmasters International Convention in Cincinnati this past August, and how it relates to what the Team is doing in Division A. I will have to pick-up that thread in November D1 2 Images newsletter. There’s just too much GOOD to share about what is happening in Division A. See you in the next “spine-tingling” episode of Division A: MISSION POSSIBLE!

Shirr’l Griffin , CC, CL

Division A Governor, 201 3-201 4


Division B, Burning Bright All Members make a difference I am so proud of Division B happenings, and it is all because the members take charge, complete the mission and move ahead to more accomplishments.

Marilyn Nepkie, DTM Division B Governor

This month, sometimes known as “Contest Month”, our five area Governors , Michael Zlaklet, ATMS,CL, with assistant Patrick Hennessey, DTM , Christine Ferrera ACB,CL Gloria Golike,ACS,ALS, with assistant Kathie Martin ,CC,CL, Jonathan Albin , ACB, with assistant Cecil Karstensen , DTM, and Reginald Crosby, ACS, ALB (Reggie) continue to motivate the club members to go beyond the clubs and participate at area contests. Let me highlight Division B area contests so far to show how Division B continues to make a difference from first timer to experienced Toastmaster. The first timer member contestant inspires the experienced member to remember why he/she joined Toastmasters. Likewise, the experienced members provide the foundational tools for the first timer contestant to go beyond the club for successful results. This is making a difference one member at a time, as evidenced by a hugely successful area B3 contest on Sept 1 4, 201 3, in Hesperia at Keller Williams Reality. As we arrived at the contest, we were cordially welcomed by the registration “team” and given a well-constructed program including a sample judging criteria ballot, with an agenda and the sponsoring clubs of Area B3 clubs. The room was neatly set with chairs for all and once we found our seats, we were directed to the array of refreshments to enjoy while networking with other toastmaster members, while the contestants and judges were being briefed. Then first time SAA Lance Charnow gaveled the contest to assemble, and Area B3 Governor Gloria Golike officially called the contest to order. Toastmster of the day, Rick Danzey, PID,PDG, introduced the evaluation contest Toastmaster, Assistant area Governor, Kathie Martin , CC,CL who was not only a first timer assistant governor and first timer at a contest, but also first timer Evaluation TM. She conducted her portion of the contest with aplomb. The lesson here for a new member is: when the opportunity knocks, take it and “give it all you got.” The lesson for a seasoned member is to remember why you joined Toastmasters and continue to take the steps to


Continued from Page 8 Marilyn Nepkie

further your growth by giving back to the new member what you have learned. We all make a difference together for which we can be proud. The humorous contest led by Toastmaster Linda Ellsworth , CC, an experienced toastmaster, brought us into the humorous mode with comments by Mark Twain. The three humorous contestants included two new to humorous contests and a returning TM. All with expertly prepared and rehearsed speeches regarding grandma’s statements, airports and perfect presents. A lesson learned was that whatever we do in life there is always take home value and a toastmaster there to help us grow a more successful life. Area B3 you set the bar high! On September 28th the other areas of Division B will showcase their clubs at the Feldhyme Library in San Bernardino and I am looking forward to an equally successful contest. The contest chair, Pamela Corl , CC is a first time contest chair, and took on this position without hesitation showing her leadership qualities in delegating positions to appropriate people. With the continuous help from all the new and experienced members and the Division Counsel members Kay Starr, DTM, Monica Mendoza, DTM, Sybille Phillips , DTM, Mary Saxon Hobbs , DTM and new SAA Robert Cothern , CC everyday; I am proud to be Division B governor. The admiration for the new members and experienced Toastmasters inspire other members to continue to share how this great organization, started in 1 924 by Dr. Ralph Smedley, and continues to make a difference from new and experienced members helping each other communicate for a successful life and world. Lesson learned: Speak out via telephone, “tele-internet” and tell a person what Toastmasters has done for you and how Toastmasters makes a difference and creates leaders around the world.

Marilyn Nepkie, DTM Division B Governor October 201 3


Club Spotlight

H a ppy Ta lk

Happy Talk's Vision: Not Just Lip Service Members of Happy Talk Toastmasters Club 6642 in Riverside are fired up for success! The 201 2/1 3

year was a tough year for one of District 1 2’s historically high-performing clubs. Having to relocate from the club’s home of more than 1 5 years, the club’s membership and distinguished club status suffered.

With a fire in their bellies, Happy Talk Toastmasters are not just playing lip service with their newly charged vision “To become the flagship club of the Inland Empire.” Big words for a club, but according to club president, Jolene Church , “Not being recognized by the District this year was unacceptable for me and I felt we needed to brush the dust off and get busy.” Church and the club officers developed the beginning of a strategic comeback plan over lunch at TLI. Super-charged, Happy Talk officers finalized long and short-term strategic goals with a follow up matrix of tasks and completion dates. Once the plan was finalized the new vision was imparted to the club in a series of motivational speeches. “Everyone is infected with this drive for club success. It’s infectious!” states Church. The club’s forward thinking approach required Happy Talk to look for a new space to accommodate their anticipated growth. Happy Talk partnered with UCR’s California Museum of Photography (CMP) and is now holding their weekly meetings at the CMP in the 3rd floor occularium which was designed exclusively for speaking acoustics. Less than 2 months into the new TM year, Happy Talk achieved 5 of 1 0 goals from the Distinguished Club Plan and is rapidly advancing toward Select and once again Presidential status. “We couldn’t have done this without having a game plan. We are strategically setting out not only to succeed but excel.” For more information visit


District 12 - Area Contests

Div A

Div B

Div E P hotos: Janice Kuhn, except as otherwise noted


Div C Photos by Eric Tassil Studio @ C2 C4


Div D

Tammy Dear Tammy,


We'd like to help our club grow and have been advised to host an Open House. We've hosted one in the past, and it had low attendance. Can you offer any recommendations to improve turnout and have guests wanting to come back? - Hospitality Hannah Dear Hannah, Hospitality is the key to a successful Open House, and the best way to increase attendance is through publicity. Use social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Meetup. Circulate eye-catching flyers (with the who/what/when/where/why) around your community including Chambers of Commerce, libraries, and other Toastmaster clubs. Members should be encouraged to publicize Toastmasters at their jobs, in the employee break room, and at business mixers. Have an incentive award for members who bring in the most guests. Always serve refreshments at your Open House and have lots of Toastmasters magazines, brochures and membership applications with the dues info filled in. Conduct a mini Toastmasters meeting with at least one speech, one evaluation and lively table topics so your guests can see how comfortable a typical meeting really is. If your Open House has food, fun and fellowship, your guests will look forward to the next meeting. Don't forget to pick up the phone and make that personal call to past guests and invite them back. Good hospitality goes a long way. ☺

TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 12 PROXY CERTIFICATE Club #___________________________ Club Name:_____________________________________________________ As the Club President [ ] or Club Vice President of Education [ ], I hereby authorize the following club member to represent me at the District 12 Fall Conference Business Meeting on November 17, 2012. Print Name of Proxy:________________________________________________________________________________ (Print Legibly) Officer’s Signature:__________________________________________________ Date Signed:____________________ Print Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________ (Print Legibly) This Proxy form must be submitted to the Credentials Desk to obtain ballot(s) At the District Council meeting, each club president and vice president of education in attendance is entitled to one vote each. If either or both officers cannot attend, they may designate, in writing, any other active member of their club to act as proxy or proxies for their club, using this form only. No other proxies are valid at this meeting. In the event one of these officers does not attend the meeting and has not designated, in writing, an active member of the club to act as his or her proxy, the officer or proxy holder in attendance is deemed to hold the proxy of the other, and may therefore cast two votes at the meeting. This ensures every club is represented by two votes. In addition, each district officer, including area and division governors, in attendance is entitled to one vote. Only District Executive Committee members carrying both credential and proxy certificates from their club are allowed three votes. All other members are limited to a maximum of two votes each. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 12 PROXY CERTIFICATE Club #___________________________ Club Name:_____________________________________________________ As the Club President [ ] or Club Vice President of Education [ ], I hereby authorize the following club member to represent me at the District 12 Fall Conference Business Meeting on November 17, 2012. Print Name of Proxy:________________________________________________________________________________ (Print Legibly) Officer’s Signature:__________________________________________________ Date Signed:____________________ Print Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________ (Print Legibly) This Proxy form must be submitted to the Credentials Desk to obtain ballot(s) At the District Council meeting, each club president and vice president of education in attendance is entitled to one vote each. If either or both officers cannot attend, they may designate, in writing, any other active member of their club to act as proxy or proxies for their club, using this form only. No other proxies are valid at this meeting. In the event one of these officers does not attend the meeting and has not designated, in writing, an active member of the club to act as his or her proxy, the officer or proxy holder in attendance is deemed to hold the proxy of the other, and may therefore cast two votes at the meeting. This ensures every club is represented by two votes. In addition, each district officer, including area and division governors, in attendance is entitled to one vote. Only District Executive Committee members carrying both credential and proxy certificates from their club are allowed three votes. All other members are limited to a maximum of two votes each.


District 12 Silver Jubilee 1989 – 2014: Making a Difference Fall Conference

November 8 & 9 - Ontario Airport Hotel 700 North Haven Avenue, Ontario , CA 91764 Reserve your room now: 909-980-0400 Mention you are with the Toastmasters Group for a room rate of $ 79.00 plus tax Early Registration (by 11/3) : Friday Only: $30 | Saturday Full Day $60

Don Griffith International Director Region 10 | 2012-2014 As a member of the Toastmasters International Board of Directors, Griffith is a “working ambassador” for the organization. Serving on the Board, he develops and supports the policies and procedures that guide Toastmasters International in fulfilling its mission.

After November 3rd: Friday Only: $35 Saturday Full Day $65 ($75 at door) Both days $95

November 8th 6:00 p.m. - Check-in, Fajita Station Bar, No-Host Bar Introduction of International Director, Don Griffith, DTM Evaluation Contest Educational Session by Olivia Schofield 9:30 p.m. - Awards and End of Evening

November 9th Olivia Schofield World Championship of Public Speaking Finalist – 2011 Great speeches do far more than inform, they inspire. They transport an audience from one place to another, leaving them in an altered and heightened state. The tool that transports the audience on this journey is story telling. This session explores ways of finding and crafting personal stories to make a business point.

7:00 a.m. - Registration Check-in Breakfast and Keynote Speaker, International Director, Don Griffith, DTM Educational Session by Olivia Schofield District12 Business Meeting (Free for all Toastmasters) 12:00 noon - Hall of Fame Luncheon and Awards Educational Session by Olivia Schofield 3:00 p.m. - Humorous Speech Contest

Register at


Mark Your Calendars This Month October 5: Division D Contest October 1 1 : Area C5/C6 Contest October1 2: Division B Contest. October 1 9: Division A Contest October 25: Division C Contest October 26: Division E Contest

Next Month November 8 & 9: Fall


DISTRICT 1 2 201 3-201 4 Officers

Michael Osur, DTM District 1 2 Governor [email protected]

Kent Peterson, DTM District 1 2 Lt. Governor Education and Training

Esther Phahla, DTM District 1 2 Lt. Governor Marketing

Angie Nett, DTM District 1 2 Public Relations Officer

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

District Secretary – Mary Carnes, ACS, ALS District Treasurer – Chris Carnes, CC, ALB District Sergeant-at-Arms – Jim Henderson, ACB District Parliamentarian – Jack Nelson, DTM, PDG Immediate Past District Governor – Rosalyn Carter, DTM Division A Governor – Shirr'l Griffin, CC, CL Division B Governor – Marilyn Nepkie, DTM Division C Governor – Sheila Houston, CC, CL Division D Governor – Kathryn Robbins, DTM Division E Governor – Daniel Schroff, CC

Heather Muñoz District 1 2 Images Editor

The deadline for Images is on the 1 5th of the month previous to publication on the 1 st of every month. Articles and photographs for future issues can be submitted to Heather Muñoz at [email protected]