Mar 21, 2014 - The first Curriculum Enrichment Day of the calendar year took place last ... ey. All students played fant
Week ending 21st March, 2014
Today is non-uniform day in aid of ...
For a donation of £1.00 our students in Years 7 to 11 were able to choose to wear their own clothes to support Sport Relief or the school’s ongoing Reaching Rwanda appeal.
Some of our Sixth Formers dressed up as popular characters too.
Karla, Leanne, Holly, Alice + Maddi
Charlotte, Nicole, Alex, Jenessa + Abi ‘Scooby Doo’ fun
Hope, Brad, Vicky, Ethan, Ellie + Amber
See next week’s review for a report on the popular staff v students football match!
YOUNG ENTERPRISE NEWS On Thursday13th March, our Young Enterprise team, Plectrum, made their way over to the 3M business building in Bracknell for our area final. Unfortunately we did not win the main award, although we did win a participation award! However, we have learned a lot from our six months participating in Young Enterprise. Many members of the team have learned valuable skills throughout the process. We would like to congratulate the winning teams; and even if we say so ourselves, the competition was very high this year; however this did not dampen our spirits. The team would like to thank Mr Laws for driving us to the final, Diane our business advisor for helping us through everything over the past six months, Mr Sinnamon for helping us during the production process, Mr Marshall for all his help and support and driving us to our seminar and last of all to our link teacher, Miss Whiting, for all the advice and support that saw us through our low points. Nicole + Jenessa Page 1 of 7
A SPECIAL VISIT This week we had some very special visitors in the art department. Some older students will remember our Aboriginal artist and dreamtime storytelling friend Francis Firebrace a regular visitor to our school. I was contacted by his manager a few weeks ago as a Canadian film were making a document on his life. They wanted to film part of that in a school and we were lucky enough to be selected. The art teachers selected the top 3 students in each Year 7 and 8 class to be involved in the film. It was all very exciting and like every time we see Francis a lot of fun was had by all. Many thanks to all the lovely students who represented the school perfectly on Monday. I was, as always very proud of you all, especially when the visitors had so many kind words to say about you all and the time that they had spent with you. The Canadians were also most impressed by the Sticky Toffee pudding Steve made for lunch, believing it to be some English delicacy! Mrs L Coyle
UNIVERSITY CONVENTION 2014 September 2015 may seem like a long way off, but for many of our Year 12 students it will be the month when they start university after finishing their courses at Sandhurst 6 th Form. Choosing what to study at university and which university to study at is no easy job since there are about 50,000 – that’s fifty thousand – different courses available at UK universities. So, we try to give students as much help as we can to make their decisions and on Monday they went to the Surrey Sports Park, at the University of Surrey in Guildford, to attend the ‘UCAS University Convention 2014’. This was a huge exhibition event attended by thousands of 6th Form students, over two days, and by experts from hundreds of universities, colleges and other Higher Education institutions. Students were able to collect information (and some freebies) about possible courses and universities, get some questions answered and, hopefully, make some progress towards deciding where they will be and what they’ll be doing in September 2015. Mr S Probert
BREAKING NEWS ..... The Sandhurst School News team has been preparing for BBC Schools Report day on Thursday 27th March. On Wednesday 26th March, we will be welcoming Ian Watkinson, from Royal Holloway University, who will be talking to the news team about tectonic hazards. The team will then put together a report which will be uploaded onto the BBC website on Thursday. Keep an eye and ear on the news to see if we are broadcast! Miss H Maisey Page 2 of 7
The first Curriculum Enrichment Day of the calendar year took place last Friday 14th March. All the year groups took the day off their normal timetable to take part in specially designed activities. Most the Year 7 students spent their day in Boulogne and had a fantastic day. A full report will appear in the review next week. A small group of Year 7’s stayed at school and spent the day participating in French themed activities, one of which was ‘crepe’ making. Mrs Tudor allowed us to use one of the catering rooms and the students thoroughly enjoyed making, and more importantly, eating their ‘crepes’. Mrs V Medhurst Year 8 had a magical visit to the Warner Brother Studios. We were given an insight into the many secrets behind the production of the Harry Potter films and how the stories made the transition from book to movie. Both staff and students seemed to get absorbed into the world of Harry Potter, with a number of students taking part in spell casting and having a go at riding broom sticks, whilst the staff were busy pretending to be wizards or flying in the Weasley’s car.
Mrs B Simmons
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Some Year 8 students not exploring Harry Potter World spent the day exploring the issues surrounding celebrity in English.
Psycho fan letters, complete with awkward replies by terrified famous people
Miley Cyrus (Prajwal) reads from her fan mail
Cameron delights the group with his Celebrity Slasher story ‘Taylor of Terror’
Mr T Ripper
The whole of Year 9 took part in a range of activities for their day from competing for their House in sports tournaments to having a go at archery and wheelchair basketball. The majority of students competed in some very competitive games of football, rugby, netball and hockey. All students played fantastically well showing positive team spirit throughout. Students also participated in archery, an activity new to the students. To finish the day students were allowed to have a go at a competitive wheelchair basketball game which is much harder than it looks! A great day was had by all and I would like to commend all the students for their hard work and enthusiasm. Mr M Bell Year 10 students spent the day considering the lessons we might learn from the Holocaust. They were extremely moved by the testimony of Holocaust survivor Martin Bennett. They then watched a very powerful play about Auschwitz Birkenau by the Badac Theatre Company which was followed by a series of lessons and workshops, challenging students to stand up to hatred and not to be a bystander. This was a hard hitting, thought-provoking day. Mrs S Hunt
Year 11 worked with departments to make sure that controlled assessments and preparations for summer exams were up-to-date. Mr P Sinnamon
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Year 12 students had the fantastic opportunity to take a one-day First Aid course with St John’s Ambulance. You can often see St John’s volunteers providing First Aid services at events all over the country and they also work very closely with the regular NHS Ambulance Service. The course was delivered by two St John’s volunteers to about forty students and, as a result, the students will each be given a certificate to show that they have been taught a range of First Aid skills. This may prove really useful when applying for part-time jobs and so on, because it is widely recognised as being THE First Aid course to have followed and might just give an edge over other applicants! Amongst other things, students were shown what to do in the event of seeing someone collapse or in the event of seeing someone in a car accident.
Of course, it was very humbling to think that what they learned might save someone’s life one day, but it was also good fun and a really worthwhile experience. Mr N Marshall + Mr S Probert
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GCSE CATERING This week Year 10 Catering students took their first GCSE practical exam, making four items for an afternoon tea . As you can see from the pictures they did an excellent job, and as one of the tasters, along with Ms Chamberlain, I can tell you the food was delicious.
Many thanks to parents and carers who have been eating practice cakes for the last month! The students now move onto their second practical , a two course dinner. Congratulations to them all! Mrs L Tudor
Year 9 Options Evening
Thursday 23rd January
Year 9 Subject Evening
Monday 27th January
Year 12 Geography Residential Visit departs
Tuesday 28th January
Years 11-13 Photography/Fine Art/Textiles visit to London Galleries
Thursday 30th January
GCSE Certificate Presentation
Friday 31st January
Year 12 Geography Residential Visit returns
Tuesday 11th February
Year 10 Fine Art visit to the British Museum
Friday 14th February
Visit to Rwanda departs
Monday 17th - 21st February
Half term
Thursday 27th February
Year 8 Subject Evening
Wednesday 5th March
Year 9 DTP + MenC vaccination
Thursday 6th March
Year 10 DTP + MenC vaccinations
Thursday 13th March
Sixth Form Subject Evening
Friday 14th March
Enrichment Day
Friday 21st March
Charity Fundraising Day
Thursday 27th March
Year 10 Subject Evening
Tuesday 1st April
Grease performance
Wednesday 2nd April
Grease performance
Thursday 3rd April
Grease performance Barcelona visit departs
Friday 4th April
End of Term
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