Toluene hydrogenation over Pd and Pt catalysts as a

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Aug 27, 2014 - stable organic hydride, such as methyl cyclohexane or deca- lin. ... thus, the development of CO- and sulfur-tolerant catalysts is required.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 3 3 9 e1 6 3 4 6

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Toluene hydrogenation over Pd and Pt catalysts as a model hydrogen storage process using low grade hydrogen containing catalyst inhibitors Masanori Gonda a, Masaeaki Ohshima b, Hideki Kurokawa b, Hiroshi Miura b,* a

Fuji Oil Company, Sodegaura Refinery, 1 Kitasode, Sodegauraecity, Chiba 299e0266, Japan Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimoeokubo, Sakuraeku, Saitama 338e8570, Japan


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Article history:

The effects of CO and H2S as catalyst inhibitors on the rate of toluene hydrogenation were

Received 9 April 2014

studied as a means of hydrogen storage using low-grade hydrogen. Pd/SiO2 suffered

Received in revised form

serious negative effects from catalyst inhibitors; however, Pd/TiO2eSiO2 exhibited high CO

11 July 2014

and H2S tolerance because the acidic support decreased the electron density of the Pd

Accepted 26 July 2014

metal particles, which, in turn, decreased the interaction between the Pd surface and CO

Available online 27 August 2014

(or H2S). The TiO2eSiO2-supported Pd catalyst exhibited activity greater than that of the


in presence of H2S. Catalyst characterization after sulfidation with H2S revealed that Pd

Hydrogen storage

particles were fully sulfided, whereas Pt particles were sulfided only on their surface. We

Catalyst inhibitor

concluded that Pd catalysts supported on acidic oxides exhibit excellent activity toward

Toluene hydrogenation

toluene hydrogenation in the presence of CO and that Pt catalysts exhibit excellent activity

Supported Pd catalyst

in the presence of H2S.

Titania-silica support

Copyright © 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

TiO2eSiO2-supported Pt catalyst in the presence of CO; however, it exhibited lower activity


Introduction Hydrogen is expected to be an energy medium for fuel cells in vehicles and power generators. Hydrogen storage and transportation methods need to be developed to distribute hydrogen to wide range of applications and to thereby satisfy the need for a safe, environmentally friendly, economically viable energy source with high energy density. The use of

organic hydrides is one of the most promising methods of hydrogen storage [1e3]. When hydrogen reacts with aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene or naphthalene, it is stored as a stable organic hydride, such as methyl cyclohexane or decalin. The stored hydrogen is recovered through the dehydrogenation of organic hydrides. These organic hydrides have properties similar to gasoline and diesel fuel, such as boiling point and flammability, and are easy to handle even at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. In addition, their

* Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (H. Miura). 0360-3199/Copyright © 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 3 3 9 e1 6 3 4 6

density of hydrogen storage is high enough as compared with other methods [2]. A substantial amount of research related to organic hydrides has been reported in the literature; however, most of the previous reports have been focused on the dehydrogenation step [2e7]. Okada et al. [2] reported that a K-promoted Pt/ Al2O3 catalyst exhibited high stability for a prolonged period with sufficient activity and selectivity. On the other side, hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons is considered as a well-established process because benzene hydrogenation has been industrially performed as a part of nylon production [8]. However several researches have been reported on the hydrogenation of toluene as a hydrogenation step of organic hydride method [1,8e13]. For example Lindfors [8] tried toluene hydrogenation over Ni/ SiO2 using a differential reactor and found that the reaction mechanism obeyed the LangmuireHinshelwood model. Hiyoshi et al. [13] investigated the hydrogenation of naphthalene as the hydrogen storage step; they attempted the reaction in supercritical CO2 as a solvent and observed greater catalytic activity in supercritical CO2 than in an organic solvent. They also reported that Ru/C was the most active catalyst. With respect to the hydrogen storage step, most research has been performed using high-purity hydrogen. However, a great deal of low-grade hydrogen is produced in the petroleum-refining and steel industries. For example, 1010 m3/year of coke oven gas is generated in Japan, but it is not utilized effectively. If such hydrogen could be stored in an organic hydride, both storage and purification would be simultaneously achieved because high-purity hydrogen is recovered from the dehydrogenation of organic hydrides. However, such low-grade hydrogen gases contain impurities [14,15] such as CO (2e5%) and H2S (0.1e1%) that are typical poisons for metal catalysts used in hydrogenation reactions; thus, the development of CO- and sulfur-tolerant catalysts is required. We reported our attempts to hydrogenate naphthalene and tetralin in the presence of 2% CO over various supported metal catalysts [9,16e19]. Rh and Ru are highly active catalysts in pure H2; however, they are inactive in the presence of CO [16]. Ni is active even in the presence of CO; however, it is also active toward CO hydrogenation, and significant fraction of H2 is lost by methanation [17]. In contrast, Pd and Pt were active only for naphthalene hydrogenation without promoting CO hydrogenation. We attempted to improve the CO and H2S tolerance of Pd by using the acidic supports SiO2eAl2O3 [18], TiO2eSiO2 [19], and TiO2eAl2O3 [20]. As revealed by FT-IR spectroscopy of the adsorbed CO, the acidic supports decreased the electron density of Pd particles, thereby weakening the PdeCO bond; thus, the coverage of CO on the Pd surface decreased and a Pd catalyst with improved CO tolerance was attained. Although the naphthaleneedecalin system is advantageous with respect to hydrogen storage density, its handling poses a problem because naphthalene is solid at room temperature. In this work, in the presence of CO and H2S, we attempted to hydrogenate toluene instead of naphthalene. We used an acidic support, TiO2eSiO2, and also investigated its effects on CO and H2S tolerance.

Experimental Preparation of the support materials We prepared TiO2, SiO2, and the binary oxide TiO2eSiO2 using a solegel method. Ti(OCH(CH3)2)4, Si(OC2H5)4 (Kanto Chemical Co, Japan), or their mixtures were dissolved in 2-propanol. While the solution was agitated at 150 rpm, aqueous ammonia was added dropwise at a rate of 3 mL/min. In the case of SiO2, pure water was added instead of aqueous ammonia. After 10 min of agitation, the slurry was maintained at 60  C for 24 h. The precipitate was dried in a rotary evaporator and subsequently calcined in air at 500  C for 6 h. Granules smaller than 100 mesh were used for catalyst preparation. The composition of the TiO2eSiO2 binary oxide is expressed as TiO2eSiO2(X wt %), where X represents the TiO2 content calculated from the amount of Ti and Si used for preparation.

Preparation of supported metal catalysts Supported Pt and Pd catalysts were prepared by a conventional impregnation method using aqueous solutions of H2PtCl6 and PdCl2 (Kanto Chemical Co., Japan) as the starting materials. The support materials (i.e., TiO2, SiO2, and TiO2eSiO2) were dispersed in the metal solutions containing calculated amounts of metal precursors and stirred for 1 h; the water was subsequently evaporated under reduced pressure. The samples were dried at 130  C overnight, calcined in air at 400  C for 3 h, and reduced under flowing H2 at 300  C for 5 h. The metal loading was 187 mmol g1 (Pd: 2.0 wt%, Pt: 3.6 wt%). The composition of the catalysts was expressed according to the amount of metal precursors used for catalyst preparation. We used another series of catalysts for structural characterization using non-acidic, high purity of silica as a support material, because TiO2eSiO2 supported catalysts exhibited serious disturbance due to background signals in XRD and FTIR measurements, especially after sulfidation. Pt/SiO2(AERO) and Pd/SiO2(AERO), in which AEROSIL-380 (Japan Aerosil Co.) were used as a support, were prepared using a procedure similar to that above described. In these catalysts, metal loadings were 256 mmol g1 (Pt: 5 wt%, Pd: 2.7 wt%).

Evaluation of the catalytic activities toward the hydrogenation of toluene and naphthalene The hydrogenation of toluene and naphthalene was examined in a 100-mL, stainless-steel autoclave. A sample of 0.1e0.5 g of catalyst was pre-reduced under flowing hydrogen (100 mL min1) at 300  C for 1 h and then transferred into the reactor without being exposed to air. The detail of the procedure is reported in the literature [21]. Toluene (7.8 mmol, Reagent grade, >99.0%, Kanto Chemical Co.) was dissolved in 40 mL of n-tridecane and added to the reactor, which was then purged by reactant gas, i.e., pure H2 (Suzuki Shokan Co.), 2% CO/H2 (Takachiho Chemical Co.), or 1% H2S/H2 (TaiyoeNissan Co.), at normal pressure. After the reactor was heated to reaction temperature, the reactant gas was introduced at a pressure of 1 MP and the reaction was initiated with vigorous stirring at 1000 rpm. Under pure H2, 2% CO/H2, or 1% H2S/H2,

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 3 3 9 e1 6 3 4 6


Table 1 e Composition of the oxide supports and the surface characteristics of the supported Pd catalysts. Catalyst

Pd/SiO2 Pd/TiO2 Pd/TiO2eSiO2 Pd/TiO2eSiO2 Pd/TiO2eSiO2

TiO2 content [wt%]

BET surface area [m2 g1]

CO uptake [mmol g1]

CO/Pd [%]

0 100 80 50 33

468 39 389 408 524

92.4 40.1 93.5 58.9 55.5

49.2 21.3 49.8 31.3 29.5

toluene hydrogenation was performed at 70  C, 200  C, or 270  C, respectively. The reaction products were analyzed using a GC-18A gas chromatograph (Shimadzu Co.) equipped with a flame ionization detector and a 30-m DB-17 capillary column. We used the reactor as a differential reactor. When the reaction time was short enough and conversion was kept small, we found that conversion was proportional to reaction time and we could get a constant value of reaction rate (initial reaction rate) [16,18]. We determined the reaction rate within this range, selecting the conditions carefully. Rate of reaction ¼ ðmoles of hydrogen consumed for reactionÞ= ðmass of catalystÞðreaction timeÞ The turnover frequency (TOF) was calculated based on the reaction rate and the number of active sites. TOF ¼ ðrate of reactionÞ=ðnumber of active sitesÞ The number of active sites was determined from the amount of CO adsorption at room temperature using the stoichiometry of CO/Pt ¼ 1 and CO/Pd ¼ 1. The parameter TOFH indicates the TOF value in pure hydrogen, whereas the parameter TOFI indicates the TOF value in the presence of inhibitors.

Characterization of catalysts The surface area of the support materials was measured using an SA-6200 (Horiba, Japan) flow type N2 adsorption apparatus; the samples were immersed in a liquid nitrogen bath after

Fig. 2 e Reaction rate and TOFI of toluene hydrogenation over Pd/TiO2eSiO2 in presence of CO as a function of the TiO2 content (C): Hydrogenation rate, (B): TOFI. Reaction conditions: temperature 200  C, pressure 1 MPa (2% CO/H2).

being pretreated under flowing N2 at 300  C for 0.5 h. The dispersion of the supported metals was determined by CO chemisorption at room temperature using a BP-1 (Ohkura Riken Co., Japan) pulse adsorption instrument. The samples were placed under flowing He at room temperature, pretreated in H2 at 300  C for 1 h, and then purged under heat at 300  C for 0.5 h. FT-IR spectra of adsorbed CO were obtained using an FT/IR4100 (JASCO Co., Japan) spectrometer equipped with an MCT (HgeCdeTe) detector. A 10-mm-diameter thin disk of catalyst sample was placed in a Pyrex transmittance cell with CaF2 windows. The sample was reduced at 300  C for 1 h, evacuated ( Pt.

Hydrogenation of toluene on TiO2eSiO2 supported Pd and Pt catalysts We compared the CO and H2S tolerance of Pd and Pt during toluene hydrogenation. The results in Table 3 provide detail on the rates of toluene hydrogenation and TOFI values for Pd/ TiO2eSiO2 and Pt/TiO2eSiO2 catalysts in the presence of CO or H2S. In the presence of CO, Pd exhibited a substantially higher rate of hydrogenation and a greater TOFI compared with those of Pt. However, Pt exhibited twofold greater activity than Pd in the presence of H2S. Thus, we concluded that in the case of toluene hydrogenation, Pd > Pt in the presence of CO and Pd < Pt in the presence of H2S. However, this order of activity in the presence of H2S contradicts our previous research results related to the hydrogenation of naphthalene, where we observed that Pd is more active than Pt [30]. Therefore, the effect of H2S appears to depend on the reactant.

CO and H2S tolerance of silica supported Pt and Pd catalysts To clarify the effect of H2S on the catalyst structure, we used another series of catalysts, Pd/SiO2(AERO) and Pt/SiO2(AERO), which are suitable for structural characterization. These

Fig. 4 e XRD patterns of used Pd/SiO2(AERO) and Pt/ SiO2(AERO) catalysts after reaction under various conditions: (a) Pd/SiO2 (fresh), (b) Pd/SiO2 (CO), (c) Pd/SiO2 (H2S), (d) Pt/SiO2 (fresh), (e) Pt/SiO2 (CO), (f) Pt/SiO2 (H2S). (CO): Hydrogenation of toluene in presence of CO; (H2S): Hydrogenation of toluene in presence of H2S. (Δ): Pt(0); (B): Pd(0); (C): Pd4S.


i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 3 3 9 e1 6 3 4 6

Fig. 5 e XRD patterns of Pd/SiO2(AERO) and Pt/SiO2(AERO) after various treatments: (a) Pd/SiO2 (fresh), (b) Pd/SiO2 (sulfurization), (c) Pd/SiO2 (sulfurization / reduction), (d) Pt/SiO2 (fresh), (e) Pt/SiO2 (sulfurization), (f) Pt/SiO2 (sulfurization / reduction). (Δ):Pt(0); (B):Pd(0); (C):Pd4S.

Under pure hydrogen, Pt was more active than Pd for both toluene and naphthalene hydrogenation, as shown in Table 4. The TOFH of Pt was 1.5 times greater than that of Pd in the hydrogenation of naphthalene, whereas the TOFH of Pt was 23 times greater than that of Pd in the hydrogenation of toluene. The poisoning effects due to CO and H2S were more severe in the case of Pt than in the case of Pd. The combination of these factors resulted in the reversal of the order of activity between Pt and Pd. The hydrogenation of toluene in the presence of CO or H2S was examined over Pd/SiO2(AERO) and Pt/SiO2(AERO) catalysts. As shown in Table 5, Pd/SiO2(AERO) exhibited toluene hydrogenation activity in the presence of CO that was more than two orders of magnitude greater than that exhibited by Pt/SiO2(AERO). However, Pt/SiO2(AERO) exhibited twice the activity of Pd/SiO2(AERO) in the presence of H2S. These results are consistent with the results for the catalysts supported on TiO2eSiO2. The XRD patterns of the catalysts used for hydrogenation in the presence of CO or H2S were collected; the results are shown in Fig. 4. The XRD peaks caused by metallic Pd (40.10 ) and Pt (39.75 ) [33,34] were observed in catalysts used in the presence of CO. A peak associated with Pt0 was observed in the XRD pattern of the Pt/SiO2 catalyst used for hydrogenation in the presence of H2S; however, no peak of Pd0 was observed in the pattern of the Pd/SiO2. Instead, diffraction peaks associated with Pd4S [35] were observed in the pattern of the Pd/SiO2 used for hydrogenation in the presence of H2S.

Fig. 6 e Deconvolution of the FT-IR spectra of CO adsorbed on sulfided Pd catalysts: (a) fresh Pd/SiO2 and (b) sulfided Pd/SiO2. Pretreatment: reduction at 300  C for 1 h and evacuation for 1 h. CO adsorption: 20 Torr of CO at 27  C for 20 min, then evacuated for 30 min.

Characterization of sulfided catalysts The effect of sulfidation on the catalysts' structures was investigated. Sulfidation (treatment by H2S) of the catalysts was performed in a flow reactor at atmospheric pressure. The pretreated catalysts were treated in a flow of 2% CO/H2 at 270  C for 1 h. XRD patterns of the fresh catalysts, sulfided catalysts, and catalysts re-reduced after sulfidation were collected; the results are shown in Fig. 5. After sulfidation, Pd4S was observed in Pd/SiO2, in agreement with the catalyst used for hydrogenation in the presence of H2S. After rereduction of this catalyst, Pd4S was still observed, and the

Table 6 e CO uptake of Pt and Pd catalysts under various treatment conditions. Catalyst



CO uptake [mmol g1]

Dispersion [%]

Reduction (300  C) Sulfuration (270  C)/Reduction (300  C) Reduction (300  C) Sulfuration (270  C)/Reduction (300  C)

22.4 6.08 22.3 4.52

8.7 2.4 8.7 1.8

Particle size[nm] CO uptake


17.0 (62.8) 16.9 (82.7)

16.9 16.8 19.0 e

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sulfide was stable even under reducing conditions. The amount of CO that was adsorbed after the catalyst was rereduced after the sulfidation treatment decreased to 20% amount of CO adsorbed by the fresh catalyst (Table 6). In contrast, the Pt in the Pt/SiO2 catalyst remained in the metallic state even after the sulfidation treatment. However, the amount of CO adsorbed onto Pt/SiO2 decreased from 22.3 mmol g1 to 6.08 mmol g1 after the sulfidation treatment (Table 6), suggesting that the surface of the Pt particles was covered by S. The FT-IR spectra of the CO adsorbed onto fresh and sulfided Pd/SiO2 and Pt/SiO2 are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. After sulfidation, the intensities of the peaks associated with bridging and multibonded CO on Pd/SiO2 decreased substantially, and the peak associated with linearly adsorbed CO molecules was the main peak. Therefore, isolated Pd0 sites remained on the surface after sulfidation. Peaks associated with both linear and bridging types of adsorbed CO were observed in the FT-IR spectrum of fresh Pt/ SiO2. The linear peak was deconvoluted into three separate peaks: HF1 corresponds to CO adsorbed onto a Pt(111) surface, HF2 corresponds to CO adsorbed onto a Pt(100) surface, and HF3 corresponds to CO adsorbed onto steps and edges of Pt


particles [36,37]. After sulfidation, the IR band at 1700e1900 cm1, which is associated with bridging CO, disappeared, in agreement with the results of Gracia et al. [38]. The intensity of the peaks associated with linear CO decreased substantially after sulfidation, and the wavenumber of each peak shifted to higher frequencies, thereby indicating that the electron density of Pt was decreased by sulfidation. Barbier et al. [39] have reported that the adsorption of sulfur onto the surface of Pt decreases the electron density of Pt. Matsui et al. [40] reported the results of EXAFS measurements of supported Pt and Pd catalysts subjected to sulfurization treatments. Their results indicate that Pd particles were fully sulfurized and that only a portion of the surface remained as Pd0. In contrast, most of Pt atoms in Pt particles remained as Pt0 after the sulfurization treatment; only a portion of the surface Pt atoms were sulfurized. Our present experimental results are in agreement with their results under the similar sulfidation conditions (Matsui; 500 vol. ppm H2SeH2 stream at 553 K for 3 h). Supported Pd catalysts are active toward toluene hydrogenation in the presence of CO; however, Pt catalysts exhibited greater activity than Pd in the presence of H2S. The Pd catalysts suffered more serious retardation effects due to H2S exposure because the Pd particles were fully sulfurized by H2S.

Conclusion We hydrogenated toluene using supported Pd and Pt catalysts in the presence of catalyst inhibitors. The TiO2eSiO2-supported Pd catalysts exhibited greater activity than Pd/SiO2 in the presence of CO because the acidic sites of the TiO2eSiO2 support decreased the electron density of the Pd particles, which in turn weakened the interaction between CO and Pd. In the presence of CO, Pd exhibited greater activity than Pt, but Pt exhibited greater activity than Pd in the presence of H2S. The structures of the catalysts were studied after they were subjected to sulfurization treatments that revealed the deep sulfurization of Pd particles, whereas the Pt particles were sulfurized only on their surface. This difference in affinity toward H2S resulted in more serious inhibition of the activity of Pd by H2S than of the activity of Pt.


Fig. 7 e Deconvolution of the IR spectra of CO adsorbed on sulfide Pt catalysts: (a) fresh Pt/SiO2 and (b) sulfided Pt/SiO2. Pretreatment: reduction at 300  C for 1 h and evacuation for 1 h. CO adsorption: 20 Torr of CO at 27  C for 20 min, then evacuated for 30 min.

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