Tool Enhancement For Collaborative Software

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ABSTRAK. Pengembangan perangkat lunak dapat dilakukan oleh orang orang dengan latar belakang yang berbeda di berbagai lingkungan. Penelitian saat ini ...
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

ISSN: 2089-9815

Tool Enhancement For Collaborative Software Engineering Education Danang Wahyu Utomo1, Egia Rosi Subhiyakto2, Sabrina Ahmad3 Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Jl. Nakula I No 5-11 Semarang 50131, Indonesia. Telp. (024) 3517261 3 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. Phone: +606-5552000 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1,2

ABSTRACT Software development can be done by people have different background in various environments. Recent researches indicate that collaborative software development is important for student. Student expected to work together become teamwork. The teamwork expected to understand collaborative software development include methods and tools in project development. The lack of experience and communication skill is major problem in the collaborative software development. Teamwork skills are important in collaborative software development. Discussion and assessment component is a method to develop teamwork skill. This study performed to develop collaborative tool that can support collaborative work of student. Apply assessment component in the collaborative tool to assess individual and team work. In testing and evaluation phase, the result indicates that the collaborative tool can be used to support collaborative work of student and to evaluate individual and team work skill. Keywords: tool enhancement; collaborative sofware engineering education; software engineering . ABSTRAK Pengembangan perangkat lunak dapat dilakukan oleh orang orang dengan latar belakang yang berbeda di berbagai lingkungan. Penelitian saat ini mengindikasikan bahwa pengembangan perangkat lunak kolaboratif penting untuk siswa. Siswa diharapkan bekerjasama menjadi teamwork. Teamwork diharapkan memahami pengembangan perangkat lunak kolaboratif meliputi metode dan alat-alat dalam pengembangan proyek. Kurangnya pengalaman dan kemampuan komunikasi adalah masalah utama dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak kolaboratif. Keterampilan kerjasama tim penting dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak kolaboratif. Komponen diskusi dan penilaian adalah metode untuk membangun keterampilan kerjasama tim. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan alat kolaboratif yang dapat mendukung kerja kolaboratif siswa. Menerapkan komponen penilaian dalam alat kolaboratif untuk menilai individu dan kerjasama tim. Pada tahap testing dan evaluasi, hasilnya mengindikasikan bahwa alat kolaboratif dapat digunakan untuk mendukung kerja kolaboratif siswa dan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan individu dan kerjasama tim Kata Kunci: tool enhancement; collaborative software engineering education; software engineering In software development, collaboration is an important role in the student environment. Student can practice a comprehensive training such as receive the senior project course on collaborative software development. However, many students face difficulties to communicate and to collaborate with other in project development. Communication skill is main factor in collaborative software development. Student with poor communication can be cause misunderstanding when they participate in group discussion. It can be cause student avoid group meeting because fear to interact with stakeholder. Teamwork skills are important for student in the collaborative software development. The problem is fficulty in applying teamwork in project development. Many students fear to interact and discuss with senior student. In group, student expected to work and discuss together with other member to encourage teamwork skill. Collaborative work is one of method to develop teamwork skill.


INTRODUCTION Software development can be done by people have different background that work in various environment. Recent researches in software engineering indicate that collaboration is important for software development. Among individuals, developers or can be called instructor of senior project work together become teamwork on software development activities (Kilamo, Hammouda, & Chatti, 2012). The teamwork expected to understand collaborative software development and methods and tools that emphasized in project development (C.-Y. Chen & Chong, 2011). In software engineering education, educational issues for collaborative software development is one aspect of student project development. The aspect focuses on how to encourage teamwork, how to monitor student work, and maintain collaborative effort in the project development (C.-Y. Chen & Chong, 2011). 9

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

This paper reports a study that develops an approach and collaborative tool that support collaborative work of student. This paper focuses on how to monitor collaborative work of student. Discussion and assessment component can be used to support collaborative work of student and assess student and teamwork skill.

ISSN: 2089-9815


RELATED WORK Software engineering involves individual and teamwork to achieve common goal in the software development. Student as an individual involved in software engineering to work in team and apply their knowledge and experience

Table 1 Comparison of Collaborative Tool Communication










Title / Author

Using Mobile Devices for Collaborative Requirements Engineering(Lutz, Schäfer, & Diehl, 2012) Teaching Collaborative Software Development : A Case Study(Kilamo et al., 2012) Collaboration Tools for Global Software Engineering(CLanubile, Ebert, Prikladnicki, & Vizcaíno, 2010) A model driven development method for collaborative modeling tools(Gallardo, Bravo, & Redondo, 2012) A model-driven and taskoriented method for the development of collaborative system(Gallardo, Molina, Bravo, & Redondo, 2013) Modeling and Exploiting Collaborative Traces in Web Based Collaborative Working Environment(Li, Abel, & Barthès, 2013) Propose Tool Enhancement for Collaborative Software Engineering Education

during software engineering course. (C.-Y. Chen & Chong, 2011) stated that the importance of software engineering education is teamwork training. Collaboration and training should be emphasized in project development in order for student to experience in real project. Among course, project the software engineering education allow student work in teams and

expected to complete their tasks of software development. The team not only understands methods and tools used in development but also the teamwork. The team expected to understand collaborative development and methods and tools that emphasized in software development. 10

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

(Mead, 2009) stated that working group can be used to address issues in a team environment. Collaborative tool should provide communication and collaboration task in order to support work of student. In addition to, it need group coordination to manage group in different task. For undergraduate student, especially for software engineering student, UML view such as use case diagram is useful for collaborative work of student in order to


Title / Author


Teaching collaborative software development: A case study (Kilamo et al., 2012)


Assessing Teamwork Performance in Software Engineering Education: A Case in a Software Engineering Undergraduate Course (J. Chen et al., 2011)


Measurement and assessment in computersupported collaborative learning. (Gress, Fior, Hadwin, & Winne, 2010) Elassys: Online tool for teamwork analysis and assessment in software engineering education (Mamei, 2011)


ISSN: 2089-9815

evaluate and assess ability of student. Below table comparison of collaborative tool, the table shows that the tool provides communication and collaboration task but some tool does not provide UML view, assessment, and group coordination. Chen et al., (2011) stated that engineering discipline regard teamwork an important aspect in software engineering education and development. Engineering discipline should

Table 2 Assessment Component Assessment Component Individual Assessment 1. Participatory karma Component: - Bugs - Features - Improvements - Wiki edits 2. Quality karma Component: - Number of likes - Number of weekly contest (number of contribution) Component: 1. Attendance component Attending team during meeting. This component useful to assess student attendance in meetings such as discussion, group activity. 2. Peer Evaluation Component This component consists of two or more member to evaluate other member. 3. Teamwork Assessment Combination Team Presentation Component (TPC) and Teamwork Assessment Component (TAC) Component: 1. Self report 2. Discussion 3. Performance 4. Feedback

Teamwork Assessment -

Component: 1. Team Presentation Component The team and teacher give evaluation for other teams. 2. Teamwork Assessment Component This component consists of team assignments.

Component: 1. Peer Evaluation This evaluation consists of questions required by the instructor. 2. Contribution report This evaluation consists of task and effort completed by team members. 3. Student final product This evaluation consists of completed work of team member 4. Collaborative report This evaluation consists of individual and team ability to use the tool.


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

develop teamwork skill, especially in undergraduate course. An assessment approach can be used to address how to develop teamwork skill. An assessment approach is not only to measure student performance but also to promote collaborative learning. The assessment should include assessing method in different task for teamwork and individual. They stated that an assessment approach include forming group, management and assessing method. The assessment should promote active and collaborative learning. The assessment should provide assessing method in different task either individual task or teamwork task. The assessment includes forming group, management, evaluation and assessing method in order to evaluate and to assess collaborative work of student also the ability of student. Teamwork assessment can be done using team assignment, interaction of student and group contribution. This component is useful to evaluate student active or not in their group. Below table comparison of assessment approach, the table shows component of assessment either individual or teamwork. Collaborative tool should support collaborative work of student and apply

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ISSN: 2089-9815

assessment component of collaborative work in the collaborative tool in order to evaluate individual and team work of student. 3.

PRELIMINARY STUDY In this study use questionnaire, interview and review the related study to collect the data. Questionnaire addressed to UTeM student, especially software engineering student. Literature review will be used to get comparison of collaborative tool and to evaluate the component used in tool. Questionnaire was created in Google docs application and obtained 27 students as participants. All participants fill the questionnaire through Google Docs application. In table 3, the question focused on collaborative work, the assessments include evaluation and ease of use the system. For question 10, the question focused on lacks of collaborative SE Education tool. The respondent argued that the lacks of collaborative SE education are use case diagram, screenshot, and interface of the assessment. Use case diagram and screenshot is a content of collaborative tool that used to apply collaborative work of student.

Table 3 Questionnaire Question Do you agree if the system is useful to communicate with group? Do you agree if the system is useful to improve your communication with other member? Do you agree if the evaluation and the assessment can be used to evaluate activeness of group? Do you agree if the assignment is useful to evaluate collaborative work of member? Do you agree if the assessment result in the system is easy to understand? Do you agree if the system is user friendly? Do you agree if the system can support collaborative work of student? Would you recommend the system to friends? Do you agree if the system is easy to create use case diagram? What are the lacks of Collaborative SE Education tool? Assignment mark according to result of student assignment and peer evaluation based on other student give evaluation. Teamwork assessment consists of assignment mark, discussion mark, and contribution mark. Assignment mark according to student assignment, discussion mark used discussion forum like chatting to assess group discussion and contribution mark based on activity of student in group such as, student attach use case file in the group.


OUR APPROACH Based on preliminary, we proposed tool enhancement for collaborative software engineering education that focused on assessing approach. Assessment component is proposed to assess soft skill and teamwork skill of student. Assessment approach consists of two assessment; individual assessment and teamwork assessment. Individual assessment consists of assignment mark and peer evaluation.


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

Table 4 Propose Assessment Approach (Kilamo et al., 2012) (Chen et al., 2011) Individual Assessment Assessment Component 1. Participatory Karma Attendance Component (AC) Component : Team Presentation Component - Bugs (TPC) - Features Teamwork Assessment - Improvements Component (TEC) - Wiki edits Peer Evaluation Component 2. Quality Karma (PEC) Component : - Number of likes 1. Teamwork Assessment - Number of weekly quality contest. The notation of hat is used as a token for quality contribution in the tool. 2. Individual Assessment Assessment: Karma=  -

p3, p4 is the assessment portions adj is adjustment for performance

      


ISSN: 2089-9815

Propose Assessment Component Use model of


Individual Assessment Component: - Assignment - Peer Evaluation 


Teamwork Assessment Component: - Assignment - Discussion - Contribution 

.: w is weight of assessment The teamwork assessment is used to assess student active or not in the group. For assignment component is useful to evaluate ability of teamwork.

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

ISSN: 2089-9815

Figure 1 Individual Assessment and Teamwork Assessment 5.



EVALUATION In this section, we conducted an end user

participant in this study is a first year software engineering student. Each participant was given an explanation about the tool. Then, they are requested to answer questionnaire about the usability of the tool. The questionnaire consisted four parts: the usefulness, ease of use, and satisfaction. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions: 8 questions using Likert scale; Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. 1 question using yes / no questions and 1 essay question used to decide the lacks of collaborative tool. Figure 3 shows the positive results of survey. The chart showed agreement over the usefulness part (50% stongly agree and agree) and the ease of use part (over 40%). This indicates that this tool can be a useful in collaborative work of student. The tool can be used to assess work of student. Students were easy to use the tool and understand using it.

Figure 2 Architecture of Tool The important roles of Collaborative SE Education are user and component of system such as group, use case diagram and assessment. Figure above represent collaborative of user in the collaborative tool. It showed main component of the system that focused on the objective of this study. The main features of Collaborative SE Education are user can manage their group, create model using use case diagram, and the assessment as a result of collaborative work include evaluate their friend in a group. In the collaborative tool, collaborative work can be done using use case diagram. The concept is student create use case diagram and then save the diagram using screenshot and send to group via discussion forum.


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

ISSN: 2089-9815

Figure 3 chart for evaluation results usefulness and ease of use component is proposed to assess soft skill and teamwork skill of student. In this study was conducted assessment approach for collaborative software engineering education. A collaborative tool can be said successful in the testing and evaluation stage because the participants agree that the system support collaborative work of student. Discussion and evaluation of student can be done in the collaborative tool. 8.

FUTURE WORK a. Add some diagram in the system to complete the work of student in collaborative work. b. Improve the component of diagram such as dynamic line to associate actor and use case. c. Enhance the screenshot to capture the work of student

REFERENCE Figure 4 Use Case Diagram Interface Chen, C.-Y., & Chong, P. P. (2011). Software engineering education: A study on conducting collaborative senior project development. Journal of Systems and Software, 84(3), 479 491. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2010.10.042


CONCLUSION Collaborative software engineering education involves individual and team, understanding the team, method and tool in project development. Many researches indicate that lack experience is major problem in the collaborative software development. Poor communication can be caused misunderstanding in discussion forum. Student with lower experience fear to collaborate with other member and avoid conducting collaborative work. Several methods and tools are proposed to address the problem above. Assessment

Chen, J., Qiu, G., & Yuan, L. (2011). Assessing Teamwork Performance in Software Engineering Education: A Case in a Software Engineering Undergraduate Course. , 17 24. doi:10.1109/APSC.2011.50


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2015 (SENTIKA 2015) Yogyakarta, 28 Maret 2015

CLanubile, F., Ebert, C., Prikladnicki, R., & Vizcaíno, A. (2010). Collaboration Tools for Global Software Engineering, 52 55.

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