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1. Register your business with Google be sure to include your business phone number Click here to register
2. Create an Instagram Ad people from common places you go, churches, stores, clubs, rotary clubs etc do 200 step it up people. 3. Call 5 past clients and check in! Let them know if they here of anyone needing your services to give you a call. 4. Sign up for a free local volunteer program. Start meeting new people there is no cost and new people, equals new customers 5. Add more value to your product. Over deliver and making it 10 time more valuable so it is a no brainer. Motivational 2 cd's and 20 videos, and book, and shirt 200.00 6. Go door knocking and meet future clients pass out your business cards.
7. Make Youtube Videos about your product. 8. Make blogs about your product tell your story 9. Go to your local salon and leave your business cards there. 10. *Post what you do on facebook. Show it as my day in the office post....this makes it look like your just posting your day, and not over selling. Bonus: 11.
*If you are thinking this is great what else can I do Daniel?
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