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................................................................. Top-down signal from prefrontal cortex in executive control of memory retrieval Hyoe Tomita*, Machiko Ohbayashi*, Kiyoshi Nakahara†, Isao Hasegawa*† & Yasushi Miyashita*†‡ * Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo, School of Medicine, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan † Mind Articulation Project, ICORP, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan ‡ National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Myodaiji-cho, Okazaki 444-8585, Japan .................................. ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........
Knowledge or experience is voluntarily recalled from memory by reactivation of the neural representations in the cerebral association cortex1–4. In inferior temporal cortex, which serves as the storehouse of visual long-term memory5–8, activation of mnemonic engrams through electric stimulation results in imagery recall in humans9, and neurons can be dynamically activated by the necessity for memory recall in monkeys10,11. Neuropsychological studies12 and previous split-brain experiments13 predicted that prefrontal cortex exerts executive control upon inferior temporal cortex in memory retrieval; however, no neuronal correlate of this process has ever been detected. Here we show evidence of the topdown signal from prefrontal cortex. In the absence of bottom-up visual inputs, single inferior temporal neurons were activated by the top-down signal, which conveyed information on semantic categorization imposed by visual stimulus–stimulus association. Behavioural performance was severely impaired with loss of the top-down signal. Control experiments confirmed that the signal was transmitted not through a subcortical but through a frontotemporal cortical pathway. Thus, feedback projections from pre-
frontal cortex to the posterior association cortex2,3,14 appear to serve the executive control of voluntary recall. We conducted single-unit recording experiments using the posterior-split-brain paradigm13,15 which was originally introduced in humans12,16 (Fig. 1). Two monkeys (Macaca fuscata) underwent transection of the posterior corpus callosum and anterior commissure, leaving the anterior corpus callosum which interconnects the prefrontal cortices13,15 (Fig. 1c–e). In this preparation, inferior temporal neurons in one hemisphere (‘electrode’, Fig. 1a) are activated by bottom-up visual inputs when an object is presented in the visual hemifield contralateral to the recording site17,18. When the object is presented in the ipsilateral hemifield, however, these neutrons do not receive bottom-up visual inputs; any neural activation should reflect top-down inputs from the prefrontal cortex13 (Fig. 1b). The monkeys were trained to memorize visual stimulus–stimulus associations among 20 cue and 5 choice pictures10,13. For each trial, while the monkey held a lever and maintained fixation, cue and choice pictures were sequentially presented parafoveally with a delay of 600 to 1,500 ms (Fig. 1a, b). If the choice picture was the correct one associated with the cue, the monkey had to release the lever. A trial was aborted if the monkey’s gaze was more than 0.68 away from the fixation point, which ensured that the visual sensory input was confined to one hemisphere. Figure 2a shows responses of an inferior temporal neuron, which was not only activated by contralateral presentation of stimuli (bottom-up response, black) but was also activated by ipsilateral presentation of stimuli (top-down response, blue). The cue that elicited the optimal bottom-up response (thick black) also elicited the strongest top-down response when presented in the ipsilateral hemifield (thick blue). The cue that did not elicit the bottom-up response (thin black) did not elicit a top-down response either (thin blue). The stimulus selectivity of the top-down response was correlated with that of the bottom-up response (Fig. 2b; Pearson’s correlation coefficient, r ¼ 0:788, P , 0:001). The latency of the top-down response (178 ms) was longer than that of the bottom-up Figure 1 Experimental design. a, Bottom-up condition. Visual stimuli (cue and choice pictures) were presented in the hemifield contralateral to the recording site (‘electrode’) in the inferior temporal cortex. The monkey must choose the correct choice specified by the cue. Fixation was required throughout a trial (,0.68). Bottom-up sensory signals (black arrow) would be detected in this condition. b, Top-down condition. As in a, but the cue was presented in the hemifield ipsilateral to the recording site, whereas the choice was presented contralaterally. In posterior-split-brain monkeys (see d, e), sensory signal does not reach visual areas in the opposite hemisphere. In this condition, only top-down signals (blue arrow) could activate inferior temporal neurons through feedback connections from the prefrontal cortex. c, d, Mid-sagittal MRI slices of the monkey brain before (c) and after (d) transection of posterior corpus callosum (CC, arrows) and anterior commissure (AC, arrowhead). Remaining part of CC is marked by a double arrowhead. Extent of lesion is schematically drawn (filled) to the left. e, Horizontal slices at the levels indicated in d. Posterior CC (arrows) and AC (arrowhead) were transected. Anterior CC (double arrowhead) was intact. Horizontal MR images were slightly distorted at the sites of head implants.
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letters to nature response (73 ms). We recorded from 543 neurons in the inferior temporal cortex of the two monkeys at this ‘posterior-split’ stage, and found 435 neurons to show task-related activity. We further assessed the stimulus selectivity by performing analysis of variance (ANOVA) in 104 task-related neurons which were tested in more than 3 trials for each of 20 cues in both the top-down and bottomup conditions. Among them, 73 and 45 cells showed significantly stimulus-selective activity in the bottom-up and the top-down conditions, respectively. Forty-three cells were significantly stimulusselective in both of these conditions. The ensemble average of activities of these 43 neurons showed robust top-down responses to the optimal cue picture in the bottom-up condition (Fig. 2c). The distribution of the correlation coefficients between top-down and bottom-up responses for each of the 43 neurons (median 0.54) was positively shifted from the distribution of the baseline correlations (median −0.00) estimated from Monte Carlo simulations (Fig. 2d, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, P , 0:001), which confirmed similarity of the stimulus selectivity in the top-down and bottom-up conditions. In 36 of the 43 cells, we could determine unambiguous onset of both top-down and bottom-up responses and found that the latency was significantly longer in the top-down condition (Fig. 2e; two-tailed t-test, P , 0:001). The top-down signal probably reaches the inferior temporal cortex through the prefrontal cortex, which sends rich backwards
projections to the inferior temporal cortex19. To exclude the possibility that the activation observed here reflected indirect inputs from the subcortical structures20, the neural response was examined after further transection of the remaining anterior corpus callosum (‘full-split’ stage, Fig. 3a). At the full-split stage, 97 neurons were recorded and 88 were task-related. Among them, 43 neurons were tested for their stimulus selectivities both in the top-down and the bottom-up conditions. While 28 of them showed significant stimulus-selectivity in the bottom-up condition, none did so in the top-down condition, which was in significant contrast to the posterior-split stage (P , 10 2 10 , Fig. 3b). Averaged activity of the 28 neurons showed that the top-down response was abolished after the full-split surgery (Fig. 3c). These observations confirmed that the top-down activation at the posterior-split stage reflected the signal from the prefrontal cortex. After the full-split surgery, behavioural performance was severely impaired in the top-down condition (Fig. 3d), which implied behavioural relevance of the top-down signals. Our category-association task (Fig. 4a) allows further characterization of the top-down signals. We found category-selective responses during the delay interval (Fig. 4b): delay activity was raised for all cues in Category I, but not for any cues in Category V. ANOVA confirmed that the delay activity was significantly categorical (F½4; 15ÿ ¼ 6:21, P , 0:01; with post-hoc Tukey’s test,
Figure 2 Neuronal activity in top-down condition. a, Single inferior temporal cell (topdown, blue; bottom-up, black). Raster displays, spike density functions (SDFs) and eye position traces were aligned at the cue onset. In the SDFs, thick lines show responses to the optimal cue, whereas thin lines show responses to a null cue. Onset of the top-down response (arrowhead) was later than that of the bottom-up response (double arrowhead). Horizontal (H) and vertical (V) eye positions in all the trials for the optimal cue are shown. b, Stimulus selectivity of the cell shown in a. Responses to 20 cues were highly selective both for bottom-up condition (ANOVA, F ½19; 105ÿ ¼ 35:7, P , 0:0001, black) and top-
down condition (F ½19; 108ÿ ¼ 17:4, P , 0:0001, blue). c, Averaged responses of 43 neurons activated by top-down signals. SDFs are denoted as in a. Top-down responses were collected for the cues which elicited best/worst responses in the bottom-up condition. d, Cumulative histogram of response correlations between top-down and bottom-up responses for 20 cues. Thick line, experimental data from 43 neurons. Thin line, data from Monte Carlo simulation. Arrows denote median correlation coefficients for experimental data (thick) and simulated data (thin). e, Distribution of latency differences (top-down minus bottom-up).
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letters to nature P , 0:01). Thirty-four of the 104 cells exhibited selective delay activity in the top-down condition, and 23% of them (8 out of 34) were categorical in the delay interval. The neuron depicted in Fig. 4b also exhibited selective choice response (F½4; 128ÿ ¼ 7:88, P , 0:001). The strength of the choice response was predictable21 from the category-selective delay activity (Fig. 4c), as seen by a significant correlation between them (r ¼ 0:93, P , 0:01). We also examined the temporal dynamics of the response correlation. The correlation with choice response was developing during the delay interval21, and the correlation with cue response was decaying (Fig. 4d, black triangle denotes the 5% significance level, r ¼ 0:88). In the 34 neurons with selective top-down delay activity, the distribution of correlation coefficients between delay and choice responses (median 0.41) was significantly different from that of the baseline correlations (median +0.00) obtained by Monte Carlo simulations (Fig. 4e; Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, P , 0:001). Thus, the top-down signal triggered development of prospective information encoding the choice picture to be recalled; a recent report on prospective coding in prefrontal cortex also supports this conclusion21. In the present experiment, inferior temporal neurons were activated by top-down signals without bottom-up sensory inputs when monkeys were performing the visual stimulus–stimulus association task (but see ref. 17 for anesthetized monkeys). The longer onset latency of the top-down response (Fig. 2e) would be at least partially ascribed to multisynaptic conduction delay reflecting the signal transformation within the prefrontal cortex2,22, although it could also be due to the longer accumulation of weaker inputs needed to reach threshold. In humans, functional neuroimaging studies have revealed that prefrontal areas are activated in various memory retrieval tasks in the absence of external stimuli23,24. In monkeys, disruption of interactions between the prefrontal and inferior temporal cortices through the uncinate fascicle impairs performance of visual stimulus–stimulus association tasks, even for the stimulus sets the monkey had learned pre-operatively25,26. Taken with these observations, our results imply that the prefrontal signal to the temporal cortex contributes to this kind of memory retrieval. Behavioural
relevance of the signal27 can be explored by analyses on error trials, but the number of error trials was not sufficient for such analyses in the present experiment. It will be important to explore whether the prefrontal signal might be a kind of bottom-up signal through another route and might serve the modulation of the visual input to the inferior temporal cortex, or whether it might directly serve memory retrieval by dynamically creating an internal representation of the external world in the posterior association cortex. M
Methods Animal preparation Experiments were conducted in accordance with the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the regulations of the University of Tokyo School of Medicine. We used two male monkeys (Macaca fuscata). In the posterior-split surgery, the posterior corpus callosum was aspirated from the caudal end to the level of the interventricular foramen, where the lateral ventricle was entered and the anterior commissure was cauterized13,15 (Fig. 1c–e). The extent of callosal lesions was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (1.5 T, IR sequence, voxel size ¼ 0:4 3 0:4 3 3 mm3 , TR ¼ 2 s, TE ¼ 30 ms, TI ¼ 500 ms). In the full-split surgery, the callosal lesion was extended anteriorly to the rostrum of the corpus callosum. At the end of the experiments, the monkeys were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Adjacent brain sections (50 mm) were stained with cresyl violet or stained for myelin using the modified Gallyas silver technique13, which confirmed that the forebrain commissure was totally split.
Task procedure Monkeys were trained in a modified visual stimulus–stimulus association task10,13 (Fig. 1a, b). Twenty Fourier descriptors extending less than 28 3 28 were used as cues and randomly sorted into five categories. Four cue pictures in each category shared no geometrical similarity and were associated with one common choice picture (Fig. 4a). When the monkey pulled a lever, a trial started and a fixation spot appeared. During fixation (,0.68), visual stimuli were presented with their centre 2.58 lateral and with their nearest edge more than 1.58 lateral to the fixation spot. The monkey was cued by the first picture (for 500 ms), and after a delay interval (600–1,500 ms), 1–3 choices (500 ms) were sequentially presented. To obtain liquid reward, the monkey was required to release the lever immediately (,600 ms) after offset of the correct choice. Eye positions were monitored using the scleral search coil method13.
Electrophysiology Extracellular discharges of single neurons were recorded as described10,11. Spike trains were smoothed by convolution with a gaussian kernel (s ¼ 10 ms) to obtain spike density
R Figure 3 Comparison before (left) and after (right) the full-split surgery. a, Schematic drawings of commissurotomy. Filled areas denote extent of the lesion. b, Number of cells responsive in top-down condition (blue) out of those responsive in bottom-up condition. c, Averaged responses of the 43 neurons activated by top-down signals. SDFs are denoted as in Fig. 2 (left panel is reproduced from Fig. 2c). Top-down response was abolished after the full-split surgery. d, Behavioural performance of the visual association task averaged for all recording sessions. After full-split surgery, the performance was severely impaired in top-down condition (blue), but not in bottom-up condition (black). Error bar, s.d.
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letters to nature calculated without subtraction and found the statistical results unaltered. Delay activity was collected from the whole delay period without subtraction.
function (SDF). The baseline activity was defined as mean discharge rate during the 300ms period just preceding cue onset. The latency of the bottom-up or top-down response was determined separately as the time point when SDF for the optimal stimulus first exceeded +2 s.d. level of baseline activity28. The time window for spike counts was the 300ms period from the onset of the neural response14. In case we could not obtain the latency properly we used the default 300-ms time window starting 100 ms after cue onset. Net cue responses were calculated from spike counts by trialwise subtraction of baseline activity to reduce fluctuations that were time correlated for a short period within a trial29. We also
Data analysis
Figure 4 Delay activity of inferior temporal neurons in top-down condition. a, Five categories imposed by stimulus–stimulus association. Twenty cue-pictures were randomly sorted into five categories. Each of the four cues in one category specified a common choice. b, Category-selective delay activity of an inferior temporal neuron. Delay activities were raised for all cues in Category I, but not for any cues in Category V (rastergrams, top-down condition). Choice responses were also strongest for Category I and weakest for Category V. SDFs show averaged activities across four cues in Category I
(thick) and in Category V (thin) for both conditions (top-down, blue; bottom-up, black). Only the correct trials are shown. c, SDFs for five categories shown by a pseudocolour coding. d, Temporal dynamics of response correlation. Correlation coefficients between instantaneous firing rates of five categories and corresponding choice (upper) or cue responses (lower) are plotted against the time axis. Triangles indicate the 5% significance level (r ¼ 0:88). e, Cumulative histogram of response correlations between delay and choice responses (n ¼ 34 cells). Symbols are denoted as in Fig. 2d.
A neuron was classified as task-related if the difference in neural activities in four task periods (fixation, cue presentation, delay interval, choice presentation) was significant (ANOVA, P , 0:01). Stimulus selectivity during cue presentation or delay interval was
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letters to nature tested by ANOVA (P , 0:05)10,29. A correlation coefficient between top-down and bottomup responses was calculated for each single neuron. We performed Monte Carlo simulation by randomizing the assignment of cue stimulus and by recalculating the correlation for 10,000 times in each neuron to estimate a baseline correlation level. The median values of 10,000 simulated correlation coefficients ranged from −0.007 to +0.005 (n ¼ 43 cells). Category selectivity was appraised using ANOVA with mean cue responses in each category used as units of analysis and post-hoc multiple comparisons (Tukey’s method), evaluated at P ¼ 0:05. This procedure correctly rejects the case in which neurons are strongly activated only by a single stimulus. Error trials were omitted for the analysis of the choice responses. Trial based instantaneous firing rate (IFR) was defined as the mean discharge rate during the 100-ms window centred at the given time point stepped by 10 ms. Averaging the IFRs first across trials for each cue, then across cues in each category resulted in mean IFRs of five categories. Received 30 June; accepted 10 August 1999. 1. Goldman-Rakic, P. S. in Handbook of Physiology Vol. 5 (ed. Plum, F.) 373–417 (American Physiological Society, Bethesda, 1987). 2. Fuster, J. M. The Prefrontal Cortex: Anatomy, Physiology, and Neuropsychology of the Frontal Lobe 3rd edn (Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1997). 3. Petrides, M. in Handbook of Neuropsychology (eds Boller, F. & Grafman, J.) 9, 59–82 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994). 4. Miyashita, Y. in The Cognitive Neurosciences 2nd edn (ed. Gazzaniga, M. S.) in the press (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA). 5. Mishkin, M. A memory system in the monkey. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 298, 83–95 (1982). 6. Rolls, E. T. Neural organization of higher visual functions. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 1, 274–278 (1991). 7. Miyashita, Y. Inferior temporal cortex: where visual perception meets memory. Annu. Rev. 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Acknowledgements We thank Y. Naya for technical advice. This work was supported by a grant-in-aid for Specially Promoted Research from the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture of Japan, a grant from the Magnetic Health Science Foundation (Y.M.) and a grant from the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture of Japan (I.H.). Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.T. (e-mail:
[email protected]) or Y.M. (
[email protected]). NATURE | VOL 401 | 14 OCTOBER 1999 | www.nature.com
................................................................. L-type calcium channels and GSK-3 regulate the activity of NF-ATc4 in hippocampal neurons Isabella A. Graef*†, Paul G. Mermelstein†‡, Kryn Stankunas*, Joel R. Neilson*, Karl Deisseroth‡, Richard W. Tsien‡ & Gerald R. Crabtree* * Department of Pathology and Department of Developmental Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and ‡ Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Beckman Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine, Stanford University Medical School, 300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford, California 94305-5426, USA † These authors contributed equally to this work .......................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
The molecular basis of learning and memory has been the object of several recent advances, which have focused attention on calcium-regulated pathways controlling transcription. One of the molecules implicated by pharmacological, biochemical and genetic approaches is the calcium/calmodulin-regulated phosphatase, calcineurin1–5. In lymphocytes, calcineurin responds to specific calcium signals and regulates expression of several immediate early genes by controlling the nuclear import of the NF-ATc family of transcription factors6–9. Here we show that NFATc4/NF-AT3 (ref. 10) in hippocampal neurons can rapidly translocate from cytoplasm to nucleus and activate NF-ATdependent transcription in response to electrical activity or potassium depolarization. The calcineurin-mediated translocation is critically dependent on calcium entry through L-type voltage-gated calcium channels. GSK-3 can phosphorylate NFATc4, promoting its export from the nucleus and antagonizing NF-ATc4-dependent transcription. Furthermore, we show that induction of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 is controlled by the calcium/calcineurin/NF-ATc pathway. This provides a new perspective on the function of calcineurin in the central nervous system and indicates that NF-AT-mediated gene expression may be involved in the induction of hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory formation. NF-ATc4 messenger RNA was observed in both murine and rat hippocampus using in situ hybridization (Fig. 1a) and polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcriptase (RT-PCR) (Fig. 1b). We tested whether endogenous NF-ATc proteins in neurons would activate NF-AT-dependent transcription by transfecting cultured hippocampal neurons with a reporter plasmid in which NF-ATbinding sites control expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP). This strategy allowed us to test the activity of the endogenous NFAT transcription complex, which in other cell types is controlled through calcineurin and ras signalling6,11. Cotransfection of constitutively active calcineurin and V12 Ras strongly promoted the expression of the reporter in pyramidal neurons (Fig. 1c). NF-ATdependent transcription was quantified with a luciferase reporter construct8 (Fig. 1d). Three-hour stimulation with the calcium ionophore ionomycin and phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) activated luciferase expression driven by endogenous NFAT. This activity was blocked by a combination of the calcineurin inhibitors FK506 and cyclosporin A (CsA) (Fig. 1d). The high level of calcineurin expression in hippocampal pyramidal neurons led us to use both drugs. The concentrations of FK506 and CsA used in these studies did not inhibit the expression of a constitutively active luciferase reporter gene (data not shown). The NF-AT reporter was dependent upon endogenous neuronal NF-AT, because deletion of the trimerized NF-AT-binding sites abolished activity (Fig. 1d). Spontaneous electrical activity was a powerful activator of NFAT-dependent transcription in hippocampal neurons that had
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