J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund
Vol. 22, No. 6 / June 2005 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
Topology optimization of photonic crystal structures: a high-bandwidth low-loss T-junction waveguide Jakob S. Jensen and Ole Sigmund Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Nils Koppels Allé, Building 404, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Received September 13, 2004; revised manuscript received December 8, 2004; accepted December 29, 2004 A T junction in a photonic crystal waveguide is designed with the topology-optimization method. The gradientbased optimization tool is used to modify the material distribution in the junction area so that the power transmission in the output ports is maximized. To obtain high transmission in a large frequency range, we use an active-set strategy by using a number of target frequencies that are updated repeatedly in the optimization procedure. We apply a continuation method based on artificial damping to avoid undesired local maxima and also introduce artificial damping in a penalization scheme to avoid nondiscrete properties in the design domain. © 2005 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 000.4430, 130.1750, 230.7390.
1. INTRODUCTION Since the primary publications,1,2 photonic crystals (PhCs) have attracted much attention owing to the potential applications in integrated optical circuits and communication devices. PhCs rely on the bandgap phenomenon that causes total prohibition of wave propagation for some frequencies in certain periodic media. Future applications of PhC components will inevitably rely on high-level performance, such as ultra-low-loss and high-bandwidth operation. Thus an increased interest has recently been devoted to the possibility of using inverse design techniques in the form of various optimization methods to design such components,3 e.g., to maximize bandgaps of PhCs and to reduce losses in PhC waveguide bends, junctions, inlets, and outlets. In this paper we demonstrate how topology optimization can be used to design low-loss and high-bandwidth two-dimensional (2D) waveguide T junctions. In a recent paper4 a 90-deg bend in a 2D PhC waveguide was designed with topology optimization. The optimization was performed by maximization of the power transmission of E-polarized waves through the bend for three wave frequencies simultaneously, and the resulting design, which was rather unconventional, displayed a good performance in a large frequency range. In the present paper the theoretical details behind the optimization algorithm are explained in detail, and a new optimization strategy based on active frequency sets, as well as a new penalization scheme, is introduced to treat the more difficult case of a T-junction waveguide. Although we here consider the case of E polarization, the methods described can immediately be applied to H polarization with a change of material parameters. In Ref. 5 a double 120 -deg bend designed for H polarization was fabricated and showed a satisfactory performance of the component in good agreement with numerical simulations. 0740-3224/05/061191-8/$15.00
The T junction in a 2D PhC with circular dielectric rods in a square configuration has previously been studied and subjected to optimization. In Ref. 6, T junctions (and 90deg bends) were studied by use of a 2D finite-difference time domain simulations, and the performance of the junction was improved by addition of extra rods of various radii in the corner regions. In Ref. 7 the reflection at the T junction was minimized with a combination of genetictype algorithms and gradient-based optimization with the position and size of a selected number of rods used as design variables. In a related study,8 optimization based on simulated annealing was used to optimize a 60-deg junction in a waveguide based on a triangular configuration of holes. In that case the design variables were the radii of a number of holes. Recently researchers performed a similar optimization study9 by allowing the radii of selected holes in a 60-deg bend to be varied to maximize the transmission through the bend. Unlike the aforementioned studies, topology optimization is based on free distribution of material in a design domain and hence does not restrict the design to consist of circular rods, or indeed rods at all. The method was originally developed for use in structural mechanics with the aim of obtaining the stiffest possible structures with a restricted amount of material.10 This has led to new designs that significantly outperformed structures designed with standard shape- or size-optimization techniques, led to an increasing popularity in aero and automotive industries, and resulted in implementation in commercial optimization tools.11 In the past decade, topology optimization has also been successfully applied in other areas such as fluid mechanics and heat conduction.12 Recently the method has been applied to optimization of phononic bandgap materials and structures.13 In this paper we use topology optimization to design T junctions with high transmission over a large frequency © 2005 Optical Society of America
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 22, No. 6 / June 2005
J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund
range. To ensure a high bandwidth of the junction, we maximize the transmission for a number of target frequencies simultaneously and use an active-set strategy to update these frequencies repeatedly. To identify the frequencies with lowest transmission, we use fast frequency sweeps based on Padé approximants. The performance of the junction design obtained with this new method (Section 4) is compared with the performance of designs we get by optimizing the junction for single frequencies (Section 3). In Section 2 we introduce the basic optimization procedure along with the continuation method and a new penalization scheme.
2. TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL PHOTONIC CRYSTAL STRUCTURES Our implementation of topology optimization is based on the finite-element method. We use a frequency-domain method based on a 2D model of plane polarization (2D Helmholtz equation) in domain ⍀: ⵜ · 关A共x兲 ⵜ u共x兲兴 + 2B共x兲u共x兲 = 0
in ⍀.
In Eq. (1), is the wave frequency, u共x兲 is the unknown field in the plane x = 共x , y兲, and A共x兲 and B共x兲 are the position-dependent material coefficients. For E polarization A = 1 and B = r共x兲c−2, and for H polarization A −2 = −1 r 共x兲 and B = c , where r共x兲 is the dielectric constant and c is the speed of light in air. In the following we consider E polarization only. The 2D computational model of the T junction is shown in Fig. 1. The domain ⍀ consists of 15⫻ 15 square unit cells, each with a centrally placed circular rod with the dielectric constant r = 11.56 and diameter 0.36a, where a is the distance between the individual rods. This configura-
tion has been shown to have a large bandgap in E polarization in the frequency range = 0.302– 0.443 2c / a, and, with single rows of dielectric columns removed, a guided mode is supported for = 0.312– 0.443 2c / a.14 One creates T-junction waveguide by removing single rows of rods as shown in Fig. 1. Incident wave and absorbing boundary conditions are specified on ⌫inp 傺 ⍀ and ⌫abs 傺 ⍀, respectively (Fig. 1), n · 共A ⵜ u兲 = 2i冑ABU n · 共A ⵜ u兲 + i冑ABu = 0
on ⌫abs ,
where U is a scaling factor for the wave amplitude (in the following, set to unity). In Eqs. (2), n is the outwardpointing normal vector at the boundary, and the material coefficients are those of air in E polarization: A = 1 and B = Bair = c−2. To eliminate reflections from the input and output waveguide ports, we add more anisotropic perfectly matching layers (PMLs) (denoted ⍀PML in Fig. 1). The governing equation in these layers is
冉 冊 冉 冊
sy u sx u A + A + 2sxsyBu = 0 x sx x y sy y
in ⍀PML , 共3兲
where the factors sx and sy are complex functions of the position and govern the damping properties of the layers. A standard implementation for PhC waveguides is used with the PhC structure retained in the PMLs.15 A Galerkin finite-element procedure is applied,16 leading to the discretized set of equations: 共− 2M + iC + K兲u = f,
where u is a vector of discretized nodal values of u共x兲. On the element level the nodal values are interpolated as u共x兲 = N共x兲u, which leads to the following form of the finite-element matrices: M=
兺BM e
C = Cabs =
B es xes yeM e,
兺 冑A B C , e
A eK e +
f = 2i
Ke = Kex + Key =
Fig. 1. Computational model consisting of 15⫻ 15 unit cells in ⍀ with centrally placed circular rods of diameter 0.36a. A wave input is provided on ⌫inp, and absorbing boundaries are specified on ⌫abs. Perfectly matching layers ⍀PML are added to avoid reflections from the input and output waveguide ports. The objective is to maximize the power transmission in the two subdomains near the output ports ⍀J1 and ⍀J2.
on ⌫inp ,
NT N x x
兺 冑A B f , e
Me =
Ce =
冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 s ye
Kex +
s xe
dV +
fe =
s xe
s ye
y y NTdS,
Key ,
where Ae, Be, sxe, and sye are assumed element wise constants. We discretize the domain by using standard quadratic bilinear elements,16 with 19⫻ 19 elements for each unit
J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund
Vol. 22, No. 6 / June 2005 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
cell. Thus the entire computational domain consists of 共15⫻ 15+ 3 ⫻ 9 ⫻ 10兲 ⫻ 192 = 178,695 elements. On a 2.66 -GHz computer with 1-Gbyte RAM, a solution for a single frequency of Eq. (4) takes approximately 10 s. This is sufficiently fast for the model to be used in our iterative optimization algorithm in which several hundred solutions need to be computed in a single optimization procedure. A. Design Variables and Material Interpolation The design domain ⍀D is a subdomain of ⍀. We assign one design variable xe to each finite element within ⍀D: 0 艋 xe 艋 1,
e 僆 ⍀D .
It is impossible to solve the discrete combinatorial problem for more than, e.g., 100 design variables. Instead, we use continuous design variables so that we can apply a gradient-based algorithm. We let the design variable govern the distribution of air and dielectric in each element in ⍀D by letting the material coefficients Ae and Be vary linearly with xe:
Be = B1 + xe共B2 − B1兲,
such that, for xe = 0, the material in the element will be material 1 (air) and, with xe = 1, it will be material 2 (dielectric). It is now the task for the optimization algorithm to identify the values of xe in ⍀D that optimize our chosen objective function and, additionally, to ensure only discrete values, 0 and 1, of the design variables in the final design in order to obtain a well-defined structure. B. Objective Function and Sensitivity Analysis The goal is to maximize the power transmission through the waveguide, thereby minimizing the reflection at the T junction. The power transmission is found from the timeaveraged Poynting vector: 1
¯ ⵜ u兲. P共x兲 = 兵PxPy其T = 2 AR共iu
We consider the vertical component of the power transmission, Py, averaged in two separate domains ⍀J1 and ⍀J2 near the two output waveguide ports [see Fig. 1]: 1 J1 =
1 J2 = −
Pey , 1
Pey ,
where Ny are the number of finite elements in the y direction in ⍀J1 and ⍀J2. The vertical component of the timeaveraged Poynting vector in each element is given as Pey =
1 ¯ e兴, AeR关i共ue兲TQeyu 2
¯ e denotes the complex conjugate of the element where u nodal values. Qey is defined as Qey
NT y
Nd兩S兩y=0 .
We want to maximize the total power transmitted through the output ports for a given frequency , which leads to the optimization problem: max J共兲, xe
J共兲 = J1共兲 + J2共兲,
in which we additionally enforce a simple symmetry condition to ensure a symmetrical design with J1 = J2. The optimization problem in expressions (12) is solved with the mathematical programming tool, the Method of Moving Asymptotes,17 in combination with the computed sensitivities of the objective function with respect to the design variables. Analytical sensitivity analysis is an essential part of a fast optimization method and can be performed, e.g., with the adjoint method,12 leading to the expression dJ
Ae = A1 + xe共A2 − A1兲,
= 2R T
d共− 2M + iC + K兲 dxe
u ,
where it has been assumed for simplicity that the design domain ⍀D neither includes the wave input boundary ⌫inp nor overlaps ⍀J and where is the solution to the adjoint problem 共− 2M + iC + K兲T =
i 4
¯ e, Ae关Qey − 共Qey兲T兴Tu
共14兲 where the summation should be understood in the normal finite-element sense. Note that Eq. (14) can be solved essentially without computational effort if the original problem is solved by a direct factorization method. This means that one can obtain all the sensitivities [Eq. (13)] simply by solving the original problem [Eq. (4)] with an extra right-hand side (load case) and inserting the result into Eq. (13). In structural mechanics the problem of mesh dependency arises when the standard formulation is used. This implies that if the finite-element mesh is refined, finer details will appear in the optimized structure. One can avoid this by introducing a heuristic mesh-independency filter.12 In optics this dependency is not inherent in the problem, but the filter can nevertheless be applied with advantage to avoid too fine details in the structure. The variant used here is based on filtering the computed sensitivities in the following way:
ˆ dJ dxe
冉 冊 Hˆ e
兺 Hˆ
where the summation is performed over all elements in the design domain and where Hˆ i is a convolution operator defined as
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 22, No. 6 / June 2005
Hˆ e = rmin − dist共k,e兲,
J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund e = 4⑀xe共1 − xe兲Me, Cpen
兵e 僆 ⍀D兩dist共k,e兲 艋 rmin其,
k = 1, . . . , N⍀D .
Thus the filtered sensitivities is a modification of the original sensitivities based on a weighted average of the sensitivities in neighboring elements within a fixed range (specified by rmin). In the examples shown, we have used rmin = 2.5 times the element size. C. Continuation Method and Penalization The solution of the optimization problem turns out to be strongly nonunique, which results in multiple local maxima. Some of these are based on local resonance effects that lead to a poor performance away from the target frequency and to strong out-of-plane scattering and, consequently, to poor transmission for a real threedimensional structure. A way to reduce the chance of ending up in such a maximum is to apply a continuation method in which we attempt to convexify the object function by changing the original problem into a smoother one. After a converged design is obtained for the smooth problem, we gradually change the problem back into its original form during a continued optimization procedure. As shown for phononic bandgap structures,18 the presence of strong damping smoothes the dynamic response considerably, and in Ref. 13 this was used with advantage to avoid undesired local extrema in the optimization of these structures. Similar to the case of phononics (elastic waves), we here add an artificial damping term Cart to the model: C = Cabs + Cart ,
where Cabs is the damping matrix stemming from the absorbing boundaries. We let the extra damping matrix be proportional to the mass matrix, such that Cart = M,
where  is a real and positive constant. In a typical optimization procedure we start out with strong damping, say,  = 0.1, and then gradually decrease  until the performance of the structure no longer can be improved. Even when avoiding the pitfall of resonance-based local maxima, we may still end up with an unfeasible design with elements that have nondiscrete design variables xe, i.e., values other than strictly 0 or 1. For other applications of topology optimization, various penalization methods have been developed to avoid this problem. For bandgap-type problems, the need for penalization appears to be small13 in that the highest possible material contrast is favorable for maximum wave reflection. However, if the problem is not strictly of the reflection type, we may end up with some gray elements. Here we propose a new scheme inspired by an explicit penalization scheme introduced in Ref. 19. Instead of adding a penalization term directly to the objective, we use an implicit variant by introducing the penalty as an extra damping term for elements in ⍀D:
e 僆 ⍀D ,
thereby causing elements with 0 ⬍ xe ⬍ 1 to induce an energy loss and hence be expensive for the objective function. The penalization scheme is typically employed when a converged design is obtained and gray elements have appeared. Then ⑀ is gradually increased from, e.g., ⑀ = 0.01 until the gray elements vanish. However, if a lot of gray elements appear in the design, it can be beneficial to have a nonzero ⑀ throughout the optimization procedure. In the following we call ⑀ the pamping coefficient as an acronym for penalization damping. D. Algorithm The optimization algorithm is outlined in the following: 1. Set up a finite-element model and choose an appropriate design domain ⍀D and target frequency . 2. Choose an initial design, i.e., distribution of xe in ⍀D, and initial values of artificial damping, e.g.,  = 0.1. 3. Compute the elementwise material coefficients Ae and Be. 4. Solve system equations and compute objective function J and filtered design sensitivities dJˆ/ dxe. 5. Update design with the mathematical programming tool, the Method of Moving Asymptotes.17 6. Repeat steps (3)–(5) until design convergence is max兩xnew − xe兩 ⬍ ␦, where ␦ is a small positive constant. 7. Decrease artificial damping, e.g., new =  / 2. 8. Repeat steps (3)–(7) until the performance is no longer improved. 9. If gray elements appear in the design, repeat steps (3)–(5) with increasing values of ⑀, starting from, e.g., ⑀ = 0.01. Alternatively, carry out the whole optimization procedure with a nonzero ⑀.
3. SINGLE-FREQUENCY OPTIMIZATION We now use the basic algorithm to design the T junction for maximum transmission at three separate frequencies. Figure 2 shows the design domain. A domain consisting of ten unit cells is chosen, but the choice is arbitrary, and it
Fig. 2.
Design domain ⍀D and initial material distribution.
J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund
Vol. 22, No. 6 / June 2005 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
should be emphasized that the CPU time per iteration is almost independent of the design domain size (for the given discretization). ˜ = 0.32, ˜ = 0.38, and ˜ We optimize the junction for ˜ = 2c / a兲. This corresponds to two frequencies = 0.44 共 near the extremal values of the guided-mode frequency range and one center frequency. For an initial design, we choose the unoptimized structure as depicted in Fig. 2. Figures 3–5 show three optimized designs together with the fields for the corresponding target frequencies. In Figure 6 the transmission spectrum is depicted for the three optimized designs as well as for the initial structure. The spectra have been normalized with the power transmission through a straight waveguide, so that 0.5 corresponds to 50% transmission through both upper and lower output ports of the symmetrical design, and hence there is no reflection at the junction. For all three designs, practically full transmission is obtained at the specified target frequency. Except for the ˜ = 0.32, a good performance is also design obtained for seen away from the target, which indicates that the continuation approach has been effective in eliminating local maxima that are based on local resonances. These may display high transmission at single frequencies but are normally associated with excessive peaks and valleys in the transmission spectrum. Starting from different initial designs in most cases, we obtain different optimized designs, which indicates the strong nonuniqueness of the optimization problem. However, all designs obtained perform equally well (full transmission) at the target frequency. Owing to the long wavelength of the guided mode at ˜ = 0.32, the optimized structure for this frequency is not well suited for higher frequencies at which the wavelength is significantly shorter. Similarly, the optimized de˜ = 0.44 performs poorly at lower frequencies. sign for ˜ = 0.38 gives a good transmission However, the design for in a large frequency range, and the transmission drops ˜ = 0.35 and above significantly only for frequencies below ˜ = 0.41.
˜ Fig. 3. Optimized T-junction topology for target frequency = 0.32 and the corresponding field distribution.
˜ Fig. 4. Optimized T-junction topology for target frequency = 0.38 and the corresponding field distribution.
4. FREQUENCY-RANGE OPTIMIZATION BY USE OF ACTIVE SETS To get a larger bandwidth with high transmission, we need to optimize the junction for several frequencies in the specified frequency range simultaneously. In Ref. 4 the sum of the transmission for a number of target frequencies was considered. With this approach the frequencies should be chosen carefully, and even then the transmission may still drop significantly between these frequencies. This problem could be partially remedied by use of a large number of frequencies. However, this would be CPU time expensive. Instead, we introduce an active-set strategy in which we no longer keep the target frequencies fixed but let them vary according to the most critical frequencies, i.e., those with minimum transmission. We now write the objective as max xe
1,. . ., N i苸Ii
˜ Fig. 5. Optimized T-junction topology for target frequency = 0.44 and the corresponding field distribution.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 22, No. 6 / June 2005
J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund
Fig. 6. Transmission through the top and bottom output ports. Results for the standard junction is shown along with three optimized designs for three different frequencies.
Padé approximates.20 We then need to solve Eq. (4) only once for each frequency interval and can then expand the solution in the neighboring frequency range with high accuracy at low computational cost. The transmission spectrum in Fig. 7 is computed with a fast frequency sweep, and the solutions computed by our solving the direct problem, depicted with discrete markers, illustrate the accuracy of the expansion. In the first example we use the original design domain (Fig. 2) and attempt to design the junction with full trans˜ = 0.32 to ˜ mission in the entire frequency range from = 0.44. We start out with three target frequencies and increase this number to 12 as the continuation parameter  is reduced to its final value at  = 0.00625. Throughout the optimization we keep the pamping parameter ⑀ = 0.1. Figure 8 shows the final design and the field computed for ˜ = 0.38. Figure 10 shows the corresponding transmission spectrum. However, note that the transmission still drops near the extremal frequencies. It appears that the chosen design domain is unable to provide a full transmission in the entire frequency range, and therefore the domain is increased by an additional eight unit cells near the corners of the junction. We repeat the optimization procedure described above by using the previous design as the initial design and obtain the structure displayed in Fig. 9 that shows also the field com˜ = 0.38. As can be seen in the transmission diaputed for gram (Fig. 10), the transmission is now improved and especially increased near the limits of the frequency range. By choosing even larger design domains, one can expect further improvements.
5. CONCLUSIONS Fig. 7. Illustration of update scheme for target frequencies. The frequency curve is computed with Padé approximations to obtain high frequency resolution at low computational cost. Discrete markers indicate transmission values computed directly.
˜ 2关, . . . , In = 兴 ˜ N; ˜ N+1‡, ˜ 1; I1 = †
˜ N+1 where N is the number of target frequencies and ˜ 1 is the entire frequency range of interest, divided into − N equally sized intervals. The power transmission is normalized for each frequency with the corresponding transmission for the straight waveguide J*. In this way a proper weighting of the different frequencies is ensured. The implementation of the the active-set strategy is illustrated in Fig. 7. A number N of target frequencies is chosen, and the frequency interval is divided into N equally sized sections. At regular intervals during the optimization, e.g., every 20 or 30 iterations, the transmission spectrum is computed, and the frequency with the lowest transmission is identified in each interval. These frequencies now become the new target frequencies in subsequent iterations. It is important that the spectrum is computed with high frequency resolution to accurately detect the critical frequencies. Unfortunately, this requires solving the direct problem [Eq. (4)] for many frequencies, thus slowing down the optimization procedure significantly. A way to overcome this is to compute the spectrum with a fast-frequency-sweep technique with
We have developed a design method based on topology optimization and used it to design a T junction in a photonic crystal waveguide with high transmission in a large frequency range. The optimization algorithm is based on a frequencydomain finite-element model of 2D plane polarization. Elementwise constant design variables govern the distribu-
˜ = 0.32– 0.44. The Fig. 8. Design optimized for frequency range ˜ = 0.38. field is computed for
J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund
Vol. 22, No. 6 / June 2005 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
ing to intermediate material. This was done by penalizing these intermediate values with extra artificial damping. The algorithm appears to be a robust and efficient design tool for PhC components. Although based on a 2D model, recent experience with manufactured structures5 indicates that good performance of the actual devices can be expected, and the optimization scheme can directly be implemented with a three-dimensional computational model to address the important issue of out-of-plane scattering. Additionally, the objective function can easily be modified to deal with other functionalities.
˜ = 0.32– 0.44 with Fig. 9. Design optimized for frequency range ˜ = 0.38. an enlarged design domain. The field is computed for
The authors thank Martin P. Bendsøe for valuable comments and suggestions. The work was supported by the Danish Technical Research Council through the grant “Designing bandgap materials and structures with optimized dynamic properties.” J. S. Jensen, the corresponding author, can be reached by e-mail at
[email protected].
REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4.
Fig. 10. Transmission spectra for the design optimized for the ˜ = 0.32– 0.44. Shown also is the spectrum entire frequency range ˜ = 0.38. for the design optimized for
tion of material in a design domain near the junction. By maximizing the power transmission through the two waveguide output ports, we obtain designs with vanishing reflection at the junction. We obtained a high transmission locally by performing the optimization for single frequencies. To get a larger bandwidth with high transmission, we introduced an active-set strategy in which the transmission is maximized for several frequencies simultaneously and in which these target frequencies are repeatedly updated with fast frequency sweeps to identify the most critical frequencies with lowest transmission. It was shown that, by increasing the design domain, we obtained a better performance in a larger frequency range, approaching full transmission for the entire frequency range under consideration. To avoid local maxima based on local resonance effects, we applied a continuation method by convexifying the object and response functions with artificial damping. Additionally, we introduced a scheme to avoid values of the continuous design variable between 0 and 1, correspond-
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