toronto transit commission report no. subject: action item - TTC

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Mar 27, 2013 - hydro cable relocation, the maintenance and storage facility and the Leslie Street Connection. Track. The
Form Revised: February 2005


March 27, 2013



ACTION ITEM RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of Contract ABYS1-1, Leslie Street Connection Track to Pomerleau Inc. (Pomerleau) in the amount of $104,727,250.54 for the installation of track along Leslie Street between the Leslie Barns Streetcar Maintenance and Storage Facility (Leslie Barns) and the existing streetcar network on Queen Street, associated utility and streetscaping work, and additional City infrastructure. FUNDING The negotiated price for the Leslie Street Connection Track is higher than the budgeted amount largely due to expanded utility infrastructure work and landscape/streetscape improvements required to satisfy various stakeholders. However, sufficient funds exist within the current project funding amount of $437M to award this contract. An increase in funding between $50M to $60M, up to $497M, will be required to complete this project. The additional funding requirement has been discussed with City Finance and accommodations will be considered as part of the 2014 capital budget approval process. Staff will not make contractual commitments for this project beyond the existing approvals until such time as that increased funding has been secured. BACKGROUND The Leslie Barns is required for the maintenance and storage of new low floor light rail vehicles. This project is being delivered through four elements: soil removal and capping, hydro cable relocation, the maintenance and storage facility and the Leslie Street Connection Track. The first three elements of the project were awarded as follows: •

Contract WM60-1, Ashbridges Bay Site Soil Removal and Capping was awarded in February 2011 and was completed in January 2012.

A Purchase Order Amendment was issued to Hydro One Networks Inc. for the relocation of a high voltage transmission cable to accommodate the construction of


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the Leslie Barns and the Leslie Street Connection Track. This work is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2013. •

Contract WM1-1, Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility, later renamed Leslie Barns, was awarded in April 2012. This work is scheduled for completion in 2014.

Contract ABYS1-1 is the last element of the project. It includes the construction of the connection track on Leslie Street from the facility entrance to the existing streetcar network on Queen Street, and the associated relocation/upgrading/replacement of utilities, road restoration and associated streetscaping as shown in Appendix A. DISCUSSION The work on Contract ABYS1-1 requires a contractor experienced in the construction of roads, utilities and streetcar/light rail infrastructure in a busy mixed residential/commercial environment, with complex staging and schedule constraints. Due to this complexity, a Request for Pre-Qualifications was publicly advertised on MERX on August 2, 2012. Pomerleau was the only firm that was pre-qualified. At its November 21, 2012 Board Meeting, TTC staff reported on the bidding strategy to be used to negotiate an acceptable contract with the only pre-qualified firm, Pomerleau, for the construction of the Leslie Street Connection Track and associated utility work (Appendix B). The bidding strategy for Contract ABYS1-1 consisted of obtaining independent estimates that would be used to establish a baseline for comparison and to negotiate a price within an acceptable range. Design for Contract ABYS1-1 was finalized and issued to Pomerleau on December 17, 2012 for pricing. The initial bid price was received on February 5, 2013. The bid submitted by Pomerleau by the closing date was significantly higher than the original baseline established. As outlined on the bidding strategy report, staff commenced negotiations with Pomerleau, reviewing the bid breakdown and conducting a value engineering exercise to assess alternative proposals of work and construction staging to reduce the price and still meet the project requirements. The final negotiated price of $104,727,250.54 meets the criteria established in the bidding strategy to assess the fairness of the price and it is in line with the independent estimates obtained. Hence, it is considered acceptable and recommended for award. The Agreement to Bond submitted by Pomerleau covers both a Labour and Material Payment Bond and a Performance Bond and was submitted by the Guarantee Company of North


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America, who have been verified as a Surety Company licensed to transact business under the Insurance Act of Ontario. As such they are considered financially capable of performing the work. Pomerleau will be required to execute a Performance Bond and Labour and Material Payment Bond in the amount of 50% of the contract value. JUSTIFICATION The price submitted by Pomerleau Inc. after negotiations is within the acceptable range of the independent estimates and is considered a fair price for the work of Contract ABYS1-1 -----------March 6, 2013 50-8-23 03-06-000101657

Attachments: Appendix A Appendix B