Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation

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from which the architect can select and generate a working prototype in a .... and evaluations of these systems and relevant well-recognized patterns in this field.
Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation Chung-Horng Lung1, Balasangar Balasubramaniam2 Kamalachelva Selvarajah1, Poopalasinkam Elankeswaran2 Umatharan Gopalasundaram2


Department of Systems and Computer Engineering Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2

Nortel Networks, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [email protected]

Abstract. Architecture-centric software generation has the potential to support flexible design and large-scale reuse. This paper describes the development of an architecture-centric framework that consists of multiple architecture alternatives, from which the architect can select and generate a working prototype in a top-down manner through an user interface rather than building it from scratch. The framework is primarily built with well-understood design patterns in distributed and concurrent computing. The development process involves extensive domain analysis, variability management, and bottom-up component engineering effort. The framework enables the architect or designer to effectively conduct upfront software architecture analysis and/or rapid architectural prototyping.

Keywords: domain analysis, variability management, architecture-centric development, generative approach, patterns



In today’s highly competitive age, the success or failure of a product could be determined by the time taken to develop the software. Architecture-centric software generation has the potential to support rapid development and/or evaluation of target systems. In addition, software architecture captures the design decisions at an early stage, which is difficult to change and has far-reaching effects on downstream development. Unfortunately, software development time often runs over schedule in practice. Another challenging issue often faced at the architecture level is estimating software qualities, such


as software performance. Software Performance Engineering (SPE) [21, 26] has been recognized as a vital approach for addressing this issue. It is generally accepted that SPE should be conducted early in the life cycle. Unfortunately, conducting SPE, especially at the early stages of the development, is difficult and requires a high skill level. To perform SPE effectively, the architect has to have extensive knowledge and experience in the application domain, software design, and performance engineering, which is often scarce. The performance or even general quality-of-service (QoS) issue becomes even more challenging for systems with high complexity, such as distributed systems and increasing hardware complication due to threading and parallelism. Many design patterns in distributed and concurrent systems have been captured and documented [20]. However, those patterns in distributed and concurrent areas are specialized and may not be easy to understand or implement. In addition, designers may want to focus primarily on the application level rather than the lower-level base system. As an example, consider a real industrial case of which one of the authors was a team member. The project was a study of an advanced network routing technique to support network traffic engineering. Some features of the traffic engineering included, among others, network protocols, load balancing, QoS, resource utilization, and path protection and restoration. When the project started, there were no suitable simulation tools available and the customers requested a working prototype for concept demonstration. A lot of efforts were spent on software solutions involving three and a half designers to facilitate the traffic engineering applications which along took three designers. We also learned from the re-architecting experience that it can be a time-consuming task [15]. In another case study, a system needed to be restructured to support additional QoS requirements. The existing system was limited due to its original architecture: messages received from the network were processed non-preemptively. The HalfSync/Half-Async (HS/HA) architectural pattern [20] was a natural fit for the restructuring. However, due to complicated concurrency controls and interactions among various parts and with the application level, the restructuring itself took much longer than expected, even though the new design was well-understood and documented in the pattern literature. Further, the re-architected system requires tremendous efforts for verificatin and it may not perform better than the original one. The research presented in this paper was originally motivated by asking the following question. “How can we help the architect or designer rapidly or incrementally develop, and subsequently evaluate the software architecture effectively?” The question can also be stated in another way: “How can we provide the architect robust alternatives, so that she/he can choose and experiment with those alternatives for rapid development or effective evaluation?” The approach adopted in this research is to study the feasibility of an architecturecentric generative framework. A framework in this paper is meant to provide an infrastructure to build an executable architectural prototype. To support this goal, our approach is to incorporate multiple architectural alternatives into the framework through a variability management process. Those alternatives are built with robust software components based on recognized patterns and existing solutions. The framework can then

Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


be used to instantiate specific types of software architecture, as selected by the user. The architect or designer can then conduct experiments to gather specific quality information for the selected alternative or the application. Such a framework facilitates reuse of previous domain analysis and domain engineering effort to support rapid prototype development at the architecture level for more effective architecture evaluation or alternatives comparison early in the life cycle. Rapid software prototyping in general can also support requirements validation and communication between stakeholders, because it can generate quantitative and concrete operational information, or collect more accurate or realistic data such as workloads, throughput, processing delay, and packet losses. The structure of the rest of the paper is as follows: Section 2 discusses the development process of the generative framework. Section 3 demonstrates the components and structure of the framework. Section 4 shows how the framework can be used to support of new application development. Section 5 is an evaluation of the framework. Section 6 describes the related work. Finally, Section 7 contains the summary.


Development of the Architecture-centric Generative Framework

The framework was not developed totally from scratch. Before the framework was developed, we have re-engineered existing working systems with well-known patterns in networked systems. Specifically, we restructured the systems from the single thread (ST) approach in C++ to HS/HA and Leader-Followers (LFs), separately [1, 14, 15]. The size of the original system was about 30 KLOCs, not including the user interface, third party software or underlying lower level protocols. The main part that was reengineered had about 10 KLOCs. Furthermore, other relevant patterns at lower levels, e.g., Monitor Object, Scoped Locking idiom, Reactor, Connector, and Acceptor [20], were selected and implemented. The first re-engineered software system was a peer-to-peer (P2P) network routing system. The other two working systems were mainly used to study the server side software of the client-server model. These two client-server systems were implemented based on an industrial pre-paid phone system by different groups for a course project. Extensive studies and evaluations of these systems and relevant well-recognized patterns in this field [Schmidt00] were conducted. These systems were re-engineered [1, 14, 15] using various architectural and design patterns, including HS/HA and LFs. A framework was then developed based on those previous studies and working systems. Two core technical areas are variability management of architectural alternatives and construction of components and the subsequent framework. These two key areas are discussed as follows.


2.1 Variability Management Each architectural variation has a set of features which in turn may consist of variation points at lower level and their associated variations. On the other hand, some features or components may be common or only slightly different among architecturally different alternatives or variations. Those features or components have been captured and built in a way that is reusable across variations. The variability modeling process consists of the following steps. • • • • •

Identify variations at the architecture level Identify variation points at lower layers and potential variations for each variation point Identify components and their relationships for each architectural variation Identify component composition rules for each architectural variation Identify commonalities and differences of components that are shared by different architectural variations

Note that the process is iterative and incremental in nature; some steps may even been conducted in parallel. Each step is illustrated in more detail as follows: The first step is to identify architectural variations, since the variation point is raised to the architecture level for our study. For our target domain, for instance, three basic architectural alternatives are selected from the concurrency management perspective. They are the traditional single thread (ST) approach using the Reactor pattern, HS/HA, and Leader/Followers (LFs) [20]. ST was selected, primarily due to its simplicity and, further, because it was the style originally used in the existing software under study. The other two alternatives were included mainly due to their acceptance in this field [20]. Dynamic creation/termination of threads based on requests is another variation; however, it was not included in the study due to its high overhead. The variability is open [6]; in other words, other possible architectural variations can be analyzed and added to the framework if appropriate. Figure 1 displays these three alternatives: ST, HS/HA, and LFs, at the Architecture Patterns layer. ST often leads to scalability concerns. This can be improved using either HS/HA or LFs pattern as the overall architecture. In LFs, multiple threads function similarly to that in the ST example and synchronization of those threads is provided. However, only one thread at a time—the leader—waits for an event to occur. Other threads—the followers—can queue up, waiting for their turn to become the leader. Once the leader detects an event, it promotes one of the followers to be the leader. The previous leader then becomes a service-processing thread. HS/HA, on the other hand, divides the system into three layers: asynchronous layer, queuing layer, and synchronous layer. The asynchronous layer reads messages and stores them in the queuing layer. Multiple worker threads will read messages from the queue in a synchronous fashion and handle those messages subsequently. Readers are referred to Schmidt et al. [20] for detailed descriptions of those patterns and their benefits and limitations.

Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


Figure 1. Structure and Reusable Components of the Generative Framework [17]

The second step is to identify possible variation points and their variations at lower levels. This step involves identification of features and their relationships or interactions. The selection of one variation or feature may enable or disable the selection of other features or variations. For instance, selecting HS/HA means that a queuing layer is required. Furthermore, the selected feature may consist of more variations. The queuing layer, for example, could consist of a single queue or multiple queues, each for one priority type for various QoS requirements. TABLES I and II demonstrate the main features that were identified from various systems. TABLE I.


ST Socket setup Initial buffer setup Thread creation • Main thread No queue No thread management Message processing: Exchange messages and

HS/HA Socket setup Initial buffer setup Thread creation • Main thread • Worker threads Queuing layer (one or multiple queues) No Join/Promote thread management Message processing: Exchange messages and

LFs Socket setup Initial buffer setup Thread creation • Leader/Followers threads No queue Thread management for Join/Promote Message processing: Exchange messages and


process data

Main functionalities: Insert/ Retrieve/ Remove msgs

process data (Synchronizing worker threads and the main thread) Main functionalities: Insert/ Retrieve/ Remove msgs

Application: transactionoriented computations

Application: transactionoriented computations


process data (processing threads or Followers) Main functionalities: Insert/ Retrieve/ Remove msgs Application: transactionoriented computations



Socket setup Thread creation • Destination threads • Statistics thread

Socket setup Thread creation • Destination threads • Statistics thread • Worker Threads

No queue No thread management

Multiple queues for QoS No queue No thread management for Thread management for Join/Promote Join/Promote Main functionalities: Main functionalities: Perform network emulation Perform network emulation tasks and synchronize worker tasks (Processing Threads) threads and the main thread Other functionalities: Other functionalities: Supporting functionalities Supporting functionalities Application: traffic Application: traffic engineering engineering

Main functionalities: Perform network emulation tasks Other functionalities: Supporting functionalities Application: traffic engineering

Socket setup Thread creation • Destination threads • Statistics thread • LFs threads

The third step is to model the components and their connections for each architectural variation, including its associated lower layer variations. This step is an extension of traditional architecture analysis and design. It also shares concepts with product line architecture modeling, see section 4 for more descriptions on relate work. For our target domain, the basic components and their relationships have been well documented in the patterns community. Hence, a similar description is not repeated here. In addition, each architectural variation also serves as a base architecture which consists of variation points and their associated variations at various levels of abstraction. Considering the HS/HA pattern as an illustration, one of the variation points is the queuing layer as described in the previous step. Different queuing disciplines have different components and connections; additional components may also be needed for some variations. Fair share queuing, for instance, needs a component to dynamically monitor the

Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


resource (system and/or bandwidth) usage for different message types or service level agreements (SLAs). Another simple variation point for HS/HA is the number of threads in the synchronous layer. A more detailed example is that a variation related to the thread scheduling at the synchronous layer could consist of a dedicated thread for a particular queue in a multi-queue system for quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. The fourth step is to determine composition rules that bind components and variants at lower levels of abstraction to realize variation points at higher levels. Similar to feature selection, selection of one component may enable or disable the selection of other components. This step is repeated from the base components and up until it reaches the architecture level. The concept is similar to that of parameterization and GenVoca [3]. To continue the previous example, a particular queuing approach in HS/HA may consist of a set of components and the queuing layer also interacts with components in two other layers. Subsequently, lower level components are first grouped together to form the queuing layer which is then associated with components in synchronous and asynchronous layers. If there is a dedicated thread for the queuing layer for a critical queue or a particular message type or customer due to high QoS requirements, the association rules of relevant components also need to be specified. Currently, component composition for our framework primarily relies on manual efforts at the feature analysis and design stages. There are a few reasons: First, the number of architectural variations usually is small and the variations are mostly stable. Next, it is easier to identify high-level domain constraints or design rules that govern the compatibility of features or legal composition of components. In other words, the architecture has already captured the main components and their relationships. For instance, if HS/HA is selected, a queuing layer is automatically included based on the nature of the architecture. Similarly, if LFs system is the choice, a feature to manage the Leader and Followers threads is a must. Third, this framework is mainly for proof-ofconcept and feasibility study. This phase could be improved if the number of variations becomes large or the components mostly are at the implementation-level. Thaker, et al [23] advocate algebraic equations to specify legal combinations of implementation-level features or components. Research is still needed to investigate propagating feature selections in a feature model into other development artifacts, including requirements, architecture, and code modules. [23]. The last step of the modeling process is to identify commonalities and differences in various architectural variations. Some lower level components may be common or only slightly different even though the high-level architectural variations are diverse. The components that are common could be directly reused across multiple architectural variations. On the other hand, techniques such as parameterization or inheritance could be used for components that only vary a little. For example, some parts, e.g., Reactor pattern [20], are common to all three architectural alternatives. However, slight differences may exist among some elements for those alternatives. A specific example is the difference of dispatching feature (Dispatcher pattern [schmidt00]) between ST and LFs. Using the ST approach, a message is read in from the lower level and processed by the same thread sequentially. With LFs, however, after a message is read, the


leader will elect a follower to be the leader before it processes the message. For HS/HA, the message received is stored in the queue first and will be processed by another worker thread. The components that realize the dispatching feature for these three patterns share similarities and differences. Identification of commonalities and differences can support the development of reusable components and the framework. Further, maintenance effort could be reduced if components that are common could be captured and designed. Otherwise, modifications to multiple architectural alternatives need to be made if there are any changes. Section 3 illustrates this point in more detail.

2.2 Construction of reusable components and the framework The main extension of our work is integrating different software architectural patterns into one framework. In other words, in our approach the variation point or variability modeling starts at the architecture level. Variation points can occur at different levels, e.g., architecture, design, and code, and represent the binding time when a system is configured. There are tradeoffs between those levels. Variation points at the finer-grain component level or later in the binding time could result in larger footprints or more alternatives. On the other hand, variant selection at the architecture level occurs at design time, which can support a more flexible design and could be more effective for specific requirements. In addition, a framework that provides high-level alternatives does not preclude it from supporting lower level variations, as advocated in step 2 of the modeling process. The next major phase is to build the framework from reusable components that are developed based on patterns (both architectural and design patterns) and variability analysis, if appropriate. Different types of patterns were adopted, as described earlier. The reusable components are mainly developed based on features at lower layers, which are shared among different architectural variations. In addition, the association or composition rules discovered in the variability modeling phase provide guidelines to select components at lower levels of abstraction. Figure 2 demonstrates the overall concept and structure of the framework. The framework itself is organized as layers. The focus of this research is feasibility study and the development of the framework; no real application was initially implemented. But applications for validation purpose have been added through the Service Handler (component E shown in Figure 2). Other applications can also be integrated using the Service Handler. The GUI on top of Figure 1 is an optional interface through which the user can select an architectural style and an architectural pattern. Distributed applications could be either client-server or P2P style. Each style can be built using any of the three architectural patterns: ST, HS/HA, or LFs. The architectural style and pattern selection is made through the GUI. However, the association of an architectural pattern and lower-level design patterns is performed at design time as a result of the variability modeling and framework development process.

Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


During the modeling process, component composition rules have been identified, which are used to glue components together to realize an architectural alternatives or variations. The architectural patterns layer shown in Figure 1 includes the component composition policy. For this framework, all three architectural variations are derived from patterns, which may not be true in other cases as new alternatives could be developed and incorporated into the framework. Each architectural alternative is made up of generic, reusable components (represented by the letters A, B, C, and D in Figure 1) plus, if necessary, a specific component X for HS/HA. The ‘+’ signs shown in Figure 1 represent composition of components. For instance, the ST architectural variation is made up of components A, B, C, E, and Y, e.g. A+B+C+E+Y. Figure 1 also illustrates that the LFs architectural pattern is created using generic components A’ (a slight variation of A), B, and C, and other components specific to an application (E and Y), as described below. Considering the LFs, as an example, once it has been selected, the GUI will invoke a method in the LFs package to start the LFs application. The start method for LFs in turn will establish connection(s) with other node(s) (generic to all three different alternatives) and create a thread pool (specific to LFs). The thread pool will also manage the promotion of a follower to be the leader in cooperation with the Dispatcher component. There could be more variations at the architecture level, e.g., dynamic thread creation upon a request. Additional variations could be added to the framework. The framework is built in a way that it is expandable to include those variations as well. However, in practice, not all variations may be practically useful if there are no evident advantages or special requirements. A framework that is very generic, to support many varieties, may have a negative impact on the usage. That is, the user may be confused, or it may be tedious for the user to go through all the steps. Further, there may be extra execution overhead.

3 Usage of the Framework Using the framework with the GUI is straightforward. The user simply goes through the interface, chooses the desired alternative and inputs data (machine names or IP addresses, for example) to set up the connection. Figure 2 shows a screen shot of the network router emulation application using the P2P model and the Leader/Followers pattern (shown at the top). The highlighted Node option under Application Type indicates that this particular node serves as a “server.” The Link option under the Application Type is selected for the corresponding client counterpart. A network of routers can be set up using different architecture alternatives, which can facilitate the comparison of those alternatives.


Figure 2. Network Router Emulation Application Using the P2P Model and the Leader/Followers Pattern for the “Server” Side

Once an architectural style (client-server or P2P) and an architectural pattern have been chosen, a working network system is generated. Figure 2 demonstrates that data packets have been generated (Source Node) and forwarded (Destination Node) to the routers. The figure also shows which thread (I.D.: 4) is selected as the Leader during the execution. Note that this figure is only for the network connections rather than the output of the application level. A text-based domain-specific configuration support is also available for network generation. The main usage of the text-based approach is to eliminate repetitive creations of the same network topology or to support large network topologies for evaluation purpose. The designers can validate application requirements using the framework by adding features or modifying existing ones in the top application-level Service Handler (component E), shown in Figure 1. The Service Handler can be used to validate functional and/or evaluate non-functional requirements. Validation of functional requirements can be enhanced using the tool to generate an executable prototype for proof-of-concept or to facilitate communications among stakeholders. Evaluation of non-functional aspect could also be improved by collecting realistic performance data. Examples of performance data that were monitored in the systems under study include throughput, packet delay and jitter, packet loss, resource utilization, failure

Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


detection and switchover time. Other performance data could be easily collected by adding appropriate instumentation in the code. The data can be used together with or without a modeling tool for further scalability analysis or planning. This paper focuses on the development of the framework instead of the actual performance of a specific application based on the framework. Detailed performance evaluation of a routing application on different architectural patterns was conducted earlier in [1, 12]. The performance overhead of the framework compared to the baseline systems mainly lies in the initial user selection stage in order to associate current components. After a final architectural variation is selected, a program will be synthesized by combining appropriate executable components only once, from which point on architectural variations do not play any role or have any impact on performance. In other words, composition of components is primarily decided in the analysis and design stages. Hence, performance overhead of the framework is negligible. The main emphasis is to advocate the idea of raising the level of abstraction and the development of a framework using proven software patterns. The framework can be used to instantiate specific architectural alternatives. Moreover, more realistic or precise data and a working system can provide more insights for supporting quantitative software architecture evaluation. The point is essential for some qualities such as performance for scalability analysis or availability for reliability evaluation. A framework that can be used to generate multiple architectural prototypes also provides key insights for supporting learning and finding a better architectural fit. TABLE III.



HS/HA, 5 worker threads

LFs, 5 threads

















TABLE III depicts a performance comparison (in ms) of three architectural alternatives instantiated from the framework with a simple client/server messaging application. In this application, clients send messages to the server. Upon receiving a message, the server does a table lookup and sends a reply message back to the sender. The example demonstrates how quantitative evaluation of architectural alternatives using a generative approach can be efficiently realized. For a new application, only the Service Handler has to be tailored once. Then, a quantitative evaluation of different alternatives can be collected. The results in TABLE III are average response time of each client sending 10,000 messages to the server using systems with Intel Core2 2.0GHZ Duo processor and 1022MB memory in a lab


environment. The inter-arrival time between two consecutive messages is 0.1 second. In this particular case, the results reveal that the performance of HS/HA is steadier with respect to the number of clients than the other two options; hence, it is more likely to scale well. Performance of LFs is the worst, which is contrary to what is generally believed [20]. It is not our intention to claim that a system based on the LFs pattern always has the worst performance just from this simple case study. However, the experiment outcome does demonstrate the potential challenge of SPE that we have described earlier.


Related Work

This paper is an extension of our earlier workshop paper [17] which focused on design recovery and re-engineering of existing systems. Additions in this paper include detailed discussions on variability management which serves as a more general model, component composition, actual performance measurements, and broader discussions on related work. This following describes related work in domain engineering, generative programming, software architecture prototyping and evaluation, and software architecture and performance modeling.


Domain Engineering and Generative Programming

Since the 1980s, the concept of the generative approach has been discussed extensively in the areas of domain analysis and engineering and has been adopted in many application domains. The generative approach will become more popular [4, 7] and practical in the future as more applications are becoming mature for automation. Model Integrated Computing (MIC) [22] has had success in system synthesis in embedded applications. Application developers use this approach to facilitate analysis of the models and to automatically synthesize applications from the models. However, MIC has less success in areas of classical software applications [4]. GenVoca [Batory97] is a composition model used for program generation. The main commonality of our approach and GenVoca is the idea of component composition. However, GenVoca is based on the concept of feature modularity to support programming-by-difference. In our case, the differences or variations have been identified and built into the framework. Those variations become options for the user. Another difference is that the level of abstraction discussed in GenVoca generally is lower than the architecture, as advocated in our approach. AHEAD [4] extends GenVoca to express diverse representations, such as code, rule, and makefile. AHEAD offers an infrastructure to modularize problem domains by features and a mechanism to generate applications by composing features.

Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


The concept of product line architecture [5, 6, 19] is another area that shares similarities with our approach. Typically, a product line approach starts with some kind of base product architecture which is used to establish the base for the commonality and variability analysis. The variabilities for product line architecture are often captured at a lower level than architecture, e.g., component, class, method, and even variables. In addition, Batory [5] argues that several technologies are emerging, including generative techniques, product line architecture, and metaprogramming. Metaprogramming is proposed to raise the level of abstraction in software development with large pieces or components [24]. Trujilo et al [25] postulate the concept of generative metaprogramming which is an approach to metaprogram generation that will synthesize a target program of a product line. The main idea is to accelerate the development of metaprograms by generating them rather than implementing them from abstract specifications.


Software Components, Architecture Prototyping and Evaluation

Overall, the approach proposed in this paper is distinguished from most other generative approaches in that their aim is primarily to generate a system or develop a program—in some cases, the “final” system. Our framework is primarily used to support rapid or incremental architecture development by providing executable systems (infrastructure rather than the final system), using different architecture alternatives from which the architect can build specific applications. The approach can support the comparison of architectural alternatives and evaluation against quality attributes by instantiating working systems using different architectures. Architecture tradeoff or sensitivity analysis [11, 13] has been discussed extensively. One challenge in this area is that more concrete information is often needed to provide more precise evidence for various quality attributes. Our approach can have a complementary role by providing quantitative or more concrete information to support architecture tradeoff or sensitivity analysis, especially in performance, scalability, and availability. Based on our experience, it is often necessary to actually build a low-cost executable system that reflects the critical architectural elements and qualities of the target system [16], which is also the main theme of architectural prototyping advocated by Bardram et al. [2] and Martensson et al. [18]. Architectural prototyping allows the architect to explore different alternatives and receive concrete feedback, which could provide valuable information for balancing qualities and evaluating architecture. Component-based software engineering (CBSE) [9] is also related to our approach. One main difference between CBSE or even a catalog of well-documented patterns and the proposed approach is that our approach emphasizes the problem on the architecture perspective. CBSE does not address software architecture explicitly. There may be many ways to glue the components. Without architecture or high-level design rules, composition of components may not be trivial.


From the performance modeling perspective, the framework can play a complementary role. Performance modeling, e.g., Layered Queuing Networks [8] or Stochastic Process Algebras [10], can be adapted more easily to a variety of applications and is useful for scalability analysis. On the other hand, each performance modeling technique has limitations, such as modeling of lost messages or packets, failure scenarios, or state explosion. Secondly, performance modeling often depends on realistic estimations, such as execution time or probabilities for diverse decision points for different execution paths, and it may be difficult or time-consuming to obtain these for complicated system interactions within an application or between the application and the computing resources. By quickly generating a working system, the data from various working prototypes can be measured much more efficiently and precisely. The data could be stored in a performance knowledge base [27] and fed into performance models for further sensitivity or scalability analysis. Woodside et al. [27] also advocate describing the system with different values of factors, including variations in design.



Software architecture has been recognized as a crucial factor in successful software development. Practicing architects, unfortunately, have few tools available to them for conducting front-end analysis. Evaluations of architectures are often performed on highlevel descriptions. This paper advocated an architecture-centric generative approach to support software architects in requirements gathering, evaluating architecture qualities, and developing a system stepwise. A trend of software development is to raise the level of abstraction; as the level increases, so does the degree of software automation and generation [5]. The paper also reported our empirical experience in the development of such a generative framework in distributed and concurrent applications. The framework was primarily built using well-understood design patterns and through reengineering existing robust systems. As a result, the framework consists of robust reusable components and practically useful architecture or design alternatives. The framework can be further expanded to support other new design alternatives or adapted to other problem domains. For instance, multi-core systems have become popular. New design techniques may be developed to make better use of parallelism. Hence, new patterns may be discovered in the future, which could be added to the framework. Another point is that the proposed framework needs to be modeled only once and then it can be used repeatedly. In other words, more effort needs to be spent on the front-end analysis by incorporating multiple alternatives into a framework and identifying commonalities and variabilities of components. The concept is similar to domain analysis or development for reuse. The proposed approach is better suited for environments where systems in an area are repeatedly needed to be built (e.g., the communication framework

Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation


that will be repeatedly used for different service applications) or for third party evaluators who provide services to other companies or organizations. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Nortel Networks for providing us with a network routing software system for research and education. The project is partially funded by NSERC (National Sciences and Engineering Research Council) of Canada. References: [1]


[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

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