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[10] R. J. Davidson, P. Ekman, C. D. Sarona, J. A. Senulis, and. W. V. Friesen. Approach / withdrawal and cerebral asym- metry: Emotional expression and brain ...
Towards Emotion Recognition from Electroencephalographic Signals Kristina Schaaff and Tanja Schultz University of Karlsruhe (TH) Karlsruhe, Germany [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract During the last decades, information about the emotional state of users has become more and more important in human-computer interaction. Automatic emotion recognition enables the computer to recognize a user’s emotional state and thus allows for appropriate reaction, which may pave the way for computers to act emotionally in the future. In the current study, we investigate different feature sets to build an emotion recognition system from electroencephalographic signals. We used pictures from the International Affective Picture System to induce three emotional states: pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant. We designed a headband with four build-in electrodes at the forehead, which was used to record data from five subjects. Compared to standard EEG-caps, the headband is comfortable to wear and easy to attach, which makes it more suitable for everyday life conditions. To solve the recognition task we developed a system based on support vector machines. With this system we were able to achieve an average recognition rate up to 66.7% on subject dependent recognition, solely based on EEG signals.

1. Introduction 1.1. Motivation It was not until the last two decades that the importance of emotion in human-computer interaction was realized. Since then, research in affective computing, that ”relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions” [22], is of increasing importance as many people have problems with the logical and rational way in which computers react. However, affective computing does not only consist of displaying emotional actions but also empathic behavior. According to the Media Equation [24], human-computer interaction follows the same rules as human-human interaction. Nevertheless, computers are able to consider a much larger range of signals than humans, in particular bioelectrical signals. This can be used to enable computers to prec 978-1-4244-4799-2/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE

cisely distinguish between different emotional states of a user and react accordingly. This work is part of a collaborative research center dealing with the interaction between humans and humanoid robots. In order to be accepted by humans and to act together with them it is crucial that the robot acts socially in the interaction with humans. This scenario requires a mobile and robust system that does not disturb the users. In our current study, we investigate the suitability of different features extracted from electroencephalographic (EEG) signals for emotion recognition, as former studies have already shown that EEG signals are suitable for user state and workload detection [12, 13]. Thus, EEG signals might help to extract information about the emotional state, user state and workload of a person within only one framework. This study deals with the emotional states pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant, as we assume that this is the most important information in human-robot interaction. In contrast to other biosensors, EEG sensors are applied directly to the head, which allows building a hands-free system that does not restrict the choice of clothes. Moreover, the EEG signal always reflects the true emotional state of a person, while speech and facial expressions might be more prone to deception. Additionally, in contrast to visual and auditory signals, bioelectrical signals are emitted continuously and are independent of lighting conditions. In the future, the emotion recognition system could be extended to a multimodal scenario including other biosignals, such as facial muscle activity, or heart rate.

1.2. Related Work Recognizing emotion is a difficult task. Even humans are only able to distinguish among six emotions from speech signals with an accuracy of 60% [25]. There have been several studies concerned with emotion recognition from biological signals. In [23] a recognition rate of 81% could be achieved by collecting electromyographic data, blood volume pressure, skin conductance, and respiration information from one person during several weeks for eight emotion categories. To handle daily

variations, a special feature set was developed. Recognition was performed by Fisher Projection with the results of Sequential Floating Forward Search. In a user-independent study using information from skin temperature, skin conductance, and heart rate, a recognition rate of 61.76% on four emotion categories could be achieved by using support vector machines [17]. In [11] a differentiation of 96.58% on arousal ratings, and 89.93% on valence ratings could be achieved using data from one single subject. Features were extracted from electrocardiographic and electromyographic signals, blood volume pressure, skin conductance, respiration, and temperature. Classification was done with a neural network. In [26] a user-independent study is described where features were extracted from skin conductance, heart rate and electroencephalographic signals. By using support vector machines as a classifier, a recognition rate of 41.7% could be achieved, differentiating among the five emotions joy, anger, sadness, fear, and relax. When using only joy, anger, and sadness, recognition rate increased to 66.7%. While quite a number of studies investigated various biological signals for emotion recognition and classification, only very few examined the usefulness of EEG signals. In a study about cerebral asymmetry, Davidson et al. found that disgust caused less alpha power in the right frontal region than happiness, while happiness caused less alpha power in the left frontal region [10]. Moreover, Kostyunina and Kulikov found that alpha peak frequency differs among emotions. For joy and anger they observed an increase in alpha peak frequency while sorrow and fear caused a decrease compared to the baseline condition [18]. The authors of [1] reported significant changes in EEG synchronization and desynchronization for certain frequency bands in connection with different emotional states. In [6] a subjectdependent system for arousal classification based on frequency band characteristics was developed. With this system, classification rates around 45% on three arousal categories could be achieved.

2. Data Collection For this study we collected data from five male volunteers with a mean age of 26.8 years (ranging from 23 to 31 years). All of them were employees or students of University of Karlsruhe (TH). All subjects had perfect or near perfect vision, had not taken any medication that could affect the EEG signal, and stated they felt healthy on the day of the experiment.

2.1. Stimulus Material Collecting emotional data that corresponds to a particular emotional state is a challenging problem. In contrast to e.g. research on speech recognition, there is usually no ob-

jective ground-truth. The self-assessment of a person may vary due to many different factors, e.g. daily conditions. Therefore, we needed a reliable and valid emotion induction method with the possibility to replicate the experiment. For this reason we decided to use pictures from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) [19] for emotion induction. The IAPS is a set of more than 1000 photographs with emotionally loaded content for the study of emotion and attention [3]. All pictures have been rated on the two emotional dimensions valence and arousal on a scale ranging from 1 (unpleasant / low arousal) to 9 (pleasant / high arousal). For our study we selected 90 pictures from the three categories pleasant (i.e. high valence), neutral (i.e. medium valence), and unpleasant (i.e. low valence)1 . Pleasant pictures were selected from categories like family, adventure, or erotic females. Neutral pictures included for instance household objects or neutral faces and unpleasant pictures physical threat or mutilation. Table 1 shows the mean values and standard deviations of the IAPS ratings for men for the selected pictures. Emotion Pleasant Neutral Unpleasant

Valence Mean (SD) 7.34 (0.55) 5.00 (0.49) 2.28 (0.57)

Arousal Mean (SD) 5.37 (1.18) 2.47 (0.45) 5.95 (0.67)

Table 1. Characteristics of IAPS pictures used for emotion induction (SD = Standard Deviation)

2.2. Equipment To record the EEG data we used a headband, which was developed at University of Karlsruhe (TH). This headband is equipped with four Ag/AgCl electrodes with a diameter of 11 mm. The electrodes cover the positions Fp1, Fp2, F7, and F8 according to the international 10-20-system [15]. In contrast to the standard EEG-caps, which are often used for EEG recordings, this headband is more comfortable to wear and easy to attach, which is very important for everyday life usage. As all electrodes are located at the forehead, no conductive gel gets in contact with the hair. We used a disposable electrode at the back of the neck as a ground electrode. The EEG signals were conducted unipolar against two reference electrodes at the left and right mastoids, which were 1 The following pictures were used for emotion induction: Pleasant: 5626, 4599, 1750, 5833, 5600, 1710, 5621, 2345, 1440, 8190, 4002, 8497, 1441, 2070, 4641, 8461, 8120, 2341, 2040, 1460, 8180, 8490, 4694, 2150, 1340, 1810, 2655, 4250, 2360, 4220; Neutral: 7041, 5530, 7031, 2190, 7175, 5720, 7050, 7150, 7060, 7020, 7006, 7040, 7036, 7234, 5731, 7900, 5520, 1450, 7010, 7000, 5500, 7035, 7080, 7705, 7233, 7950, 2393, 7004, 7110, 7090; Unpleasant: 9433, 3053, 9040, 1930, 9920, 9254, 9410, 3225, 3530, 3080, 3000, 3068, 9921, 2703, 9181, 3400, 3071, 9300, 3010, 3261, 3100, 3110, 3064, 7361, 9250, 9570, 3130, 3140, 2800, 3120.

with a black fixation cross, which was shown for two seconds. After that, a picture was presented for six seconds, similar to other studies using IAPS for emotion elicitation (e.g. [1, 4, 6, 8, 16]). Finally, a gray bar indicated the resting phase for 15 seconds. Subsequently, the next presentation cycle started. Each block took about 20 minutes. After each block, subjects were asked to rate the pictures shown in this block. Ratings were done with the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) [5], which was already used for original IAPS ratings. Figure 3 shows the SAM scale for valence and arousal ratings.

Figure 1. Subject wearing EEG-headband and mobile recording devices

averaged before amplification. For signal amplification and digitalization we used the VarioPortTM system [2] with a sampling rate of 300 Hz. The VarioPort system was connected to a USB-port of a computer with an RS-232 to USB adapter. Figure 1 shows a subject wearing the headband and the mobile recording devices. To record the data we used a modified version of the UKA {EEG|EMG}-Studio [20]. The software functionality was extended to present the pictures used for emotion induction and to synchronize the recording with the picture presentation. Data processing was done with MATLABTM . For classification with support vector machines (SVMs) we used libSVM [7].

2.3. Experimental Procedure All experiments took part in the afternoon in a seminar room at University of Karlsruhe (TH). Subjects were seated about 5 meters away from the wall to which the pictures were projected with a size of 176 x 132 cm.

Figure 3. SAM scale for valence (top) and arousal (bottom) ratings [19]

3. Experiments and Results 3.1. Preprocessing and Feature Extraction For feature extraction we investigated two different methods, one based on frequency domain analysis, the other on the combination of different features extracted from the frequency domain. All features were computed on the whole period during which the picture was presented.


Figure 2. Process of picture presentation

Before the experiment started, subjects were presented a small pilot set consisting of five pictures. This was done to help the subjects to get familiar with the experimental procedure. In the main experiment, pictures inducing different emotion conditions were presented in a random order in two blocks, each containing 15 pictures for each condition. To reduce artifacts, subjects were asked not to blink or to move during the time a picture was presented. As shown in Figure 2, each presentation cycle started

Approach I

For the first approach we used a fast Fourier transform to transform data to the frequency domain. As we assume that all information that is necessary for our analysis lies within the frequency range from 5 to 40 Hz, we only kept the frequency components within this range. After this, we obtained 211 frequency components for each electrode corresponding to a resolution of 0.17 Hz. Since we do not need such a high resolution, we performed an averaging over adjacent frequency components to downsize the dimensionality of the resulting feature vectors. For this purpose we used a rectangular window function with a window size of 12 and a window shift of 6 frequency components. Final feature vectors were obtained by concatenating frequency components from all electrodes for each sample. The resulting dimensionality of every feature vector is 136.


Approach II

For the second approach we evaluated different features from the time and frequency domains, which are outlined in the following. Peak alpha frequency: according to the results of [18], peak alpha frequency - which is the frequency with the maximum amplitude in the alpha power spectrum (8 - 13 Hz) can be used to differ among emotional states of a person. Peak alpha frequency was computed separately for each electrode from the alpha power spectrum with a resolution of 0.17 Hz. Features from all electrodes were concatenated subsequently. Alpha power: following the theory proposed in [9] alpha power values were computed separately for each electrode and sample. To obtain a better resolution, we split the signal into lower (8 - 10.5 Hz) and upper (10.5 - 13 Hz) alpha frequency bands. Again, features obtained from all four electrodes were concatenated to one feature vector. Cross-correlation features: similarly to the approach proposed in [21], we computed cross-correlation features between all electrodes for the signal within the alpha range (8 - 13 Hz). The cross-correlation coefficient between potentials from electrode j and k for a frequency range F is given by X c(F ; jk) = sX

3.3. Training and Classification Training and classification were performed separately for each subject. We used a leave one out cross validation approach as we had only a small number of samples available for each subject (30 samples for each emotion). For classification we used a support vector machine (SVM) with an RBF-kernel. The penalty parameter C and the kernel parameter γ were optimized separately for each subject by using a simple grid-search approach. Following the suggestions from [14], parameters were varied in the following range: • C = 2−5 , 2−3 , ..., 215 • γ = 2−15 , 2−13 , ..., 23

Xj (fn )Xk∗ (fn )

F 2

|Xj (fn )|



(1) |Xk (fn )|



where Xj (fn ) is the Fourier transform of the EEG signal at the j th electrode site and the nth frequency bin and the summation is over the frequency bins in frequency range F . After concatenating all the features described above, we obtained one feature vector with a dimensionality of 18 for each sample.

3.2. Normalization and Feature Reduction For both approaches we normalize each feature by subtracting its mean and dividing by the standard deviation over all samples. For a feature x the new value is computed by xnorm = i

set. Compared to recognition with the original dimensionality this does not reduce recognition performance for both approaches.

xi − µx σx


where µx is the mean over all samples and σx its standard deviation. Since the two approaches significantly differ in the number of features, we reduce the number of features to 10 by the correlation-based approach proposed in [13]. With this method those features are selected that correlate best with the prediction variable. Feature selection is computed on the training set and subsequently applied to the test

Figure 4. Comparison of accuracy for both approaches

Accuracy is computed by dividing the number of samples that were classified correctly by the total number of samples. Figure 4 shows the results for each subject comparing both approaches. When using approach I we obtain a mean accuracy of 44.00% with a maximum of 47.78%. For approach II, which combines features from peak alpha frequency, alpha power, and cross-correlation features, we obtain a mean accuracy of 48.89% with a maximum of 66.67%. Additionally, we tested whether combining the features from the second approach with the statistical parameters proposed in [23] could help to improve recognition results, but it did not help, though.

4. Conclusions and Future Work 4.1. Conclusions In this study we compared the suitability of two different feature sets for emotion recognition from EEG signals. We recorded data from five subjects with a headband, which was developed at University of Karlsruhe (TH) with

four built-in electrodes attached to forehead. This headband was developed in order to have a mobile device for emotion recognition in the interaction between humans and robots, which is comfortable to wear and does not disturb the users. Moreover, this headband can be used to gather information about a person’s task demand and workload. This can help to make human-robot interaction more social, and therefore increase the acceptance of humanoid robots in everyday life. The first approach was a simple transformation of the signal to the frequency domain while for the second approach different features were combined.

Figure 5. Subject ratings of IAPS pictures

Both approaches yielded reasonable results while approach II performed better with regard to the mean over all subjects. However, although mean accuracy was better for approach II, for some subjects accuracy was better when using approach I. As every brain is unique, the effects of emotions on EEG signals may vary for every person. These person-dependent differences of the EEG signals may also account for the differences in accuracy among different subjects. Moreover, every person experiences emotions in a different way, which is probably another reason for this inter-subject variability. This is also confirmed when examining subject ratings, which are displayed in Figure 5. Ratings from 1 to 3 on the SAM-scale were categorized as unpleasant, from 4 to 6 as neutral, and from 7 to 9 as pleasant. However, mean subject ratings for pictures from each of the three categories are quite similar to those of the IAPS as a comparison of Table 1 and Table 2 shows. Most differences occur for ratings of pictures belonging to the category pleasant, which are perceived as less pleasant and less arousing on the SAM scale compared to IAPS ratings. Moreover pictures belonging to the category unpleasant are perceived as less arousing.

4.2. Future Work Emotion recognition from EEG signals is a challenging task and there are still many problems to overcome. Probably the most important challenge for our future work is to further improve the recognition rate. For our current study

Emotion Pleasant Neutral Unpleasant

Valence Mean (SD) 6.66 (0.65) 4.96 (0.61) 2.29 (0.66)

Arousal Mean (SD) 4.90 (0.95) 2.49 (0.69) 6.40 (1.20)

Table 2. Mean subject ratings for the IAPS pictures used for emotion induction (SD = Standard Deviation)

all recordings have been done in a laboratory environment, which is not comparable to real-life conditions. First of all, artifacts have to be reduced. This can either be done by using electrodes which are less prone to external influences or by implementing automatic methods for artifact removal. Moreover, it is crucial to further improve preprocessing and classification results by evaluating additional methods. For daily use of the emotion recognition device in human-robot interaction it is also essential to improve usability of the sensor headband. As most of the subjects were bothered by the wires of the recording device, developing of a wireless system is desirable in order to minimize the disturbance for the user. In our current study we only examined the differentiation between the emotional states pleasant, neutral and unpleasant. In the future it would also be of interest to investigate the suitability of categorical emotions - such as joy, anger, or fear - for emotion recognition in the field of human-robot-interaction. Additionally, the results of this study should be used to build a recognizer that is able to recognize not only emotions but also information about the current task demand of a person under real-time conditions as presented in [13].

5. Acknowledgments This work has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within Collaborative Research Center 588 ”Humanoid Robots - Learning and Cooperating Multimodal Robots”.

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