TOWN OF SUDLERSVILLE Commission Meeting Minutes June 5 ...

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May 1, 2013 ... Commissioner Kevin Kerr. Commissioner Greg Clark. Town Manager: Elizabeth Manning. Commissioner Kimble called the meeting to order at ...
TOWN OF SUDLERSVILLE Commission Meeting Minutes June 5, 2013 Present:

President E.T. Kimble Commissioner Ron Ford Commissioner William H. Faust, III Commissioner Kevin Kerr Commissioner Greg Clark

Town Manager:

Elizabeth Manning

Commissioner Kimble called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. A motion to go into closed session to discuss employee payroll was made by Faust, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. The Commissioners discussed employee wages. A motion to adjourn the closed session at 6:20 PM was made by Faust, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. A motion to take a break and return to the meeting at 6:30 PM was made by Faust, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. Minutes of the May 1, 2013 meeting: The minutes of the May 1, 2013 meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Ford; a second was made by Faust; a vote of 5-0 was entered. Minutes of the May 1, 2013 Closed Session meeting: The minutes of the May 1, 2013 Closed Session meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Faust; a second was made by Ford; a vote of 5-0 was entered. Thompson swore in Kevin Kerr and William H. Faust, III. A motion to make Commissioner Faust President of Commission was made by Kimble, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. President Faust will remain in charge of the WWTP Project with Commissioner Clark. A motion to make Commissioner Kimble Vice President was made by Faust, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. The meetings for 2013-2014 were reviewed. A motion to approve the meetings was made by Clark, a second was made by Ford; a vote of 5-0 was entered. Public Hearing: President Faust opened the public hearing for Resolution #2013-06: A Resolution Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2014. There was a question from the public about property maintenance being a typo. Manning mentioned that the number is the projected amount to work on sidewalks and the extended awning at the Town Office. A motion to close the public hearing was made by Kimble, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. A motion to adopt the 2013-2014 Budget with the additional $15,000 adjusted for wages expense was made by Kimble, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. Fire Company: There was no Report. MES Report: There were no violations at the Water Treatment Plant. In response to the white residue water complaint at the last meeting MES took some samples and all levels are not harmful. Faust asked if the fire hydrant valves get tested regularly. The fire company will work with MES to test the valves.

There were no violations at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The mission alarm systems are in and will be installed when the pump stations are complete. A check valve at the duplex stopped working MES hired E.T. Kimble and Company to do the repair. Neighborhood Watch: Dianne Faust reported that there have been needles found at the train station and that the drugs in town are getting worse. She also mentioned to the Commissioners that Sudlersville has 2 homeless people in town. There were other reports of needles and used condoms at the elementary school. It was also mentioned that the women working at Phillips Garage do not feel safe. The Commissioners would like to have a meeting with Maryland State Police, The Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Department, The State’s Attorney, and Dianne to discuss what can be done about the problems in town. Sheriff Department: There was no Report. Library: Library Report was reviewed. Faust asked Larry Purnell who was on the Library Board and explained that the Commissioners would like to meet with the library board excluding the library employees regarding the library employees. They would like to have a closed session meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 before the regular meeting at 6:30 PM. Planning Commission: Commissioner Ford reported that the Planning Commission discussed the Comprehensive Plan with the Consultant; they discussed the Zoning Administrator and would like to recommend that the Commissioners appoint Elizabeth Jo Manning as the Zoning Administrator. A motion to appoint Elizabeth Jo Manning as the Zoning Administrator was made by Kimble, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. Town Manager: Manning updated the Commissioners that communication is now open with Barclay regarding the Barclay System and getting the proper permitting completed. The revised plans and specs will be completed for the Commissioners review. Peter Bourne announced that the East Pumping Station should be on line soon due to a problem with the subcontractor. Manning mentioned that if the Fire Company would like help with the ISO Rating paper work they can bring it back and she and someone from the Fire Company can work through it. She is working on the policies that LGIT would like established. She reported that the Town Office is receiving calls about permits and what activities require one and what does not. She is working on the Annual Planning Commission report. She met with the auditor about the upcoming audit. They are raising their price to allow an extra $500.00 in case of extra trips or work. They also said that it may be less then that do to the cleanup they had to do last time, this audit should go smoother. A motion to sign the audit agreement was made by Kimble, a second was made by Ford; a vote of 5-0 was entered. Code Enforcement: There was no code enforcement report. Action Items: Recycling Bins: Thompson found different prices for recycling bins to order. The Commissioners would like to order 100 bins for the middle amount received. There was a question from the public about making the town residents do recycling. The Commissioners said it is at no cost to the Town residents. They don’t have to recycle if they don’t want to, but if they decided to please let the town office know. Water Waiver: A motion to waive 203 South Church Street water usage back to 15,770 gallons was made by Kimble, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered. A motion to not waive the water usage at 100 West Main Street was made by Faust, a second was made by Clark; a vote of 5-0 was entered.

Public Comments: There was a comment about getting the Website updated. The Commissioners have worked it into the budget to have someone update the Website. The Town also has a Facebook Page and a Resident Email List. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Faust at 7:45 PM; a second by Clark, a vote of 5-0 was entered. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Thompson Town Clerk