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llfsff fronr Iamrnreffd flrfis$ . " , '*${*. * eomhined rsading and urriting skill* book fr$ so avrfla&ffl*. Our Acelairn*d Reading Serier. $*r *srt-f,*ltirq Y*r*k*l*rY *onk ...
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* eomhined rsading and urriting skill* book


avrfla&ffl* Our Acelairn*d Reading Serier

$*r *srt-f,*ltirq Y*r*k*l*rY *onk

needed for success in TheTp reading series is a proven sequence of books that will help students master the reading skills students learn. school, on the SAT, and with other standardized tests. They are books that truly help

Groundwork for College Reading


Ten Steps

to Improving

College Reading Skills,




John Langan

Bill Broderick / John Langan

rsBN 1-59194-099-0 628 pages Net price: $29.00

tsBN 1-59194-086-9 580 pages Net price: $29.00

The most widely used book in the series, newly revised and in full color. This intermediate text is recommended for a core

The most fundamental book in the TP reading series; it includes four chapters on phonics and word parts.

reading course.

Ten Steps to Advancing

Groundwork for College Reading,


College Reading Skills, 5le

John Langan

John langan

rsBN 1-59194-085-0 500 pages

rsBN 1-s9194-200-4 708 pages

Net price: $29.00

Net price: $29.00

This fundamental book omits the chapters on phonics and word parts' ln their place are five additional long readings.

Ten Steps

A slightly higher-level text than lmproving, and almost as popular, this book works well in advanced readlng courses.

Ten Steps to

to Building

Advanced Reading, 2ie

College Reading Skills, 5ie

John Langan

John Langan

tSBN 978-1 -591 94-295-5

tsBN 1-59194-243-8 61 2 pages Net price: $29.00

672 pages Net price: $29.00

The book covers ten basic reading skills recognized as essential for full comprehension. Suited for the basic-level developmental reading course

offered at most colleges.



title in the reading series, this higher-level text is recommended for students preparing for the SAT or other standardized tests requiring critical thinking. The most advanced

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