Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Pentachlorophenol in Rats

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The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted carci- nogenesis ..... 139. 139. 140. 137. 6 months. 437. 427. 412**. 407**. 367**. 12 months. 500. 491. 464**.
48, 14 –20 (1999) Copyright © 1999 by the Society of Toxicology


Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Pentachlorophenol in Rats R. S. Chhabra, 1 R. M. Maronpot, J. R. Bucher, J. K. Haseman, J. D. Toft,* and M. R. Hejtmancik* National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709; and *Battelle Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio 43201 Received April 8, 1998; accepted August 7, 1998

algacide, defoliant, wood preservative, germicide, fungicide, and molluscicide. In the United States, approximately 97% of PCP usage was as a wood preservative, 1% as a general herbicide, and the remainder for miscellaneous smaller applications (IARC, 1991). PCP is no longer available for over-thecounter sale in the United States (HSDB, 1997). Approximately 46 million pounds are produced each year in the U.S. (ACGIH, 1991). PCP is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant and its widespread occurrence has been reviewed (IPCS, 1987). The compound is found in all environmental media as a result of its past widespread use, but it is now regulated as a restricted-use pesticide in the United States. It has been detected in surface waters and sediments, rainwater, drinking water, aquatic organisms, soil, and food as well as in human milk, adipose tissue, and urine. PCP has been identified in at least 247 of 1350 hazardous waste sites (ATSDR, 1994). Workers are exposed during production of PCP and treatment of wood with PCP (IARC, 1991). The general population will be exposed primarily from ingesting food contaminated with pentachlorophenol (HSDB, 1997). The target organs of pentachlorophenol toxicity are liver, kidney, and bone marrow. The liver appears to be the primary target for pentachlorophenol in rodents. Biochemical (changes in hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme, serum enzymes of hepatic origin, and glycogen), gross (changes in appearance and weight), and microscopic changes (hyperplasia, fibrosis, hepatocellular enlargement vacuolization, pigmentation, degeneration, and necrosis) in the liver have been associated with exposure to this chemical (Nishimura et al., 1982). Several extensive reviews on the toxicology of PCP are available (IPCS, 1987; IARC, 1991; ATSDR, 1994). The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted carcinogenesis studies of technical and pure (Dowcide EC-7) grades of PCP in mice (NTP, 1989). A significant dose-related increase in the incidence of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas was observed in male mice treated with either formulation of PCP. EC-7 induced significant dose-related increases in hepatocellular adenomas in female mice. The incidence of adrenal gland pheochromocytomas was increased in male mice exposed to either formulation and in females exposed to the high dose of EC-7. Also, the high dose of both formulations increased the incidence of hemangiosarcomas. The only in-depth rat study of pure pentachlorophenol of

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) has been used as an herbicide, algaecide, defoliant, wood preservative, germicide, fungicide, and molluscicide. A 28-day toxicity study of PCP in F344/N rats of both sexes was conducted to select dose levels for a carcinogenicity study. Groups of 10 male and 10 female rats were given 0, 200, 400, 800, 1600, or 3200 ppm PCP in feed for 28 days. The incidences of minimal to mild hepatocyte degeneration in males and females exposed to 400 ppm or greater and the incidences of centrilobular hepatocyte hypertrophy in the 3200-ppm groups were increased. For carcinogenicity studies, groups of 50 male and 50 female F344/N rats were fed diets containing 200, 400, or 600 PCP for 2 years. A stop-exposure group of 60 male and 60 female rats received 1000 ppm of PCP in feed for 52 weeks and control feed thereafter for the remainder of the 2-year studies; 10 male and 10 female rats were evaluated at 7 months. Survival of 600-ppm males was significantly greater than that of the controls; survival of all other exposed groups was similar to that of the control groups. Mean body weights of the 400- and 600-ppm groups were generally less than those of the controls throughout the studies. There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity of PCP in male or female rats fed diets containing 200, 400, or 600 ppm for 2 years. Stop-exposure study males and females regained a transitory body weight reduction by the end of the 2 year study, and males had better survival than the controls. At a 7-month interim evaluation, the incidences of centrilobular hypertrophy in stop-exposure males and females exceeded those in the controls. At 2 years, malignant mesothelioma originating from the tunica vaginalis was present in 9 1000-ppm males and 1 control male (p 5 0.014). Nasal squamous cell carcinomas were present in five 1000-ppm males and 1 control male. This incidence was not significantly increased but exceeded the historical control range (0 – 4%). Based on the increased incidences of mesotheliomas and nasal tumors, there was some evidence of carcinogenic activity of PCP in male rats given a diet containing 1000 ppm for 1 year followed by control diet for 1 year. There was no evidence of PCP carcinogenic activity in stopexposure female rats. Key Words: pentachlorophenol; mesothelioma; nasal tumors; liver toxicity; pentachlorophenol carcinogenicity.

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) has been used as an herbicide, 1 To whom all correspondence should be addressed at National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Fax: (919) 541-4704.




adequate duration (2 years) did not show any evidence of carcinogenicity (Schwetz et al., 1978). However, these studies were considered inadequate for carcinogenic evaluation of PCP by the IARC (1991) because of some deficiencies in the design. Also, the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors, during their review of the NTP mouse study (NTP, 1989), were concerned about the small group size (25 animals/group) and the dose levels used in the previous rat study. Therefore, the NTP undertook the current studies to re-evaluate the carcinogenic potential of PCP in rats. A 28-day toxicity study was performed to select dose levels for the carcinogenicity studies. The results of the 28-day toxicity and 2-year carcinogenicity studies of PCP are summarized in this paper. Further details of these studies are provided in a comprehensive technical report prepared by the National Toxicology Program (NTP, 1999).

All studies were conducted at Battelle (Columbus, OH) in facilities accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC, Rockville, MD). The experimental protocols were approved by Battelle Laboratories’ Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee. All animal treatments were conducted in accordance with the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care (NIH Publication No. 85–23, revised 1985). Animal use was in accordance with the United States Public Health Service policy on humane care and use of laboratory animals and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.



Chemical. PCP was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Company (Milwaukee, WI) in a single lot (10412KY). The chemical was identified by gas chromatography as PCP. The analysis indicated 1 major peak area and 1 impurity with an area of 1.0% relative to the major peak area. The impurity was tentatively identified as tetrachlorophenol by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Results of analyses performed by the manufacturer indicated a purity of 99.9% by titration and 99.3% by gas chromatography. The overall purity of lot 10412KY was determined to be approximately 99%. PCP was stable for 2 weeks when stored at temperatures up to 60°C. The dose formulations were prepared twice during the 28-day study and approximately every 4 weeks during the 2-year study by blending PCP with mash feed. Periodic analyses of dose formulations of PCP were conducted. The dose formulations were within 10% of the target concentrations in more than 90% of the samples analyzed. Animals. Male and female F344/N rats were obtained from Taconic Laboratory Animals and Services (Germantown, NY). The rats were 4 weeks old upon receipt. Animals were quarantined for 13 days and were 6 weeks old on the first day of study. Rats were housed five per cage. Feed (NIH-7 meal diet) and tap water were available ad libitum. Cages were changed twice weekly, and cages and racks were rotated once every 2 weeks. Treatment Toxicity studies. A group of 10 male and 10 female rats was fed diets containing 0, 200, 400, 800, 1600, or 3200 ppm PCP for 28 days. Clinical findings were recorded weekly. Feed consumption was recorded twice weekly by cage. The animals were weighed initially, weekly, and the end of the study. A necropsy was performed on all animals. The livers of all rats were weighed. Histopathologic examinations were performed on all animals. Carcinogenicity studies. Groups of 50 male and 50 female rats were fed diets containing 200, 400, or 600 ppm PCP for 2 years. A stop-exposure group of 60 males and 60 female rats received 1000 ppm of PCP in feed for 52 weeks, after which animals received control feed for the remainder of the 2-year study; 10 male and 10 female rats were necropsied at 7 months. Feed consumption was measured by cage over a 7-day period during study weeks 1, 5, 9, and 12 and once every 4 weeks thereafter. All animals were observed twice a day for morbidity and mortality. Clinical findings were recorded monthly. Animals were weighed initially, weekly for the first 13 weeks, monthly thereafter, and at study termination. All animals were killed by carbon dioxide inhalation. Complete necropsies and microscopic examinations were performed on all study animals. At necropsy, all organs and tissues were examined for grossly visible lesions, embedded in paraffin, sectioned to a thickness of 5 to 6 mm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for microscopic examination.

Statistical methods. The probability of survival was estimated by the product-limit procedure of Kaplan and Meier (1958). Statistical analyses for possible dose-related effects on survival used the Cox (1972) method for testing two groups for equality and the Tarone (1975) life table test to identify dose-related trends. The Dunnet test (1955) was used to analyze body weight data and the Williams test (1972) for organ weight data. The Poly-3 test (Bailer and Portier, 1988; Portier and Bailer, 1989) was used to assess neoplasms and non-neoplastic lesion prevalence.

Toxicity Studies With the exception of 1 male rat and 2 female rats exposed to 3200 ppm, all animals survived until the end of the study (Table 1). The final body weights of male rats exposed to 1600 or 3200 ppm and female rats exposed to 400, 800, 1600, or 3200 ppm were significantly less than those of the controls. Feed consumption by 1600 and 3200-ppm males and females on day 1 and 3200-ppm males on day 28 was less than that of the control groups; reduced feed consumption early in the study was attributed to reduced palatability of the dosed feed. Dietary levels of 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 ppm PCP resulted in average daily doses of approximately 20, 40, 75, 150, and 270 mg PCP/kg body weight to males and females. The absolute liver weights of 200, 400-, 800-, and 1600-ppm males and females were significantly greater than those of the controls (Table 2). The absolute liver weight of 3200-ppm males was significantly less than that of controls. Relative liver weights of males exposed to 400 ppm or greater and of all groups of exposed females were greater than those of the controls. An increased incidence of hepatocyte degeneration occurred in males exposed to 400 ppm or greater compared to the controls (Table 2). In males, the severity of degeneration increased with the increased concentrations and also in females exposed to 800 ppm or greater. Minimal centrilobular hepatocyte hypertrophy, characterized by a slight enlargement of hepatocytes, was present in the 1600- and 3200-ppm groups, and the incidences in the 3200-ppm males and females were significantly greater than those of in the controls. Carcinogenicity Studies Survival, body weights, feed and compound consumption, and clinical findings. Table 3 summarizes the survival and body weights for the 2-year studies. The probability of survival at the end of study for 600- and 1000-ppm males was signif-



TABLE 1 Survival and Body Weight Changes of Rats in the 28-Day Feed Study of Pentachlorophenol Weight (g)

Concentration (ppm) Male 0 200 400 800 1600 3200 Female 0 200 400 800 1600 3200

Survival a

Initial (mean 6 SE)

Final (mean 6 SE)

Relative to control (%)

10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 9/10

141 6 2 142 6 3 141 6 2 141 6 2 141 6 2 142 6 2

231 6 3 250 6 2 242 6 3 225 6 2 199 6 1** 121 6 3**

108 105 98 86 53

10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 8/10

117 6 2 118 6 2 117 6 1 119 6 2 118 6 2 119 6 2

161 6 2 156 6 2 153 6 2** 148 6 2** 131 6 3** 92 6 1**

97 95 92 81 57

a Number of animals surviving at 28 days/number initially in group. * Significantly different ( p # 0.05) from the control group by William’s test; **p # 0.01.

icantly greater than that of the controls; survival of all other exposed groups was similar to that of the control groups. Survival of females was similar among the control and exposed groups. Mean body weights of 200-ppm males and females were generally similar to those of the controls throughout the study. Mean body weights of 400-ppm males and females were 6% lower than that of the controls by week 101. In 600-ppm

groups, body weights were 10 and 14% lower than those of the controls in males and females, respectively. In the stop-exposure group, mean body weights were 17 and 22% lower than the respective controls when exposure to PCP was discontinued at week 52; however, by the end of week 87, the mean body weights were comparable to those of the controls. Generally, feed consumption by exposed groups was similar

TABLE 2 Rat Liver Weights and Non-neoplastic Lesions in the 28-Day Feed Study of Pentachlorophenol (ppm)

Male Na Liver weight b Absolute Relative Hepatocyte degeneration c Centrilobular hepatocyte hypertrophy Female N Liver weight Absolute Relative Hepatocyte degeneration Centrilobular hepatocyte hypertrophy a













15.99 6 0.41** 60.11 6 1.18** 4* (1.0) d 0

16.70 6 0.45** 65.83 6 1.83** 7** (1.7) 0

16.21 6 0.27** 76.26 6 1.41** 9** (1.9) 3 (1.4)

10.39 6 0.27** 80.64 6 1.33** 10** (2.4) 6** (1.0)

14.17 6 0.40 53.83 6 1.16 0 0

15.88 6 0.45* 57.15 6 1.25 0 0







7.47 6 0.15 43.10 6 0.77 0 0

8.42 6 0.19* 48.96 6 0.84** 0 0

8.02 6 0.19* 48.44 6 1.25** 1 (1.0) 0

8.55 6 0.21** 53.19 6 1.00** 6** (2.0) 0

9.15 6 0.31** 64.83 6 1.60** 8** (2.0) 1 (1.0)

8.00 6 0.32** 81.69 6 2.45** 8** (1.5) 7** (1.4)

Number of animals with organ examined microscopically. Liver weights are given in grams; liver weight-body weight ratios (relative weights) are given as mg liver weight/g body weight (Mean 6 SE). c Number of animals with lesion. d Average severity grade of lesions in affected animals: 1, minimal, 2, mild, 3, moderate, 4, marked. * Significantly different ( p , 0.05) from the control group by Dunnett’s test (liver weight) or Fisher exact test (liver lesions); **p , 0.01. b



TABLE 3 Summary of Survival and Body Weights in Rats in the 2-Year Feed Study of Pentachlorophenol Pentachlorophenol (ppm) Male 2-Year survival (%) Mean body weight (g) Initial 6 months 12 months 18 months 24 months Female 2-Year survival (%) Mean body weight (g) Initial 6 months 12 months 18 months 24 months











137 437 500 504 423

139 427 491 485* 436

139 412** 464** 467** 417

140 407** 458** 453** 396

137 367** 412** 478** 433






114 223 283 330 335

114 219 270** 311** 322

113 217** 260** 304** 322

114 206** 241** 282** 297**

110 193** 220** 313** 340

* p , 0.05 vs. controls (Life table analysis for survival; Dunnett’s test for body weight); **p , 0.01 vs. control.

to that by the controls. The continuous exposure concentrations of 200, 400, and 600 ppm resulted in approximate average daily doses of 10, 20, and 30 mg PCP/kg body weight for both males and females. The average daily dose for stop-exposure rats was 60 mg/kg. No chemical-related clinical findings were observed. Neoplastic lesions. There were no PCP-related increases in the incidences of neoplastic lesions in the 200-, 400-, or 600ppm-dose groups of males or females. In the stop-exposure male rats there were increased incidences of mesothelioma originating from the tunica vaginalis, and of nasal squamouscell carcinoma (Table 4 ). The incidence of malignant mesothelioma was significant: 9 in 1000-ppm males and 1 in control males. The incidence of mesothelioma also exceeded the historical range (0 – 8%) of mesotheliomas in controls. In 1 control male and five 1000ppm males, these neoplasms were widely disseminated within the abdominal cavity. The mesotheliomas had the typical appearance characteristic of this lesion in F344/N rats and were

composed of a highly branched, dense, fibrous stroma covered by 1 or more layers of basophilic cuboidal mesothelial cells. In some areas, the covering mesothelium consisted of a single layer of flattened cells. In larger neoplasms, multiple clusters or tubular structures composed of mesothelial cells were also present. Nasal squamous cell carcinomas were present in one control male, 3 200-ppm males, 1 400-ppm male, and 5 1000-ppm males at 2 years, and the incidence in the 200-ppm and 1000ppm groups exceeded the historical control range (0 – 4%). None were observed in females. Morphologically, the squamous cell carcinomas had the typical appearance associated with these neoplasms. They were composed of multiple layers of clusters, moderately to highly pleomorphic stratified squamous epithelium with varying degrees of keratin formation, and, in many neoplasms, a mild to marked scirrous reaction. Two of these neoplasms had the appearance of arboriforma masses, consisting of a dense fibrous tissue core covered by a thick layer of stratified squamous epithelium with areas of

TABLE 4 Incidences of Malignant Mesotheliomas and Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Male Rats in the 2-Year Feed Study of Pentachlorophenol 0 ppm Mesothelioma Overall rate Historical rate Nasal squamous cell carcinoma Overall rate Historical rate

200 ppm

400 ppm

600 ppm

1000 ppm (Stop-exposure group)

1/50 (2%) 0/50 (0%) 2/50 (4%) 40/1354 (3.0% 6 2.3%); range, 0%–8%

0/50 (0%)

9/50 (18%)*

1/50 (2%) 3/50 (6%) 1/50 (2%) 5/1341 (0.4% 6 1.0%); range, 0%–4%

0/50 (0%)

5/50 (10%)

* Significantly different (p 5 0.014) from the control group by the Poly-3 test.



invasion of the fibrous stroma along the base of the neoplasm. One nasal squamous cell carcinoma had invaded the oral cavity in a 1000-ppm male at 2 years. Non-neoplastic lesions. At the 7-month interim evaluation, the incidences of cetrilobular hepatocyte hypertrophy in 1000ppm males and females, and hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization in males significantly exceeded those in controls. Hepatocyte hypertrophy was not observed at 2 years, and incidences of cytoplasmic vacuolization in exposed rats were generally similar to or lower than those of controls. DISCUSSION

A 28-day toxicity study of PCP in rats of both sexes was conducted to select dose levels for the carcinogenicity study. For the 2-year-study dose selection, 400 ppm of PCP was expected to cause minimal or no adverse effects, but exposure at 800 ppm was predicted to cause an unacceptable degree of liver toxicity. Therefore, dose levels of 200, 400, and 600 ppm were selected for the 2-year PCP-exposure studies. An additional 1000-ppm, stop-exposure group was included in the 2-year studies to test the hypothesis that some chemicals, especially, halogenated hydrocarbons, appear to be more potent with a short-term, high-dose exposure regimen for detecting carcinogenic activity than with a low continuous-exposure regimen. Based on the NTP pentachlorophenol toxicokinetics studies (Yuan et al., 1994), the absorption and elimination of PCP at the dose levels selected (including the stop-exposure group) were expected to follow first order kinetics. In the 2-year studies, survival of 600- and 1000-ppm-dose groups was greater than that of the controls; survival of all other exposed groups was similar to that of the controls. Body weights were generally less than those of controls in the 400and 600-ppm-dose groups. At week 52, when PCP exposure was stopped, mean body weights of 1000-ppm rats were 17 and 22% lower than in controls in males and females, respectively. However, by the end of week 87, the body weights were comparable to controls and remained similar to the end of the studies. In general, feed consumption by exposure groups was similar to that of controls. The increased survival of the highdose groups may be related to decreases in the body weights of these animals (Rao et al., 1990). In contrast to what was observed in treated rats in the 28-day study and in the 1000ppm rats at the 27-week interim sacrifice, centrilobular hypertrophy was not observed in rats killed at study termination. Mild hepatotoxicity has been observed in other studies using purified pentachlorophenol (Kimbrough and Linder, 1978). In those studies, rats given pure pentachlorophenol in feed at 500 ppm for eight months had slightly enlarged liver cells with occasional cytoplasmic inclusions, while no alterations were noted in the livers of rats fed 100 or 20 ppm in the diet. However, the liver toxicity was severe at 500 ppm in rats fed technical grade PCP, as shown by lesions consisting of en-

larged pleomorphic hepatocytes that had foamy cytoplasm or cytoplasm with large vacuoles. In the previous carcinogenicity studies performed in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats (Schwetz et al., 1978), PCP was administered in the diet at dose levels of 1, 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg for up to 24 months. No carcinogenic activity related to PCP administration was observed. In the current studies, the continuous exposure concentrations of 200, 400, and 600 ppm resulted in approximate average daily doses of 10, 20, and 30 mg/kg for males and females. At these dose levels, which are comparable to the previous studies, no PCP-induced increases in tumors were observed. However, the 1000-ppm, stop-exposure-group male rats (that received an average daily dose of about 60 mg/kg for 12 months and were maintained for 1 year on control diet) had increased incidences of mesotheliomas, suggesting that the high-dose, shorter-term dosing regimen was more effective in identifying the carcinogenic potential of PCP than the low-dose, continuous-exposure regimen. Mesotheliomas, although rather rare in control rats, are the most common spontaneous neoplasms of the peritoneal cavity of male F344/N rats and have a historical control range of 0 to 8%. The incidence of spontaneous mesotheliomas in female Fischer rats is 4 in 1351 with a historical range of 0 to 2%. Others have also noted this sex difference. In a survey of the incidence in 395 untreated male and female Fischer rats, the number of males with mesothelioma was 17. No mesotheliomas were seen in the females (Tanigawa et al., 1987). Induction of mesotheliomas was seen in the present study in the F344 strain but not in the previous study in Sprague-Dawley rats (Schwetz, et al., 1978). This could be due to differences in the genetic background of the 2 strains, since the occurrence of spontaneous mesotheliomas in Sprague-Dawley male rats is rare (Tanigawa, et al., 1987) The occurrence of nine mesotheliomas in the 1000-ppm males is clearly in excess of the historical control incidence. These neoplasms are morphologically similar to some phenotypic forms of asbestos-induced mesotheliomas in the pleural cavity of rats as well as humans. Furthermore, it is noted that mesothelial proliferation is not uncommon in human males and may be the result of intrascrotal inflammation. Rare malignant mesotheliomas of the scrotum are reported to occur in humans (Petersen, 1988). Mesotheliomas of the abdominal cavity in rats are generally considered malignant. Nasal squamous cell carcinomas were present in 1 control male, 3 200-ppm males, and 1 400-ppm male, and 5 1000-ppm males at 2 years. None were observed in females. Nasal squamous cell carcinomas are rare in control male F344 rats, with none observed in 353 controls from previous studies at the laboratory where the current studies were conducted. The overall control rate from NTP feed studies is 0.4% (5/1341) with a range of 0 – 4%. The occurrence of five carcinomas (10%) in the stop-exposure group is well outside this range and is considered to be a chemically-related effect. The nasal effects in the treated animals in these studies could be due to



systemic exposure to PCP, to direct contact of the nasal mucous membrane to PCP vapor during ingestion of the feed formulations, or to PCP-containing feed dust. In humans, PCP in dust has been reported to cause eye and nasal irritation at concentrations as low as 0.3 mg/cu.m. (HSDB, 1997). In the NTP mouse studies of PCP, nasal tumors were not observed, but nasal mucosal metaplasia incidences related to pure or technical grade PCP administration in the diet for 6 months were observed (NTP, 1989). Nasal cavity tumors have been associated with occupational exposure of humans and chemical administration to laboratory animals. Occupations associated with increased incidences of nasal tumors include those in the furniture, shoe, and nickel refining industries. In experimental animals, nasal cavity tumors have been associated with chemical administration in the diet or drinking water or by parenteral injection (Cited in, NTP, 1990). There is no direct evidence of nasal cavity tumors associated with PCP exposure in humans. But an epidemiological study has shown that exposure to high grade chlorophenols, as present particularly in woodworking materials, was related to a significant 7-fold increase in the risk for nasal and nasopharyngeal cancer (Hardell et al., 1982). Chlorinated phenols are very effective at uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. Incorporation of inorganic phosphate into ATP is prevented, without blocking the electron transport chain. As a result of this action, cells continue to respire but soon are depleted of ATP necessary for energy utilization. PCP generally causes significant uncoupling of oxidation and phophorylation cycles in many tissues (HSDB, 1997). The decreases in body weights of animals exposed to PCP may have been due to the uncoupling of oxidative phophorylation. The animals in the stop-exposure group had body weights comparable to controls by the end of the study, suggesting the lack of a persistent effect on mitochondrial function after dosing is stopped. PCP is not mutagenic in bacteria, but one of its major metabolites, tetrachloro-p-hydroquinone (TCHQ), has been shown to be genotoxic by inducing DNA strand breaks in isolated DNA and in human fibroblasts (Carstens et al., 1990). Two possible mechanisms of DNA damage by TCHQ have been proposed. One is by covalent binding of TCHQ to protein and DNA. The other is by oxidative damage of DNA. TCHQ easily oxidizes to its semiquinone radical, producing reactive oxygen species (Naito et al., 1994; Dahlhaus et al., 1995). Therefore, formation of reactive oxygen radicals during PCP metabolism permits the hypothesis that oxidative stress might be one of the possible mechanisms involved in PCP liver tumorigenesis (Umemura, et al., 1996). Using 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) as a marker of oxidative damage, a number of laboratories have proposed that mouse liver carcinogenesis induced by PCP may be related to oxidative damage of the DNA in liver by reactive oxygen species generated by TCHQ (Dahlhaus et al., 1994, 1995; Sai-Kato et al, 1995). However, further definitive studies are needed to establish an

association between elevation of 8-OH-dG by PCP exposure and induction of tumors. Oxidative injury is one possible mechanism in asbestosinduced mesotheliomas. Effects induced by asbestos on pleural mesothelial cells may not represent a direct effect of fiber in contact with mesothelial cells, but may be due to fiber-induced release of reactive oxygen species (Adachi et al., 1994). It is possible that the mesotheliomas seen in male rats exposed to PCP in the current study are due to oxidative damage to mesothelial cells of the tunica vaginalis. This is supported by studies on another oxidant chemical, potassium bromate, which, administered at doses of 500 or 250 ppm in the diet for 110 weeks, resulted in significant incidences of mesotheliomas of the peritoneum in male rats (Kurokawa et al., 1986). In the current studies, mesotheliomas were not induced in female rats by PCP administration. The rare presence of spontaneous or chemically-induced mesotheliomas in female rats suggest they may be protected by their hormonal status or by some other endogenous protective mechanism(s) that is specific to female rats. Further studies are needed to fully explain the molecular events leading to formation of mesotheliomas by pentachlorophenol and other chemicals. REFERENCES Adachi, S., Yoshida, S., Kawamura, K., Takahashi, M, Uchida, H., Odagiri, Y., and Takemoto, K. (1994). Inductions of oxidative DNA damage and mesothelioma by crocidolite, with special reference to the presence of iron inside and outside of asbestos fiber. Carcinogenesis 15, 753–758. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (1994). Toxicological Profile for Pentachlorophenol (Update). TP-93/13. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (1991). 1991–1992 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices. Cincinnati, OH. Bailer, A. J., and Portier, C. J. (1988). Effects of treatment-induced mortality and tumor-induced mortality on tests for carcinogenicity in small samples. Biometrics 44, 417– 431. Carstens, C.-P., Blum, J. K., and Witte, I. (1990). The role of hydroxyl radicals in tetrachlorohydroquinone-induced DNA strand break formation in PM2 DNA and human fibroblasts. Chem. Biol. Interact. 74, 305–314. Cox, D. R. (1972). Regression models and life-tables. J. R. Stat. Soc. B34, 187–220. Dahlhaus, M., Almstadt, E., and Appel, K. E. (1994). The pentachlorophenol metabolite tetrachloro-p- hydroquinone induces the formation of 8-hydroxy2-deoxyguanosine in liver DNA of male B6C3F1 mice. Toxicol. Lett. 74, 265–274. Dahlhaus, M., Almstadt, E., Henschke, P., Lu¨ttgert, S., and Appel, K. E. (1995). Induction of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine and single-strand breaks in DNA of V79 cells by tetrachloro-p-hydroquinone. Mutat. Res. 329, 29 –36. Dunnett, C. W. (1955). A multiple comparison procedure for comparing several treatments with a control. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 50, 1096 –1121. Hardell, Lennart., Johansson, Bo, and Axelso, Olav (1982). Epidemiological study of nasal and nasopharyngeal cancer and their relation to phenoxy acid and or chlorophenol exposure. Am. Jour. Ind. Med. 3, 247–257. Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) (1997). Maintained, reviewed, and



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