Tracing Technologies

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Through critically engaging with STS, sociological and criminological perspectives on the use of DNA ... Tel: +44 (0)1235 827730 Fax: +44 (0)1235 400454.
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Tracing Technologies Prisoners’ Views in the Era of CSI Helena Machado, University of Minho, Portugal and Barbara Prainsack, Brunel University, UK ‘Tracing Technologies offers a remarkably knowledgeable and clear account on the societal dimensions and implications of forensic and police uses of DNA analysis by two leading scholars in the field. It is the first empirical study to investigate prisoners’ views on forensic technologies in the era of CSI, providing fascinating insights in a so far under-explored field of research.’ Thomas Lemke, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany ‘This book is one of the rare cases where a highly specialised field of expert knowledge links to broader issues of social theory. Tracing the use of DNA-profiles in the criminal justice system in two European countries, Portugal and Austria, the authors develop a history of the techno-medical modern gaze on the criminal, with a specific focus on the reflexive view of the prisoners, i.e. the subjects primarily targeted by this technology. Stretching from close scrutiny of empirical analysis to a bird’s eye perspective on cultural, political and societal structures Machado and Prainsack demonstrate the close linkages of surveillance, modernity and technology. This book will inform scholars of criminology, forensic sciences, science and technology studies and social theory alike.’ Reinhard Kreissl, Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie, Austria

Through critically engaging with STS, sociological and criminological

Contents: Foreword, Troy Duster; Introduction; Setting the scene:

perspectives on the use of DNA technologies within the criminal

Austria; Setting the scene: Portugal; Inside jobs: how to avoid

justice system, this work provides the reader with valuable insights

crime scene traces; Biological traces: ‘the evidence doesn’t lie’; In

into the effect of different legal, political, discursive, and historical

everybody, ‘there’s always a bug inside’: does DNA profiling and

configurations on how crime scene technologies are utilized by the

databasing deter criminals?; Technologies of innocence: exoneration

police and related to by convicted offenders.

and exculpation; Criminal bodies and abusive authorities; Conclusion; Afterword: forensic DNA and the human sciences, Robin Williams; References; Glossary; References; Index.

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May 2012 232 pages Hardback 978-1-4094-3074-2 £55.00 isbn/9781409430742