Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis System. Min Cai , XinLan Xia, KaiRui Xu,
HanRu Xu. Supervisor: A/Prof. YongHui Li. School of Electrical And Information ...
Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis System Min Cai , XinLan Xia, KaiRui Xu, HanRu Xu Supervisor: A/Prof. YongHui Li School of Electrical And Information Engineering FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES INTRODUCTION Background • Experiencing over 8000 years of clinical development, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has built its own theory on life system and organ activities. In TCM it threated human body as a relatively balanced organism based on internal and external environment, which health condition is an indicator of this balance. If these balances collapse then the body will react as certain organic or functional illness state. Diseases in TCM are not individual problems, treatment in TCM take particular care on reconstruct the balance for body, and helps the body to regain health internally and prevents further illness.
The following table shows some medical significance of K value: Type
Pulse wave
Low resistance K0.5
The tidal wave is mix with the main wave, sometimes it can over the main wave.
Smell Toast flavour Smells like aging beer Smells like peanut butter
Clinically, blood resistance, elasticity of vascular wall and viscosity of blood are moderate.
Technical index
Physiological status 1. Health youth 2. Pregnant woman 3. Anemia with low viscosity of blood 4. The effect of taking Arterial dilation medicine
Clinically, blood resistance is low and the elasticity of the vascular wall is good.
HARDWARE • The HK-2000C PVDF piezoelectric film sensor has characteristics of high sensitivity, strong ability of anti-interference, high overload capability and long usage time, the specified technical indexes of HK-2000C sensor are labeled as below
• Auscultation and Olfaction are both known as “Wen” in Chinese, but there are two means of this word, which means listening and smelling. Listening is mainly to listen to the patient’s strength and priorities of the voice, in order to distinguish the disease and the reality of cold and heat of the body. Smell is for doctors try to know the scent abnormalities of the patients through smelling abilities.
Metallic taste
1. Order people 2. Patients have hypertension or vascular sclerosis 3. Patients have high viscosity of blood 4. The effect of taking vasoconstriction medicine
Smells like rotten apple
Smells like the musty in the cellar Sour taste for sweat Sour smell in the mouth Pus odor
Correspond to physical Common for patient with typhoid Common for patient with lymphatic Might swallowed some poison Contact with some toxic heavy metal, heavy metal poisoning occurs when there was a metallic taste in the mouth Seen in patients with diabetes. When diabetic deteriorated, due to the body produce a large amount of ketone, the mouth will emit a taste of apples. Seen in patients with bacterial infection wound Found in wet disease Found in indigestion, due to eat too much therefore have difficulty to digest Common in purulent rhinitis or sinusitis or abscess, etc.
Table-4: The relationship between smell and diseases The patients of serious hypertension or atherosclerosis
The main wave, tidal wave and gravity wave are mixed together. Clinically, blood resistance is extreme high, the elasticity of vascular wall is extreme worse and the viscosity of blood is extreme lager.
Table-1 Technical indexes of HK-2000C Table-2: Medical significance of K value
Figure-1 Appearance of HK-2000C sensor
ALGORITHM K-Value • Using the K value (pulse waveform characteristic quantities) algorithm to build up a diagnosis system. • According to the production of pulse and pulse condition, it shows that the pulse features can be represented on the area variation of the pulse waveform. The K value to be one of pulse features:
• Where the is the average pressures of artery, it means the average value of the pressure P(t) during one heart beat period T. Ps means the systolic pressure of blood. Pd means the diastolic blood pressure. The area variation with the pressure Shown as below:
Diagnosis • From the macroscopic description of the average characteristics of pulse wave, it can represent some physiological parameters of human cardiovascular system. However, the K-value can only present a large range of disease and this big range needs to be narrow down. TCM can be used to narrow the diseases. • The tongue diagnose is very important in the “Observation” part for TCM. The difference from the tongue would give doctor a clear and visible image of the types of the body and would be very helpful for diagnose. Observation of the tongue includes the tongue proper and the tongue coating. It is similar to the “Cun, Guan, Chi,” different parts on the tongue is representing different organs.
Figure-3 Analysis Report
Figure-4 Diagnosis Result
MARKET PREVIEW Types of Tongues Health tongue Tissue is thick on the tongue Tongue looks purple
Tremor when hold out Not flexible tongue movement, Slurred when speaking
• The range of K value is normally from 0.35 to 0.5.
Figure-2 Main Interface
Tongue with white tissue at front Tongue with white tissue at the
THIS RESEARCHbody IS SP Yellow tongue
Types of Diseases Healthy Indigestion or decaying in intestinal or fever or headache Hypoxia, common in pulmonary heart disease or liver disease or cancer patient May be suffering from neurasthenia or weak because of long time disease or encephalitis or hyperthyroidism Harbinger of cerebral vascular rupture May be suffering from gastric inflammation May be suffering from enteritis Liver function may be high or indigestion
Table-3: The relationship between tongue and diseases.
• The TCM diagnosis system brings a simplified method of private health care based on TCM theory, without any requirement on medical and TCM background knowledge. The system in display is a trial model which provides limited functions, system will be capable for users from all ages with some further improvements.