Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.37(Electrical Engineering 2013), pp.21-24
Traffic Measurement with Two CCTVs Seong-Yoon Shin 1, Hyun-Chang Lee 2, Do-Kwan Kim2, Chan-Yong Jin2 1
Dept. Of Computer Information Engineering at Kunsan Natl. Univ. San 68, Miryong-Dong, Kunsan, Jeonbuk, 573-701, Korea
[email protected] 2 Div. Of Information and Electronic Commerce, Institure of Convergence and Creativity, Wonkwang Univ. #460 Iksan-daero, Iksan city, Jeonbuk, 570-749, Korea {hclglory, kimdg, jcy85366}
Abstract. This research is to suggest a method for measuring transit and delay time of traffic as major scales on the service level of traffic routes. The method in this research is to measure the volume of traffic with using two CCTVs of a measurement vehicle. The measurement of traffic flow was performed on the uninterrupted roads with enough width between traffic signals on which the measurement vehicle can identify traffic flow on the opposite direction and U-turn is allowed at both ends of measurement section. Keywords: Moving Vehicle Method, CCTV , Traffic Measurement, TMS, SMS
One of the widely used traffic measurements is the method directly measuring driving vehicles. The measurement for driving vehicles refers to the system which can automatically identify vehicle plates and take attribute data on the vehicles, using the technologies from the various fields such as electronic engineering, optics, computer and information processing. The image information taken by the system is transmitted to Traffic Information Center through DSRC(Dedicated Short Range Communications) networks, wireless communication networks, or satellite communication networks[1]. 'Hourly traffic', the number of passing vehicles in an hour, is used for road capacity, traffic control method decision, and geometric design of cross road and road sides[2]. 'Speed in traffic survey' includes time mean speed (TMS) and space mean speed(SMS). TMS means the average speed for all passing vehicles in certain spots at certain time, and SMS does average time of all passing vehicles taken to pass along certain road sections at certain time[3]. Traffic density means the number of all vehicles in certain length of road at certain time, and is generally indicated as the number of all vehicles/km[4]. It is used to update real-time estimate of driving time and to alert latent risk-elements of road to police[5]. In this point, traffic density is one of the most important attributes in both 1 2
First Author : Seong-Yoon Shin Corresponding Author : Hyun-Chang Lee
ISSN: 2287-1233 ASTL Copyright © 2013 SERSC
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.37 (Electrical Engineering 2013)
the traffic flow and the prediction of traffic capacity. Also, it can be useful for the future traffic system and the evaluation of traffic capacity.
Traffic Measurement using a Moving Vehicle Method
It is suitable in the condition of uninterrupted or sequential traffic flow. Uninterrupted flow can be the traffic flow that traffic attributes (speed, density, traffic volume, and etc.) have restrictions from the driving attributes of traffic itself such as driving vehicles in highway. Uninterrupted flow uses driving speed as a measure of effects It can be classified into the various types such as basis section in highway, turnoff section, connection and access road section, two-lane road and multi-lane road section. Therefore, uninterrupted flow means the traffic flow in the sequential driving section without fixed traffic control equipments such as traffic signals including stop or yield signal to interrupt driving traffic[6]. The traffic flow in highway can be a typical example of uninterrupted flow. Currently, traffic related researches using CCTV have been actively discussed and studied. [7] is suggested the automatic technology of the vision-based monitoring system for providing information of prediction on traffic policy planning and infrastructure expansion. [8] is emphasized the importance of CCTV as a system to strengthen social security to provide rapid information-sharing and coordination among related institutes and to cope with growing crimes, traffic accidents, and various disasters. For developing a CCTV monitoring system to autonomously sense events and to cope with these, [9] suggested a traffic incident inference system to recognize traffic accidents including vehicle to vehicle or vehicle alone. The method proposed in this research can perform all things for measurement with a driver and the records in camera. The proposed method requires two CCTVs in a measurement vehicle as shown in Fig. 1. One CCTV records the information of moving vehicles on the driving direction, and the other is for collecting the information of moving vehicles on the opposite direction.
Fig. 1. Measurement Vehicle in the Proposed Method
Measurement Method
As the way of measurement shown in Fig. 2, the measurement vehicle drives from W to E, and CCTV records traffic volume C on the opposite road. As arriving at E, it records time (Te) and changes the direction to the opposite road. On driving, CCTV
Copyright © 2013 SERSC
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.37 (Electrical Engineering 2013)
does not measure the traffic volume on the opposite road, but records the numbers of vehicles passing the measurement vehicle and vehicles passed by the measurement vehicle. As arriving at W, it records the taking time (Tw).
The traffic volume of the opposite road (At), for average passing time (Pt), space mean speed (Sa), and traffic density (Dt) can be found with the following Equation (1).
At =
60(C + Ot - N p ) (Tw + Te )
Pt = Tw -
60(Ot - N p ) At
Sa =
A 60d DT = t Sa Pt
As the above mentioned formulas and values are stored to the linked S/W, these data can be used for various traffic measurements.
The experiment is similar to the experiments conducted in [10]. The following Table 1 shows the results of the experiment performed with the measurement vehicle with two CCTV cameras on the two measurement road sections of 2.5km. Based on the results, it took the values of traffic volume, TMS, SMS, and traffic density to the west. Table 1.
The Result to The East
Type of Traffic Information
2.5km Section
Driving Time to the East(Minute) Traffic Volume on the Opposite Road(Number of Vehicles/time) Driving Time to the West(Minute) Traffic Volume of Vehicles Passing Measurement Vehicle (Np) (Number of Vehicles/time) Traffic Volume of Vehicles Passed by Measurement Vehicle(Ot) (Number of Vehicles/time)
3.7 127.6 3.81 2.1 2.6
TMS, SMS, and traffic density to the west as in the following Table 2. Table 2.
The Result to The West
Type of Traffic Information
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2.5km Section
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.37 (Electrical Engineering 2013)
Traffic Volume(At)(Number of Vehicles/Time) TMS(Pt)(Minute) SMS(Sa)(km/h) Traffic Density (Dt)(Number of Vehicles/km)
1023.435419 3.780686963 31.74026339 32.24407457
This research performed the traffic measurement with the measurement vehicle using two CCTVs. It measured traffic in the road sections which have uninterrupted traffic attributes and wide distance between traffic signals and allow U-turn in the both ends. This measurement method needs only a driver without additional persons and other equipments. And then, the program handling all measurement is linked to CCTVs and can take the values of TMS, SMS, and traffic density.
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