Page 1 of 1. t,. NFIR Registration No. : RTU/N nnl31 12012. National Federation of Indian Railwaymen. 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD
Registration No.: RTU/N nnl3112012
National Federation of IndianRailwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD R O A D ,N E W D E L H I- 11 O0 5 5 ' Affiliatedto : Indian NationalTrade Union Congress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) No.IIl1-A/Pt.20
F Dated:3v0It20t8
The Secretary (B), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub:
Training period of wards of deceased/medicatly decategorised railway employees appointed on compassionate grounds as Technician Gr III in (erstyhile GP 1900/PayLevel-2 of 7thCPC)-reg.
The Railway Board is aware that u, 0.,
extant instructions, those wards of
deceased/medicallydecategorisedrailway employees who do not possessthe ITI or Act Apprenticeshipqualification, when offered compassionateappointmentto the post of Technician Gr III (erstwhileGP 1900/-Pay Level-2 of 7thCPC),they are requiredto undergo3 yearstraining successfullybeforetheir regularpostingon working post. The Federationcontinuesto receivegrievancesfrom theseApprentice Techniciansthat the meagreamount of stipend paid during three years training period is quite insufficient to sustain themselvesand bear the burden of family members of deceased/medicallyinvalidated staff. Federation feels that even otherwise also, the training period of three years to the Apprentice Techniciansis quite lengthy and justification exists for its reduction to a reasonableperiod in the changedtechnology.The reductionin training period of ApprenticeTechniciansQrlon-ITI)being demandeddue to the reason that ITI holder candidatesare given only 6 months training and insisting3 yearstraining for Non-ITI candidates(Matric pas etc.,)appearsto be illogical. NFIR therefore requeststhe Railway Board to consider above mentioned valid points for curtailing the training period of three years in the case of Non-ITIAtron-Act Apprentices to reasonableperiod.Federationmay kindly be replied of action on this letter.
,"":'ffi (Dr M. Ragilavaial GeneralSecretary forwardedrtothe General Secretariesof Affiliated Unions of NFIR. ftopy Media Centre/\lFlR. File No.II/26|
Phone: 011-23343305,65027299, Rly.030-22283,22626, Fax: 011-23744013, Rly.22382 Website: E-mail:
[email protected],