Announcement of Approved Transactions Papers
Transactions Abstracts This section of IEEE Power Engineering Review serves to announce the approval of technical papers for publication in future issues of one of the three PES Transactions. The abstracts afford access to the essence and main contributions of each published paper. The abstracts are listed by Technical Committees, which appear in alphabetic order. To Order Technical Paper Preprints, Contact IEEE Customer Service, +1 800 678 4333 or +1 732 981 0060, fax +1 732 981 9667, e-mail
[email protected]. The IEEE member price for each paper Preprint is $3.50 plus delivery charges (nonmember price is $6.50 plus delivery charges). When you contact IEEE Customer Service, make sure that you identify the item you are ordering as a Preprint (not as a paper, reprint, article, etc.), and be sure to provide the Preprint order number. Discussion Deadlines for the papers are included with each technical paper abstract.
Approved Transactions Papers Call for Discussions Deadline: 29 November 2002 The IEEE Power Engineering Society publishes discussions and closures and makes them available for all accepted papers. Discussions form a most valuable adjunct to a technical paper and are strongly encouraged. Discussions must provide contributions through questions and/or additional information on the subject of the papers. Congratulatory discussions are discouraged and are subject to elimination. Combined discussions of two or more papers are not acceptable unless they refer to companion papers. Discussions are limited to 1,500 words (or an equivalent length if illustrations are used). Discussions are considered as final drafts that, upon acceptance by the Technical Committee, are ready to be printed without further changes. Refer to the PES Publication Guide for submission specifications. The guide is available on the Web,, or through
the PES Executive Office, fax +1 732 562 3881, e-mail
[email protected]. Submit discussions to the PES Executive Office no later than 29 November 2002 for papers abstracted in the September 2002 issue of IEEEPower Engineering Review. Discussions received after that date will be returned to the discusser and will not be processed.
Electric Machinery Small Induction Motor Noise Calculation Ishibashi, Fuminori; Kamimoto, K.; Noda, Shinichi;
Itomi, Kazunobu Author Affiliation: Shibaura Institute of Technology; Toshiba Corporation; Daido Institute of Technology. Abstract: There has been an increasing demand for a quiet induction motor. Electromagnetic noise is jarring to the ear. Most offensive electromagnetic noise is generated when the natural frequencies of the stator coincide with or are close to the frequencies of the magnetomotive forces. Electromagnetic noise is calculated by BEM program using the electromagnetic forces of Maxwell stress. The natural frequency and behavior of the stator are calculated by mechanical FEM, considering the contact between stator core and frame. Spring elements are introduced between the stator frame and the pressed core. Vibration is calculated by mechanical FEM. Calculated and experimental noise level were within 3 dB(A) at 1,200 Hz and 4,080 Hz. Keywords: Contact condition induction motor, noise, natural frequency. Preprint Order Number: PE-588EC (06-2002) Discussion Deadline: November 2002
Use of a Permeance Model To Predict Force Harmonic Components and Damper Winding Effects in Salient Pole Synchronous Machines Knight, Andrew M.; Karmaker, Haran; Weeber, Konrad Author Affiliation: University of Alberta; GE Canada; GE Power Systems. Abstract: This paper presents a combined finite-element and analytical modeling technique for the prediction of force density harmonics in salient pole synchronous machines. The model calculates the induced currents in the damper winding cage and includes their effect on force density components in the solution. Use of a combined analytical and finite element approach considerably reduces simulation times compared to full time-stepping finite element solutions, while including the effects of design changes on airgap force harmonics. Results of the model predictions are presented together with measured data from two different machines. Keywords: Damper winding, harmonic analysis, simulation, synchronous machines. Preprint Order Number: PE-294EC (06-2002) Discussion Deadline: November 2002
Sensorless Direct Torque Control of Induction Motors Used in Electric Vehicle Faiz, Javad; Sharifian, M.B.B.; Keyhani, A.; Proca, A.B. Author Affiliation: University of Tehran; University of Tabriz; Ohio State University. Abstract: A three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor is used as the propulsion system of an electric vehicle (EV). The motor is conIEEE Power Engineering Review, September 2002