[Epigenetics 2:1, 37-42, January/February/March 2007]; ©2007 Landes Bioscience
Transcription Factor Networks in Embryonic Stem Cells and Testicular Cancer and the Definition of Epigenetics Wolfgang A. Schulz* Michèle J. Hoffmann
Key words seminoma, teratocarcinoma, NANOG, OCT4, SOX2, chromatin, cell differentiation, transcription factor cascade, DNA methylation Acknowledgements
Are Transcription Factor Networks Epigenetic? The notion of ‚epigenetics’ conceived by C.H. Waddington more than 50 years ago was an attempt to conceptualize the phenotypic effects resulting from the complex interactions between multiple genes during embryonic development and cell differentiation (excellently reviewed in ref. 1). Initially, the concept inspired system theoreticians more than molecular biologists, although it may experience a revival in the present strife towards a “systems biology”. The notion ‘epigenetic’ that has become customary in the last decade is not so far‑reaching. It refers to mechanisms which allow the propagation of properties of a cell (or an organism) without changes in the DNA sequence; a stricter usage requires such mechanisms to be nuclear. The prototypic mechanism fitting this definition is, of course, DNA methylation. Processes like histone methylation or changes in histone variants distinguishing active genes are also commonly encompassed under the heading of ‘epigenetics’. This is considered justified, because overall chromatin structure at individual genes can be inherited over many cell generations, even though individual histone modifications, especially acetylation, are too dynamic to be passed on between cell generations. Like DNA methylation, chromatin structure can be stably inherited, or can be switched to a different epigenetic state during cell differentiation or development. Chromatin structure is influenced by DNA methylation and vice versa. In addition, both are regulated by and, conversely, act upon transcription factors—repressors as well as activators. Many instances of cell differentiation depend on transcription factors ‘cascades’. Textbook examples of such cascades include the transcription factor sets that act successively during hematopoetic differentiation and muscle cell differentiation—a perhaps less well known example is hepatocyte differentiation.2,3 Transcription factors involved in cell differentiation induce the transcription of tissue‑specific genes with concomitant changes in chromatin structure and sometimes DNA methylation. Importantly, they act upon each other within a network of interactions involving feedforward and feedback relationships that ensures stable and often irreversible cell differentiation (Fig. 1). Typically, in most cell lineages, the composition of the transcription factor set changes with each successive differentiation stage (in what was once termed ‘quantal’ cell cycles4) and the final state is terminal differentiation. Transcription factor networks directing cell differentiation interact with epigenetic mechanisms including DNA methylation and histone modification. Likewise, the DNA sequence does not change during differentiation processes, except in certain invertebrates and in the lymphocytes of mammals. So, usually a new phenotype is generated
The authors wish to thank Dr. Jiri Hatina for stimulating discussions. Financial support by the Deutsche Krebshilfe and the Christiane und Claudia Hempel Stiftung is gratefully acknowledged.
Previously published online as an Epigenetics E-publication: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/epigenetics/abstract.php?id=4067
Original manuscript submitted: 01/09/07 Manuscript accepted: 02/27/07
*Correspondence to: Wolfgang A. Schulz; Department of Urology; Heinrich Heine University; Moorenstr. 5; 40225 Düsseldorf Germany; Tel.: +; Fax: +; Email:
[email protected]
Department of Urology; Heinrich Heine University; Düsseldorf Germany
The stem cell phenotype of human and murine ES cells has recently been shown to be maintained by a self‑stabilizing network of transcription factors, NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2. These factors maintain their own and each other’s transcription, activating, by combinatorial interactions, genes responsible for the ES cell phenotype while repressing genes required for differentiation. This ‘core circuitry’ interacts with an ‘expanded circuitry’ encompassing signal transduction and chromatin regulator proteins. During ES cell differentiation the crucial transcription factors are down‑regulated by epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation. Aberrant activation of the ES transcription factor network elicited by increased dosage of an embryonic gene cluster at 12p including NANOG, together with additional genetic and epigenetic alterations, appears to be a crucial event in the genesis of testicular germ cell cancers. Intriguingly, the ES cell transcription factor network fits current as well as past definitions of ‘epigenetic’.
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Figure 1. A transcription factor cascade during cell differentiation. Cell differentiation takes place from top to bottom driven by successive activation of transcription factors (TF1–TF3) which act through specific response elements (TF1RE–TF3RE). TF3 also activates its own transcription in an autoregulatory feedforward loop. Tissue‑specific proteins (TSP1, TSP2) are induced by combinatorial action of the transcription factors. With increasing differentiation, proliferative potential decreases (arrows on the right), this is suggested to be regulated by TF2 and TF3. The transcription factor cascade shown in the figure is abstracted and much simplified compared to real cascades as found during differentiation of hematopoietic cells, myoblasts or hepatocytes.
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the interaction between three transcription factors, viz. NANOG, OCT4 (alias POU5F1), and SOX2, during embryonic and germ cell development. In human ES cells, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) identified 623 gene promoters bound by OCT4, 1271 bound by SOX2, and 1687 occupied by NANOG. In addition to these protein‑encoding genes, several genes binding one or several of the three embryonal transcription factors encode miRNAs. The target gene sets for the factors overlapped considerably, with 35% of the target genes binding two factors, and 20% all three. Importantly, the three factors regulate each other and themselves positively, forming feedforward loops. Accordingly, an independent detailed study10 showed reciprocal transcriptional regulation of Oct4 and Sox2 by Sox/Oct complexes in ES cells and combinatorial binding of the two factors to the enhancers of both Sox2 and Oct4 genes. In that study, Sox and Oct4 were found to interact with the Nanog promoter and suggested to act upstream in the hierarchy. Conversely, a study in human gonocytes placed NANOG upstream of OCT4.11 It is possible that these differences have a biological rather than an Figure 2. Regulation of self‑renewal and differentiation in ES cells. The transcription factors constituting the ‘core circuitry’ activate each other’s and experimental basis, but most likely they reflect a general property of their own transcription. They promote stem cell self‑renewal through STAT3 robust self‑maintaining networks, namely that they can be activated and TGFb signaling proteins (TGFb‑SP) and block differentiation. All func‑ by stimulating any of the crucial factors involved. tions (maintenance of the network, promotion of self‑renewal, and inhibition NANOG, SOX2, and OCT4 can act as transcriptional repressors of differentiation) are supported by interactions with chromatin regulators of as well as activators. Positive target genes of the factors identified the ‘expanded circuitry’. in ref. 8 contain several others that are strongly expressed in ES without changes in the DNA sequence, in accord with the present cells and supposed to contribute to pluripotency and self‑renewal. day definition of ‘epigenetic’. Nevertheless, strictly speaking, such Repressed targets include many genes that are known to become transcription factor networks cannot be considered ‚epigenetic’, since activated during and contribute to the differentiation of ES cells. the state of the cells changes at each differentiation step along with Interestingly, several target genes are chromatin regulators, e.g., the the composition of the transcription factor network itself (Fig. 1) remodelling protein SMARCAD1, the histone acetylase MYST3, and and the cell phenotype is thus not stably maintained (only the a SET histone methylase (Fig. 2). Moreover, the polycomb protein lineage). Intriguingly, such changes correspond to the original Suz12 was found to occupy and repress target genes together with concept of ‘epigenetics’ aimed at explaining gene interactions during OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG.12 Another group of positive targets differentiation and development. encodes transcription factors, in particular STAT3, a crucial positive The issue is evidently much more straightforward in the case regulator of mouse ES cell renewal and the ultimate target of LIF, of stem cells. Obviously, as their DNA content does not differ and REST, a repressor of neuronal differentiation.15 On a note of from that of more differentiated cells, their stably propagated state caution, cultured human ES cells may not be dependent on LIF.16 must be maintained by epigenetic mechanisms. These presumably Besides STAT signaling, components of the TGFb signal transducinclude specific and stably propagated DNA methylation patterns tion pathway, which is likewise essential for ES cell maintenance, and chromatin structure. For instance, DNA methylation profiles were conspicuous. The authors designated these additional factors, were reported to distinguish human ES cells from other cell types, chromatin regulators and signaling pathways, the ‘expanded tranincluding 24 cancer cell lines, adult stem cells, lymphoblastoid cell scriptional circuitry’ of ES cells (Fig. 2). The expanded circuitry was lines, normal human tissues, and an embryonic carcinoma line. also evident in an independent study, in which OCT4 siRNA altered Relevant differences in methylation concern CpG‑rich loci, known expression not only of OCT4 itself, NANOG, and SOX2, but also of tumor suppressor genes, the MHC region, and methylcytosine levels many genes involved in epigenetic regulation, chromatin remodelat large.5 Likewise, the chromatin structure of ES cells is apparently ling, apoptosis and signal transduction.13 For instance, this study distinctive.6,7 In addition, several recent papers have indicated that revealed the WNT antagonist DKK1 (Dickkopf ) as a target of the a crucial determinant for the stable and unlimited propagation ES transcription factor network. In the study on mouse ES cells,9 a different ChIP‑technique of embryonic stem cells is a network (or ‘circuitry’) of interacting transcription factors. These factors mutually and autocatalytically (ChIP‑ PET) was employed, which aims at identifying as well more maintain their own expression and repress genes required for remote binding sites for transcription factors. This study focussed differentiation, directly or through interaction with other factors, initially on detecting regions in the genome that bind Oct4 as well including established epigenetic regulators (Fig. 2). By all criteria, as Nanog. In addition, in‑depth experiments were performed using this self‑maintaining network of (nuclear) transcription factors fits siRNA against the transcription factors to ascertain their effects on selected genes and to define the Nanog binding sites more precisely. any definition of ‘epigenetic’. The study confirmed that both factors have many common target genes. However, a relative small fraction of the genes identified in Transcription Factor Networks in Stem Cells this study (fewer than 13%) were identical with those in the study The identification of this transcription factor network culminated on human ES cells, especially if only promoter binding was considin two papers8,9 on human and mouse ES cells, respectively. They ered. Crucially, the core autoregulatory circuit from human cells extend previous and concurrent work10‑13 elucidating in particular was also evident in mouse ES cells, with Oct4 and Nanog binding www.landesbioscience.com
ES Transcription Factor Networks
carcinoma, teratocarcinoma, and yolk sac tumors derive from primary germ cells arrested in their development at a premeiotic stage.24,25 The germ cell cancers found in extragonodal sites in children are thought to derive from even earlier stages of the same developmental lineage, and the spermatocytic seminomas occuring in older men from more differentiated cells. Likely, intrauterine carcinogenesis leads to an obligate precursor lesion, intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN, also named ‘carcinoma in situ testis’), from which cancer develops after puberty by accumulation of additional genetic alterations. The initiating (genetic or epigenetic) event for testicular germ cell cancers is not precisely defined, but approximately 90% of the cases share a common chromosomal aberration, isochromosome Epigenetic Inactivation of Stem Cell Maintenance 12p. This leads obviously to an increased dosage of genes on the short Factors During Differentiation arm of the chromosome as well as to a decreased dosis of genes on During differentiation of ES cells, various transcription factor the long arm. Since many of the remaining 10% of testicular germ cascades directing cell differentiation become activated, with cell cancers harbor amplifications of parts of 12p, the former change initiating factors released from the repression by the core and extended is considered more important. Human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell lines show expression transcriptional circuitry of the stem cells. Conversely, the crucial stem profiles very similar to those of human ES cells.26 The genes cell maintainance factors become irreversibly downregulated. Again, upregulated in EC lines comprise OCT4, the de novo DNA methylbecause this process does not involve changes in the DNA sequence, transferase DNMT3B, the transcription factor FOXD3, and the the loss of the stem cell phenotype must be regulated by epigenetic WNT receptor FRZ7. These genes were also found expressed in mechanisms. For instance, the Oct4/OCT4 promoter becomes cancer tissues. Many, including OCT4 were also found in semi17,18 methylated in mouse and human cells during development and noma tissues, but expression profiles in seminomas were clearly its methylation in somatic human cells is remarkably stable, even in more different from ECs than those in ES cells. Overexpression cancer cell lines with otherwise strongly hypomethylated DNA.18 of POU5F1/OCT4 had been previously reported to provide an The epigenetic inactivation of OCT4 requires chromatin regulators excellent immunohistochemical marker for testicular cancers. In like the histone methyltransferase G9a,19 which interacts with the particular, OCT4 expression characterized the stem cell fraction EZH2 polycomb protein. Conversely, in ES cells polycomb proteins in teratocarcinomas,27 which consist of a cancerous embryonal are associated with OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG targets, but are carcinoma‑like cell population and differentiated, often non-maligreleased upon differentiation.12 So, during differentiation of ES cells, nant components.These findings fit the concept that seminomas the core transcriptional circuitry is epigenetically inactivated and the are a precursor stage of embryonal carcinomas that is more closely accessory chromatin regulators from the expanded circuitry appear to related to primordial germ cells. Embryonal carcinomas derive from move to different targets. seminomas by developing towards a stage resembling the ICM from The importance of the epigenetic inactivation of the ES cell which ES cells are derived. Evidently, teratocarcinomas develop from transcription factor circuitry is illustrated by experiments in which embryonal carcinomas, by acquiring the ability to partially differensomatic cells are fused with ES cells (reviewed in ref. 20). These tiate into various somatic lineages while retaining a stem cell fraction fusions can lead to pluripotent stem cells and crucially depend on the composed of EC cells. Interestingly, the development of teratocarciactivity of Nanog. They can be monitored by an Oct4 transgene in nomas from EC can be traced as well by the accumulation of DNA which Oct4 regulatory elements drive a reporter gene in the somatic hypermethylation at a number of genes, which is very rare in EC.28 cell partner that becomes reactivated upon fusion.21 Like the Oct4 Sperger et al.26 noticed that many of the genes characterizing gene, other genes and regions inactivated in somatic cells become the EC expression profile were located on chromosome 12. remodelled and revert to the embryonic state. Even the inactive X This conclusion was strengthened by a further study of the chromosome loses its epigenetic histone modifications. Likewise, undifferentiated component of embryonal carcinoma tissues and cell signal transduction pathways characteristic of ES cells become lines that identified OCT4 and NANOG as overexpressed, alongside dominant. Thus, in addition to the core circuitry, the expanded DNMT3B, the male germ cell‑specific DNMT3L, and components of the TGFb, Notch and WNT signaling pathways.29 The WNT circuitry dominates in the fusion cells. and Notch signaling pathways are downregulated during retinoic acid‑induced differentiation of ES and EC cell lines.30 In addiImplications for Testicular Germ Cell Cancers tion to NANOG, several other genes in an ‘embryonic cluster’ on These findings have direct and important implications for the chromosome 12p, like GDF3, were consistently overexpressed in understanding of an important group of diseases, viz. testicular germ cancers compared to normal testis tissue. These might be considered cell cancers. Testicular germ cell cancers have an unusual age distribu- part of the “extended” ES circuitry as defined by Boyer et al.8 Genes tion and represent the most frequent cancer type in young men in the characteristic of seminoma included the SCF receptor tyrosine kinase third and fourth decade of life, especially in Europe. Although overall receptor KIT, already well established as involved in human testicular rare, there is a general increase in their incidence, which is alarming in cancer25,31‑33 and the embryonic ‘antigen’ PRAME, a repressor of some countries like Denmark, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, retinoic acid signaling. The 12p13.3 gene cluster was studied in detail where life‑time risks meanwhile approach 1%.22 While the causes more recently.34 NANOG, STELLA, and the uncharacterized gene of this increase are hotly debated (see ref. 23 for a popular account), Hs.129302 were found to be strongly overexpressed in seminomas as it is generally agreed that the initiation of testicular cancers occurs well as EC, whereas GDF3 was more variable in seminomas. All four during intrauterine development. It is assumed that the different genes showed lower or more variable expression in teratocarcinomas histological types of testicular cancers, seminoma, embryonal and other rarer more differentiated tumor types.
to their own and mutual promoters as well as to the Sox2 promoter (in accord with ref. 10). Moreover, several components of the ‘expanded’ transcriptional network of human cells were also discovered in mouse cells, especially Rest and Smarcad1. While several plausible targets from the human study were missing, several others were identified that one might have been expected in human cells too, such as Mycn, Tp53, and Dkk1. Interestingly, among 32 gene promoters identified as common targets of Oct4 and Nanog in mouse and human ES cells, 18 are transcriptional regulators (in a narrow sense). This provides a solid basis for the denomination ‘transcription factor network’.
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Thus, the transcription factor circuitry characteristic of ES cells is retained active in human germ cell cancers and, likely, the inability of the cancer precursor cells to inactivate this network represents a crucial carcinogenic event. The mechanism underlying this failure is very likely related to the altered dosage of NANOG and its neighboring genes. Whether this dosage change is sufficient to block the developmental downregulation of the ES transcription factor network, remains to be determined. Conceivably, other alterations may contribute to stabilizing the ES circuitry in testicular cancers and to the development arrest of their precursors (Fig. 3). For instance, cultured human ES cells gain chromosome 17 in addition to chromosome 12, as do some EC. Chromosome 17 among others harbors the GRB7, Survivin, STAT3, HER2, and GRB2 genes, whose increased expression may favor self‑renewal and survival over differentiation.35 In rare patients with bilateral cancers, mutations in the KIT tyrosine receptor kinase are likely to constitute an initiating event in carcinogenesis. KIT and its ligand stem cell factor (SCF) are definitely important in testicular cancers, as they are for the survival of normal germ cell precursors, but neither mutations nor gene amplification are common outside the group of patients with bilateral diseases. Therefore, the initiating event leading to testicular intratubular neoplasia remains uncertain in most cases. The aberrant maintenance of an active state of the newly discovered embryonal epigenetic transcription factor network is obviously necessary for the development of testicular cancers, but the underlying genetic change, alteration of chromosome 12p, has not been detected in all precursors. So, might the initiating event be epigenetic? This idea is certainly speculative, but evidence for altered imprinting in a subset of childhood extragonodal cancers has been provided.36 In conclusion, nevertheless, while the initiation mechanism of testicular germ cell cancers remains to be fully elucidated, through the identification of an epigenetic transcription factor network in embryonic cells one essential factor in the development of these cancers appears to have been identified.
Figure 3. Activation of the ES cell transcription factor network in testicular germ cell cancers. The stem cell phenotype of testicular germ cell cancers is apparently maintained by very similar mechanisms as that of ES cells. The activation of the ES transcription factor network appears to be caused by isochromosome 12p formation leading to an increased NANOG dosage together with additional genetic aberrations that are suggested here to act primarily on the expanded circuitry.
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