Introduction: The use of an ac-dc converter, capable of reverse power flow [1] in the form of a voltage sourced inverter (VSI) in. FACTS devices is possible due to ...
Transfer Function of the Voltage Sourced Inverter H. Nouri, T.S. Davies, and R.A. Mukhedkar Author Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Bristol, U.K. Abstract: This letter offers a state space representation of a voltage sourced inverter that forms the building block of modern flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS), such as STATCOM, SSSC, and UPFC. The representation includes consideration of the output phase, firing angle, and the conduction period. This model is used to devise a control algorithm of the dc link voltage and the output voltage. The concepts are demonstrated with a case study using PSCAD and MATLAB. Keywords: Voltage sourced inverter, transfer function. Nomenclature: ud ( t )— ac side output voltage of the voltage sourced inverter (pu) ur ( t ) — Voltage after the interface impedance (pu) uc ( t ) — Voltage across the link capacitor (pu) udc ( t ) — dc link voltage (pu) i2 ( t ) — ac side current (pu) Rc — Equivalent series resistance of the capacitor (pu) Ri — VSI interface resistance (pu) Li — VSI interface inductance (pu) C c — dc link capacitance (pu) α — Angle between ud ( t ) and ur ( t ) (rad) γ — Firing angle (rad) f — Frequency (Hz) t — Time (s) Introduction: The use of an ac-dc converter, capable of reverse power flow [1] in the form of a voltage sourced inverter (VSI) in FACTS devices is possible due to advancement in the power electronics field in the form of self-commutated devices like GTO, IGBT and,
more recently, IGCT. The main function of the VSI is to provide reactive power output as per the requirement of the interconnected network. The dc link voltage is maintained by a capacitor, and real power can be exchanged with the network with the addition of an energy storage device. This configuration is very versatile. This letter considers the former dc link configuration. The VSI under ideal conditions is represented by a voltage source separated from the supply by the interface inductance “Li ” by following the concept of the two-machine theory as shown in Figure 1. The exchange of power depends mainly on the magnitude and the phase of the VSI ac side voltage with respect to the supply voltage. The primary function of the controller for the VSI is to maintain the dc and ac side voltage based on the firing angle and the delay angle. The secondary function is to reduce the harmonics in the output current based on switching techniques [2],[3] and the construction of the FACTS device [4]. State Space Representation of Transfer Function: For clarity consider a single-phase, single-level voltage source inverter as a STATCOM connected at the load bus. The harmonics of the output current will be taken care of in the multilevel construction and, hence, are ignored. Each device comprising the VSI is switched once in one ac cycle using the alternating zero-level switching pattern. This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 3, where in each supply ac cycle both the upper devices and alternately both the lower devices are switched on to attain the zero-level output voltage. The transfer function is derived based on the following assumptions: 1. System frequency is constant. 2. Conduction period for each switching device is π rad per cycle. 3. The VSI losses are represented by a resistance “Ri ” in series with the interface inductance. 4. “Rc ” represents the equivalent series resistance of the capacitor. 5. Power on the dc side is equal to the power at the ac terminals of VSI. The VSI is initialized by blocking the switching signals. Effectively the inverter bridge appears as a full bridge rectifier and “ic ( t )” falls to zero after the capacitor is completely charged to a voltage of “U$ r .” The switching signals to the inverter are then unblocked [5]. Equation (1) describes the charging of the dc link duc ( t ) ic ( t ) . = dt C
The dc link voltage, including the equivalent series resistance of the capacitor and the losses in the switching devices, is given by (2) udc ( t ) = uc ( t ) + Rcic ( t ).
The voltage drop in the interface impedance is represented by (3) di2 ( t ) ur ( t ) ud ( t ) + Rii2 ( t ) . = − dt Li Li
The ac side and dc side voltage is related by relation (4) ud ( t ) = [ a1
Figure 1. Two-machine representation of VSI connected to the ac supply
udc ( t ) a2 ] − udc ( t )
where a1 and a2 represent the switching function [6]. The real power transmitted between the ac and the dc side is given by (5) ud ( t )i2 ( t ) = udc ( t )ic ( t ).
Substituting for ud from (4) in (5),
( a1 − a2 )udc ( t )i2 ( t ) = udc ( t )ic ( t ) ic ( t ) = ( a1 − a2 )i2 ( t ). Figure 2. Single-phase single-level full bridge VSI 60
Substituting for current ic ( t ) in (1) and (2), 0272-1724/01/$10.00©2001 IEEE
IEEE Power Engineering Review, July 2001
duc ( t ) ( a1 − a2 )i2 ( t ) = dt C
udc ( t ) = uc ( t ) + Rc ( a1 − a2 )i2 ( t ).
sistance of the dc link capacitor. The quantities are all represented in per unit. A constant impedance load for simplicity represents the load on the system. The integration time step in EMTDC and MATLAB is equal to one thousandth of a cycle and the fundamental frequency is 60 Hz. The
Substituting for ud ( t ) from (4) in (3) and in the result, for udc ( t ) from (2), the resulting state equation (9) is obtained by including (7) Rc ( a1 − a2 )2 + Ri − & i2 ( t ) Li = & u ( t ) − a a 1 c 2 C
a − a2 − 1 1 Li i2 ( t ) + L [ ur ( t )] uc ( t ) 0i 0 (9)
where a1 = 0.5 when the top device “Tr 1 ” is on a1 = −0.5 when the bottom device “Tr 2 ” is on a2 = 0.5 when the top device “Tr 3 ” is on a2 = −0.5 when the bottom device “Tr 4 ” is on a1 = −0.5 and a2 = −0.5 for t