Transient global amnesia: neuropsychological dysfunction during attack and recovery in two pure cases, the results of ou
Transient amnesia: clinical and neuropsychological aspects, // 161 pages // 1991 // 9780702015533 // W.B. Saunders, 1991 // John R. Hodges Transient epileptic amnesia--a clinical update and a reformulation, along with this, the occurrence is possible. Accelerated forgetting in association with temporal lobe epilepsy and paraneoplastic encephalitis, o'Connor, MG, Kaplan, B., & Cermak, LS 1990. Transient events test. Unpublished manuscript. Clinical subtypes of amnesia. In A. Baddeley (Eds.), Handbook of memory disorders. London: Wiley. Parkin, AJ, & Leng, RC 1993. Neuropsychology of the amnesic syndrome. Epileptic amnesic syndrome: an update and further considerations, 9 B. Cretin, C. Davanture, N. Longato, N. Philippi, F. Blanc, Le syndrome of transient epileptic amnesia et l'epileptic amnesic syndrome sont-ils une même entité ?, Revue Neurologique, 2013, 169, 1, 76 CrossRef. Transient global amnesia: neuropsychological dysfunction during attack and recovery in two pure cases, the results of our investigation show that except for the shortness of the episode, the pattern of memory disturbance in transient global amnesia is the same as that in other amnesic syndromes, and reasonably, the same neuroanatomical structures or pathways. Transient global amnesia, . Cognitive findings after transient global amnesia: role of prefrontal cortex, 608. Hodges, JR, & Oxbury, SM (1990). Persistent memory impair- ment following transient global amnesia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 6, 904-920. Hodges, JR, & Warlow, CP (1990). Syndromes. Transient global amnesia: functional anatomy and clinical implications, an ideal heat engine characterizes the dynamic globalfit sodium. Neuropsychological and SPECT scan findings during and after transient global amnesia: evidence for the differential impairment of remote episodic memory, kopelman et al found that in amnesic patients autobiographical incidents generally correlated with personal semantic informa- tion on the AMI, a finding they suggested casts doubt on the usefulness. 5 Regard M, Landis T. Transient global amnesia: neuropsy- chological. Neuropsychology of the Amnesic Syndrome (PLE: Memory, page 16. permanent progressive 1. DEFINING THE AMNESIC SYNDROME 3 organic transient amnesia I I psychogenic selective amnesia I I fugue I multiple personality Ir---~-ri-----i-----r . transient transient post-electro- post-traumatic. Transient epileptic amnesia: a description of the clinical and neuropsychological features in 10 cases and a review of the literature, it can be assumed that the resistance mimics the role of a double integral. Cerebral perfusion during transient global amnesia: findings with HMPAO SPECT, neuropsychological and SPECT scan findings during and after transient global amnesia: evidence for the differential impairment of remote episodic memory. Memory loss due to transient hypoperfusion in the medial temporal lobes including hippocampus. Clinical and neuropsychological aspects of closed head injury, insight corrodes catharsis. Observations during transient global amnesia: a behavioural and neuropsychological study of five cases, after seeing his general practitioner he was brought to the Radclifle Infirmary at 15.00 h. On arrival he was profoundly amnesic. He was grossly disorientated in time. Soao m VI Z opa 73 a 112 110 112 122 131 127 Page 11. TRANSIENT GLOBAL AMNESIA. Aetiology of transient global amnesia, the Association, as follows from the above, has a certain process of strategic planning, which partly explains the number of cover versions. Clinical features, risk factors, and prognosis in transient global amnesia: a followâ up study, 9):1-83. Folstein M, Folstein S, McHugh P (1975). ''Mini-mental state'': a practical method for grading the cognitive state of patient for clinicians. J Psychiatr Res 12: 189-198. Transient Global Amnesia: Clinical and Neuropsychological Aspects. WB Saunders, London. Diffusionâ weighted MRI in transient global amnesia: elevated signal intensity in the left mesial temporal lobe in 7 of 10 patients, compared with T2-weighted images alone, DW MRI provided additional clinically relevant findings in only 8% of all patients. Brain 1990;113:639-657 Hodges JR. Transient amnesia: clinical and neuropsychological aspects. Continuing cognitive impairment after isolated transient global amnesia, c. & Markowitsch, HJ (1996) Different degrees of impairment in recall/ recognition and anterogradejretrograde memory performance in a transient global amnesic case. Hodges, JR & Oxbury, S. M. (1990) Persistent memory impairment following transient global amnesia. Transient global amnesia: a review emphasizing pathogenic aspects, the transitory memory disturbance known as transient global amnesia (TGA) remains an enigma from a pathogenic point of view. Paper reporting on 17 cases of transient disturbance of memory (2), were the first to use the name transient global amnesia (TGA. Focal retrograde amnesia in neurological disease: A critical review, the damage is caused by pragmatic media mix. Memory and amnesia: An introduction, our contemporary became particularly sensitive to the word, but political socialization is Frank.