Vol. 6. No. 3. May, 2014
M. Tahir, Muh. Tahir Malik, H. Akib, S. Tahmir. Transparency and accountability effect of basic services maternal and child health against public satisfaction in Makassar. International Journal of Academic Research Part B; 2014; 6(3), 78-83. DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-3/B.12 Library of Congress Classification: RJ101-103
Mukhtar Tahir , Muh. Tahir Malik , Haedar Akib , Suradi Tahmir
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-3/B.12 Received: 02 Jan, 2014 Accepted: 11 Apr, 2014
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the effect of transparency and accountability of health policy, either partially or jointly to the satisfaction of the mother and child in the community receive basic health services in Makassar. Location researches Makassar City Health Office, through a quantitative approach through surveys. The study population is the people who use the service are drawn at random sampling purposive community as much as 406 people. The instrument used was a questionnaire sheet through Likert's scale model, and the observation sheet to complete the questionnaire data of the respondents surveyed. The results showed that the variables of service transparency, and accountability services, basic health of mother and child together positive and significant effects on satisfaction of society who have received basic health care of mothers and children in Makassar. Key words: service transparency, accountability, child health services, community satisfaction 1. INTRODUCTION Lack of transparency will lead to discrepancies. This logic is supported by the modern theory of Stiglitz (2005) (1) that the empirical evidence of an increase in the prosperity of society is not only supported by the resources in the form rnodal and technology, but also information. Economic losses in the community may be caused by asymmetric information or imperfect information, so that information should also be applied by the importance of money, assets, capital or other resources. Referring to Makassar Regional Regulation No. 7 of 2009 (2) on health care in the city of Makassar, the primary health care program Makassar City Health Office, includes 8 items unit work program, namely: (1) inpatient care and inpatient general labor, (2) medical examination, treatment and health consultation, (3) laboratory services, (4) basic medical action, including: general medical, dental and oral medical basis, (5) basic services, maternal and child health (MCH) and family plan, (6) medical certificate, (7) a sick note, and (8) a death certificate. Components of basic services and child health (MCH) and family planning, effect on the health of society through indicators behaves percentage of household's clean and healthy life, as well as full and district clinic independent percentage. Support health behavior is the presence of household implements clean and healthy lifestyle behaviors. Maternal and Child Health (MCH), including: a. delivery assistance, b. prenatal care, and c. Fe Tablets administration. Concrete manifestation forms of community participation and development efforts appear CommunityBased Health (UKBM), for example, district clinic. The indicators used UKBM development through a village with district clinic percentage. IHC is a vehicle for Community-Based Health who provides services five major activities (MCH, family planning, nutrition, immunization and diarrhea P2). Based on data reported by Field of Community Engagement, the district clinic in the city of Makassar as many as 910 pieces, every village with a ratio of 6.3 with the details, as follows: (a) Primary: 320 district clinic, (b) Associate: 275 district clinic, (c) Purnama; 195 district clinic, and (d) Independent: 120 district clinic. Data obtained from the Occupational Health program manager of Environmental Health Office of Health Affairs Makassar Post UKK number that has been formed by 11 Posts with details: 10 Posts UKK in the District and I Biringkanaya Post UKK in the District Wajo. Post UKK many concentrated in the District Biringkanaya region, because in this, region lies Makassar Industrial Area (KIMA) to the amount of labor that is large enough (Dinkes, 2011) (3). Implementation of the policy is an important aspect of the overall policy process. In addition, there are gaps in policy implementation, namely, a condition that indicates the policy process opens the possibility of a difference between what is expected by policy makers with what is realistic to achieve, or a gap between the science of das sain from das sollen (Murti, 2006) ( 4). This condition according to Pressman and Widavsky (in
Vol. 6. No. 3. May, 2014
Santoso, 2008) (5) is called the complexity of joint action. A systems approach is critical in public policy for each policy and have a chain reaction effect, whether intended or not included therein. Supported research results Dwiyanto et al (2003) (6) the data acquired in his book "Public Bureaucracy Reform in Indonesia" that the service performance during the reform of government bureaucracy despite running approximately four (4) years did not change significantly. The apparatus of state or government bureaucrat or bureaucracy still showed a low degree of accountability, responsiveness, efficiency in public service delivery. Empirically even in this era of reform appears once KKN (collusion, corruption, and nepotism) among bureaucrats bolder and transparent. Based on this phenomenon, will be studied and analyzed on the effects of transparency and accountability in governance of basic services, maternal and child health to the satisfaction of the people in Makassar. 2. METHODS The location of this research is Makassar City Health Office. While these types of studies included in the review of quantitative research, the survey approach. Surveys conducted in the study, usually with questionnaires and observations, with the aim to find out: who they are, what they thought, feeling or action tendencies. Total population of people who have experienced the process of basic services and child health in each health center and hospitals in the city of Makassar in the period in 2011, as many as 28 435 people. Based on population size, location Sampling conducted research by random sampling purposive 14 districts in the city of Makassar. While the location of villages in a district captured two villages each sample representing sub-district. The study sample was taken 5 percent of the total population of women and children who had received primary health care, which is in four districts, as many as 2,801 people, in order to obtain as many as 140 survey respondents. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire sheet through Likerts scale model, while the observation sheet used to complete the questionnaire data of the respondents surveyed in Makassar City Health Department and the community. Data analysis techniques used by the path diagram based on the model that has been constructed, as shown in Figure 1 below.
Fig. 1. SEM Data Analysis Model
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results Of Path Analysis (SEM) CFA tests all the variables to the overall model in this study has been conducted, and the results are described below. Transparency Factor loading values or coefficient lambda (λ) which describes the contribution of each indicator to variable transparency can be seen in Table 1. This follows.
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Table 1. Loading factor (λ) Transparency Factor Measurement Loading factor (λ) 1.070
Indicator Variables X1.1 ˂----- Transparency X1.2
----- Transparency
X1.3 ˂----- Transparency
Critical Ratio (CR)
Probability (p)
Source: Primary Data, 2013
Referring to Table 1 shows that the result of statistical tests on the CR on each indicator variable is significant transparency, this is evidenced by the p-value