civil engineering, or related field, plus 7 or more years related professional MPO ... tion and experience, or Master's
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency invites your interest for the position of
PRINCIPAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNER Tahoe Regional Planning Agency About Us The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA)— created in 1969 by a Compact between the states of Nevada and California, then ratified by the U.S. Congress—protects and restores the environment of Lake Tahoe. The unique bistate agency is charged with regional planning, development and redevelopment oversight, implementation of environmental protections, and restoration programs for the Region. The Agency updated the Lake Tahoe Regional Plan in 2012 to emphasize moving harmful development out of sensitive and outlying areas and into town center redevelopment areas to improve walkability, reduce vehicle use and promote water quality benefits. The Bi-state Agency is charged with regional planning, development oversight, implementation of environmental protections, and restoration programs for the Region. TRPA has both planning authority and the land use regulatory authority to implement and enforce regionalscale plans. Agency executives, managers, and employees lead programs that weave together science, policy, public and private financial investment, and collaborative partnerships as
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foundations critical to Lake Tahoe’s long-term preservation. Agency staff functions at the complex crossroad of environmental protection, land use planning, and real estate development in a highly sensitive environment. In support of TRPA’s role in planning transportation for the Lake Tahoe Region, the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization (TMPO) was created in 1999 by the Governors of California and Nevada as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) under federal law. One of the primary purposes of the TMPO is to coordinate transportation planning activities in the Lake Tahoe Region in a comprehensive, and inclusive process. As with all federally designated MPOs, this is primarily done through planning and financial programming activities. The Primary Products required of MPOs are a Regional Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, and an Overall Work Program. The TMPO Governing Board is comprised of the fourteen voting members of the TRPA Governing Board, and a voting representative of the United States Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit.
VISION AND MISSION Our vision is for a Lake environment that is sustainable, healthy, and safe for the community and future generations. Our mission is to cooperatively lead the effort to preserve, restore, and enhance the unique natural and human environment of the Lake Tahoe Region, while improving local communities, and people’s interactions with our irreplaceable environment.
Agency Work Life TRPA team members are passionate about Tahoe, and engage in its outdoor pursuits and contribute through community service in myriad ways. We are active in local sports and fitness activities and classes, with an on-site CrossFit style gym and coordinated fitness classes ranging from Pilates to martial arts. Many are committed to personal best in their sport of choice—climbing a highest peak, running the next marathon, or sending a team to the “Tough Mudder” extreme sports competition. TRPA employees take their workplace culture into the Tahoe Basin community. Many staff members are involved extensively in local affairs, donating their time and talent to countless organizations. Throughout the Lake Tahoe Region, TRPA employees’ passion for the place together with a can-do, problem-solving attitude regularly contribute to added environmental and social service outcomes beyond the bounds of the job alone. In all we do, collaboration, partnership building, service, and personal commitment are highly valued in the employee culture to secure a better future for the Lake and its environs.
TRPA recognizes the importance of improving the environment while revitalizing and enhancing our communities and quality of life at Lake Tahoe.
Principal Transportation Planner TRPA is seeking an experienced leader in transportation policy and planning to serve as a valuable member of the transportation team. The position falls within an integrated land use and transportation division, and the Principal Transportation Planner contributes creative and innovative ideas to successfully meet the challenges of developing a viable transportation system to serve the desired land use pattern in the Lake Tahoe Region. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate political sensitivity, while effectively leading the transportation program forward. The position must also establish a high degree of leadership and autonomy; plan, lead, and execute a range of complex projects within the Transportation Program. This position is expected to understand and incorporate into the transportation planning process the administrative and statutory requirements of the TRPA, as well as those pertaining to federal Metropolitan Planning Organizations and California Regional Transportation Planning Agencies. The position will manage integration of TRPA, State and Federal transportation planning requirements carried out by the transportation team. In addition to directing transportation team staff, this position will also be required to develop the transportation department budget and work program in consultation with the Long Range and Transportation Planning Division Manager.
Job Overview The Principal Transportation Planner supports the transportation program through numerous responsibilities that include: •
Oversight and responsibility for conducting analysis and plans via consultants or TRPA staff
Establishing and maintain relationships with planning and implementation partners to foster regional collaboration and partnerships
Providing oversight and direction in the development and/or maintenance of the TRPA/TMPO Regional
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Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, Overall Work Program, and other key transportation planning documents
Maintain knowledge of current federal and state transportation planning requirements
• Innovative and challenging work
Support the development of a performance-based planning program that integrates planning, performance measures, project funding selections, and financial programming
• Protecting a national treasure with creative
Assist with the coordination and development of the Regional Congestion Management Process.
Coordinate and support active transportation and transit planning partnerships that accelerate implementation.
Develop and supervise transportation staff (2 Senior Planners, one associate planner) to achieve work program and overall TRPA objectives.
• Leading edge of science and planning solutions • Balancing orderly development with lofty environmental goals • Unmatched outdoor recreation and opportunities for a healthy lifestyle • Flexible, collaborative, and friendly work environment
The position reports to the Long Range Transportation Division Manager.
The Ideal Candidate
We are looking for a candidate with:
The ideal candidate will have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in transportation planning, city planning, public administration, civil engineering, or related field, plus 7 or more years related professional MPO transportation planning or equivalent education and experience, or Master’s Degree and 5 or more years’ experience. Master’s Degree is desired, but not required. Supervision/management experience highly preferred.
Advanced project management, facilitation, and leadership skills
Ability to influence and win support from high level stakeholders
Persuasive negotiation skills
Continuous improvement mindset
4 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Strong critical thinking skills
Critical Thinking and Continuous Improvement
Track record of proactivity, initiative, and problem solving in the MPO Transportation Planning arena
Effective at self-development as well as developing/ mentoring others within Transportation planning
Expert knowledge of transportation planning concepts
Applicable experience implementing federal metropolitan planning and other Federal transportation programs
Thorough understanding of state and federal transportation programs and funding sources
Lead grant management and administration functions of the transportation program
Requires advanced oral and written communication skills; the ability to influence via communication in a variety of channels including conducting public presentations, and a high degree of organizational diplomacy and savvy
Uses specialized planning expertise in own work and mentoring others. Manages contracts within approved schedules and budgets. Works on special projects; identifies continuous improvement (CI) opportunities and leads CI teams. Thinks strategically and creatively in a resource constrained environment. “Connects the dots” to leverage knowledge and solutions.
Fostering Collaborative Relationships •
Builds and maintains strong relationships with relevant partners. Willing and able to influence and motivate partners via oral and written communication. Coaches others on efficient utilization of external resources, e.g. consultants. Key interface with high level leaders within and across agencies.
Technical Skill Mastery •
Advanced depth and understanding and application of various planning and modeling concepts and principles. Ability to conduct complex planning analysis and communicate information to various audiences.
Strong organizational and time management skills
Requires ability to prepare and conduct high quality public presentations
Autonomy and Results Focus
Possess strong public relations skills
Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Access, Excel)
Working knowledge of TRPA threshold standards (desirable)
Key Competencies Leadership: Self and Others •
Able to work independently and align direction and action, agency and community wide, with limited oversight. Makes or suggests non-routine decisions on a regular basis dealing with highly complex, technical, or controversial issues that impact many programs and agencies. Sets budgets and holds others accountable. Demonstrates high levels of proactivity, initiative, and problem solving.
Advanced project management, facilitation, and leadership skills. Influences and wins support from higher-level stakeholders. Reviews and approves proposed projects and programmatic solutions. Negotiates persuasively. Develops/ mentors other project managers and planners. Supervises others within the Transportation division. May substitute for Division Manager.
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community The health of Lake Tahoe and its surrounding communities are intrinsically connected. Improvements in the environment enhance the economy and our well being. Likewise, investments in environmental restoration come more readily from a stable community and resilient economy.
Compensation and How To Apply Compensation & Benefits Salary for this position is commensurate with experience, plus a generous benefits package which includes health insurance, retirement plan, 12 paid holidays, 27 days of paid time off, and an optional 457 deferred compensation plan.
For more information and how to apply visit:
Outstanding features of the Lake Tahoe community include: • • • •
Incredible surroundings Unmatched, four-season recreation World class resorts Clean, fresh air, and pure alpine water • Award-winning schools • Close to vibrant cultural centers, cities, and destinations like San Francisco, Napa Valley, Yosemite, and Reno.
Office Location: 128 Market Street, Stateline, NV Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 5310 Stateline, NV 89449-5310 Phone: 775.588.4547 • Fax: 775.588.4527 •