These abuses include systematic and wide-scale murder, rape, torture, abduction and displacement. The images in the exhi
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Holocaust Museum Houston’s traveling exhibits allow patrons to further understand the ramifications of hate and intolerance in our society. Our current and upcoming traveling exhibits further explore the Holocaust, as well as bring to light contemporary crimes against humanity. The following are the Museum’s traveling exhibits: • Darfur: Photojournalists Respond The exhibit “Darfur Photojournalists Respond,” based on the book “Darfur: Twenty Years of War and Genocide in Sudan,” edited by Leora Kahn, features 27 photographs taken in Darfur. Today, in the Darfur region of western Sudan, we face human suffering on a scale difficult to imagine. The photographers who have witnessed the atrocities firsthand have taken unforgettable photographs that are a testimony to the individual human beings involved in the injustices occurring daily in Darfur. The photographs in this exhibit capture a conflict which has led to some of the worst human rights abuses imaginable. These abuses include systematic and wide-scale murder, rape, torture, abduction and displacement. The images in the exhibit represent the reality of genocide. The people in the photographs are a reminder of life’s beauty and preciousness and dare viewers to answer the question, “how long can we go on saying ‘never again?’” It is time to allow the photographs not only to inform viewers but also inspire them to take action. • In Search of Hope by Saúl Balagura Saúl Balagura is an abstract expressionist committed to the remembrance of the Holocaust. Through his dramatic paintings and evocative poetry, he draws viewers into an atmosphere charged with emotion. Balagura has said of his work: “Victims must have memories; but only when those who were not victims remember will the eternal flame keep warm the hearts of generations to come.” This exhibition presents a unique view of one of history’s darkest periods, one that attempts to depict the Holocaust not from an historical perspective but rather from an artist’s abstract conception of both the horror and hope of the period. The exhibit combines works from two of the artist’s previous collections “Plowing Stones” and “Clinging to Humanity” and contains works in oil, acrylic and watercolor accompanied by poems. • Lives Remembered: Photographs of a Small Town in Poland 1897-1939 “Lives Remembered: Photographs of a Small Town in Poland 1897-1939” illustrates Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust through reproductions of more than 100 photographs of the small town of Szczuczyn, Poland. These photographs, taken by Zalman Kaplan in Szczuczyn, capture the ordinary lives of the residents during the years leading up to the Nazi invasion. Kaplan’s grandson, Michael Marvins, spent years collecting photographs by his grandfather from the descendants of the families that lived in Szczuczyn. The photographs reveal another side of the small Polish town contrary to the often associated images of Orthodox Jews. They show a rich and diverse way of life that was not so different from our own today. This exhibit puts faces on the millions of men, women and children who perished in the Holocaust. The photographs are of ordinary people leading common lives. The exhibit shows what can happen to everyday people when hate and intolerance are allowed to flourish. Morgan Family Center • 5401 Caroline St. • Houston, TX 77004 • TEL 713-942-8000 • FAX 713-942-7953 •
[email protected] •
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• Questionable Issue: Currency of the Holocaust The Nazis made it illegal for residents of the camps and ghettos to have hard currency and required that money be “exchanged” for scrip. In reality, the scrip was worthless Nazi propaganda as there was nothing for prisoners to buy inside the camps, and it had no value outside the camps. This show is a sampling of the extensive Charlton E. Meyer Jr. and Gloria Meyer Collection of Holocaust Museum Houston. Meyer, a numismatist (money historian) and money and coin collector from Louisiana, has been accumulating camp and ghetto scrip since the 1980s. It is the most comprehensive collection of Holocaust scrip in the United States, and many of the artifacts are extremely rare. The piece of scrip from the Natzweiler camp in France is the only known piece in the world. The currencies of the Nazi ghettos silently embody the tragedy, depravity, horror, hope and salvation of the time. The money in this collection is, in some cases, the only reminder we have of people erased from our world during World War II. These notes move our souls to anguish. Through its breadth and depth, this exhibit bears witness to the full scope of the Holocaust. • When They Came to Take My Father by Mark Seliger Mark Seliger has published several books such as “In My Stairwell,” “Physiognomy” and “When They Came to Take My Father,” which was the inspiration for this exhibit. Seliger was born in Amarillo, Texas and moved to Houston, where he often visited Three Brothers Bakery. The bakery was owned by brothers, Max, Sol and Sigmund Jucker, who were Holocaust survivors, and the numbers that were tattooed on the brothers’ arms sparked Seliger’s interest. When he was 16, Seliger took a pilgrimage to Auschwitz, this experience heavily influenced his decision to photograph survivors and publish the book “When They Came to Take My Father.” The black-and-white portraits in this exhibit capture the inner strength as well as the terrible and haunting past of the featured survivors. They share the intense truths of their lives and survival with the viewer through the camera and their personal accounts. The images and stories convey a brutal honesty, bringing to light the horrific and dark memories that the survivors must carry with them. Taken together, Seliger’s collection of words and images forms a moving testimony to human dignity and a record of history that cannot, and must not, be forgotten.
Morgan Family Center • 5401 Caroline St. • Houston, TX 77004 • TEL 713-942-8000 • FAX 713-942-7953 •
[email protected] •
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GUIDELINES FOR BORROWING TRAVELING EXHIBITIONS BOOKING • Holocaust Museum Houston will only book traveling exhibits with the borrower; no agreements will be made with a third party. Persons requesting exhibitions must be authorized to guarantee that the borrower fulfills all exhibition requirements and will carry out the stipulations of the contract. • The borrower must submit: − Traveling Exhibits Application − Facility Report, including detailed floor plan of space in which exhibition will be installed − List of staff and other individuals who will be involved in the exhibition − Institutional information (such as brochures, calendars and clippings) • Booking schedules are subject to negotiation. A time period of two weeks is set between bookings to allow for de-installation, condition reporting, repacking, shipping, and at next venue, unpacking, condition reporting and installation. FEES • Each borrower must pay half of the first month’s rental fee to Holocaust Museum Houston upon signing the exhibition loan agreement. • The borrower must provide proof of insurance coverage on the exhibition while on the borrower’s facilities (i.e., from the moment the exhibition comes onto the borrower’s property to the moment it leaves the borrower’s property). Holocaust Museum Houston will be responsible for in - transit insurance. • Holocaust Museum Houston will designate the shipping company; the borrowing institution is responsible for covering all shipping fees, including any costs for labor or equipment. SECURITY • When open to the public, the exhibition must be monitored by a guard or be under the supervision of a staff member. The exhibition area must be locked and secure when the facility is closed. • The borrower must pay particular attention to and protect the exhibit against the dangers of fire, smoke, water damage, loss, theft and vandalism. • The exhibition cannot be exposed to direct sunlight. • The borrower shall maintain the crates in good condition and store them in clean areas with dry and cool temperatures. The borrower must preserve and secure packing materials in the case to which they belong. INSTALLATION • Gallery space must be equal to or greater than the space requirement for the exhibition. • Constant temperature control is required. SHIPPING • Holocaust Museum Houston will make all shipping arrangements. • The borrower must complete and return incoming and outgoing condition reports upon unpacking and repacking the exhibition.
For any additional information on any of Holocaust Museum Houston’s traveling exhibitions, please contact:
Traveling Exhibits Coordinator E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 713-942-8000, ext. 400
Morgan Family Center • 5401 Caroline St. • Houston, TX 77004 • TEL 713-942-8000 • FAX 713-942-7953 •
[email protected] •