Treatment Status Predicts Differential Prefrontal Cortical Responses to Alcohol and Natural Reinforcer Cues among Alcohol Dependent Individuals Scott C. Bunce1,2,3, Kurtulus Izzetoglu2,3, Meltem Izzetoglu2,3, Hasan Ayaz2,3, Kambiz Pourrezaei2,3, and Banu Onaral2,3 1
Penn State Hershey Medical Center and Penn State College of Medicine Hershey, PA 17003 USA 2 Drexel University School of Biomedical Engineering, Sciences, and Health Systems 3 Cognitive Neuroengineering and Quantitative Experimental Research (CONQUER) Collaborative, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA
[email protected], {ayaz,meltem,ki25,kambiz,banu.onaral)
Abstract. This study used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRs) to test the hypothesis that non-treatment seeking alcohol-dependent participants (NTSA) would show greater response in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) to alcohol cues than recovering alcoholics (RA; sober 90-180 days) or social drinkers. Opposite predictions were made for responses to natural reward cues. NTSA (n=4), RA (n=6), and social drinkers (n=4) were exposed to alcohol and natural reward cues while being monitored with fNIRs. Results confirmed enhanced responses to alcohol cues among NTSA vs. RA in right middle frontal gyrus. The opposite effect (RA>NTSA) was found in response to natural reward cues. Neural responses to alcohol and natural reward cues were negatively correlated in right DLPFC. Real-time craving ratings were positively correlated with greater neural response to alcohol cues. Differential responses to drug and natural reward cues suggest that a psychological mechanism related to treatment status may modulate drug cue responses in DLPFC.
Drug addiction is widely recognized as a disorder of chronic relapse characterized by a compulsion to seek and take the drug, the inability to limit drug intake, and the emergence of a negative hedonic state associated with withdrawal when the drug is unavailable [1-2]. The addiction cycle involves a behavioral pattern of drug use to intoxication, followed by withdrawal, craving, and a renewed effort to obtain more drug even in the face of numerous harmful consequences. Until recently, most theories of addiction focused primarily on reward processes mediated by mesolimbic dopaminergic circuits [3]. Neuroimaging research investigating the central nervous system responses of human populations have identified a distributed neural network that is activated by tobacco, cocaine, and alcohol-related stimuli among addicted individuals [4-7]. A H. Zhang et al. (Eds.): BICS 2012, LNAI 7366, pp. 183–191, 2012. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
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commonly used method for investigation of drug craving has been the cued response paradigm [8-9], which has produced a reasonable consensus regarding the subcortical brain areas involved in addiction and craving. However, there has been notable inconsistency with regard to DLPFC and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC; [7, 10]) which has not been systematically addressed [7] in current models of craving and addiction [10-11]. In their review of the cue reactivity literature, Wilson et al. [7] suggested that the pattern of results is not random, but is predictable if the treatment-seeking status of the participants is taken into account. Among neuroimaging studies of nontreatment seeking individuals, 8 of 10 found activation in DLPFC and 5 of 10 found activation in OFC. Among studies of treatment-seeking individuals, only 1 of 9 found activation in either DLPFC or OFC. In sum, upon exposure to drug-related cues, nontreatment seeking individuals generally exhibited increased activity in DLPFC and OFC relative to individuals in treatment. This observation is important in that it suggests there may be cortical correlates of treatment status, but more importantly, of behavioral control and commitment to treatment. Goldstein & Volkow’s [10-11] iRISA model suggests that OFC, DLPFC, ACC, and limbic areas may comprise a mesocortical dopamine circuit thought to be involved in behavioral control mechanisms and conscious experience of drug intoxication. First, prefrontal cortex (PFC) is known to be involved in mediating the primary rewarding effects of reinforcing stimuli [12]. Second, exposure to drug cues typically results in increased metabolic activity in DLPFC among current addicts [7, 10-11, 13-15] even though overall hypoactivations have been found in PFC among opioid [16] and psychostimulant abusers [11]. Third, addicted individuals often demonstrate reduced motivation to obtain natural rewards [10-11]. Together, these findings suggest increased responsivity to drug-conditioned cues, coupled with a reduced response to natural rewards among drug-addicted individuals, mediated in part by prefrontal circuits. There are currently, however, no functional neuroimaging studies of cue-reactivity that have examined both treatment-seeking and nontreatment-seeking addicted individuals in the same study. The contrast between these two groups is important because it could begin to elucidate differences associated with the treatment status and the motivation to maintain sobriety. The current study tested the hypothesis that alcohol-related visual cues would elicit greater activation in DLPFC among non-treatment-seeking alcohol-dependent individuals relative to in-treatment, abstinent individuals. Though the suppression of prefrontal metabolism in some addicted groups [16] may be considered a confound between current users and patients in treatment, because opposite hypotheses can be made for prefrontal response to drug cues and natural rewards, the predicted outcome would suggest a psychological mechanism rather than physiologically-based explanation. We predicted that NTSA would show increased activation to drug cues, and decreased activation to natural rewards in DLPFC, whereas RA would show the opposite pattern. Social drinkers' responses were expected to resemble those of RA; therefore social drinker means were expected to differ from those of NTSA, but not from RA. The current study utilized an emerging neuroimaging technology, functional nearinfrared spectroscopy (fNIR; [17]) to examine neural responses in DLPFC while participants viewed alcohol-related and natural reward cues. The use of near infrared light as a noninvasive tool to monitor changes in the concentration of oxygenated
Treatment Status Predicts Differential Prefrontal Cortical Responses to Alcohol
hemoglobin (HbO2) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) during functional brain studies has been increasing over the last several years [18-22]. Analogous to fMRI, fNIR provides information on local changes in blood oxygenation concentrations, and can be safely used for repeated measures on the same individual. In contrast to fMRI, however, fNIR is relatively inexpensive, portable, boasts a rapid application time (5-10 minutes), and has near-zero run-time costs.
Fourteen right-handed non-smokers were recruited into three groups using newspaper advertisements; 4 nontreatment-seeking adult alcoholics (1 female), 6 alcoholic patients currently in recovery (2 females), and 4 healthy social drinkers (2 females). All participants signed written informed consents approved by the University Institutional Review Board. Diagnoses were assigned using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–IV for Axis I (Ver. 2.0). Daily alcohol use for the 180 days prior to intake were gathered using the Form-90 A interview [23]. NTSA (Mean age = 39.0+13.7 years) were selected to meet DSM-IV criteria for Alcohol Dependence, expressed no interest in treatment, nor had they sought treatment in the past year. RA (Mean age = 36.2+5.4 years) met DSM-IV criteria for Alcohol Dependence in early full remission, lived in a non-restricted environment, and reported no alcohol use for 90-180 days (Mean = 158.3+38.1 days). This pattern of sobriety was the behavioral operationalization of early commitment to sobriety, as they reported having remained sober past the critical early (90 day) phase of relapse [2, 24-25], while having had the opportunity to drink. Social drinkers reported consuming fewer than 7 drinks per week, and fewer than 5 drinks on any single occasion for males, 4 for females. Exclusion criteria for all groups included the presence of any other DSM-IV Axis I psychiatric disorder or substance dependence disorder. Participants were requested to refrain from alcohol use for 24 hours prior to the experiment. Prior to the imaging session, all participants completed a breathalyzer test and an assessment for alcohol withdrawal symptoms. All participants registered a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .000 (Alco-Sensor IV), and scored 1 or less on the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol-revised (CIWA-Ar; [26]). 2.2
Experimental Procedures
Cued Response Task. Stimulus Cue Presentations and Task: The stimulus presentation series consisted of a sequence of six 125-second epochs. Each epoch contained four 25-second blocks, one block each of a) alcohol, b) nonalcoholic beverages, c) visual control pictures, and d) a crosshair, and e) one block of natural rewards. Each 25-s block was comprised of five individual pictures, each displayed for 5 seconds. The alcohol blocks were specific to a beverage type (wine, beer, or liquor), with two blocks per type. After each block, participants rated their craving
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and resistance to craving in real time on a 100-point visual analog scale. Following Myrick et al. [5], participants were asked to rate their ‘urge to consume alcohol’ on a visual analog scale anchored at one end by ‘not at all’ and on the other by the ‘maximum possible’. Participants also rated their ‘resolution not to consume alcohol’ on a 100-point scale anchored by “extremely resolute not to consume alcohol” to “plan to consume alcohol.” fNIR sensors were located by aligning the bottom row of optodes with the International 10-20 site F7, FP1, FP2, F8 line [27]. This placement situated the sensor over bilateral dorsolateral and inferior frontal gyri [28]. A priori regions of interest were optodes 11, 12, 13, 14, as these sites were consistent with previous reports of cued responses in DLPFC [29]. Stimuli. A total of 126 picture cues, 30 from each of 4 categories (alcoholic beverages, nonalcoholic beverages, color and intensity matched control pictures, and a crosshair) were presented to participants, along with 6 natural rewards stimuli. Alcohol and nonalcoholic beverages were selected primarily from the Normative Appetitive Picture System (NAPS; [30]). These stimuli were supplemented with similar pictures drawn from such magazines as Gourmet and Cigar Aficionado to avoid repeating the same stimuli during the study. Visual control pictures consisted of distorted images of the same stimuli, matching the alcohol cues for color and intensity, but lacking any object recognition. fNIR Data Acquisition and Artifact Removal. fNIR data recorded by COBI Studio [31] were processed using a software suite developed at Drexel University and implemented in Matlab (The Mathworks, Inc., Sherborn, MA). Raw data were lowpass filtered at a frequency of 0.14 Hz to remove respiration and cardiac variation. Individual optodes were visually scanned for artifacts due to motion or poor coupling between the sensors and the scalp, and segments with significant artifact were discarded. Continuous data were then segmented into epochs consistent with the 5 stimulus types and averaged, yielding average oxygenation changes associated with the five stimulus types (alcohol, nonalcoholic beverages, non-identifiable controls, natural rewards, and crosshair). Optode locations for graphs were imaged in fnirSoft [32], by projecting the International 10-20 site measurements from the participants onto a standardized brain (used by permission, [33]) using cortical coordinates provided in [28]). Statistical Analyses. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 19.0.0 (IBM SPSS Statistics). fNIR oxygenation changes were compared separately for drug cues and hedonic stimuli using 3 (GROUP; NTSA vs. RA vs. SOCIAL DRINKERS) x 2 (CONDITION; ALCOHOL vs. NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE, or NATURAL REWARDS vs. NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE) repeated-measures ANOVAs. Region of interest (ROI) optodes for the alcohol contrast were chosen on the basis of Goldstein and Volkow’s [10] meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies investigating drug cue response in addicts vs. controls.
Treatment Status Predicts Differential Prefrontal Cortical Responses to Alcohol
Alcohol Stimuli
Results for the ALCOHOL vs. BEVERAGE contrast revealed a GROUP x CONDITION interaction (F (2,11) = 7.62, p = .008; partial eta2 = .58). This finding was qualified by a GROUP x CONDITION X LOCATION interaction (F (6,20) = 2.88, p = .035; partial eta2 = .46. Analysis of individual optode locations revealed that OPTODE 11 (F (2, 11) = 4.79, p = .03; Partial eta2 = .465), OPTODE 13 (F (2, 11) = 10.12, p = .003; Partial eta2 = .65), and OPTODE 14 (F (2, 11) = 8.96, p = .005; Partial eta 2 = .62) showed differential activation to alcohol vs. beverages among the groups. Although the results were in the same direction, optode 12 did not obtain a conventional level of significance (F (2, 11) = 1.73, ns). Consistent with our hypothesis, and with previous research, post hoc analyses and inspection of the means revealed that NTSA had greater activations to alcohol cues vs. nonalcoholic beverages across the three optodes relative to both RA and SOCIAL DRINKERS (see Fig 1a,b). 3.2
Natural Rewards Stimuli
For the NATURAL REWARDS – BEVERAGE contrast, main effects for CONDITION (F (1, 11) = 4.97, p = .05; Partial eta2 = .31) and LOCATION (F (3, 9) = 5.95, p = .02; Partial eta2 = .67) were qualified by CONDITION x GROUP (F (2, 11) = 6.05, p = .02; Partial eta2 = .52) and CONDITION x LOCATION (F (3, 9) = 4.88, p = .03; Partial eta2 = .62) interactions. The CONDITION x GROUP X LOCATION interaction was not significant (F (6, 20) = 1.77, ns), suggesting consistency across the four optodes. Because our primary interest was in the CONDITION x GROUP interaction, we examined this effect within each of the optodes. Optode 14 (F (2, 11) = 7.22, p = .01; Partial eta2 = .57), Optode 15 (F (2, 11) = 4.86, p = .03; Partial eta2 = 47) and Optode 16 (F (2, 11) = 7.56, p = .009; Partial eta2 = .58) were all significant for the CONDITION x GROUP interaction. In each case, post-hoc analyses revealed that NTSA had significantly less neural activation in response to the NATURAL REWARDS cues than did RA, whereas RA and SOCIAL DRINKERS’ responses did not differ (see Fig 1a,b). The NTSA neural responses to the NATURAL REWARDS cues were also less than the SOCIAL DRINKERS at Optode 14, although this post-hoc effect was marginal at Optodes 15 (p = .06), and 16 (p < .10). Further analyses revealed that no other fNIR optode sites obtained conventional levels of significance (all F’s < 3.42, p < .07). A Pearson’s correlation revealed a negative association between response to alcohol and response to natural rewards at Optode 14 (r (13) = -.51, p = .06), where significant responses to both stimulus classes were found to overlap. Pearson’s correlations also revealed a positive association between ratings of realtime craving to the alcohol cues and brain oxygenation in response to alcohol cues at Optodes 11 (Pearson’s r = 0.63, p=.02) and 14 (Pearson’s r = 0.61, p=.03). Real-time ratings of alcohol craving were negatively associated with brain activation in response to natural reward cues at Optode 14 (Pearson’s r = 0.71, p=.006), Optode 15 (Pearson’s r = 0.72, p=.006), and Optode 14 (Pearson’s r = 0.70, p=.008).
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Fig. 1. a) Location of Neural Response to Alcohol Cues and Natural Rewards. Yellow = activation to alcohol – beverage cues; Blue = activation to natural rewards – beverage cues; Green = overlap in activation to both alcohol and natural reward cues (Optode 14). b) Mean oxygenation changes in response to Alcohol Cues (Red) and Natural Rewards (Green) at Optode 14.
The current study compared functional neural activation in the prefrontal cortices of social drinkers, NTSA, and RA as they viewed pictures of alcohol cues and natural rewards. Consistent with the hypotheses, NTSA showed greater oxygenation in right DLPFC (middle frontal gyrus) while viewing alcohol cues than did RA. Social drinkers' responses fell between those of the other two groups; they were marginally lower than those of the NTSA, but did not differ from RA. In contrast, the neural responses to natural reward cues showed the opposite pattern of activation relative to alcohol cues, i.e., neural responses to the natural reward cues were larger among RA and social drinkers than among NTSA. Neural responses to the natural reward cues were negatively correlated with neural responses to the alcohol cues. Across all groups, real-time ratings of craving in response to the alcohol cues were positively correlated to the magnitude of the brain activation to those cues. However, when examined within group, both NTSA and social drinkers had positive correlations with neural response (i.e., greater craving was associated with greater activation), whereas RA showed a negative correlation (reports of less craving were associated with greater activation). The finding of increased right prefrontal activation among NTSA in response to the alcohol cues is consistent with previous findings utilizing fMRI [29, 34-35], although it does represent the first report utilizing fNIR. The finding that RA showed reduced responses to alcohol cues relative to the NTSA, however, is important for two reasons. First, as per Wilson et al. [7] this finding may help explain why many studies
Treatment Status Predicts Differential Prefrontal Cortical Responses to Alcohol
utilizing the cued-response method have not found differences in PFC when looking at patients in recovery. Second, it suggests that time in treatment (time away from drug use) may have an effect on the susceptibility of the individual to the drug cues (and the return of response to natural rewards). Given that PFC responses to both alcohol and natural reward cues differed as a function of treatment status, the functional significance of these cue-induced activations is important. Although there are several theories, the functional significance of these cue-induced activations are not yet known [10]. However, it is likely they represent some aspect of salience or heightened attention. An important finding from the current study, i.e., the differential activation to natural reward cues, argues against the treatment-related reduction in cued-response being due to withdrawal-related hypoactivation. If the decreased response to alcohol cues were due to physiological hyporesponsivity, it would most likely lead to a decrease in response to all mental cues, including natural rewards, rather than to a selective decrease in response to alcohol cues. Instead, neural responses to the natural reward cues were larger among RA and social drinkers than among NTSA, suggesting at least some return of the response to natural rewards among alcoholic patients in longer-term recovery. This finding is important, as it suggests that time away from the drug will help facilitate better treatment outcomes through increased hedonic rewards over time. There are a couple of limitations to this study. The finding of a marginal difference between NTSA and social drinkers is likely due to the small sample size, although several fMRI studies have failed to find differences between social drinkers and alcoholics in cued-response studies (e.g., [5]). It is possible that the stimuli were more appetitive to some social drinkers, less so to others. The differences between the NTSA and the RA, however, were quite robust, and the direction and location of both findings are consistent with previous cued-response studies that report activations in prefrontal cortices. Nevertheless, these results should be replicated in a larger sample. A second limitation is that unlike fMRI, fNIR cannot image the whole brain, and does not have the same spatial resolution as fMRI. However, this study does provide evidence that fNIR has the potential to provide important information about PFC activations. Given that neuroimaging studies have been shown to predict treatment outcomes for tobacco, alcohol and methamphetamines [29, 35-37], despite its limitations, fNIR may provide the potential for evidence-based medicine in the form of affordable, translational neuroimaging for routine clinical use.
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