Oct 30, 2010 - (2007) and Dourado et al. (2009) used the Gompertz model to examine growth of slow-growing broilers they reared in the free range system.
Trends Anim Vet Sci J 2010 1(1):12-18
Trends in Animal & Veterinary Sciences Journal www.academyjournals.net
Orjinal Article
Analysis of Fitting Growth Models in Medium Growing Chicken Raised Indoor System Dogan NARINC*, Tulin AKSOY, Emre KARAMAN, Deniz ILASLAN CUREK Department of Animal Science, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey Received: 08.09.2010
Accepted: 05.10.2010
Published: 30.10.2010
Abstract Medium-growing broilers that were reared under mixed-sex condition in confined system were used in this study. A profile analysis was made for the time-dependent live weight values of female and male broilers, and it was determined that the profiles were not parallel (P