Triads in a Harmonic Minor Scale - Deborah Smith Music
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Deborah Smith 2012. Page 2 t d' r' m' f' s' l '. s s l l t. t d' d' r' r' m' m' f ' f '. m m f f s s
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. Second Octave - Ascending (Going Up). Take Fingerings from Left to Right.
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Page 1. Violin harmonic minor scales. 2 octave. @2001 Michael Watson.
found in the literature (Cook 2001, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2011;. Cook and ...... Brown, S., Martinez, M. J., Hodges, D. A., Fox, P. T., & Parsons, L. ... Amsterdam: John.
Triads in a Harmonic Minor Scale - Deborah Smith Music