Trigonometric Preconditioners for Block Toeplitz Systems Daniel Potts, Gabriele Steidl and Manfred Tasche
This paper is concerned with the solution of a system of linear equations TM;N x = b, where TM;N denotes a positive de nite doubly symmetric block-Toeplitz matrix with Toeplitz blocks arising from a generating function f of the Wiener class. We derive optimal and Strang{type trigonometric preconditioners PM;N of TM;N from the Fejer and Fourier sum of f , respectively. Using relations between trigonometric transforms and Toeplitz matrices, we prove that for all " > 0 and suciently large M; N , at most O(M ) + O(N ) 1 T eigenvalues of P?M;N M;N lie outside the interval (1 ? "; 1 + ") such that the preconditioned conjugate gradient method converges in at most O(M ) + O(N ) steps.
Systems of linear equations
x1. Introduction
TM;N x = b where TM;N denotes a positive de nite doubly symmetric block-Toeplitz matrix with Toeplitz blocks (BTTB matrices) arise in a variety of applications in mathematics and engineering (see [8] and the references therein). Along with stabilization techniques for direct fast and superfast Toeplitz solvers, preconditioned conjugate gradient methods (PCG{methods) have attained much attention during the last years. Two types of so-called \level{2" preconditioners are mainly exploited for linear BTTB systems, namely optimal (Cesaro) doubly circulant preconditioners [4] and more simple so-called \Strang" doubly circulant preconditioners [16]. One reason for the choice of doubly circulant preconditioners is the fact that doubly circulant matrices can be diagonalized by tensor products of Fourier matrices such that the multiplication with doubly circulant matrices requires only O(MN log(MN )) arithmetical operations. In this paper, we restrict our attention to real BTTB matrices. Here, it seems to be natural, to replace the doubly circulant matrices by Proceedings of Mannheim Conference 1996 G. Nurnberger, J. W. Schmidt, and G. Walz (eds.), pp. 1{16. Copyright oc 1997 by Birkhauser, Basel ISBN x-xxxxx-xxx-x. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
matrices which are diagonalizable by tensor products of some orthogonal matrices. We construct \level-2" trigonometric preconditioners of BTTB matrices with respect to various trigonometric transforms and show that for doubly symmetric BTTB matrices arising from a generating function f of the Wiener class the corresponding PCG-method converges in at most O(M ) + O(N ) steps. The special case of preconditioning of doubly symmetric BTTB matrices with respect to a discrete sine transform was studied in [11]. However, in many examples discrete cosine transform based preconditioning leads to better convergence results.
x2. Trigonometric Transforms and Toeplitz Matrices
We introduce four discrete cosine transforms (DCT) and four discrete sine transforms (DST) as classi ed in [17]: DCT ? I : DCT ? II : DCT ? III : DCT ? IV : DST ? I : DST ? II : DST ? III : DST ? IV :
2 1=2
jk N 2 IRN +1;N +1; N N j;k=0 2 1=2 N ?1 j (2 k + 1) II N;N ; N CN := " cos 2 IR j N 2N j;k=0 0 II N;N CIII N := CN 2 IR ; 2 1=2 (2j + 1)(2k + 1) N ?1 IV cos 2 IRN;N ; CN := N 4N 2 1=2 (j + 1)(k + 1) Nj;k?2=0 sin 2 IRN ?1;N ?1; SIN ?1 := N N j;k=0 2 1=2 N ?1 ( j + 1)(2 k + 1) II N;N ; N SN := N "j+1 sin 2 IR 2N j;k=0 0 II N;N SIII N := SN 2 IR ; 2 1=2 (2j + 1)(2k + 1) N ?1 IV N;N ; cos 2 IR SN := N 4N j;k=0 CIN +1 :=
"Nj "Nk cos
where "Nk := 2?1=2 (k = 0; N ) and "Nk := 1 otherwise. We refer to the corresponding transforms as trigonometric transforms. It is well-known that the above matrices are orthogonal and that the multiplication of such matrix with a vector takes only O(N log N ) arithmetical operations. There exist implementations of fast algorithms for the multiplication of above sine and cosine matrices with a vector, for example a C-implementation based on [15] and [1]. Moreover, we use the slightly modi ed DCT{I and DST{I matrices
C~ IN +1 := ("Nk )2 cos
jk N
S~IN ?1 := sin
jk N
N ?1
Trigonometric Preconditioners
and the slightly modi ed DCT{III and DST{III matrices
N ?1 (2 j + 1) k N 2 ~CIII ; N := ("k ) cos 2N j;k=0 N ?1 III (2 j + 1)( k + 1) N 2 S~N := ("k+1 ) sin : 2N j;k=0
It holds that Let
I I C~ N +1 C~ N +1 = N2 IN +1 :
01 ::: 0 01 . . . ... A 2 IRN;N +1 ; Z0 := @ ... . . . ... N;2 0 ::: 1 0 0 ::: 1
00 Z0N;1 := @ ...
00 R0N := @ ...
01 .. A 2 IRN;N +1 ; . 0
0 01 . . . ... ... A 2 IRN ?1;N +1 : 0 0 ::: 1 0 By stoepaa0 we denote the symmetric Toeplitz matrix with rst row a0 and by atoepaa0 the antisymmetric Toeplitz matrix with rst row a0 , where a0 = 0. Similarly, let shankaa0 be the persymmetric Hankel matrix with rst row a0 and let ahankaa0 be the antipersymmetric Hankel matrix with rst row a0 , where aN ?1 = 0. ?1 , A) := diag(ak;k )kN=0 Let diagaa be the diagonal matrix with diagonal a and let (A where ak;k is the (k; k){th entry of A 2 IRN;N . Theorem 1. There exist the following relations between trigonometric transforms and Toeplitz{plus{Hankel matrices: i) DCT{I and DST{I: 1
2 R0N CIN +1 D CIN +1RN = stoep(a0 ; : : : ; aN ?2 ) + shank(a2 ; : : : ; aN ?2; 0; 0) ; 2 SIN ?1 R0N D RN SIN ?1 = stoep(a0 ; : : : ; aN ?2 ) ? shank(a2 ; : : : ; aN ?2; 0; 0) ; 2 R0N CIN +1 D~ RN SIN ?1 = atoep(0; a1 ; : : : ; aN ?2) + ahank(a2 ; : : : ; aN ?1; 0) ; 2 SIN ?1 R0N D~ CIN +1RN = ?atoep(0; a1 ; : : : ; aN ?2 ) + ahank(a2 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ; 0) with
D := diag(d0; : : : ; dN ) ; D~ := diag(0; d~1 ; : : : ; d~N ?1; 0) ; I (d0 ; : : : ; dN )0 := C~ N +1 (a0 ; : : : ; aN ?2; 0; 0)0 ; I (d~1 ; : : : ; d~N ?1)0 := S~N ?1 (a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1)0 :
D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
ii) DCT{II and DST{II:
II 0 2 CII N ZN;2 D ZN;2CN = stoep(a0 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ) + shank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ; 0) ; 0 0 II 2 SII N ZN;1 D ZN;1SN = stoep(a0 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ) ? shank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ; 0) ; 0 0 ~ II 2 CII N ZN;2 D ZN;1SN = atoep(0; a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ) + ahank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ; 0);
0 0 ~ II 2 SII N ZN;1 D ZN;2CN = ?atoep(0; a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ) + ahank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1 ; 0)
D := diag(d0; : : : ; dN ) ; D~ := diag(0; d~1 ; : : : ; d~N ?1; 0) ; I (d0 ; : : : ; dN )0 := C~ N +1 (a0 ; : : : ; aN ?1; 0)0 ; I (d~1 ; : : : ; d~N ?1)0 := S~N ?1 (a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1)0 : iii) DCT{IV and DST{IV: IV 2 CIV N D CN IV 2 SIV N D SN ~ SIV 2 CIV N D N IV ~ 2 SN D CIV N
= stoep(a0 ; : : : ; aN ?1) + ahank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1; 0) ; = stoep(a0 ; : : : ; aN ?1) ? ahank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1; 0) ; = atoep(0; a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1) + shank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1; 0) ; = ? atoep(0; a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1) + shank(a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1; 0)
D := diag(d0 ; : : : ; dN ?1) ; D~ := diag(d~0 ; : : : ; d~N ?1); III (d0; : : : ; dN ?1)0 := C~ N (a0 ; : : : ; aN ?1)0 ; III (d~0; : : : ; d~N ?1)0 := S~N (a1 ; : : : ; aN ?1; 0)0 : Typewriting this paper, we got a ps{ le of a paper of G. Heinig and K. Rost [12], which contains similar results as presented in Theorem 1. N ?1 be given and let C := CIV , S := SIV . Corollary 2. Let T = TN := (tj?k )j;k N N =0 Then ~C T = 1 (T T + T 0 ) + 1 (T T 0 C DS D~ S 2 2 ? T ) = CD + S + C ? SD ; where D := diag(d0 ; : : : ; dN ?1) ; D~ := diag(0; d~1 ; : : : ; d~N ?1) ;
Trigonometric Preconditioners
t1 + t?1 tN ?1 + t?(N ?1) 0 t0; 2 ; : : : ; ; 2 t?(N ?1) ? tN ?1 0 III t?1 ? t1
(d0 ; : : : ; dN ?1)0 := C~ III N (d~0 ; : : : ; d~N ?1)0 := S~N
;0 :
Corollary 2, which can also be formulated for the other trigonometric transforms, provides a new method for the fast multiplication of real Toeplitz matrix with a vector that avoids the complex arithmetic which comes into the play if we exploit FFT{based methods. We are interested in real BTTB matrices ?1 N ?1 TM;N := (T Tr?s )M (1) r;s=0 with Tr := (tr;j ?k )j;k=0 : If tr;j = tjrj;jjj, then TM;N is called doubly symmetric. Corollary 2 can be generalized to BTTB matrices. For given doubly symmetric BTTB matrix TM;N we obtain the representation IV D (C IV IV IV D (SSIV CIV ) TM;N = (C CIV CIV M CN )D M CN ) + (SSM CN )D M N IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV CM SN )D CM SN ) + (SSM SN )D D (C D (SSM SN ) + (C III III with D := diag((C~ M C~ N ) col(tr;j )Nj;r?=01;M ?1). Here col: IRN;M ! IRMN and its inverse col?1 are de ned by ?1 with x col (xj;k )Nj=0?1;k;M=0?1 := (xr )rMN kN +j := xj;k ; =0 ?1 N ?1;M ?1 with x := x col?1 (xr )rMN j;k kN +j : =0 := (xj;k )j =0;k=0 Algorithm 3. (Fast multiplication of BTTB matrix with a vector ) Input: x 2 IRMN , tr;j 2 IR (j = ?(N ? 1); : : : ; N ? 1; r = ?(M ? 1); : : : ; M ? 1). Output: y := TM;N x with TM;N given by (1). Precomputation: For j = ?(N ? 1); : : : ; N ? 1 compute ?dc M ?1 := C~ III t ; t?1;j + t1;j ; : : : ; t?(M ?1);j + tM ?1;j 0 ; 0;j r;j r=0 M 2 2 ?ds M ?1 := S~III t?1;j ? t1;j ; : : : ; t?(M ?1);j ? tM ?1;j ; 00 : M r;j r=0 2 2 For r = ?(M ? 1); : : : ; M ? 1 and 2 fc; sg compute ?d;cN ?1 := C~ III d ; dr;?1 + dr;1 ; : : : ; dr;?(N ?1) + dr;N ?1 0 ; r;0 N r;j j =0 2 2 ?d;sN ?1 := S~III dr;?1 ? dr;1 ; : : : ; dr;?(N ?1) ? dr;N ?1 ; 00 : N r;j j =0 2 2
6 Let
D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
X := col?1 x ; D; :=
; N ?1;M ?1 dr;j
j =0;r=0
(; 2 fc; sg) :
s IV 1. Xc := X CIV M , X := X SM . ;s IV 2. X;c := CIV N X , X := SN X ( 2 fc; sg). D ;c X;c + D ;s X;s) + SIV D ;c X;s ? D ;s X;c) (; 2 3. Z ; := CIV N (D N (D fc; sg). Here denotes the componentwise matrix product. Zc;s ? Zs;c)SSIV CIV 4. Y := (ZZc;c + Zs;s)C M. M + (Z Y. Set y := colY Algorithm 3 requires O(MN log(MN )) real arithmetical operations.
x3. Trigonometric Preconditioners
We are concerned with the solution of a system of linear equations TM;N x = b
with doubly symmetric positive de nite BTTB matrix T0 ; : : : ; TM ?1) ; Tj = stoep(tj;0 ; : : : ; tj;N ?1) T = TM;N := stoep(T
by the PCG-method. We will see that with a good preconditioner at hand, this can be realized in a fast way. There are several requirements on a preconditioner PM;N of (2) resulting from the construction and the convergence behaviour of the CG-method as well as from the fact that the multiplication of TM;N with a vector requires only O(MN log(MN )) arithmetical operations. Therefore, we are looking for a preconditioner with the following properties: (P1) PM;N is symmetric and positive de nite. (P2) For all " > 0 and suciently large M; N , at most O(M ) + O(N ) eigenvalues 1 T of P?M;N M;N lie outside the interval (1 ? "; 1 + ") such that the PCG-method converges in at most O(M ) + O(N ) steps. (P3) The multiplication of PM;N with a vector can be computed with O(MN log(MN )) arithmetical operations. (P4) The construction of PM;N takes only O(MN log(MN )) arithmetical operations. Having property (P3) in mind, a straightforward idea consists in choosing PM;N from an algebra AO := fO0 (diag d)OO : d 2 IRMN g
Trigonometric Preconditioners
of all matrices which are diagonalizable by some orthogonal matrix O 2 IRMN;MN , where O has the additional property that its fast multiplication with a vector requires only O(MN log(MN )) arithmetical operations. As orthogonal matrices, we will use tensor products of the trigonometric matrices of the previous section. A) 2 AO is called an optimal preconditioner of For A 2 IRMN;MN , the matrix P(A A [4] if jjP(AA) ? AjjF = minfjjB ? AjjF : B 2 AO g : Here jjAjjF denotes the Frobenius norm
jjAjjF := (
MN X?1 j;k=0
a2jk )1=2 :
The choice of the Frobenius norm results from the fact that this norm is induced by an inner product of IRMN;MN
hA; Bi := tr(AA0B) =
MN X?1 j;k=0
aj;k bj;k :
In particular, we have jjOAO0 jj2F = tr(OOA0O0OAO0 ) = tr(AA0A) = jjAjj2F : O 2 AO this implies For B := O0 (diag d)O jjB ? AjjF = jjdiagdd ? OAO0 jjF such that the optimal preconditioner of A is given by A) = O0 (O P(A OAO0 )O O: (4) If O is the tensor product of any two orthogonal matrices which correspond to the A) is said DST{I, DST{II, DCT{II, DST{IV and DCT{IV, respectively, then P(A to be an optimal trigonometric preconditioner of A. In the following, we restrict our attention to IV O = OM;N := CIV M CN : The approach for the other transforms follows exactly the same lines. Numerical examples are included for dierent transforms. By Theorem 1, AO consists of block{Toeplitz{plus{Hankel matrices with Toeplitz{ plus{Hankel blocks, more precisely O D O = stoep(A A0; : : : ; AM ?1) + ahank(A A1; : : : ; AM ?1; 0) 2O (5) where Ar := stoep(ar;0 ; : : : ; ar;N ?1) + ahank(ar;1 ; : : : ; ar;N ?1; 0) ; 2A III III ?1;M ?1 : D := diag(C~ M C~ N ) a ; a := col (ar;k )Nk=0 ;r=0 T) 2 AO of a doubly symmetric The optimal trigonometric preconditioner P := P(T BTTB matrix T can be computed as follows:
D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
Theorem 4. Let a doubly symmetric BTTB matrix T of form (3) be given. Then its optimal trigonometric preconditioner P 2 AO reads
~ III wF t) O P = 4 O diag(C~ III N ) (w M C
?1;M ?1 and wF := col (1 ? r )(1 ? k ) N ?1;M ?1. where t := col(tr;k )Nk=0 ;r=0 M N k=0;r=0 ?1 Proof: By (4), we are interested in (OOTO) = diag (dr )rMN =0 . For k = 0; : : : ; M ?1 and j = 0; : : : ; N ?1, we obtain by straightforward calculation that ?1 NX ?1 u + 1) cos (2j + 1)(2r + 1) 4 MX tju?vj;jr?sj cos (2k + 1)(2 dkN +j = MN 4M 4N u;v=0 r;s=0
k + 1) cos (2s + 1)(2j + 1) : cos (2v + 1)(2 4M 4N
cos x cos y = 21 cos(x ? y) + 21 cos(x + y) ; we can simplify the above expression in ?1 MX ?1 NX u ? v) cos (2j + 1)(r ? s) ; 1 tju?vj;jr?sj cos (2k + 1)( dkN +j = MN 2M 2N u;v=0 r;s=0
since the remaining three terms vanish. Summation over all (u; v) with m := ju ? vj = 0; : : : ; M ? 1 leads to NX ?1 MX ?1 2 (2k + 1)m (2 j + 1)( r ? s ) M )2 (1 ? m )t dkN +j = N cos cos ( " m; j r ? s j m 2N M 2M r;s=0 m=0
and summation over all (r; s) with n := jr ? sj = 0; : : : ; N ? 1 nally to
dkN +j = 4
MX ?1 NX ?1 m=0 n=0
Consequently, we get
m n 2 N 2 ("M m ) ("n ) (1 ? M )(1 ? N ) tm;n
cos (2k +2M1)m cos (2j +2N1)n :
?1 ~ III ~ III wF t) : (dr )rMN =0 = 4 (CM CN ) (w
Trigonometric Preconditioners
Let tj;k 2 IR (j; k 2 IN0) with
1 X
f (x; y) := 4
jtj;k j < 1 be given. Then the function
1 X
j k tj;k cos(jx) cos(ky)
with 0 := 1=2 and j := 1 for j 2 IN belongs to the Wiener class. Note that f is 2{periodic and even in both variables. Under these assumptions, f is called generating function of the doubly symmetric BTTB matrix (3). Using the Fourier sums (sm;nf ) (x; y) := 4 the Fejer mean [3] is de ned by
m X n X
j =0 k=0
j k tj;k cos(jx) cos(ky) ;
MX ?1 NX ?1 1 (M ?1;N ?1f ) (x; y) := MN (sm;n f )(x; y) m=0 n=0
MX ?1 NX ?1 m=0 n=0
F tm;n cos(mx) cos(ny ) j k wm;n
with the corresponding Fejer window ? m ? n m = 0; : : : ; M ? 1 ; n = 0; : : : ; N ? 1 ; F wm;n := 1 ? M 1 ? N 0 otherwise : De ning the Fejer kernel by 8 xN !2 NX ?1 < sin 1 x 6= 0 , FN ?1(x) := 1 + 2 1 ? Nk cos(kx) = : N sin x2 2 k=1 N x=0 and the even shift by 1 X 1 (u;v f ) (x; y) := 4 f (x + (?1)j u; y + (?1)k v) ; j;k=0 we obtain the known integral representation of the Fejer mean Z Z 1 (M ?1;N ?1f ) (x; y) = 2 0 0 (u;v f )(x; y) FM ?1 (u) FN ?1 (v) dudv : For M; N ! 1, the Fejer mean M ?1;N ?1f tends uniformly to f on [0; ]2. Furthermore, we know that for all (x; y) 2 [0; ]2 fmin (M ?1;N ?1f )(x; y) fmax ; (9) where fmin and fmax denote the minimal and maximal values of f , respectively. By (9) and Theorem 4, we obtain:
D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
Corollary 5. Let f be given by (7) and let T := TM;N be the associated doubly symmetric BTTB matrix (3). Then the eigenvalues of the optimal preconditioner P 2 AO of T are special values of the Fejer mean, i.e.
N ?1;M ?1 III III (2 j + 1) (2 k + 1) wF t ) : col (M ?1;N ?1f )( 2M ; 2N ) = 4 C~ M C~ N (w k;j =0
If f is positive, then P is positive de nite. Using the simple rectangular window 1 m = 0; : : : M ? 1; n = 0; : : : N ? 1 ; S wm;n := 0 otherwise; instead of the Fejer window in Theorem 4, we obtain the de nition of the Strang{ type preconditioner [10]
~ III wS t) O : S = S(T T) := 4O O diag(C~ III N )(w M C The eigenvalues of S are special values of the Fourier sum sM ?1;N ?1f . For positive f it could happen that not all eigenvalues of S are positive. Since f is from the Wiener class, the Fourier sum sM ?1;N ?1f tends uniformly to f on [0; ]2. Hence, for all " > 0, there exist > 0 such that for M; N > all eigenvalues of S lie in the interval [fmin ? "; fmax + "]. Thus, for positive f and suciently large M and N , the Strang{type preconditioner S is positive de nite.
x4. Convergence Analysis
Let f be given by (7). We use f as generating function of doubly symmetric BTTB matrices TM;N of form (3). The eigenvalues of TM;N are distributed as f [13] and fmin min(TTM;N ) max (TTM;N ) fmax ; TM;N ) and max(T TM;N ) denote the smallest and largest eigenvalues of where min(T IV TM;N , respectively. We consider again the case OM;N := CIV M CN . Theorem 6. Let f in (7) be a positive function from the Wiener class with fmin > 0. Further, let TM;N be the associated doubly symmetric BTTB matrix (3). By SM;N , PM;N 2 AO , we denote the Strang-type preconditioner and the optimal trigonometric preconditioner of TM;N , respectively. Then, for all " > 0, and for suciently large M; N at most O(M ) + O(N ) eigenvalues of ?1 1 T S?M;N M;N and PM;N TM;N lie outside the interval (1 ? "; 1 + "). 1 T Proof: 1. First we consider S?M;N M;N . By (5), it holds that M;N
SM;N ? TM;N =ahank(T T1 ; : : : ; TM ?1; 0) + stoep(H H0; : : : ; HM ?1) H1; : : : ; HM ?1; 0) ; + ahank(H
Trigonometric Preconditioners
where Hr := ahank(tr;1 ; : : : ; tr;N ?1; 0). Since f belongs to the Wiener class, for all " > 0, there exist m; n > 0 such that 1 X 1 X s=m+1 j =0
jts;j j < " =6 ;
1 X 1 X s=0 j =n+1
jts;j j < " =6 :
For N > 2n and M > 2m, we decompose (10) as SM;N ? TM;N = U + V ; where U := ahank(00m ; Tm+1; : : : ; TM ?1; 0) + stoep(H HB0 ; : : : ; HBM ?1) + ahank(00m ; Hm+1; : : : ; HM ?1; 0) ; T1 ; : : : ; Tm ; 0M ?m) + stoep(H V := ahank(T HE0 ; : : : ; HEM ?1) H1 ; : : : ; Hm; 0M ?m ) + ahank(H and HBr := ahank(00n; tr;n+1; : : : ; tr;N ?1; 0) ;
HEr := ahank(tr;1 ; : : : ; tr;n; 0N ?n) :
Here 0j denotes either the zero vector of length j or the vector of length j with zero matrices of size (N ,N ) as entries. By (11), it holds that
jjUjj2 jjUjj1 " : Moreover, V is a matrix of low rank 2mn + 2nM . Next, we verify that ?1 ?1 ?1 1 T I ? S?M;N M;N = SM;N (SSM;N ? TM;N ) = SM;N U + SM;N V ; 1 V is of low rank 2mN + 2nM and where by f where S?M;N min > 0 1 Ujj jjS?1 jj jjUjj ": jjS?M;N 2 2 M;N 2
?1=2US?1=2 Hence, by Cauchy's interlace theorem [18] (applied to the matrix SM;N M;N ?1=2 US?1=2 ) at most 2mN +2nM eigenvalues of I ? S?1 T + SM;N have absolute M;N M;N M;N values larger than ". 1 T 2. To prove the assertion for P?M;N M;N , we use that
PM;N ? TM;N = SM;N ? TM;N ? OM;N (O OM;N (SSM;N ? TM;N )O OM;N ) OM;N OM;N U OM;N )O OM;N + OM;N (O OM;N V OM;N )O OM;N : = U + V + OM;N (O
D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
Regarding that the entries of OM;N have absolute values 2= MN , we get for suciently large M; N that
jj(OOM;N V OM;N )jj2 " : On the other hand, we have
jj(OOM;N U OM;N )jj2 jjUjj2 " such that
CM;N ? TM;N = V + U~
with jjU~ jj2 3" : The rest of the proof follows the lines of the rst part. Using standard error analysis, we conclude that the CG-method converges in at most O(M ) + O(N ) steps for suciently large M; N .
x4. Numerical Results In this section we illustrate the eciency of trigonometric preconditioning by various numerical examples. The algorithms were realized for the optimal preconditioners with respect to the DCT{II, DST{II, DCT{IV and DST{IV, respectively. The fast computation of the preconditioners and the PCG{method were implemented in Matlab and tested on a Sun SPARCstation 20. The fast trigonometric transforms appearing both in the computation of the preconditioner and in the PCG{steps were taken from the C{implementation based on [15] and [1] by using the cmex{program. As transform length we choose N = 2n. The right{hand side b of (2) is the vector consisting of N entries ,,1". The PCG{method starts with the zero vector and stops if kr(j)k2=kr(0)k2 < 10?7 , where r(j) denotes the residual vector after j iterations. We begin with symmetric Toeplitz matrices T1;N . Our test matrices correspond to the following generating functions: (i) (see [8]) f (x) := x4 + 1 (? x ) ; (ii) (see [9])
f (x) := x2 (? x ) : The second column of each table contains the number of iteration steps of the CG{ method without preconditioning. The last four columns of tables 1 { 2 show the number of iterations required by the PCG{method for dierent optimal trigonometric preconditioners.
Trigonometric Preconditioners
n 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
I 67 70 71 70 68 68 65
Table 1.
n 8 9 10 11 12
I 179 375 771 * *
Table 2.
CII N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
SII N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
CIV N 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
SIV N 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Number of iterations for example (i).
CII N 23 29 38 51 68
SII N 5 5 5 5 5
CIV N 25 33 41 55 59
SIV N 25 33 41 55 59
Number of iterations for example (ii).
Further extensive numerical tests with matrices from [2] and [9] lead to the following general observations: { For symmetric Toeplitz matrices, the DST{I based PCG{method shows a similar convergence behaviour as the DST{II based PCG{method. { The use of a Strang{type preconditioner with respect to DCT{II or DST{II yields similar results as the DCT{II or DST{II based PCG{method in all numerical tests. { Preconditioning with respect to the DST{II and DCT{II, respectively, leads to a faster convergence of the PCG-method than preconditioning with respect to the DST{IV or DCT{IV. Next we consider (2) with doubly symmetric BTTB matrices TN;N . By our obII II II servations, we restrict our attention to O1 := CII N CN and O2 := SN SN . Our test matrices are the four doubly symmetric BTTB matrices with the entries: (iii) (see [6] and [11]) tj;k := (j + 1) (k +11)1+0:1(j+1) (j; k = 0; : : : ; N ? 1) ; (iv) (see [6] and [11])
tj;k := (j + 1)1:1 +1 (k + 1)1:1 (j; k = 0; : : : ; N ? 1) ;
D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
(v) (see [11] and [14])
tj;k := 0:7
pj2 +k2
p p + 0:5 j2 +k2 + 0:3 j2 +k2 (j; k = 0; : : : ; N ? 1)
(vi) and with the generating function (see [11])
f (x; y) := x2 + y2 + x2y2 ((x; y) 2 [0; ]2 ) : N 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
I 15 28 38 45 49 51 50
O1 8 9 10 11 12 13 13
I 12 30 48 68 79 * *
N 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
I 11 27 43 71 103 144 198
O1 7 8 9 9 10 10 11
O2 8 10 13 15 16 18 20
Number of iterations for examples (iii) and (iv).
Table 3.
N 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
O2 10 12 13 14 14 14 15
O1 7 8 9 9 8 7 7
Table 4.
O2 8 10 12 13 13 13 12
N 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
I 10 52 164 * * * *
O1 10 18 25 36 56 90 152
O2 9 9 10 10 10 10 9
Number of iterations for example (v) and (vi).
In all examples from [6], our \level{2" trigonometric preconditioners work significantly better than the \level{2" circulant preconditioners and also often better than the \level{1" circulant preconditioners. Only in example (vi), the preconditioning based on O2 as proposed in [11] leads to a faster convergence than the preconditioning based on O1. In most of our examples with BTTB matrices the O1 based PCG{method requires fewer iterations than the PCG{method based on IV CIV N SN or O2 . Moreover, in all examples the optimal trigonometric preconditioner with respect to both O1 and O2 yields a little better convergence of the PCG{method than the Strang{type preconditioner based on O1 and O2 , respectively.
Trigonometric Preconditioners
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D. Potts, G. Steidl and M. Tasche
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Gabriele Steidl Fakultat fur Mathematik und Informatik Universitat Mannheim D{68131 Mannheim Germany
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Manfred Tasche Fachbereich Mathematik Universitat Rostock D{18051 Rostock Germany
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