MZ-OM0010. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. Symptom. Possible Cause. Solution.
Queen is not laying eggs on the. MiteZapper® frame. Ensure the queen is in ...
Queen is not laying eggs on the MiteZapper® frame.
Bees are filling the MiteZapper® frame with nectar.
Possible Cause
Ensure the queen is in the brood chamber (look for eggs in other frames).
Install a queen excluder to ensure the queen does not migrate to upper hive boxes.
Worker brood frames are not adjacent to the MiteZapper® frame.
Place the frames with worker brood next to the MiteZapper® frame.
Drone brood exists in other frames.
Remove the frames that have drone brood OR cut out the drone brood.
The MiteZapper® frame needs to be moved to a different position.
If the MiteZapper® frame is in the 2nd position, move it to the 3rd. If it is in the 3rd position move to the 4th. Make sure you keep the brood nest adjacent to the MiteZapper®.
Not enough empty frames available in the hive boxes.
Install additional hive boxes above the brood boxes. You want to make sure there are always empty frames for the bees to store nectar.
Worker brood frames are not adjacent to the MiteZapper® frame.
Place the frames with worker brood next to the MiteZapper® frame.
Ensure the queen is in the brood chamber (look for eggs in other frames).
Install a queen excluder to ensure the queen does not migrate to upper hive boxes.
**If the frame has nectar, you can allow the bees to “rob” it out. Please see instruction on our website for the best method for robbing. Bees are not drawing the MiteZapper® frame.
Bees have drawn drone brood apart from the MiteZapper® frame (the brood is raised away from the MiteZapper® frame).
MiteZapper, LLC
Honey flow has not started.
Feed the bees sugar syrup.
Colony is Weak.
Take worker brood frames from stronger colonies and install in the colony with the MiteZapper®.
There is too much space between the MiteZapper® frame and the adjacent frame.
First remove the raised drone brood. Then ensure that the two frames on either side of the MiteZapper® frame are spaced properly.