Respect, Empathy, Community, Citizenship & Social Justice. June 20, 2017. BREAKOUT SESSION PROPOSAL FORM. All sessio
True Colors of Character: Respect, Empathy, Community, Citizenship & Social Justice June 20, 2017 BREAKOUT SESSION PROPOSAL FORM All sessions are 75 minutes
Please complete the form & submit by 2/1/17 via email:
[email protected] You will receive notification of acceptance by March 1, 2017. Your AV/room set‐up needs and a brief personal bio will be requested from you upon acceptance. Registration fees will be waived for two presenters per workshop. Please complete the on‐line conference registration upon your acceptance. Room capacity will be provided in advance. Kindly prepare handouts for the appropriate number.
Submitted by: Contact name (if different): School/Company: Phone: Email: Working title for session: Audience focus (choose all that apply): Middle School High School Administration/Leadership Elementary Description of session: Indicate 2‐3 takeaways participants will gain from this session: Name(s) and title(s) of presenter(s): Would you like your proposal to be considered for two sessions (repeat same session) if needed: Yes No Yes No Would you like an exhibit table in the Resource Fair: Any questions on proposals, please contact Julie Borgealt at 414‐382‐6435 or via email:
[email protected].