To my dear wife Vedrana and my children Ejla, Leon, Ian and Ema, I love. you all!. To good old friends and warriors who
Gordon Enderson
True Wisdom
Book with touch to your heart and soul! Gordon Enderson
First to my grannies Milica and Katarina; I will look after all of them, you don’t have to worry, your Gordo! Second to my grandfather Joseph, your legacy will continue! Third, to my father Joseph, a true Croatian Warrior! And to my uncle Damir, Hero above Heroes! To my brother Vladimir and mother Nena, to make you proud! To my dear wife Vedrana and my children Ejla, Leon, Ian and Ema, I love you all! To good old friends and warriors who are not among us anymore, that they can read from the heaven! To my today’s friends and warriors that are still here! For my students! To all people of open mind, great hart and clear soul!
Authors note I present you real life wisdom, from real human experience, from real fights and wars, from real street fights, from real good and bad! Universal wisdom will help you to stay alive, happy and healthy! Open your heart and mind. Use this wisdom in both physical and mental sense! Universal wisdom is raw, efficient and brutal, but fine to! All of my battles, that I was in, were the battles for you, to help you, people of our planet! Most efficient way of help is this book! To understand that, read it every day! It will help you beyond your imagination!
Sometimes in the book you will find IS sign, which means Instinctive Self-defense! The use of word MAN in the text does not mean a male, I use it as an equivalent for women, men’s, and children’s, all of mankind!
Croatia 2012.
Once there was a solider! Very special solider, very dangerous, very capable, best of the best! He did many undercover special tasks, but besides all of that, he was good, honest man! Not so long ago in some war in some country, he found himself in no way out situation; he has to conduct the war which was neither his war nor righteous war! He was forced to be an aggressor and enemy of the people of this small Republic! One day the all hell is breaking loose, he was surrounded, no way out; his army was fortified but completely cut off from food, water, electricity…! When the dark fell bullets starts to swirl through the air, laser scopes finding targets, heavy assignments for the bests, unnoticed getaways to save other surrounded officers and army officials, saving families of some important peoples, helicopter extractions, sniper jobs and many spec ops warfare! Situation was complicated and dangerous, enemy army from outside, aggressor army from the inside! He didn’t want to kill innocent people because they defend their country, to surrender, he could not, the clash was too intense, his side would kill him for that, run away was no option at the moment; he will be shot from both sides, because there was no forgiveness’ from either sides! He was a great fighter and he swung in this war like a shark in the ocean! About him in his country nobody did know anything, some people are heard that he is dead, that he is now on the aggressor side forever, that he is chief in command of aggressors army! Evil thongs are started to work with all bull gossips! But none of it was true! To his family these days were very hard, to not know where is their son, brother, grandson! What to do now, how to be not engaged anymore and to stay alive and not to kill for politicians! He was trained special force solider, trained to survive almost anything but it was not his special forces training, that saved his life, no it was a pure universal wisdom!
Luckily for all of us this solider was Master and true student of the Ways of the Martial Arts, and in that Way he learned a lot. He fought lots of battles with life, people and real attackers from early childhood! In the heat of the pressure and fights he did remember one of the lessons of the Way: “When you are faced with abyss from both front and back, best thing to do is just to sit and wait! That is exactly what he was doing; he didn’t run away in the heat of the battle, he didn’t make the wrong step in the wrong time! He did “sit and wait”, and survive! He did follow the wisdom that he learned before and literally wait for his chance! One month after he make this decision, the war clashes was over, but danger from within started to emerge! This aggressor’s army attacked his country now, so for him it wasn’t safe stay anymore! Soon he was back at home, with a million dollar smile on his face! No one knew from where and how he gets home, he just came! His family was thrilled! At his home another war was waiting for him and of course he did defend his country along with his family and many brothers in arms, many common people, and many of them are not here any more, but he is! In this war he was a pillar of wisdom and security for all of his fellow citizens, and he did saved lives of many people many times! I was around him a lot in those days, helped him in some actions, and he did save my neck a few times! Many people will see him and will not recognize his uniqueness’ and his abilities! It is interesting that he is always showing up in some places where someone needs help! Of course, he is no ordinary man; he is a warrior, fighter, Martial Artist, the priest of the Martial Art Ways, who only strives for peace, kindness and goodness! In the meanwhile he did disappear again without a trace for my perspective, I don see him any more! His last words to me were: “Study wisdom always, it will save your lives.” So, here it is; my wisdom life inspired by that mysterious Solider.
True Wisdom
True Wisdom has a goal to transform ordinary everyday human beings in to a warrior, fighter and spiritually enlightened human being! To stress that many times in this book the word warrior or fighter will be used! It is important to comprehend our – human struggle against bad things, our own negativity and fight against evil that is around us all!
By studying True Wisdom you will be a warrior and a fighter, but not because physical fighting, because of spiritual, mental and intellectual battle against the bad self and bad influences! Physical fight is simple and physical abilities alone don’t lead anybody to the true enlightening!
In today time the world of violence, corruptness and immorality is all around us, it is hard to stay normal, healthy and not under negative influence of our surroundings! You are starting to become a warrior that first moment when in your favorite crowd someone says: “Here take a joint!” And you answer: “No, no, thank you, that first moment when you say no for drugs, alcohol, or violence when you are at your way back home from school, or at the party or wherever, that is first moment when you are started to become a warrior!
Warrior you shall become when you say no to the suppression, violence, neglect, when you are standing on the side of the weaker, when you just see the easy way and when everything is against you and you still say no I will never let go, I will follow my own path of honesty and goodness! Enlightening and understanding of things, relations and the world is not possible if you did not become a Warrior! Author, 7
TABLE OF CONTENST Inscription-------------------------------2 Beginning-------------------------4 True Wisdom------------------7 No surrender -----------------------------------------9 Self-images--------------------------------- 11 The questions ------------------------------------------14 Skills and art -----------------------------------16 To help ---------------------------------------------18 Every day ----------------------------------------------20 Family ---------------------------------------------------22 Your way ----------------------------------------------25 Good and evil -------------------------------------------27 Faith ----------------------------------------------------30 Mother of True Wisdom ----------------------------33 Love ---------------------------------------------------35 No fear – no bravery --------------------------37 Indomitable spirit ------------------------39 Correct ---------------------------------------------42 Light and life -------------------------------------------46 War --------------------------------------------------------48 Combat ----------------------------------------------52 Practicing -----------------------------------------------55 Street ------------------------------------------------------57 Darkness -----------------------------------------62 Beyond life -----------------67 Universal wisdom --------------------------------------70 Universal Wisdom going further----------------------76 Hard times-----------------------------------------------83 Epilogue -------------------------------------------------87 About Author-----------------------------88
No surrender
By True Wisdom: Never surrender, never! State of “No Surrender” is something that every warrior has to nourish. No matter that sometimes everything is all up against you! No surrender, no surrender, no surrender, never surrender! When hardness and problems are squeezing, don’t despair, calm down, find secluded place, start to consider and think about solutions! Wait for good moment, don’t rush in to disaster and work on the solution! I beg you don’t despair, because this leads to surrendering, and then you shall fall down! There are no unsolvable problems in life; you just have to understand that solution might not be in your favor! When enemy press you in no way out situation, don’t care for that. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the fight and don’t stand down till you can move your limbs! 9
To surrender now, so that you can live after is no option for a true warrior, that life after is no life, it is best way to become a zombie! To the last breathe! Certain victory! Spirit of a warrior always wins, so there is no purpose in surrender! Disease is no option, there is no surrender, and there is no illness! Old age is no excuse; remember: no surrender, no excuse! I am too old, I am getting older - I cant, I am too old – I can’t! You can do everything, everything, but only if there is no surrender! Your health is broken – no excuse, find the cure and heal yourself, fight, don’t surrender, if you do, it is like that you are already dead! Main words of guidance in the life of a warrior are: NO SURRENDER! No surrender, no pain, no fear, no nothing! When you achieve all of this for every day, you are a perfect warrior! But don’t consider this as a fighting against other humans; consider to achieve this in every moment of your life! When people surrender, evil rules! Ask yourself, do you want this for your love ones, or for yourself! It is easier to surrender and let the faith swirl you, yes, and it is hard to endure and fight not knowing the outcome! It is all clear to me, but warrior always goes on the hard way, always the hard way! If it is to easy, well, where is the fun in that? 10
The true enlightened person has to avoid self- indulgent. No matter how much you practice, no matter how good, strong, capable, quick, trained, wise, smart and great you are, don’t make mistake and become ego-maniac! Self like is the greatest mistake of all mistakes in life, because we don’t act wise and careful, we act sloppy and carelessly! Way do I tell you this? Because, if this happens you will get hurt, hurt badly and maybe fatal, before you know it, and that is no option for a true warriors, to get hurt because our own stupidity and carelessness! Always think and be a step in front of events in which you participate, even if it is cooking coffee in the morning! Achieve consciously - unconsciously wakens in every moment, act with your full potential always! This is only way to become a true warrior who will not fall in a trap of his own egoism! 11
Keep your modesty and humility high. No matter how important you are, still you are a just a simple human, and no human is untouchable, irreplaceable and invincible! That kind of thoughts: I above all else; lead you in to the self likenesses, neglect and sloppiness. If it is so, you will get hurt! Yes you will get hurt, because that thinking will lead you in to the carelessness and your mind is not on the problem, mind is somewhere in the clouds! You did become very powerful, look around you, look how much is there to become! You did become very important – you think, stand before mirror and remember – no one is untouchable, no one is irreplaceable! When you know that upper line of text, don’t fear for your position, don’t get pretentious, don’t fantasize about your self and the entire commodity you have now! Now you have them, enjoy that, and do your work best you can, now you don’t have them, so what, it is not end of the world, get by and again do your work best you can! When you are the best in something then you are the best and there is no one who could change that! So don’t worry, you know your value and this has to be enough for you! Please notice, Martial Arts are miracle, True Wisdom is a miracle, when you did get here and you are a miracle, but careful, vanity gets bad luck and unhappiness! Why do I glorify Martial Arts and True Wisdom, because only with them you will find a whole development! What ever you get in your life, stay normal, stay with the people, don’t glorify yourself in to the sky, you might get easily fall down and hard! 12
Don’t barge about your skills, knowledge or opinions, remember, there is always someone stronger, faster, smarter, and your head could get easily hurt! Try to avoid constant explanation of your opinions and thoughts! Others can know about that lot more!
The questions
True Wisdom is the one that asking questions. Questions: How wise you are? How fast you are? How strong you are? How endurable you are? How explosive you are? How good is your technique? How great is your understanding of things, events and humans? How good man you are? How strong is your energy? How much enlightened you are? How great your love is? Sit at some quiet place, close your eyes, breathe deep, meditate on these questions, grasp the answer, but do know that you always can be even better. So never give up, constantly move to the perfection without end, and never give up! Always ask yourself: Can I do this better than before? Especially in your family affairs! Am I goo? This is the real question, not: Do I look good? You look great, but good is there jet to become! What is good? To me; good is five bottles of beer, bottle of whiskey! No, no, to me; good is to get over eat every night, to me is to cheat on my wife, to me wild driving, to me violence upon others, to me destroying of everything, to me lying down whole days! If it is your good, then my friend you are not good! What is no good, what is bad? Look at the previous thought! 14
What can I do for you? How can I help you? Those are magical questions, very magical, and only very powerful people can put them, of course if they are honest! What is this? Let’s go to explore, to perfect this! Question with an idea of progress is ultimate question! When you want to ask something, wait for right moment, don’t rush forward because answer might get obvious and it might be just shown to you! Sometimes you just have to pop the question, because nothing is clear to you and it will not be if you don ask, then ask, ask clearly and meaningfully! Always know what you want to ask! Question that you should always ask yourself is: „Am I wrong in this or about this? If you did wrong, don’t ignore your mistake, that’s the way of hoodlums. Admit to yourself youre wrong, to another person you have to say: “IM SORRY – MY MISTAKE! “ By admitting your own mistakes, not turning them on to the others you practices honesty of True Wisdom! If you did wrong toward other human beings unintentionally, by accident, honestly ask for forgiveness, be noble, apologize your self! That is way to open doors of heaven! By ignoring other human beings in any case, especially when you are guilty for something to them, is the same as crime commited, this destroys human dignity! But please don’t go down the street and yell: “I m sorry, sorry this, sorry that!” If you are wrong admit that to yourself and others, and honestly work on correction of the mistake, but you have to do it immediately, not later, not tomorrow, you have to do it now!
Skills and Art
True Wisdom is Art and Craft All of the arts and crafts are the best, so why then a Martial Arts, why Instinctive Self-Defense? Because, Instinctive Self Defense is also the best! Styles – if there are peoples with 4 arms and 4 legs or something similar, then we would certainly have a different style of anything! Its same thing packed in a different way! To compare yourself or yours with others is totally unnecessary stupidity! Just practice, smart, hard, honestly and don’t worry, you are better than anyone else! Art of practicing and living is Martial Art! Great skill is shown and executed without great strain! Martial Art is all encompassing, so there is no secret for Martial artist! Way to this is long and hard, so many discard this way!
Skill and Art are intervening trough movements and inner quality of a person! Outer manifestation of this is visual only in action! When you go in to the action, any action, your craft become visible, your art become visible, it is clear then to see do you possess any craft and art or not! To pass knowledge from Martial Art in to the life, you have to become Artist of Life! That’s a good catch and it always work! Interesting is that a very small number of persons is going to be a Martial Artist, and lots of people are to become a practitioners of Martial Arts! To become a skilful and artist, you have to do only a one multiplied simple thing – PRACTICE, but practice longer, harder, stronger, smarter than it is usual! Yesterday I watched an old man from Korea, old Master, he has 70, and he is faster then I, more agile than I, he did throws, joint locks and turns for full 10 minutes without rest, without fatigue, that’s a Master Martial Artist! Great skill is coming without great strain! When I move, it has to be as the lightning’s are ripping the sky and the wind tearing apart, when I stop, it has to be as the mountain is stopped, when I look, it has to be as the tiger is looking at you, when I am not in the action it has to be as that I am a little kitten! Craft and Art of moving down the street is also important! Martial Artist is always aware of everything, and common people are totally unaware! Unconscious movement, secret of the Art is! How to attain it? Millions of repetitions are guardians of that secret!
To Help
True Wisdom is help to those in need, to those in trouble! True Wisdom is here to protect and save! Always help to everyone if you can, not because you must and not because you are supposed to, no, help because you want! Man is lying at the street, everyone are going around him, how many times did you see or did this, how many, how many? Shame on everyone who is just walk by, he won’t eat you! Think for a moment that you are that lying person, and everyone are walking by and no one helps, think for a moment that this is your child?!? It can be easily happened to you, so to make a difference always help, always! When you are in the hurry, and someone near by is in the trouble, don’t justify yourself; I’m in hurry, someone else will help them/him/her! No it won’t, you are here and now and you have to act! You, Here, Now and to help, on this the human lives are dependant! There is no greater greatness’ than saving someone’s life!
Don’t ask for thanks and litanies, you don’t need that, help and go your way, too many prizes easily corrupt a man! Once I saved a man from a certain death, he never did thank me, but I know, whenever he see me that he is honestly grateful! I see this by respect that he shows! I live to help, help trough my work, my job, my skills, where ever I come I help, but that don’t mean that I will dig dirt while you are watching! My help is: “I will teach you how to do, how to live, how to act!” How Martial Artist can help? Sometimes I win a fight to defend a weak, many more times I teach people how to help themselves, how to help others! This book is a part of my help; I want to learn you something good, something beautiful, and something that will work! It is hard for you, and you think that to others it is easy; you don’t care for others, eeeee, don’t do that! Play with me for a while, and it will be no hard for you anymore!
Every Day
You need a True Wisdom every day. Every day I am happy for every breath I make, for every step I take, and that is enough for me! I do laugh every day and I’m happy, I laugh in me, laugh loudly, I radiate happiness, that is much better than be a grunt with an ulcer! For every day I’m happy for my family, for my children and for my family, I m happy to their smallest movement and word! Every day I practice as a mad man, just that I could help others and to help myself! Off course hygiene is important to endeavor every day not once a week! Every day I plan for tomorrow and further, every day I work on plans from yesterday and before! This gives me an efficiency and speed in life! I am getting better every day, even for an inch, sometimes for a few feet’s.
If it is not going well at the moment, don’t despair, do something that you are good at and there you are. Don’t despair, move yourself further and you are already better! Every time I help to someone in something I am very happy about it! Not because of egoism, I m truly happy, never looking for reward or self proclamation. I love to help and go away, but I like to hang out with people to! Every day I study wisdom, philosophy, history, sports science, martial arts materials, practice and perfect, but don’t worry, I don’t do that all in a one day, hum, maybe sometimes, but mostly it is organized process by the days! Yes, every day I get tired to, sometimes I don get rested to, but anyway I have energy and happiness for export, my ideas are pushing me not to lie around television! Every day I wish good for all of mines and for all others! Every day I think at least a little bit about my friends, my students, at least for a few moments a day, I care for them, even from a distance!
True Wisdom care for family! Most important thing, happening and event in human life must be family and nothing else! Not a cool car, PC, notebook, bike, or house or boat, no, no and no. The most important above all else is family! Yeah I know it would be nice to place your family in above mentioned things! The utmost important in human life are children’s! You don’t have kids, doesn’t matter, you have to understand the children’s are most important and precious! Who does not comprehend this, is insane! Children’s and family has to be always in best order! Yes I know, money is low, but money does not buy happiness, live smart and raise your children smart! If happiness and love are in the family everything is easier, all difficulties are easily overcomed, by helping to each others! Then you have strong family, strong family can help and to the others to! When there is no harmony in the family, thousand of problems are rising and solution is gone! Solution is simple, harmony! 22
Family disharmony is cancer for each family! Yes and I was many times angry at my parents, girlfriends, wife and they at me, but I developed an abilitie of instant forgiveness and accepting of others as they are. I don’t change anybody. By example, I show what needed to be done, so if they are smart they will change themselves! There are broken families unfortunately, but don’t despair people! Take the things in your own hands; make your own beautiful family, without quarrels and fights, just nicely, slowly with pure love and passion! Be warned it is not so easy and you will be disappointed sometimes butt you have to make the action! Sometimes fathers ruin his families, harass them and molested them! Advice for everybody – he will not change, he will not change, walk away from that kind of life and start over from the beginning! Fear! Protect yourself, arm yourself, protect yourself, if attacked defend right in the instant with firmness and will to fight back, will to win at any cause! Never, never and never accept violence on you or your children! Never accept violence from no one! Fight back, fight with all means necessary and then call authority, don’t get beat up again and again, fight back, fight smart, fight hard! Sometimes women’s demolished their families, whether mothers, whether grandmothers, ants or some other women’s! Sometimes both parents molested their children’s. When ever you see this you have to protect the children’s immediately and call authority! Children’s, dear precious children’s you have to know that that no one, never and in no place is allowed to hurt you, no one, no mothers, no fathers, no grandfathers, grandmothers, no uncles, no friends, no teachers or preachers, no one! If this is happening you run, run away and call police! Please don’t stay and endure harassment because it will not stop it can be only harder! The family is most important, and you should always stick together! We all have our own personal problems and goals, but, family together in good and bad; it is something beautiful, try it and you will see! 23
Personal goals are very much nearer with family support then without it. Healthy family share successes and multiplied it for it members! Honor your parents, grandparents, relatives, close ones and distant ones! In that way you will realize how big your family is, or how small your family is! Social norms, politics, war, negative nationalism, all of this are the means of domination and ruling over the people and main disasters for the family! Families are getting together, splitting apart, and making new ones, old families getting wider or smaller; those are the pulsars of the life! Your goal should be making of your own family, widen of your own family! That will give great power to every member of that kind of family!
You’re Way
True Wisdom nurture your way not my way, it is just a map to hidden treasure, but the way to that treasure you have to pas by yourself! Every one of us has its own ideas but few of us actually use those ways in the real life! Why? Because you are fall in to the railway tracks and you can’t get out of it ! It isn’t worth it, I cant, I don’t have any money, and I can’t from thousand different reasons! Aaaaaaaaaaa, I have to scream when I hear and see all that! Firstly, all of us can not get a Nobel price, nor be Michael Jordan, but all of us and you to, can start with those little ideas that are 100% doable, little by little and there you have a lot of little on the bunch and that my friend is a lot! You have your way and yours ideas, take advantage of your ideas, use your way! Don’t copy someone else, don’t be zombie, be an original and leave some trail of your own, and don’t go always by the well known tracks! Get moving and work, little things, just don’t lay around under countless excuses, because then there is no difference between you and the corps in the morgue! My way is not your way; your way is not my way! I like to study your way and thousands of others but from all of that again it will be born my way! Every one of us is unique and special and that has to be embraced and used and not despised! 25
Everybody who is in effort, who give his maximum and more in everything is a pure original and not a copy! Why to be an original? That you can enjoy life! If you copy all the time and watching on other people steps then you pass to see, fell, experience and enjoy in life! We love this or that way, that is fundamental human problem! The way is not important! What is important: victory, happiness and healthy survival! Everyone knows, but who knows the best – Nobody! So study a lot, practice, learn, inspect, perfect and there will be only your way, the best way for you! Don’t put your way on to the others, if it is a good way it will be followed spontaneously, in the same manner you have to accept good ways from others and use them in your own way!
Good and Evil
True Wisdom makes great difference between good and evil! I don’t know exactly to define an evil, and I don’t want to! Defining evil will be too dangerous. But I know what evil is and what evil does! Evil is everything that makes pain or any kind of damage to the other living creature, things or some un-understandable manifestations! Good: it is fighting against evil in every forms, shapes, kinds and possibilities of existence! Yes fight! There are only few good people who can and will fight against evil! People don’t fight any more, they rather let them selves get caught by evil! Great evils are war, crime, murder, torture, molesting, not reacting, violence, envy, meanness, jealousy, illness, greed, suffering, egoism of walking over others! Little evils are: laziness, bad habits, malicious thoughts, ugly manner, no respect, constant excuses, and so on! Start to eliminate these little evils and get going toward the big ones! Good is when you are fighting against evil in any way! All of us can’t wage wars, but every one can put his own effort in! 27
Look around yourself and go in to the action, any kind of action is better than no action! You mustn’t say: “That is not my business”, because it is very probably that evil will knock at your door some day, and then you will sing asong: “Why me, what did I done, help, but no one helps! “ My dear friend, evil is in attack all around the world, human evil! Look the news. Wars, disasters, sickness, not giving information’s, dirty industrial profit campaigns that destroys forests, water, mountains, air, the politics of great forces and so called power countries! Good is in a hiding these days, but it is here and it is wining! You just have to be careful, because what is a good to ones doesn’t have to be good too others! Universal good is only peace, nonviolence, happiness, health and normal safe life! That is equal good for everyone! To fight for good is difficult even against little evils! This fight demands a personal sacrifice always! Fight against great evils sometimes demands the ultimate sacrifice! If you believe in something, than please believe that good will be always given back with good! There are some people who just don’t realize that they are doing evil! It is so because they used to do evil for a many years as normal behavior, without punishment! This has to be stopped by any means and in any way necessary! There are peoples who are passive and they do neither good nor evil! Passiveness in certain situations is evil, period! There is no discussion about it! Fight for good, fight against evil is most important thing that every man, women and child has to embrace!
Good and evil must not exist in the harmony or balance! This then is politics, interest and deception! It can be only good! Yeah, I know that this is not possible, but look here: “Wherever I come, wherever I go, good has come and evil is destroyed! Look at life in that way! Polite, humane, just, loyal, with respect – that is good, without that evil is easily spread!
True Wisdom respect religion and faith! In True Wisdom, faith in you is in the first place! All others faiths and religions come behind that, because if you don’t take care about yourself, believe me, no one on this world will not take care for you to! Honor all religions that make better human beings and all faiths that are fighting for universal good! Extremism in faith and nationalism isn’t good, it maybe of help to someone’s personal and political upraises, but there is always evil behind that, waiting to take over! By True Wisdom believe in anything you want, no one stops you or judges you! Only thing that matter is that you are a good person and that’s all! The truth is a god of free man; the truth is god of enlightenment man! Be aware – millions of people – millions of religion interpretations! 30
There is just only one right link between man and religion: To be a good human being! All right religions of the world have this link in common! Believing and faith has to be personal and intimate! If you are truly dedicated to your religion you shall be in the same way dedicated to the martial art that you practices! If you are truly dedicated to your martial art in the same way you are truly dedicated to your religion! My religion is my martial art! Martial arts from ordinary men make dedicated men, make holy man! Evil peoples don’t have faith; they just use faith to rule in blood! Evil people are often masked behind religion, so that they easily can continue to do their evil plans! You have to recognize those kind of people, when you do they should be stopped! It seems that good people are getting hurt more than bad ones! It has to stop, we should, you should think for yourself! Don’t be like a sheep’s that are taken before wolfs! I am often asked: “What you believe in?” I always answer: “In Martial Arts!” Why, you might ask? Well, Ill tell you why! Martial Arts gives me all the answers, it teaches me to respect and study others cultures, it teaches me tolerance and that in that way I value my own culture and my own ways even more! Faith: on the street! Just remember what the teachings of your religion are: To help, do good, kindness, non-violence, justice, love, and honesty! You show all of that to people around you! But show with a measure, don’t go around and kiss peoples, because you will end in mental institution! Faith at the street: answer on attack, defend without hate, and defend with measurement! Honor life of attacker, but value yours more! Don’t retreat, never, your faith is on your side! Faith at the street: help to those in need, defend with measure, defend with speed, defend with strength, defend with skills, and defend without hate! Faith at the street: help to hurt ones, don’t go away, give help, call help, help and make sacrifice! That is faith! 31
Faith at everyday life. Show mercy and compassion always. Mercy and compassion to those ones in need! Everybody are very touchy regarding their religion and faith, some are so touchy that they kill peoples like flies in the name of faith! That kind of religion is no good; it is an evil! We must fight against that kind of evil! Easiest way of manipulation over you people to interpret parts of religion and faith toward someone’s personal war, profit, and political agendas!
Mother of True Wisdom
Mother of True Wisdom is Martial Art! Martial Art is all-around system of mental, spiritual and physical development of a human being by practicing mental, spiritual and physical techniques! Martial Art is a way of utmost nobilities, enlightenment and holiness! Physical power is just outside easy to see manifestation of attained welfare for followers of Martial Arts Ways! Welfares are huge if you will endure enough on that way! Martial Art is all good and nothing bad! Martial Art is not a sport, not a skill, not a fight! Martial Art is science, spirituality, music, mystic, magic, religion, combativeness, intelligence, goodness, holiness, and enlightenment – all in one! From parts of Martial Arts there you have it - True Wisdom! It was formed from Martial Artist trough centuries of their existence! 33
True knowledge is passed like in the old times, from just one Martial Artist to another, regardless of today’s trends of mass productions and business! Now days there are only few good men’s, there are few true Martial Artist! Sometimes you can find that kind of man near you, sometimes you discover his/her legacy and good deeds left behind them, in either case if you know what you seek, you will find it! Martial Artist is a person who follows all parts of Martial Arts without hesitation, truthfully and without excuses! Martial Artist is a person who in every second of his life applies all teachings of Martial Arts, thus creating a better world for everybody! Martial Artist is the warrior from the beginning of this book, Martial Artist is a priest of Martial Arts, he is a philosopher; enlighten holly man and worst nightmare for all evil of this world! Martial Art trough Martial Artist produce goodness, produce good people, produce wisdom, produce universal human wisdom, produce an art of living, and produce perfection in imperfect world! Yes, Yes, Yes, I believe in all of this, without any second thoughts, naïve and with all of my hart, body and soul! Martial Artist doesn’t distance himself from technologies and from the other peoples! Technology: for further perfection, people for learning! Martial artist is a true friend! But he is a special kind of a friend! To him you my not come just like that and spend his time! He is a real friend who will help you if you really need help, anytime, anyhow, anywhere! But you have to know that he is a man who treasures his own tranquility!
Mother of True Wisdom is Martial Art and father is Martial Artist!
True Wisdom is Love! True Wisdom and love; Hem, where is connection between this two! There is, there is! From outside: firm as mountain, from inside: soft as a cotton! In action fast and furious, but love has to guide this action! Are you able to reveal your love? Love to your partner, love to your job, love to your country If you are not able, you loose in life and in life battles! Love at the street, you show when you help to those who need help! In that way you demonstrate love toward fellow human or animal, not only love for yourself! Important love is love to ones country; this should be developed in all children and people! Not love only in a nationalistic and ethnic way, but rather in a territorial way! Your country is beautiful and yours – so guard it in your hart no matter from where you come from! 35
True Wisdom is love! Love toward all and toward those who in the first sight don’t deserve love! Acting from love, doesn’t always have to be gentle! Sometimes, from love, you need to beat another man or people! Yes from love towards victims and attacker will not get killed from love toward life! Love is guide of True Wisdom, as an interpretation for map of life! Do all of above, but you should not be naïve! Be careful, your love can be used for someone else affairs, be careful you might end up seduced for evil causes. Be careful not to close inside and turn yourself in to a stone without feelings. That kind of person is bad to! How big is your love? Are you guided by love? What is love? There are many ansvers! Love is as same as good, not to hurt, not to inflict pain. Love is joy of hart? Love is bringing joy in to the hart of love ones! You all know what love is!
No fear, No bravery
In True Wisdom there is no fear and courage! What is fear? It is nothing else than common sense! I don’t speak about pathological fear that is illness! For healthy human, fear is only common sense and courage is absence of common sense! This fear and courage definition is not quite accurate, but in most life situation it is exactly so! Fear is physiological trick of organism, to remove body from source of danger, this is not fear, and this is basic instinct and little later common sense! Fear comes in to play when you start to think negative, fear come in to play when negative thinking prevails! Physiologically looked; fear is trigger of human superhuman abilities or human disasters and destruction of life, all in the same time! Someone can in a split of second go to the superhuman side of fear to win, survive and prevail, and someone goes in to another side – disaster and get hurt or die! Remove fear with knowledge and practice! 37
There are as many kinds of fear as is situations in which someone can get in, that means countless! But, you don’t afraid of countless things, nor you should! Don’t be afraid of anything and of nobody! There is always solution, for every situation there is solution! But remember, sometimes this solution wont be painless! Bravery is when you move your fear to the side and jump in to the action despite of the danger! You move your fear weather by temporary losing your mind or by getting yourself in to a state – nothing can touch me, any method is good as long as it works for you to win and prevail! Sometime you have to become brave even if all odds are against you, because you can easily die otherwise! Courage and insanity, bravery and madness they are very close pals! What is what, fear, courage, this and that? Hem; all of these are only names, names given by the people who don’t understand the real nature of the world, humans, actions and things! All of these names are irrelevant, discard them, erase them and don’t care for them! True Wisdom and Martial Arts are your medicine against naming stupid things constructed to control you, so you have your weapon against fear and courage! Honest true action is the only truth and victory above everything, action of mind, body and sprit in unity of Martial Artist! There is no fear, no courage, only action! To become Martial Artist you don’t have to practice Martial Arts for decades, you just have to choose totake your ground now, that’s your first step! 38
Indomitable Spirit
True Wisdom is unbeatable spirit and honor! Indomitable spirit is shown trough the persistence and never backing down from right decisions! There is no giving up, no surrender, never, that is unbeatable spirit! Think about that: today everything is measured by money, there are very few men with honor, and there are millions that will do everything for money! So, how to keep your honor and earn money, easily, don’t sell yourself for immoral causes! At the street if you must, defend your honor with fists, in finance defend your honor with honesty! Phony attacks on your honor don’t require physical response! Verbal attacks, verbal insults, verbal hurting of reputation all of this don’t require fists to start fighting, no, this require intellectual response! But when strong body is behind your intellectual response you will win any situation!
Only physical attack demands physical response, response with measure! With measure because you will not break someone legs for a slap! Honor and reputation are ours to develop, to work on them all of our lives with the means of honesty and helping others! All of evil thong or people can do nothing to hurt our good deeds, because good deeds and good people talks for themselves! There is no need to defend myself from attacks on my honor and reputation! I am honorable and stand up men, but I or you have to answer to any attack so that attacker can not go unpunished. If he does, he will continue to attack and you and others! You should always defend yourself from attacks, don’t be silent. Take your stand, and say your vision of things, so that the truth shut up the mouth of evil thong! If you are quiet you give evil space to grow and that is not an option! Watch out, I told it before, false pride, false prejudice, and false honor hurting; all of this is out of the question! What is your real pride? Your family, your children’s, love, integrity of your body, mind and spirit! What is your real honor? Your righteous actions and deeds! Who try to hurt that, has to be stopped! Never back down, when your goals are set, don’t quit ever, that is indomitable spirit! In combat, when with firm determination, you determine to do that and that, there is no giving up anymore, and by using tactics, techniques and indomitable spirit you do your thing! That is indomitable spirit in combat! When you fight for your life, fight like tiger, firm, with deadly glow and determination! Fight with faith in your sure victory! 40
When everything is against you; this is as you see it, credits, debts, small wages, bad results, slow progress, bad business, weak results, weak health, and everything is against you! Don’t despair, reach out for indomitable spirit, reach ot for no surrender! When bad things starts to happened, don’t despair, be firm, be the one with no surrender indomitable spirit. Analyze your situation and patiently work on the solution! Most important – never back up, never give up, this is indomitable spirit! Indomitable spirit, honor, pride, all of this are qualities of true fighter, life fighter also of true Martial Artist! The question is: Are you’re the one? Watch out, be fair to yourself? Are you? If you are not, don’t worry! These kinds of people are so rare on planet earth, but while you have this book in you’re hands you are already at good path!
True Wisdom is correct speech, correct writing, correct expression, correct behavior, and correct thinking True warrior must always cultivate correctness of speaking! That means not to talk bad things, not to talk vulgarly, not to talk as a sissy, to talk nice and smart! That is much harder than you think! Correct speech is using of official language there where is needed! Correct speech is using of local dialect there where is needed! Correct speech is to be rude there where is needed! Correct speech is hauling and yelling, calling names and cursing there where is needed! Don’t pretend to know all of local dialects or all feints of official language, listen, observe, and learn when you need to speak, speak. If you don’t know ask and adapt yourself!
On the street while you are attacked, official literate speech is sign of weakness, not a good tactics unless if you are skilled as superhero! If you are attacked, don’t talk in high tones, yell, curse, swear, scream, go wild and become wild. Release your aggression verbally and physically, that is correct speech if you are attacked! Why? Tactics of emotion control, yours and of attackers! Tactics of intimidating the attacker! Tactics of attention diversion, tactics of fear control, tactics of fear induction! Tactics of speeding up of your body and mind! It is weird but true, you can not answer on physical attack by being nice, spirit can be calm but at the same time you have to yell, haul, be vulgar by attention, because you know that this will help in your victory! After victory, most kind speech on the world, most fine gentleman at the world, dandy fine lady at the world! Correct writing developed creativity, mind and spirit of warrior! Correct writing developed and show respect toward others and toward our own literacy and written word! Correct writing has to be studied and practiced all the time! Incorrect writings from ignorance, smaller mistakes, they all can be tolerating. Incorrect writings because it is easier, it is sign of utmost disrespect of other human being to whom you are writing to! Incorrect writing is expression of laziness, selfishness and ignorance! There is no place for this crape in True Wisdom!
To develop your inner wisdom and spirit you need to write, correct literate writing, to write your thoughts, ideas, feelings, write and study, that is nice way! Correct writing develop respect, respect is most important! Correct behavior at the street, in the house, at work, among peoples, among animals! Every situations dictate different correct behavior! You don’t wave hands as crazy near danger dogs! Correct behavior if you are attacked is counterattack or retreat to safety! Incorrect behavior is trying to debate while physical attack is already begun! Correct behavior is talking and calming down situation before attack, incorrect is when you lunch your attack without reason! To evaluate when to-do what to do it is difficult! True Wisdom helps here! Always in harmony with situation, always by need, always different, no rules, always by the situation, that is correct behavior, not always the same way! Same tricks don’t work always and everywhere! Learn where and how to behave yourself! That is something that shall be learned, you can not know everything! If you never been in the high mountain or fine theater you don’t know what to do in either case! Learn and ask! You can yell and haul in High Mountain and can you do that in Broadway Theater? You can light a fire in the mountain, what about theater! Behavior by True Wisdom way is interesting, once as a tiger, once as a kitten, once as a raging bull, once as a scientist, once as a philosopher, once as common folk, once as a hero, always according to situation, never the same! Correct thinking stands behind everything that is right! Correct thinking means that you don’t have hidden negative thoughts toward others peoples!
Correct thinking stands behind correct speech, correct writing and correct behavior! All of that are borne from correct mind, correct thoughts! True Wisdom is correct mind!
Light and Life
True Wisdom is light and life! True Wisdom carries light and life where ever someone is using it! To respect life is ultimate goal, respect of all life! Isn’t that light? When someone use True Wisdom, light that he/she carries is priceless, that is light of good soul, light of good man, man that radiate happiness, enthusiasm and strength! When people usees True Wisdom in their real life’s, not only in reading and thinking, light of goodness is here! Light as symbol of all good, light as birth of new person, enlighten person, this is light that come with True Wisdom! To reduce human suffering, as much as possible is ultimate light of True Wisdom! How? I told it before, I am not here to fight your battles, and I am here to teach you how to fight them by yourself and how to win!
Yes, for the difference from thousand of other peoples I can really do this, to teach you how to win! Only that journey is not easy! In bad situations, difficult situations, stay calm, act and don’t be passive! To take positive strong action is the light of True Wisdom! In combat, when you spear life to someone who deserves to die, you did open passage to heaven in you, for you and all around you! In combat when you did not break the arm of attacker and you could easily do, that is light! When you help to those ones in need without been asked or begged, this is the light of True Wisdom! Value life, yours and others, but value yours more! To spare life in mortal combat is a deed that is worthy of saints, but watch out that you’re spared one; don’t reward you with a bullet! So, spare life, yes, but don’t spare the body!
True Wisdom can be war, when I bring war in your yard! War is ultimate Evil! When you can not avoid war, you have just one task, to survive with honor! War is never warrior’s choice, to defend ones country yes, all other are political games with us people, like a pawn on the chess board! You have to realize, that you are pawn of the others in the war, flash for cannons, expendable asset! No one will honestly regret after you, except your family! But don’t let that bother you! If you must get in war, then you are in war for your country, for its mountains, seas, rivers, lakes, forests, good people and our children, for them to stay safe and have all of that beauties for centuries to came!
War is big business for someone and fast funeral for someone! You must always endeavour that it is not fast funeral for you and that you are not evil of the war, to survive with honor! In True Wisdom there is no survival at all costs, no, no, no, either to survive with honor or to die with honor! To survive as coward, traitor or war criminal is no option! It is not easy, but True Wizards are strong ones! If you decide to do evil deeds, then you are not anymore at the pat of True Wisdom, then you are at the path of evil and then you are my enemy! Never ask credit for your war time! Why? To live with honor, that’s why! You don’t go in to war for credits, condos, privileges or pensions, no, no, no, you are in war only for one reason – that no one can kill your children and people, and that’s all! When war is over, tuck your sleeves and work, earn for living, get by, earn and live life! Don’t despair by doing nothing! Don’t expect understanding for your good deeds in war! War is not good!
Ultimate evil gets away millions of lives at our planet! War, to the whole world this word is just normal thing, until you personally get hit with it! Warrior, Martial Artist and practitioner of True Wisdom is never for war, but he is also utmost power in the war!
Power of combativeness, power of honor, power of honesty, power of discipline, power of endurance, power of skills, power of knowledge, power of wisdom, power of goodness! Only war that I conduct is war against myself, I lead those battles with joy and sometimes I win, sometimes I loose, but when I recover I am all over in the battle again! For many people the getaway is option in the war, but not and for True Wisdom-errs! Where to run? Are you crazy? To miss all that fun! War bring ugly deaths, yes death can be a nice one! Ugly death! When war criminals torture and kill, when people are hit with grenades and bullets, when people are blown away in peaces, when children dies because of war, war generated hunger and diseases! War bring and ugly life! Life without arms, legs, with shrapnel’s floating in the body, with problems in the mind, without parents, life without hope, life that goes to annihilation! Nice death, not before time, without war, without diseases, without accidents, surrounded by the ones who love you! Only power and might against all of that is true Martial Art, total commitment to the Martial Arts defeats all of evils of this ours world! All of your problems will be slowed if you honestly give your self into the Martial Arts, which is recipe that I recommend to all of you! What is war? – Ultimate evil! To win that evil you have to know it very well, but not to become it! If you can do that you will win every battle! 50
I can go on and on writing about war, but I don’t like that! For True Wisdom war is ultimate evil, and it doesn’t deserve to be writen about! When you start to fantasy about romantic war movie scenes look at picture below, to get back in reality, that’s war!
Avoid physical confrontation whenever you can, if you can’t, than fight! Combat is not good; combat is not bad, that is that, except it just like that! Attacked at the street or somewhere else – win by becoming bad and go home! When you have to be bad, be bad, there is no other way; afterwards you will be good again! When you have to fight, fight dirty, dirtiest you can, cheat and smash down, afterwards you can again be a perfect gentleman! Don’t worry about what will someone tell or think about you if you take action and fight like a beast! If you have that worry thoughts, you will get badly hurt! If you have entrance in to the attacker, go in and destroy him, hesitation will bring you pain, defeat and death! If you must fight, enjoy in it, don’t panic, don’t worry, take care, enjoy and win! If you are attacked don’t frost yourself, don’t wonder, and don’t make stupid questions in your mind – How? What? Why? Who? Why me?! Evade, prevail, escape and attack1 52
Your attack has to be sudden, fearfully and very painful! Attacker has to wonder what happens to him, attacker has to be terrified in pain and horror! How to achieve such action, to attack back without fear and with efficiency? Nice, practice yourself as crazy, as fanatic, as best professional in the world! Practice smart and real, and the best for you is to practice Instinctive Self Defense, there you have all the answers! When many beat one, you go to help, watch out for steel bars, knives, chains and so! Attackers are always armed, so you to arm yourself, and use those arms! Concrete, walls, asphalt are very hard, harder than any man! Watch out for your arms, legs and body! Life is short, beat them with weapons and in to the walls! Honesty, in life, always, in fight NEVER! When you can avoid fight – avoid it, swallow your pride! Evaluation when to fight and when not to, is only yours, but beware that it is accurate or else people will get hurt without good reason! Attacker in combat is not a person, he, she, they, are-is just a system of targets to destroy at your disposal. After the fight they are persons to call them an ambulance! Bear that in mind always! Attack on your body and life; at life of you’re love ones! They want to kill, rape, torture, hey, that is no joke! You have to break bones, break every one of attackers, no matter how many, how dangerous they are, you have to crash them and survive! Always remember – target to destroy! How much is enough? This depends entirely on attacker-attackers! I don’t know when is enough for them until I let them trough my arms and legs, trough machinery of counterattacks! If they need more, they get more, but careful for not too much! 53
By the law you can’t use greater force than attacker is using on you, you have to take care of that if you can! My motto is better under lock than under ground! In every situation, because lock up is for living people and I don’t want go to graveyard jet! There are many people stronger than I am, there are many faster than I am, there are many more flexible, endurable, in better shape, younger, crazier, and more able than I am! It is good to know that! Somehow I always win my fights! How’ Easy, I practice very hard and train to be smart and to outsmart! Nothing is impossible and scary, when you have to fight, fight and win, when you don’t have to fight, don’t, and that’s all! Evade, duck, redirect, always on the move, detach, attack under angle, stay on feet, footwork, watch you’re back, ignore pain, win, survive, no surrender, look, see, smell, feel, perceive, know before, do before, cheat, use tricks, use weapons, and win!
True Wisdom is practicing!
Goal of practicing of Martial Arts is: “To become better human beings and that’s all!” Believe me, right practice of Martial Arts enable you to become incredibly capable and good! Enables you to become better human, better person than you possible can imagine! The way to achieve all that is very simple! You just have to reach 1 000 000 liters of sweat produced in training! Practice is pleasure, Practice is mastership, Practice is perfection, and Practice is freedom! Practice not only with your body, practice your mind, because here we practice with body to develop a mind and we practice our mind to develop our body! If you go in just one direction, you will destroy one of that and newer will achieve total development neither of mind neither of body!
Practice is not just on physical training, everything that you do in your life can be practiced: your writing, your thinking, your driving, your working, your drawing, your crafting, your gardening, your communicating and so on, practice in that way and all doors will be open for you! Practice of Martial Arts encompass everything, mind, body and spirit! Those three are united in one. United in: Better and more perfect human being, who knows, and who can! That’s why I glorify practicing! Learning without practicing and repeating does not have any use because all learned will go to oblivion if it is not trained and repeated enough! You must constantly practice! Practical application of knowledge depends only on level of training! All knowledge has to be correct, because, if knowledge is wrong, you will get hurt using badly learned knowledge! Habit of everyday practicing is best habit that you can have! Every day, little by little, no need for too much, too much can lead you to injuries! Forced practice leads to injuries and than there is no continuity, where there is no continuity in learning there is no progress either! !
Practice smart, to enlighten your mind, to noble your hart, to develop your soul and to empower your body! If you don’t practice smart, stop immediately and get smart! What ever you practice it has to be applicable in reality!
True Wisdom and the street are like twins, for warrior there is no one without other! I am walking by the street tracking everything, seeing everything, hearing everything, smell everything, and feel everything! Wherever I go I act in this manner! Dark street, dark spaces for sure hide many dangerous but also unexplored possibilities! When you are coming to the car, yours, others, always remember the first saying from this chapter! When you drive, drive smart and safe, whatever you drive! At the street, in the house, at the work, at vacation avoid confrontations, redirect aggression, yours and others, if they don’t stop show them your teeth’s, but be careful, you might lose them! If you loose some teeth, don’t be mad, it is your entire fault, you were careless, and go to the dentist! I am, I can – remember this whenever it is hard for you! 57
An eye for an eye, and what you going to do with someone eyes or teethes? Be smart! You are important person – VIP, doesn’t matter, if you want to know the truth go between the people, Street always tells the truth! Use your brain always, even when you sleep, sometimes sleep with one eye only and when you are wake, open your eyes on your back! When someone asks you: “What, What you are looking at, whit bad intentions, feel free to tell him-her: “Your inner beauty!” Concrete, walls, asphalt are very hard, harder than man! Watch out your body, use environment, use weapons, and use everything! If you pay attention just on one thing, matter or phenomenon, surprise will come from some other side! Always have an ace in your sleeve! Street attackers are never alone, remember this forever! Watch your back, line up attackers in one line! Street is everything, everywhere you go, either by foot or by vehicle! Home is home, but and there you must be ready for everything! Street is dangerous even in your own neighborhood and your street! Always be careful and don’t relax too much! It is not only about attackers! Its about dogs, cars, trucks, trains, trams, everything of this is potential danger! Remember this; whenever you are on the move outside from your home you are on the “street!” 58
There are some people that consider the street as his own second or only home. Those people think that they can do everything they want in that house of theirs! Avoid street thugs if you can, show respect! If they don’t want to let you be, show them that even a boss has a boss, but be sure that you are the boss of the bosses! True Wisdom is not for weak souls, if you are weak soul, go despair over your self, but if there is an shred of strength in you, keep on reading, you will became strong one! Learn from others, learn from yourself, always learn and never stop to learn! Don’t get angry at people that are always “right”, you can learn from them to, if nothing else, just not to be always “right” toward others like they are! Wisdom has different levels and all the people can not understand all the levels! So, give to everyone only as much as they can understand, no more, no les! Why measure wisdom? No more, because you will just give them a headache, no less because they will easily get hurt in absence of knowledge! If level of given wisdom is not adequate the receiver will get hurt! If you have an inspiration here and now, do it right away, otherwise idea will run away! Don’t wait for good constellation of planets, there is no such thing, just do it! Someone spends all his life without a scratch, without wetting their feet’s even when crossing a river. Someone always get hurt, hit, and injured seemingly without any reason! You have to find balance between activity and inactivity, either one by itself is not good, only balance will keep your head safe! Find your balance! 59
When you loose balance, by accident or by external cause, regain it by your inner strength, skills and knowledge! Sometimes you have to deliberately loose your balance in order to win! Honestly in life, yes in combat never! Weapons are not dangerous, people are dangerous! Weapon is just peace of metal, wood or plastics lying there! You put it in use! Most peoples of the world are big, big, big, fools! We all were big fools sometimes! Fools are curable, someone’s realize that by themselves, and other fools are curable only when they die! If you’re tired, rest yourself, no matter how impossible that might be! The greatest enemie – your own laziness – stand up and fight. The biggest enemy – your own nonbjectivitie – you’re lying to your self- by fine graduate way! Stop, now, stand up and fight! You will win, I am sure in that! When you can avoid fight, avoid it, swallow your pride! Don’t brag yourself with your skills, there is always someone stronger, better, faster and smarter who can easily smash your head! Duels, competitions, stupidity for stupid ones, avoid confrontation, attack first, win at al cause! Do you believe in magic? Try this magic word: PLEASE! Do you believe in magic? Try this magic word: FORGIVE ME! When magic words don’t work, it is time for magic action! 60
It is wisdom to avoid fight and win, it is wisdom to fight and win, and well, what is better? Sometimes first, sometimes second! Sometimes others are looking at me in wonder, I am smiling happy under attack. What to tell, I am laughing to human stupidity! It is better than anger, I will live longer, and they will live longer! You don’t want to see me mad, people get hurt than! Te be mad is bad! Anger will blind you, you will get hurt. Especially at the street! What is just cause to be mad? Only sufferings of children! Happiness and cheers every day, it is not impossible! This demands just little more effort and concentration! At street, you have to be street smart! Fun, joy, humor, all of this is the secret of healthy life and healthy training! There is no absolute truth, just moment interpretations! There are no final solutions, just moment solutions with some lasting! To outsmart your opponent in every moment is secret of quick and efficient victory! Don’t deceive you’re love ones; it is a secret of happy life!
Darkness and death – every day companion of True Wisdom! Life is precious, life is ultimate value, and life is the first wealth of mankind! Darkness is always following us, me, you, all of us! It is always here, beside us, as a shadow, it newer detach from us! Light and Darkness are part of one, Life and Death are the part of one, part of existence! Life is all around us, clear and visional, in the same manner the death is all around us clear and visional, but we refuse to see it! It is so because our everyday life is about living, life and lightness, we don’t see that death is here with us just the same as this precious life of ours! Death is nothing bad or wrong; death is bad and wrong only when it is caused by unnatural way! As a true warrior you have to be preparing to die in every moment, every instance and with every breath you take! To die for your believes! Are you ready for that? 62
What are beliefs of us common peoples? Ill tell you what: Our families, my family, your family and children of the world! I am ready to die for my believes. I am ready to die for my loves! What are common people believes? Ill tell you again: Family, children’s, peace, love, happiness! Practitioner of Martial Arts meets death in everyday basis! If we want every technique of ours is deadly! Every of our action can be deadly! But by True Wisdom we conquer darkness every day and we don’t act deadly, we don’t bring death, we celebrate life! Yeas I practice killing in a thousand ways, I am so close to death and deadly actions, but I don’t kill! This exercise creates powerful and righteous peoples! Be aware, every of your actions have its light and darkness, life and death! Here comes in a big green fly, flying around your home. What you gonna do; kill it with the fly catcher or you force it out through the window using a peace of cloth? You always choose for yourself what will you become, life or death, light or darkness! Sometime we kill to protect ourselves from various bugs, snakes, spiders, sometimes even and people to! That is nothing wrong if there is no other way, absolutely any other way! But, there is almost always other way, almost always! People kill people all over the world, not just with wars and guns! Every day someone is getting killed by beatings, knifes, sticks, by cars, trams, trains, accidents, animals, by diseases, by human errors! All of this is constantly around us and with us, just as the births of newborns! Every day someone is getting born! 63
It can happened right know right there in your favorite street, coffee shop or anywhere else, in your nice home, that attacker come and force you to defend yourself, and force you that you can not respect his life in this moment because your life is threaten, you have to win to survive, sometimes that can killed your attacker! It can be that ours most precious ones, our family find them self in terrific danger, than there is no thinking anymore, you save lives, if that cause death of attacker that is his own fault! Sometimes way of the darkness is only way, no matter how society, law and politics will look upon it! All of those peoples from their secure chairs never were at the streets; between people don’t have any idea about life and death! Everything dies, everybody dies, but this is not as horrible as everybody think! Death is part of life, look around you and realize: death is part of life, death is part of life! Only thing that is no right is: “Violent death becoming a part of our lives, a bad habit that we are all use to, to watch it, to read about it, to joy about it, to make money out of it. Man, that’s very wrong! If attacker makes you to take his life and you cant do anything different, than take it, but know this: However you turn it, the outcome will not be in your favor! The law has its own view, judges and lawyers their own, and you’re busted by that point of view! But still be happy because you are not the one at the graveyard, because you’re not one who bites the grass from below, before your turn, because you’re alive and you will be able to take care of your family in some way! Don’t get me wrong, no one has license to kill, neither am I telling you to go around and kill people! Role of True Wisdom here is just to make you consciousness at a rough way; death is here as much as life is! People don’t understand that and don’t look upon that in such way! When someone dies, we all regret for him/her/them, and that’s ok, but death is part of life, that means that this person is not disappeared from existence. 64
Human esence is immortal. All of them are somewhere, in you, in us, at heaven, in some other world! Living people can’t comprehend that! Because they don’t have time, because they are always in rush and hurry, so when death come upon them or their ones, they are all shocked! True Wisdom says: Death is part of life; it is constantly here as life, so if death is something wrong, life is something wrong to! What is relay death? Don’t ask of me the solution of that riddle! Even if Ill tell you, you wont believe me! Seek your answers by yourself; seek through your life, not trough mine! I did help you enough, now you’re on your own! Death is not a big deal, it is simplest choice, and it is easy to choose death! True warrior chooses life and all hardships that life brings upon him! Always in a hard way! To commit a suicide that is darkness, that is easier choice; don’t even think about it. Stan up and fight, no surrender, there is always a solution. Don’t stand still in one state of mind, you have to change yourself, evolve and develop! You think that your problems are insolvable, no they are not, just start to deal with them by yourself, don’t wait for others, because you will wait forever, but don’t refuse help! In True Wisdom, by True Wisdom suicide isn’t even slightest option. If you kill your self I want to kill you once more! You think that everyone will be better without you! Where is my father? Where is my mother? Who deserve that? Fight, never surrender, you can do that man!
Never wish death to anyone, no matter how bad he was, be careful because you wish might come true. Always wish to others life, there is hope for everyone. That is warrior victory over darkness, over evil.
Beyond life – beyond death
Beyond life, beyond death, beyond True Wisdom is existence! To survive with honor, to live with honor, to die with honor! How to do this? For those first two I know, for the third one I don’t, because I will live forever! I don’t choose nor life nor death. I choose existence in all levels! Life and death are just names for something people don’t understand! Existence is beyond that, I exist and I will always exist! My spark of existence is not confine by my body, at the moment and here yes I am in my body, but as the universe is millions of years old, and I am millions of years old! When you look any religion, in neither one, not even in your precious on, no one ever talk about destruction of existence! You will always exist, but it is upon your deeds to determine how and where! We will always exist; only question for us is: How? Where? In what shape? Those are mysteries that we shall reveal!
Above life, above death there is ours all-around existence. We managed to slander it by outer material world and with human ugly actions against our world. That’s why just a few peoples can find a secret of eternal existence! Very few people see the secret in their lives, because they pass to realize that life isn’t just in material. Secrets are not in yachts, fame and richness, secret is deep inside of us. But don’t get me wrong, it is nothing bad to be rich to! To reveal secret of eternal existence is a task for every true Martial Artist, for every follower of True Wisdom. Trough path of that discovery we become worthy of ultimate existence in our universe! Yes, I know that is very hard to work in the field, office, workshop, butcheries, factory, to work all days and night under pressure of depts, loans, bosses, profit and then to be asked to reveal some secrets, but if that was possible for the people thousand of years before us, and believe me, they worked much more than we, it is possible for us to! Do you know: What is a first step toward revealing greatest secrets of life and death? It is not some big philosophy, first step is to turn of that dammed television or DVD while you’re lying at your but in the cosines of your living room, and this friend is the first step! Second step can be this book, but and it hasn’t. The thing is that you move yourself, to be self-aware and not hypnotized by outer sources! I will hypnotize my self only to the ultimate beauty, but not for long, just as much as it takes for us to feel and change our energies.
To reveal secret of eternal existence! Hem, this is very personal event and don’t howl around about that, because you will easily end up in a crazy shirt! If you want to help someone buy him a book! If he is smart enough he/she will understand if they didn’t well, maybe some day they will. That is real help! Think about this:” Everything is energy, you are energy, energy is indestructible, and it just changes shape!
Universal Wisdom
By studying True Wisdom you will realize that there is Universal Wisdom! About someone that we know nothing, nothing we can tell. About something that we don t know nothing, nothing we can state. So, learn! Life is here to live, not to look! Always have an ace up in your sleeve! Even the best people are not the best in everything! Every man believes in what he likes! If you pay attention just at one thing, event or happening, surprise will come from some other side! Here we practice with body to build the mind. With mind we move our body, which means something! 70
People don’t remember you in a way you truly are. No, they remember you in a way they see you and in a way they saw you in a past. Why? Because they don’t know you! It is very easy to wonder of and take wrong turns of the path, it is hard and long to go back on the path, but all of this is wrong. Right is, only to wonder in harmony with nature! Every frame, mould, pattern, shape, rule and law are binding and capturing freedom of skill, arts and life! Martial Art is a way of truth and only truth! Why this all happens to us? We are to blame ourselves for these. Think about that! Comprehend a “Tiger” this is hard; comprehend a “Dragon” even harder! Path of ultimate enlightenment is path of ultimate persistence! I have to admit something: „I love, and I am scared!” Strong in the body, happy in the spirit! Body strong, spirit happy! Watching others, suddenly I realized: “I am happy!” Propagate joy, love and honesty!
Man, be happy for the truth! Truth, what is it? It is nature! 71
Saint or Martial Artist, neither one, except little, small ordinary human! Perfection can not exist in this our earth! If it can, than it is earth itself! But perfecting can exist in this ours earth, here, learn how: I grew form earth to heaven, my daughter was born! I grew from earth to the heaven, my soon was born. I’m that big! You are not free until this moment: When you reach total freedom of expression! If you want to learn or practice, learn and practice! If don’t want to learn and practice, beat that and learn, practice anyway! Happy and joyful in every moment of your own breath is secret of eternal happiness! Love, fairytales, legends, elves, fairies, grandma stories, all of this is part of the world in which we have to believe in! You can not understand all wise stuff right away, but when times come wisdom reveal itself in life! True warrior doesn’t have ego, instead he has joyful, sharp, wide, agile universal spirit! I just hope that there still are those kinds of warriors! If you disregard wisdom, Oooo!! You travel fast in to the world of stupidity. If you don’t realize that, you live in world of stupidity! You, You, it is time for you, time to begin, time to go on, time to endure, time to realize, time to use, time to become, it is time man, It is time! Don’t be worried, just go in action! 72
Path of lightness is different for different people, whole world is different for different people, and realization of truth is different for different people! One hundred men’s, one hundred views of the same thing! Way of light is way of Martial Arts! Martial Arts are like a universe, all-encompassing! When you realize that in every bone of your body, you will become Martial Artist! To someone good, to someone bad, to everyone exactly what he needs in that moment! Learn from the children’s, children’s are most important! Never forget and you were a child, keep this child in yourself forever! There are days when it is just necessary that you become a child! A thousand punches, thousand techniques, thousand cleverness, thousands tries, thousand kisses, Martial Artist do everything thoroughly! You have to know when it is enough! Don’t worry what others think about you, it is not between you and them, it is between you and those one in which you believe! Greatest treasures of the planet earth are not diamantes and oil. Greatest treasures are children’s of the world; shiniest diamantes are happy families! 73
Study wisdom continuously, otherwise you will lose path. Study wisdom constantly; otherwise you will easily get hurt! Wisdom take care of you, wisdom guide you! Wisdom must be part of you, and you must become part of wisdom! In that way you will become enlightenment man. Wisdom, Martial Art, Life and you! Harmony of all that, opens the doors of all worlds and all secrets! Once, I forget about wisdom, I become a wild man, my stupidity almost killed me, I almost die, but I survived and become much, much wiser! Wisdom and I, wisdom and you, wisdom and them, thank you wisdom, we are live and joyful! Premature blossoming, premature deterioration! Don’t climb on the tree that you can not climb! Gradually toward your goals! Who is putted by god, some life is meant to him! Watch out that no one ever will tell behind your back: “Ooo my friend!” Remember this well: “Beside all wise words and tactics, you can always do something wrong!” Constant study develops spiritual man, wise man! Short term efforts in life bring only short term values and long term consequence! Persistent ones are only rewarded ones! 74
Live right in everything, not only in your personal pleasures! Laughs cure body and soul! So, smile always, sometime loud, strong, sometimes in yourself! Always smile! To broaden your insights you must let others to express their opinions! When life start to become difficult, stop, step aside for a while, observe from different angle! If you want to succeed, wish good, wish love, wish peace and wish strongly in color, smell, taste and feel: Those wishes will come true. Yes my friend wishes come true, you just have to know how to wish! Wish only positive, wish positive, positive thinking, positive mind, positive attitude, positive life, positive stands and positive body. Always be happy, always joy, always peace, always welfare! In that way you will be free, and your wishes will come true!
My wish: Peace, Love, Happiness! Over True Wisdom comes Universal Wisdom!
Universal Wisdom going further Those thoughts were made during my tour in Afghanistan 2011
If someone thought that Universal Wisdom is final, thought wrong, its going further, going further... infinitely! Studying of Universal Wisdom will literately save your life in many difficult situations, if you will study it every day. Universal Wisdom doesn't have borders, boundaries, doesn't have religion or nationality, doesn't have racial colors. Universal Wisdom is applicable for all of the Earth mankind. It is concise, precise and right away clear to everyone. Some times meaning of particular saying will be revealed to you not right away, but rather in exact situation at exact moment of life, right when you need it, not before, not after. Only little bit more and you will accomplish impossible.
The biggest mistake that you can make is that you constantly talk to your self: „I know that, it is all clear to me, I understand that and I understand that. Beleave me my friend: „Nothing is clear to you, You don’t undearstand nothing and you never will if there is no constant studying combined with life expiriences. Celebrate life and you will be happy! There still are some Heroes left in this world! Yes you are Man; but you always can be a better Man! Slowly loosing faith in mankind, and will loose it totally if they don’t wake up! Underestimation is dangerous, One who underestimate easily get killed! Stupidity is product of mankind! Wisdom is only for wise! Hatred is poison, Envy is poison, Jealousy is poison, Stupidity is poison, Fear is poison, Will is cure, Love is cure, Enlightenment is health!
Danger sharpen senses! Power of will! Will is power! Good, good and only good! Where ever I come, I am welcome! Good or bad, it will be as you chose! I deliver good where ever I go! There is no demon stronger than me! There is no evil stronger than me! I am not perfect, not even close, but I am good! Evil not rule where I stomp? Go for perfection but be in reality! Exercise mind to be smart, Exercise spirit to be strong, Exercise body to be able! 78
There are soul mates, but life has its own story! Love doesn't know for conditions! It is easy to talk a talk, stand behind your words! Talk and thoughts without doing are nothing! It is easy to pretend smart to others! Self sufficiency is important, self sufficiency is hard. But, my dear friend, further you must go alone, my dear lady friend, further you must go alone! I can not longer go with you all! To all my friends; now I am here, now I am not, but I always caries you at my hart! Although I am good, I insulted many! Although I am good I will still insult many! World is changing fast, watch out for that! And we are changing, although we can't see that! Enjoying is not shameful, it is only natural! 79
All is energy! All has spark of life! If you cant see it, doesn't mean that is not there! Energy can be seen, open your mind and and your eyes will open to! Sometimes love hurts! Question for you: What is immortality? Question for you: Are you mortal or immortal? I know what and who I am, do you know what and who you are? Secrets of the world and universe, how to get them? Only trough yourself! No shortcuts on the way of universal truth! Great injustice rule over our world! No surrender! Never surrender! 80
Why suffering, tears and pain? People, never surrender, never! This world is in need for warriors, warriors of light, warriors of goodness! Sometimes neither one of decisions is not good or bad! Be crazy, don’t be crazy! Sometimes you have to be one, sometimes another! You are lucky ladies and gentleman's, that it isn't some other time! Watch yourself my friend, thieves and crooks, all around us! If you lover your guard, smack over your head! Universal truth is great mystery! Persistence reveal great mysteries! Unknown ways are ways of wisdom! There are higher knowledge's, be persistent!
Study indefinitely, never stop! Your history is very important! Your country is very important! Warriors of light, come out and fight, your time has come! Do you believe in all that man, ha, do you? If you believe, than act, don’t be at sleep! Action, your action is the one that will save you!
Hard times
Hard times are coming; we need to up bring wisdom and to work hard! It is worse and worse for everybody, but don’t despair. Hang on, endure, find a way, don’t close into you, seek possibilities, there is always something out there! Someone’s have a lot, other ones don’t: I’m sorry but all cannot have it all. Be smart with what you have! Make plans, arrange your future movements. That’s the way of saving! Don’t spend in vain! Help to others. Organize help. Sing and be happy, even if it is hard, grumble will not help! Debts, debts, debts, we all have that. Get rid of them and don’t make new ones! 83
You think that you can’t be without beautiful shiny things, ooo yes you can, that’s only illusion! You have to be very careful; commercials have one agenda only, to control your mind! There comes rough times in everything, be careful, be careful! There is no more truth in our world. We lost that battle. It is important that you know that! How to survive difficult times, in the same way difficult, but don’t surrender! Cowards and liars. In all layers of society. You have to know that to! If you think that you are not a slave, you are very wrong! To free yourself from slavery, there are two ways: not own anything, or to become powerful! How to achieve power? Return your debts, don’t make new ones! Help! Buy land and don’t sell it! Go in to politic but with patriotism, not with parties! Independency, self-sufficiency, patriotism, union, without debts, that’s power! To be powerful doesn’t mean to be mean and bad. Powerful means that no one controls you!
What is everyone’s ultimate fear? Remember, all worlds are afraid of independent people, independent communities, independent societies, and independent states! Where is the truth gone? In to the EU, NATO, USA, UK, FRA and their central banks! To seek the truth is very dangerous business. You have to know that! All of news that you see or don’t see in public are not entirely true! In the hard times it is important to know this, you will survive easier! Only real truth is in wisdom! In hard times, turn yourself to nature, turn yourself to land. Everything is in nature and land! I had grandparents; they were never in debts to no one! They lived from workers pension! They were miraculous! How they did it? They didn’t care about cars, motorcycles, latest fashion every month, they cared about family! In hard times, turn yourself to family, make your family strong! Strong family wins all hardships! Take care about your health; with good health all is easy! Once more, be very careful – deception is all around you. Spreads the truth don’t be coward. If you live in lies, you are becoming slave!
One more thing; if you want freedom, you have to work. Give a way part of your freedom to get part of it, that’s how it is! And one thing more: greed will destroy you greedy ones. Greed is great horror, source of evil, you greedy ones are evil, here just to know that! During hard times good becomes very tin, evil rises in all shapes. Armed yourself with light and don’t give up! Finally all hard times will pass sooner or later, but they will pass for sure.
After many years I’m in some action in some far away country and in the middle of that action:”Paff, bum,” explosion and smoke arises all around, and what did I see; here he comes out of the mist of smoke, here comes a Solider. He comes to me and says: “Hi Gordon; here I am again, I came here because I see that world needs me, my wisdom will help to all the people to become true warriors against evil on the planet!” The moment explosion went on, I knew that he is coming, the moment I saw the feature in the mist I knew it is him!
Lost of people ask me about Solider, Who is he? Where is he? What is he doing? And so on. The fact is that he is always there where weaker people need help, but no one can tell from where he comes, where he goes. He will be here at your place at the moment; he will help you in a split of second, and disappeared in the split of second to, that is his way. I just have fortune to be somehow connected with him. He comes and goes as he pleases, he stays sometimes with me, we practice, learn and discuss together for a while and then he disappears again. Who is he? He is secret, he is mystery, he is a warrior, he is wise man and at the moment he is among us.
During my early days I was very inspired by Solider and his influence. I can say that he was one of my teachers, but True Wisdom is only inspired by him, the teachings are mine. His philosophy is totally different; he is action wise man, always in the move, no family, no strings, just adventure of ever changing life. His philosophy is very brute and fierce, to normal persons to formidable. 87
About Author
Gordon Enderson is Martial Artist, Professor of Physical Education, Warrior, Master of Martial Arts and its philosophies and Special Police Force Officer, rank Captain. He is also a writer of educational handbooks and textbooks of Martial Arts. Mr. Enderson all his life study and live by the codes of Martial Arts and its Philosophies. In his Country he is a legend and inspiration for all. He started to write as a teenager around 1984-till nowadays, he study Martial Arts exactly 34 years consecutive, and he is great Master. Gordon Enderson lives in Croatia, and continues to act as a real man of Sword and Pen, and he is here now for international attention.