Trunk Calls 39 April 2011 - Elephant Rock

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No one in the nudist (naturist?!!) movement seems to want to take it on so we have reluctantly put it out for all, whether they want to keep it going in its present ...

Elephant Rock

# 39

April 2011

Phone: 07 54635555 email: [email protected] web: snail mail: 2055 Lake Moogerah Rd. Moogerah Qld 4309 G’day readers. We are still here! As you know, we are trying to sell this little part of Paradise. No one in the nudist (naturist?!!) movement seems to want to take it on so we have reluctantly put it out for all, whether they want to keep it going in its present format or run some other hospitality business from here. But it looks like we’ll be here for a while yet, so keep visiting the end. Now that Winter is approaching you Southerners are likely moving North for warmer climes. For that reason we are keeping our monthly happenings going. So keep checking our web site for coming events. See you soon. Cheers, Sue & Jaak



The ANF is no longer ‘Australian Nudist Federation’. It is now ‘Australian Naturist Federation’. Yes. At the 2010 General Assembly on 30th December, Motion 4 was accepted to make this change. On reading the new Constitution of the ANF we find, under Section 3 - Definitions that “Nudism” means a way of life in harmony with nature characterized by the practice of communal nudity, with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect of others and for the environment.” There is no definition of Naturism in the document. So here is the dictionary definition of Naturism :

naturism 1. wearing no clothes as custom: the practice of going without clothes, usually in a communal setting or in designated areas, in the belief that nudity is a healthy natural state 2. nature worship: worship of nature in general, or of objects of nature such as trees and mountains Does this definition fit you? Also a lot of the general public mistake the word naturist with naturalist therefore confusing the issue further since the dictionary definition of the latter is:

naturalist somebody studying natural history: a student of or expert in natural history, especially botany or zoology. The term is particularly used to describe a field biologist. To avoid such confusion the old way would be simpler for nudism by definition is:

nudism Going without clothes as a social practice And therefore a nudist is:

nudist somebody preferring nudity: somebody who prefers not to wear clothes, especially somebody who does so in designated areas or communities. Simple. But then we like confusion and of course definitions that are more socially accepted even if they are unclear to the larger public.

A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

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31st December - New Year's Eve It was a ‘Tropical’ party. Lots of sarongs and leys. And the dancing was WILD at the height of the proceedings (do you agree, Margaret?). Pass the Lifesaver was great fun and afterwards the sweets were found to be just as ‘handy’ for decorating body parts .

Even Rudolph, left over from Christmas, joined in as a party animal!

‘Lifesavers’ - the sweets, found another reason to be. Although the pre X’mas rains had made ER soggy, New Year’s eve was pretty well dry but this kept us inside.

Swinging hips with Hula skirts were all a go at Elephant Rock. ...and even a slow sway during the night is part of a tropical odyssey.

With the new arrangement in our Common Room space was sufficient for the celebration— and the fans kept us cool. Some participants wanted to celebrate New Year at Kiwi time, but all managed to stay up ‘till the real new year arrived. We in Queensland do not tinker with our clocks so we do not celebrate at The long hot summer … time to cool off.. ...then the New Year deteriorated all over Queensland!!!!!!!!! Trunk Calls 39


4th December - Elephant Rock picnic lunch. As can be seen on the rainfall record, we had 40 mm of rain on the day of our picnic. You would think that it should have spoilt our get together, but it didn't, for most of the rain fell during the night. So our little ‘thank you’ to our guests for their support during the past year went off magnificently. It must be said that the big wet did keep some would be participants away, but this was to be expected. The ones who were close enough not to worry and the ones who braved the weather joined in the good food and the camaraderie of the day. Thank you all again for supporting us during the good and the bad times. Hopefully we will do this again next year.

January - Australia Day Since Australia Day proper fell on to a week day, we celebrated on the previous weekend. Didn't seem right but if circumstances decree it then let it be.

The thro annua wing l com thong petit ion

Significant rainfall recorded at Elephant Rock 2010

NOVEMBER 4th...29mm 5th...12mm 9th… 5mm 11th...50mm 17th...61mm 18th...16mm 25th...16mm 29th...11mm 30th...10mm DECEMBER 1st...28mm 2nd...15mm 3rd...10mm 4th...40mm 5th...13mm 6th...55mm 7th… 6mm 11th...15mm 13th...26mm 15th...16mm 16th...32mm 17th...19mm 18th… 6mm 19th...34mm 22nd...50mm 23rd… 5mm 24th...10mm 25th...20mm 56th...73mm 27th...65mm

The rain sociali – on zing o the Bre ut of th eze e way .

...and how can you celebrate Australia Day without a campfire and Damper cooking! Trunk Calls 39


It happened in December … the RAIN! After years of drought the ‘big wet’ visited us. All the rain that should have fallen over the last ten years, but didn’t, fell in six weeks in November/December, 2010.

Our dam at Elephant Rock filled up

The big dam at Moogerah filled up

One of our guests sunk into the ‘lawn’ here at Elephant Rock.

ER was cut off from the rest of beautiful Queensland for a short time only, thankfully.

The taste of Mandarin! Mum and baby have found sanctuary under the eaves from the consistent rain... ...but the Koala is tough and does not look for shelter Trunk Calls 39


MARCH 12-13 - Wine & Cheese night and Pisceans’ birthday

The double celebration went well what with eating, drinking and dancing the night away. There were all brands of wine brought along by all the participants - Australian, Portuguese, South African and Kiwi. There were whites and reds and rosés as well as beers (for the plebs!). Did anyone, while tasting and comparing the wines, swirl the mouthful around and then spit the wine out, wash the mouth out with water and then proceed to the next offering? No, of course not! It was more like ‘down the hatch asap! It must be said ‘though, that there were those who studied the lables well and tasted with Discernment. Any winning wine out of this? No, but all had a good time. There was plenty of luscious food for the ’cheese’ part of the night. Besides many different cheeses there were other delights – olives, stuffed and unstuffed, prawns, artichoke hearts, stuffed bell peppers and other stuff too numerous to mention. Before the dancing started the Pisceans had their little Quite a good drop, cake cutting ceremony. this. And the dancing was wild as everyone got stuck into the old favorites of Jitterbug and Rock n Roll.

Pisceans. Cheering?

So our effort at reviving the seventies Wine & Cheese night , together with our reintroduction of our Pisces Birthday weekends paid off. Let’s do it again next year.

Women speak because they wish to speak, whereas a man speaks only when driven to speech by something outside himself -- like, for instance, he can't find any clean socks. Jean Kerr

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Dancin’ the night away!


We decided, with very short notice, to get a few together and see The Wak Boys (the leftovers from the Wickety Wak’s) who put on a performance right here at Simons Tavern, Boonah. Our very own Doug, the bus driver drove us there in a 19 seater so the rest of us could let our hair down in a big way. A good, no, a great night was had by all. Of course it was not a naked outing but the later carryings on at ER was! Hopefully we can organise other such outings in the future.

RENOVATIONS The old kitchen in the Common Room is gone. In its place is a super practical, brand new setup: Hotplates against the outside wall; new 1½ stainless steel sink; central bench on castors so it can be moved out of the way to allow more room for dancing etc; Cabinets with drawers to house knifes and forks and all crockery. This should make the meal preparation chore much easier. The ongoing improvements to Elephant Rock never cease. What’s next?

Good, ain’t it?

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2011 Events Calendar APRIL22-26 - Easter and ANZAC day. The great Petanque competition is on again and your name could be on the trophy as the champion for 1011. And don't forget the night time Easter Egg hunt! And this time we will have an ANZAC memorial service right here at Elephant Rock followed by a communal breakfast. BYO goodies and all get together and enjoy. MAY - LABOUR DAY WEEKEND 30th April - 2nd May Art and more art! The two artists, John and Kathy, are again in residence and willing to help all you budding artists. Bring your gear and have fun while learning the tricks of the trade. JUNE 11 - 13 Queens Birthday weekend. Come and participate in the fun trivia competition on Saturday night. Maybe have a camp oven cookout on Sunday night? Whatever happens, enjoy the last long weekend before X'mas.

Keep an eye on our web site for more in 2011

Phone: 07 54635555 email: [email protected] web:

Trunk Calls 39