with our home as home is all the time considered Sweet â. Happy . For this it has been observed by almost majority of human beings every where that the ...
Truth cannot be defined & there is no definition of truth . Truth can be merely interpreted & also manipulated & as such the very purpose of truth gets defeated . In judicial court everywhere Truth in the name of God as a path of oath is been taken &that subsequent cannot be measured as a confirmed Truth. Generally we as human beings have interpreted Truth only for our convenience & or selfish end & This practice of Truth can become a part of our journey ,our business ,our society & our friendship . Generally we may not given justice to this holy word '' ( TRUTH '') . If every human beings take recourse Truth , it is very much certain that in certain cases for keeping principles of Truth be may get abused may be in the family ,society or such other places but from the within such person has given justice of Truth as human being we can be certainly answered as a part of the Truth of the action . With the principle & norms of truth human beings not only to play a very fruitful personal part in their family ,career , & society but also such human beings may certainly make a fruitful light of other members of society . Truth appears to be a very simple word but for implementation in practices , it becomes difficult part for the action of human beings .
With this it would be a better practice to start the same with our home as home is all the time considered Sweet – Happy . For this it has been observed by almost majority of human beings every where that the principle of Truth gets omitted by the children of the family . In the examination result due to the poor performance or if a teacher in class room passes a certain adverse remark for the students , such children who have become victim either for the examination result or for the instruction from the teacher ,such children will not inform regarding the parents either of his result for the remarks . In such cases it becomes the responsibility of the parents to keep a friendly & loving gesture with their children so that they become totally free with their parents & will not keep any secret with them . All though this is the common practices of our life but this certainly involves the principle of Truth which may remain a very guiding factor for the parents & children to make their behavior & action among friends circle & also in their academic career . The same is applicable for the cordial relation between Husband & Wife . It is a good practices that in married life both should become a friend ,philosopher ,& guide & if this be a case , there will not be any hide & seek game between Husband & Wife . In this line there would not be any possibility of hiding any matter so to say the very basic end of ‘’TRUTH ‘’ in life .
As is said that charity begins at home with the holy name of ‘’TRUTH’’ . If every human beings for their personal happy life follow the principle & behavior of Truth their will be certainly a peace ,harmony & happiness in the house for which we can certainly claim our house as SWEET HOME.