Truth cannot be measured -cannot be divided-cannot ...

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many cases even though we are surrounded under a bonfire TRUTH for the selfish interest their has been tendency to transit the image of. TRUTH ,. In order to ...
Truth cannot be measured -cannot be divided-cannot be challenge. Truth means the verdict of superior power which remains within every human beings which has an approval of divinity within us . Just as Honesty ,it is considered all the time as the Best Policy for which whether individual approves or otherwise ,it can not challenge the verdicts or sermons of honesty . The same is equally true for the verdicts of '' TRUTH'' ,which cannot be modified ,challenge as there are the verdict past on to us by or the incarnates visited our earth at different in the intervals to offer the promise make our life worthy as human beings. Very often in the conversation we used the word '' Gospel Truth '' in the sense that it cannot be change- challenge -modified .That is why it has been from the beginning said that Truth all the time remains victorious & in the religion verdict for the guideline of human beings it has been reflected that '' Satyamev Jayate . While expressing this , for TRUTH T- TEENS R - REACHING U- UP T- TO H- HEAVEN

To me TRUTH has no definition .When they is a fragrance of Truth ,success is always assured . TRUTH can not be continued & practice under the play of hide & seek game & in this line it will pass a dismal picture .As a human being in well many cases even though we are surrounded under a bonfire TRUTH for the selfish interest their has been tendency to transit the image of TRUTH , In order to understand & appreciate the TRUTH the golden image of Mahatma Gandhiji which his example of TRUTH may certainly indicated the line of light for our following .... With this Truth can become a living example for every human beings ,but for this Truth should not have any over shadow as it should be an exact fact without overlapping . If we cultivate the Truth in right spirit & behavior we can certainty establish a peaceful surrounding around us where no propaganda or publicity are necessary . Truth moves & passes without any intermediates . Truth never appears under any dishonesty .The value of Truth can not be measured & as such its importance should not be placed under different an mischievous manner .Unfortunately we all are aware that a mischievous verdict under the guise of Truth has disturb the environment of the society & peace of the people . It is in this light that the Truth should be made on any working environment in any situation for the education institute ,Business community ,social workers & last but not the least the political leaders of every country . If this becomes acceptable policy the member of the society ,citizen ,& the world community may certainly live peaceful .