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TRUTHS AND MYTHS about National Lifestyle Villages
What do you really know about National lifestyle Villages?
Maybe you know nothing at all?
Maybe you know a friend of a friend who lives in one?
Maybe you believe that you're not ready to be living in one of our Villages yet?
Maybe you think that it's not for you?
We hear a lot of ‘stories’ about what National Lifestyle Villages offer and what they don’t, below are just a few examples. MYTH
Enriching the lives of over 45s
They are retirement Villages
Our Villages are designed for the over 45’s who do not have children permanently living with them. Our Villages are active communities, with people who are too young, but more importantly that are too fit and healthy for typical retirement Villages.
I don’t own the home
You actually own 100% of your home, and have a long-term secured lease (up to 60 years) on the land on which your home sits. By not owning the land it allows you to free up money to do the things you have always dreamed of.
I don’t pay stamp duty
There are NO stamp duty fees when you buy or sell a home in our Villages and because no conveyancers are involved there are no fees to pay to them either.
I can’t bring my pets
Well trained pets are welcome and we have many four legged friends living in the villages. All pets require approval before moving into a Village.
I live on my own - I will feel unsafe
Speak to any lifestyler that lives in a National Lifestyle Village and most will tell you that the most enjoyable part of living in one of our Villages is the great sense of community and that of feeling safe, as you are surrounded by friends. Also gates that close between dusk and dawn and security cameras at the main entrance enhance your sense of security.
I am unable to leave the home to my children
Your home in the Village is a willable asset, and can be passed onto whoever you wish. If for example you pass the property onto your child, they can either arrange to sell the property or move in to the property (subject to them meeting certain requirements, for example being over 45).
The homes are not Brick and Tile Construction
The homes are modern constructions that are architecturally designed, and are built right here in Western Australia. They often exceed the ‘Green Star’ rating and there are various styles and home designs available across all of our Villages. The homes come ready to move into, complete with all the fixtures and fittings you could need including a fitted kitchen with built in oven and hob, fitted modern bathrooms, fitted wardrobes, flooring, light fittings, window furnishings, outdoor storage, car port and your own garden.
These are only some of the Truths and Myths about life at National Lifestyle Villages. You may have many more questions or you may just be keen to hear other people’s questions; our Roadshow of seminars across our Villages has been designed to allow you to do just that. Come along to one of the seminars to experience life in a Village for yourself, ask our executive team any questions you may have in a friendly and informal environment, take a tour of the facilities, have a look around the homes and even have a chat with some people already living in the villages over a free morning tea.
Come to a seminar to truly appreciate why over 3,000 people are living in a National Lifestyle Village. More details overleaf...
Richard Hammond
John Wood
Independent Architect
National Lifestyle Villages Founder & Managing Director
We are running seminars from mid-October until the end of November in the following villages:
SATURDAY 18th October Vibe Baldivis Lifestyle Village 124 Sixty Eight Road, Baldivis 9524 4403
SUNDAY 2nd November Bridgewater Lifestyle Village 106 Oakleigh Drive, Erskine 9550 4882
SUNDAY 9th November Oyster Harbour Lifestyle Village 20 Alison Parade, Bayonet Head 9844 0004
SATURDAY 15th November Tuart Lakes Lifestyle Village 831 Mandurah Road, Baldivis 9523 5000
SUNDAY 23rd November Helena Valley Lifestyle Village 2340 Helena Valley Road, Helena Valley 1300 87 55 65
SATURDAY 29th November Busselton Lifestyle Village 16 Leeuwin Boulevard, Busselton 9752 6703
Seminars run from 9.30am to 11.30am followed by a village and display home tour. The seminars will cover the following topics: •
Q&A session, with an opportunity to ask us anything you’d like to know.
Information about our villages including home designs, resort-style facilities, land-lease model, village maintenance & more.
A guided tour of the village and display homes.
• Morning tea Seats are limited; registrations are essential so call 1300 45 55 65 or visit www.nlv.com.au/seminar to reserve your seat today. We will contact you to confirm your registration and provide parking instructions prior to the event. If you have any questions about this event, please contact NLV Marketing at
[email protected].
Purchase a brand new National Lifestyle Villages home and you will receive a $4,500 Lifestyle Voucher, exclusive to those attending our Seminars, plus our exhibition stand at Retirement Living Expo and Have a Go Day. This voucher can be used towards a Travel Voucher, a Fuel Voucher or Furnishings Voucher. Terms and Conditions apply; -
Client’s details must have been registered at one of the following events: Retirement Expo, Have a Go Day, NLV Roadshow Seminars The Show Special cannot be used in conjunction with Co-Pilot discounts or display home discounts The Show Special can be used in conjunction with Project Breathing Space The price shown on the price list at the time of sign-up is the agreed purchase price The show special only applies to new homes including display homes The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash National Lifestyle Villages reserve the right to change the suppliers at any time The offer is only available to the first 45 sign ups across all WA National Lifestyle Villages The voucher will be provided when the full purchase price has been paid – normally at the time of move in The voucher is not valid if the buyer has signed up on a NLV property on or before 1st August 2014
*Note dates and venues are subject to change. Your reservation details will be confirmed prior to the event. John Wood and Richard Hammond may not be present at all events.
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45s In this Issue Time to try some new fun activities at Have a Go Day
• Let’s Go Travelling; Caravan & Camping • Food & Wine • Seniors Week Events Guide - 24 page liftout • Retirement Living Expo • Perth Heritage Days
Scotts Garden Prize Packs TICKETS Before I Go to Sleep - Colin Firth Siddharth Pride Black Swan State Theatre Company’s GASP! BOOKS Fremantle Tales A Journey into Spiritual Healing and Kirlian Photography
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‘Dinners to Your Door’ Burswood Park comes alive on Have a Go Day. Come and try a new activity whether it’s rockclimbing, archery, bellringing or meeting up with friends on the day
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COME and join us at Have a Go Day on Wednesday 12 November at Burswood Park. This annual free event promotes sport and recreation for older adults. Have a Go Day, a Live Lighter event, is the big event of WA Seniors Week 2014, organised by the Seniors Recreation Council of WA Inc (SRC). The day begins at 8.30am and there will be a host of activities, demonstrations, displays and entertainment to keep you busy all through the day. This year’s theme is ‘seniors in sport and recreation’. This is the perfect day to come along and try some new activity.
rices at Sensational P 57 James St, Guildford 9378 2233
Local Government, Community Services, Seniors and Volunteering; Youth opening the day. Steve Mills of 6PR will act as Master of Ceremonies. Entertainment will include Justin Friend, West Coast Chordsmen, bush poets, the Police Pipe Band and lots more to tickle your fancy. You will have opportunities to see cooking demonstrations from the chefs from Crown Perth, the WA competitors of My Kitchen Rules and the nals of the Great Bethanie Bake Off will take place during the day. The SES will be on the grounds
promoting SES week and you can nd out more about this great organisation. Channel 7 Perth and 6PR personalities will be in attendance and you can meet them throughout the day at the free hospitality tents run by Have a Go News. There are a variety of food and drink outlets around the grounds. Come and enjoy a free ‘cuppa’ at the hospitality tents. Please turn to pages (36 and 37) for a comprehensive feature about all the activities, entertainment, prizes and displays available at this year’s Have a Go Day.
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Have you ever wanted to ring the bells at The Bell Tower? The Bell Tower will be bringing along their mobile belfry for visitors to ring the bells. The West Coast Eagles Football Club will be on site as well and you can have a go at kicking a football with them. Other activities include archery, croquet, petanque, rock climbing, canoeing, exercise to music, virtual gliding, exergaming, and brain training to name just a few. The ofcial welcome will be held at 10.30am with the Hon. Tony Simpson MLA Minister for
From the editor’s desk
Join us online
Single items or complete collections. PLUS memorabilia
Ring PAUL anytime on
0417 974 914
Judith Treby
HELLO Everyone This month I am standing in for Judith as she is currently recuperating from an illness and I take this opportunity to send her our very best wishes. I do hope you enjoy our bumper annual October issue with all the information for you to plan your activities during WA Seniors Week 2014.
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Inside you will nd a 24page Seniors Week Event Guide lift-out which you can keep to plan your activities during the week. There’s a host of free events taking place throughout Seniors Week. One that caught my eye is the Seniors in the City – Opera in Central Park which will be a free hour long concert to be held on Thursday 13 November from 12pm at Central Park, opposite Wesley Church in the city. Have a Go Day is the peak event and this fabulous free day will be held at Burswood Park on Wednesday 12 November from 8.30am. Have a Go Day is a special day for us here at Have a Go News. I attended my rst ever Have a Go Day 21 years ago when it was at MacCallum Park with about 200 people participating. I remember that day well as I was pregnant with my daughter. She turned 20 in July and it’s hard to believe how quickly those years have passed. Over those years this event has grown and grown and this year’s event promises visitors another splendid showcase of recreational activities, information, displays, entertainment and
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prizes. Congratulations are in order to the team at Bethanie who recently took out gold medals for customer service at the Customer Service Council gala awards dinner. If you enjoy using Facebook then take the opportunity to ‘like’ the Have a Go News page. We keep you up to date on interesting things happening around town throughout the month and often have special competitions just for our facebookers. Visit https://www.facebook.com/Haveagonews The Have A Go News website is getting busier. Each month we improve different areas of it; the clubs section has now been upgraded with a new database which makes this section much easier to navigate. It’s a great resource to nd a club or group to join. Don’t forget we now include the last 12 months of back issues of the paper in its digital format as well. You can nd all the information and more at www. haveagonews.com.au Our journalist Frank Smith has created a blog about the health and wellbeing of older Australians, you can have a read at http://seniorwellbeingnet. ipage.com/ for more stories.
World Osteoporosis Day 20 Oct
OSTEOPOROSIS may weaken more than just bones. New research suggests it is closely linked to incontinence in older women. While there are some conditions where the link to incontinence is expected, such as childbirth or being overweight, there are others where the connection seems less obvious. One of these is the link between osteoporosis and urinary incontinence. A Canadian study found that middle-aged and older women suffering from osteoporosis had a much higher incidence of incontinence than women without osteoporosis. Physiotherapist and University of Newcastle Associate Professor Pauline Chiarelli is a research associate assisting in a 15-year Australian longitudinal women’s health study of more than 30,000 women, undertaken by the Universities of Queensland and Newcastle. Dr Chiarelli said height loss associated with curvature of the spine was correlated with incontinence. Women with osteoporosis lose height because of the spinal deformity caused by fractures of the backbone – the most common fracture in females. She said research suggests that curvature of the spine increases the risk of pelvic organ
prolapse as the result of the subsequent altered positioning of the organs, muscles and bones within the abdominal cavity. This lends support to the hypothesis that the altered forces pushing down from the abdomen onto the bladder as a result of the spinal deformity may be implicated in incontinence. The link, however, would not be as strong for mid-aged women who would be unlikely to have spinal deformity in the early stages of the disease, she said. According to Osteoporosis Australia, the disease occurs mainly in women aged 55 and over, with 1.2 million Australians estimated to have the condition. Dr Chiarelli said women diagnosed with osteoporosis need to be screened for, and informed about, their increased risk of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. “Currently, an average of one osteopathic fracture takes place in Australia every eight minutes, and this is expected to more than double in seven years’ time if the trend continues. “Osteoporosis is life changing, debilitating, painful and associated with high morbidity and some mortality, but it’s very common and very preventable,” she said.
Community clients represented at Perth Royal Show
I wish you a happy and healthy month. Jen Merigan Per Judith Treby Editor@haveagonews. com.au Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter
The superb; ‘high tea’ entry from the residents of Riversea
BETHANIE MANAGED ‘Riversea Aged Care Facility’ specialises in dementia care for the elderly in the Perth suburb of Mosman Park. This year, the site was
proud to enter an artistic collage in the Perth Royal Show under the ‘Aged Care Facility Display’ competition. The entry is entitled “High Tea” with all of the
items, from teapot, sandwiches to cupcakes were made by the residents using household items including, fabrics, sponges and wool. Manager of Riversea Patricia Carpenter said, “Activities such as this enable the residents to participate in normal community activities. It removes the difference between those with and those without dementia. We participate to ensure a high quality of life for our residents and allow for interaction with the community.” To learn more about dementia care at Bethanie visit http://tinyurl.com/ bethanieriversea
Women invited to free after breast cancer exercise program
WOMEN who have experienced breast cancer at any time in their lives are being invited to register now for the free after breast cancer exercise program, Encore, which is running in Kalamunda, Riverton, and Wanneroo starting in October. The Encore program sup-
ports the physical well-being of women after the trauma of breast cancer surgery or treatment in a nurturing and supportive environment, whether that surgery was a few months ago or 20 years ago. It runs for eight weeks, is tailored for all tness levels and abilities and incorporates
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oor and hydrotherapy exercises. The Encore program is based on the latest research revealing the benets of exercise for women being treated for breast cancer, which shows that aerobic exercise is of particular benet along with resistance exercises. Cathy Stubbs, YWCA of Perth Program coordinator says, “The Encore Program was created to improve movement, exibility and strength after breast cancer surgery. It helps to reduce the potential risk of lymphoedema and can assist in its management. “We’ve been working with leading experts in the eld of exercise and cancer to help us review the research and update our program and as a result, Encore now includes an aerobic component as well as strength and mobility exercises.” Encore helps women stay well after a very difcult time in their lives, not only through the proven physical benets of the program, but also through meeting others who’ve had similar experiences. The YWCA of Perth Encore has programs starting in various venues in October. It will run for eight weeks (two hours a week). A medical clearance is required, and in order to secure a place, it’s important to register as soon as possible - at least two weeks prior to the class beginning. As classes are small and intimate, the places ll up quickly. Register by calling 9440 3501 emailing
[email protected] Participation is free. In WA, YWCA Encore is funded by Western Australia Department of Health.
Working to 70 may not be as easy as the Government makes out
by Frank Smith THE GOVERNMENT is keen to save money on pen-
Almost half of the people who responded to the survey had been off work for at least a month in the past ve years. This was due to cardiovascular disease (50 percent), arthritis (35 per cent), musculoskeletal injury (34 per cent), and mental health illnesses (23 per cent). Many people had more than one medical problem. Almost half of people with an illness, injury or disability had three or more health conditions in the past ve years (49 per cent). Of people who had worked in the last ve years and had an illness, injury or disability, 46 per cent reported that the illness had prevented them from working, 37 per cent reported that it prevented them from
working as much as they would like, and 13 per cent reported that it prevented them looking for work. People with a musculoskeletal injury (61 percent) and mental illness (58 per cent) were most likely to have reported that their illness had prevented them from working or looking for work. Almost half, (49 per cent), of the people with poor health returned to work after an absence of at least one month. However, a further 21 per cent had yet to return to work or had retired. Men, especially older men, were less likely to stay in paid work or return to paid work after an illness, compared to females and younger men.
Maybe you also want a great variety of lively music to enjoy as well? Square dancing is all about walking and moving to the instructions of a caller. They start with simple easy to follow moves
Parliament House open as part of Perth Heritage Days
ing while enjoying the many lifelong friendships made along the way. There is a whole new world out there to discover while enjoying all the fun along the way. Why not try our beginners classes starting now at one of your local square dance clubs? These venues are listed on the national web pages at www.squaredance.org.au The Square Dance Society of WA is starting classes on Wednesday nights at the North Perth Town Hall from the 5/11/2014. For more information about this and other clubs across WA phone Steve on 9243 1200 or free call 1800 643 277.
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COME AND join in on celebrating Bethanie Social Centre’s Art Exhibition at the West Perth Social Centre. Bethanie has organised the exhibition with artwork supplied from clients from the Bethanie Social Centres. The exhibition will include three different categories – painting, medium and photography. The art exhibition will be held at the West Perth Social Centre, 40 Violet Street, West Perth on Wednesday 22 October from 10am to 2.30pm.
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9474 3859 PARLIAMENT House is open as part of the 2014 program of the sixth annual Perth Heritage Days. Two extremely signicant anniversaries occur this year; the centenary of the outbreak of World War I, and the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of WWII. These world-wide events impacted on the lives of people, cities and history in unimaginable ways and Perth was no different. During the 18-19 October weekend, museums, churches, art galleries, libraries, heritage buildings and special events will focus on how Perth was affected in 1914 and 1939. It will be a weekend of unique reection and time to hear the stories of how these two international events inuenced and shaped the Perth of our forebears. Parliament House will be open on Sunday, 19 October (only) and will present a programme of activities which commemorate the men and women who served in the two World Wars, as well as exploring the role of Parliament and its members in responding to the war effort. This is a wonderful opportunity for visitors to take a selfguided tour of the building and view the displays, prepared by the Parliament, about those Members of Parliament who were on active service during both World Wars and the legislative programme debated at the time. Visitors can also explore displays by the Army Museum and the Aviation Heritage Museum of Western Australia, watch a 10th Light Horse re-enactment Troop in full military dress and saddlery ride up the Terrace to Parliament House and see the Westralian Great War Living History Association re-enact a parade of Australian WWI soldiers. These events are not to be missed! For more information about Heritage Perth and the annual event, visit www.heritageperth.com and follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/HeritagePerth or twitter.com/ heritageperth.
people to maintain physical activity, exibility and strength and not to lose it in the rst place.” With care and support in the workplace most people who want to should be able to continue working longer. But that does not mean they should be forced to do so.
ARE YOU still promising to do more walking for fun or tness but never get around to it? Do you want something that is so much fun and interesting so you to want to keep coming back?
President - Australian Physiotherapy Association said prevention of injury is especially important in older people. “At work older people need to be aware of changes to their bodies over time. We lose exibility and physical strength. “These can be addressed at the workplace, for example by changing physical position, working at different times and redesign the job to reduce physical effort. “Non-work related injuries also contribute to loss of work time. For example arthritis of the knee creeps up on many people. It may result in pain at work, if not later and it needs addressing. “It is important for older
Art Exhibition
Spring into fun and friendship set to music and gradually introduce more and more interesting moves and before you know it you’re hooked. Men love these fun instructions and treat them like ‘military commands’ which are easily followed and this sees them return with great enthusiasm for more lessons. All these instructions are in English so once you have mastered them you are able to square dance anywhere in the world. Singles and partners are always welcome or you can round up more friends to try it with you. Square dance is said to be fun and friendship set to music and is a wonderful way of improving your health and well be-
Those who continued to work or returned to work after illness said they were encouraged to do so by exible work options (47 per cent), management or supervisor support (41 per cent) and peer group or co-worker support (38 per cent). Workplace health assessments or checks were in high demand by mature age workers. If these were offered by employers, 46 per cent of mature age workers wanted to participate in such a program. Other suggestions were health insurance subsidies (44 per cent), exercise breaks (42 per cent), information for a healthy lifestyle (39 per cent) and diet and nutrition programs (39 per cent). Marcus Dripps, National
National President Australian Physiotherapy Association, Marcus Dripps
sions. They plan to do this by increasing retirement age to 70 and changing the indexing system for pensions. People are living longer and spending a greater proportion of their lives in retirement, in many cases drawing a pension. But it is not all that easy to keep on working to 70, as a recent report by National Seniors shows – Health conditions and employment among senior Australians, by Ruth Williams, Thoa Menyen and Tim Adair. The authors surveyed 2000 older Australians to nd out what encouraged or prevented them staying in the workforce. The main issue discouraging them from staying at work is poor health.
Food & Wine Club News Healthy Living Property & Finance Caravan & Camping Let’s Go Travelling Arts/Reviews Scene Socially Copy & Advertisement Deadline – 20th of the month prior to publication The Have a Go News NOVEMBER edition will be published on Monday 8/11/14
Postal Address:
Concept Media 137 Edward Street Perth WA 6000 PO Box 1042 West Leederville WA 6901
Tel: (08) 9227 8283 Fax: (08) 9227 8293
Please address all correspondence to the Editor
Email the editor:
[email protected] Email the travel/sub editor:
[email protected] Email to production:
[email protected] Website: www.haveagonews.com.au Printers
Rural Press
Editor/ Arts Editor
Judith Treby
Sub/Travel Editor Journalists
Jennifer Merigan Josephine Allison Frank Smith Brad Elborough
Colin Barlow Brian French Jon Lewis Karen Majer Denis Martin Mike Roennfeldt Hugh Rogers
Jemma Aldridge Vince Garreffa Wendy Holtom Jayson Mansaray Jeanette Woolerton
Admin Graphics
Lisa McMahon Suyin Boehm
Advertising Sales Team Leader Peter Johnston Direct Line: (08) 9227 8285 Email:
[email protected] Sales Account Manager Diane Broderick Features Co-ordinator Tammy Scott
The attention of advertisers is drawn to the Trade Practices Act 1974 and the provisions in the Act which apply to advertising. Warranty & Indemnity: Advertisers and/or advertising agencies upon and by lodging material with the publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publications of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher, its servants and agents against all liability claim or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of the foregoing so indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names or publication titles, unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violations of rights of privacy and WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights against its servants or agents. All advertising material submitted for publication will be accepted only on the understanding that the material provided is not in contravention of any provision of the Trade Practice Act and Trade Descriptions and False Advertisements Act (W.A.) and the publisher may rely on that understanding. Although every care is taken the Publisher shall not be liable for clerical or printers’ errors or their consequences however caused and no responsibility can be accepted by the Publisher where publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyond the control of the publishers. The Publisher reserves the right in its absolute discretion to alter in whole or in part or to withdraw from publication any advertisement. No advertisement undertaken by a client shall be reliant on supporting editorial. All editorial submissions shall be used at the Editor’s discretion. All editorial submissions published in this newspaper remains the property of the publishers and cannot be reproduced without written authority. The editorial views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers.
Index 1-15 Early General News and columns
16-18 Retirement Living Expo 19-34 Let’s Go Travelling
35-37 Have a Go Day 2014 38 What to do? Where to go?
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40 Property & Finance 41 Notebook
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Letters to the Editor Submissions may be edited for clarity and space.
HI JUDITH, Eddie would like to thank you for the wonderful editorial recently in Have a Go News. Josephine did a great job, thank her for us. Eddie has received numerous calls from seniors groups asking him to appear at their functions, this has
been an outstanding response. These include Wembley Downs, Canning, Bassendean, Rockingham, and Villages too many to name here. One even phoned and asked if it was true. Ed just laughed and said I will perform it all for you in December. Then he is appearing at Wembley
Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Threatened THE COMMONWEALTH Seniors Health card was introduced in 1994 to encourage retirees without superannuation to become self-funded. It provides health care benets including reduced council rates, rebates on water and electricity charges and cheaper prescription charges like those people who receive an aged pension. There was also a non-taxable senior’s supplement payment of $1380.80 per year paid in quarterly instalments until September this year. But for the person who is coming up for retirement in the future, it does not provide much encouragement to be self-funded. The income test for obtaining a Senior’s Health Care card is a maximum of $80,000 excluding superannuation. It hasn’t increased since 2001, although the cost of living has increased. It is time to increase the amount to $100,000 to encourage self funded retirees. Under proposals before Federal Parliament if you have income from superannuation this will be included in the assessed income of new applicants. If your income exceeds the limit for one year you will have to reapply when your income falls within the limit, this time including any superannuation income. The senior’s supplement paid by the State Government is also under threat. These changes have not yet been enacted. If passed they will not encourage future retirees to aim to be self-funded. My information applies to a dual income family and was obtained through my own research. Other present and future self-funded retirees may need to do their own research. Frank Granger Applecross
46 Puzzles 47-49 Arts
50 Friend to Friend 51 Scene Socially
Single items or complete collections. PLUS memorabilia
Ring PAUL anytime on
0417 974 914
Seniors Chrismas Show luncheon. He has accepted all of them, however some have to wait until next year – his book is absolutely full at the present time. Thank you so much, and God bless you all. Vee Storm
Sea Princess cruise cancelled IT WAS unfortunate for those passengers whose recent trip was cancelled due to engine and health problems aboard the Sea Princess. My wife and I have been cruising with Princess Cruises for over 20 years. We have been on about 30 trips, the last one being August this year on the Sea Princess. Neither of us has ever been sick on any of these trips. Princess Cruises has a very high standard of hygiene on all its ships, as do other cruise lines we have travelled with. Before each trip we both go to our doctor and get antibiotics for a stomach complaint and a different drug for u symptoms. We also carry cough medicine as well as other medication in case the need arises. We also have our annual ‘u vaccination’, although this does not protect us from all strains of the virus. It is important that while on a cruise that you clean your hands with the hand cleaner outside all restaurants before going in to eat and again after eating. Do not over eat, as this puts a load on your digestive system, making you more likely to pick up a virus. While on a shore excursion do not eat from street stalls as their hygiene may not be the best. There are 2,000 passengers plus crew on these ships, it only takes one person to get a virus and it can spread through a ship through no fault of the cruise line. As for the engine failure, any one who has ever had anything to do with engines will know that no matter how well maintained an engine may be, it can break down. The ship’s motors run 24 hours a day, seven days a week and at times are running at full speed to keep to schedules. I do not think the bad publicity Princess Cruises received from the media was justied. The company did the right thing by giving the passengers a fare refund as well as a free trip. Happy traveller. Frank Granger Applecross
Join in on some Christmas Fun
Brain Letton and Kate Hindle
THE SENIORS Recreation Council of WA Inc. presents the Christmas Concert for your enjoyment by Phil Paddon and Red Dog Music. Come along and enjoy a celebration for Christmas on Wednesday 10 December from 1pm to 4pm at the Hamersley Community Hall, Belvedere Street, Hamersley. The program will include special guest artist Balladeer Brian Letton direct from Tamworth, Terry Ben-
nets who has just came back from a three-month tour of our North West with his good mate Ginger Cox from Broome. Also performing will be up and coming young WAPPA artist Kate Hindle from Collie. The show will include concert style seating and refreshments at interval are included in the ticket price. Tickets are $20 each, available from Seniors Recreation Council WA on 9492 9773.
Show Boat at the Cygnet
COME along and enjoy a screening of the classic 1951 MGM musical Show Boat at the Cygnet Cinema in Como. Show Boat is presented by the Australian Museum of Motion Picture and Television, Western Region (AMMPT) (a non prot organisation) as part of its 2014 season of Classics of the Silver Screen.
Show Boat stars Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson, and Ava Gardner. The score by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II features the songs Ol man river and Can’t help lovin’ dat man. The screening will be held on Sunday 19 October 2014, doors open at 9.30am and the screening commences at 10.15am. Before the feature enjoy live
Show how big your heart is and donate today. Sorry if we missed you this September! You can still help us with our life saving work by donating at: www.bigheartappeal.org. Thank you to our Big Heart volunteers for all your help!
music, a newsreel, a cartoon, trailers and a rafe. Ticket prices are AMMPT members $5, seniors $8, and public $10. All prots from the screenings go towards preserving the rich heritage of Australia’s moving image industries. For further information phone the Cygnet on 9367 1663 or email
[email protected]
14-0927_MPRS HAGN#022/271
Publishers: Street address:
A tribute to dance in Western Australia
Winnie Wright and Sam Gilkison by Josephine Allison A LONGSTANDING passion for dance has inspired Perth dance teacher, singer and compere Adam Penn to record WA’s illustrious dance history in a series of calendars and stories. Penn, who runs Moodswings Social Dancing with wife Linda, has been involved with the WA dance scene for almost 30 years, starting as a school boy and later at the Embassy Ballroom in Carlisle, Middle Swan Dance Studio and Wrightson’s Dance Studio in Hay Street. He then branched out on his own. He and Linda are about to celebrate their 24th year teaching dance to children and adults across Perth. “I started compiling the
calendars as a tribute to Perth’s Founders of Dance, 2007 calendar, while secretary of the Australian Dancing Board WA branch,” Penn said. “I wanted to pay tribute to the people who pioneered, created and developed the dance industry through which I now make a living. The calendar took more than four years to complete and was a big learning experience. “The aim is to work towards and publish an encylopedia-type book which will consist of everyone who has taught dance (ballroom) in WA for more than 10 years. It’s a long-term project which may take the rest of my days.” Penn this year released A Tribute to the Ladies of
Dance calendar 2014, which looks at the likes of female dance stalwarts including Pamela Humphreys, Jan Reilly, the late Ailsa Miller, Dallas Simmons, Kay Gilkison, Marita Withers, Terri King, Joy Hearn, Shirley Bickley, Julie Patchett, Pamela Gatley and Daele Fraser. He is currently working on A Tribute to the Gentlemen of Dance for 2016 which will include such well known names as the late Sam Gilkison and the late Robert Wrightson who pioneered ballroom dancing in Perth. Penn says the calendars have been relatively successful with proceeds after expenses donated in sponsorship to competing couples. Anyone with historic photos or stories to contribute can contact Adam Penn at
[email protected] or mobile 0412 361 917. Here is the rst in a monthly series compiled by Adam Penn on well-known Perth dance personalities and venues in the halcyon days when couples enjoyed the social interaction of dance... Sam Gilkison was born in Dundee, Scotland in July 1908; his father was an engineer, his mother a singer and his sister a keen dancer. He enlisted in the Royal Horse Artillery in Aldershot, England, and ended up in Wiesbaden in Germany. Sam had always harboured an interest in dance and won a local dance competition in the Charleston on his return to England in 1925. After his mother died, his
father encouraged Sam to travel and he ended up heading for Australia with plans to settle in Melbourne--- then the mecca of ballroom dancing. But the ship was held up in Fremantle with mechanical problems and Perth was so beautiful he decided to stay. Sam gradually met people from the dancing world, perfecting his craft by watching others. Then he and Winnie Wright teamed up as teachers, opening Gilkison’s Dance Studio, rst in the Old Grosvenor Hall in Hay Street and later upstairs in Cremorne Arcade. It was there young Sam met future wife and business partner Ronnie, and they married in 1936. They had ve children - Kay, Robert, David, Dianne and Peter. All except Peter followed in their parents’ footsteps . In 1950 Sam and Ronnie moved their school to Irwin Street and joined forces with Robert Scudder; Sam teaching ballroom with Robert focusing on the immensely popular English old time style. In 1960 the couple moved the school to the Young Australia League building, on the corner of Murray and Irwin Streets in Perth where it remains today, managed by Sam’s grandson Jamie. Along with teaching, Sam partnered with TVW Channel 7 to present two programs, Televisit and Club 7teen demonstrating and teaching teenagers to dance. He had big success with the venture, with Kay, Robert and David
by George Gouteff OVER 55 CANOE Club president, Peter Graham has been given two awards for his volunteer work and contribution to the youth development program on the sail training ship Leeuwin. In 2013 Peter was awarded the prestigious Australian Sail Training Association medal and recently the 2014 Spirit of Leeuwin individual award. Peter regularly goes on seven day voyages as watch leader and is part of the Leeuwin’s mission ‘to challenge and inspire young people to reach their personal potential and make a positive contribution to the wider community’. Congratulations Peter! On the paddling scene through August and Septem-
ber there has been a bit of something for everyone with a mix of white-water and at water venues. Members paddled the Upper Swan from Bells rapids, the Upper Murray at Dwellingup, the Upper Canning at Kent Street Weir the Swan from Point Walter and then Applecross. Paddling the section of the Canning River between Kent Street Weir and Riverton Bridge on a very high tide was particularly interesting as Marilyn, the leader, led the eet on a journey through the gunk holes and back waters of the river. All our paddles have interesting aspects but some have incidents that are gone over a number of times. For example on one of the Dwellingup white water expeditions the web master (Daryl) and John M. earned ducks stickers for involuntary immersions when trying something different on a rapid. Currently before the third umpire is the
Back to Norseman reunion
A BACK to Norseman Reunion is to be held on Sunday 2 November in Kings Park, on the lawn area between the Vietnam War Memorial and Zamia Café. The reunion commences at 10am and will continue well into the afternoon. On the day, in celebration of their 120th anniversary, there will be displays of memorabilia and author Claire Weir, who has completed her book, Norseman 120 Years, will be present to talk about the book. All former and current ‘Norsemanites’ are encouraged to attend this auspicious occasion as there has been much interest and input into producing memorabilia for the book, that has been greatly appreciated by the author. Norseman 120 Years, will engender great interest as it features much information on past residents and the lifestyle enjoyed during those years. Please bring a chair, picnic and more. Name tags will be appreciated. An exciting day is assured, as many past residents have expressed interest in attending. Enquiries to Bill King, 9534 9913 or email newbill13@ bigpond.com
question of whether John T. gained a duck when paddling to the rescue? Then there was the strange case of Marilyn who turned up to a Bells Rapids paddle with a very elegant new wet suit – a fashion statement if ever there was one. At the rst rapid the very experi-
enced Marilyn fell in and claimed she was testing the new wet suit. For further information about the Over 55 Canoe Club telephone Peter on 9409 3813 or visit our web page http://www.over55canoeclub.org.au/WELCOME. html
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local, State, interstate and international events. He passed way aged 90 in 1998. The name Gilkison has been synonymous with dance internationally through the success of grandson Jason and partner Peta Roby who
took the world amateur title in Perth, later embarking on a glittering international professional career. Their stage show Burn the Floor played on Broadway in 2009 and has toured the US and Europe. Grandfather Sam would have been proud indeed.
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The Over 55 Canoe Club president honoured by STS Leeuwin
joining him. Sam and Ronnie were instrumental in creating and developing the ballroom dance scene in WA and, in many respects, throughout Australia. Sam examined many medal candidates, partnered them in exams and adjudicated at
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Major milestone for Perth’s new civic building
City of Perth Library, Hay Street PERTH’S NEWEST civic building rst major public building the City is a step closer to completion after of Perth has commissioned since the nal level of the seven-storey the Concert Hall was completed in City of Perth Library and Public 1973. Plaza was completed yesterday. Doric Executive General ManPart of the Cathedral and Treasury ager, Mr Vince Mulholland, said the Precinct redevelopment, the new complex design of the building had $60 million library and plaza is the been an exciting challenge for the
AS I HAVE previously reported; there will be new UK State Pension Rules for those who reach UK State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016. Advertisements have been appearing in many local papers from companies who arrange UK Occupational Pension transfers to also help with your UK State Pension. Please be careful and check the fees they are charging for obtaining information about UK State Pensions before you sign on the dotted line. BPiA, as a volunteer or-
Western Australian builder, which has a 25-year track record in delivering innovative, iconic and sustainable construction projects which make a major contribution to the community. “The unique shape and façade of the building has been our greatest challenge as well as our greatest achievement,” Mr Mulholland said. “It was really important that we maintained a Western Australian avour to the exterior of the building, which is constructed from Austral Verde stone from Norseman. We’re very proud of the nish which we believe is both monumental and memorable.” The new library is located on the former Law Chambers site on Hay Street, behind St George’s Cathedral, and is the City’s rst purposebuilt library. Previously the library had been housed in the basement of the Law Chambers and is temporarily located at 140 William Street. The new library is part of a major transformation underway at the Cathedral and Treasury Precinct, which includes the restoration of heritage buildings and upgrade to St George’s Plaza.
British Pensions update
ganisation and offers the same advice to our members for the cost of a Membership (membership costs $30 per couple or $20 for a single person. Membership fees go towards the campaign to unfreeze UK State Pensions). Many people might have received pension statements from the UK that will not now be correct due to the new and continuous rule changes. Whoever you go to for help and advice please do not delay, as time is critical. Well, September has
been quite an eventful month and so will October. The main event in the UK has been the Vote on Scottish Independence and what a cliffhanger it turned out to be. If Scotland had gained Independence, it would not have automatically become a member of the EU, it would have meant that their State Pensioners would, like us, have started to receive ‘Frozen Pensions’ in the week after independence. On 9 October there will be two by-elections and from one of these, it is al-
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The Bequest Team, The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 8498, Perth Business Centre, WA 6849, or freecall 1800 337 082. Please send me a free copy of your 20-page Wills booklet I have already included The Salvation Army in my Will I am interested in including The Salvation Army in my Will Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/other ................................................................................... Name .............................................................................................................. Address ......................................................................................................... Phone .............................................................................................................
Lord Mayor Lisa Scafdi said the library and plaza would be a signicant community asset. “A City library differs from suburban public libraries in that it attracts people from all over the metropolitan area and other parts of the State,” Ms Scafdi said. “As well as lending books, it will also be a place for people to come to research, read, use equipment and facilities and participate in special events. “The new building will provide more space for people to connect with each other, exploring, creating and reecting. “This is an architecturally stunning building, with a graceful circular design, providing state-of-the-art facilities. The completion of the seventh level marks a key milestone in its development.” Designed by the award winning Kerry Hill Architects, the library will cover 3,500sqm over seven storeys and will include meeting rooms, an elevated terrace, gallery and exhibition spaces, WiFi access and a cafe. Construction of the Library is expected to be complete early next year, with t-out to follow.
most a certainty that the UK Independence Party (UKIP) who propose to take the UK out of the European Union will have their rst MP. In September’s update I wrote about ‘all frozen pensioners’ writing to the UK MP’s in the constituency where they last lived and offered template letters and help with tracing MP’s. To date the response has been very disappointing. If you are unhappy that the UK Freezes the State Pension that you have paid for, then let us all ght for our rights. Meanwhile the International Consortium of British Pensioners (ICBP) has been working closely with their PR consultants in London to help achieve more publicity in the UK media and over the next couple of months there will be many more articles appearing in the British press. Two interesting articles were published in August and early September which we should be able to use to our advantage. A BBC Interview with the UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron in which he stressed that in future ‘all Conservative policies will have to pass a family test.’ ‘Put simply that means that every single domestic policy that govern-
ment comes up with will be examined for its impact on the family’. Here we have the PM endorsing our opinion about the importance of keeping families together, which is one reason why there are so many expat pensioners in Australia. A Daily Mail article about a Tory backbench ‘fury’ that the Liberal Democrats (who they are in coalition with) have managed to achieve approval of a UK Bill which makes it legally binding for the UK Government to spend 0.7 per cent of the nation’s GDP on foreign aid which is about £12 billion each year. Yet they still protest that they are unable to afford to make up our pensions ‘because they can’t afford the £590 million it would cost each year’. A quick reminder for those of you who are completing your tax returns that you are entitled to a reduction in your tax that is paid on your UK State Pension. Anyone who would like to discuss the above further is welcome to contact British Pensions in Australia on 1300 308 353 or Mike Goodall BPiA’s Coordinator in Western Australian on 6364 0859 e-mail:- mikecgoodall@ btconnect.com
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French’s Forum
Brian French THE CALENDAR for 2014 is turning fast, and we are already into October. Some readers will be delighted to see the back of 2014 and look forward to a better 2015. The 5 October was not a day that brings back happy times for me! In 1950 it was the day I started my two years national service in the British army. I remember a few weeks of bullying by the lance corporals ‘caring’ for us. Also, making our beds by packing covers full with prickly straw from a huge mound of the horrible stuff. Of course I was not alone in my depression, but the two years did improve – particularly when I was nally commissioned! The Frenchs are eagerly expecting their daughter/ Kirsty, her partner Luke and granddaughter back in Perth after three years in Canada – fantastic. They had a very happy time there and made many new friends. There seem to be troubles all over the world with the worst in Iraq and Syria. The atrocities committed by ISIS are just impossible to comprehend. However, I think we need to be wary of tarring all Muslims with the same brush. There is no doubt that most Muslims are as horried as members of other religions. I have already heard some normally reasonable Australians voicing very unreasonable, in fact stupid, opinions. We don’t need another inquisition. (Enough said in French’s Forum). I do not really understand much of the following, but still think you might like to hear them. British scientists ‘may’ have discovered a surprisingly simple way to beat ageing. They say diet could be the key to rejuvenating ageing cells and boosting immune systems in old age, helping to stop disease. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you which foods or nutrients will do the trick – they are still working on that. On the other hand, in the same paper, I read a headline ‘half-hour walk is magic pill’ to beat ageing. Someone is getting paid very handsomely to give us advice which is obvious, but it might be rather difcult if you are immobile! A poll recently undertaken in the UK found the most popular bedtime for adults was 10.43 during the
working week. But they do not all get the a minimum of six-and a half hour’s sleep. We normally go to bed at 11.30pm and get up at 6.45am, but it takes me at least 45mins to get to sleep. Mary (French) goes to sleep in about ve minutes! How times have changed! The march of technology has created many changes. What do older adults miss and get nostalgic about? The following list may not be agreed by all oldies (I am one of them!), but you might be interested. 1. Tape recording the weekly top 40 hits 2. Having pen pals. 3. Watching Top of the Pops 4. Buying singles on cassettes or vinyl 5. Hand writing thank you notes 6. Waiting for photos to be developed 7. Watching Saturday night TV with the family 8. Playing with 90s toys 9. Renting videos from local shop 10. Making plans that don’t change due to lack of mobile communication. Did you hear of the black mum who beat astronomical odds by giving birth to a white baby? Catherine Howarth, 32, of Nigerian heritage thought there had been a mistake when the midwife handed her baby Jonah. He has pale skin, green eyes and light brown hair. Doctors said the chances of the baby being white were one in a million. (I would have thought the odds would have been greater!). Some white children born to black Africans do get darker, but from the colour of the tips of his ears, Jonah is fully white. There is a possibility that asteroid 1950 DA will collide with Earth on 16 March 2880 and will destroy all life on our planet. According to one report if it does hit us it will have the force of 44,880 megatonnes of TNT, but the same report added ‘scientists say there is no cause for concern!’ So why worry? I’ll come to the end with my usual bits of trivia, this month from Phyllis Diller: 1. We spend the rst twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve years telling them to sit down and shut up. 2. I admit I have a tremendous sex drive. My boyfriend lived forty miles away. 3. Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance? 4. The reason why women don’t play football is because 11 of them would never wear the same outt in public. Of course they do now! That’s all folks. Have a safe and comfortable month. Cheers Brian French
[email protected]
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AFL Grand Final - It’s about more than just football
by Brad Elborough
drama surrounding the game was still enjoyable. For those who follow the game, I have two words for you – Buddy Franklin. The atmosphere of being among the 99,454 crowd at the MCG was something that you can’t experience at too many other events or venues in Australia. There was certainly a lot of red and white (Sydney colours) and brown and gold (Hawthorn) jumpers at the ground, but every club was well represented by loyal supporters proudly wearing their colours. The festivities begin pretty much as soon as the two grand nal combatants are determined by way of the preliminary nals. The AFL sends out a list to the media every day (and posts it on its website) outlin-
portant trial.” The Lung Institute of WA’s clinical trials unit is one of several centres internationally that is conducting a trial of efcacy and safety of a new medication that the manufacturer hopes will improve the health of those who live with Bronchiectasis. If you live with Bronchiectasis and want to help nd answers, please sign up as a volunteer for a clinical trial at www.liwa.uwa.edu.au or phone the Lung Institute on 9346 4649 for more information.
THERE IS no known cure for the lung condition Bronchiectasis. However a new treatment being trialled by the Lung Institute of WA is expected to improve the health of those with the condition. Bronchiectasis is a lung condition where the bronchi (lung branches) are damaged and therefore cannot clean themselves. This causes inammation, leading to infections of the airways. It also prevents individuals from breathing easily. The Lung Institute of WA strives to advance in its research area of Bronchiectasis through clinical trials, where a treatment is given to individuals who currently have the condition, in the hope of learning more about how to better treat the disease. Meagan Shorten, head of the Clinical Trials Unit at the Lung Institute of WA, is calling for volunteers to participate in clinical trials aimed to achieve improvements in Bronchiectasis treatment. “We need to learn more about Bronchiectasis. Being part of a clinical trial can help us nd better treatments for this condition” she said. “I urge anyone who has had a diagnosis of Bronchiectasis to sign up to be a participant in this im-
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too long to put on a brave face in regards to the loss either. On Sunday morning the Swans had a breakfast at Albert Park, right where the Melbourne Grand Prix is held each year. Lee was able to discuss the ins and outs of the loss with her fellow supporters and had her Swans hat signed by a couple of her favourite players. Queen Victoria Markets is a terric way to spend a Sunday (and any leftover spending money) before ying out and a visit there was the main reason why we originally booked the evening ight. Actually I think my family insisted on it so I would have time to sort out their gifts before I returned home. The writer paid his own way to Melbourne, for his accommodation and entry into each event.
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you stand at the MCG among the crowd that is starting to build up. My advice is to get there early. Walk around the entire ground before going in and really absorb the moment. Then grab a ‘Four ’n’ Twenty’ pie and head to your seat. The rst line of this story was from Mike Brady’s classic Up There Cazaly. Even if you don’t like footy, you have probably heard the song. The highlight of the grand nal pre-game show was Mike Brady singing it live – well Mike Brady and 99,454 others. And when Tom Jones took the stage to sing ‘Kiss’ and If I only Knew, I could have left the ground happy without having even seen a goal kicked. But then Olivia Newton John belted out the national anthem. The AFL’s efforts at providing an entire day full of entertainment was clearly a massive improvement from the ‘Meat Loaf’ effort. This story isn’t a match report (email me if you want one), so I won’t get into aspects of the game, other than to say that I think I was robbed; I mean Hawthorn’s Jordan Lewis was robbed in not winning the Norm Smith medal with 37 possessions. By the time I was dining at a Lygon Street restaurant that night though, I had forgotten all about that. It didn’t take Lee-Anne
“WELL THERE’S a lot more things to football than really meets the eye…” And there is a lot more to Melbourne during grand nal week than a game of AFL footy. Although it certainly is the centrepiece of all of the action. If you’re considering attending an AFL grand nal, don’t be put off by the ease in which Hawthorn beat Sydney this year. Unless you’re a Hawks fan, you would probably have preferred to see a much closer contest than the 63-point margin that eventuated. But six of the past 10 grand nals have been determined by less than three goals, so you’re more likely to see a thriller than a walk over.
And besides, does it even really matter which two teams are playing when considering to tick ‘AFL Grand Final’ off your bucket list? It shouldn’t. The week in Melbourne leading up to the big game and the sideshow surrounding the actual game, is, in some ways, just as exciting as the game itself. If you book your package early in the season, long before the two nalists are even determined, you’ll save money on your airfares and more than likely get better seats at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) too. I love AFL football; I mean I LOVE AFL football. And even though the team I support and am a member of, was not playing on grand nal day this year (and probably won’t be for a few years yet), the
Swanston and Collins Streets were packed from the kerb to the shops, but there was still plenty of vantage points to see what was going on. You can get close enough to see the anxiety and nerves building up in each of the players as they sit in the back of their respective utes waving at the crowds. I had no expectations of the Friday evening pre-game dinner that was held in a massive marquee in the shadows of the MCG. We had a choice between this and a Saturday breakfast - and I’m more than happy with our selection. The food was remarkably good for a 2000-plus person catered function and we did not have to wait or ght for a drink, which is often the case at these types of digs. Having Norm Smith medal winners Andrew Embley, Tony Shaw and Kevin Bartlett walking around having photos taken would have been enough to keep me happy, but the entertainment was also very good. As well as a panel show that discussed the aspects of the next day’s game, music icons Richard Clapton, Joe Camilleri, Leo Sayer and Russell Morris lit up the stage and had most of the crowd singing and dancing until closing time. Grand nal day has a different feel about it; and it had nothing to do with not getting back to the hotel after a trip to the Crown Casino until 3am. Anticipation is present as soon as you open your eyes; and it grows the second you walk onto the streets of Melbourne. But breakfast, getting ready and chit chat about the game is quickly forgotten. And time stands still when
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Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)
ing the events that will take place in Melbourne over the coming 24 hours – and it’s a long list. It used to be that every pub in the metropolitan area would host a football panel show featuring a handful of past AFL stars at least once or twice during the build-up week. A few of these still take place, however Federation Square, which is located across the road from the Flinders Street Station, is home to much of the activity. This year, I was a part of a party of four that headed to Melbourne from Perth. It was Lee-Anne’s 50th birthday and attending an AFL grand nal was something that she has ‘always wanted to do’. It worked out well, sort of, as she is a Sydney supporter and even two months before the game – when we booked – it looked likely that the Swans would be in the mix to be playing in that game. We spent around $3000 each – purchased through the AFL’s events department – with more than $1100 going on airfares. If we’d booked in March when we rst discussed the trip, our Qantas ights would have cost about a third of that. For that money we received: return Qantas ights, a ticket to the Channel 9 AFL Grand Final Footy Show, a ticket to a grand nal eve dinner, a ticket (in the third tier at the MCG) to the game and three nights’ accommodation in a two-bedroom apartment (which we booked separately). And then some! The grand nal parade at lunch time on Friday is a free event and offers a terric opportunity to get a close-up view of the players and coaches from both clubs.
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Karen Majer at Karakamia 1991 by Karen Majer AUSTRALIA has lost one of its most prominent conservationists, dubbed in one obituary as ‘the saviour of native animals’. Martin Copley AM passed away on 31 July after a short battle with cancer. His legacy is the largest private conservation estate in Australia. The independent, not-for-prot organisation he founded, the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC), owns and manages 23 sanctuaries covering more than 3 million hectares and making a vast contribution to protecting endangered wildlife. Martin Copley’s personal journey from being an English businessman and philanthropist to spearheading this massive Australian conservation enterprise illustrates just how much one person with vision can achieve.
Martin Copley’s conservation legacy
He developed a love for this country and its native fauna as a young man following family business interests to Western Australia. His forebears’ roots in Perth’s early development are recorded in many place names including the suburb of Mt Lawley, named after his grandfather’s home region, and the district of Copley near Bakers Hill. As traditional retirement age approached, Martin decided to step back from managing his British enterprises and spend much of his time in WA, focussing his considerable resources and management expertise on wildlife conservation. The conservation story began in 1991 when Martin purchased a large area of natural bushland at Chidlow in the Darling Range east of Perth. At that time my husband Boyd was working with Martin, rst as a volunteer and then on the payroll. Inspired by Warrawong Sanctuary in the Adelaide Hills, the brief was to locate a property large enough to support populations of reintroduced endangered small mammals once it was fenced and cleared of foxes, cats and rabbits. The land also needed to be close enough to Perth that families could visit for a night walk to experience the forest alive with the many small nocturnal animals on the brink of extinction. I remember the day when Boyd and I drove up to Chidlow armed with a borrowed movie camera to inspect and lm the property for Martin, who was at that stage back in England. I gingerly nursed an echidna for the camera and lmed a valley supporting a variety of forest habitats, cut though by a clear running stream, and a cute pair of Tawny Frogmouths, while Boyd reported positive-
ly about the land’s potential. The tape was duly sent off and Martin purchased unseen the property that was to become Karakamia Sanctuary. Karakamia means home of ‘karak’, the Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, a resident ock of which impressed Martin on his rst inspection. Since then the AWC, with Martin as chairman of the board of directors, has purchased more land for biodiversity conservation than any other non-government environment organisation in Australia. Acquiring land is just the rst step in AWC’s model for reversing the decline of our wildlife. Eradicating and controlling feral predators and introduced grazing animals such as rabbits and goats, re-establishing natural re regimes, controlling weeds and reintroducing species extinct in the area, are backed by monitoring and research. Success is measured when self-sustaining populations of endangered species have re-established in secure, extensive sanctuaries. A great many people, including the wealthy and the not-so-wealthy, joined Martin in nancing AWC and its dedicated management and eld team. In addition to acquiring land, AWC manages sanctuaries through partnerships and works with neighbours to achieve regional-scale conservation, particularly through re management. AWC now protects vital ecosystems right around Australia including Cape York, Lake Eyre and in the Top End. In WA they include Karakamia and Paruna in the Perth Hills, Mt Gibson, Fauré Island in the Shark Bay World Heritage Area and four dramatic reserves in the Kimberley. The sanctuaries protect some of the largest remain-
ing populations of many of Australia’s endangered species including Bilbies, Numbats, Woylies, Bridled Nailtail Wallabies, Gouldian Finches and Purplecrowned Fairy-wrens. Martin was a nature lover who was as much ‘at home’ immersed in the environments he loved as he was in the boardroom. I will remember him as he was the last time we met at Mt Gibson, relaxed by a campre under the stars. Martin asked Boyd what he intended to do with his life now that he was planning retirement. Responding to Boyd’s non-committal answer, Martin quietly remarked that he had been Boyd’s age when they rst met – all that is now AWC had been achieved in the time since his ‘retirement’ at age 56. In 2010, Martin was made a Member of the Order of Australia for service to conservation and the environment through the preservation of Australia’s native species of ora and fauna. He leaves an enduring legacy of hope for many of our endangered species. Find out more: Australian Wildlife Conservancy www.australianwildlife.org A number of AWC sanctuaries in WA offer public access. See details on the website or phone 9572 3169. Closest to Perth are Karakamia, which runs two-hour guided dusk walks, and Paruna for self-guided walks. As a registered charity, AWC activities are funded primarily by tax-deductible donations from individuals and organisations across Australia. You can nd out about various ways to be involved at www.australianwildlife.org/support
Winner Of The 2013-14 Noranda Toastmaster Of The Year
CHARTERED accountant and auditor Mit Gudka is the winner of the Noranda Toastmaster of the
AUST L: 123642
immediately and haven’t looked back since.” Mit said that what he liked most about the Toastmasters’ Communication and Leadership program is that it allows members to progress at their own pace in an environment that is friendly, supportive and offers constructive feedback. “I was given the opportunity to start speaking immediately,” he said, of the impromptu speaking segment known as Table Topics. “Yes it was scary, but the feeling of condence it gave me and the feedback I received was wonderful.” Mit says he is surprised and over-
joyed at his achievements since that rst meeting, only one year ago, when his goal was just to become more condent at client meetings. Like many Toastmasters, Mit got more than he bargained for (in a good way) and has realised that being involved with Toastmasters can lead to life-changing opportunities. In just over a year, his accomplishments include receiving his Competent Communicator award (his rst 10 speeches), being voted (along with fellow member Ben Lodge), joint winner of the 2013-14 Noranda Club Toastmaster of the Year and being elected club presi-
dent for 2014-15. “If you have the drive and determination to make the impossible possible, Toastmasters can help you do this.” Mit said. Having completed his Competent Communicator, Mit felt ready for a new challenge. As the Noranda Toastmasters Club President he looks forward to helping others to develop and grow personally and professionally. Guests are welcome at a Noranda Toastmasters meeting and you can nd further information here at www.norandatoastmastersclubs. org, www.facebook.com/noranda-
toastmastersclub or contact Mit on 0404 334 916 Toastmasters International, founded in 1924, is a non-prot educational organisation which celebrates its 90th anniversary in October this year. It is regarded as a leading organisation dedicated to communication and leadership skill development. Noranda Toastmasters Club is one of 14,650 clubs in 126 countries. Worldwide membership of around 313,000 consists of people from all backgrounds and experience supporting one another to become more comfortable with speaking in public.
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Noranda Toastmaster Mit Gudka
Year award. The thought of having to engage in high level discussions at client meetings did not sit well with Mit and made him nervous due to his lack of condence and fear of speaking in public. Wanting to x the problem, he jumped online to search for an organisation which could help. That is how he discovered the Noranda Toastmasters Club. “From the moment I visited as a guest, I knew I had found the right place,” Mit said. “I was warmly welcomed and felt enthusiastic and excited after that rst meeting. I joined
Shop T102, ENEX 100, 100 St Georges Terrace, PERTH 6000 445 Cambridge Street, FLOREAT 6014 207 Main St, OSBORNE PARK 6017 Shop G93, Karrinyup Shopping Centre 200 Karrinyup Road, KARRINYUP, 6018 Shop 42, Whitford City Shopping Centre Whitfords Ave, HILLARYS 6025 Shop 234, Whitford City Shopping Centre Whitfords Avenue, HILLARYS 6025 Shop T101, Lakeside Joondalup S/C JOONDALUP 6027 243 Great Eastern Hwy, MIDLAND 6056 Shop 17, Centre Point Shopping Centre Great Eeastern Highway, MIDLAND 6056 Shop 50 - 53 Dianella Plaza Shopping Centre DIANELLA 6059 Shop 2, 123 Canning Rd, KALAMUNDA 6076 16A Chapman Rd, ST JAMES 6102 Shop 83, Belmont Forum, BELMONT 6104 Shop 160 Belmont Ave, BELMONT 6104 Shop 82B Belmont Forum Shopping Centre BELMONT WA 6104 Shop 5 & 6, Cnr Belmont & Kenwick Rd KENWICK 6107 32 Selby St, THORNLIE 6108 Unit 1 / 42 Rostrata Ave, WILLETTON 6155 Shop 10B, Melville Plaza Shopping Centre 390 Canning Highway, MELVILLE 6156 Shop 4, Kardinya Park S/C KARDINYA 6163 Shop 7, Phoenix Shopping Centre, 254 Rockingham Rd, SPEARWOOD 6163 Shop G81, Rockingham Shopping Centre, 1 Council Avenue, ROCKINGHAM 6168 Shop 8 & 9 Leda S/C, Feilman Dve, LEDA 6170 Shop 12, 175-179 Mandurah Tce, MANDURAH 6210 Shop 78, Mandurah Forum, MANDURAH 6210 55 Forrest Ave, BUNBURY 6230 Shop 6, Bunbury Plaza Shopping Centre Spencer Street, BUNBURY WA 6230 130 Hampton St, Bridgetown 6255 Shop 6, Spencer Park Shopping Centre, Hardie Road, ALBANY 6330 Shop 17 Boulevard S/C, NORTHAM 6401 110 Stirling Terrace, TOODYAY 6566
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A Great Night Out!
with Mickel Smits
THE FOLLOWING is something of a sad tale of what might have been. It’s also intended to indirectly serve as a warning for those who care and look after relatives or friends who have the misfortune of coming down with the likes of dementia. Recently a delightful lady and reader of Have a Go News visited my store to show me a sample of coins and tokens from a collection bequeathed to her by a dear uncle and aunt. Kaye was the daughter they never had, and as a girl, she recalled how
THE SINKING of the German light cruiser, the SMS Emden, by HMAS Sydney was one of the most crucial victories in the early stages of World War I. Emden was defeated off the coast of North Keeling Island on 9 November 1914. Australia Post will this month release a set of two Cocos (Keeling) Island stamps commemorating the
on occasion she would stay with them and the uncle would proudly and enthusiastically show her through his coin (and stamp) collection. In their latter years her uncle became quite ill, would need to sleep for extended periods each day while through time he and his wife gradually suffered on-coming dementia although her aunt’s condition became more advanced. Because of this and with him being a big man and she petite by comparison, it became increasingly difcult for aunt to look after him so it was arranged for them to be placed in aged-care. Their time to depart for good eventually came and so Kaye, family and friends set about to settle all their belongings and personal effects including uncle’s collections and massive hoard of all sorts of stuff he bower-birded away over a lifetime. According to Kaye it was a mammoth
with Mickel Smits centenary of what is referred to as The Battle of Cocos. Prior to her demise, the Emden (named after a German town) reeked havoc in the northern Indian Ocean. She was one of six cruisers comprising the German East Asia Squadron. Upon the outbreak of the war was ordered to remain in Asia and target merchant shipping in
task as everything was in disarray. She found coins spread around here and there, some loose, or in tins and boxes and a few albums. She also came across albums that had been emptied. Eventually she got them all together and did her best to arrange them by type and denomination or at least by size and metal. She then loaded it all into a couple of suitcases, dropped them in and left it with me. Later that afternoon I opened the cases in order to get some perspective as to what was involved, the intention being to gauge the time required to do the valuation and schedule it into my workload. I just about cried. It was not so much how it was presented; it was the fact that almost all of what was of signicance had been cleaned if not polished as well. Even the common coins had been buffed-up - the worst thing you can do to coins whether they’re 50 or 300 years old or more is to clean them to make them look sparkly or shiny. As a consequence Kaye’s collection
the region while the rest of the squadron retreated back to Germany via the Pacic Ocean. In just two months Emden captured or sank 25 civilian vessels carrying supplies for the allies, bombed an oil storage depot in Madras, India and destroyed two allied warships in Penang, Malaysia. Emden’s commander, Karl von Muller, then decided to set sail for Direction Island which is part of the Cocos
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(Keeling) Island group to destroy a vital allied communications station based there. Upon arrival on 8 November a party of 50 German sailors were set ashore to disable the wireless and cable transmission equipment. Before that was done the station transmitted a distress call which was received by the convoy of troopships carrying the rst contingent of Anzacs who had left Albany and Fremantle and were en route to Egypt. The convoy of 36 transport ships were escorted by four allied warships including HMAS Sydney. Under the command of Captain John Glossop, the Sydney was immediately ordered to pursue the Emden and arrived the next morning while the German landing party were still ashore; they had already managed to capture 34 station personnel, smashed the transmitting equipment and severed two of the three undersea communication cables. When Von Muller sighted the Sydney he headed for the open sea to prepare for battle. As the Emden’s ring range was longer than that of the Sydney’s, von Muller’s gunners commenced ring as she approached, however only light damage
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of what was essentially a comprehensive range of classic English coins were rendered of considerably less value than if they’d been left in their original state of preservation. I then rang her and asked if she’d made the mistake of cleaning them to which she proclaimed: ‘no’ and added her uncle had said long ago that such was taboo. She was devastated when I explained how much the value had been compromised and came in a couple of days later to have me show her by example. Being the absolute trooper that she is, and having a sound sense of understanding and also being simply grateful for what she was given, Kaye then told me to go ahead and work out the best I was prepared to offer. I went through it thoroughly and, as it turned out, found I was able to place a value that amounted too more than what I had guesstimated and told her when I initially inspected it. She was happier and I somewhat relieved, but it could have been considerably more.
was inicted by the time the Sydney was within range of retaliating. With more re power coupled with greater accuracy the Sydney progressively took out the Emden’s wireless equipment, voice pipes to the turrets, rangenders, steering equipment and two funnels; the engine room was also ablaze and an unexploded shell had landed in one of the Emden’s ammunition rooms requiring that hold to be ooded. By then Von Muller had lost more than half his crew (the Sydney just a handful) and rather than incur more casualties he decided to beach his vessel on the shore of North Keeling Island. With Emden beached, the Sydney went in pursuit of the German’s support ship carrying coal. By the time they caught up the crew were already scuttling the collier so Glossop sent men aboard to capture the Germans, following which he sunk the ship. Upon returning to the beached Emden they saw she was still ying her battle ensign. Using lights, ag-hoist and morse code, Glossop demanded the Emden’s surrender but confusion ensued and with no clear intent forthcoming from the German commander, Glossop red into the wrecked ship killing a further 20 men. Von Muller then raised a white sheet in surrender. When Glossop later communicated the Sydney’s victory over the Emden to the troopship convoy the occasion was celebrated by all the soldiers on board. They were granted a half-day holiday from duties and training – this was, after all, the Australian Navy’s rst victorious sea battle. The Sydney was awarded the battle honour ‘Emden1914’, one of only three awarded to a Commonwealth warship in the 20th century. Mike Smits Phone: 9325 3252 Email: smits@westnet. com.au
She accepted and then told me she’d concluded given the situation some thought and that she couldn’t imagine her uncle had cleaned the coins but rather it was more likely her aunt. She went on to affectionately describe her as being something of a ‘clean freak’ and probably had nothing much to do while poor uncle was sleeping during the day so the ‘bee in her bonnet’ decided it would be good to clean them. Kaye had a smile on her face when she told me this, as if to say; oh well, what’s done is done and in any case auntie amused herself and uncle at least had the joy and fulllment his hobby provided him in days gone by. Bless you Kaye, and thanks for your permission and encouragement in the interests of awareness to tell your story, and may you have a wonderful holiday celebrating your friends’ 50th wedding anniversary in England. Mike Smits Phone: 9325 3252 Email:
[email protected]
BOOK REVIEW Fremantle Tales by Ian Darroch Reviewed by Pat Paleeya IAN DARROCH’S Fremantle Tales, based on the history of the Port of Fremantle, are a joy to read. His passion and knowledge of his subject brings the port’s history to life. His language is simple, lucid and uncomplicated. So fascinating and interesting are these short tales that I read them in one afternoon, I just couldn’t put the book down, it’s a real page turner. The Case of John Gavin (pages 25-29), a 14-yearold juvenile offender from Parkhurst Prison, accused of murdering his employer’s wife, is quite sad. He was the rst European to be hanged at the Roundhouse. Given that he arrived at Fremantle in 1843 and was hanged in 1844 makes him only 15 at the time, a mere child. There were conicting reasons for his crime. Another of these tales, The Builder (pages 51-58) is a brief biography of C.Y. O’Connor and his struggle against opposition to his scheme to bring water to the Goldelds. Malicious criticism, overwork and ill health proved too much for this brilliant engineer. He shot himself while riding his horse at South Beach. The Boonah Tragedy, Blood Sunday and the story of the Italian migrants to Fremantle are just a few more in this collection of 15 stories, each as awlessly written as the next. Newcomers to Perth and long term residents will derive much pleasure from this book, not only will it entertain, it will enlighten and educate to boot! Don’t miss this one, it proves that history denitely need not be dull. This is a self-published book. It is available from Ian. Call 9528 5899 or email
[email protected]. The price is $20 which includes postage and packing. WIN WIN WIN We have one ve copies to give away. To enter please write to ‘Fremantle Tales’ Competition, Have a Go News, PO Box 1042, West Leederville WA 6901. Don’t forget to write your name, address and telephone number on the back of the envelope. Or email
[email protected] with the book name in the subject line. Closes 31/10/14. HAGN#088/271
In Search of Salvado
New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery
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The exhibition is located on the 2nd oor of the New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery and can be accessed by stairs only.
What’s on at Crown Fun day out for $10
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If you’re not a Crown Club member, it’s free and easy to join.
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FUN PACK * *Conditions apply. You must be present to win. Active contactable members only.
*Crown Club member price. $15 for non-members. Only for patrons aged 18+.
Crown Bus Timetable Northern Routes
stop no.
Bassendean Station - Stand 1
Maylands Shopping Centre
Arrive Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
Joondalup Interchange - Stand 7
Coolibah Plaza
Warwick 8 Cinemas, Dorchester Ave
Stirling Interchange Bus Station - Stand 7
Kalamunda Bus Station - Stand 1 High Wycombe Shopping Centre Forrestfield Caravan Park Forrestfield Forum (Church) Bus Stop at Discovery Holiday Park Belmont Forum (Wright St Bus Stop) Arrive Crown Perth Depart Crown Perth Darling Ridge Shopping Centre, Swan View Midland Station - Stand 7 Bassendean Station Bayswater Station Maylands Shopping Centre Arrive Crown Perth Depart Crown Perth
Arrive Crown Perth
Southern Routes
Depart Crown Perth
Armadale (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri)
Whitfords City (Marmion Ave) Karrinyup Shopping Centre (Karrinyup Bus Stop) - Stand 5 Innaloo Bus Stop, Odin Rd at Bunnings
Arrive Crown Perth
Armadale Interchange - Stand 4 Champion Dr, opposite Coles Kelmscott Interchange - Stand 4 Gosnells opposite Addie Mills Centre Thornlie Shopping Centre Carousel Shopping Centre Park Centre Shopping Centre, East Victoria Park Arrive Crown Perth Depart Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
Fremantle (7 days a week)
Quinns Rocks (Wed & Sun) RAAFA Estate, Hughie Edwards Dr
Shenton Ave, Currambine Marketplace
Wanneroo (Tues & Thurs) Wanneroo Central Shopping Centre Newpark Shopping Centre, Templeton Cres after Marangaroo Dr Australia Post Wanneroo Rd, Westminster
Mirrabooka Bus Station - Stand 12
Dianella Plaza Shopping Centre
Arrive Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
9.03am 9.14am 9.23am 9.25am 9.27am 9.42am 10am 3.30pm
13964 14048 14114 26122 13866 11670
9.18am 9.31am 9.37am 9.43am 9.51am 10am 3.30pm
14654 14625 17722 16547 11644
stop no.
Fremantle Station - Stand 2 Corner Petra Street Melville Shopping Centre Myaree (Marmion Reserve Park ‘n’ Ride) Booragoon Bus Station - Stand B4 Bus Stop after Como Hotel Arrive Crown Perth Depart Crown Perth
Morley Bus Station - Stand 12
Walcott St (after Longroyd St)
Arrive Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
Corner of Old Coast Rd & Princeton Drive Car Park Falcon Oval (Tennis Court Car Park, Flame St) Halls Head Central Mary St (Car Park near Old Bridge) Dudley Park Bowling Club (Club Car Park) Arrive Crown Perth Depart Crown Perth
9.01am 9.07am 9.13am 9.21am 9.31am 9.41am 9.48am 9.50am 3.15pm
13192 13051 22035 19107 20500 10050 11726
9.05am 9.17am 9.22am 9.31am 9.38am 9.53am 10am 3.15pm
10429 10295 10301 10715 11134 10335
8.38am 8.43am 8.51am 9.01am 9.08am 10.03am 3pm
Southern Routes
stop no.
Mandurah North (Wed, Fri & Sun) Mandurah Football Club
8.50am 17371
Silver Sands Shopping Centre (Cnr Mandurah Tce and Anstruther Rd) Meadow Springs Bus Shelter (Opposite Shopping Centre) Madora Bay Bus Shelter (near Madora Bay Rd) Singleton Bus Shelter (after Singleton Beach Rd)
Mandurah South (Wed, Fri & Sun)
Morley (Tues & Thurs)
stop no.
Swan View (Mon)
Joondalup (Tues to Sun)
Dianella Plaza Shopping Centre
High Wycombe (Wed & Sun)
Alexander Heights (Wed & Fri) Alexander Heights Shopping Centre, Mirrabooka Ave Illawarra Cr before Kingfisher Ave, Ballajura Beechboro Shopping Centre, Beechboro Rd North Walter Rd East Before Grey St
Eastern Routes
8.55am 9am
9.05am 17024 9.10am
Arrive Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
Munster (Tues & Thurs) Cockburn Central Station - Stand 6 Munster Stargate Shopping Centre, Rockingham Rd Phoenix Shopping Centre opposite ANZ Bank, Rockingham Rd after Kent St Waverly Rd, Coolbellup, opposite Coolbellup Hotel Kardinya Park Shopping Centre, South St
9.16am 23630 9.31am 10640 9.36am
9.46am 20324 9.57am 10489
Arrive Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
Rockingham (7 days a week) Before Warnbro Fair and Halliburton Ave, on Warnbro Sound Ave Opposite Waikiki Village, Read St
8.59am 17296 9.05am 17304
Rockingham City Shopping Centre, Council Ave
9.10am 21225
Rockingham Interchange - Stand 7
9.15am 23788
Kwinana Hub Bus Station
9.27am 26360
Arrive Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
Central Routes
stop no.
Roe Street (Mon & Tues) Roe St Bus Station - Stand 12
10.30am 26784
Arrive Crown Perth
Depart Crown Perth
Please ensure you follow the parking rules when departing for Crown Perth. Arrival times should be only taken as a rough indication. To avoid missing your bus, please be available at the departure area prior to the time stated on the timetable.
Call 9362 7777 or visit crownperth.com.au
Kay Cox wins major AUSTSWIM award
State MSWA President Gary Bradley presenting Kay with the AUSTSWIM award. DR KAY Cox has received AUSTSWIM WA’s highest pinnacle award for the most outstanding volunteer contribution to AUSTSWIM. Kay is a Masters Swimming WA’s state and national life member. She has represented Masters Swimming WA (MSWA) on many external committees for approximately 30 years, including AUSTSWIM, WA Sports Federation Mature Aged Sport Committee and Sports Medicine Australia (WA). In her early days on the AUSTSWIM State committee Kay developed the Teacher of Adult Learn to
Swim course and personally conducted adult swim lessons that were instrumental in the formation of two Masters clubs in the metro area, originally called ‘over 50’s’ clubs. Kay was a founding member of MSWA in 1977 and held state and national positions as tness director and coach while also serving on the national technical committee for many years through to 2004. Her years of experience and her research has made a huge difference in both the Masters Swimming and AUSTSWIM community. She still enjoys swimming regularly for tness and health. September saw the start of the annual LiveLighter Swim into Spring membership drive project sponsored by Healthway and conducted by Masters Swimming WA. Have a Go News readers are encouraged to get along to their local Masters Swimming Club and have a go! You do not have to be a good swimmer or have to compete in swim meets to join. You just have to be able to swim a few laps to start with. Very quickly the distances will increase and your muscles will be toned with the expertise and support of Masters Clubs volunteer coaches. The LiveLighter Swim into Spring promotional strategy provides the opportunity for adult swimmers of any ability to participate free for up to four weeks at Masters Swimming Clubs throughout WA. Pool entry fee is the only cost during this promotional period. You are also free to watch rst and
Do you have some spare time?
CALL TODAY 1300 399 145
THE SPINE & Limb Foundation in Shenton Park would like to hear from anyone who has a few hours to spare on a regular basis to help at their opportunity shop and book bazaar. The Book Bazaar is a second-hand book store, which stocks hundreds of thousands of good-quality discarded library books donated by the State Library of WA. “Opportunity Knocks” is an opportunity shop selling nearnew clothing, some household items and furniture. Assistance is required to sort, categorise, price and sell these donated goods with proceeds going to assist people with a disability. The Book Bazaar and “Opportunity Knocks” are located at 10 Selby Street. They open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 3.30pm. Monthly books sales with extended hours are also held on Friday evenings and Saturdays. For information call 9381 0195 or email jheaney@slfwa. org.au for more details.
SPRING CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS THIS MONTH Complimentary gutter clean prior to installation
Denis Martin THE OLD cliché ‘time and tide waits for no man’ has never been more relevant than it is for those of us who, by means of a greater plan than ours, were born around 1945/46 and therefore have become the leading edge Baby Boomers – a great place to be even if you don’t like the terminology. Many of the people in this elite group have managed to grow up with a good work ethic, some strong family values and a general ability to plan and work towards the future. It is now important, as we come to grips with the realisation that we may be hanging around for another 20 plus years, that we start to think of attacking the things that have recently captured our interests or revisiting stuff that we missed along the way. Some of these things may include the well overdue renovation to the family home, maybe buy or build another one, do it up, rent it out. Then there is the overseas trip or, if you are like me and have a strong fascination for the land that we live in, there is the big drive across, around or through all the bits of Australia. Also, it is never to late to take a good look at your general health and your capacity to carry on. It is also very important. Closer to home
“Who will care for our children when we can’t?”
• Debris free gutters • No blocked downpipes • Extends the life of your gutters • Prevents vermin and wasps from entering the roof through your gutters • New angled design directs water into your gutters • HDPE Plastic (high density polyethylene) with the highest UV stabiliser that meets Australian Standards • Range of colours to suit your roof • Skilled installers • FREE quotes
then join later. This is a great opportunity for clubs to showcase to the general public what they have to offer and how regular swimming can be so benecial, especially for adults. Our clubs cater for all ages, shapes and swimming abilities. Most Masters Swimming WA members swim for tness and health and you will be surprised how easy it is to enjoy the benets of swimming with a group and improve your physical and mental health at the same time. During the LiveLighter Swim into Spring promotional period clubs can provide the following: Demonstration training session by club members. Guest participation (Have a Go!) in the session Stroke correction from accredited club coaches who are all volunteers Club information packages for participants. Readers of Have a Go News who like swimming and are keen to get t in the pool before summer should investigate how local Masters Clubs can help you achieve this! To nd a club near you, visit www.mswa.asn. au, make contact with the designated club person, nd out when they hold their club sessions and visit for a swim or to check it out. Even better to go with a friend. For further information on Masters Swimming WA contact Wendy Holtom
[email protected] or 9387 4400.
This time, take your time and make time
WA owned and operated Many adults and children with cerebral ebral palsy need 24 hour care 7 days a week. By making a bequest or donation to o The Centre for Cerebral Palsy you can make a real difference to the lives of so many. To make a donation or include a bequest in your Will to The Centre
AWA Dual Purpose Smart Mesh
please visit www.tccp.com.au or contact Hazel on 9443 0337.
1300 399 145
For a free measure and quote call Darryl or Trish
we have the ongoing encouragement to run, walk, paddle, sh, camp or just enjoy the touristy accommodation that is available to us right here on our doorstep. Many of us have slipped into the amazing world of grandchildren and we feel the need to ensure that they have a chance to experience the value-based things that moulded our fortunate lives to this point. While we sometimes struggle to stay aoat in the electronic and technological world that is trying to drown us, this is our opportunity to reap the benets of injecting time into the grandkids – now we can call on them to set, copy, install, download, burn, activate, log in or any of those other weird instructions that we have not had to deal with until now. Whatever it is that you choose to venture into, you will nd that there is a new way of looking at it, today’s world is such that ‘nothing is impossible’ (another cliché). Be sure to explore all of the possibilities and ll your head with the pros and cons of your chosen project. The DIY world is out there through the likes of Bunnings and Ikea and there are mass displays of boating, camping, shing, caravanning and 4WDriving in the ‘outdoor’ world. There are medical services and tness resources available right throughout our community – all of this and much more is as close as the end of your ngertips when you step off the old kerb and onto the new ‘electronic information highway’. So I recommend that you call on all of the resources available to you (including the ‘grandies’) and make the most of the time that you have before you – before it passes you by. Denis Martin
Volunteers required for Have a Go Day THE SENIORS Recreation Council is looking for volunteers to help with the co-ordination of the parking of buses and cars on Have a Go Day. Volunteers are required to participate on Wednesday 12 November and possibly for a day or two before. If you would like to join the happy band of Have a Go Day volunteers then call SRC on 94929773 or email
[email protected]
Explore over 12,000 kms of Western Australia’s coastline in just one day
Australia’s largest aquarium and underwater tunnel Giant sharks, stingrays and turtles Beautiful living coral reefs Licensed café with free WiFi Exclusive giftshop Interactive fun
Hillarys Boat Harbour | Open Daily 10am - 5pm | www.aqwa.com.au | 9447 7500
My Granddaughter, I Love You Personalised Music Box
Plays the melody ‘You Are So Beautiful’ Customise the heart shaped charm with your granddaughter’s name FREE
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INCLUDES A POEM CARD! Dearest Granddaughter, Your life is a true reflection of Beauty, Laughter and Love, A precious gift to cherish, sent from up above. When you look into this mirror, my love you will see, A reflection of the blessings you give to me. This limited-edition music box is an exquisite work of art and a meaningful expression of love for a dear daughter. Hand-crafted of mirrored bevelled glass, it boasts a silvery heart charm that can be personalised with the name of your choice – FREE of charge. This exclusive keepsake comes with a FREE poem card especially for her. This lovely musical treasure is available exclusively from The Bradford Exchange for just $99.98, payable in two easy, interestfree instalments of $49.99, plus $9.99 postage and handling. Strong demand is expected. Don’t miss out. Send no money now. Just return the coupon or go online today with the name you’d like engraved on the charm!
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Celebrate the treasured bond between a mother and her children Sparkling with all the colour, joy and value of a beloved family, the “Forever in a Mother’s Heart Personalised Birthstone Bracelet” lets a mother honour each one of her children with not only their individual birthstones, but their names as well. Exquisitely designed and finely hand-crafted, our personalised birthstone bracelet features two charms for each child. The heart charm features the child’s name with a Swarovski crystal birthstone in a 24K-goldplated heart setting. Each personalised heart is paired with a roundel charm sparkling with additional crystal birthstones. As many as six children can be represented. Two more charms – an open heart with clear Swarovski crystals and a “Love” charm plated in 24K gold with a clear Swarovski crystal – add more beauty and value. Together, the charms on the 19cm bracelet radiantly express the precious joys of a family.
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Bright future for retirement living at Juniper
LEADING West Australian provider of retirement living, aged care and community services Juniper is bringing more choice to the housing marketplace with its range of forward-thinking retirement communities. The recent opening of Juniper Ron Wilson House in Bentley is just one example of the organisation’s ability to
look to the future of retirement living, creating 16 affordable and adaptable apartments that enable residents to remain in their home as they age. Juniper chief executive Vaughan Harding said the development promotes an independent lifestyle while also providing the social benets of living within a community. Located within the larger
Juniper Rowethorpe campus, the apartment complex provides access to a range of convenient services. These include a modern medical practice and community centre which are aimed at improving quality of life and wellbeing among residents and the wider community. Juniper has 14 independent retirement living communities, spread widely across the metropolitan area and in some regional locations. Coastal, inner-city, suburban and country locations deliver a variety of lifestyle choices, enabling residents to live the life they want in their chosen home. Its newest retirement living project, Juniper Elimatta in
Menora, is attracting much interest from potential residents with most of its rst 17 villas already snapped up. Now under construction, the beautifully appointed villas feature adaptable design principles, giving residents the independence and exibility to age comfortably in their own homes, with easy access to facilities that promote an active and connected lifestyle. Juniper will continue to take a progressive approach to meeting the increasing demands for retirement living options in Western Australia, delivering independence, choice and quality, complemented by the sense of security that comes with community living.
Come and Meet the Team from Villa at Stand 28
PICTURE yourself standing on the deck of a magnicent cruise liner taking in the incredible sights of Alaska’s Inside Passage, or meandering down the Seine River through the wonders of France on a luxuriant riverboat sipping champagne, or how about experiencing the most incredible sunset you will
ever see over our Australian icon; Uluru. All of these fun fantastic holidays are possible with Villa Carlotta Travel. Come along to the Retirement Living Expo on the 25 and 26 October and meet with villa’s travel experts to nd out how you can live your holiday dream. We are situated at Stand
28, the stage end of the pavilion. Let Villa show you the wonders of their 140 worldwide holiday destinations. Fun, fully escorted and fully inclusive, villa holidays are one of the easiest and safest ways to travel. Check out their huge range of relaxing, short or long break holidays, Villa’s discovery range of active
small group getaways and their great range of solo traveller departures. Villa has a tour for everyone. For more information FreeCall 1800 066 272, email
[email protected]. au or check the website at www.villa.com.au. Villa looks forward to seeing you at the Retirement Living Expo!
Silver Chain alarms at the Expo
THE SILVER Chain alarms team will be at the Retirement Living Expo, providing information about Silver Chain alarm packages. These are designed to help keep people safe and independent in their homes. Packages are tailor-made for the individual needs of clients, loved ones and their carers. they include a large range of sensors that can activate the alarms.
All calls are monitored 24 hour/day and answered by a trained operator who will look up the alarm wearer’s medical history to decide the appropriate response. The operator will stay on the line until help arrives. Silver Chain alarm representatives will also provide information about rebates and funding available for eligible clients.
GPs need help dealing with patient’s grief and loss
Dr Moira O’Connor by Frank Smith THE LOSS of a parent, partner, close friend or child is something that nearly everyone has to deal with at some point in their lives. Bereavement, for many people, is seen as a natural event that they can accommodate with minimal support from partners, children and close friends. However, a signicant minority need extra support. Others need professional help. Usually the best person for immediate support is your local general practitioner (GP). However in a recent study, Curtin University researchers have found general practitioners are in urgent need of upto-date training in how to deal with bereaved patients. The researchers, led by Dr Moira O’Connor, Senior Research Fellow from Curtin’s School of Psychology and Speech Pathology, interviewed
Bethanie Kwinana Clients
It does get better with age. At Bethanie, we do more than just provide aged care. We offer warm, friendly and engaging environments where you can continue to learn, grow and contribute to society. Our services include social centres for seniors, care at home, affordable housing, retirement living and nursing homes. Each offers engaging activity, friendly staff and the highest quality care to help make your life better. There are Bethanie centres from Geraldton to Bunbury and across the Perth metro area.
To nd out how you can get care from Bethanie, give us a call on 131 151 or visit bethanie.com.au
a sample of GPs from Western Australia to explore their understanding of grief. She said about 80 per cent of people handled their grief with the help of family and friends, 10 per cent beneted from a grief counsellor and 10 per cent needed extensive mental health support to get back on track with their lives. They found that GPs were not sure whether their role included bereavement support, or if they should refer patients on for support. Some tended to think grief and depression were the same and some did not know where they could refer bereaved patients. They had had sparse grief education in their medical training, a limited awareness of recent grief research and tended not to draw upon everyday research ndings to inform their work. Most GPs emphasised community and family support rather than professional help, referring patients to mental health professionals only when they were at risk of suicide or self harm. They also complained that they received very little feedback from the psychologist to whom they referred patients. Others saw psychological support and counselling of mental health issues and bereavement support to be key components of the GP’s role. Dr O’Connor said these opposing views demonstrated a lack of clarity and consistency
to the provision of bereavement care amongst GPs. “There is little doubt that GPs have a critical role in exploring distress, including grief, and many people turn to them frequently for support and advice following bereavement. “Even though GPs are wellpositioned to provide grief assistance to patients, or refer them to mental health professionals when appropriate, it is imperative that they have access to information on current approaches to bereavement care. “If this does not occur, many GPs will continue to rely on out-dated theories and understandings about grief, which may be detrimental to patients at a time when they truly need support,” she said. The study recommends medical students receive training on how to support grieving patients, and those that are currently practising receive regular professional development in the area. “It is important that GPs have access to the latest information about grief so they can best support their bereaved patients. Without this education, some GPs will not realise the limitations of their expertise and will not be able to offer the best service and options for their patients, including referring them, if appropriate, to mental health specialists,” Dr O’Connor said. The research was published in BMC Medical Education.
SPRING SAVINGS We’re having a cleanout and you’re the winner...Good Prices and Gift with Purchase on some items...come in and check it out! PATHRIDER DELUXE SPORT
Compact sleek, sporty design which delivers high-performance operation. Features include a handbrake, front and rear suspension, feathertouch disassembly, a wraparound delta tiller, high-visibility automatic brake lights and an LED kerb light.
Four contrasting colours and luxury fabrics. Fitted with high quality actuators and steel base frames plus removable back rest cushion with zips for adjusting padding thickness.
Modern streamline design with many features including an easy to use tiller dash, full LED lighting with super bright headlight, gas adjustable tiller, 265 mm pnematic tyres, comfort ride suspension, high back seat, 1.0hp motor, rear wheel drive and electromagnetic brake.
Wallsaver, ideal for small rooms.
Consists of 2 comfortable cushions, held together by a unique swivel, with a non-slip base for stability. Just sit, then swivel easily into the vehicle.
Aluminium frame with removable backrest and grab handle. Adjustable height and width. 130kg weight capacity. Suction rubber tips. Bonus Bath Mat with Bench.
Back support cushion for the car. Designs to provide both lumbar and lateral support.
Indoor walker with tray. Ergonomic and safe. Adjustable handle height. Easy to use brakes.
POTATO PEELERS Different style to choose from.
Lumbar support. Elastic strap to fit.
Foam ring cushion with cover provides coccyx relief.
Folds easily, strong enough to hold portable oxygen. Bonus Innersoles with Walker.
For standard and cordless jugs.
Get every last bit out of any tube!
WAS $200
Reach seat belts without over stretching and twisting.
450g. Vitamin E enriched pain relieving gel in an Aloe Vera base.
Get in and out of your vehicle easily by simply inserting into door striker. Super strong and easy to use.
Compact & Easy to fold. Multi height adjustable legs.
Compact, lightweight, attendant and wheel brakes. Fold down back for small cars, available 3 seat widths. Very economical.
Adjustable legs for seat height. Excellent lumbar and neck support. We have a good range of day chairs designed for comfort and function. Styles and colours vary at each of our stores.
$ Lightweight side-folding rollator and transport chair in one. Padded seat and a full backrest for superior comfort
3.5HP motor, “Harley-style” handlebars, fingertip controls, full digital display, front and rear lights, deluxe high back seat, soft riding suspension, 180kg weight capacity, 19” tyres and 14” alloy wheels. Capable of 15kph and up to 45km per battery charge. On display at our Midland store.
OTs and Physios call us for a DVA Catalogue
ASK ABOUT OBLIGATION FREE METRO DEMONSTRATIONS FOR INTERESTED GROUPS We have all your mobility aids to hire or buy AND we will come to you *DVA PREFERRED SUPPLIER* MIDLAND Sun Medical Equipment Centre Corner Ferguson St & Great Eastern Hwy 9374 0577 LEEMING Suite 4, Corner Calley Drive & South Street (Opposite Bullcreek Shopping Centre) 9312 1700 SHENTON PARK 17 Lemnos Street (Located in Arthritis WA) 9388 8800 WANNEROO Shop 6, 771 Wanneroo Road 9206 2391 Photos for illustrative purposes only.
Stores Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 12noon
B Shed Victoria Quay Fremantle
Entry on both days
(with voucher)
FREE Tea and Coffee
FERRY RIDE from Perth to Fremantle courtesy of Captain Cook Cruises
(with voucher)
An information packed event not only for people seeking advice on issues relating to a happy, active and hassle-free retirement but it is equally important to the families of retirees. The event will display everything relating to planning for retirement, retirement living and lifestyle issues.
A host of domestic and overseas holiday and travel operators, tourism destinations, estate planning Financial and investment planners, a vast variety of lifestyle villages and resorts, superannuation and insurance advisors, health and hearing specialists, campervan and motorhome suppliers will all be on hand to provide advice and answer all your questions. Come along and listen to our expert panel discussion with industry heads regarding everything retirement!
Raffle prizes throughout both days Trip to Rottnest & Accommodation, Captain Cook Cruises, Spud Shed vouchers
Exhibitors • Bethanie Group • National Lifestyle Villages • Juniper • Amana Living • Southern Crosscare (WA) Inc • Bowra & O’Dea • Stockland Retirement Living • Brightwater Care Group • Walridge Estate • Walridge Estate • Rangeview • Swancare • Mercycare • Solargain PV Pty Ltd • Electronic Adjustable Beds Australia • Bloom Hearing Specialists • Odyssey Expeditions • Willcraft • Wills For Women • APIA • Villa Carlotta Travel • Prestige Wealth Partners • National Seniors Australia • Parkland Mazda • Astor Cruises Cruise & Maritime Voyages • Senior Living Today • Breastscreen WA • COTAWA • Silver Chain Alarms • Retirement Village Living • Pieroth Wines
Display this voucher on your windscreen at the BShed Carpark 42 to receive free parking on 25th & 26th October
Present this voucher at one of the tea and coffee stations to receive 1 x cup of either tea or coffee. Courtesy of
*while stocks last, limit of one voucher per person per day*
HALF PRICE FERRY RIDE Present this voucher at Captain Cook Cruises to receive a 50% discount on your fare from Perth to Fremantle. Courtesy of
*visit www.captaincookcruises.com.au for ferry timetable
Contact us:
Tel: 9355 3400 www.retirementlivingexpo.com.au
EUROPE courtesy of Singapore Airlines *conditions apply*
As Western Australia’s largest not for profit aged care and retirement village provider, Bethanie is genuinely committed to welcoming you to a warm, social and engaging environment to enjoy. Whichever of Bethanie’s services suits you, you’ll find a welcoming, active, social and friendly place. We respect each individual through the quality provision of excellent aged care facilities and quality care from our dedicated and friendly staff. Perth’s industry leader in resort-style Lifestyle Villages for the over 45s. Offering a range of modern, low maintenance 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes across 9 villages throughout WA you’re sure to find the perfect home and location for you. Come and explore all that National Lifestyle Villages has to offer those who are too young, too fit and too healthy for traditional retirement.
In our retirement communities you can live the life you have always enjoyed, share your interests and develop new ones. You can maintain your independence whilst living in a supportive and secure environment. You can take your pick from a number of villages located throughout WA, offering different living options that deliver comfortable living solutions. All our homes and village communities are planned to ensure you’ll enjoy the life you deserve. Visit our stand to receive your free showbag and talk to our friendly staff. Established in WA in 2005as a solar hot water business, Solargain is now one of the largest integrated solar power and solar hot water companies in Australia. We are the only solar company in Australia to have both quality and safety accreditations, all backed by dedicated staff with a strong commitment to service and customer support. With our national buying power we can supply a wide range of industry leading brands at affordable prices. Visit us at the Retirement Living Expo or for further information, call Solargain on 1300 73 93 55 or visit our website www.solargain.com.au Come and talk to residents of our Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc. villages at the Retirement Living Expo. Hear firsthand about the Southern Cross Care community spirit. Ask questions and learn about our selection of convenient metropolitan village locations. In addition to the many lifestyle benefits, including access to a lifestyle coordinator, our villages offer a strong community and social environment and a safe place to call home. Rebecca Newton (JP, CFP®, DFP, ADFP, SSA, SMSF Specialist Advisor™) is an experienced Financial Planner from Prestige Wealth Partners. She is an award winning business woman who has won many industry awards including the 2010 Edith Cowan Small Business Award, 2010 Financial Wisdom Value of Advice Award, 2010/11 Financial Wisdom WA Rising State of the Year, 2010/11 Financial Wisdom National Rising Star of the Year, the 2010/11 - 2011/12 Financial Wisdom Outstanding Business Achievement Award. Email:
[email protected] Phone: (08) 6201 5755 www.prestigewealthpartners.com.au
Parkland Mazda’s service Manager, Simon who has been in the trade for over 20 years. Parkland have a huge range of caravan and motor home parts if you have an emergency and its their aim to get you back onto the road as quickly as possible. For booking call Simon on 9493 7933 or email
[email protected] Parkland Mazda - Contact George Williams 0412 062 251
6PR will be Broadcasting LIVE from the event on Saturday 25th October between 12pm – 4pm.
This October, remember to have your free screening mammogram at BreastScreen WA
Annual Retirement Living Expo on again
October is Australia’s breast cancer awareness month. It is important for women 50 years or over to have a FREE breast screening mammogram at BreastScreen WA every two years.
Once is not enough. Women who have received a letter from BreastScreen WA, or are 50 years or over, can now go online to book a standard appointment at any of our nine metropolitan clinics.
Alternatively phone 13 20 50
HP 8980 AUG’14
Clinic locations: Bunbury, Cannington, Cockburn, David Jones Rose Clinic, Joondalup, Midland, Mirrabooka, Padbury, Perth City and Rockingham. Rural locations: Check your local media or the website for mobile screening unit visit dates.
Delivering a Healthy WA
VILLAGE SOLUTIONS Australia is proud to present on the 25 and 26 of October the third annual Retirement Living Expo to be held at the B Shed, Victoria Quay, Fremantle. Sigrid Adams from Village Solutions Australia said, “The Retirement & Lifestyle Expo is a one-stop shop for not only people seeking advice on issues relating to a happy, active and hassle-free retirement but is equally important to the families of retirees.” Sigrid conrmed the event would be information packed, displaying everything relating to planning for retirement, retirement living and lifestyle issues. Financial and investment planners, a vast variety of lifestyle villages and resorts, a host of domestic and overseas holiday and travel operators, tourism destinations, estate planning, superannuation and insurance advisors, health and hearing specialists, caravan, campervan and motorhome suppliers will all be on hand to provide
advice and service the needs of the growing market. People at the expo can talk to Parkland Mazda’s service manager, Simon who has been in the trade for over 20 years. Parkland have a huge range of caravan and motor home parts if you have an emergency and it’s their aim to get you back onto the road as quickly as possible. Simon reminds caravanners to have a yearly service on wheel bearings. Simon commented on the amount of times your caravan wheel turns on an average holiday and if you don’t have the right grease and tension on your wheel bearings you could nd yourself in serious trouble. Simon is also authorised to carry out insurance work with most insurance companies. Samatha Pearson from Bethanie was pleased to be exhibiting as she believed the exhibition was a great way of engaging with the public. Samantha said, “Bethanie offers the full continuum of service, from
community care in your home and social centres for seniors, to retirement and lifestyle villages, affordable housing and residential aged care across Perth and regional Western Australia.” Rebecca Newton from Prestige Wealth Partners is an award-winning nancial planner, Rebecca said, “It was reported by REST Industry Super that one of the 86 per cent of Australians in their 50s are not nancially prepared for retirement and people should take advantage of superannuation and taxation strategies to help you plan towards your retirement lifestyle.” Rebecca will be in attendance and is happy to discuss ways people can maximise their benets. All visitors to the expo can enter the rafe to win a trip for two to Europe courtesy of Singapore Airlines. Sigrid said, “We are very excited that, Singapore Airlines has continued their support of this event for the third year as one of our
major sponsors. We are thankful to have one of the world’s best airlines support older Australians and the industries that assist them. There will also be other great rafe prizes on offer over the weekend. Rottnest Express and Captain Cook Cruises together with the Spud Shed have provided some fantastic prizes. Attendees will also be able to hear experts presenting free seminars plus 6PR will be broadcasting from the event. The expo is free to attend and thanks the Spud Shed when visitors cut out and take the coupon located on page 14, they will receive a tea or coffee. Parking this year will also be free, thanks to the City of Fremantle. The BShed Café has put on some great expo lunch specials so all in all it will be a great weekend. For more information contact Fiona at Village Solutions on 9355 3400 or see www.retirementlivingexp. com.au HAGN#071/271
The best move you’ll ever make An exciting opportunity now exists for people wishing to combine the freedom of modern, low maintenance living with the comfort, security and community lifestyle of a retirement village. Akora is the stylish new architectdesigned apartment complex located on Adie Court in SwanCare’s Bentley Park facility. Light, bright, low maintenance and central to everything, Akora offers the ultimate in retirement living.
Affordable luxury Imagine coming home to a brand new apartment, beautifully designed and finished with modern appliances. You pull back the curtains to look out over the landscaped village below. You check your watch and, realising you have some time to spare before your visitors arrive, head down stairs for your favourite coffee at your apartment’s very own café.
You’re part of a community You can spend your days relaxing, reading a book or catching up with friends in the residents’ lounge or the spectacular mezzanine area that overlooks the green room. Or you can join in the many activities on offer to Bentley Park residents, from lawn bowls, art classes and dance groups to regular outings.
Secure your dream now With only 44 apartments available in this beautiful new complex, you’ll need to act fast. To secure yours, or for more details about this outstanding lifestyle opportunity, call Harry Pearson on 6250 0016 or email
[email protected].
Peace of mind with full care on your doorstep You can simply lock up and leave if you like to travel and if the time comes when you or your loved one requires assistance or care, you have the peace of mind that comes with knowing it’s available if you need it. This is your exciting new life at Akora.
travelling let’s go
OCTOBER 2014 • Let's go Caravan & Camping • London Calling
Have a Go News' travel liftout ...for the mature traveller
The penguins of Milford Sound in New Zealand provide a spectacular sight for visitors to the area. Read more about Frank Smith's trip on page 33. Picture New Zealand Tourism Gilbert van Reenen HAGN#082/271
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Jen Merigan
I HAD THE opportunity to meet with representatives from Visit Scotland who were in Perth to promote tourism to the country, last month. One of the interesting things I discovered during the meeting was that I am not alone with my desire to nd out more about my Scottish roots. I have a grandfather from Glasgow therefore I have a deep interest in discovering more and I’m sure many of our readers
will have some family connection to the country. Because of such worldwide interest in Scottish ancestry, Visit Scotland can help you with the ancestry process. Visit http://www.visitscotland.com/en-au/about/ ancestry/ to nd out more about tracing your history. About 10 years ago a friend leant me a book called Outlander written by Diana Gabaldon. It is set in Scotland and is about a woman who travels back in time to the 18th century. Her books have been extremely popular worldwide and the author has penned her ninth book in the series which was released earlier this year. The original book has now been made into a television series which was lmed in Scotland. It aired recently on Foxtel. The books and the television series not only feature beautiful Scottish scenery but are also a lesson in Scottish history focussing on Jacobite times. Visit Scotland has put together a selection of itineraries tracing some of the places featured in the series and if you’re planning a trip to bonny Scotland and love the Outlander series then check these out.
The solo traveller Talking Travel seminar last month was a great success. Twenty-seven readers came along and it was a great opportunity for them to meet like-minded people and hopefully nd a travel companion. Thanks to Annette Porter from Travel with Me who came and spoke to the group about many issues that solo travellers face. The dreaded single supplement was one of the main topics and we spoke about some ways to try and reduce this cost if you do travel alone. In October Talking Travel is on the move and I have organised for us to have a lunch at the Atrium Restaurant at Crown Perth. If you would like to come along please contact me to make a booking. Do take the opportunity to check out our website at www.haveagonews.com.au. Have a Go News is available on line each month and you can also read it on your smart phone in no time at all. We now feature the back copies of each issue in a digital version. Have a Go News also offer readers the opportunity
to register for our electronic newsletter, where we feature a variety of competitions, information, tips and special offers. If you have a travel issue, enquiry or would like to share some information, don’t hesitate to contact me on the email below. Just email me
[email protected] with the subject line Let’s go Travelling E News. If you’re a facebooker than like Have a Go News at https://www. facebook.com/Haveagonews, there’s always extra opportunities to win prizes and share interesting information. Happy trails Jennifer Merigan Travel Editor
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[email protected]
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New features in Swan Valley Guide
Lancaster Wines, Swan Valley © Tourism WA THE SWAN Valley Map and Guide will be bigger and offer more information than ever before. “This year’s publication is larger than previous years, with 52 pages of listings, maps and information, up from 44 last edition,” said Charlie Zannino, Mayor of the City of Swan. “It is due for release at the end of the month. “The number of businesses in the region continues to grow and we have celebrated the opening of eight new attractions, restaurants, wineries and cafes over the past year. “With the Swan Valley recently named Australia’s rst Humane Food region, we have also included a new section talking about this project. “It gives an overview of what is meant by humane food and highlights the participating businesses.” Swan Valley/Gidgegannup Ward Councillor, Darryl Trease, said the guide had useful information for all types of tourism. “As well as a comprehensive listing of venues and attractions along the Swan Valley Food and Wine Trail, the guide highlights the region’s ability to host amazing conferences or events,” he said. “This year we have also included more specic trail information to complement the refreshed editorial content and images. “The Swan Valley attracts more than 2.1 million visitors each year and the Swan Valley Map and Guide is a valuable tool to help new and repeat visitors alike explore the many attractions of the region.” For a copy of the Swan Valley Map and Guide, visit the Swan Valley Visitor Centre on Meadow Street in Guildford or download a copy from www.swanvalley.com.au.
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Melbourne Festival - bring on the circus and more...
by Jeanette Woolerton THE 2014 MELBOURNE Festival encompasses dance, circus, theatre, contemporary and classical music, visual arts, lm and a multitude of eclectic and creative delights. October in Melbourne is a perpetual party, embracing all ages and accommodating all tastes. Festivities burst out of every laneway, park, building and square. At the heart of the celebrations lies a historical Victorian entertainment favourite,
albeit it one with a contemporary and ethical makeover – the celebrated circus. Since the early 1900s (when what is now the site of the Arts Centre) Melbourne was home to the Wirth Brothers’ Circus. History has proved that Melburnians have always loved this maverick (sometimes humorous, yet always thrilling and exotic) art form. The city is now home to over twenty circus companies, including the national treasure, Circus Oz, and the
National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA). However this year, the thrills of the sawdust ring nd their way to centre stage in an international arts festival! The extreme physical disciplines of circus arts are rapidly evolving into new and exciting forms, married with progressive choreography, classical music and comedy, set against a backdrop of stunning contemporary design and visual effects. A new world of global
planet. It has received rave reviews and won the Drama Desk Award for best Unique Theatrical Experience in 2014. Other highlights of this year’s festival include an Australian exclusive retrospective on legendary American choreographer Trisha Brown, featuring no less than seventeen of her brilliant, revolutionary and post-modernist dances. Then there is ‘When the mountain changed its clothing’, the latest offering from
acclaimed European director Heiner Goebbels and ‘Complexity of Belonging’ - a new work from the longstanding collaboration between Schaubühne Berlin’s director-in-residence Falk Richter and Chunky Move artistic director Anouk van Dijk, This world premiere production is a darkly humorous exploration of identity in the age of social media. The show peers into the lives of nine interconnected individuals as they grapple with an
essential question: how and where do I belong? The Melbourne Festival runs from 10-26 October. It is a hotspot of entertainment that celebrates the past, present and future in style. There can be no ‘complexity of belonging’ here… For Melbourne is, without doubt, the ultimate destination this month. See you there! For a comprehensive overview of all events, please view the website at https://www.melbournefestival.com.au
Federation Square, Melbourne
circus from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia is currently evolving, highlighting the exibility of modern man with a breathtaking array of acrobatic feats and soon to be presented, exclusively, in Melbourne. In the contemporary circus, thankfully, there is no lion tamer or elephant trainer. Ethic and energy combine, producing breath-taking moments of spectacular feats for the audience to savour and appreciate, without compromising an animal’s welfare. Arguably, one of the most spectacular drawcards of the Festival this year is the unique and awe inspiring Cirkopolis. Created by Montreal’s masters of the circus arts (Cirque Éloiz), comes an award-winning new show, visually inspired by Fritz Lang’s legendary lm Metropolis. In a grey, industrialised world, a bored ofce worker’s imagination takes ight, transforming his workplace into a wonderland of creative movement which includes juggling, awe inspiring acrobatics and exquisite contortions. Cirkopolis is an astounding feast of gravity-defying acts from some of the best circus performers on the
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let’s go travelling
Remember remember...
by Jayson Mansaray
In the world today it seems war is at hand, the fallout from Afghanistan and Iraq has barely settled and the world readies its arms against ISIS (Islamic State). The US-led coalition of about 40 countries, includ-
LONDON CALLING this month ends with a date in “November” you must “remember, remember”...but before that this editorial slant has been skewed by global news.
ing Arab states, has already started air strikes on ISIS controlled parts of northeastern Syria and northern Iraq. So it was with that in mind this month’s London Calling column focuses its beady eyes, possibly a little
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solemnly, on The Curing Room a play about seven Soviet soldiers captured by the Nazis... Written and directed by David Ian Lee this is a provocative play that has already caused a huge sensation following its showing at the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The story is set in spring 1944 and seven Soviet soldiers have been captured by the Nazis, stripped naked and abandoned in a locked empty cellar of a monastery in southern Poland. It’s a stark setting that shows the human impact of war, specically for those ghting in it. But not only are the soldiers stripped bare (which they are for the entire play, by the way) they are deprived of everything including food and water and have no contact or interaction from outside. With this removed and deprived setting, the play is essentially a thriller – shining a light on the dark side of human nature and behaviour – what would you do to survive in a situation like that? The prisoners must re-examine their own moral compasses around this very question and succumb to the most basic urges of human nature as they confront the desperate ideas of murder and cannibalism just to survive. What is promising about this play is the care that preludes its stage debut; it was written and developed
in New York with a series of workshops and public readings before its world premiere at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The original cast will be ‘bearing all’ on stage (Will Bowden, Rupert Elmes, Tom Holloway, Matt Houston, John Hoye, Harvey Robinson and Marlon Solomon) in the London edition too. You can see the play at the Pleasance Islington from 21 October – 9 November. To nish on a lighter note you must “Remember, remember the fth of November...” It’s Bonre night, also known as Fireworks’ night or Guy Fawkes’ night. Immortalised in mystery and conjecture it’s a British tradition dating back to 1605 and celebrates or rather remembers the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. This was when Catholic conspirator Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament complete with King James I. It is a really wonderful time of the year, despite the chilly night air, as reworks displays pop up over the city – and nearly every child, women, man and neighbour will join in with their own little arsenal of over-the-counter reworks. It isn’t a great time for a peaceful night’s sleep for people or for pets as spontaneous explosions of small and sometimes large reworks continue throughout the night. It is however a wonderful way to spend the evening on a
London Calling
Above; Jayson Mansaray Below; The cast from the play The Curing Room Also if you are in town a little earlier there is the Blackheath Fireworks on Saturday 1 November. It’s one of the biggest free community events, as many as 100,000 people turn up each year. It is unique in that it is one of the city’s few major reworks displays that are FREE. It is run by the Lewisham Council, but they do encourage people to make a donation online to help with cost (http://www.lewisham. gov.uk). What to know something about London? The Email: JaysonMansaray@gmail. com with the subject “London Calling”.
vantage point with a thermos of mulled wine watching the London nighttime skyline and the sporadic crackle and pop reaching above the skyline. There are a few great places to watch the reworks - my favourites are Primrose Hill which is part of the Royal Park Regents Park and Hampstead Heath (Parliament Hill) – both have fantastic views of the London skyline but you would need to get there early as they are popular spots. Most importantly though don’t forget to dress VERY warmly – November is freezing in London!
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It’s a bumper wildower season in the south west
Common Hovea (Hovea trisperma) wildower © Tourism WA THERE are more than in the south west, with many 8000 species of wildow- species being endemic to the ers blooming in Australia’s region. south west region between Australia’s south west August and November, makes up part of Australia’s many of which can be found only biodiversity hotspot nowhere else in the world – and one of just 34 biodiand are ecologically sig- versity hotspots around the nicant. Over 300 species world. Almost 80 per cent of of delicate orchids also grow the plant species in the south
west Australia biodiverse province are found nowhere else on earth. The immense range of wild owers, forests and native animals found in Australia’s South West all contribute to the rare and unique nature of the region. Top 10 wildower viewing locations in October: • View a variety of wildowers on a walk along the sealed pathway at the Tuart Walk located at the end of Ocean Drive (between Bunbury and Dalyellup). • Near Dardanup – On the drive into the picnic area at Crooked Brook Forest (Crooked Brook Road, Dardanup), you will nd a fast array of wildowers to explore and discover. • Meelup Reserve, off Cape Naturaliste Road. Walk on coastal track east towards Castle Rock/west to Eagle HAGN#033/271
Bay. View Spider, Donkey, Enamel, Mustard, Jug and the rare Dunsborough orchids. Pea bushes, Acacias (Wattles), Hakeas, Hibertia (Buttercup). • Cape to Cape track has beautiful owers at the moment. • Near Windy Harbour you will nd the following wildowers: Jug Flowers, Bull Banksia, Rose Banjine, Granny Bonnets, Basket Bush, Cutleaf Hibbertia, Donkey Orchids, South Coast Spider Orchids, Lemon-scented Sun orchids, Melaleuca, Granite Featherower, Crowea, Hovea, Leek orchids and Northcliffe Kennedia. • Bibbulmun Track – beautiful species along the entire track, including plenty of orchids. • Kojonup – In Kojonup the Donkey, White Spider and Club orchids are magnicent and feature early on in the season. The White Candle owers, big patches of blue quill, blue leschenaultia and red leschenaultia (Kojonup’s oral emblem) are in ower and the pea family varieties are abundant with a range of colours, purple to white and also a few pink. • South of Cranbrook along Stirling Range Drive
and Formby South Road towards Mount Trio is a favourite spot for wildowers, as is the trail around Bluff Knoll. The Park is home to more than 1,500 species of native plants, 87 of which aren’t found anywhere else in the world. Flowers include the Queen of Sheba orchid, mountain bells, banksias and dryandras. • Fitzgerald River National Park, set on the southern coast near Bremer Bay, is one the largest and most botanically signicant national parks in Australia. Within the park are found nearly 20 per cent of Western Australia’s ora species, featuring more than 1800 species of plants, 75 of these found nowhere else in the world. • The Torndirrup National Park near Albany offers a well signposted circular walk at Stony Hill which meanders past granite outcrops. For great photo opportunities, stroll through wildowers on the well-established paths and boardwalks at the Wind Farm Lookout at Sandpatch. Flora: Pimelea ferruginea and Pimilea rosea, blue Scaevola nitida, as well as the striking white, vepetalled ower of the sticky tailower with its distinctive perfume.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder to have annual Arts Festival
Experience the Goldelds THE GOLDFIELDS is set to extend its appeal as an internationally recognised cultural tourism region with the announcement of an annual public arts festival for the iconic WA City of KalgoorlieBoulder. The Goldelds is already internationally recognised for its Aboriginal art, the last remaining stage curtain painted by Philip Goatcher and Antony Gormley’s world class ‘Inside Australia’ sculptures at Lake Ballard. The new festival will add to the Goldeld’s cultural reputation and attract thousands more visitors each year. The new annual Arts & Edges Public Festival was announced in September by Country Arts WA CEO Jessica Machin. It will be held in Kalgoorlie-Boulder from 16 -19 October and will be part
One of just 34 biodiversity hotspots on the planet (and the only one in Australia!) Not to mention the dizzying amount of wine and fresh produce on offer, whale watching lookouts on every headland and some of the tallest trees in the world – all within a few hours of Perth. Australia’s South West – the most remarkable wildflower experience in Western Australia! To plan your trip to view the region’s beautiful wildflowers, whales and more go to australiassouthwest.com/wildflowers
of the biennial Regional Arts Australia Summit, the nation’s most prestigious arts gathering. The creative program of the Summit includes world-class speakers and arts presentations that will bring hundreds of artists, arts and community leaders to the city. This will signicantly extend the Arts & Edges public festival in its inaugural year. Residents and visitors alike will encounter unique experiences of the Goldelds through the death-defying aerialists, re acts, street performers, vibrant ‘pop up’ art markets, a multi-cultural food fair, Aboriginal arts and cultural performances, colourful parades and Australian rock legends Nabarlek on stage. It will be a celebration of regional arts and culture that will coincide with the blooming of the unique springtime desert ora and ideal weather for a visit to the Goldelds. Jessica Machin said the announcement of the new annual arts festival was testament to the dynamism of the local arts community, on-the-ground work of the local engagement group and the First Nations reference group. The festival is supported by the State Government through Tourism WA’s Regional Events Program, which is jointly funded by Royalties for Regions. She also acknowledged the Public Festival director Theaker Von Ziarno and the compelling Summit and Festival vision of the Summit’s artistic director, Ben Fox. Mr Fox’s previous work had created exciting community breakthroughs in remote parts of the state, she said. More information on the Summit can be viewed at www.raasummit.com.au and social media sites Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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Victoria is the place to be this summer!
Flinders Street Station Facade destination for WA travellers and Villa’s 7-day Australian Open Tennis tour including Australia Day Celebrations in Melbourne is no exception. It features quarter-nal and semi-nal tennis ac-
Spend Christmas in our beautiful South West
MY YANCHEP is a pretty happy place. If you go to our new supermarket you will see a lot of very happy people, all willing to pass the time of day and, at least, share a smile with you. There are a lot of young people about the place – lots more than say ve years ago. These are just a few more signs that Yanchep is undergoing the metamorphosis that I believe will happen. One legacy of the past, which really underpins the happiness I mentioned, is the fact that there is a small group of people who just love to be happy and demonstrate that fact by singing. They are The Free Spirit Choir. This group was formed about 10 years ago and consists of over 20 members. They are a particularly happy lot and get a lot of pleasure from taking their music and fun to the people of the community as often as they can. Every year they can be seen – and heard – at the two commemorative services held in the Yanchep District on ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day, both of which are
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Enjoy open spaces, wildflowers and interesting rock outcrops. Delight in our fabulous skies and friendly country folk.
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Welcome to the wonders of
Treat yourself Art, Culture, History, Wildflowers and Natural Beauty
Something here will surely re your imagination! However, if you are looking to travel further aeld, why not come along and nd out about Norfolk Island, New Zealand, Borneo, Mauritius, Africa, Canada, Alaska or Europe? Villa’s experts will show you the absolutely best parts of these stunning destinations and will have you champing at the bit to book your next holiday. If you have never travelled with Villa before, come along. You could to win up to $500 in travel vouchers! FreeCall 1800 066 272 or email
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held in Yanchep National Park. Another area for their talents to go on show is the retirement villages and care facilities about the district. In addition they sing at the annual Christmas Carols and Wanneroo Council concerts which bring entertainment to the people who reside in the area. I have had the pleasure of hearing them on many occasions and it really does the heart a lot of good to hear them give forth, especially when they give their own rendition of, what they call, their swing medley. This is a collection of many of the old favourites as performed by the big bands of the 30s and 40s. This they deliver with much gusto. Currently the choir is directed by Mr Paul Keet. Members age ranges from the 30 year old youngsters to experienced seniors of 80 or more. If any readers living between Butler and Two Rocks who love to sing would like to join the Free Spirit Choir, meet them at St James Church Yanchep at 7pm on Monday evenings. Prospective members are most welcome. There is no audition, just turn up with a joy to sing.
VILLA CARLOTTA Travel will present their latest travel expo, See Australia and the World, at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, on Thursday 6 November 2014 from 9.30am to 2pm. Villa’s travel experts are sure to inspire you to start travelling to exciting and exotic destinations. These free travel presentations will feature all of your favourite Australian holiday destinations including Queensland, Northern Territory, NSW, Victoria and Tasmania. In addition you can nd out about their amazing range of rail journeys on The Ghan and the Indian Pacic.
© Cheryl Chappell
Lake Grace • Newdegate • Lake King Varley • Pingaring
by Andrew Robertson
See Australia and the World with Villa
ENJOY ve days at the same beachfront resort, with everything included! What more could you want? Try home pick-up, morning teas, lunches, evening meals, en suite accommodation and entry to all attractions. We have thought of it all, so you don’t have too. Spend ve days of touring interesting attractions, delicious monster Christmas lunch with drinks and the company of like minded travellers. Give Sharon a call on 1300 660 668 and ask her to send you more details. They would love you to join them!
Shire of Lake Grace
The Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show is in its 19th year and will feature stunning ower displays and awarding winning gardens. This is just one of the many highlights of Villa’s 6-day Victoria’s Flowers, Gardens, Shows and Islands getaway. This spectacular holiday will depart Tuesday 24 returning Sunday 29 March 2015. Prices start from $2810 pp twin share. To nd out more or to book any of these exciting Villa event holidays, FreeCall 1800 066 272, email
[email protected]. au or check out the website at www.villa.com.au. Remember to keep holidaying your way!
My Yanchep
WHETHER you are into world-class sports action, incredible ower shows or just love to celebrate, Villa Carlotta Travel special event holidays are for you! Victoria is a favourite
tion. The best part of this holiday is that you can enjoy it all from your premium seating at the Rod Laver Arena. This holiday departs Saturday 24 January 2015 and returns Friday 30 January 2015. Prices start from just $3445 pp twin share. Another great Victorian holiday is Villa’s 9-day A Victorian Christmas getaway. What a great way to enjoy the festive season. The tour includes incredible sightseeing and a delicious Christmas lunch at the stunning Crown Casino. From Friday 19 to Saturday 27 December 2014. Prices start from $3930 pp twin share. Australia’s biggest ower and garden show,
Balingup Hillview
Set high on seven acres overlooking peaceful Balingup, we offer seven separate fully self-contained accommodation sections. From rammed earth homes with pot belly stoves and spa, to our new pole homes set three metres high up in the sky! Sit on your own private verandah and enjoy rolling mists, lovely sunshine and starry skies. Visit www.balinguphillview.com to view photos of each beautiful section, with a real-time availability and booking system. Eagles Nest, Ridgeview House, Forest View, Stanleys Retreat, Brandits Lodge, Golden Fields and Pine View, are located a short 234km from Perth or a very pleasant and peaceful two hour drive. We are situated between Donnybrook and Bridgetown. So whether you are looking for a romantic getaway, organising a family reunion or a special celebration for up to 37 - we can cater for you. www.balinguphillview.com Freecall: 1800 464 544
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Shire of Northam - Northam Visitor Centre
2 Grey Street, Northam WA T: 9622 2100 F: 9622 5490 E:
[email protected] www.northam.wa.gov.au Located in the picturesque Avon Valley, Northam is home to a range of tourist and heritage attractions. Call in and learn about our: • Tours and walking trails • Popular Migrants Display • Wide range of gifts and souvenirs • Diverse cultural history • Aboriginal and Environmental Interpretive Centre • Cafes & restaurants, special events and activities. • Historic buildings, museums, galleries HAGN#035/271
Relax by the Avon River and walk across Australia’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge to view the white swans on the river. Other local attractions include horse racing, hot air ballooning and wineries.
7 night Alaskan cruise + Alaskan land tour Visit the world famous Butchart Gardens Overnight stay at The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise Rocky Mountaineer from Vancouver to Banff
Per Person Twin Share
Your holiday begins from when you are picked up from home in a private car and transferred to the airport. Meet your Tour Manager and fellow passengers and fly to Hong Kong. On arrival we will transfer to our hotel and check in. The afternoon is at your leisure. Hotel: Harbour Grand Hong Kong for 1 night
Today we set off on a two day rail experience on “The Most Spectacular Train Journey in the World”. Settle back in your RedLeaf carriage (upgrade to SilverLeaf or GoldLeaf at additional expense). Enter the fertile Fraser Valley then follow the Thompson River towards Kamloops. Overnight Stay: Kamloops Hotel (as assigned by Rocky Mountaineer)
You will have the morning at leisure before departing for our flight to Vancouver and then on to Victoria. Welcome to Canada! You will be met at Victoria International Airport and transferred to your hotel. This evening meet your Tour Director and fellow travellers for a welcome dinner at your hotel. Two Night Stay: Inn at Laurel Point
Continue your journey eastward into the soaring, rugged snow-capped mountains. Marvel at the beauty of the glaciers, the shimmering lakes and thick, fertile forest sitting at the foot of these grand mountains before arriving into Banff. Two Night Stay: Banff Caribou Lodge
Today is for you to enjoy Banff and its many sights and attractions. Discover More: Explore Banff with a Discover Banff Tour and consider combining this with dinner show Oh Canada Eh! or take a breath taking helicopter flight over inspiring mountain scenery (additional expense)
This morning enjoy an orientation tour of Victoria’s Inner Harbour and surrounding streets with your Tour Director. Discover More: Discover Victoria, go whale watching or take a Lantern walk and Chinese dinner (additional expense)
DAY 4: BUTCHART GARDEN b VANCOUVER SIGHTSEEING B / D Today visit the world-famous Butchart Gardens, a 22 hectare showplace of magnificent, colourful gardens. A guide will welcome you and explain the garden’s history and flora, then there is ample time to explore. Continue to the ferry and cruise through the Georgia Strait to Vancouver. Later we set off on a sightseeing tour of Vancouver including Stanley Park, famous for its totem poles, the waterfront and Gastown. Overnight Stay: Renaissance Harbourside Hotel
Take the Banff Gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain where you will witness some inspiring views over the surrounding peaks and valleys. Enjoy a morning sightseeing tour including Bow River, the Hoodoos and Bow Falls before visiting some icons of the Canadian Rockies. See the glacier fed Emerald Lake and the spectacular Natural Bridge, which has been carved by the Kicking Horse River. Prepare yourself for one of the highlights of your journey as you arrive at Canada’s “Diamond in the Wilderness”, the beautiful Lake Louise. Overnight Stay: Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
This morning we travel north along the Ice fields Parkway, acclaimed as one of the most spectacular journeys in the world. Enjoy breath-taking mountain scenery as you pass rugged peaks and glaciers fringed by thick forest and shimmering lakes. We make a stop at the Columbia Ice field, North America’s largest sub-polar ice pack, where you’ll climb aboard the ‘Ice Explorer’ for a once-in-a-lifetime journey onto the mighty 300 metre thick Athabasca Glacier. The day’s end finds us in Jasper National Park, an alpine wonderland of pristine wilderness and an abundance of wildlife. You will be taken through the park to the beautifully carved Maligne Canyon, one of Canada’s most spectacular gorges. Take a guided walk along the canyon’s trail, past beautiful waterfalls and spectacular rock formations. Overnight Stay: Sawridge Inn
Enjoy views of Mt Robson before making your way to the quaint village of Sun Peaks. You're Invited: This evening enjoy a fur traders feast and presentation accompanied by a tranquil canoe journey on one of the impressive lakes in the surrounding area. Overnight Stay: Sun Peaks Lodge
Travel through fertile countryside before reaching the small town of Lillooet. Continue along the scenic Duffy Lake Road and into the charming alpine resort of Whistler. Overnight Stay: Hilton Whistler Resort & Spa
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Office 6/15 Rosslyn Street, West Leederville WA 6007
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Fairbanks 1 2 Denali National ational Parkk
1 Mt McKinley 1 Anchorage Whittier
College Fjord Skagway Glacier Bay
'Continue your journey eastward into the soaring, rugged snow-capped mountains. Marvel at the beauty of the glaciers, the shimmering lakes and thick, fertile forest sitting at the foot of these grand mountains before arriving into Banff.' Day 7
1 Jasper Sun Peaks 1 Lake Louise 7 1 Whistler 2 Banff 1 1 Kamloops 1 1 Rocky Mountaineer Rail Victoria 2 VANCOUVER
After breakfast drive south along the spectacular Sea to Sky Highway with views of Horseshoe Bay. Stop at the awesome Shannon Falls before arriving back into Vancouver. Visit Capilano Suspension Bridge and make your way across this spectacular suspension bridge 70 metres above the river, then walk amongst the canopy on the award winning Treetops Adventure. Overnight Stay: Renaissance Harbourside Hotel
This morning board your luxurious cruise ship for a 7 night Alaskan Voyage in your Outside Stateroom on the Grand Princess. Familiarise yourself with the many services, facilities and activities on offer.
Sit back and enjoy the scenery as you cruise north. Canada and Alaska’s coastline reveals North America’s last great wilderness. Keep a look out for wildlife such as orcas, humpback whales and bald eagles.
Welcome to the salmon capital of the world! Part of the town is built along a steep hillside, part is built on pilings over the water where bald eagles watch from waterside perches. The collection of totem poles is an essential stop for anyone interested in native art.
Surrounded by the Gastineau Channel, the Mendenhall Glacier and the Juneau Ice fields, Alaska’s capital is famed for its scenery and isolation.
Home pick-up and return Kings Tour Manager, Jennie Rimmer The services of a local Tour Director 1-night pre-tour accommodation in the Harbour Grand Hong Kong 3 2-night post-tour accommodation in the Pier2620 Hotel San Francisco 3 3 3 3
Cruise into Skagway, the gateway to the Klondike. Enjoy free time to go ashore and stroll along the weathered boardwalks admiring the shop front facades, reminiscent of the gold rush era.
Early this morning, enter the iceberg strewn waters of Glacier Bay National Park. Marvel at the glacial ice wall carved by nature. This breath-taking scenery will be brought to life by a National Park Service Ranger as they help you spot wildlife and interpret the glacier activity.
Denali is deep in the Alaskan wilderness and this unique location gives you the opportunity to enjoy some fascinating wilderness and wildlife tours. Embark on a Tundra Wilderness Tour which takes you into the park for a once in a lifetime experience.
Within Prince William Sound lies College Fjord and its collection of glaciers. The magnitude of these glaciers is difficult to imagine. Some reach forty stories above sea level, dwarfing even the largest cruise ship.
Transfer to the railway station to board our full dome railcar on the ‘Midnight Sun Express’ train. Open-air viewing platforms allow you to step outdoors for the perfect snapshot. The highlight this evening is a Music of Denali Dinner Show. Two night stay: Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge
Continue your journey into the heart of the last frontier to Fairbanks. Board an authentic sternwheeler ‘Discovery III’ for an afternoon cruise. Tonight, enjoy a farewell dinner with your Tour Director. Overnight Stay: Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge
Disembark in Whittier and travel via the Alaska Wildlife Refuge Enjoy breakfast at your hotel before transferring to Fairbanks Airport for flight to to Anchorage. Explore Anchorage Markets (subject to operation). San Francisco. Upon arrival you will be met and transferred to your hotel. After a brief orientation tour of Anchorage, the rest of the day is at Two Night Stay: Pier2620 Hotel. leisure. Overnight Stay: The Hotel Captain Cook
Jump on board the Big Bus and enjoy a ride as you cruise through the city on an This morning our journey takes us into the small town of Wassila. open-top bus. The main highlight is the journey over the fabled Golden Gate Bridge We continue our journey deep into the Alaskan wilderness arriving and the stunning views back across San Francisco Bay. in Mt McKinley. Nestled in a prime location, this gorgeous lodge is DAY 27-29: DEPART SAN FRANCISCO B / IFM the perfect starting point for your wilderness adventure. Enjoy breakfast at your hotel before transferring to San Francisco Airport for your Overnight Stay: Mt McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge homebound flight. On arrival in Perth, you will be transferred home.
12 Day Canadian Rockies Coach Tour 7 Nights on a luxury cruise ship – Grand Princess 6 Day Alaskan Wilderness Coach & Rail Tour 2 Day Rocky Mountaineer Rail Experience Premium First Class hotels including all hotel service charges and porterage 3 Return airport transfers 3 Port taxes and charges included 3 All tipping and gratuities included 3 3 3 3 3
*Home pick up and return is within the Perth Metro area including Mandurah. License No. 9TA1503
Single Supplement $3,150.00 EARLYBIRD DEAL - Partner fly free including taxes ON SALE UNTIL 30 NOVEMBER 2014 OR UNTIL SOLD OUT
let’s go travelling
Wildower itineraries - A guide to the Coral Coast wildowers
wildowers and is best known for vast carpets of everlastings. Wildower enthusiasts also visit the region to spot endemic species found nowhere else on earth and rare, delicate owers such as orchids. The region’s diverse range of ora is sure to delight wildower enthusiasts and the good news is you don’t even need to go off the beaten track - you’ll spot many species along the roadside. Coalseam Conservation Park Coalseam Conservation Park, between Mingenew and Mullewa features a remarkable variety of woody heath plants that ower profusely during
WILDFLOWERS bloom all year round throughout Australia’s Coral Coast, although the best period to see them is between July and October. The region is home to many species of coastal and inland
WILDFLOWER ½ DAY TOURS Pemberton Discovery Tours Let us drive
PH 9776 0484 www.discoverpemberton.com.au
WILLOWBROOK FARM CARAVAN PARK 1679 Gingin Brook Road, West Gingin
Situated in a great rural setting with large grassed powered and non powered sites. Pet friendly with full amenities, including wheelchair access. Beautiful gardens with Country hospitality abundant bird life. at its best • Located only 1 hour north of Perth • 5 mins to Gingin Observatory & Gravity Centre • 15 mins to Guilderton Beach/Moore River and Gingin Township • Complimentary freshly baked scones, jam, cream served every Sunday morning • Campres in season • Dump point • Sheep, cow and alpaca feeding for children daily HAGN#085/271
Bookings Phone: 9575 7566
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Bunbury - Margaret River Tour Busselton Jetty, Train to Underwater Observatory, Annie Brook Flower Farm, Vasse Virgin Olive Soap Factory, Silk Road, Lunch Margaret River Hotel, Chocolate Factory, Canal Rocks, Dunsborough. Cost $105 Anzac Centenary Celebrations Tour Fri 31 Oct - Mon 3 Nov Commemorating 100 years since thousands of soldiers left the shores of Albany. Watch ceremonial activities, visit the Military Museum, see the ships in the harbour. Cost $950 Bunbury Day Tours Passengers wishing to join our tours in Bunbury can use their FREE “WA Trip Voucher” Pensioner Concession or a Senior Card discount with Transwa bus or train, to travel to Bunbury.
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13th Harvey Dickson’s
the wildower season. The real draw-card is the carpets of pink, gold, cream and white everlastings transforming the usually sparse understorey of wattle scrub into a carpet of colour during the wildower season. Lesueur National Park Lesueur National Park is one of the most diverse and rich oral areas in the world. The park is home to almost 900 species, including many plants found nowhere else in the world. This biodiverse hotspot represents approximately ten per cent of the State’s known ora. Kalbarri National Park From July until October, some 800 species of native ora progressively burst into bloom around Kalbarri and within the National Park. Many of these are endemic to the region, including the Kalbarri spider orchid. Look out for wildowers on the coastal cliff tops and in the gorges. Shark Bay World Heritage Area
Boyup Brook WA A rain, hail or shine event 25 October 2014
A comprehensive Guidebook and Audio CD’s providing historical and current information and locality maps is available from Visitor Centres and requested online at
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[email protected] Phone: 0408 511 969
Harvey Dickson’s Country Music Centre 5 kms out of Boyup Brook on Boyup Brook - Arthur Rd Ph 9765 1125 or 0429 651 125 Email:
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Shire of Boddington Caravan aravan Park 7 Wuraming Avenue, Boddington Ph (08) 9883 8018
Nestled alongside the Hotham River in the heart of Marradong Country is the Shire of Boddington Caravan Park. With plenty of camping sites and 33 powered sites available there is ample room to accommodate large RVs (Boddington is an RV friendly town). It has a large covered campers’ kitchen and dining area, plus clean and modern ablutions with full laundry facilities. The caravan park is pet friendly and there are on-site caretakers to greet you. Located centrally and within easy walking distance to shops and cafés as well as nearby river walks, The Shire of Bodddington Caravan Park is a great place to stay.
Mention this ad to receive a free jar of local preserve upon arrival.
Mount Augustus, the world’s largest rock. Alternatively head south through colourful displays of everlastings around Mullewa, before passing through Australia’s only monastic town, New Norcia on your way back to Perth. Cape Range Trail Duration: 3 days When: June – September Highlights: The grandiose Cape Range National Park, its unique brilliant red sturt desert pea and Australia’s largest fringing reef, the Ningaloo Marine Park. Base yourself: In and around Carnarvon and the Ningaloo Reef region including Coral Bay, Exmouth and nearby station stays. Day 1 North of Carnarvon at Minilya, the riverbanks offer the shade of river gum and coolibah trees. On the sand dunes you’ll nd grevilleas, hakeas and banksias while wattles cap the ridges. The 11-kilometre side trip to Coral Bay is well worth the journey to witness the unspoilt, natural beauty of the pristine Ningaloo Marine Park. Here the reef starts just metres from the shore, making it easily accessible. The at plains area between Minilya and Lyndon River are good for spotting the Minilya lily. Off Burkett Road, station stays and tours make a great overnight stop. The autumn rains generally produce abundant colourful masses of wildowers in the area’s fertile red soil. Day 2 Continue your journey north towards Exmouth where the coastal plain of the Exmouth Gulf is a predominately wattle shrubland interspersed with occasional stands of mallee near dry creek beds. Bright red yulbah owers are visible in summer while in winter there’s the golden hue of spring wattles, often infused with purple mulla mulla. You’ll nd scenic wildower viewing areas within the Cape Range National Park. Displays are generally best at Mandu Mandu Gorge, Shothole Canyon, Charles Knife Canyon and Yardie Creek Gorge. Head to the Milyering Visitor Centre for more wildower information or take a scenic river cruise on Yardie Creek. Day 3 The Cape Range National Park covers 50,581 hectares of stunning limestone ranges, deep rugged canyons and 50 kilometres of pristine beach. It features more than 100 species of land birds, native marsupials and around 630 species of owering plants. Look out for the brilliant red sturt desert pea, which owers in late winter. The red sturt desert pea is one of 12 endemic species that grow in the park. Other owering plants include purple mulla mullas, wattles, everlastings, native fuschias, fanowers, Minilya lily, Cape Range kurrajongs and dampier. Adjacent to the land is the Ningaloo Reef, featuring 500 species of sh and 300 species of coral.
Junior Rodeo 9am; Grand Opening 2pm; Rodeo 2.30pm Country Music 5pm - 11.30pm Bands; Wild Dogs, Sparrow, Vicki Lee & The Hideaway Band No dogs in venue - Licensed Bar - No BYO No glass - Hot Food - Drinks ENTRY: Adults $30 / Children u15 $5 / Children u4 FREE Aged Pensions $25 Bush Camping; $5 per person per night Book on line or purchase tickets at the Gate On line bookings close 22 October www.harveydickson.com.au Rodeo - Country Music - Car and Bike display Stall holders PLUS MORE...
When: June – October Highlights: Kalbarri National Park, Shark Bay daisies in and around the Francois Peron National Park and the Kennedy Range National Park. Base yourself: In and around Kalbarri, Shark Bay and Carnarvon. Day 1 Head north towards Geraldton. Colourful wildowers of many varieties can be seen on roadside areas along this drive. Take a drive into the Chapman Valley where wildowers abound on the roadside and gourmet delights will entice you to stay a while in the region. Travel along the coast to Kalbarri. Day 2 Drive to the nearby Kalbarri National Park, home to breathtaking coastal cliffs and deep river gorges. The national park has roughly 800 species of native ora, many of which are endemic species, including the coveted Kalbarri spider orchid. Day 3 Head north to Shark Bay, home to the friendly dolphins of Monkey Mia. Visit Francois Peron National Park, where the contrasting colours of the scenery ranges from deep reds to brilliant blues and are as vivid as the wildowers. Those travelling north of the Peron Homestead will require a four wheel drive vehicle. Alternatively, join a tour of the National Park from Denham or Monkey Mia. The Shark Bay daisy, wattles, dampiera and purple peas are commonly found in this area. Day 4 The drive to Carnarvon will reward you with outstanding wildower displays of parakeelya, purple vetch, northern bluebells and seasonal everlastings. Consider heading east to the Kennedy Range National Park. Along the drive you’ll nd roadside displays of wildowers. The Kennedy Range National Park is home to more than 80 species of wildowers and is only accessible by four wheel drive vehicles. Day 5 From Kennedy Range National Park head further east to
eas of heath, acacia and myrtle, banksias and casuarinas. Head east from Cervantes towards Brand Highway and wander through the two-kilometre Badgingarra Nature Trail, promising to show off some of the season’s best wildower displays including smoke bush, purple star ower, yellow buttercups, banksias, black, red and green kangaroo paws, one-sided bottlebrush, melaleucas and feather owers in a rainbow of colours. Further north is Coomallo Nature Reserve, home to more than 200 wildower species and just a short drive from Coorow, renowned for spectacular displays of dryandra. Day 2 Just east of Green Head is the Lesueur National Park. Lesueur is known for its incredible oral diversity, featuring more than 900 species, many of which are not found anywhere else in the world. The national park represents approximately ten per cent of the state’s known ora. Cockleshell Gully Road provides great views of the Lesueur National Park and is best suited to four-wheel drives. Alternatively, you can view many of the species along the highway between Eneabba and Dongara, in particular many varieties of banksias including the propeller banksias, magenta starower, smoke bush, verticordias, hakeas, grevilleas and leschenaultias. Day 3 Head inland to Mullewa and explore the eight surrounding Everlasting Cultural Trails, rich with blooming ora and history. On the Wildower Walk, everlastings carpet the ground with pink, white and yellow owers. Mullewa and nearby towns Mingenew, Three Springs and Carnamah also offer spectacular displays of the rare wreath ower. Nearby, the Coalseam Conservation Park is often carpeted in stunning white, pink and yellow everlastings as far as the eye can see during wildower season. Enjoy the picturesque rural drive back to Perth along the Great Northern Highway. The North West Trail Duration: 5 days
Quiet, comfy, lovely garden setting. Free Wi. Fully self-contained well-equipped units. Only a 2 min walk to beach and Marina. COACH PICK-UP AVAILABLE WEEKLY RATE $600
Ph 9927 2177 Email:
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Wildowers near Coral Bay © Tourism WA
Shark Bay has the longest wildower season in Western Australia with over 700 species of owering plants. Of these, more than 150 species are of special scientic interest - several are exclusive to the area. The aromatic Tamala rose is one of the region’s most wellknown and showy species. The Shark Bay daisy, Royce’s gum, Rogerson’s grevillea and golden lamb’s tail are also conned to the Shark Bay region. The sceptre banksia features large ower-spikes in summer and, after good winter rains, everlastings often grow in massive drifts of colour. Cape Range National Park Located within the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area, The Cape Range National Park is home to 630 species of owering plants. The brilliant red sturt desert pea, which owers in late winter, is a particularly popular ora species here. Also look out for mulla mullas, wattles, everlastings, native fuschias, fanowers and dampiera within the park. Wildower Itineraries The Everlastings Trail Duration: 3 days When: July - October Highlights: Kangaroo Paw varieties at Badgingarra National Park, orchids in Lesueur National Park, wreath owers around Mullewa, elds of colourful everlastings in the Coalseam Conservation Park. Base yourself: In and around Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Dongara–Denison and Geraldton Day 1 Depart Perth and head north along the Indian Ocean Drive and turn off to the Nambung National Park and the Pinnacles. Here, Tuart woodlands ll the valleys between vast ar-
let’s go travelling ADVERTISING FEATURE
let’s go Caravanning and Camping
by Brad Elborough
• How do I set a price for renting my van? It is at your discretion to decide a fair daily/weekly/monthly amount to rent out your van. We will soon have the ability to arrange peak and off-peak pricing. • What happens if my van breaks down? The owner must have roadside assistance as part of the Caramavan terms for all listed motor homes or campervans. While this is a new concept, it is coming from a company that has had successful experience in this type of business. The parent company behind Caramavan is Qanda Technology. While that may not mean much to you, its other two ventures might DriveMyCar Rentals and Rentoid. DriveMyCar Rentals allows someone with a spare car to connect online with someone who needs to rent one, but doesn’t want to pay high rental prices. Rentoid allows people to rent anything that they have to anyone who may want to use it. Caramavan has the potential to open up caravanning to a whole new demographic. Visit www.caramavan.com for more information.
let’s gotravelling
Is your caravan smelling musty or does the roof leak?
DOES YOUR caravan or motor home have a problem with a leaking roof? If so, you should investigate the qualities of the world’s only EPDM (synthetic rubber) in liquid form. Liquid Roof® is supplied and installed by Aussie Caravan Roof Repair. Manufactured and developed in America it has been in use for more than 20 years and is designed to prevent leaks and help in the insulation of mobile accommodation. Liquid Roof® is a synthetic rubber based membrane that will bond to most roong materials, producing a seamless coating. Having long term exibility it does not chalk or shrink. As well as protecting your caravan roof from leaks Liquid Roof® will also help in reducing
Our place or yours? Now available in WA
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Let’s go caravanning and camping
PH: Allan 0488 011 656 E:
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the temperature by approx ve degrees. There are four authorised applicators of Liquid Roof® in WA and when you have a roof installed by one of our specialists the product has a 10 year limited warranty, or if you wish to DIY the product comes in three convenient sizes. Either way you owe it to yourself to maintain and protect the value of your investment. Ring 0477 999 546 or visit www.aussiecaravanroofrepairs.com.au to nd your nearest specialist. Don’t forget to visit us at Site 81 over the show weekend. As a special offer, if you have a roof application done by one of our participating specialists between November and February, one lucky customer will receive a $1000 cash back! So don’t delay, book your roof coating today.
WHERE does your caravan sit when you’re not using it? Probably in your driveway – hopefully covered by a tarp at least – for months at a time. If that’s the case, you may want to rethink, as you may be missing out on some extra income. There are potential holidaymakers out there who are keen to rent your van to use for their next trip. There is a reputable company that runs a website called Caramavan. It allows you to list your van as available and be found by potential hirers. They contact you, pay you the amount of money you are asking for, agree to terms and conditions and then use your van for their next trip. Caramavan has measures in place to protect your investment, lessening the risks of damage being done, or someone driving away with it and never being seen again. It appears to be pretty simple. Hirers get the benet of your caravan, which would only be sitting around idly anyway. For whatever reason, they don’t have their own. Plus you get to make some extra
money – that can go to paying for your own future holiday. You liaise directly with the person wanting to rent your van and the owners of www.caramavan.com take a small commission for setting up the meeting – just like a real estate agent would do if you were renting out a house. This is a very new concept – Caramavan is actively recruiting vans to list online now. Here’s a few pointers from their ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section of its website: • Is it safe to rent out my van? The Caramavan sign-up process requires a renter’s proof of ID and payment of a bond via credit card and PayPal. Caramavan also insist that owners double-check in person the driver’s licence that Caramavan has on le. • What’s the charge to list your van? Listing your van is free. When a van is booked, Caramavan takes a booking fee (10 per cent of listed rental amount) from the renters. Caramavan charges van owners a service charge of two per cent of the overall rental cost when transferring the full rental funds to their account.
d w 4 H T R E P venture Show
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Perth 4WD and Adventure Show
let’s go Caravanning and Camping
let’s go travelling
A family that vans together stays together by Brad Elborough
Indian Ocean Drive, Leeman ©Tourism WA
IF YOU have ever wondered whether holidaying in a caravan is good for your family, or not, well you can rest easy. Your choice to stay in a van rather than a hotel actually benets more than just your bank account balance. A report from the UK titled ‘Real Richness’ reveals that campers are more happy, energised, optimistic and satised than non-campers, and those families that go camping, feel closer and wealthier. This includes staying in vans. The report also showed that 79 per cent of children who had never camped said they would like to, and 88 per cent of campers said it was something every child should experience. Families benet from both short and long-term stays. The close community feel of caravan parks is probably a great draw card. People who stay in vans are more likely to partake in activities than if they were staying in a hotel room, or resort. “There is more to the value of camping and caravanning
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HAGN#001/271 Licence Number MRB495
than the cost,” says Caravan Industry Association of Australia (CIAA) CEO Stuart Lamont. “Camping and caravanning provides Australians with the opportunity to connect, not only with each other, but with the world around them. And that’s something guaranteed to make you smile.” The word appears to be spreading too, with caravanning numbers up in Australia. CIAA research has found that 85 per cent of Australians have gone caravanning or camping at some point in their lifetime, and with industry growth at an all-time high (caravans are the fastest growing motor vehicle by registrations), this number is expected to grow. Coming up I’m hitting the road. In the next couple of editions of Let’s Go Caravanning and Camping (November and December), I’ll be reporting on stays at parks in Kalbarri and Coral Bay. Find out the good and the bad and how well each member of the family is catered for. If you have any questions, tips, or information that you would like to share with your fellow readers, please email me at
[email protected]
EVERYTHING to do with 4WDriving and camping is on offer at the 2014 Perth 4WD and Adventure Show. The 4WD and Adventure Show will be on again this November from Friday 7 to Sunday 9, at McCallum Park. Always a popular event for outdoor enthusiasts, the 2014 will offer even more to visitors with product displays, entertainment and attractions, and special guests. Show Director Peter Woods said the Perth 4WD and Adventure Show was the biggest event of its kind in Australia, and is always well attended. He said this year visitors would get to see all their old favourite elements, as well as some exciting new additions. “The 4WD and Adventure Show is such a great event because it is the place to go for new products. You can check out all the new releases in caravans, camper trailers, SUVs and 4WD vehicles, camping gear, 4WD accessories and so much more,” he said. “But it’s also a huge event for entertainment, and in 2014, show visitors
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are in for a huge treat!” Peter said he was excited to announce that for the rst time, the 4WD and Adventure Show would host the Team D Max stunt drivers in what is a mind blowing display of precision driving. Plus, show visitors can experience the thrill rst-hand! “Team D Max are the best and most popular stunt driving team in Australia, and will certainly capture a heap of attention when they come to Perth this year!” “Visitors can stand back and watch as the stunt drivers coast along on two wheels, and take on some mind-boggling inclines and descents – or if they’re game can get in for a free ride.” “It’s like nothing before seen at the show, and we can’t wait to bring Team D Max to Perth,” Peter said. The 4WD and Adventure Show is also renowned for its special guests and Peter said this year the show will welcome back some of the most popular presenters in the industry. Pat Callinan (4x4 Adventures) will be a special guest on the Engel Bush Camp Stage, as well as Jason Andrews from All 4 Adventure. Ernie Dingo will be back, along with Engel’s Jo Clews with her camp oven cooking demos. For those who like to be entertained, there will be shing demonstrations with the Engel Aquatank Fishing Show; the Extreme 4x4 Show with 4wd bug-
gys and motorbike stunts, kayak demonstrations and kid’s activities. Plus for the real die-hard enthusiasts, the Fourby Forum will be back with a selection of presenters offering the most up-to-date information and technical tips on 4WDriving and the great outdoors. Preparations for the 2014 show are well underway and it is shaping up to be a huge event. More show information is available at 4wdshow.com.au
SHOW DATES & TIMES Friday 7 November: 9am - 6pm Saturday 8 November: 9am - 6pm Sunday 9 November: 9am - 5pm LOCATION: McCallum Park (near the Causeway Victoria Park) TICKET PRICES: Adult $16 Concession (pensioner & student) $13 Children (5 - 17yrs) $8 Children under 5 FREE Family $40 (2 adults + 4 children)
let’s go travelling ADVERTISING FEATURE
let’s go Caravanning and Camping
Going shing
Samson sh...our forgotten species? by Mike Roennfeldt
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something of a rarity before the turn of the century but now they seem to bob up with almost monotonous regularity, especially around Rottnest. In some ways I guess it’s a fair sort of trade because both kings and amberjack are superb sport sh in their own right. The ght from an amberjack is pretty similar to a Samson, although perhaps not quite so dogged, while the yellowtail king is every bit as tough and twice as dirty. Few species seek out linecutting reefs and holes with the same determination as a king and you really earn every one you get. The other side to the Samson story is that keen offshore bottom shermen have always treated the species with a certain amount of disdain. Those more focussed on catching a dhush or pink snapper have been known to resent the amount of energy required to tame a big Samson and when they did land one, the sh would usually either be put back or kept for berley or neighbours. It was a largely undeserved reputation in eating terms, brought about by occasional sh having a mushy texture when infected with a harmless parasite. The vast majority of Samson’s have rm, white esh and are excellent fare when thin llets are fried in batter or egg and breadcrumbs. Few sh have better credentials when it comes to forming the basis of a sh curry. Time will tell if recent lower Sambo catches are just a cyclical thing. If the numbers bounce back that’s great, but if they don’t, at least we have a couple of quality species that have arrived to take up the slack.
Explore Western Australia with Hema Maps Explore the Southwest in a 4WD 4WD + Camping Escapes Perth & the South West Publisher: Hema Maps $39.95 EXPLORE Western Australia’s south west corner with 4WD + Camping Escapes - Perth & the South West. Written by experienced authors and outdoor enthusiasts, it is a comprehensive guide to enjoying both four-wheel driving and camping in Western Australia’s south west corner. It Includes: 15 Top 4WD trips Almost 300 camping areas Complete south west Western Australia atlas mapping Tracks colour-coded by vehicle type 4WD + Camping Escapes – Perth & the South West is a guide to the best four-wheel driving and camping locations in south west Western Australia. Each regional section outlines the area’s 4WD Tracks tracks and featured camping areas, with a camping directory at the end to provide comprehensive coverage of other camping areas. The complete atlas contains Hema’s new south west Western Australia map, featuring 24hr fuel suppliers, information centres, rest areas and points of interest. The guide features 15 4WD tracks, each with its own detailed inset map showing the route taken. The range of trips includes some suitable for rst-timers as well as others for the more experienced looking for something new to tackle. All of the tracks are colour-coded to make it simple to nd the tracks that suit your type of vehicle and handy symbols show towing suitability too. The featured camping area descriptions help you nd a site to suit your requirements, whether you want a 2WD-accessible spot with toilets and a shower that’s suitable for your caravan, or a 4WD-only bush camp with no facilities but where your pet is allowed. The book is written by Michael and Jane Pelusey, who are both keen outdoor enthusiasts and experienced travel writers. There’s also plenty of essential pre-trip reading on terrain, permits, environmental issues, shing and bushwalking. WIN WIN WIN To be in the draw to win one of seven exclusive copies of Hema Maps’ 4WD + Camping Escapes Perth & the South West, send an envelope to Hema Maps Comp c/- Have a Go News PO Box 1042 West Leederville WA 6901 with your details on the back. Alternatively, email win@haveagonews. com.au and include the word maps in the subject line. Comp closes 31/10/14.
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FEW SPECIES available to Perth small boat anglers are as tough and demanding as the mighty Samson. By name and by nature, the Sambo is as tough as nails and can be relied on to give an honest account of itself every time you hook one. But, in some ways the Samson has become the forgotten species on the WA boat/shing scene. I’m pretty sure the numbers of Samson’s turning up in Perth metro waters has declined over the past 20 or 30 years and I’m not sure why. Could it be the pressure that has been applied to spawning aggregations
in the deep water out behind Rottnest, where a booming sport shery has blossomed in recent times. I’m inclined to think this isn’t the case because this shery is almost entirely catch and release, even though sharks do take more than their fair share of hooked sh. Rather, I suspect, there are more subtle environmental factors at play. Part of my reasoning is that other, similar species have increased their numbers in metro waters, possibly pushing the Samson’s farther a eld. There is no doubt that the populations of yellowtail kingsh and amberjack have ourished locally over the past ten years. Catching one of these species was
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travelling HAVE-A-GO NEWS No. 271 OCTOBER 2014
let’s go travelling
A visit to Esfahan in Iran is half the world...
Left to right; Armenian Church - Shah Abbas music room
ALMOST every large city
in Iran has been the country’s capital at some time and Esfahan is no exception. It is also one of the most visited of Iranian cit-
ies by western tourists. It was founded by the Elamites around 2,500 BC and is now the third largest city in Iran with a
population of 1.3 million. Shah Abbas I moved his capital to Esfahan in the 16th century and build a magnicent set of palaces,
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mosques and the world’s second largest square after Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Locally known as the HAGN#066/271
Journalist Frank Smith shares further insights into his visit to Iran.
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Qapu palace, rebuilt in the 18th century after a re. Built as a reception hall and pleasure pavilion it has acoustically modern music rooms 150 steps up on the top oor and a magnicent throne room with frescoes depicting key events of the shah’s reign. Unsurprisingly the Medan also boasts two mosques of the same period. Masjede Sheikh Lotfollah opposite the palace was designed as a private mosque for the ladies of the Shah’s harem and hence has no minarets. Light through the dome scattered by ceramic tiles depicts the tail of a peacock at 10am exactly. The other, larger mosque, the Masjed-e Shah was completed in 1629 and is considered a masterpiece of ceramic tiles and domes, both individual sections and the whole. The courtyard was also the only place during a month in Iran where we were bothered by touts. Several other palaces survive - Kakh’e Hasht Palace and that of Kakh-e Chele Sotum - the palace of 40 columns – so named because of the reection of the 20 columns in the long pool in the front. There were beautifully painted frescoes inside which were in perfect condition. The original was burnt down and this was replaced in the 18th Century. Lovely formal Persian gardens surround both palaces. Iranians call Esfahan half the world because of its superb buildings and history.
Each Best Western branded hotel is independently owned and operated. © 2014 Best Western International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Medan the UNESCO listed square, ofcially called Naqsh-e Jahan has changed little in 500 years and goal posts for polo games are still evident. Impatient and short of skilled labour Abbas forced Armenian tradesmen to migrate from Jolfa in Iran’s northwest to work on his buildings. The Armenians were allowed to build their own church of St Joseph of Arimathea in 1648. This lovely building combines Armenian, European and Islamic traditions and makes a welcome change for tourists from all the mosques. Adjacent to the Armenian church is a museum containing exhibits from the migration of Armenians from Jolfa to Esfahan and a display documenting the 1915 Turkish genocide of Armenians who were suspected of aiding the Russians in World War I. Contrary to popular myth Iranian Moslems tolerate (but don’t encourage) most other religions except the Bahais. However Moslems who convert from Islam face execution. Shah Abbas I was notably grumpy and impatient. He blinded one of his sons and killed two others and demanded that his architect cut corners, including building walls before the foundations had set. Architect Ali Akbar Esfahani refused point blank and then disappeared until Shah Abbas had cooled down. Centrepiece of the square is Shah Abbas’s Kakh-e Ali
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let’s go travelling
Wet, cold, pristine wilderness - Milford Sound New Zealand
From left to right; Mary Helen Smith - Milford opening to sea - Milford marine by Frank Smith MILFORD SOUND, located at the northern end of Fiordland National Park in the South Island of New Zealand is a national icon, recognised by UNESCO as a world heritage site and celebrated for its pristine landscapes and remote and rugged beauty. Geologically, Milford Sound is a ord, a long narrow body of water carved out of the mountains by glaciers, leading to the sea. In places the glaciers cut up to 400m below
sea level. In spite of its size Milford Sound was not noticed by Captain James Cook, who sailed past it twice in 1769-70. Welsh sealer Captain John Grono was the rst European to discover Milford Sound. He was based on the Hawkesbury River in Australia and hunted seals around the Fiordland coast from as early as 1809. One day Grono found himself running his ship before a storm and being driven perilously close to the coastline. Fearing he would lose his ship
and his crew on the shores of Anita Bay he sailed into a small entrance that opened on his left. That entrance was Milford Sound, a haven of safety for Grono and his crew. Grono named his spectacular nd, Milford Haven, after a place in his Welsh homeland. This was later changed to Milford Sound. Maori of course got there much earlier, perhaps by 1,000 years. The Maori named the sound Piopiotahi after the thrush-like piopio bird, which is important in Maori mythol-
ogy. They returned seasonally to the ord, collecting greenstone, which they prize for making tools and ornaments. Milford Sound is the best known of all of the ords in New Zealand, and the only one that can be accessed by a narrow, winding 120km drive from Te Anau incorporating a two kilometre tunnel. Hardy walkers can reach the Sound by a four-day 54km tramp through the mountains stopping at shelters on the way. The better heeled can bus ($250) or y ($450) in and out
from Queenstown on a day trip by helicopter or xed wing aircraft when the weather is suitable. At the ord visitors can take three-hour cruises to the sea and visit the resident seals, dolphins and penguins as well as the vegetable and geological marvels of the Sound. Despite being one of the most accessible ords, Milford Sound remains quiet and still, bounded by steep cliffs and dense rainforest. It is approximately 16km from the head of the ord to the open sea, which
means visitors can comfortably travel the length of the ord to open ocean and return on one of the many cruises. The underwater environment in the ord is unique. This is not only because of the beautiful natural environment and the marine reserves that exist here, but also because of an interesting effect of the high rainfall (6-9 metres annually) in the area. As rainfall drains through the lush forests, it becomes stained with tannins until it is the colour of strong tea. The ords support the world’s biggest population of black
Talking Travel lunch at Crown Perth with Have a Go News email me prior so I can do my best to source answers for you. It is an informal session where everyone has an opportunity to share their own travel experiences. Following on from our very successful Single Traveller’s seminar in September we are on the move in October and you are welcome
to join us for lunch at the Atrium Restaurant at Crown Perth. We have secured a special price for our Talking Travellers and we welcome you to come along for an informal lunch with lots of talk about travel. Date - Tuesday 28 October Time - 12 - 2pm Venue - Crown Perth - Atrium
Restaurant, buffet lunch. Cost - $40 Lunch cost will be paid by attendees – you need to bring cash only as there is no separate billing. If this interests and you would like to book then register your details to
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coral trees - about seven million colonies, some of them up to 200 years old. An underwater observatory allows visitors to get up close to aquatic life up to ve metres deep. Milford Sound is the wettest inhabited place in New Zealand and one of the wettest in the world. Rainfall can reach 250mm in a single day. This creates dozens of waterfalls cascading down the cliff faces, some reaching 1000 metres in height. Milford Sound is the wilderness experience of a lifetime.
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Seniors’ Recreation Council’s president’s jottings
Hugh Rogers
barbershop singing, jazz band, rock n’ roll records and mixed entertainers. Information available on the day will include clubs and groups, lifestyle villages, travel, caravanning, seniors card, health, medical checks, government agencies and many more. The Hon. Tony Simpson MLA, Minister for Local Government; Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering; Youth will open the day at 10.30am with Steve Mills from 882am 6PR acting as master of ceremonies. A greater number of activities are being showcased this year as well as all-day entertainment in the sound shell (site 34). Parking: Good news, there are now a greater number of parking bays available making it much easier to park and gain access to Have a Go Day. Specic bus parking sites are also available. Have a Go Day is the premier event in Seniors Week which runs from 9 to 16 of November. Channel 7 Personalities will be in attendance, so join them for a chat and a cuppa
in one of the free hospitality marquees, sites 141, 75 and 19. The hospitality tents are manned by volunteers and consumables are compliments of Have a Go News. Onsite broadcasting will be provided by Curtin fm 100.1 (site 38) radio station. Visit their site and meet the radio personalities. FREE MAJOR PRIZE DRAW: 1st Prize: donated by Crown Perth, $2,000 Crown Perth Experience (site 83) 2nd Prize: donated by Have a Go News and Kings Tours and Travel, $500 Coles/Myer voucher (site 141). 3rd Prize: donated by Telstra Carousel store, an Apple iPad. 4th Prize: donated by Channel 7 Perth, Family pass to RAC Christmas Pageant including VIP function at Government House 5th Prize: donated by Sizzler, $200 Gift Card. Thank you to Crown Perth, Have a Go News, Telstra Carousel, Channel 7 Perth and Sizzler for generously supplying the prizes for the free rafe at Have a Go Day. In this edition of Have
a Go News is the lift out for Have a Go Day which contains a complete list of activity and information site holders, a map of the park and editorials from Burswood Park Board andCrown Perth with personalities from Channel 7 and 882am 6PR included and the major prize draw entry form, thank you Have a Go News for your support of this event. Cut out the entry form on page 36, bring it along on the day for your chance to win, only entries deposited on the day will be entered in the draw, entry barrel (site 154). Seniors Recreation Council of WA thanks all its Sponsors, supporters and volunteers involved in putting this magnicent event together for the seniors of Western Australia. Hugh Rogers State President Seniors Recreation Council of WA Inc
Have a Go at using Social Media
Have a Go Day a LiveLighter Event 12 November 2014 Burswood Park
8.30am to 3.00pm Great Eastern Highway, Burswood
Free activities and information day for over 45s promoting clubs/groups, senior and commercial agencies FREE tea, coffee and bottled water available all day. Food vendors in attendance
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SENIORS RECREATION Council of WA held its Annual General Meeting on 17 September at the Department of Sport and Recreation. The meeting included election of ofcers, reports from SRCWA Branches and project ofcers. The guest speaker was Karine Wong who presented BUPA’s Health Insurance corporate package which is available to anyone who has an association with SRCWA. To take advantage of this offer ring Karine at BUPA on 0434 361 871 or email karine.wong@ bupa.com.au. Say that you received this information from SRCWA and they will provide a comparison between your current supplier and what BUPA is offering. All project ofcers reported that participation in activities had increased. It was great to catch up with our accredited volunteers and to have the opportunity to thank them for their contribution and hard work with the SRCWA events and committees. The LiveLighter Aged Care Games - Rockingham was held on the 3 September. Ten teams coming together from nursing homes, aged care facilities and day centres to compete in games specically designed for people in care. The games were seated hockey, seated pass ball, bean bag toss and skittles, all games were played with great enthusiasm and cheering by the supporters. The games were opened by City of Rockingham Councillor, Joy Stuart who acknowledged the work of the Rockingham Branch of SRCWA and said that the City of Rockingham was pleased to be supporting such a valuable event. Bethanie Kwinana Kingshers took home the perpetual trophy and gold medals with 241 points. Shoalwater Aged Care came second with 210 points and took home a plaque and Silver medals. Third was Care OptionsCare Bears with 207 points. They received a plaque and bronze medals. The Best Presented Team Plaque was won by Southcare. All other players were presented with participants medals. The LiveLighter Aged Care Games - Joondalup was held on 18 September Sixteen teams competed for the perpetual trophy, gold, silver and bronze medallions and the Best Presented Team plaque. All competitors (seniors in care) arriving at Arena Joondalup were greeted by SRC Volunteers and escorted to their team areas. Jim Drysdale entertained participants as they came into the hall and during the lunch break by singing lots of old favorites which were enjoyed by everyone. Over 240 seniors took part in hockey, seated pass
ball, bean bag toss and skittles with lots of encouragement from spectators and carers. One team, Jacaranda Lodge, brought along their own cheer squad, a group of kindergarten children. Everyone loved them. The winning team was RAFFA Merriwa with 313 points. They took home the perpetual trophy and gold medals, Second place went to Vivian Bullwinkel Lodge with 253 points. They took home a plaque and silver medals. Third place went to MYVISTA with 252 points who took home a plaque and bronze medals. The Best Presented Team Plaque was won by Bethanie Beachside. All other players were presented with participants medals. We thank LiveLighter, Healthway, Dept of Sport & Recreation and Dept for Local Government and Communities for their wonderful support of the LiveLighter Aged Care Games. Congratulations to all participants and our appreciation to all the volunteers who helped make the day a wonderful event. Christmas Concert SRCWA will present a Christmas concert at the Hamersley Community Hall, on 10 December 1pm to 4pm. Cost $20pp including refreshments, places are limited so contact the SRCWA ofce on 9492 9772 to book your tickets. This promises to be an afternoon full of fun and entertainment with special rafe prizes and much more. The Concert will feature Brian Letton, Terry Bennets, Ginger Cox, Kate Hindle and other performers. An advertisement with full concert details is included in this edition of Have a Go News. Have a Go Day 2014, 12 November at Burswood Park – 8.30am to 3pm. This year’s theme “Seniors in Sport & Recreation” a Seniors Recreation Council LiveLighter event is what Have a Go Day is all about. The list of activities and entertainment is comprehensive and there should be something for everyone this year. Try bell ringing at the mobile bell tower, football kicking with West Coast Eagles Football Club, cooking demonstrations by Crown Perth, My Kitchen Rules competitors and Bethanie Bake Off, virtual gliding, gaming consoles activities and a wide variety of technology activities and advice. The SES will have a large display of equipment and personnel. As this is during SES week it is a great time to enquire about becoming part of this great service organisation (site 140). Other activities around the grounds include archery, croquet, petanque, canoeing, rock climbing, brain training, various forms of dancing, exercise to music and more. Many sites will have lots of give aways and new this year is promotional cars from Channel 7 and The West Australian newspaper. Entertainment at Sound Shell (site 34) includes Frank Sinatra impersonator, Justin Freind, Westcoast chordsmen, sing-a–long with Jim Drysdale, Bush Poets and Yarn Spinners Society and the Police Pipe Band. Other entertainment around the ground includes
Seniors Recreation Council of WA Inc
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Find us on facebook
All enquiries contact Seniors Recreation Council of WA
Phone 9492 9773 www.srcwa.asn.au
Welcome to your guide to Seniors Recreation Council’s Have a Go Day a LiveLighter Event in BURSWOOD PARK - Wednesday 12 November 2014 SRC Have a Go Day a LiveLighter Event Wednesday 12 November 2014 TIMED ACTIVITIES
SRC Have a Go Day a LiveLighter Event PROGRAMME Highlights 2014 Theme for 2014 Seniors in Sport & Recreation
Athol Wightman 9am, 11.10am, 12.20pm, 2.40pm
Bell Tower-Mobile Belfry 9.20am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 2.10pm
Music based activities commence
Bethanie Bake-off 11am, (see site for further details)
WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners – Sound Shell
Justin Freind (Singer) – Sound Shell
Cockburn Seniors Line Dancing 9.30am, 10.10am, 11.20am, 12.10pm, 1.10pm, 2.10pm
Frank Sinatra & Friends Show – Sound Shell
Day commences
WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners – Sound Shell
Official Welcome - Olympic Statues, site 157 MC Steve Mills & the Hon Tony Simpson MLA,
Have a Go Day Official Walk
Prime Movers, exercise to music – Sound Shell
Drilldance WA 9.40am, 11.20am, 12.20pm
El Caballo Lifestyle Village (Jazz) 9am, 9.50am, 11am, 11.40am, 12.20pm, 1pm, 1.40pm, 2.30pm
Jims’ Country – Sing-a-long – Sound Shell
Esperanto League of WA 10am, 11.40am, 12.40pm, 1.40pm, 2.20pm
West Coast Chordsmen – Sound Shell
Fab Shad Dancers 9.20am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 2.10pm
WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners – Sound Shell
Jim’s Country – Sing-a-long – Sound Shell
Fitness 50 Club 9am, 10am, 11.40am, 12.40pm, 1.40pm
Prime Movers, exercise to music – Sound Shell
Heart Foundation Walk site 8
Frank Sinatra & Friends Show 9.45am (30 minute slot)
Police Pipe Band - Concert – Sound Shell
34 73
Geocaching SRC 9.30am, 11.20am, 1.20pm
Heart Foundation-Walk 1.30pm
Hora Shalom Dances of Israel 9.30am, 10.10am, 11.20am
Jim’s Country – Sing-a-Long 11.35am, (30 minute slot) 12.50pm (30 minute slot)
Justin Freind (Singer) 9.20am (Sound Shell) 10.15am, 11.45am, 1pm, 2.10pm
My Kitchen Rules 1.30pm
Oum Habibi Dance Group 9am, 9.50am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 2.10pm
Over 50’s Ballroom Dancing Inc 9am, 9.50am, 11am, 11.50am, 12.40pm, 1.40pm, 2.30pm
Pole Walking – SRC 9am, 9.50am, 11.10am, 12.10pm, 1.10pm, 2.10pm
Prime Movers Inc 11am, 1.30pm (30 minute slots)
Rock n’Roll Record Collectors Club 9am, 10.10am, 11.50am, 12.40pm, 1.40pm
Saltbush - Entertainers 9.50am, 11am, 12.20pm, 1pm, 1.40pm, 2.30pm
Seniors Line Dancing 9am, 10.10am, 11.40am, 12.40pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm
Square Dancing Society of WA 9.20am, 10.10am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm
Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia 9.40am, 11.20am, 12.20pm, 1.20pm, 2.30pm
WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners 9am, 10.15am, 12.30pm
WA Feldenkrais Guild 9am, 10.10am, 11.40am, 12.40pm, 1.40pm
WA Police Pipe Band 2.10pm for 40 minute concert
WALK - Have a Go Day Over 55 Walking Assn & Heart Foundation 11am
Westcoast Chordsmen 9.40am, 11.20am, 1.20pm, 2.30pm
Westcoast Chordsmen 12.05pm (25 minute slot)
Yoga With Cherry 9.10am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 2.10pm
Steve Mills
Tony Simpson MLA
Seniors Recreation Council Have a Go Day 2014 a LiveLighter Event FOOD VENDORS
VENDOR Australian Mushroom Grower-Food Tasting Chopin Patisserie Crown Perth-Food Tasting Dal Pizzaiolo (pizza) Gordon’s Food Caravan Healthy & Tasty Gozleme Hospitality Tent Have a Go News/882AM 6PR Hospitality Tent Have a Go News/Channel 7 Hospitality Tent Have a Go News/Phoenix Insurance Kernel Corn Kingsley-Woodvale Lions Club - Christmas Cakes & Puddings Lions Club of Canning City-Sausage Sizzle Mondo Community Warriors Perth Coffee Express Perth Coffee Express Simmo’s Mobile Scoop Shop The Spud Wagon Tim’s Ice Creams
SITE ID 62 65 83 107 4 118 75 141 19 78 109 114 82 64 91 100 17 29
Meet Channel 7 Perth personalities - from left to right; Alison Fan, Fat Cat and Ric Ardon
MAJOR PRIZE DRAW First Prize donated by Crown Perth Overnight accommodation for four people at Crown Metropol Perth in two Luxe King Rooms with club level access and full buffet breakfast at Atrium Buffet Valet parking for two vehicles Dinner for four people to the value of $400 at Silks $200 Crown Cash (4 x $50 vouchers) SECOND PRIZE DRAW A $500 Coles/Myer voucher donated by Have a Go News and Kings Tours and Travel
FIFTH PRIZE DRAW $200 Gift Card donated by Sizzler *1 prize per family
WIN WIN WIN: To be in the draw, to win one of these great prizes, simply fill in this form and place in the entry barrel located at Have a Go Day on Wednesday 12 November from 9am to 1.30pm at Burswood Park.
HAVE a Go Day will take place on Wednesday 12 November at the beautiful Burswood parklands on the banks of the Swan River, hosted by the Burswood Park Board. Bruce Hawkins, Burswood Park Board manager says the Board is a strong supporter of the Western Australian seniors community. In addition to Have a Go Day, the Over-55s Seniors Cycling Group comes together to ride around Burswood Park every week, and the over 55 Walking Association and Masters Athletics both hold regular walk/run events utilizing the foreshore dual use paths. Have a Go Day continues to grow in reputation, size and liveliness. It’s now a major part of Seniors’ Week celebrations and is a regular fixture on the Western Australian event calendar – a day where seniors get out and about and celebrate life and living in the great outdoors. And there’s no better place than Burswood Park to enjoy everything that living in Perth has to offer, he said. “We hope Have a Go Day will remind our past visitors of the yearround recreational and leisure options available at Burswood Park and also introduce those who are new to the Park to the variety of activities and experiences. “Our award-winning heritage trail tours have continued to grow in popularity over the past two decades,” he said. Burswood Park volunteer tour hosts conduct free guided walking tours, highlighting Western Australia’s unique flora and fauna and our rich history, including a collection of stunning life-size bronze sculptures of West Australian pioneers. Bookings are essential and can be made by phoning 9361 4475, or join the weekly tour every Wednesday at 10am, departing from the Tourist Information Centre on Resort Drive. “We also have a fun-filled calendar of summer events, from our annual Carols in the Park to the popular Movies by Burswood outdoor movie event for charity.” The annual free concert, Music by Moonlight, is also proving a popular event at the Park. Featuring the WA Youth Orchestra and the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, concert-goers enjoy a selection of orchestral and operatic pieces with the theme of ‘Classic Movie Themes’. Last year’s event attracted 4,000 spectators. Visit the website. www.burswoodpark.wa.gov.au, for latest news and the complete seasonal program of Park events. “We hope to see you sometime over the coming summer season. In the meantime, enjoy Have a Go Day and while there experience the beauty of Burswood Park – ’the peoples park‘ located right on the doorstep of our wonderful city.,” said Mr. Hawkins
NAME: .............................................................................. CONTACT NUMBER: ..................................................... ADDRESS: .......................................................................
FOURTH PRIZE DRAW A family pass (two grandparents and up to four grandchildren) to a VIP function on the grounds of Government House from 6pm to 7pm. Then our guests will be escorted to special reserved seating along St. George’s Terrace to watch the RAC Channel 7 Christmas Pageant, 7.30pm on Saturday 6 December 2014. This prize is donated by Channel 7.
BARRY Felstead Chief Executive Officer Australian Resorts welcomes readers to the Seniors Recreation Council’s Have-a-Go Day for 2014 on behalf of Crown Perth. “Crown Perth has a very special relationship with West Australian seniors, and we are proud to have been a major sponsor of Have-a-Go Day for the last 20 years. During that time, we have seen the event grow and become a true highlight of the ‘Seniors Week’. “I’d like to congratulate the Seniors Recreation Council on their hard work and efforts in establishing Have-a-Go Day as a key milestone event on the community calendar and I invite you all to visit our Crown Perth marquee this year. “As always we have plenty of fun activities, food demonstrations and tastings, lots of chances to win great prize vouchers plus our fabulous promotional hosts and Crown Bus team will be on hand to tell you about all the exciting events we have coming up at the resort. “You can also find out about being a Crown Club member, which means you are rewarded for having fun at Crown Perth. It its absolutely free to join, and you can earn points whenever you dine, stay or play. The friendly Crown Club team can give you all the information you need. “You can catch the free shuttle bus to Burswood Park from the resort and Burswood Train Station, then following your day in the park you can stroll back to the resort and have a drink or meal in one of our fantastic restaurants.” There truly is something for everyone at Crown Perth – the resort boasts some of the best restaurants in Perth with globally recognised brands such as Neil Perry’s Rockpool Bar & Grill, Nobu and Guillaume Brahimi’s Bistro Guillaume but for a more casual dining option, why not try Carvers on the Casino floor which is Perth’s best value buffet or you can choose from tasty dishes at the Asian inspired 88 Noodle Bar or enjoy flavoursome pastas, wood-fired pizzas and much more at Junction Grill. “Again, on behalf of Crown Perth and all my colleagues, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful day and encourage you all to Have-a-Go and enjoy the fantastic line-up of entertainment and activities. “We look forward to welcoming you to Crown Perth,” said Mr Felstead.
Welcome to Have a Go Day 2014
Have a Go Day - a LiveLighter Event MAJOR RAFFLE FORM*
THIRD PRIZE DRAW Apple iPad donated by Telstra Carousel Store
Welcome to Have a Go Day from Crown Perth
For further information on how to plan your way to Have a Go Day 2014, ring Transperth on 13 62 13 or visit www.transperth.wa.gov.au. During Seniors Week 2014 (9 to 16 November) all public transport is free for seniors.
Seniors Recreation Council Have a Go Day 2014 a LiveLighter EVENT PARTICIPANTS with SITE NUMBERS 882AM 6PR Aboriginal Health Council WA Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Absolutely Reliable House Sitters Act-Belong-Commit Active 4 Life Advocare Agelink Theatre Inc AIM Over 50 Archery Group Inc Alzheimers WA Apia Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA Assistance Dogs Australia Asthma Foundation WA Athol Wightman Entertainer Auscare Group Australian Facetors Guild (WA Branch) Australian Hearing Australian Historic Telephone Society (WA Branch) Australian Model Ship Society Australian-Britain Society WA (Inc) Baptistcare Bell Tower-Mobile Belfry Belswan Lifestyle Estate Bendigo Bank Bethanie Bethanie Bake-Off Beyond Blue Bicycles For Humanity (WA) Inc Bidet Supplies WA Bonsai Society of WA Bowls WA Breastscreen WA British Ex-Services Assn British Pensions in Australia Bupa Australia Burswood Park Board Bus Preservation Society of WA (Inc) Cancer Council of WA - Sunsmart Van Canoeing: UWA Sport & Recreation Assn Canoeing-DSR Caravan WA Carers WA Carramar Evergreen Golf Club Casey Australia Tours Channel Seven Perth Chum Taylor City of Gosnells City of Subiaco
141 15 15 172 60 27 7 150 39 86 2 41 104 173 141 35 66 45 60 23 143 46 119 99 116 179 141 53 59 42 174 151 15 110 177 50 3 37 48 22 22 126 130 128 102 154 10 110 31
Climbing Wall Cockburn Seniors Combined Probus Club of East Perth Come Out Camping Older Adults (COCOA) Commonwealth Respite Centre-ILC Conservation Volunteers Continence Advisory Service Cool Room-Auswest Cool Room Hire COTA WA Country Women’s Association of WA Croquet Club Nedlands Croquet Club Sorrento Crown Perth Curtin FM 100.1 Department of Commerce Department of Local Government & Communities Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Diabetes WA Doctor Home Visits - WADMS Drilldance WA Dryandra Woodland Village-Lions DSR Aboriginal Sports Duyfken 1606 Foundation eFriends Project El Caballo Lifestyle Village ENTERTAINMENT - Sound Shell Esperanto League of WA Inc. Fab Shad Dancers First Aid-Royal Life Saving Society - Site 1 First Aid-Royal Life Saving Society - Site 2 First Aid-Royal Life Saving Society - Site 3 Fitness 50 Club FOOD: Australian Mushroom Growers FOOD: Chopin Patisserie FOOD: Dal Pizzaiolo FOOD: Gordons Food Van FOOD: Healthy & Tasty Gozleme FOOD: Kernel Corn FOOD: Kingsley-Woodvale Lions Club FOOD: Lions Club of Canning City FOOD: Mondo Community Warriors FOOD: Perth Coffee Express Site 1 FOOD: Perth Coffee Express Site 2 FOOD: Simmos Mobile Scoop Shop FOOD: The Spud Wagon FOOD: Tims Ice Creams
146 85 120 43 98 25 44 161 93 113 1 1 83 38 164 116 15 60 81 110 109 15 139 171 176 34 165 13 21 71 144 6 62 65 107 4 118 78 109 114 82 64 91 100 17 29
Frank Sinatra & Friends Show Friendship Force of Perth Inc Geocaching - SRC Girl Guides State Trefoil Gliding Club of WA Cunderdin Harold Hawthorne Community Centre Have a Go News Heart Foundation WA Heart Foundation WA Walk Hillside Buggies Hora Shalom: Dances of Israel Hospitality Tent Have a Go News /Phoenix Insurance Hospitality Tent Have a Go News /882AM 6PR Hospitality Tent Have a Go News /Channel 7 Independent Living Centre Information Booth DSR Inner Wheel Jim Sings Country Juniper Central Just Better Care Justin Freind Kings Tours & Travel Land Sailing Clubs of WA Lions Cancer Institute Lions Club International 201W1 Lions Hearing Foundation Lions Save Sight Foundation Mareena Purslowe & Associates Masters Swimming WA Maylands Autumn Club Inc McCusker Research Foundation Men In Harmony Barbershop Chorus Men of the Trees MG Car Club of WA Inc Midland Men’s Shed (inc) Mineralogical Society of WA My Kitchen Rules – Demonstration National Lifestyle Villages National Seniors Australia National Service Reunion WA National Stroke Foundation WA North Coast Marine Modellers Nyoongar Sports Association Official Welcome Older Peoples Rights Service Older Women’s Network WA Inc Oum Habibi Senior Dance Group Over 50’s Ballroom Dancing Club
34 131 73 30 55 132 141 8 8 49 70 19 75 141 97 154 134 34 116 168 141 142 110 109 109 108 109 103 113 113 109 135 51 36 5 66 141 117 149 87 96 23 15 157 7 138 156 84
Over 55 Cycling Club (Perth) Inc Over 55 Walking Assn Inc PA Van Peel Collectors Club People Who Care Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group Perth Male Voice Choir Association Inc Perth PC Users Group Petanque WA Philatelic Society of Western Australia Planning for the Next Season Playgroup WA PMH Foundation PMH Volunteers Inc Pole Walking - SRCWA Prime Movers Probus Association of WA RAOB Red Cross Red Hatted Groups of Australia Repipe PTY LTD Retirees WA Inc Rock n’ Roll Record Collectors Club Rottnest Voluntary Guides Association Saltbush Salvation Army Scarboro Toyota Scrapbooking/Cardmaking - Close To My Heart Seniors Card Centre Seniors Exergaming WA Seniors Line Dancing Seniors Recreation Council of WA Seniors Recreation Council-Branches SES Canning/South Perth Shelter Box Australia Shoprider Mobility Shuttle Bus Stop Simtec Phones Sleep Disorders Australia Solariscare Foundation Sound For Life Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc Southsiders Prostate Cancer Support Group Square Dance Society of WA SRC Rest Marquee Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Tech Savvy Seniors Telethon Speech & Hearing Centre for Children WA Inc
58 68 160 87 26 113 166 167 67 87 14 178 163 127 74 32 121 113 95 133 125 152 87 136 69 153 18 169 116 76 112 72 72 140 94 170 181 106 60 162 47 90 124 155 160 61 77
Telstra The End of Life Care Tin Collectors Club Toilets Toilets Toilets Tourism Malaysia Transperth Travel Key Traveljoy Trinity School for Seniors University of the Third Age - U3A UWA School of Medicine & Pharmacology Villa Carlotta Travel Vintage Wireless and Gramophone Club VIP Hospitality Tent Volunteer Task Force WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners Assn Inc WA Card Collectors Society Inc WA Classic Speedway WA Feldenkrais Guild WA Genealogical Society WA Historical Cycle Club Inc WA Lapidary and Rock Hunting Club WA Men’s Shed (Inc) WA Police Pipe Band WALK - Have a Go Day Official Walk Warwick Lifeball Group Water Tank - drinking water Water Tank - drinking water West Australian West Australian Participant Pool West Coast Eagles Football Club West Coast Metal Detector Club Westcoast Chordsmen Womans Health & Family Services Women’s Health & Wellbeing - Brain Training Woodturners Assn of WA -Gosnells Group Xbox Kinect Activities Yoga With Cherry Yorgum Aboriginal Corporation
88 105 87 24 101 180 148 115 175 80 56 52 122 111 60 75 147 33 54 11 40 123 9 66 5 34 157 110 20 89 28 137 129 158 92 16 145 159 76 63 15
SRC Have a Go Day 2014 a LiveLighter Event HEALTH CHECKS BUPA Australia
Hearing testing - Lions Hearing Foundation
Cancer Council of WA – Sun Smart
Seniors Recreation Council Have a Go Day 2014 a LiveLighter EVENT ACTIVITIES with SITE NUMBERS Active 4 Life-Pole Walking AIM Over 50 Archery Group Inc Assistance Dogs Australia Athol Wightman Entertainer Australian Facetors Guild (WA Branch) Australian Model Ship Society Australian Mushroom Growers Bell Tower-Mobile Belfry Bethanie Bake-Off Bowls WA
27 39 104 141 66 23 62 119 141 151
BUPA Australia-Health Checks Canoeing- UWA Sport & Recreation Assn. Canoeing-DSR Climbing Wall Cockburn Seniors Linedancing Croquet Club Nedlands Croquet Club Sorrento Crown Perth DANCELINES - Solutions in Syncopation Drilldance WA El Caballo Lifestyle Village- Jazz Band Esperanto League of WA Inc. - Language Lesson Fab Shad Dancers Fitness 50 Club Frank Sinatra & Friends Show Geocaching - SRC Gliding Club of WA Heart Foundation WA Walk
50 22 22 146 85 1 1 83 12 110 176 165 13 6 34 73 55 8
Hora Shalom: Dances of Israel 70 Jim Sings Country- Entertainment 34 Justin Freind- Entertainment 141 Men In Harmony Barbershop Chorus 135 Mineralogical Society of WA 66 My Kitchen Rules - Demonstration 141 National Lifestyle Villages - Card Games, Carpet Bowls & Pool Table 117 North Coast Marine Modellers 23 Nyoongar Sports Association 15 Official Welcome 157 Oum Habibi Senior Dance Group 156 Over 50s Ballroom Dancing Club 84 Over 55 Cycling Club (Perth) Inc 58 Perth PC Users Group 167 Petanque WA 67 Pole Walking - SRCWA 74 Prime Movers 32
Rock ‘n’ Roll Record Collectors Club Saltbush- Entertainment Scrapbooking/Cardmaking - Close To My Heart Seniors Exergaming WA Seniors Line Dancing SES Canning/South Perth Sound For Life Square Dance Society of WA Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Tech Savvy Seniors Telstra- Technology Van Trinity School for Seniors - Education Activities University of the Third Age - U3A- Mahjong WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners Assn Inc WA Feldenkrais Guild WA Lapidary and Rock Hunting Club
87 69 169 76 112 140 47 155 61 77 88 56 52 33 40 66
WA Police Pipe Band 34 WALK - Have a Go Day-Over 55 Walking Assn & Heart Foundation 157 West Australian Participant Pool 137 West Coast Eagles Football Club - Recreational Activity 129 West Coast Metal Detector Club 158 Westcoast Chordsmen 92 Women’s Health & Wellbeing - Brain Training 145 Woodturners Assn of WA Gosnells Group 159 Xbox Kinect Activities 76 Yoga With Cherry 63
Where is that heritage building?
Heritage Corner Come along and enjoy Perth Heritage Days
57 Murray Street, Perth IN 2009, INDEPENDENT, not for prot organisation, Heritage Perth hosted the rst Perth Heritage Days. Now in its sixth year, it has become Perth’s largest and most inclusive FREE heritage event. There is something for everyone and it is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages to rediscover the discovered. Two extremely signicant anniversaries occur this year; the centenary of the outbreak of World War I, and the 75th anniversary of the start of WW II. These world wide events impacted on the lives of people, cities and history in unimaginable ways and Perth was no different. In reection and with respect, there will be a theme for the 2014 Perth Heritage Days…“Perth at the
Outbreak of War”. During the 20 years leading up to World War I, the rst gold boom had transformed Perth from a sleepy country town, whose modest buildings were dominated by the relative grandeur of Government House and Perth Town Hall into a thriving and busy city. With the boom came a rush of new buildings which gave Perth’s still un-metalled streets an air of rened elegance. The war however changed all that. With 10 per cent of the population, many of them tradesmen and labourers, away at the front, the burden of ‘keeping Perth going’ fell to those left behind. Mining declined and building work in the city all but ceased. As part of this year’s event, Heritage
Perth will stage a photographic exhibition that will take us back to 1914 and show us how people lived at that time. The exhibition will be held in Burt Hall at St George’s Cathedral. Perth has some fascinating museums which are not normally open at weekends, but are throwing open their doors for Perth Heritage Days. People wishing to take a walking tour are spoilt for choice. There will be thought provoking indigenous tours, guided tours by costumed interpreters through St George’s Cathedral and much more. For lovers of cricket, the WACA tour is a must and The National Trust of Australia (WA) is presenting ‘Dark Past, Bright Future’. This is the rst opportunity to take a look
inside 57 Murray Street, a recently restored National Trust property with a history that dates back to the commencement of the health administration of Perth in 1911. This building will soon be lled with ofce workers so it will never again be seen and is a denite ‘not to be missed’ over the weekend. If you prefer to sit back and relax and let the stories of our history and heritage wash over you, there are some fascinating talks scheduled. The honourable Ted Egan AO is a name familiar to most Australians as a legendary folk singer who has devoted his life to the Australian way of life. Mr Egan will be giving a presentation, The ANZACs 100 Years on - The History of Australia and NZ in WWI 1914 – 1918. Well known historian Kris Bizzaca will reect on 100 years of the Red Cross and historical ction writer and lecturer at Edith Cowan University Leigh Straw will take us on a journey entitled ‘Drunks, Pets and Harlots’, describing some of the notorious women of Perth during the war years. World expert in submarine archaeology and a member of the team investigating Australia’s Gallipoli submarine, Dr Ian MacLeod will give an illustrated presentation on the investigations into the historic
wreck, HMAS AE2. Government House will present a fascinating tribute to the war years including entertainment from the era and a WWI Camp in the gardens. See how the World Wars affected both the house, and its residents. For the rst time during a Perth Heritage Days event, Parliament House will be open. They will present a programme of activities which commemorate the men and women who served in the two World Wars, as well as exploring the role of Parliament and its members in responding to the war effort. Between 9am and 12noon, 882 6PR’s Bob Maumill will be broadcasting live from Parliament House and as always, he will have a few surprises. There is so much to see and do across the weekend, so don’t miss the chance to rediscover the discovered, during Perth Heritage Days Saturday 18, and Sunday 19 October 2014. This is a FREE family event. The published program will be available from 8 October at various locations around Perth, as a free smartphone app and online at www.heritageperth. com For updates and event news follow Facebook www. facebook.com/HeritagePerth or twitter.com/heritageperth
We are giving readers the opportunity to win a copy of Warren Duffy’s book, Lost Perth. To be in the draw to win, identify where the heritage building pictured above is located in Perth. To enter, email
[email protected] and include the answer in the subject line or address an envelope to Heritage Corner Comp c/- Have a Go News PO Box 1042 West Leederville WA 6901 with your answer and contact details on the back. Only over 45s are eligible. Competition ends 9/11/14.
Answer to Have a Go News’ September Where is that Heritage Building? competition WD & HO Wills Building, corner Milligan and Murray Street
Where to GO? What to DO? Subiaco Craft Collectibles and Community Fair 2014
THE ROTARY Club of Matilda Bay hosts the annual Subiaco Craft Collectibles and Community Fair 2014 on Sunday 26 October, at Oak Lawn, University of Western Australia, Hackett Drive, Crawley; 9am to 4pm. Entry donation of $5 per adult goes to charity and children under 12 years are free. There is plenty of free
parking available. Free rafe draws will be held every hour. Entertainment includes Scotch College Pipe Band (opening act), Welcome to Country and Aboriginal Dances, Classical guitar soloist, WA Performing School, Mirrabooka Senior High School Guitar group, and the Kizzi Jazz Group. The fair is the major fun-
draising event by the Rotary Club of Matilda Bay and all volunteers give freely of their time during the day. The major beneciaries are the University Camp for Kids, King Edward Memorial Hospital Rose Garden Maintenance Program, Homeless in Subiaco, Rotary Mental Health and Drug Rehabilitation, Foodbank, Shel-
Parliament House is proud to be part of Perth Heritage Days
Free tours of Parliament House
See WWI & WWII displays. Parades by the 10th Light Horse Troop and Westralian Great War History Assn.
Sunday 19 October Building entry from 10am last access - 3.30pm 9222 7259
ter Box and Wheelchairs for Kids. Kids’ activities are supervised by the University Camp for Kids. These include face painting, colouring in competitions, ballooning and lots of games. Over 100 stalls of local handcrafted and unique products; community stalls and delicious wares are there to whet the appetite. A sausage sizzle is located in the “Snack Food Village” to give you something to nibble on while browsing along the avenues of craft. It will be a great family day so come along and support this community event and purchase an early Christmas gift. To book a stall visit the craft fair website – http:// www.subiacocraftfair.org. au or email
[email protected] HAGN#084/271
Proudly supporting
Valuer on site both days Admission $6 for adults, children under 16 free. Selection of food and drinks available. Free parking onsite. site. South Perth Community Centre, corner of Sandgate Street and South Terrace, South Perth Saturday 22 Nov, 9.30am - 3pm Sunday 23 Nov, 9.30am - 3pm
Sunday 26 October 9am to 4pm
move forward past the fear of the unknown. Ms Brennan said the response of the course was fantastic and many participants were grateful that they were able to voice their feelings, concerns and questions amongst people who understood what they were going through. Relationship Australia’s next course for seniors addresses one of the most signicant changes in our lives – retirement. ‘Retirement Transition’ will help couples to prepare for the years after retirement and any concerns this landmark event may raise. Ms Brennan knows change can be difcult for anyone, but mature-age adults are particularly affected as they are more likely to live alone and often have a limited social network. This is on top of the other challenges that come with ageing such as physically slowing down, reduced economic resources, health concerns and the illness or death of spouses, partners and friends. Relationships Australia now provides a place for seniors to feel at ease and to share their concerns with others during these new courses focused on the unique challenges of ageing, she said.
Get swinging
GARY LYNN (pictured left) will be appearing at the following venues, performing a variety of songs from the swing years featuring tunes from the likes of Perry Como, Bobby Darin, Andy Williams, Dean Martin,
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (a play)
ENTRY DONATION: $5 (adult) FREE (Children under 12 years) ★ For info visit www.subiacocraftfair.org.au ★
Doors open 30 mins prior to the show’s start. Refreshments will be available before the show and at intermission.
21, 28, 29 November and 5 December @ 8PM MATINEES: 22, 23, 29 November and 6 December @ 2PM TICKETS: $20 Adults $15 Children under 18 Based on Roald Dahl’s classic novel of the same name, this play adaptation is directed by Lys Tickner. Features all your favourite characters! HAGN#084/271
All proceds fund research that will enable treatment, prevention and cures for inherited retinal diseases.
RELATIONSHIPS Australia WA is looking to include more courses designed especially for seniors, run by seniors, following on from the recent success of the new course ‘From Woe to Go: Surviving Loss in Later Years’ . Senior educator Elizabeth Brennan said it was important that specic support is available to older Australians to help them through the major changes in their lives. “We realised there was a demand for more programs suited to seniors, so they could talk with others who may be going through similar situations in a comfortable and safe environment,” she said. “Being in a group of people their own age and speaking in a language and pace they can understand helps older individuals move forward and embrace change.” ‘From Woe to Go: Surviving Loss in Later Years’ aided individuals in dealing with the loss of a partner, either from death or relationship breakdown or physical disability. The half-day workshop explored these traumatic circumstances and gave participants various skills to enable them to understand their stages of grief and begin to
Handmade Craft Antiques & Collectables Vintage Market
Help available to deal with changes in seniors’ lives
BOOK ONLINE www.roleystonetheatre.com.au or phone 0424 335 964 ROLEYSTONE THEATRE, 587 Brookton Hwy, Roleystone
Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and more… Saturday 25 October Paddy Malones Tavern, Reid Promenade, Joondalup 5pm start Tuesday 4 November Mt Henry Tavern, Manning Road, Como Melbourne Cup Day Bookings 9450 7709 Friday 14 November Dome Café, Kingsley Drive, Kingsley 6pm - 8.30pm Friday 9 January 2015 Dome Cafe Kingsley Drive, Kingsley 6pm - 8.30pm If your club or group would like to book him for a performance call Gary on 9206 1362 or 0437 052 629 or visit his website at www. garylynn.net.
healthy living
The Brain - a complex organ with many facets
THE BRAIN is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body. It is made up of specialized areas that work together to control our bodily functions. Part of the reason I am writing about the brain is because when things go wrong in the brain all sorts of unusual behaviours and bodily
dysfunctions occur. Being aware of the brain structure and having a small insight into what the parts of the brain do, may help you or someone close to you understand why certain things happen following a stroke, aneurysm or even brain cancer. There are too many medical conditions to men-
tion that affect the brain. The cortex is the outer most layers of the brain cells. Thinking and voluntary movements begin in the cortex. The brain stem is the bit between the spinal cord and the rest of the brain. It controls breathing and sleep. Basal ganglia are the clus-
$24.95 for 12 months
✁ Have a Go News is available on a 12 month or 24 month subscription. This will ensure the delivery to your home of a copy of each issue as well as chances to enter our monthly competitions. $24.95 for 12 months or $49 for 24 months, covers postage and packaging from your rst delivered copy. Simply ll in your details, cut out and send to: ‘Subscriptions’ Have a Go News, PO Box 1042, West Leederville WA 6901 or email payment details to
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Jeanette Woolerton by Jeanette Woolerton YES, it IS rocket science When next you savour a rocket and pear salad, tossed with walnuts, goats cheese and pomegranate, drizzled with virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, consider this: Arugula, also known as rocket or rucola, (a lesser known cruciferous vegetable) provides many of the same benets as the better-known vegetables in the same family, such as broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts. Arugula contains very high nitrate levels (more than 250 mg/100 g) which have been proven to lower blood pressure, reduce the amount of oxygen needed during exercise and enhance athletic performance. Arugula also contains one gram of protein, 0.3g of fat, and 1.5g of carbohydrate (including 0.6g of bre and 0.8 g of sugar) per 100g of fresh leaves. Consuming two cups of rocket leaves will provide 20 per cent of your daily vi-
tamin A requirements, over 50 per cent of vitamin K and 8 per cent of your vitamin C, foliate and calcium. This is ‘rocket fuel’ in its purest form! For a comprehensive overview of the many health benets of this humble vegetable, please refer to http:// www.medicalnewstoday. com/articles/282769.php Power plant Lupus, also known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), is a progressive disease in which the immune system attacks itself, causing damage to healthy tissue, cells and organs. There is no cure for lupus, but there are medications that can help manage its symptoms. However, these drugs cause side effects and increase the risk of other health problems. Corticosteroids, which are often used to treat lupus, suppress the immune system and increase infection risk for the patient. Furthermore, steroids can promote an array of side effects, including weight gain, increased blood pressure, mood swings and glaucoma. As a result, many lupus sufferers face a ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ dilemma regarding the side effects of conventionally managing their condition. Could a plant-derived compound offer an alternative treatment option? The good news is that recently, researchers from the University of Houston, HAGN#084/271
up tai chi, kinesiology, co-ordination, balance and core strengthening activities. After completing the movement-based activities the group enjoys some refreshments before engaging in quieter activities such as jigsaw puzzles, painting, knitting, card games, board games or just listening to music. As the weeks progress the sessions became very socially interactive, with lots of fun and laughter. Participation in the program involved a two hour assessment at the beginning and then after three weeks and after three months. The outcomes from 2013 group, consisting of four participants, revealed improvements in balance, condence, mood, energy levels and auditory processing. One partcipant found the program really did support her wellbeing and has continued her listening with a home program. Other members of Mary’s group are currently undergoing their post three months assessment but all have reported similar benets to Mary along with improved concentration, tolerance of others, increased reading spead, motivation and reduced anxiety. This has helped to reduce tinnitus in other participants. Come along and see us at the “Have a Go Day” or register to attend one of our free information sesssion at Sound for Life in November, or call Gillian Baker Co-Director Sound for Life on 9329 9900.
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Texas, have discovered a more natural treatment for the disease that uses a plant extract. So far, it has proved effective and has produced no signicant side effects in mice. The answer lies in http:// www.medicalnewstoday. com/articles/282822.php Hop to it A new study has revealed that Xanthohumol, a type of avonoid found in hops and beer, improve cognitive function in young mice, but not in older animals. The ndings are another step toward understanding, and ultimately reducing the degradation of memory that happens with age in many mammals species, including humans. Xanthohumol has been of particular interest due to
what they do know and remember. The brain is a very complex structure and I have simplied this information a lot, but I hope you get some understanding from it and ultimately it increases your awareness of what your loved one is going through so you can offer reassurance and understanding. Thanks for reading this! Jemma Aldridge Physiotherapist NB: Please note that the information in this article is of a general nature. It is not specic advice to any individual. Readers should consult their general practitioner or other health professional for an assessment and specic advice with regard to their particular condition.
its possible value in treating metabolic syndrome, a condition associated with obesity, high blood pressure and other concern (including age-related decits in memory). The compound has been used successfully to lower body weight and blood sugar in a rat model of obesity. This snippet of information could be a great conversation starter while drinking beer with friends – if the sugar in beer causes weight gain, perhaps the hop component could slow it down! For more facts on this great avonoid, please refer to http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140922130753. htm Cheers!
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• Abnormal perception of time. Family, friends and carers can help by:– Trying to encourage awareness of the left side of the person’s body, stroking or holding hands on the left side and using a pillow to support the left upper limb in a position where the patient can see his or her arm. Giving reminders to look at the left lower limb when trying to transfer from a bed to a chair or trying to walk. Keep instructions very short and ask questions one at a time, allowing the person time to answer without interruptions. Reassure them with a clock and calendar that gets updated so they are aware what the time and date is. Place family photos around so they can feel connected and comforted by
Healthy news
Put a spring in your step! - Improving your wellbeing and listening skills
“BEFORE I did the Integrated Listening Program at Sound for Life in Myaree, my tinnitus was getting worse. I was also recovering from a fall”. Mary who was 85 years old, had seen last year’s editorial in the Have a Go News about the benets of Auditory Stimulation and the request for seniors to be involved with Sound for Life’s pilot research project. Mary contacted us and became one of our eight new 2014 participants to complete a 10 week auditory stimulation program called the Integrated Listening Program. Three months after completing the program Mary reported that her tinnitus was still there but it was dampened down considerably. Her memory had improved, she was more mobile, and her balance was much better. She felt she had more energy, her listening skills had improved and she was able to think more clearly. To date 12 seniors have completed the clinic based program and six seniors are doing a home based program. We currently have three new participants and a previous client undergoing another 20 session clinic based program. Participants enjoy a variety of activities during the 1½ hour session while they listen to modied classical music delivered through specially designed head phones. One session a week is taken by an ocupational therapist who includes some warm
to see the following signs and symptoms in the left side of the body: Parietal lobe • Inattentiveness to the left side because they do not have full sensation of the left side of the body, in extreme cases a numb left side of the body. • Loss of vision in the left lower quarter as some of the eye’s (optic) pathways pass from the eye through the parietal lobe to the occipital lobe. • Decreased eye/hand coordination due to altered vision and sensory feedback from the left arm or leg. • Difculty with reading, writing and doing maths. Temporal lobe • Hearing loss • Difculty following complex instructions • Loss of short term memory • Rage/aggressive behaviour
Left to right; Jemma Aldridge - The brain is a complex organ
ter of structures in the centre of the brain. They coordinate messages between the different areas of the brain. The cerebellum is at the base of the brain and it is responsible for coordination and balance. The brain is divided into lobes. The frontal lobe is responsible for problem solving and judgement and motor function. The parietal lobe manages sensation, handwriting and body position. The temporal lobe is involved in hearing and memory. The occipital lobe contains the brains visual processing system. See the image above. If we take the example of a person that has had a right sided stroke in the parietal/ temporal lobe you are likely
Lattitude Lakelands takes top spot!
Peet Latitude resident, Conny LATTITUDE Lakelands lage’s clubhouse facilities has been crowned the best including a bowling green, over-55s community in lap pool, café, library, gym Western Australia by the and dining facilities. It was this high level of Urban Development Instiamenity and quality that tute of Australia (WA). The Peet Limited com- didn’t escape Conny (66) munity received Awards and Renie Reopen (69) for Excellence for its qual- who have lived at Lattiity and attractive homes, tude Lakelands for three and outstanding attention years now – and haven’t looked back. to detail. “Lattitude was the rst Judges were particularly impressed with the vil- village we looked at near
Mandurah and it ended up being the one. It’s such a nice village with lovely homes – everything is new,” Conny said. One of main reasons the Reopens chose Lattitude was the ability to own the title on the home and land – which sets Lattitude apart from many other over-55s communities. Conny also loves spending time with her neighbours, and recently took the lead on the community’s social calendar as chairman of the Social Committee. “We’ve met so many friends. Everyone chips in and helps and, when someone is sick, everyone comes together. You don’t get that in normal suburbia,” she said. Other over-55s can also join this award-winning community, and will go into the draw to win a $1,000 Coles Myer voucher if they visit Lattitude
Are you thinking of setting up a self-managed super fund, or want support in managing your existing SMSF or investment portfolio?
before 1 November 2014*. With ve stunning designs to choose from, each home includes large showers, purpose-built kitchens, wide doors and corridors, and high-level power points. The rst three stages of the community are now sold, with only two readyto-move-into homes remaining for sale in the earlier Stage 4 release. These homes are priced from $365,000. Construction of 26 houses in Stage 5 has begun and will be ready for handover in the new year. Interested purchasers can secure one of eight remaining houses off-the-plan, with prices starting from $369,000. Contact Sales Representative Cath Acton for more information on 1800 678 683 or catha@ peet.com.au. Alternatively, visit lattitudelakelands. com.au. *Terms and conditions apply. Visit lattitudelakelands.com.au for more information.
This is the third in the series of articles from Hartley’s.
the trustee of their fund. Whilst there is a requirement to have a written investment strategy, the members have the capacity to make all of the investment decisions for their fund, limited only by their own perception of what is prudent. In practice, however, most people who use a SMSF to good effect seek the services of specialist providers to ensure that they keep their fund compliant with the regulator’s (the ATO) rules and requirements, and professional investment advisers to help them construct and manage their fund’s portfolio. Apart from having direct control over management and investment decisions, members’ life insurance premiums can be paid via the fund and are usually tax deductible to the fund, and all of the members can benet proportionally from the portfolio’s investment decisions. This means that a smaller member balance can be managed in combination with a larger member balance and not suffer the cost inefciencies of being a separate small portfolio. For example, a husband and wife may have member balances where one is signicantly larger than the other. The smaller balance benets from being combined with the larger balance when managing the investments within their SMSF, but each member still has their own proportional balance within the fund. All superannuation funds have a number of xed costs, so it is important to ensure that a small APRA fund or SMSF will be efcient before embarking on this course of action. However, once properly advised, many SMSF owners enjoy a strong relationship with their advisers and reap the rewards over many years, with a minimum amount of disruption to their lives.
WE SPOKE last month of the different proprietary vehicles in which you can hold your super and have a fund manager do it all for you. This includes the use of either a single or multiple fund managers and industry or major employer funds. For those who want greater control over where and how their money is invested, there are two avenues to use: Small APRA (Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority) funds, where you utilise the services of a specialist proprietary trustee company, and Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF), where the members take the role (and responsibilities) of the trustee. Small APRA fund trustees generally allow the member to choose the specic investments that they wish to hold, and usually put limits on the percentage exposure that the fund’s member accounts can have in each investment and asset class. They also generally limit the exposures to the various risk levels from cash through the range to highly speculative, and some may not allow highly speculative investments at all. In part, this is because they are the trustees, and therefore have the responsibility not only to the members but also to those who may inherit the super balance. The greatest degree of exibility and investment choice can be achieved through the use of a SMSF, where the members (a maximum of four members are permitted) are required to be either the trustees of their fund, or directors of the special purpose company established to be
Stay at home in a new house
Visit our website or call the private portfolio specialists for a free consultation to discuss whether a SMSF is right for you.
Newman Realty is a small family owned real estate company based in the northern suburbs of Perth. Unlike larger real estate chains, we pride ourselves on the honest and respectful service that we provide to our clients. List and sell your property in the months of October/November and we will give you up to $5,000 off your sales commission. *conditions apply
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STAY at Home Seniors provide an exclusive service for Perth Over 55s, who live on a block with development potential, and would like a brand new home built at the rear of their existing home. We understand there are many people throughout Perth who currently live on a large development block. And most would like to continue living in their existing suburb, due to their familiarity with their neighbourhood. We have talked to numerous over 55s’ from suburbs all over Perth who mentioned the lack of housing options in their existing neighbourhood. The vast majority wanted to stay in their existing suburb. Stay at Home Seniors offer a great service for those who would love a brand new home on their existing block. No deposit, and no progress payments are re-
Contact Debbie Newman on Co
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Greg Soudure and Sonya Soudure are representatives of Hartleys Limited (“Hartleys”). Hartleys Limited ABN 33 104 195 057 Participant of the ASX Group AFSL No 230052
Making super simple
• Don’t feel right about the nancial advice you were given by your bank, nancial adviser or stockbroker?
quired throughout the entire process. Most importantly, clients receive cash back at settlement. This is an example of how it works. Stay at Home Seniors agree to purchase your existing home for (say) $500,000 based on sales evidence and independent valuations. We also build you a brand new home on your rear block for $450,000. On completion of your new home, you receive the keys plus $50,000 cash back. That is the difference between the sale price of your old home and purchase price of your new home. We have a very simple six step process, where each client is in control throughout the entire process. For more information, please give our team a call on 1300 669 438 or visit www. over55perth.com. HAGN#052/271
• Have you lost money as a result of this? • Was the risk of the investment (on which you lost money) explained to you before the investment was made? • Did you know that you may be able to seek nancial restitution? EXAMPLE: APARTMENT 3
Phone: 6102 0833 Email: fasa@nancialadvocacy.com.au Website: www.nancialadvocacy.com.au
What is FASA? FASA stands for Financial Advocacy Services Australia This means we represent your case for nancial restitution as a result of inappropriate advice. We walk with you, step by step, through the dispute resolution process. Our background in nance gives you a competitive advantage in putting your case forward and resolving it in the most efcient manner possible. Because we advocate on your behalf, we help to alleviate the stress associated in dealing directly with a nancial services provider and an external dispute resolution scheme if required. We charge a fee for service. We are professionally qualied. But we are not lawyers.
Duyfken begins her summer on the Swan
CEO Peter Bowman at the recent Duyfken Ret DUYFKEN’S sails have not graced the waters of the Swan River since 2006, as regular readers will recall. Then the Duyfken captured the imagination of Perth people by taking them back 400 years in time, to a very different era. A team of 30 volunteers have been hard at work in the Kailis Marine ship-yard throughout September pre-
paring Duyfken for her return. This classic ship has undergone a massive transformation, just like going to a beauty parlour. The hull was stripped back below the water line for re-painting, the masts and spars were scraped clean for re-oiling with linseed and all the rope and rigging was cleaned up ready for a full season of sailing under the Perth skies.
Peter Bowman, the recently appointed CEO for the Duyfken Replica Foundation, understands how this little ‘tall-ship’ captures the enthusiasm and hearts of those who come aboard. “She just oozes this mystic feeling that you are standing aboard a ship of signicance,” he says. There are two stories of Duyfken. The original that
sailed the oceans in the early 1600’s making landfall on the Gulf of Carpentaria in 1606 and in doing so became the ship that put Australia on the world map. The second is our very own Duyfken Replica, a ship that is creating its own history by bringing to life the story of the original Duyfken. Since being launched in 1999, this ship has sailed thousands of ocean miles retracing the journeys of her namesake, travels that have taken her to Indonesia, the UK and the Netherlands. Duyfken has been chosen as guest of honour at the opening of season regattas for Royal Perth Yacht Club and Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club this year. Now the people of Perth and visitors can experience what it was like to sail aboard a ship during the Age of Discovery, and all without the risks and challenges of sailing in the open sea. The Duyfken’s day sail program has been relocated to the Swan River so you can experience a delightful sail without getting sea-sick. “There’s no better feeling than hoisting the sails before a 15-20 knot sea breeze and then setting a course from Point Walter to the waters
of Crawley Bay – all on at, calm water,” he said. “This is one of life’s experiences you’ll never forget – denitely one for the bucket list!” Day sails begin in the last week of October, with a twilight sail on Thursday afternoons, a sundowner sail on Fridays and an adventure sail on Sundays. All the details can be found on the website www.duyfken.com. Duyfken is a brilliant and unique hospitality venue for birthday parties, weddings and ofce sundowners. The options are only limited by your imagination. “Imagine sitting aboard Duyfken at the Mounts Bay Sailing Club, sun slowly setting, the lights of the city skyline beginning their dance – and you and your guests enjoying this spectacular setting with a cocktail or other beverage. There’s nothing better!” says Peter Bowman. “Duyfken is a story in the making – you can be part of her history by joining us for a day sail. “We look forward to welcoming you aboard during her stay. You can see her at Mounts Bay Sailing Club, right next door to Royal Perth Yacht Club,” he said.
York author offers writers’ workshops for seniors in regional WA
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courage anyone who longs to write in any genre. The world needs good stories, more than ever! Workshops, entitled Evolving Your Dream are free, informal, and fun. They will give participants plenty of encouragement and useful tips. They offer a method for starting and completing your book. Topics include getting started, staying motivated, and nding inspiration, with time for individual questions. Seniors’ groups who would be interested in a book talk/writers’ workshop can contact Karina at:
[email protected]. Or write to Karina at P.O. Box 296, York, 6302.
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JOURNEYS IN EMBROIDERY EXHIBITION 31 October - 9 November Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo This is an exhibition of The Embroiderers Guild of WA showing hand and machine embroidery, lace making, demonstrations and advice. There will be a gift shop, have a go table and rafe. Ph 9330 3065 BAYSWATER CITY VIEW CLUB Meets second Tuesday every month at 10.30am at The Dome Café, Maylands Function Room. Interesting speakers, social outings, fun and friendship supporting The Smith Family. Ladies welcome. Ph Linda 9370 2430 or Joan 9247 5037. FREMANTLE FESTIVAL OPENING FIREWORKS 26 October at 8pm until 9.30pm. Followed by two weeks of many free events including Wardarnji Aboriginal Festival on the 8 November and a street parade for the nale on 9 November. Visit www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/home for more details. WRITING YOUR FAMILY HISTORY Saturday 11 October at 2-4pm Theatrette, Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo Produce an interesting and appealing story of your ancestors, getting it into print, promoting and selling it. Cost $20 per person WEMBLEY DOWNS DISTRICT FAIR Saturday, 25 October at Luita Street Reserve, Wembley Downs. Stalls are run by local businesses, community, church and school groups. Fun events include camel rides, rock climbing, games, petting zoo and food stalls. DOGS BREAKFAST Sunday 26 October from 9am-1pm Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex Have fun and pamper your pet. Live demonstrations, competitions, giveaways free, vet checks and more. BENTLEY PARK SHOW Saturday 25 October from 10am to 5pm Bentley Park Auditorium, 26 Plantation Drive, Bentley The work of talented residents will be displayed and judged over 16 sections. Trophies and prizes are awarded for each category. Devonshire teas, sausage sizzle and tickets for the great Bentley Park Show rafe. Contact Sandra Dale Ph 6250 0538 CITY OF WANNEROO PRESENTS CONCERT 2014 Saturday 8 November 4pm to 10pm The City of Wanneroo is proud to be putting on another rst-class concert at the Wanneroo Showgrounds. The concert is free, however, tickets are essential. Tickets are available to City of Wanneroo residents from Wednesday 1 October then to the general public from 13 October. Contact City of Wanneroo Events ofce 9405 5000 for ticket applications. MUNDARING SHARING ART AND CRAFT EXHIBITION Saturday 9 November, 7pm-9pm Tickets $15 Includes free glass of wine on entry and nger food throughout the evening. Original pieces of art and hand-crafted items on sale Adult learning Centre, 3 Craigie Place, Mundaring SECRET HARBOUR SPRING MARKET FAIR Sunday 26 October, 10am to 4pm. Free entry Secret Harbour Primary School Oval, Maratea Pde, Secret Harbour Annual Market Fair featuring amusement rides, market and community stalls, gourmet food, show bags and free children activities BLUEBIRD FESTIVAL 2014 Dumbleyung’s annual show and bluebird festival. Saturday 1 November, 8am-5pm Join in the fun with activities such as Tractor Pull Skydiving – Junk Art Competition – Dogs Races Fashion Parade – Sideshow Alley – Bluebird Display and more email
[email protected] ALBANY CONVOY COMMEMORATIVE EVENTS • Royal Australian Navy Ceremonial Sunset Friday 31 October, 6.30am to 7.30pm • Troop March Saturday 1 November, 9am to 10am • Commemorative Service Saturday 1 November, 11am to 12noon • Symbolic Departure of Naval Ships Saturday 1 November 1-30pm • Community Concert with WASO Saturday 1 November Venue open from 4.30pm, concert starting at 5.30pm • Naval Ship Open Day Sunday 2 November from 9am-3pm
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99* $130* $ * 25 haircon
ble from Equilibrium Books, an Australian publisher, at: www.equilibriumbooks. com/chelandra.htm, or, you can visit Karina’s website: leela5chelandra.wix.com/ chelandra . Karina will be selling autographed copies of her book at a reduced price, and giving free book talks and writers’ workshops in regional libraries this spring; visiting Bridgetown (16 October), Midland (20 October and 3 November), Toodyay (14 November), and Merredin (20 November). Contact libraries in these towns for times. The workshops are to en-
KARINA McRoberts, author of Chelandra, Book 1 of the Chelandra Trilogy, is planning to host writers’ workshops, especially for seniors. Karina, a newly-published author from York, asked a young woman what she liked to read. “She told me she doesn’t read, and doesn’t like to read! She gets all her information and entertainment from television, iView, DVDs, apps, or internet videos. “I was gobsmacked! I confess to being truly aghast!” said Karina, “Has the written word been relegated to oblivion? “Certainly visual material has its place, but what
will read to their children and grandchildren, especially their girls. I’ve tried to write in a manner that celebrates the beauty of the English language. “There’s no need to sift through loads of foul expletives or inappropriate references. Having said that, it’s highly entertaining for both adults and children; younger ones with care. This is a trilogy, and the story ages with the reader; becoming more complex in subsequent books. It therefore makes a wonderful companion as children grow older,” she said. Chelandra, Book 1 of the Chelandra Trilogy, is availa-
Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-1
Karina McRoberts
about reading? The pure joy of reading something wellwritten, and the thrill of imagining characters, settings, action! “Yet another blow for dear imagination! Is it doomed for evermore? “It is my belief that the shared bliss and bonding of a parent or grandparent reading to their child or grandchild is so wonderful, and so very important! We mustn’t lose it! “Then, there is the question of what to read. What’s suitable these days? There seem to be books for very young children, with wonderful illustrations, but what might you read to an older child? “I hope I’ve written a book that lls this need,” she said. The Chelandra Trilogy is an exciting tale of adventure, featuring a girl as the main character. There are older characters too. The focus of the book is the importance of older people as guides for the young. The story reects hope in an age of massive upheaval and change. “Chelandra is a tale I hope parents and grandparents
Community NOTEBOOK
If you would like to promote your event through the Community Notebook, please email Pat,
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...eat, drink and be merry...
What's fresh SUGAR SNAPS: The soft and tender edible pods of sugar snap peas are crisp, sweet, and succulent and are often served raw in salads, stir-fried or lightly steamed. Before being eaten, mature snap pea pods may need to be “stringed”, which means the membranous string running along the top of the pod from base to tip is removed. Unlike its cousin, the snow pea, the sugar snap pea is picked more mature and is fully rounded, with thick pod walls that retain their natural plumpness. ASPARAGUS: “Asparagus inspires gentle thoughts”, wrote the English essayist Charles Lamb. Inspired thoughts or otherwise, it is certainly the vegetable that most signies the arrival of the delicate spring season and all the delicious morsels that come with it. Choose rm, plump spears with compact tips and tight scales, avoid any that are slimy or soft and check that the tips and bottoms of the spears are not dried out. BUTTON MUSHROOMS: With their subtle avour and compact size, button mushrooms are perfect for adding whole to spring meals like salads, stir-fries and fresh tomato-based pasta sauces. Mushrooms are so quick and easy to use; apart from a quick wipe over with a cloth or paper towel, no further preparation is necessary. Try marinating in good olive oil and balsamic vinegar and garnishing with fresh herbs; lovely served at room temperature as part of a barbecue feast. Best of all they have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer – so add a few extra to anything you’re cooking. ELLENDALE MANDARINS: Ellendale mandarins are some of WA’s best and they are now in fresh produce stores and supermarkets. Ellendales are a good size, have a distinct deep orange skin and fewer pips than some varieties so they are a popular choice. They are also sweet and very juicy and create a rich colour contrast when added to a green salad.
MUSHROOMS go Pink in October - lower the risk of cancer with mushrooms
IN AUSTRALIA 2,680 women die each year from breast cancer. That is more than seven every day of the year. Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women after nonmelanoma skin cancer. It is also the second most common cancer causing death in women after lung cancer. Australia’s mushroom growers will again show their public support for the ght against breast cancer with the Mushrooms Go Pink in October promotion. Look out for bright pink mushroom signage in your local retailer as a reminder of this important issue. Mushrooms Go PINK in October marks the celebration by the Australian Mushroom Growers of a decade of support for global research on the link between mushrooms and good health. And there is certainly plenty to celebrate. Mushroom Growers general manager, Greg Seymour said the industry is committed to support valuable breast cancer research and prevention. Scientic research programs have produced a range of stunning information that we didn’t know before – including some really promis-
ing knowledge directly related to reducing cancer risk. Better still, as the studies continue, researchers are uncovering even more amazing ways the humble mushroom can help keep us healthy and reduce the risk of a range of serious diseases. Mushrooms contain compounds linked to lowering the risk of a range of cancers. Compounds in mushrooms have the potential to inhibit cancer formation and growth. Three population studies show that women who eat an average of one button mushroom a day have half the risk of breast cancer. Ongoing research seeks to determine if fresh mushrooms and mushroom extracts can help to lower the risk of cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer. Mushroom growers are asking consumers to add a few extra mushrooms as a way of showing their support for reducing the risk of breast cancer. To help you add more mushrooms in October, take a look at some of these delicious mushroom recipes. Further information about Mushrooms Go Pink in October can be found at www. powerofmushrooms.com.au
Balsamic roast mushrooms
1 Tblspn olive oil 2 tspn balsamic vinegar ½ clove garlic, crushed 1 tspn brown sugar ½ tblspn sweet chilli sauce Salt and freshly ground black pepper 150 g button mushrooms 1 tbspn chopped fresh herbs (parsley, chives)
Preparation: 5 minutes Cooking: 20 minutes Serves: 1, side dish
PREHEAT oven 200ºC. Combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, brown sugar, sweet chilli sauce, salt and pepper in a screw-top jar. Shake well to combine. Place mushrooms into a bowl and pour over the vinegar mixture. Toss well to combine. Spoon the mushrooms and marinade into a greased baking dish and roast for 20 minutes, tossing twice during cooking, or until tender. Sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.
Mushroom, chicken and asparagus salad
2 bunches asparagus, trimmed and cut diagonally 2 tbs olive oil 500g chicken breast llets, trimmed and cut into strips salt and ground black pepper, to taste 400g cup mushrooms, quartered 1 tbs balsamic vinegar 150g baby spinach leaves, washed and dried Freshly-shaved parmesan cheese, to serve
Preparation: 15 minutes Cooking: 13 minutes Serves: 4
COOK asparagus in a large frying pan of simmering water for 2-3 minutes or until just tender. Drain, refresh in cold water and place onto paper towel. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Wipe the frying pan with paper towel to dry. Add oil to pan and heat over medium-high heat until hot. Add chicken and cook, turning occasionally, for 3-4 minutes or until almost cooked through. Using a slotted spoon, remove to a plate and set aside. Increase heat to high, add mushrooms and cook, turning occasionally, for 2-3 minutes or until just tender. Add chicken and asparagus and toss gently to combine. Add balsamic vinegar, stir well to combine and cook for 30 seconds. Place spinach leaves onto serving plates, top with chicken, mushrooms and asparagus. Drizzle over pan juices, top with shaved parmesan and serve.
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FOOD & WINE ...eat, drink and be merry...
2014 Mondo Meat Workshops!
... Letters to a eff Vin ce Garr
IF YOU want a particular recipe of mine, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at Have a Go News. Address your enquiry to Vince Garreffa c/- Have a Go News PO Box 1042 West Leederville 6901, or email your question to
[email protected]. Please include your telephone number so I can call you!
There’s a lot to enjoy at Lot Twenty
by Jennifer Merigan
IN CLASSICAL times Greeks stored their wine in pottery vessels called amphora and sealed the neck with pine resin. The wine stored well but acquired a avour a bit like hospital disinfectant. To most people Greek wine is Retsina. But there is much more to Greek wines than that. Douglas Lamb Wines imports a portfolio of some of the best Greek wines and if you are planning to cook moussaka or souvlaki there is no more appropriate accompaniment. We tasted two wines from the Kir-Yianni vineyard in Greek Macedonia. Kir-Yianni 2013 Petra is a yellow colour with highlights of hay. It tastes fresh, with notes of lemon, citrus zest and spring owers on the nose. On the palate it shows crispness and a round nish. Enjoy it on its own as an aperitif, or accompanying salads, fresh cheeses and sh. $25. Kir-Yianni 2012 Paranga is a combination of Merlot a touch of a very spicy Shiraz and a light Xinomavro. It is ruby red in colour with herbal undertones. Its acidity gives rise to a complex bouquet of cinnamon, clove, and green pepper, and a long nish. It is made to be consumed young. Serve it cool as an aperitif or along with barbecued and spicy food. $26. Another featured vineyard is Gaia Vineyard in the Peloponnese. 2013 Gaia Notios White is produced from two pink-skin grape varieties of Greece, Moscholero and Roditis. Moscholero comes from the mountainous vineyards of Arcadia wine region and brings fruitiness and crisp acidity, while Roditis from the plains of up-
Vince Garreffa’s
Butterfly Leg of Lamb
WHEN you get your favourite meat supplier to bone out a leg of lamb, open it out and split the thicker sections by butterying you have a buttery leg of lamb. Sounds delightful and it is. Score the side that has a little fat for a fabulous checkerboard look. If you look really hard the leg now looks a little or a lot like a map of Australia without Tasmania, this brings joy or tears to some guests. “Australian” lamb at its best. Ingredients to feed 6 1 x butteried leg of lamb Fresh sprigs of rosemary Chopped fresh new season garlic Fresh lemon or lime juice Grated ginger Chopped coriander Extra lemon juice Lake salt to taste Freshly cracked black pepper to taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil - EVOO MARINADE your lamb in a mixture of extra virgin olive oil, lake salt, freshly cracked black pepper and the lemon or lime juice after cutting a dozen slits or little holes into the meat and inserting a slice of garlic and a few rosemary sprigs in each slit. Marinade for a minimum of one hour or the maximum, overnight. Now barbecue to your liking, about 45 minutes, or seal on high heat and cook in a big fry pan for the same amount of time, 45 minutes. Either way turn constantly and avoid burning and do not overcook the middle of the meat. When the meat is medium rare to medium cooked, put it into a large pan or bowl and dress it with a mix of grated ginger, chopped coriander, chopped garlic, extra lemon juice and some EVOO. Put a lid on top and rest for 15 minutes before slicing and serve with the juices. Yummy Australia! Buon appetito
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NORTHBRIDGE has changed dramatically, for the better, in the past ve years. The Perth Cultural Centre has become a hub for locals and tourists alike and this delightful enclave has a new small bar promoting handmade hospitality. Lot Twenty is located in James Street, just down from the corner of William Street, in the old Police stables. After a huge renovation, the style is modern, arty and earthy, with custom made features such as bar benches with ice troughs, fabulous and comfy crate lounges and great artwork, all designed to make the customer feel welcome. It’s positioned to provide a haven from a busy shopping day, with coffee and cake, or a glass of wine. Plus, it’s a great venue to enjoy a bespoke dining experience. Manager Andy McIntyre said the unique menu has been designed so that you can mix and match the foods to suit your particular dietary needs. Produce is sourced from around Western Australia and they pride themselves on dealing directly with suppliers, including local cheese makers and farmers. A lot of thought has gone into designing the menu, where you can nd the classics, such as a burger, superb locally sourced meats and cheese on a share board. I really like that the menu also explains what areas in WA they source their food from. Good homemade food always pleases and some of the little touches that inspired me
on this menu were the pickles and relish; actually just about everything on offer was homemade. I like the renovation too. Upstairs, in the restaurant section, the chefs cook away in the old stables, which provides a little taste of history. The garden area is pleasant and the place really comes alive in the evening. It will be a ne spot to bask in some beautiful weather with summer approaching. Prices are what you would expect from Perth, with a ‘burger with the lot’ at $18 or a ‘wagyu beef rump with chimmichurri butter’ at $30. Add a plate of local vegetables, such as spiced cauliower, pomegranate nuts and seeds with herbed yoghurt for $10 and you’ll have enough for two to share. I am always fond of a good dessert and the ‘textures of patisserie’ which is a selection of all the desserts, including homemade lemon tart, a lemon Madeline, strawberry pannacotta and a salted caramel macaron served with vanilla ice-cream, is well worth $15 and well worth every calorie also. I found the salted caramel macaron to be an absolute taste sensation and denitely don’t think that it should be shared! If you’re going to a show in the Cultural Centre, then don’t miss the opportunity to try out this little gem and enjoy some fabulous fresh local food in a great atmosphere. Lot Twenty Bar/Café - adjacent to the State Theatre Open 10am - Midnight, Monday to Saturday 10am to 10pm Sunday Phone 6162 1195
by Frank Smith
land Corinth provides elegance. Drink Gaia Notios White as an aperitif or as an accompaniment to light meals and delicate avours. $24. 2013 Gaia Rosé is made from Agiorgitiko grapes from the vineyards of Asprokambos of Nemea, at an altitude of 800m. During vinication the must stays in contact with its grape skins, developing its rosé colour and characteristic aroma. It is an attractive deep rosé colour, with a fruity aroma with strong hints of cherry and gooseberry and light, refreshing avours. It goes well with Chinese and Southeast Asian dishes. $24. 2013 Gaia Notios Red is produced from selected Agiorgitiko grapes of exceptional maturity that are cultivated in low-yield, non-irrigated vineyards on the hills surrounding Nemea wine region. It is a deeply coloured wine with refreshing acidity, velvety mouth feel and intense and persistent aromas of ripe red fruit with elegant notes of butter caramel. Enjoy it with medium to high avoured dishes cooled to 14°C during hot summer months. $24. Finally the Papagiannakos vineyard just 35 km from Athens produces a Markopoulo, an elegant dry white wine made from Savatiano grapes. It shows ne fruity aromas with hints of lemon and a broad structured palate, refreshing and well balanced. $26. All these Greek wines are obtainable from Douglas Lamb Wines 1300 667 812 or email
[email protected]
Left; The outdoor area is perfect Manager Andy McIntyre is working his magic at his new venue
It’s all Greek to us
Monday 10 November, 6.30pm to 9.30pm Poultry: cutting, boning, cooking, eating Quail, spatchcock, chicken, duck and turkey to name just a few. Come and watch and learn all about birds – deboning, stufng, avouring and combining to personalise your Christmas dishes! Bonus surprise gift to take home as well as all the tricks of the trade to make Christmas 2014 your best ever…and then EAT, EAT and EAT. Monday 1 December, 6.30pm to 9.30pm Roasting your Christmas meats plus designer hams Learn to roast beautiful pieces of meat and to decorate your own ham, PLUS yet another surprise gift to take home and Christmas 2014 is in the bag…and then EAT, EAT and EAT. All classes are held at Mondo’s 824 Beaufort Street, Inglewood. To book your place in these classes you must phone 9371 6350 Tuesday to Friday between 9am and 4pm or email princeof
[email protected] with telephone and other contact details. Payment can be made by credit card over the phone or come into the store to make payment. All classes are $99 per person and places are conrmed once payment is made in full. Get your friends to join the mailing list at www.mondo.net.au
Lawn revival!
Clockwise from left; Avoid ‘spongy lawn syndrome’ in October - Enjoy roses and geraniums in full bloom this spring
YOUR lawn may be not looking its best at the moment, perhaps looking a little tired and worn. However with a little work you can return it to its former glory with some good advice. I am going to share with you some tricks of the trade used by professional turf managers to make your lawn more tolerant of drought, resistant to pests, diseases and invasion from weeds. Steps to a great looking lawn. In early to mid October cut your lawn as low as you can. Try to pick a ne day when the grass is dry. Gradually lower the cutting height each time that you mow until you reach the lowest setting or are scalping/exposing bare earth. It may take 5-10 cuts in different directions and produced a lot of clippings. This will also remove most of the weeds that you may have. Couch spreads by rhizomes below the ground and stolons above it so it regenerate well, even when cut back to bare soil. On Buffalo lawns you should always leave the grass quite short but not bare as they spread by stolons. Remove all clippings. Rake with a springtine rake. The aim is to remove the buildup of dead grass or thatch that forms a spongy layer decreasing the inltration of water and nutrients into the lawn and soil. On smaller areas vigorously rake the surface to remove the thatch. On larger areas or for ease of use, hire a vertimower (like a lawnmower with vertical blades) which cuts the grass surface with a series of blades to loosen and remove the thatch. Always check and mark the position of your irrigation sprinklers and pipes rst to avoid possible damage. For best results go over the area twice rst in a north/south direction and then secondly at an angle of 60 degrees to the rst. This will remove an amazing amount of thatch that will need to be
with... Colin Barlow
garden will be open as part of Open Gardens Australia from 10am until 4.30pm and entry is $8. A delightful avenue of crab apples, colourful irises and ‘Blushing Pink Iceberg’ roses lead to a massed array of roses, hedged shrubs and ‘Little Gem’ magnolias in the rear garden. There are handsome melaleucas clothed in ‘Wedding Day’ roses and Virginia creeper providing structure and shade for the plants beneath. It is a plant collectors garden with a wisteria arbour, salvias, pelargoniums, iresine, euphorbias, fruit trees and a vegetable garden. This garden is full of ideas that you can use in your own garden. 11 October: You don’t want to miss out on the Karragullen Expo in the Perth Hills. The show is open from 9am and provides a perfect day out for all the family. There will be cooking demonstrations with Vince Garreffa, wine tasting, gardening sessions, avocado orchard visits along with a multitude of horticultural and farm machinery and other stalls. The kids will be kept busy with the animal farm, bouncy castle and pony rides. For further information on the Expo go to www.karragullenexpo.org.au. 18 October: The Kelmscott Agricultural Society show including the State Pot Plant Championship will be held Rushton Park, Kelmscott. Call Margaret Moore on 9397 6191 for information. 18 October: The WA Gerbera Society Spring Show and plant sale will be held at the South Perth Civic Centre. There will be a kaleidoscope of multi-coloured gerbera plants and oral exhibits on display and plant for sale. Enquiries to Joyce Riordan on 9594 0374. 23 to 25 October: The West Australian Iris Society Spring Show will be awash with colour at the Forresteld Forum and Marketplace, Strelitzia Avenue, Forresteld. I have been growing irises for years and am always amazed at how tough, hardy and good looking they are. A garden full of irises in full bloom like I saw this year at Bagatelle Gardens in Paris is a breathtaking sight. With lots of irises for sale it’s time to plant some in your garden. Contact Jean Waghorn on 9255 3957 for more details. 27 October: A collector’s paradise of hardy Geraniums and Pelargoniums are available at the Guide Hall, corner Stock and Kitchener Road, Melville from 1pm until 3pm. 30 October to 2 November: The Festival of Country Gardens Main Festival. A number of the inner south west of Western Australia’s most beautiful gardens will be open including gardens in Balingup, Bridgetown, Donnybrook, Manjimup, Nannup and Pemberton. For a full list of the gardens go to www.countrygardens-australia.com 1 November: The Dianella shopping centre is the place to be to see the wondrous collection of plants at the Epiphytic Cacti and Hoya Society Show. The range of colourful owers and interesting leaves and stems on display will astound you. Call Alf Gaebler on 9444 6694 to learn how to start your collection. 1-2 November: The Stirling Arts & Craft Centre, Stirling Street in Bunbury hosts The South West Rose Society’s Show. Top rose growers from the South west will be vying for the honour of the district’s championship rose. For further information call Jillian Plester on 0418 972 957.
raked up. This should be carried out at least every three years to keep your lawn in top shape and avoid the ‘spongy lawn’ syndrome. Mow the area again two to three times in different directions to pick up more of the thatch. If your lawn is compacted from cars, animals, the kids or sport it may also need spiking or coring. On small areas you can aerate the soil with a garden fork. Push the fork fully into the soil and rock in a back and forth motion and then remove. Reposition 30cms further forward and repeat until you have covered the area. You can aerate the most compacted areas rst or spread the work over a few days. It is much easier to hire a spiking or coring machine. The machine takes out small cores or plugs of soil to relieve compaction and aid drainage. On poorly drained lawns, sand can be swept into the holes to improve drainage. Sweep up the cores and plugs. Check your irrigation, replace any damaged sprinklers and nozzles. Apply either a granular or liquid wetting agent to your lawn to ensure that any irrigation water or rain is not wasted. Soil wetters help to save water by allowing it to penetrate into the root zone by increasing the wettability and water holding capacity of water repellent soils. I recommend ‘Wettasoil’, ‘EziWet’, “Grosorb’, ‘Seasol Super Soil Wetter and Conditioner’ or ‘Yates Waterwise Soil Saturator’. Remember always to water it in after application. After a week apply a lawn fertiliser such as ‘Scotts Lawn Builder’, ‘Bailey’s 3.1.1’, ‘Yates Lawn Master’, ‘Cresco Fully Granulated Lawn Fertiliser’ or ‘Seasol for Lush Green Lawns’. Again water in thoroughly after application. Scotts Lawn Builder is the only granular fertiliser that doesn’t need to be watered in, as it will not burn the foliage. Most will require another fertilising in six to twelve weeks depending upon the fertiliser chosen. Remember to always follow the directions on the bag or container. After another two weeks, check if you have any weeds in your lawn. Small numbers can be removed by hand or larger numbers can be sprayed with a selective herbicide for lawns such as ‘Yates Bindii and Clover Weeder’ or ‘Amgrow Kleen Selective Lawn Weeder’. Please note that if you have a lawn containing Buffalo only use a selective lawn herbicide with the active ingredient bromoxynil such as ‘Amgrow Bin-Die Selective Lawn Weeder’ or ‘Yates Buffalo Pro Weedkiller’. Stubborn weeds may need a follow-up spray 10-14 days later. Regular mowing and feeding will keep your lawn in top condition. Healthy lawns with strong root systems and dense growth are able to resist weed invasion, attack from pests and diseases, and are more tolerant of drought. Flower Fest Diary! October is the perfect time for viewing gardens with roses, irises and geraniums in full bloom. Throughout WA there are spring shows and gardens to explore and enjoy. 11 to 12 October: I recently lmed at Craigmile, an enchanting garden located at 3 Ashmore Avenue in Canning Vale for Home in WA. This
© Colin Barlow
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Quarter-century milestone for women’s war on weeds
Weeding Women founder, Colleen Sheehan WESTERN Australia’s garden-care pioneer, ‘Weeding Women’ celebrates its 25th anniversary this month. Weeding Women sprouted from one woman’s small seed of an idea 25 years ago. Soon Weeding Women became the business pioneer of garden maintenance in Western Australia, The milestone marks more
than half a million hours of hard work in 165,000 local gardens, where thousands of plants now thrive and 7,500 cubic metres of mulch has been spread – enough to mulch Paterson’s Stadium more than ve times over. Writer and mother of two, Colleen Sheehan founded Weeding Women in October 1989 as a result of frustra-
tion at not being able to nd a good gardener to help her at home,. “The men were so slow! I was so frustrated I decided to nish it off myself, paid a couple of friends to help me, and we did a great job in no time. That was the birth of Weeding Women,” she said. Ms Sheehan’s team of gardeners grew from two to 20 in just a fortnight. The business quickly blossomed from the ground up to become an iconic West Australian brand. “Our growth was like a runaway train,” said Ms Sheehan. “We could employ 50 more gardeners for most of the year. It’s that busy.” Blooming Success Today Weeding Women today looks very different to its roots. The former small home business is now a highly successful franchise operation. It operates from headquarters in Osborne Park with a eet of 12 vehicles and more than 12,000 clients. A team of 42 staff includes a base network of 25
gardeners, four franchisees with two gardeners each, plus support staff of nine in administration and management. Weeding Women entered the industry just before the ‘garden boom’ hit Australia. Burke’s Backyard had started a weekly gardening program on television and Gardening Australia began shortly afterwards. The business weathered the recession of 1990/91 and later, the booms and busts of mining, and the ravages and unpredictability of climate change. Now, from Quinns Rocks to Mandurah and out to Perth’s hills, some 180 gardens every week are inltrated with Weeding Women’s army of gardeners. Collectively, they spend more than 600 hours a week tackling much more than weeds. They dig, trench, edge, fertilise and cultivate, plus prune, shape, rake, sweep, plant, mulch and more. Each maintenance job takes, on average, three hours.
Originating from diverse backgrounds, Weeding Women gardeners include teachers, nurses, hairdressers, environmentalists and stay-at-home mums. “Their common thread is a passion for creating beautiful gardens, regardless of how hot, wet or dirty the job is,” Ms Sheehan said. “The culture is one of team work and perseverance. We love getting our hands dirty, so our clients don’t have to and they can simply enjoy their gardens.” Weeding Women care for gardens of every shape and size, from yards, owerbeds, pots and pathways to rural properties, holiday homes, commercial gardens and everything in between. Their clients are busy career people, families, FIFO workers and retirees, as well as local businesses. To enquire about Weeding Women for your garden, or for franchise enquiries, phone 1800 24 74 84 or visit weedingwomen.com.au.
Australian Garden History Society national conference
WIN WIN WIN Lawn revival!
There’s a garage sale trail coming to a street near you!
WHETHER you’re looking to buy or sell, there’s lots of fun to be had at the Garage Sale Trail event on Saturday 25 October. Garage Sale Trail is a huge day of simultaneous garage sales across the country. It encourages Australians to declutter, meet their neighbours, make some money and discover some vintage treasures. A not-for-prot community initiative founded by Andrew Valder and Darryl Nichols in Bondi, Garage Sale Trail aims to promote reuse, reduce waste to landll, create awareness about illegal dumping, unite communities and stimulate local economies. “Garage Sale Trail is about making sustainability fun and social. Passing on things you no longer want to someone who does, is a great form of waste reduction, made even better when it’s going to your neighbour,” said Andrew Valder. Sellers who plan to host garage sales on the day are invited to put their ‘sale on the trail’ and list key items. Buyers can plan their shopping day by searching what sales are nearby and creating a personalised ‘treasure trail’ of sales and items to check out on the big day. It’s free to participate and registration is open to households, schools, community groups and other organisations. Now in its fourth year, Garage Sale Trail is supported by the Waste Authority and 30 local councils around the state. It is expected to involve upwards of 250,000 participants and reuse 1.5 million items. Find garage sales in your area or register your own for free at www.garagesaletrail.com.au
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TUNE into 98.5 Sonshine FM, Friday mornings from 9.10am until 10am for Colin Barlow’s gardening talkback on http:// www.98ve.com. You can ask him questions about your plants and garden at https://www.facebook.com/98ve or text 0429 985 985.
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SIMPLY send in your name, address, telephone number and email to
[email protected]. au or PO Box 1042 West Leederville 6901 before 1 November 2014 to be in the running to win one of ve Scotts prize packs. Each prize pack consists of one Scotts HandyGreen fertiliser spreader and a 2.5kg bag of Scotts Lawn Builder Regular valued at $40 that is guaranteed to green up your lawn. The prizes can be picked up from the Have A’ Go News Ofces at 137 Edward Street Perth Western Australia 6000.
cover a range of topics focusing on the history, geology, the ora and some of the industries of the Great Southern region. Registration for the full conference has closed, but it is still possible to register for the lectures only component. The cost of the two morning sessions of lectures on 17 and 18 October, plus morning tea, is $125, with a discounted rate of $70 for students. Please visit the AGHS website www. gardenhistorysociety.org.au, email info@ gardenhistorysociety.org.au or telephone 1800 678 446 for further information.
THIS YEAR the Australian Garden History Society will hold its 35th Annual National Conference in Albany. This is the third conference the Society has held in Western Australia since its inception in 1980, but the rst to be held in a regional centre. Running over three days from 17 October to 19 October at the Albany Entertainment Centre, the conference ‘Albany and the Great Southern’ will feature a lecture programme and visits to historical properties and gardens. Some 200 delegates will hear speakers
HAVE-A-GO NEWS No. 271 OCTOBER 2014 STRAIGHT CLUES Across 1. Relocates (11) 7. Much of the time (5) 8. Lose (fur) (4) 9. Contract (6) 12. Plant support poles (6) 13. Tax (4) 15. Nearby (5) 16. Revive (11) Down 1. Studies for exam (7) 2. Wise person (4) 3. Winner’s prize (6) 4. Unwelcome newcomers (9) 5. Japan, Land Of The Rising ... (3) 6. Hunting animals (9) 10. Prevailing tone of speech (7) 11. Cone-shaped tents (6) 14. Supermarket section (4) 15. Coupe or sedan (3)
Tackle either set of these clues - you can even mix and match them, because the solutions are the same for both sets
CRYPTIC CLUES Across 1. Puts another way - tries poison (11) 7. Soft ending included regularly (5) 8. Shouted outside garden hut (4) 9. Recoil from psychiatrist? (6) 12. Risks to take on board (6) 13. Levity has let it go - such an imposition! (4) 15. Shut tight (5) 16. Bring around a cute sister, perhaps (11) Down 1. Advises about replacing commercial reviews (7) 2. Herb is in the newsagency (4) 3. Maestro physically embraced cup (6) 4. Horses considered slow are not invited inside (9) 5. I’m told boy is a big star (3) 6. Sad report about those looking for victims (9) 10. Jockey not expected to cover main theme (7) 11. Pete used directions to nd Sioux dwellings (6) 14. Madeline had smallgoods shop (4) 15. Vehicle reverses for part of race (3)
For information on Lovatts crossword and puzzle magazines including news, tutorials and subscriptions, visit www.lovattspuzzles. com. Play online games puzzles with a chance to win prizes at www.youplay.com Order Lovatts syndicated puzzles for your own publication, website or other platform from www.puzzlexperts.com
Your chance to be a part of something special
THE SOUTH West Seniors and Community Expo is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. So it’s time for the event to rise to a new level. It has come a long way since humble beginnings way back in 2005. The expo has become the biggest event for seniors in the south west, attracting many businesses, dignitaries, personalities and services to expose their public prole in the greater Bunbury area. Every year south west seniors in the community benet from the many exhibitors that come to the event with information and support. Community strength and involvement is the key to the expo’s success every year. With strong community backing that the expo carries and the impressive his-
tory that brings them their 10 year tenure for the show, they bring a brand new image to what the expo is all about. The expo is now one of the most recognised senior’s events by both local and state government alike. They are also a former winner of the Brown/Wilcox award for best community event in the Bunbury region. This is a credit to the meticulous volunteers who have worked extremely hard to make this event what it is today. For the businesses and companies that support the event, it’s all about professional exposure on a massive scale, through all the advertising media they use. It’s also a chance to be involved in a well recognised and professionally run event. Several initiatives for
this year’s event are being planned which will make it even better for exhibitors, sponsors and entertainers and they’re excited at the prospect of having your business involved with them for 2014. The expo is on a mission now to extend the reach and bring it into a new area, where the community will benet even further. This is where they will turn to you and look for your support. It’s time to get on board and join in for what will be the biggest event for seniors in the greater Bunbury area again this year. The event is now strong enough to support local community based charities directly. So to help celebrate the 10th anniversary, they will be looking at a local community charity to be a sole beneciary. The major sponsors will feature in being a part of the donation this year. With this year’s event approaching fast, on 26 October, they offer your company/business splendid opportunities to be involved with the expo this year.
Try some free Tai Chi moves at the Perth Cultural Centre
YOU ARE invited to attend a series of free Tai Chi classes and demonstrations at the Perth Cultural Centre throughout the day on Sunday 26 October. “We want everyone to have a go and experience the benets of Taoist Tai Chi for themselves,” says the President of the Taoist Tai Chi Society, Heather Williams. “Taoist Tai Chi is specically designed for health and has great benets for balance, coordination, exibility, strength and circulation,” she said. More than 200 members of the non-prot volunteerbased Taoist Tai Chi Society will get together at the Cultural Centre between 11am and
3pm to celebrate this ancient art of health and meditation. During the day there will be demonstrations of Taoist Tai Chi as well as free classes for interested people to try it for themselves. “People think Tai Chi looks so slow and gentle, and it is, but once they try it they discover that it is also a complete exercise for the whole body and mind that can have farreaching benecial health effects,” Heather said. Recent published research shows Tai Chi can boost immune function, help control the symptoms of conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease and bromyalgia, reduce the risk of falls, improve cardiovascular function, and
improve mood and cognitive function. “The personal stories of our members back up what the research is saying, and more,” Heather said. Information on Tai Chi and how to join a class will be available on the day. The Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia is a part of the International Taoist Tai Chi Society, founded by Master Moy Lin-shin. More than 35,000 people of all ages and abilities practise Taoist Tai Chi in 26 countries around the world and report many health and well-being benets, including stress relief. For more information phone 9371 7033, or visit www.taoist.org.au
Tiny tech tough on joint pain
Advertorial LIFE OFTEN present us with aches and pains that spoil our enjoyment or restrict our activities. Pain can also make simple tasks difcult. We all know how important exercise is but when we slow down due to age or injury, exercise can be the last thing on our minds. But there is a solution! The e-cell™ can be used to simulate exercise at the cellular level, speeding the body’s own natural healing processes. Using specially congured Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) the e-cell™ medical device is designed to help reduce inammation, speed healing and eliminate pain. The ecell can be a viable and exciting natural alternative to taking anti-inammatories and other drugs for pain relief. Being totally portable, with no wires, pads or other restrictions, the e-cell can be worn over clothing while going about your daily tasks or even travelling. Using Smart Therapy cards encoded with joint specic electronic
prescriptions, the e-cell ensures the correct treatment protocol for injury or degenerative issues such as osteoarthritis. Medic Technology International have been the distributors of the West Australian designed e-cell since it was released on the market in early 2006. In that time, with many thousands of grateful customers, the e-cell continues to prove itself as a genuine medical device for pain relief and enhancing general well-being. Retired doctor David W was able to resume playing bowls again after only three weeks. “My improvement in my back continues. I have been suffering from peripheral neuritis affecting my feet for three to four years as a result of a spinal stenosis and there has been considerable improvement in the past four months. There is much less burning and ice cold sensations at night,” he said. For more information visit www.ecell.com. au or phone: 1300 764 117.
Gasp! by Ben Elton
be bought and sold according to market forces. How much do you think you’d have to breathe? This was the darkly comic premise on which Ben Elton based his rst play, the hilarious and critically acclaimed satirical comedy Gasping. The play was rst produced in 1990 in London’s West End. It starred Hugh Laurie and ran for a triumphant year and a half. Now Ben Elton has revisited his original play and re-imagined it for a new century and a new country. This major rewrite relocates the story to an Australia grown giddy on the resources boom. It’s now called Gasp! And it’s as
relevant and as hil‘air’ious as ever. Ben Elton has written fourteen bestselling books including Popcorn and Inconceivable, some of TV’s most popular comedy series (Blackadder, The Young Ones), West End plays and the hit musical We Will Rock You. “Take a dash of writer extraordinaire, Ben Elton; add a splash of multi awardwinning director, Wesley Enoch; and stir in our own Damon Lockwood, fresh from triumphs in Edinburgh and New York; and we have a cocktail that literally zzes with laughter and energy. “Gasp! is a smart comedy
that will provoke thought and laughter,” says Kate Cherry, artistic director Black Swan Theatre Company. Tickets: ticketek.com. au, Ticketek outlets or 1300 795 012 Groups 8+ 1300 364 001 [*A service/delivery fee also applies] WIN WIN WIN To be in the draw to win a double pass to Gasp! Simply email win@ haveagonews.com.au with the subject line Gasp or write to Gasp competition PO Box 1042, West Leederville 6901 with your details included. Competition closes 20/10/14.
MAHENDRA, a down on his luck chainwallah (a destitute worker who xes broken zippers on the street) pulls his 12-year-old son Siddharth out of school and sends him to Delhi to work illegally in a factory in order to help support the family. When Siddharth fails to return home some weeks later, his anxious parents fear that he may have been taken by child-trafckers. Increasingly worried and desperate
but with little money, few resources, and no connections, Mahendra embarks on a quest across India to nd his son. In this heart-wrenching tale that shows that a parent’s love for their child is beyond the bounds of country, culture, circumstances or economics, we join in the pursuit, hoping beyond hope that whatever has befallen Siddharth, he will return unharmed. Siddharth is currently screening in participating cinemas. WIN WIN WIN To be in the draw to win an inseason double pass to Siddharth Be amongst the rst ve callers to phone the Have a Go News ofce on 9227 8283 during business hours or email
[email protected]. au. HAGN#002/271
Ben Elton PRESENTED by Black Swan State Theatre Company & Queensland Theatre Company at the State Theatre Centre. 25 October – 9 November Imagine a world in which the air we breathe is just another commodity like food and fuel. Something that can
Before I Go To Sleep
IN THIS psychological thriller based on the best-selling novel, director Rowan Joffe weaves a terrifying tale of a woman who is struggling to piece together her life and nd out who she can trust. Starring Colin Firth, Mark Strong and Academy Award winner Nicole Kidman, Before I Go To Sleep is a shocking portrayal of trust, memory and the secrets we keep from the ones we love the most. After suffering a terrible accident Catherine (Kidman) is left with no recollection of who she is. Each day she wakes, with no memory of her life including her husband Ben (Firth). But before she goes to sleep, she recovers fragments from her past, ashbacks to the accident that damaged her. With the help of Dr Nash (Mark Strong), she attempts to piece together fragments that may help her recover some link to the past, and begin to uncover a terrifying new truth that forces her to question those closest to her. Before I Go To Sleep screens from 16 October. WIN WIN WIN To be in the draw to win an exclusive double pass to Before I Go to Sleep, be among the rst ve callers to phone the Have a Go News ofce on 9227 8283 during business hours or email
[email protected]. Closes 31/10/14.
Full range of rodeo events under the ABCRA guidelines
STREET PARADE 10am, RODEO 1pm BUSHMAN BALL 5pm - Cowboy gear only with LIVE bands PLUS Bar, Food Stalls, Sideshow Kids rides and more Entry: Adults $25 Seniors $10 School Kids $5 For info contact STAN on 0419 943 672 Visit www.boddingtonlionsrodeo.com.au
the living. The Castle Theatre – Rockingham Friday 24 October -7.30pm Arena Joondalup ‘Premiers Suite’ Sunday 26 October - 1.30pm Abbey Beach Resort Busselton Wednesday 12 November - 7.30pm Victoria Hall - Fremantle Saturday 22 November 7.30pm Willow Pond Reception Centre - Canning Vale Sunday 30 November - 1.30pm Anthony Grzelka is Australia’s leading medium live on stage As seen on the Channel Seven series THE ONE. Tickets are $65 each and available at www.whispersfrombeyond.com.au or phone 9791 8529. Bookings essential – unallocated seating.
Night of Stars
West Australian Opera | His Majesty’s Theatre October 30, November 1, 4, 6, 8
plus Eddie Storm, Kelly Green & Billie Blaine SATURDAY 1 NOVEMBER at 7pm
A State Opera of South Australia, Opera Queensland and West Australian Opera Production. Sung in Italian with English surtitles
Tickets $25 and includes light nibbles, tea and coffee
Show at the RAAFA CLUB Portrush Drive, Meadow Springs Bookings at the RAAFA call 0401 832 195 or 9581 2602
Principal Partner
CALL 1300 795 012
Starring Jennifer Rowley, Rosario La Spina, James Clayton, Elizabeth Campbell Based on a production by Elke Neidhardt Conductor Joseph Colaneri West Australian Opera Chorus | West Australian Symphony Orchestra
& DANCE TO POP, ROCK ‘N’ ROLL AND HITS FROM THE 60s & 70s Opening the show, the award winning Happy Tappers
through the middle of a reading, wagging a tail or purring with love. The experience that unfolds is often deeply compelling, occasionally chilling, sometimes humorous but almost always heart warming, with the boy’s down to earth, honest and compassionate approaches, it will be impossible for those in the audience not to be moved. And within each individual’s message of love rests a solution for everyone. Revelations given and predictions made throughout the night will take audiences on a spellbinding journey both emotionally and spiritually. Each connection made will be a step towards demystifying the spirit world and will leave audiences with one important message - spirits can and will communicate with
Photograph Gary Chard
IN A LIVE awe-inspiring performance Anthony Grzelka will entertain and enlighten, while at the same time having audiences questioning what they think about heaven and the afterlife. Anthony will answer questions about spirituality; give messages from loved ones passed and help with real life decisions. Quite possibly in the process, changing people’s lives and making believers out of die hard sceptics. The moment Anthony open the doors between this world and the next, anything can happen. Without fail the dearly departed will come through, each with a message of love or comfort for a loved-one in the audience. Pets too, are not shy in coming forward. They will often bound in, usually straight
Experience mediumship at its best!
SEVENTY years ago as war raged, 19-year-old Barbara Rigby and dashing 21-yearold French airman Francis Usai fell in love. He was a passionate Frenchman from Marseilles who soon wanted to become engaged; she a studious, serious young woman who fell in love more slowly. They
exchanged around 300 letters as the young airman joined other Frenchmen to help swell the ranks of the Royal Air Force at Elvington near York. The couple’s war-time romance is the subject of a new play Cis and Barbiche by Perth actor, director and writer Jenny Davis who has just returned to Perth after staging the play at the York
On the Silver Screen
languages, specialising in French.” The young couple rst met on New Year’s Day 1944 at a dance at the British Consulate in Liverpool where foreign servicemen were welcomed at social gatherings. Barbara’s uent French helped establish an instant rapport between the pair and romance blossomed, Francis spending time with the Rigby family which gave him a sense of security. “He made Barbara laugh and would sing songs for the family,” Davis says. “He was very effervescent but not a Don Juan; he was always sweet to Barbara’s younger sister and sent her stamps. “Francis realised he was from a different social class, he was a sergeant in the RAF and his father worked in a factory but there were no class barriers in their ro-
Pride PRIDE TELLS the incredible true story of a Welsh mining community struggling to make ends meet during the 1984 miners’ strike, when hope arrives with the unlikeliest of allies – a group of gay and lesbian activists who decide to raise money for the miners. A rousing British crowd-pleaser in the spirit of Billy Elliot and The Full Monty, starring Bill Nighy and Imelda Staunton. Pride is a funny, af-
• 6-17 October Artist Choice • 22 October Lunchtime in the Gallery, Richard Robinson visiting artist from New Zealand 12noon to 2pm • 20-24 October Richard Robinson • 25-26 October Floating World 2 • 27 Oct to 2 November Out There • 3 - 16 November Chinese Year of the Horse called Free Spirit ATWELL GALLERY AT ATWELL ARTS CENTRE Riverside location on bus route - Plenty of parking - air conditioned
586 Canning Hwy, (Cnr North Lake) Alfred Cove *Proceeds to the Atwell House Restoration Fund
Cis and Barbiche - a war-time romance
Theatre Royal with Agelink Theatre where it received a warm reception. Davis wrote the two-act play after adapting it from a book featuring the couple’s letters and diaries, The Bright Squadrons, by Barbara Harper-Nelson (nee Rigby) - who has lived in Perth for the past 50 years and Genevieve Monneris. Apart from Cis (Francis) and Barbiche (Barbara) exchanging hundreds of letters from 1944 to 1946, Barbara also kept a diary. Fluent in French, she attended university and passed her exams with ying colours, thus avoiding being drafted into the army. “Barbara had to do some war work during the university holidays such as help serve tea in the canteen and work in children’s crèche and hospital,” Davis says. “But her ambition was to do
Real life Barbara Rigby and Francis Usai by Josephine Allison
Ph: 9330 2800 www.atwellarts.com
mance. He attended a technical school and joined the French air force at 17. He loved literature and poetry and the couple bought each other books. He was smitten with Barbara, delighting in her blue eyes and calling her “princess of my dreams.” In January 1945 Francis was reported shot down and missing in a telegram sent to Barbara’s father as his next of kin in England. Happily, another telegram later arrived, saying the young airman had been shot and badly wounded behind American lines and was in hospital. Because travel was difcult in those days, Barbara was unable to visit Francis during his long stay in hospital but they corresponded regularly and he was eventually sent to a recuperation hospital in Liverpool. “Francis had proposed to Barbara many times, espe-
fecting and truly inspiring lm about two seemingly opposite communities who unite to form an extraordinary bond. In Cinemas 30 October My Old Lady Mathias (Kevin Kline), a down-and-out New Yorker, travels to Paris to liquidate a huge, valuable apartment he has inherited from his estranged father. Once there, however, he discovers a rened old woman Mathilde (Maggie Smith) living
in the apartment with her daughter Chloé (Kristin Scott Thomas). Mathias quickly learns that the apartment is a “viager” – an ancient French system for buying and selling apartments – and that he will not actually get possession of the apartment until Mathilde dies. While working with a Parisian real-estate dealer (Dominique Pinon), to sell his contract for the apartment, Mathias discovers that Mathilde and his father were more to each other than mere ten-
APRIL IN PARIS A bitter sweet comedy that will make you belly laugh and your heart melt. Nominated for the 1994 Olivier Comedy of the Year
It’s Christmas in Australia... THE TIVOLI CLUB OF WA presents
4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 December @ 7.30pm Matinees: 7 and 14 December @ 2pm FOR BOOKINGS phone 9255 3336 or visit www.taztix.com.au (Transaction fees apply)
Enjoy an evening with some of your favourite Christmas tunes, mixed in with some of Australia’s best loved songs.
Harbour Theatre now at CAMELOT, 16 Lochee Street, Mosman Park
Over 100 young musicians create a sonorous acoustical experience performing two choral masterpieces of the 19th century. Presented by the UWA Wind Orchestra, Winthrop Singers, UWA Symphonic Chorus and St. Mary’s Cathedral Choir. Bruckner - Mass in e minor Berlioz - Grande Symphonie Funebre et Triomphale
BOOKINGS Phone 9364 5463 (please leave a message) Email
[email protected] Web www.tivoli.org.au VENUE Applecross District Hall Kintail Road, Applecross
28 October, 7.30pm
(opposite The Rafes at Canning Bridge)
Before the concert, enjoy the early dinner (5-7pm) smorgasbord at the special price of $35 at Miss Maud Swedish Restaurant (Pier St, Perth) on presentation of concert ticket. Pre-booking essential.
Tickets $25 ($20 concession) 6488 2440
Also available at Cathedral Piety Stall
Book by Bella & Samuel Spewack Music & lyrics by Cole Porter
Directed by Neroli Burton
Evening performances: Curtain up @ 8pm 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, Nov and 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13 Dec Matinees: 23, 30 Nov and 7 Dec @ 2pm
Bookings: phone Gwyne 9255 1783 or visit www.trybooking.com/FGOF
Tickets: Adult $25 Conc/child $22 Members $18 Family (2ad +2ch) $80 by arrangement with TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC
TIVOLETTES (Juniors: 6-16 year olds) Performances commence at 2pm on the last Sunday of each month (May to November) COST: Adult $3 Child $1.50 Tea, coffee, snacks and drinks available for purchase. Check us out on:
Call or email to be placed on mailing list for future shows
St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth
MARLOO THEATRE - Marloo Rd, Greenmount
Bruckner and
TICKET PRICES $18 Adult, $15 Pensioner, $8 Child Ticket includes chicken and chips meal at intermission, tea and coffee. Soft drinks, crisps and sweets are available for purchase e at the kiosk. BYO wine, beer, drinking glasses and nibbles.
ant and landlord... In Cinemas 13 November. WIN WIN WIN To be in the draw to win a double pass to one of the above movies, email win@haveagonews. com.au and include the title lm in the subject line or address an envelope to On the Silver Screen Comp c/- Have a Go News PO Box 1042 West Leederville WA 6901 with your contact details on the back. Competition ends 25/10/14.
IN A TRUE celebration of the achievements and striving of our young musicians in Perth, over 100 young students from the University of Western Australia’s School of Music and the St. Mary’s Cathedral Music Programme present two rarely heard pieces of 19th century choral repertoire in a special concert at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday, 28 October at 7.30pm. Anton Bruckner’s Mass in e minor invites the listener into a sublime world both of reection and rich, sonorous sound. An interesting characteristic of this Mass is that the entire orchestra is composed of wind instruments - no stringed instruments. This makes for a uniquely rich, full textured sound due the Cathedral’s resonant acoustics. The Grande Symphonie Funebre et Triomphale of Hector Berlioz was written to commemorate the fallen in the 1830 revolution in France – hence its duality of character both sorrowful and triumphant. Before the concert, enjoy an early dinner (5-7pm) smorgasbord at the special price of $35 at Miss Maud Restaurant (Pier St, Perth) on presentation of concert ticket. Pre-booking essential. Limited, free parking is available in the cathedral grounds. Tickets ($25 / $20 concession) available at www.ticketswa.com (6488 2440) and at the Cathedral Piety Stall.
SUNDAY MATINEE SHOWS Doors open 11.30am for 12noon start 9, 16, 23 November and 7, 14 December
TICKETS: $25.50 F / $23.50 C / $20.50 S For Harbour Theatre members and Friends of MosArts bookings phone 9433 6260 or email
[email protected] HAGN#091/271
FRIDAY EVENING SHOWS Doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start 14, 21, 28 November and 5, 12 December
Aaron Stirk. As a footnote, Jenny Davis says Barbara Harper-Nelson is pleased with the play and knows it will be treated with respect. “Though Francis has passed away, members of his and Barbara’s family came to see the play in York which was lovely.” Davis, who received a Centenary Award for services to WA theatre, founded Agelink Theatre in 1993. Her play, Dear Heart, based on her aunt’s World War II letters, has toured the country and played at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and London’s King’s Head Theatre. Cis and Barbiche plays at the Subiaco Arts Centre, 180 Hamersley Street, Subiaco on 11, 14 and 15 November at 7.30pm with matinees on 13 and 15 November at 2pm. Bookings at ticketek.com. au or 1300 795 012.
Symphonic sounds at St Mary’s
Entertaining the community between the river and the sea since 1963 www.harbourtheatre.org.au g By special arrangement with Origin™ Theatrical
DIRECTED BY Tina Barker BY John Godber
cially after two close friends were killed in action but Barbara wanted to use her degree and have a career. Francis returned to France in 1946 and Barbara didn’t want to live there,” Davis says. After moving to Perth and marrying, Barbara HarperNelson kept her boyfriend’s letters, donating them to the Yorkshire Air Museum though she has copies. Tellingly, in one letter Francis says: “In 70 years’ time they will talk about Barbiche, who saw her country invaded by all those odd strangers who stole girls’ hearts.” The Perth season commemorating Remembrance Week will see Siobhan DowHall as Barbara and Mark Desebrock as Francis, Alinta Carroll (chanteuse and other roles,) with music performed by Nikki Dagostino and lighting and sound design by
Friend to Friend FREE
Please nominate a category for your advertisement. Tick one box only. Travel companion Pen friend Seeking a friend
For over 45’s only.
Seeking a partner
Abbreviations used in Friend to Friend ALA: All letters answered DTE: Down to earth GSOH: Good sense of humour ND: Non drinker SD: Social drinker NG: Non gambler NS: Non smoker NOR: North of River SOR: South of River TLC: Tender loving care WLTM: Would like to meet
Each person may submit an entry every month. STOP: Please read new instructions carefully Write your advertisement in the grid below. Please print clearly in ink using only one square per word. Send the completed coupon to: Friend to Friend PO Box 1042 West Leederville WA 6901.
Name ..................................................................................... Address .................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Postcode ............................................................................. Phone ...................................................................... I am over 45 years of age ................................................. (Signature)
Seeking a Friend
70 YEARS Anglo-Indian, widow, WLTM someone with no prejudices for companionship, healthy conversation, not into affairs. Interests; psychology, philosophy, dancing, reading, gardening, theatre, authentic, caring, NS, SOR, NG, healthy boundaries. Reply Box 6397 ACTIVE adventurous, happy lady, 59, loves life, laughter, beach, movies, camping, gardening, music, bushwalks, family, travel. Looking for gent similar outlook. NS, SOR, intelligent, articulate. Let’s meet for coffee. If this sounds like you. Reply Box 6390 ACTIVE lady, happy, healthy, practical, DTE, GSOH. WLTM similar companion over 76, interested in visiting WA national parks and reserves or farming background, ALA. No mobiles please. Reply Box 6385 ADVENTUROUS male, 58. Likes travelling, outdoors, theatre, music, walking. I would like to meet a similar lady. Reply Box 6361 AUSTRALIAN lady 61, under 5’, likes music and movies, GSOH, ND, NS, living NOR, WLTM Australian bloke 60 to 65 for friendship, in time relationship. Reply Box 6372 ENGLISH Australian lady, 65, young, WLTM gent, same age group, NS, SD, GSOH, a pleasant nature, easygoing, likes camping, nature, drives, beach movies, markets, reading, free at weekends, lives central wheatbelt area or close. Reply Box 6393 FEMALE 50, 5’10”, NS, SD, enjoys dining out, movies, cooking and generally having a good time. WLTM tall man with GSOH and similar interests. Please nobody over 55 reply - no offence ok? Just personal preference. Reply Box 6360 GENT 60, DTE, GSOH, who enjoys life. WLTM lady who enjoys life also and wants to become a friend and lover. Age or nationality not an issue. Let’s meet for a chat and coffee. Reply Box 6363 GENT 64, 180cm tall, presentable, well educated, easygoing, VGSOH, n sec. Seeks attractive, slim, compatible lady, 5262 for travel companion, social activities, perhaps partner later. NOR, genuine only please. Coffee? Reply Box 6368 GENT healthy, active, enjoys life, movies, walking, sport, Indian restaurant, Swan River, looking for Asian lady. I await your reply. Meet lady SOR, take care, let’s meet soon. TLC. Reply Box 6395
GENT respectful of women, widower, NS, NG, SD, only 5’8” tall, 76, healthy, enjoys 50s to 70s music, drives country and beach, seeking compatible lady, 75 to 82, let’s meet for a coffee and talk. I live NOR. Reply Box 6377 HALF-CAST born lady, 58, looking for veterans or 58 above, well mannered, medium build, gentleman for friendship rst, travelling, dancing, going out, gardening, reading, healthy living is me. ALA, far or near is ok. Reply Box 6374 IMPOTENT ironic, educated Englishman, t, sensual, 67, loves books, history, music, own, home, Mandurah, not healthy, WLTM musical female, GSOH, essential feminist welcome humanist better Jane Austen best. Reply Box 6384 LADY 56, NS, SOR, DTE, ND. Reply Box 6391 LADY happy, slim, genuine, easygoing, friendly, SOR, NS, seeks loving, caring, gent, 6875, to share similar interests, travel, dancing, movies, dining out, long term if compatible. Reply Box 6379 LONELY male, retired, 70. Interests; garden, dining out, movies, horse racing, SD, NS, not a world traveller. WLTM slim lady similar, SOR. My postcode 6163. Reply Box 6370 MATURE gent, good moral values with lots of TLC to share, n sec. WLTM special lady for genuine friendship and companionship, NS, ALA. Let’s meet for coffee and exchange views. Reply Box 6388 RETIRED lady living the country life in South West Margaret River wine region, active, happy, n sec, own home, DTE, NS, SD. WLTM interesting man 70+ for companionship and outings, perhaps some travel within Australia. Reply Box 6371 WARM well educated lady with own house seeks sincere industrious gent with same quality, 50 to 60s, to enjoy walking, listening to nice music, having wonderful dinner at home together (possible relationship). Reply Box 6383 WIDOWER under 65, just under 6’5”, just, independent means individual lifestyle. NS, SD, SOR, were there world enough and time, this individuality were no crime. Joint walks, meals, lms, books, talk laughter. Reply Box 6364
Seeking a Partner
ACTIVE happy, tactile, Aussie lady. WLTM tall, honest, sincere, caring, romantic, gent, 67-72, active, NS, SD, n sec. Interests; caravanning, travel, walking, music, gardening, movies, dining in/out, to be best friends rst, remember nothing ventured nothing gained. Mandurah area, ALA. Reply Box 6375
AUSSIE male, retired, 70. Interests; garden, dining out, movies, horse racing, SD, NS, not a world traveller. WLTM slim lady similar, SOR. My postcode 6163. Reply Box 6369 ENGLISH Australian lady, 60+, attractive, slim, blonde, rened, feminine, educated, ND, DTE, GSOH, WLTM professional gentleman, 60 - 70, sincere, unattached. I love music, gardening, walking, reading, city and country life. Genuine replies only. Photo appreciated. Reply Box 6392 ENGLISH Australian lady, 60+, rened, attractive, petite, educated, intelligent, ND, DTE, GSOH. Enjoys gardening, walking, life. WLTM professional gent, 60+. Genuine replies only. Photo appreciated. Reply Box 6362 GENT 68, very mature, DTE for my age, WLTM a partner, lady, go travelling in a caravan with no ties. I’m honest and affectionate. Let’s have a chat over coffee. NOR. Reply Box 6376 GENT 73, t, active, NS, enjoys walking, beach, movies, life in general, seeks lady, NS, for friendship, possible relationship. SOR. WLTM. Reply Box 6387 GENTLEMAN 58 years young, seeks a lady under 60. I am well presented, intelligent and n sec, NS. Reply Box 6365 GENTLEMAN European, 59, rened, good dresser, tall, handsome, loves cooking, walking, coffee, gardening, dining in/ out, walking along the beach, GSOH. WLTM lady, 55-65, attractive, good dresser, genuine, GSOH, share each others company, NOR, ALA. Reply Box 6394 GUY early 60s, seeks discreet day meets with like minded active lady. I am from mixed background, t and will meet anyone that is interested. ALA, NS, SOR, let’s meet for coffee and decide. Reply Box 6367 GUY 60, retired, 6’3”, into music, gardening, animals, own house, GSOH, SD, honest, lives country, 230kms north east of Perth, seeks slow lass, 50-60, into the slow lane, genuine only, please don’t be shy. Let’s do it. Reply Box 6400 LADY in her 60s, WLTM that caring, special and honest gent with GSOH and happy disposition to spend time with on outings, walks, movies. I am a t, active and healthy NS, SD with GSOH, ALA. Reply Box 6378 LADY tall, 65-70, active, guy interested in travel, open to explore future with slim, genuine, happy natured lady, NS, SD, enjoys reading, wine, dine, good company, friendship, leading to happy relationship and great adventure together. ALA. Reply Box 6389
PRETTY lady, GSOH, NS, SD, seeks cheeky, loyal gentleman, 58-66, good-hearted, loving, spirited, natured, who seeks last partner to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, travel, animals, country life, sociable, shing, boating, lots of TLC, weekends away. Reply Box 6373 SINGLE lady, still working in health, 55, born in Mauritius, in Australia, over 45, NS, NOR, SD, DTE, WLTM man. Enjoys gardening, homelife, caring, healthy, movies, gentleman, 5058, NG. Reply Box 6396 SOUTHWEST Aussie bull, medium build, mid 60s, NS, domesticated, quiet, healthy, sociable, horny animal, a cut above. Seeking genuine, good natured, high standards heifer for homelife and more roaming Australia. No city pretenders or god botherers. Reply Box 6399 STILL seeking that special someone to love and be loved. I am 58, Asian, healthy, educated and work full time. WLTM a gentleman late 50s to 60s, for friendship rst and see how we go. Reply Box 6381 WOMAN early 50s, very cuddly, 5’9”, attractive, GSOH, NS. Likes reading, walking dog, movies, theatre, board games, card games and table tennis. WLTM gentleman for friendship, possible relationship, must be tall, NS. Reply Box 6398
Seeking a Pen Friend ACTIVE lady with GSOH and young at heart, late 60s, WLTM gent, 60, SD, NS, NOR with old fashioned values for friendship. Likes going to movies, dining out and quiet nights at home. Reply Box 6380
Seeking a Travel Companion LADY 69, reasonably t, looking for gentleman similar age with caravan to occasionally travel, share expenses, friendship, few drinks, laughs, you must be out there somewhere. I need company, do you? Let’s give it a go. Reply Box 6382 Visit Have a Go News online:
Don’t be lonely over summer or in 2015. Let Have a Go News help you through our Friend to Friend page. The early bird catches the worm! Get writing and send in your coupon.
Friend to Friend When replying to an entry:
To reply to the advertisements in Friend to Friend nominate the reply box (the number located at the right hand bottom corner of the ad) concerned and post to: eg. Reply Box 4100 c/- Friend to Friend, PO Box 1042, West Leederville, WA 6901. (example only) Send your reply on a single sheet of paper. Place in a small envelope 11B (measures approx. 14 x 9cm). No greeting cards or bulky items. All replies will be forwarded at the end of each month. All replies are strictly condential and are not opened.
FFriend to Friend etiquette... FRIENDLY tips for maximising your use of this free service; • Use the grid, write your entry in ink using one space per word. • Your entry must t into the 35 spaces of the grid - NO EXTENSION OF GRID IS PERMITTED. • Post the entry to Friend to Friend PO Box 1042, West Leederville WA 6901 by the 20th of the month preceeding publication. • Your entry must be accompanied by two C5 envelopes (which measure 23x16cm and are obtainable from Australia Post) Each envelope must have $1.40 postage. Please follow these instructions to guarantee your entry will be considered for publication.
Woodbridge Spring Fair
THE WOODBRIDGE Act, Belong, Commit Spring Fair is on Sunday 2 November. Come along for a family fun day filled with things to do and see, including woodchopping by the Progressive Axemen’s Association, Suitcase Circus workshops, Red Roving animals/reptiles, shearing displays, ponies, jeeps, sumosuits, inflatable obstacle course, bouncy, Lions train and more. There will be a live band on the grassed area, a licensed bar, heaps of food, show bags and craft stalls. The swap meet starts at 8am, the fair gets underway at 9am and the fundraising auction commences at 10.30am. Woodbridge is located on Wanneroo Road, just 25 minutes north of Yanchep. For any enquiries ring Marina on 0417 980 929 or Nic on 9577 1404.
WANT to nd Alison Laurie Shaw. Alison lived in Fremantle, had a son, Kelmscott. We talked on phone years back. I would love to meet you both soon. Reply Box 6283. Very urgent. Reply Box 6386
Do you need a companion or friend?
Obtaining replies to your Friend to Friend Reply Box entry: Please include two stamped ($1.40) self addressed C5 envelopes. These envelopes measure approx. 23x16cm and are obtainable from Australia Post. Entries not accompanied by the correct sized envelopes will not be considered for publication.
A Journey into Spiritual Healing and Kirlian Photography by David Clements Reviewed by Pat Paleeya DAVID is a spiritual healer. He has written this book about the spirit/soul in such a genuine loving way that I’m sure he is a very, very old soul. He uses clear language, no smoke and mirror, no ‘frills and fancy trimmings’ as Shirley Brooker writes in her forewood to this book. David has a gift and is sharing this with others. He doesn’t judge those who mock spiritualism, he
has no need. Chapter 60 deals with Kirlian Photography and its origin in the Ukraine in 1939. David writes that the Soviet Government classied this work as secret. It wasn’t until 1960 that details were released. Kirlian Photography pictures the energy elds around both living and inanimate objects. There are some really interesting photographs of these energy elds which are unique to every individual. David explains how these can be interpreted. The chapter that deals with healing hands and the placement of the hands over the chakras is very much like the Reiki treatment of healing. The exchange of energy can be quite amazing. David believes that everyone has the ability to become a healer and this book will help the reader to develop that ability to its highest potential.
What I really liked about this book is its unpretentiousness, its clarity and honesty. Written from the heart, it cannot fail to please those who have an interest in metaphysics, mystery and philosophy. Thank you David for sharing so much in this very insightful book. A Journey into Spiritual Healing and Kirlian Photography is available online, visit http://healinghandssanctuary.com. To buy the book click on the link on the front page which leads to Amazon.com. WIN WIN WIN We have two copies to give away. To enter please write to ‘A Journey into Spiritual Healing’ Competition, Have a Go News, PO Box 1042, West Leederville WA 6901. Don’t forget to write your name, address and telephone number on the back of an envelope. Email your entry to win@ haveagonews.com.au Entries close 31/10/14.
At the midnight hour
Scene Socially
Jon Lewis SCENE (1): The WA Ballet launched their 2015 season at His Majesty’s Theatre with a special performance from the dancers and members of WASO. The 2015 theme is we’ll move you and the season kicks off at The Quarry in February. Returning to the stage in 2015 WA Ballet will present Coppelia and Cinderella.
SCENE (1): Seen enjoying the festivities were top row from left; Paul van Lieshout, Daniel Roberts, Liam Green and Graeme Watson - Jenny and Darren Scott drove four hours from Dongara to attend the launch - Neil and Rosemary - Megan Lewis and Trudi Stewart. Second row from left; Peter Blaxell, Jeffery Campbell and WA Ballet Artistic Director Aurelien Scannella - Ros Cuthbert and Graeme Pougnault
SCENE (2): WA Carpet Bowls Association Have a Go News State Singles 2014 held Tuesday 16 September 2014 at Altone Park Leisure Centre Have a Go News is a proud sponsor of WACBA, please direct all membership enquiries to Jean Sked 0413 974 293. SCENE (2): Left; Ladies First Place – Lyn Coleman (R), Ladies Runner Up – Shirley Garner (Centre) and Ladies Third Place – Georgie Waghorn (L) Right; Men’s First Place – Keith Hand (Centre), Men’s Runner Up – Gavin Daye (R) and Men’s Third Place – John Stones (L)
Prostate health problems – a thing of the past? Advertorial ONE IN THREE men over 50 have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) commonly called an enlarged prostate. This number rises to nearly 80 per cent of men when they reach 70. It is no wonder that enlarged prostates are said to have reached epidemic proportions. While BPH is not fatal like prostate cancer, it can cause a lot of pain and inconvenience. Common symptoms are frequent and painful urination, and sometimes sexual performance is affected. Yet few men are willing to talk openly about it For those who have approached their doctors for advice, more often than not, an effective treatment is quickly and conveniently made available. Surgery is usually the last-resort due to possible side-effects such as incontinence and impotence. Most cases can be adequately treated orally by taking over-the-counter medication such as the popular Magnus Shield, developed and distributed by Graminex Australia. According to Mr. Indra, spokesperson for Graminex Australia, men in general tend to be tight-lipped about their current condition. “It’s normal for men to feel uncomfortable talking about their prostate and their symptoms (of BPH), that’s okay, we understand,” says Indra, who does his best to personally answer questions from individual callers. He has also spoken
to many concerned wives whose husbands are reluctant to acknowledge the problem. The key to this problem, he believes is to slowly encourage a culture where men should not feel ashamed to talk about their medical condition, especially if it concerns their ‘personal equipment’. For the men who are willing to seek help to ght for their health and well-being, Magnus Shield has proven to be a very effective solution. Bill was suffering from the symptoms in silence on a daily basis and at rst believed that it was part of the normal ageing process all men go through. That was until he spoke to a close personal friend who suggested that he get some medical advice. This led to him being prescribed some Magnus Shield by his family doctor and the results have been positive thus far. “Since taking Magnus Shield tablets for the past three months, I have noticed an improvement. Previously I would go to the loo ve or six times a night, and now I only go two or three times, even less sometimes,” said Bill. Another long-time sufferer Paul, did not wait around for help and instead actively sought it out. One day he stumbled upon an article written in a health magazine about the prostate and this led to him trying out Magnus Shield for himself. “I found out about Magnus Shield from a magazine. I found it helps me to empty my bladder at
night and relieves the pain while passing water. It really works for me. I’m feeling better now,” says Paul. The good news is that more men like Bill and Paul are taking a proactive approach to taking care of their own health. In order to further encourage this trend Graminex Australia has been working together with non-prot prostate support groups in Victoria to help bring awareness to men. Indra feels it’s only a matter of time before practically all men learn the ins and outs of taking care of their prostate. “Eventually we hope to get more men to come forward and share their experiences about their prostate issues. This is our way of showing our support for this common condition,” he says. Trevor Cottle, who is in charge of running the regular meetings with his prostate support group in Box Hill, Victoria, underwent prostate surgery eight years ago and lost his brother to prostate cancer, feels the same. “The prostate support groups have been formed by men, for men, who are interested in prostate health issues and want to do something about,” he said. For enquiries about joining a prostate support group, visit www.magnusprime.com for more information. For enquires about Magnus Shield, call 1300 760 627.
PROCRASTINATION made me blind. I xed my blind and I felt great! Oh, what a joy! My wife congratulated me and my dear Mum also joined in. I certainly congratulated myself, far more than I suspect others could politely bear. Still, they smiled and kindly patted me on the back and there was something else. I had learnt a lesson! A powerful lesson and perhaps even a spiritual lesson, of sorts. Let me tell you that when this blind was nally returned to it’s former splendour the lightness of my heart and joy of my spirit was something rather wonderful. You see, I actually had no idea how much weight a procrastinated task could bear upon my soul. Thinking back, each time I looked at the broken blind, I could see problems. Least of all the actual fault. What I could see clearly were the problems in taking it apart, the problems in nding parts, the problems in working out how the contraption worked, even the problem of problems. Phew! Certainly more than half of the problems I saw were created in my own head, with fresh new problems being formed each time my gaze miserably wondered over that way. Procrastination is an awful thing to have and here is what makes it worse. It seems that it is a learned response to life and what’s more it’s learned by choice! Ahh... I actually chose to be like this? How did that happen? As a child everything we do is straight away. So when did this insidious procrastinatory lifestyle work its way into my life? (Perhaps it was an early lack of discipline, or too much discipline, the jury is still out on that one). Procrastination can lead to some really serious prob-
lems too; health, nance, family to name just a few. A doctor’s or dentist’s appointment can be put off for an unhealthy amount of time. Things don’t always get better if left unattended. Who wants to less healthy? In nance, paying a bill can be put off for so long that late fees apply. Who wants to pay more? A family catch-up can be put off until they start to become strangers... who wants that? I certainly do not. Psychologists say procrastinators actually lie to themselves, thinking tomorrow “I will feel like it”. The truth is tomorrow has even less chance than today ever had. Procrastinators look for distractions that don’t take a lot of commitment on their part. Checking email is a great one for that. Social media can be another. I wonder is the modern world a perfect environment for procrastinators? Procrastinators might even say “I work best under pressure”, when the truth is they end up wasting resources and eventually get a headache racing to get the job done. Who wants that? Fixing procrastination, I’m told, is not just time management. Sadly, it’s a lot more than that. It’s a big mental change...like I said, so I’m told. Okay! I’m up for it! A big mental change sounds good. After all they say a change is as good as a holiday? eh? Isn’t it funny how my ‘it’ that started all this, was my blind? I do feel I have been blind to this and for far too long. What is your ‘it’? I think my dear wife might be in for a shock... boo! All the best, Jon Lewis
(Procrastinate: To delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc.) Jon Lewis can be heard on 6PR 882 AM, Monday to Friday from midnight to 5.30am. Is your club looking for a Quiz Master? Jon is available as your Quiz Master. Text him on 0404 005 882 or email jon@haveaquiz. com For more details, visit the website www.haveaquiz. com
Join us online:
Win Dinner for Two at Pavilion Restaurant, Joondalup for MUSHROOMS GO PINK Celebration Dinner THIS OCTOBER Australian Mushroom growers go all out with MUSHROOM GO PINK an annual celebration of the role mushrooms play in supporting the ght against breast cancer. Australian Mushroom Growers will host a Mushrooms Go Pink Dinner at The Pavilion restaurant at West Coast Institute of Training, Joondalup Campus on 30 October and are giving away 10 double tickets to Have a Go News’ readers. “The hospitality team at Joondalup are outstanding and do a great job training young chefs. We have asked students to create an interesting mushroom menu to
showcase the versatility of mushrooms,” said Noelene Swain, WA Mushroom Growers Coordinator. The Mushrooms Go Pink Dinner will include a three course dinner and a host of mushroom fun providing guests with an evening of ne food, entertainment and take home information to add to the overall dining experience. While the dinner is focused on enjoying some fabulous mushroom meals, it will also highlight the long-term health benets of including mushrooms as part of a regular healthy diet in helping to lower the risk of breast cancer.
Perth dietician, Glenn Cardwell says mushrooms are a natural t when it came to good nutrition. “It is fascinating that three studies have shown that women eating an average of one mushroom a day have half the risk of breast cancer than women who don’t eat mushrooms. Researchers are looking as to the role the mushroom plays in reducing cancer risk.” He said women everywhere deserved to know that mushrooms are not only packed full of avour, but are a rich source of antioxidants, low in kilojoules, and contain a range of essential vitamins
and minerals. “Including mushrooms regularly in the diet is possibly one of the best tasting, affordable and easy ways to give your family the gift of good health,” Mr Cardwell said. WIN WIN WIN To be in the running to win a dinner for two at the Go Pink for Mushrooms Dinner simply email your name, phone number and email address and nominate the name of someone you know who has fought breast cancer. Send to:
[email protected] Competition closes 22/10/14.
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Events Calendar As well as the seminars, National Lifestyle Village will be hosting and attending a number of other events throughout October and November. It is your opportunity to mingle with friendly, like-minded people and find out why so many of them have already made the move. Take a stroll through the stylish display homes, check out the resort style
18th October
- Vibe Baldivis Lifestyle Vi llage, Seminar, 9.30am to 11.30am, 124 Si xty Eight Road Baldivis - Vibe Baldivis Lifestyle Vi llage, Market Day, 11am to 3pm, 124 Sixty Eight Road Baldivis
1st November
tyle Village, es if L n to el ss u B 1pm Wine and Cheese, rd Busselton 16 Leeuwin Bouleva
25th October
illage, Market Day, V le ty es if L ew vi ill H 8.30am to 1pm High Wycombe 597 Kalamunda Road
2nd November
- Bridgewater Lifestyle Village, Market Day 9am to 3pm, - Bridgewater Lifestyle Village, Seminar 9.30am to 11.30am, 106 Oakleigh Drive Erskine - Vibe Baldivis Lifestyle Villag e, Psychic Fair 1pm to 3pm, 124 Sixty Eight Road Baldivis - Oyster Harbour Lifestyle Vil lage, Sunday Session, 2pm, 20 Alison Parade Bayonet He ad
*Date subject to change. See nlv.com.au/event to confirm details.
facilities and experience the unique and relaxed ambience of our Villages. With high demand for new homesites across our Villages and some locations almost sold out, there is not a better time to downsize to a brand-new, low maintenance home at National Lifestyle Villages.
25th & 26th October
- Come and see National Lifestyle Villages at the Retirement Li ving Expo, Shed B Victoria Quay Frem antle 9am to 4pm daily
7th and 8th November
ter Harbour - Come and see Oys lbany Show, A e th at e ag ill V le ty es Lif ounds Centennial Oval Showgr any 156 Lockyer Avenue Alb Friday 9am to 9pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm
26th October - Come and see Busselton Lifestyle Village at the South West Seniors Expo, South West Sports Centre, 1 Rotary Drive Hay Park Bunbury, 9am to 4pm - Tuart Lakes Lifestyle Village, Wine and Cheese Sundowner, 4pm to 6pm, 831 Mandurah Road Baldivis
9th November
- Oyster Harbour Lifestyl e Village, Seminar, 9.30am to 11.30am , 20 Alison Parade Bayonet Head
12th November
- Have a Go Day
Hear what some of our Lifestylers have to say National Lifestyle Villages are all about enriching the lives of over 45s. Everyday our Lifestylers are telling us how much their lives and lifestyles have improved since moving into one of our villages. Here is a snap shot of just how they have benefitted: “We like how the weekly rent covers a lot of things that we’d be putting money aside for previously. Everything is here so we don’t need to go anywhere else. We don’t even have to pay any membership fees.”
It’s the best
location for you Tuart Lakes Rockingham, WA 831 Mandurah Rd, Baldivis Call 08 9523 5000
[email protected]
Bridgewater Erskine Mandurah, WA 106 Oakleigh Dr, Erskine Call 08 9550 4882
Jacquie and Keith, Oyster Harbour
[email protected]
“Rick and I have just had the grandkids for a week and our feet have barely touched the ground. The kids thought they were in a holiday resort with the beach so close, cafes, restaurants and so many other attractions, all within five minutes walking distance.” Rian and Rick, Busselton
Busselton Busselton, WA 16 Leeuwin Boulevard, West Busselton
“We are Indian-Portuguese and my husband travels to India often to see his family, so feeling safe and secure was a big reason why we moved to Vibe Lifestyle Village.” Carmen, Vibe Baldivis
Call 08 9752 6703
[email protected]
Helena Valley Helena Valley, WA
“Since we moved into Helena Valley Lifestyle Village we’ve been to Nimbin to visit our daughter, I’m going skiing to New Zealand for 12 days on Saturday, in October we’re going on a cruise from Singapore to Bangkok, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan & China, where we will visit the terracotta warriors and then the Great Wall, then on the way home we have 5 days in Bali for a rest and in January we’re going on a cruise from Sydney to Fiji.”
2340 Helena Valley Rd, Helena Valley Enquire now on 1300 87 55 65
[email protected]
Kim, Helena Valley
High Wycombe, WA 597 Kalamunda Road,
“My son always asks…‘What are you doing now Mum?’ I’m always doing something…off to the casino, a bike ride, the movies, a drink with friends. Life couldn’t be better.” Glen, Tuart Lakes
High Wycombe Call 08 6467 3108
[email protected]
“The whole reason for my move was about being happy…not tied down to a mortgage or a job I didn’t like. It was about freedom and starting again for me.”
Lake Joondalup
Suzette, Oyster Harbour
Call 08 9404 5011
Ashby, WA 1140 Wanneroo Road, Ashby
[email protected]
“I see people enter the village gates for the very first time, and each day I watch them grow progressively younger.” Dale, Bridgewater
Lara Lara, VIC 40 Watt Street, Lara, Victoria
“I agree with other Lifestylers...this has been one of my better decisions to move here. I have met so many lovely people. I love my easy to look after house and I love going on outings doesn’t matter if you don’t know everyone on the bus...by the time you get home you have met everyone and made new friends. THIS IS THE LIFE!”
Call 1300 45 55 65
[email protected]
Oyster Harbour
Margaret, Pineview
Albany, WA 20 Alison Pde, Bayonet Head Call 08 9844 0000
[email protected]
Vibe Baldivis, WA 124 Sixty Eight Road, Baldivis Call 08 9524 4403
[email protected]
Pineview 48 Ashley Road, Tapping Call 08 9404 5011
[email protected]
Enriching the lives of over 45s