TS-APP-004_Technical - OIT Standards - Programming Languages 20160317.pdf. TS-APP-004_Technical - OIT Standards - Progra
Technology Standard
Programming Languages (Custom Applications) Document Owner: ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
Document ID #
Technical Area: APPLICATIONS
Effective Date
Version: 1.0
Last Reviewed Date
PURPOSE OIT is statutorily obligated to provide IT support and services to the State and its stakeholders in the most effective and efficient manner possible. The purpose of this document is to define the standard methods that Enterprise Applications shall use to deliver Application Development services to customers of the Governor's Office of Information Technology. SCOPE These standards apply to OIT and OIT supported agencies. This Standard shall be used by employees of OIT, agencies supported by OIT, and vendors contracted by OIT or its stakeholders as a means to enforce technology standardization and assist in making the usage, support, and/or purchase of technologies more consistent and efficient. The scope of this document is for the specific service as described in Section 4 DEFINITIONS below. This document is intended for Enterprise Applications, but applies to any OIT unit providing these services to customers.
REFERENCES OIT and CISO Policies (see OIT Plaza ‐ Policies): This document establishes operational standards for OIT. All staff following these standards shall do so in compliance with all other OIT policies as published. In the event of any perceived conflict, OIT Policies shall prevail.
DEFINITIONS 4.1. Computer Programming Language: A notation for writing computer programs, which are specifications of a computation or algorithm and involves a computer performing some kind of computation or algorithm and possibly control of external devices. 4.2. C# (C Sharp): An elegant and type‐safe object‐oriented language that enables developers to build a variety of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. You can use
State of Colorado | Governor’s Office of Information Technology | Technology Standard
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Technology Standard
Programming Languages (Custom Applications) Document Owner: ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
Document ID #
Technical Area: APPLICATIONS
Effective Date
Version: 1.0
Last Reviewed Date
C# to create Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed components, client‐server applications, database applications, and much, much more. Visual Studio provides an advanced code editor, convenient user interface designers, integrated debugger, and many other tools to make it easier to develop applications based on the C# language and the .NET Framework. Java: A programming language that produces software for multiple platforms. When a programmer writes a Java application, the compiled code (known as bytecode) runs on most operating systems (OS), including Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Java derives much of its syntax from the C and C++ programming languages. Turing Complete: See Computability Theory
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ● Architecture Review Board: ○ Engage stakeholders and subject matter experts to determine standard ○ Review/Approve Standard (this document) ● Enterprise Architecture ‐ Chief Enterprise Architect: ○ Update effective / last review date ○ Publish the Standard to OIT’s public facing website and the OIT Plaza ● Enterprise Applications ‐ Director of Enterprise Applications: ○ Owner of Standard ○ Engage stakeholders and subject matter experts to determine standard ○ Update document standards and version number ○ Present to Architecture Review Board for approval and adoption ● Additional Assignments: ○ All Enterprise Applications staff are responsible for knowing and following the standards outlined in this document.
State of Colorado | Governor’s Office of Information Technology | Technology Standard
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Technology Standard
Programming Languages (Custom Applications) Document Owner: ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
Document ID #
Technical Area: APPLICATIONS
Effective Date
Version: 1.0
Last Reviewed Date
STANDARD OIT, its stakeholders, and vendors will only support programming languages that can be defined as Turing complete and is accepted by the industry as capable of expressing all algorithms or computations as stipulated within computability theory, and may be executed on OIT standard x86 server infrastructure platforms. Within the broad definition provided above, the following programming languages (Table 1) and supporting specifications are those that shall be supported for use within the scope stated in this document (Section 2, “Scope”).
Programming Languages
C#, Java
Table 1 C# Language: Standard Integration development Environment (IDE) used for C# are mentioned below ● Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (C# Version 3.0,.NET Framework 2,3,3.5) ● Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (C# Version 3.0, .NET Framework 4.0) ● Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (C# Version 4.0, .Net Framework 4.5) ● Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (C# Version 5.0,.Net Version 4.5) is Recommended It is recommended to develop and upgrade applications in C# with latest version of IDE made available from Microsoft (considerations for use/compatibility with SQL Server versions must be assessed). Java Language: Standard Integration development Environment (IDE) used for Java are mentioned below ● Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3 (JDK 5) ● Oracle JDeveloper 12 ( JDK 7)(Recommended) ● Eclipse 4.4 (JDK 7) JDK is the java development kit used with the JAVA IDE’s mentioned above. Use the latest IDE or upgrade to the latest version of IDE. State of Colorado | Governor’s Office of Information Technology | Technology Standard
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Technology Standard
Programming Languages (Custom Applications) Document Owner: ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
Document ID #
Technical Area: APPLICATIONS
Effective Date
Version: 1.0
Last Reviewed Date
VARIANCE Requests to use technology standards other than those described herein shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Enterprise Applications for consideration. REVISION HISTORY This procedure is to be reviewed every 6 months by the document owner and remains in effect until otherwise noted.
State of Colorado | Governor’s Office of Information Technology | Technology Standard
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