TSM client and Repostor Installation and Configuration for Postgres 8.4 V1.1(17022015).pdf. TSM client and Repostor Inst
TSM client v7.1, Repostor 4.2 Installation and Configuration for Postgres 8.4 on Enterprise Red Hat Linux 6 (64-bit) Document
Contents 1
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview of TSM Client API .................................................................................................................. 3 2.1
Prerequisites for TSM Client API ................................................................................................... 3
Overview of Repostor for Postgres ....................................................................................................... 3 3.1
Prerequisites for Repostor 4.2 ...................................................................................................... 4
Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 4
TSM Client/API Installation ................................................................................................................... 5 5.1
Installation media ......................................................................................................................... 5
Un-tar TSM client media ............................................................................................................... 5
Installing TSM pacakges ................................................................................................................ 5
Repostor 4.2 Installation ....................................................................................................................... 7 6.1
Installation media ......................................................................................................................... 7
Installing Repostor ........................................................................................................................ 7
Installing Java ................................................................................................................................ 7
Configuring Postgres Database for backups ......................................................................................... 8 7.1
Setting up permissions in the Postgres instance .......................................................................... 8
Restart postgres instance as root user ................................................................................. 9
Mapping method checking ................................................................................................... 9
Configure the postgres instance for archiving (incremental backups): ........................................ 9
Add Postgres and host filesystem nodes at TSM server ..................................................................... 11
Configuring TSM API/Client files ......................................................................................................... 22 9.1
Checking connectivity with TSM server ...................................................................................... 24 Backup Postgres database .............................................................................................................. 25
Back using command line............................................................................................................ 25
Restore using command line....................................................................................................... 26
Back using Repostor GUI tool (rdpgui) ........................................................................................ 27
Configuring rdpgui .............................................................................................................. 27
Taking backup using rdpgui................................................................................................. 31
Restoring backup using rdpgui ............................................................................................ 33
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1 Introduction This document contains step by step installation and configuration of TSM client/API v7.1 and Repostor v4.2 for Postgres v8.4 database.
2 Overview of TSM Client API The Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Application Program Interface (API) enables an application client to use the TSM functions. The API includes function calls that an application can use to perform the following operations:
Start or end a session. Assign management classes to objects before storing them on a server. Back up or archive objects to a server. Restore or retrieve objects from a server. Query the server for information about objects that are stored there. Manage filespaces.
2.1 Prerequisites for TSM Client API
Disk space o 200 MB of disk space to store the full set of downloadable parts. o 200 MB of disk space to unpack the parts. o 550 MB of disk space for the installed product.
Packages: o libaio o libstdc++.so.6 (32 and 64 bit packages are required)
SELinux settings - To determine if SELinux is installed and in enforcing mode, perform one of the following tasks: o Check the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file. o Run the sestatus operating system command. o Check the /var/log/messages file for SELinux notices. - To disable SELinux, complete one of the following tasks: o Set permissive mode by issuing the setenforce 0 command as a superuser. o Modify the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file and reboot the machine.
Other Softwares o Korn Shell (ksh) should also be installed.
3 Overview of Repostor for Postgres Repostor is today the world leader in backup of open source databases to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager and expects to further consolidate this position.
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Features of Postgres: Report de-duplication savings Report compression savings Report performance in MB/s Report used encryption Estimated size from database to TSM Update TSM filespace capacity Update TSM occupancy from database Update TSM capacity from database size estimate Man pages added to Linux/Unix platform Recreate databases during restore Automatically exclude template databases Full backup of all databases Full backup of selected database(s) Incremental backup of all databases Incremental backup of selected database(s) Full restore of all databases Full restore of selected database(s) Incremental restore of all database(s) Incremental restore of selected database(s) Point in time restore Restore of database to a new machine Restore of database to a new database / instance Query to TSM. What backup versions do I have? Pick older version of backup for restoration Backup and Restoration are done in parallel Tunable parallelism
3.1 Prerequisites for Repostor 4.2
Hardware requirements o o o
Any Intel x86 (or compatible) 64-bit workstation Disk space: 8 MB Memory: 64 MB (128 MB or more recommended)
Software requirements o Tivoli Storage Manager API Version 6.3 (or later) o Java 1.7 (or later) is required to run the gui program. o PostgreSQL must be installed o "psql" and "pg_dump" has to be in search PATH
4 Setup Overview Sr# 1 2 3
Parameter IP Address Hostname Database Version
TSM Server db1.tap.com -
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Client postgres.com 8.2 (64-bit)
5 TSM Client/API Installation 5.1 Installation media For installation, I’ve downloaded the TSM 7.1 client ( and copied it under “/mnt/tsm_client” folder.
5.2 Un-tar TSM client media First step is to un-tar the media after connecting to root user:
5.3 Installing TSM pacakges Use the following procedure to install the Tivoli Storage Manager packages. Install the packages in the order shown: Install the 64-bit GSKit packages.
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Install the 64-bit Tivoli Storage Manager API
Install the backup-archive Java™ client, command line client, administrative client, web client, and the documentation
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6 Repostor 4.2 Installation 6.1 Installation media I’ve placed the media of Repostor 4.2 package (rdp4Postgres- & Java v1.7 (jdk-7u13-linux-x64.tar.gz) under “/mnt/repostor” and “/mnt/java” folders respectively.
6.2 Installing Repostor To install Repostor locate to “/mnt/reposstor” and install the repostor’s rpm package:
6.3 Installing Java To install JDK first locate to “/mnt/java” and un-tar media on desired location:
Rename the old version java executable and make symbolic link to new version under “/usr/bin”
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7 Configuring Postgres Database for backups 7.1 Setting up permissions in the Postgres instance To setting up permissions on Postgres instance switch to postgres user and add following entries in “pg_hba.conf” file at top located under “$PGDATA or “/opt/PostgreSQL/8.4/data”: # TYPE local
USER root,postgres
METHOD map=tsm
USER root,postgres
METHOD trust
OR # TYPE local
- In our setup I’m configuring first mapping method. After proper entries save the file and exit.
Now to enable mapping “/opt/PostgreSQL/8.4/data”:
Perform following entries in the file: # MAPNAME tsm tsm
IDENT-USERNAME root postgres
PG -USERNAME postgres postgres
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Restart postgres instance as root user
As user root, restart the postgres instance to enable changes # /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart
Mapping method checking
Try to logon to the instance as root to check if the method mapping is working: # export PGLIB=/opt/PostgreSQL/8.4/lib # export PGDATA=/opt/PostgreSQL/8.4/data # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin # psql --username=postgres
7.2 Configure the postgres instance for archiving (incremental backups): To enable archiving for incremental backups connect as postgres user and open postgresql.conf file: # su - postgres $ vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
Set “archive_mode=on” and add the following lines in file and save the file: archive_command = 'logwriter -s "%p" -d %f'
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After changes as user root, restart the postgres instance again to enable changes # /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart
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8 Add Postgres and host filesystem nodes at TSM server To make backups of Postgres and host filesystem on TSM server, add postgres and filesystem nodes on TSM using TSM console: Open TSM Server web console in browser :
On homepage, scroll mouse on “Clients” tab and click “Clients” from drop down menu.
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On TSM Clients page you would see clients already added at TSM Server, from here click “+Client” button to add a new client
Click Next to proceed with default
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On Client -> Identity menu page, provide Client name “postgresnode” and client password which would be used to connect with TSM server and click next:
Click Next to proceed with default
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Click Next to proceed with default profile
Click Next to proceed with default
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Click Next to proceed with defaults
Click Next to proceed with default
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On Summary page should get “Succeeded” message when client node has been added successfully, click close to finish adding first node.
Now you could see the first node has been added in the list of clients
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To add second node, from Clients page click “+Client” button to add a new client node
Click Next to proceed with defaults
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On Client -> Identity page provide Client name (postgresfilesys) and password and Click next:
Click Next to proceed with defaults
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Click Next to proceed with default policy
Click Next to proceed with defaults
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Click Next to proceed with defaults
Click Next to proceed with default
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Click Close to finish the process
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9 Configuring TSM API/Client files To enable Repostor and TSM API to send backups to TSM Server create dsm.opt and dsm.sys files under “/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64”: Log on to the system as root and create dsm.opt # vi /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.opt
Add entry for the TSM backup server, I’m using “postgres” as Server name and save file: SE postgres
Create “bin” directory under “/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api” and symbolic link for dsm.opt file enabling repostor to connect with TSM: # mkdir /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin # ln -s ../../api/bin64/dsm.opt # ll dsm.opt
Now create dsm.sys file under “/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64”, which will contain information about TSM server: # vi /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.sys
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Add the following entries and save the file: SE postgres TCPSERVERADDRESS PASSWORDACCESS generate SCHEDLOGNAME /var/log/dsmsched_postgresnode.log ERRORLOGNAME /var/log/dsmerror_postgresnode.log NODENAME postgresnode SE filesystem TCPSERVERADDRESS PASSWORDACCESS generate SCHEDLOGNAME /var/log/dsmsched_filesys.log ERRORLOGNAME /var/log/dsmerror_filesys.log NODENAME postgresfilesys
To enable BA client to “/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin”
# cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/ # vi dsm.opt
Add following entry and save the file: SE filesystem
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Make link of dsm.sys file for BA client # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/ # ln -s ../../api/bin64/dsm.sys # ll dsm.sys
9.1 Checking connectivity with TSM server To check connectivity of client nodes with TSM server issue following commands from root user and for user id press enter to accept default and enter the password of node set while adding node on TSM server: # dsmc -se=filesystem
# dsmc -se=postgres
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10 Backup Postgres database 10.1 Back using command line To backup the postgres database(es) first set the appropriate environment variables and then use “postgresbackup” command to backup instance or database. Backup whole instance (all databases) To backup the whole instance use “-a” clause in “postgresbackup” command # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/repostor/rdp4Postgres/bin # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin # postgresbackup -u postgres -a -v
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After backup will be finished it will show success message
Incremental backup of instance: To take incremental backup only after full backup of whole instance use command: # postgresbackup -u postgres -f -v Backup single database To backup single database use “-s” clause with database name in “postgresbackup” command postgresbackup -u postgres -s newdb
10.2 Restore using command line To restore whole instance use command: postgresrestore -u postgres -a -v To restore single database use command: postgresrestore -u postgres -s newdb
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10.3 Back using Repostor GUI tool (rdpgui) We can also use Repostor GUI tools to bakup postgres database(es). But first we have to configure rdpgui utility. 10.3.1 Configuring rdpgui First set the appropriate environment variables and then use “rdpgui” command invoke this tool. # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/repostor/rdp4Postgres/bin # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin # rdpgui
After rdpgui started, provide username “postgres” and click “Setup Wizard” button:
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On next screen provide NodeName “postgresnode” (it should be actual name of node added on Server) -> IP address of TSM Server ( against TcpServerAddress -> click “Add” button and “Next” to proceed further
On next screen provide click “postgres” on left and provide port number “5432” click “Add” button and “Next” to proceed further
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On next screen click “Create opt”, “Create Config” and “InstallService” buttons one by one. This will create required configuration files and services. In last click Authenticate which will check connectivity with TSM server.
Repostor will open TSM BA client to check connectivity with server
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After process it will prompt for the password, provide the password and click “Login” and it will open IBM TSM BA client interface, click close
Click Finnish to complete the process and close rdpgui
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10.3.2 Taking backup using rdpgui First set the appropriate environment variables and execute “rdpgui” to re-invoke this RDP.
Provide Username “postgres” and click Backup
Select database from the list, select verbose and click Backup to start backup
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Backup status
On successful completion you will see the message:
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10.3.3 Restoring backup using rdpgui To restore database start rdpgui tool and click restore, afterwards select database name (newdb), check Verbose and click restore
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