TT 12:30 pm-1:45 pm, Room CHM 170; Attendance is required ...

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Optional: S. McMurry "Study Guide and Solutions Manual for McMurry's Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry," 7th. Edition (ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-4972-3 and ISBN-10: 1-4390-4972-6) has detailed answers to problems in text. Use this best only ...
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 341 Fall 2013, Time & Location: TT 12:30 pm-1:45 pm, Room CHM 170; Attendance is required. Instructor: Dr. Xiaohua Peng, CHM 641, 229-5221, [email protected] Office Hours: By appointment. Speak to me after lecture, or contact me by email to schedule an appointment. If you use email, make sure you use “Chem 341” as the subject line of the email message, or I may not respond in time. Course Description: CHEM 341 is an introduction to organic chemistry. The objective of CHEM 341 is to provide a basic understanding of organic molecules, e.g. naming, structure, property, reactivity, and synthesis. You will learn how atoms are bonded to each other in organic compounds, how their structure affect their reactivity, how small molecules are transformed into big molecules. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Chemistry 104, which is to assure adequate quality of background preparation; concurrent registration in Chem 342. My own Prerequisite: A GOOD ATTITUDE would be very helpful for learning chemistry this semester, for making this course fun (learning can be fun) and for ending up with a good grade. Attendence: It is essential that you attend lecture. You will find that you will learn a lot in lecture, providing you attend, pay attention and stay awake. Text (required): J. McMurry, "Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry," 7th edition (ISBN-13: 9781439049716). Optional: S. McMurry "Study Guide and Solutions Manual for McMurry’s Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry," 7th Edition (ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-4972-3 and ISBN-10: 1-4390-4972-6) has detailed answers to problems in text. Use this best only to check your answers. Models are useful for stereochemical analyses. Either computer or physical models are fine. Tentative Schedule: Any changes in exam dates will be noted in class (D2L site) at least a week in advance. Sept


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Chap 1 Introduction, structure, and bonding Nov Chap 2 Alkanes Chap 3 Alkenes and alkynes Chap 4 Alkene reactions Chap 4 & Exam Review EXAM 1 Chap 5 Aromatic compounds


24 29 31 5 7 12 14 19 21 26 3 5 10

Chap 7 Alkyl halides Chap 7 & Exam Review EXAM 2 Chap 8 Alcohols Chap 9 Aldehydes and ketones Chap 13 IR and NMR Exam Review EXAM 3 Chap 10 Carboxylic acid and derivatives Final exam review

Chap 6 Stereochemistry Final Exam is 12:30-2:30 Wed, Dec 18, in the usual lecture hall

Examinations and Grading: Note that hour exams are given during the class hour. On exam days, wait until you are given an exam before entering the classroom. There will be three 100 point exams, each based largely on material covered since the previous exam. All quizzes together count as much as one exam. Of these four scores, only three count. The Final exam, worth 150 points, will cover all material, for a course score out of 450 points. Make sure you study for the Final exam, even though it is scheduled soon after Exam 3. All exams are required: while exams taken late do not count in the same way as exams taken on time, they must be made up. Contact me as soon as possible if you know you must miss an exam. If you miss an exam, with or without a prearranged excuse, you must take the missed exam within a week after the scheduled date in order to be allowed to drop the zero as your lowest exam score. I have adopted this apparently harsh policy because I believe taking the exam is an important part of learning the material. Students excused from an exam for some good reason frequently fail to continue their good progress. If you are forced to miss an exam, taking it later will allow you to drop the zero, rather than a different exam score. Exams are not excused for vacations. Quizzes (usually 10 pts each) will be given, generally in the first 10 minutes of class on Thursday. Answers will be given in class immediately after quizzes are collected. These quizzes will cover the main points of recent lectures; they are designed to help you to keep on schedule, to familiarize you with the way I write exam questions, and to let me know what you need to learn for the exam. Quiz totals will be normalized to 100 possible points, and together will count as much as an exam. Homework: Actually working the problems you attempt is much more important than looking at all the problems. Work all the problems within the chapter. Website: (Find CHEM 341 once you have logged into D2L). Course Content: A large amount of material will be covered in this course. It is extremely important that you keep up. Please read the chapter before the lecture covering that material in order to more easily follow the lecture, which will cover the same material, but not generally in the same order as the text. Working problems is the best way to learn. It is strongly advised that you work all problems. Consult the study guide only after you have worked the problems. If you cannot work a problem, consult your text, notes, or problems earlier in the chapter to find out how to solve the problem. DO NOT LOOK UP THE ANSWERS IN THE ANSWER KEY IF YOU HAVE NOT FOUND AN ANSWER YOURSELF! You will waste the opportunity to learn, and fool yourself into thinking you are learning when you are not. How to do well in the course: ● Read the appropriate section(s) of the book before the material is presented in lecture. ● Attend lecture and take it seriously. Be punctual and take note. ● Do problems as much as you can. ● Form a study group with others in the class and work on homework questions together. ● Try make your own connections between materials presented during different lectures. ● If you have problems, get help right away.