Page 1. Tudor Explorers Class 5. The term ahead…... ENGLISH. We will be ...
Roald Dahl is our chosen author for our class novels this term. MATHS. Number.
Tudor Explorers
Class 5
The term ahead…... ENGLISH SCIENCE
We will be writing stories, newspaper reports, non chronological reports and poetry. We will be focusing on our sentence structures and accurate punctuation including the use of commas. We will be looking at regular and irregular verbs, suffixes, prefixes and different letter strings and increasing our use of adjectives, adverbs, extended noun phrases and prepositions to engage the reader. Roald Dahl is our chosen author for our class novels this term.
The core concepts to understand are: Learn about he importance of exercise for good health. To understand the need for food for activity and growth and about he importance of an adequate and varied diet to:
Help us grow and repair our bodies (proteins)
Provide us with energy (fats and carbohydrates)
Maintain good health (vitamins and minerals)
MATHS Number Ordering numbers and place value including negative numbers and decimals. Multiplication and division facts up to 12x12 fFnd pairs of factors Written methods of multiplication and division Fractions and decimals Reasoning and explaining Problem solving Written and mental addition and subtraction involving decimals up to 2 dp. Using calculator Shape/ measure Classify regular and irregular polygons Visualise 3d objects and make nets. Measurement facts Read partially numbered scales Reasoning and explaining Handling data Graphs, charts and pictograms Tallies/frequency Find the mode of a set of data.
ART We are going to use a variety of sources for our work and use a sketchbook to develop ideas. Explore potential of visual element, line, tone, pattern, texture, colour and shape through observational drawings of Tudor costumes and materials. We will make collage portraits of the Tudor Monarchs. Textiles/collage Join fabrics in different ways including stitching. We will make a coat of arms wall hanging using The Language of Heraldry.
PSHE A St. Mary’s Pupil shows RESPECT. This term we are learning how to show respect to ourselves, others and the environment. We will also be focusing on how to keep ourselves safe on the internet. We will be making books, posters and performing a short presentation to our parents on this. Through circle time we will discuss how we are getting on with this.
ICT Use the internet for research and check the reliability of the websites. Explore the Smart Crew to reinforce safety on the internet. Use publisher to make information leaflets. Make a PowerPoint presentation about life in tudor times and the explorers. Focus on continuity. Add hyperlinks, images and evaluate the finished presentation. Use suitable programs to draw graphs.
HISTORY Key skills to learn: Chronological understanding Know and sequence key events of time studied Place events on timeline Use relevant terms and period labels Make comparisons between different times in the past Understand the terms BC and AD Range and depth of historical knowledge Study different aspects of different people- differences between men and women. Use evidence to reconstruct life in time studied Examine causes and results of great events and the impact on people. Interpretations of history Look at different evidence available Evaluate the usefulness of different sources Compare accounts of events from different sources – fact or fiction Offer some reasons for the differences. Historical enquiry Identify primary and secondary sources Use evidence to build a picture of the past Use library and internet for research with increasing confidence. Ask a variety of questions