Tugas Akhir RD 091481 Desain interior ruang tunggu ... - Digilib ITS

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Desain Produk Industri i. Futuristic Interior design of waiting room Juanda monorail station with application Mojopahit heritage form into hypersurface plan as.
Tugas Akhir RD 091481 Desain interior ruang tunggu stasiun monorail Juanda yang Futuristik dengan mengaplikasikan bentuk peninggalan Mojopahit ke dalam media Hypersurface sebagai elemen estetik Futuristic Interior design of waiting room Juanda monorail station with application Mojopahit heritage form into hypersurface plan as aesthethic element Nama Mahasiswa

: Mega Prasetia


: 3404 100 036


: Desain Interior

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: Ir. Adi Wardoyo, IAI.

ABSTRACT Juanda international Airport are ones of exit point from district in Surabaya to the others which have a great potential for connector in transport between or out to the East Indonesia. With the great potential its needed a supporting facilities and infrastructure about transportation that adjustable. The problem is how to manage all the problem about traffic and perception people againts mass transport or individual transport which has worse impression. The ways to handled are creating a new highway or traffic road or develop a infrastructure about new mass city transport such as Monorail. Transportation building(in remaining monorail transportation) has a significant role about a new image mass city transport it needs new innovation building itself. In that term Monorail station in Juanda Has tried to make a image brand new for architecture and interior with appliying Hi-tech futurist concept through application of Mojopahit Heritage form into hypersurface plan. Futuristic Interior Architecture Mega Prasetia 3404100036 Desain Produk Industri


Tugas Akhir RD 091481 Desain interior ruang tunggu stasiun monorail Juanda yang Futuristik dengan mengaplikasikan bentuk peninggalan Mojopahit ke dalam media Hypersurface sebagai elemen estetik itself tried to give an imprssion about the future of human life through technology and memorized or developing what the local culture we had, Mojopahit is ones of Javanese heritage that had great influent. Data collection include this research conducted directly to the parties concerned are a place to get primary data. In this case, the Surabaya development goverment and Juanda airport development as the companies reviews. While studying literature, magazines, books, and on the internet billiard billiard place and planning is a way to obtain secondary data. This research including the application about aesthethic element and application hi-tech futurist concept in all element of interior in waiting room monorail station with proccess extended, shaped, spiralized and chamfered that created a new image station without feel hard shape, colour itself took from what the material we take, and what the concept we take, its just to be supportting as aesthethic element.

Mega Prasetia 3404100036 Desain Produk Industri
