Tulsa Shuffle Line Dance Club - Step Sheet for Skinny Genes

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Oct 20, 2010 ... Skinny Genes. Choreographed by Patricia E. & Lizzie Stott. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, ultra beginner line dance. Music : Skinny Genes by ...

Tulsa Shuffle Line Dance Club - Step S…

Skinny Genes Choreographed by Patricia E. & Lizzie Stott Description: 32 count, 4 wall, ultra beginner line dance Music : Skinny Genes by Eliza Doolittle

Commence on vocals. Intro 32 counts

Diagonally Forward, Together, Diagonally Forward, Touch, Diagonally Forward, Together, Diagonally Forward, Touch 1-2

Step diagonally right forw ard to right diagonal, step left together


Step diagonally right forw ard to right diagonal, touch left together


Step diagonally left forw ard to left diagonal, close right together


Step diagonally left forw ard to left diagonal, touch right together

Step Diagonally Back, Touch, Step Diagonally Back, Close, Twist Heels, Right, Centre, Right, Centre 1-2 3-4

Step right diagonally back to right diagonal, touch left together Step left diagonally back to left diagonal, close right together


Tw ist both heels to right, twist both heels back to centre, twist both heels to right, tw ist both heels back to centre

Grapevine Right, Brush, Grapevine Left With Turn ¼ Left, Brush 1-4

Step right to side, cross left behind right, right to right, brush left together


Step left to side, cross right behind left, turn ¼ left and step left forw ard, brush right forward

Step, Brush, Step, Brush, Walk Back * 3, Close 1-4

Step right forw ard, brush left forward, step left forward, brush right forward


Walk back right, left, right, close left together

Start Again ENDING

At the end of the music twist the heels to face front wall

