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Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors versus combination intensive therapy with conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in established rheumatoid arthritis: TACIT non-inferiority randomised controlled trial David L Scott,1 Fowzia Ibrahim,1 Vern Farewell,2 Aidan G O’Keeffe,3 David Walker,4 Clive Kelly,5 Fraser Birrell,6 Kuntal Chakravarty,7 Peter Maddison,8 Margaret Heslin,9 Anita Patel,9 Gabrielle H Kingsley1
For numbered affiliations see end of article. Correspondence to: D L Scott
[email protected] Additional material is published online only. To view please visit the journal online (http:// Cite this as: BMJ 2015;350:h1046 doi: 10.1136/bmj.h1046
Accepted: 19 January 2015
Abstract Objective To determine whether intensive combinations of synthetic disease modifying drugs can achieve similar clinical benefits at lower costs to high cost biologics such as tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis resistant to initial methotrexate and other synthetic disease modifying drugs. Design Open label pragmatic randomised multicentre two arm non-inferiority trial over 12 months. Setting 24 rheumatology clinics in England. Participants Patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were eligible for treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors according to current English guidance were randomised to either the tumour necrosis factor inhibitor strategy or the combined disease modifying drug strategy. Interventions Biologic strategy: start tumour necrosis factor inhibitor; second biologic in six month for nonresponders. Alternative strategy: start combination of disease modifying drugs; start tumour necrosis factor inhibitors after six months in non-responders. Main outcome measure Primary outcome: reduction in disability at 12 months measured with patient recorded heath assessment questionnaire (range 0.00–3.00) with a 0.22
What is already known on this topic Placebo controlled trials have shown that tumour necrosis factor inhibitors are effective in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis, and some economic models justify use when methotrexate does not work. Despite their high costs, their use has continually grown, and by 2012 international spending exceeded £15bn (€20.5bn, $23bn) a year A combination of synthetic disease modifying drugs is an alternative cheaper and effective strategy in active rheumatoid arthritis
What this study adds Patients with active rheumatoid arthritis eligible for biologic treatments according to current English guidance achieve non-inferior benefits in disability, with no demonstrable difference in quality of life or prevention of joint damage, with combined synthetic disease modifying drugs or tumour necrosis factor inhibitors As combinations of synthetic disease modifying drugs cost less they should be considered when monotherapy with disease modifying drugs is not successful the bmj | BMJ 2015;350:h1046 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.h1046
non-inferiority margin for combination treatment versus the biologic strategy. Secondary outcomes: quality of life, joint damage, disease activity, adverse events, and costs. Intention to treat analysis used multiple imputation methods for missing data. Results 432 patients were screened: 107 were randomised to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors and 101 started taking; 107 were randomised to the combined drug strategy and 104 started taking the drugs. Initial assessments were similar; 16 patients were lost to follow-up (seven with the tumour necrosis factor inhibitor strategy, nine with the combined drug strategy); 42 discontinued the intervention but were followed-up (19 and 23, respectively). The primary outcome showed mean falls in scores on the health assessment questionnaire of −0.30 with the tumour necrosis factor inhibitor strategy and −0.45 with the alternative combined drug strategy. The difference between groups in unadjusted linear regression analysis favoured the alternative strategy of combined drugs. The mean difference was −0.14, and the 95% confidence interval (−0.29 to 0.01) was below the prespecified non-inferiority boundary of 0.22. Improvements at 12 months in secondary outcomes, including quality of life and erosive progression, were similar with both strategies. Initial reductions in disease activity were greater with the biologic strategy, but these differences did not persist beyond six months. Remission was seen in 72 patients (44 with biologic strategy; 36 with alternative strategy); 28 patients had serious adverse events (18 and 10, respectively); six and 10 patients, respectively, stopped treatment because of toxicity. The alternative strategy reduced health and social care costs per patient by £3615 (€4930, $5585) for months 0–6 and £1930 for months 6–12. Conclusions In patients with active rheumatoid arthritis who meet English criteria for biologics an alternative strategy with combinations of intensive synthetic disease modifying drugs gives non-inferior outcomes to treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors. Costs are reduced substantially. Trial Registration ISRCTN 37438295.
Introduction Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors, the first biologics for rheumatoid arthritis, have changed specialist 1
RESEARCH management.1 Placebo controlled trials in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis defined their efficacy.2 Long term observational studies confirmed their relative safety.3 Economic modelling used placebo controlled trials to justify their use in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis who were resistant to methotrexate.4 European and North American expert groups provided international guidance on their use in rheumatoid arthritis.5 6 English guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends starting them in patients with persistent active rheumatoid arthritis that is resistant to methotrexate and one other synthetic disease modifying drug7 and continuing them as long as the patients maintain good responses. Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors are expensive. By 2012 international spending exceeded £15bn (€20.5bn, $23bn) a year. Guidance for their use is driven by results of placebo controlled trials in rheumatoid arthritis sponsored by manufacturers. Few trials have compared them with active non-biological treatments,8 9 even though lower cost strategies, such as combinations of synthetic disease modifying drugs, are effective.10–13 England spends over £600 m (€820 m, $926 m) a year on tumour necrosis factor inhibitors, which has a substantial impact on the National Health Service’s budget. Healthcare commissioners would prefer lower cost alternatives provided patients were not disadvantaged. We evaluated this possibility by testing the hypothesis that a lower cost strategy of combinations of synthetic disease modifying drugs achieves outcomes that are not inferior and costs substantially less.
Participants Patients were recruited from 24 rheumatology clinics in England. We included men and women aged over 18 with disease durations over 12 months who met the 1987 criteria for classification of rheumatoid arthritis and NICE criteria for starting biologics in England. The NICE criteria comprise disease activity score for 28 joints >5.1 twice over one month apart after treatment with methotrexate and one other disease modifying drug.7 We excluded patients who unable or unwilling to give informed consent, had not had successful results with or had contraindications to all combinations of disease modifying drugs (including possible pregnancy), had contraindications to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors, had serious inter-current illness, or were taking high dose corticosteroids (>10 mg prednisolone).
Methods Design The TACIT (tumour necrosis factor inhibitors against combination intensive therapy) trial was an open label pragmatic randomised two arm non-inferiority trial carried out over 12 months in multiple centres.
Primary outcome The primary outcome was the score on the health assessment questionnaire at 12 months.14 Scores were measured initially at baseline and at six and 12 months. Trials of disease modifying drugs15 and biologics16 have shown that this patient assessed outcome is sensitive to change. Its performance is equal to disease activity measures like joint counts. Changes in health assessment questionnaire scores influenced NICE’s decisions on biologics. It involves questions across eight domains: dressing and grooming, getting up, eating, walking, hygiene, reach, grip, and chores or activities. There are four possible answers: 0=without any difficulty; 1=with some difficulty; 2=with much difficulty; and 3=unable to do. The sum of the highest score per domain is divided by eight. The total score ranges from 0 to 3 (0=best; 3=worst) in 0.125 increments.
Treatment strategies Tumour necrosis factor inhibitor strategy This had two steps: • Start one tumour necrosis factor inhibitor from adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab. The choice depended on current local practice • Switch to another tumour necrosis factor inhibitor after six months if fall in disease activity score for 28 joints was