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TURB 101-Exploring Cities Spring 2012 Term Project Overview Instructor: Nicole Faghin
Project Goal: Through use of text, research, maps, discussions and photo essays, explore a neighborhood in Tacoma (or where you live). Examples of neighborhoods might be Downtown, the Brewery District, the Bryant Neighborhood, Ruston, or Crescent Heights in Northeast Tacoma. Over the course of the quarter there will be three specific assignments related to this same neighborhood. Each student will chose a neighborhood to explore. Specific projects will be assigned to evaluate 1) what is known and observed about the neighborhood as it exists today, 2) what is known and can be described of the historical development of the neighborhood and 3) what are the observations of what the trends and future may be for the neighborhood. We will be using Google Sites to upload these projects to the internet. Each individual assignment will first be submitted on Catalyst in Word format. It will be reviewed, then edited and finally uploaded to your own individual Google Sites. By the end of the term, each student will have an individual Google Sites for the project with uploaded information for each of the three assignments as well as the weekly journal assignments.
Through the course of this three part assignment you will explore and provide information about: Site selection o Where your site is and what can you tell about it from observations? Each site must be no less than 4 – 6 blocks in area. Site through history o What Historical Information can you provide about the Site? Traces and trends o Can you tell if the neighborhood is undergoing change? If so, what are your observations about that change? At the end of the quarter you will be asked to make a brief presentation on your findings.
Details: Specific details for each of the three assignments will be handed out as follows: Assignment 1: Hand out and explain assignment: April 9. Assignment due: April 20 at 5 pm. Assignment 2: Hand out and explain assignment: April 23. Assignment due: May 11 at 5 pm. Assignment 3: Hand out and explain assignment: May 14. Assignment due: May 25 at 5 pm.
Grading: Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Final Presentation