Tutorial 15. Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

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Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model. (a) Select wsggm-domain-based from the Absorption Coefficient drop-down list. Hint: Scroll down to view the ...
Tutorial 15.

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Introduction A 300KW BERL combustor simulation is modeled using a Probability Density Function (PDF) mixture fraction model. The reaction can be modeled using either the species transport model or the non-premixed combustion model. In this tutorial you will set up and solve a natural gas combustion problem using the non-premixed combustion model for the reaction chemistry. This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following: • Define inputs for modeling non-premixed combustion chemistry. • Prepare the PDF table in ANSYS FLUENT. • Solve a natural gas combustion simulation problem. • Use the P-1 radiation model for combustion applications. • Use the k- turbulence model. The non-premixed combustion model uses a modeling approach that solves transport equations for one or two conserved scalars and the mixture fractions. Multiple chemical species, including radicals and intermediate species, may be included in the problem definition. Their concentrations will be derived from the predicted mixture fraction distribution. Property data for the species are accessed through a chemical database and turbulencechemistry interaction is modeled using a β-function for the PDF. For details on the non-premixed combustion modeling approach, see Chapter 16 in the separate User’s Guide.

Prerequisites This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have completed Tutorial 1, and that you are familiar with the ANSYS FLUENT navigation pane and menu structure. Some steps in the setup and solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Problem Description The flow considered is an unstaged natural gas flame in a 300 kW swirl-stabilized burner. The furnace is vertically-fired and of octagonal cross-section with a conical furnace hood and a cylindrical exhaust duct. The furnace walls are capable of being refractory-lined or water-cooled. The burner features 24 radial fuel ports and a bluff centerbody. Air is introduced through an annular inlet and movable swirl blocks are used to impart swirl. The combustor dimensions are described in Figure 15.1, and Figure 15.2 shows a closeup of the burner assuming 2D axisymmetry. The boundary condition profiles, velocity inlet boundary conditions of the gas, and temperature boundary conditions are based on experimental data [1].

Figure 15.1: Problem Description


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

195 mm



1.66 Do

swirling combustion air

1.33 Do Do 24 holes ∅ 1.8 mm

natural gas

1.15 Do

0.66 Do Do = 87 mm

Figure 15.2: Close-Up of the Burner

Setup and Solution Preparation 1. Download non_premix_combustion.zip from the User Services Center to your working folder (as described in Tutorial 1). 2. Unzip non_premix_combustion.zip. The files, berl.msh and berl.prof can be found in the non premix combustion folder, which will be created after unzipping the file. The mesh file, berl.msh is a quadrilateral mesh describing the system geometry shown in Figures 15.1 and 15.2. 3. Use FLUENT Launcher to start the 2D version of ANSYS FLUENT. 4. Enable Double-Precision. For more information about FLUENT Launcher, see Section 1.1.2 in the separate User’s Guide. Note: The Display Options are enabled by default. Therefore, after you read in the mesh, it will be displayed in the embedded graphics window.

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Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Step 1: Mesh 1. Read the mesh file berl.msh. File −→ Read −→Mesh... The ANSYS FLUENT console will report that the mesh contains 9784 quadrilateral cells. A warning will be generated informing you to consider making changes to the zone type, or to change the problem definition to axisymmetric. You will change the problem to axisymmetric swirl in Step 2.

Step 2: General Settings General 1. Check the mesh. General −→ Check ANSYS FLUENT will perform various checks on the mesh and will report the progress in the console. Ensure that the reported minimum volume is a positive number. 2. Scale the mesh. General −→ Scale...

(a) Select mm from the View Length Unit In drop-down list. All dimensions will now be shown in millimeters. (b) Select mm from the Mesh Was Created In drop-down list in the Scaling group box. (c) Click Scale to scale the mesh.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(d) Close the Scale Mesh dialog box. 3. Check the mesh. General −→ Check Note: It is a good idea to check the mesh after you manipulate it (i.e., scale, convert to polyhedra, merge, separate, fuse, add zones, or smooth and swap.) This will ensure that the quality of the mesh has not been compromised. 4. Examine the mesh (Figure 15.3).


FLUENT 12.0 (2d, dp, pbns, lam)

Figure 15.3: 2D BERL Combustor Mesh Display

Due to the mesh resolution and the size of the domain, you may find it more useful to display just the outline, or to zoom in on various portions of the mesh display. Extra: You can use the mouse zoom button (middle button, by default) to zoom in to the display and the mouse probe button (right button, by default) to find out the boundary zone labels. The zone labels will be displayed in the console.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

5. Mirror the display about the symmetry plane. Graphics and Animations −→ Views...

(a) Select axis-2 from the Mirror Planes selection list. (b) Click Apply and close the Views dialog box. The full geometry will be displayed, as shown in Figure 15.4.

Figure 15.4: 2D BERL Combustor Mesh Display Including the Symmetry Plane


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

6. Change the spatial definition to axisymmetric swirl. General

(a) Retain the default selection of Pressure-Based in the Type list. The non-premixed combustion model is available only with the pressure-based solver. (b) Select Axisymmetric Swirl in the 2D Space list.

Step 3: Models Models 1. Enable the Energy Equation. Models −→

Energy −→ Edit...

(a) Enable Energy Equation. (b) Click OK to close the Energy dialog box. Since heat transfer occurs in the system considered here, you will have to solve the energy equation.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

2. Select the standard k-epsilon turbulence model. Models −→

Viscous −→ Edit...

(a) Select k-epsilon (2 eqn) in the Model list. For axisymmetric swirling flow, the RNG k-epsilon model can also be used. (b) Retain all other default settings. (c) Click OK to close the Viscous Model dialog box. 3. Select the P1 radiation model. Models −→


Radiation −→ Edit...

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(a) Select P1 in the Model list. (b) Click OK to close the Radiation Model dialog box. The ANSYS FLUENT console will list the properties that are required for the model you have enabled. An Information dialog box will open, reminding you to confirm the property values.

(c) Click OK to close the Information dialog box. The DO radiation model produces a more accurate solution than the P1 radiation model but it can be CPU intensive. The P1 model will produce a quick, acceptable solution for this problem. For details on the different radiation models available in ANSYS FLUENT, see Chapter 13 in the separate User’s Guide. 4. Select the Non-Premixed Combustion model. Models −→

Species −→ Edit...

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(a) Select Non-Premixed Combustion in the Model list. The dialog box will expand to show the related inputs. You will use this dialog box to create the PDF table. When you use the non-premixed combustion model, you need to create a PDF table. This table contains information on the thermo-chemistry and its interaction with turbulence. ANSYS FLUENT interpolates the PDF during the solution of the non-premixed combustion model. (b) Enable Inlet Diffusion in the PDF Options group box. The Inlet Diffusion option enables the mixture fraction to diffuse out of the domain through inlets and outlets. (c) Define chemistry models. i. Retain the default selection of Equilibrium and Non-Adiabatic. In most non-premixed combustion simulations, the Equilibrium chemistry model is recommended. The Steady Flamelets option can model local chemical non-equilibrium due to turbulent strain. ii. Retain the default value for Operating Pressure. iii. Enter 0.064 for Fuel Stream Rich Flammability Limit. For combustion cases, a value larger than 10% – 50% of the stoichiometric mixture fraction can be used for the rich flammability limit of the fuel stream. In this case, the stoichiometric fraction is 0.058, therefore a value that is 10% greater is 0.064. The Fuel Stream Rich Flammability Limit allows you to perform a “partial equilibrium” calculation, suspending equilibrium calculations when the mixture fraction exceeds the specified rich limit. This increases the efficiency of the PDF calculation, allowing you to bypass the complex equilibrium calculations in the fuel-rich region. This is also more physically realistic than the assumption of full equilibrium.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(d) Click the Boundary tab to add and define the boundary species.

i. Add c2h6, c3h8, c4h10, and co2. A. Enter c2h6 in the Boundary Species text-entry field and click Add. B. Similarly, add c3h8, c4h10, and co2. All the four species will appear in the table. ii. Select Mole Fraction in the Species Unit list. iii. Retain the default values for n2 and o2 for Oxid. The oxidizer (air) consists of 21% O2 and 79% N2 by volume. iv. Specify the fuel composition by entering the following values for Fuel: The fuel composition is entered in mole fractions of the species, c2h6, c3h8, c4h10, and co2. Species ch4 n2 c2h6 c3h8 c4h10 co2

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Mole Fraction 0.965 0.013 0.017 0.001 0.001 0.003


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Hint: Scroll down to see all the species. Note: All boundary species with a mass or mole fraction of zero will be ignored. v. Enter 315 K for Fuel and Oxid in the Temperature group box. (e) Click the Control tab and retain default species to be excluded from the equilibrium calculation. (f) Click the Table tab to specify the table parameters and calculate the PDF table.

i. Retain the default values for all the parameters in the Table Parameters group box. The maximum number of species determines the number of most preponderant species to consider after the equilibrium calculation is performed. ii. Click Calculate PDF Table to compute the non-adiabatic PDF table. iii. Click the Display PDF Table... button to open the PDF Table dialog box.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

A. Retain the default parameters and click Display (Figure 15.5). B. Close the PDF Table dialog box.

Figure 15.5: Non-Adiabatic Temperature Look-Up Table on the Adiabatic Enthalpy Slice The 3D look-up tables are reviewed on a slice-by-slice basis. By default, the slice selected is that corresponding to the adiabatic enthalpy values. You can also select other slices of constant enthalpy for display. The maximum and minimum values for mean temperature and the corresponding mean mixture fraction will also be reported in the console. The maximum mean temperature is reported as 2246 K at a mean mixture fraction of 0.058.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(g) Save the PDF output file (berl.pdf). File −→ Write −→PDF... i. Retain berl.pdf for PDF File name. ii. Click OK to write the file. By default, the file will be saved as formatted (ASCII, or text). To save a binary (unformatted) file, enable the Write Binary Files option in the Select File dialog box. (h) Click OK to close the Species Model dialog box.

Step 4: Materials Materials 1. Specify the continuous phase (pdf-mixture) material. Materials −→

pdf-mixture −→ Create/Edit...

All thermodynamic data for the continuous phase, including density, specific heat, and formation enthalpies are extracted from the chemical database when the nonpremixed combustion model is used. These properties are transferred to the pdfmixture material, for which only transport properties, such as viscosity and thermal conductivity need to be defined.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(a) Select wsggm-domain-based from the Absorption Coefficient drop-down list. Hint: Scroll down to view the Absorption Coefficient option. This specifies a composition-dependent absorption coefficient, using the weightedsum-of-gray-gases model. WSGGM-domain-based is a variable coefficient that uses a length scale, based on the geometry of the model. Note that WSGGMcell-based uses a characteristic cell length and can be more mesh dependent. For more details, see Section 5.3.8 in the separate Theory Guide. (b) Click Change/Create and close the Create/Edit Materials dialog box. You can click the View... button next to Mixture Species to view the species included in the pdf-mixture material. These are the species included during the system chemistry setup. The Density and Cp laws cannot be altered: these properties are stored in the non-premixed combustion look-up tables. ANSYS FLUENT uses the gas law to compute the mixture density and a massweighted mixing law to compute the mixture Cp . When the non-premixed combustion model is used, do not alter the properties of the individual species. This will create an inconsistency with the PDF look-up table.

Step 5: Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions 1. Read the boundary conditions profile file. File −→ Read −→Profile... (a) Select berl.prof from the Select File dialog box. (b) Click OK. The CFD solution for reacting flows can be sensitive to the boundary conditions, in particular the incoming velocity field and the heat transfer through the walls. Here, you will use profiles to specify the velocity at air-inlet-4, and the wall temperature for wall-9. The latter approach of fixing the wall temperature to measurements is common in furnace simulations, to avoid modeling the wall convective and radiative heat transfer. The data used for the boundary conditions was obtained from experimental data [1].

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

2. Set the boundary conditions for the pressure outlet (poutlet-3). Boundary Conditions −→

poutlet-3 −→ Edit...

(a) Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method dropdown list in the Turbulence group box. (b) Enter 5% for Backflow Turbulent Intensity. (c) Enter 600 mm for Backflow Hydraulic Diameter. (d) Click the Thermal tab and enter 1300 K for Backflow Total Temperature. (e) Click OK to close the Pressure Outlet dialog box. The exit gauge pressure of zero defines the system pressure at the exit to be the operating pressure. The backflow conditions for scalars (temperature, mixture fraction, turbulence parameters) will be used only if flow is entrained into the domain through the exit. It is a good idea to use reasonable values in case flow reversal occurs at the exit at some point during the solution process.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

3. Set the boundary conditions for the velocity inlet (air-inlet-4). Boundary Conditions −→

air-inlet-4 −→ Edit...

(a) Select Components from the Velocity Specification Method drop-down list. (b) Select vel-prof u from the Axial-Velocity drop-down list. (c) Select vel-prof w from the Swirl-Velocity drop-down list. (d) Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method dropdown list in the Turbulence group box. (e) Enter 17% for Turbulent Intensity. (f) Enter 29 mm for Hydraulic Diameter. Turbulence parameters are defined based on intensity and length scale. The relatively large turbulence intensity of 17% may be typical for combustion air flows. (g) Click the Thermal tab and enter 312 K for Temperature. For the non-premixed combustion calculation, you have to define the inlet Mean Mixture Fraction and Mixture Fraction Variance in the Species tab. In this case, the gas phase air inlet has a zero mixture fraction. Therefore, you can retain the zero default settings.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(h) Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box. 4. Set the boundary conditions for the velocity inlet (fuel-inlet-5). Boundary Conditions −→

fuel-inlet-5 −→ Edit...

(a) Select Components from the Velocity Specification Method drop-down list. (b) Enter 157.25 m/s for Radial-Velocity. (c) Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method dropdown list in the Turbulence group box. (d) Enter 5% for Turbulent Intensity. (e) Enter 1.8 mm for Hydraulic Diameter. The hydraulic diameter has been set to twice the height of the 2D inlet stream. (f) Click the Thermal tab and enter 308 K for Temperature. (g) Click the Species tab and enter 1 for Mean Mixture Fraction for the fuel inlet. (h) Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

5. Set the boundary conditions for wall-6. Boundary Conditions −→

wall-6 −→ Edit...

(a) Click the Thermal tab. i. Select Temperature in the Thermal Conditions list. ii. Enter 1370 K for Temperature. iii. Enter 0.5 for Internal Emissivity. (b) Click OK to close the Wall dialog box. 6. Similarly, set the boundary conditions for wall-7 through wall-13 using the following values: Zone Name wall-7 wall-8 wall-9 wall-10 wall-11 wall-12 wall-13

Temperature 312 1305 temp-prof t (from the drop-down list) 1100 1273 1173 1173

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Internal Emissivity 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

7. Plot the profile of temperature for the wall furnace (wall-9). Plots −→

Profile Data −→ Set Up...

(a) Select temp-prof from the Profile selection list. (b) Retain the selection of t and x from the Y Axis Function and X Axis Function selection lists respectively. (c) Click Plot (Figure 15.6).

Figure 15.6: Profile Plot of Temperature for wall-9


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

8. Plot the profiles of velocity for the swirling air inlet (air-inlet-4). (a) Plot the profile of axial-velocity for the swirling air inlet. Plots −→

Profile Data −→ Set Up...

i. Select vel-prof from the Profile selection list. ii. Retain the selection of u from the Y Axis Function selection list. iii. Select y from the X Axis Function selection list. iv. Click Plot (Figure 15.7).

Figure 15.7: Profile Plot of Axial-Velocity for the Swirling Air Inlet (air-inlet-4)

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

(b) Plot the profile of swirl-velocity for swirling air inlet. Plots −→

Profile Data −→ Set Up...

i. Retain the selection of vel-prof from the Profile selection list. ii. Select w from the Y Axis Function selection list. iii. Retain the selection of y from the X Axis Function selection list. iv. Click Plot (Figure 15.8) and close the Plot Profile Data dialog box.

Figure 15.8: Profile Plot of Swirl-Velocity for the Swirling Air Inlet (air-inlet-4)


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Step 6: Operating Conditions Boundary Conditions 1. Retain the default operating conditions. Boundary Conditions −→ Operating Conditions...

The Operating Pressure was already set in the PDF table generation in Step 3.

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Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Step 7: Solution 1. Set the solution parameters. Solution Methods

(a) Select PRESTO! from the Pressure drop-down list in the Spatial Discretization group box. (b) Retain the default selection of First Order Upwind for other parameters.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

2. Set the solution controls. Solution Controls

(a) Set the following parameters in the Under-Relaxation Factors group box: Under-Relaxation Factor Pressure Density Momentum Turbulent Kinetic Energy Turbulent Dissipation Rate P1

Value 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.7 0.7 1

The default under-relaxation factors are considered to be too aggressive for reacting flow cases with high swirl velocity.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

3. Enable the display of residuals during the solution process. Monitors −→

Residuals −→ Edit...

(a) Ensure that the Plot is enabled in the Options group box. (b) Click OK to close the Residual Monitors dialog box.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

4. Initialize the flow field using the conditions at air-inlet-4. Solution Initialization

(a) Select air-inlet-4 from the Compute from drop-down list. (b) Enter 0 m/s for Axial Velocity and Swirl Velocity. (c) Enter 1300 K for Temperature. (d) Click Initialize. 5. Save the case file (berl-1.cas.gz). File −→ Write −→Case...

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

6. Start the calculation by requesting 1500 iterations. Run Calculation

The solution will converge in approximately 1100 iterations. 7. Save the first-order converged solution (berl-1.dat.gz). File −→ Write −→Data... 8. Switch to second-order upwind for improved accuracy. Solution Methods (a) Ensure that PRESTO! is selected from the Pressure drop-down list in the Spatial Discretization group box. (b) Select Second Order Upwind for all the parameters except Mixture Fraction Variance. 9. Save the case file (berl-2.cas.gz). File −→ Write −→Case... 10. Request an additional 800 iterations. Run Calculation The solution will converge in approximately 720 iterations. 11. Save the converged second-order flow data (berl-2.dat.gz). File −→ Write −→Data...


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Step 8: Postprocessing 1. Display the predicted temperature field (Figure 15.9). Graphics and Animations −→

Contours −→ Set Up...

(a) Enable Filled in the Options group box. (b) Select Temperature... and Static Temperature from the Contours of drop-down lists. (c) Click Display. The peak temperature in the system is 1987 K.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

1.99e+0 1.90e+0 1.82e+0 1.74e+0 1.65e+0 1.57e+0 1.48e+0 1.40e+0 1.32e+0 1.23e+0 1.15e+0 1.06e+0 9.81e+0 8.97e+0 8.13e+0 7.29e+0 6.45e+0 5.62e+0 4.78e+0 3.94e+0 3.10e+0



Contours of Static Temperature (k)

FLUENT 12.0 (axi, swirl, dp, pbns, pdf19, ske)

Figure 15.9: Temperature Contours

2. Display contours of velocity (Figure 15.10). Graphics and Animations −→

Contours −→ Set Up...

(a) Select Velocity... and Velocity Magnitude from the Contours of drop-down lists. (b) Click Display.

Figure 15.10: Velocity Contours


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

3. Display the contours of mass fraction of o2 (Figure 15.11). Graphics and Animations −→

Contours −→ Set Up...

(a) Select Species... and Mass fraction of o2 from the Contours of drop-down lists. (b) Click Display and close the Contours dialog box.

Figure 15.11: Contours of Mass Fraction of o2

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Step 9: Energy Balances Reporting ANSYS FLUENT can report the overall energy balance and details of the heat and mass transfer. 1. Compute the gas phase mass fluxes through the domain boundaries. Reports −→

Fluxes −→ Set Up...

(a) Retain the default Selection of Mass Flow Rate in the Options group box. (b) Select air-inlet-4, fuel-inlet-5, and poutlet-3 from the Boundaries selection list. (c) Click Compute. The net mass imbalance should be a small fraction (say, 0.5% or less) of the total flux through the system. If a significant imbalance occurs, you should decrease your residual tolerances by at least an order of magnitude and continue iterating. 2. Compute the fluxes of heat through the domain boundaries. Reports −→

Fluxes −→ Set Up...

(a) Select Total Heat Transfer Rate in the Options group box. (b) Select all the zones from the Boundaries selection list. (c) Click Compute and close the Flux Reports dialog box. The value will be displayed in the console. Positive flux reports indicate heat addition to the domain. Negative values indicate heat leaving the domain. Again, the net heat imbalance should be a small fraction (say, 0.5% or less) of the total energy flux through the system. The reported value may change for different runs.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0

Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

3. Compute the mass weighted average of the temperature at the pressure outlet. Reports −→

Surface Integrals −→ Set Up...

(a) Select Mass-Weighted Average from the Report Type drop-down list. (b) Select Temperature... and Static Temperature from the Field Variable drop-down lists. (c) Select poutlet-3 from the Surfaces selection list. (d) Click Compute. A value of 1297.46 K will be displayed in the console. (e) Close the Surface Integrals dialog box.

c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0


Using the Non-Premixed Combustion Model

Summary In this tutorial you learned how to use the non-premixed combustion model to represent the gas phase combustion chemistry. In this approach the fuel composition was defined and assumed to react according to the equilibrium system data. This equilibrium chemistry model can be applied to other turbulent, diffusion-reaction systems. You can also model gas combustion using the finite-rate chemistry model. You also learned how to set up and solve a gas phase combustion problem using the P1 radiation model, and applying the appropriate absorption coefficient.

References 1. A. Sayre, N. Lallement, and J. Dugu, and R. Weber “Scaling Characteristics of Aerodynamics and Low-NOx Properties of Industrial Natural Gas Burners”, The SCALING 400 Study, Part IV: The 300 KW BERL Test Results, IFRF Doc No F40/y/11, International Flame Research Foundation, The Netherlands.

Further Improvements This tutorial guides you through the steps to reach first generate an initial solution, and then reach a more-accurate second-order solution. You may be able to increase the accuracy of the solution even further by using an appropriate higher-order discretization scheme and by adapting the mesh. Mesh adaption can also ensure that your solution is independent of the mesh. These steps are demonstrated in Tutorial 1.


c ANSYS, Inc. March 12, 2009 Release 12.0