Twenty-first Annual - University of Louisville

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Sep 6, 2013... tenor saxophone. Craig Wagner, guitar ... La foule prosternée. La regarde, etonnée, ... Son voile se soulève et la foule est à genoux! NADIR.
Twenty-first Annual

Faculty Gala Concert Sponsored by

Friday Evening September 6, 2013 8:00 p.m. Comstock Concert Hall

Pre-Concert Piping by Anne Marie de Zeeuw & Larry Frederiksen

PROGRAM from Chants d’Auvergne “Uno jionto postouro” “Deux, Bourrées” “N’aï pas iéu de mîo” “Lo calhé”

Joseph Canteloube (1879-1957) arr. Dallas Tidwell

Edith Davis Tidwell, soprano Dallas Tidwell, clarinet David George, piano Uno jionto postouro Un d’oqué cè motis Ossitado su l’erbéto Plouro soun bel omi!

A pretty shepherdess one morning was sitting on the grass Crying for her sweetheart!

“He should have returned before now! He must have fallen in love With another shepherdess!”

“Garo sèrio bè ouro Qué fougèsso tournat! Cauquo postouro maïto Soun cur auro dounat!

N’aï pas iéu de mîo, sui qu’un pastourel; Mè sé n’obio-z-uno li sèrio fidèl; S’obio ’no mio què m’aïmèssé plo, Dé poutous, dé flours iéu lo coubririo!

I have no sweetheart, I am just a shepherd, but had I one, I should be to faithful to her; and if my sweetheart loved me tenderly I would cover her with flowers and kisses!

On the bridge of Entaygue there are two birds who only sing for lovers; if this is true, they will soon be singing for the sweet girl at my side!

Mè sul pount d’Entraygo n’io dous auzelous Né fa què canta pel lous amourous; S’ès plo bertat cantarèn plo lèu Pel lo gento mio qu’es olprès de ièu!

Lo Calhé “E, dio mè tu, lo calhé, ound as toun nîou?” “Sul puèt dé lo Bostido dellaï lourîou! “E, dio mè, tu, lo calhé, qué l’o Bastit?” “Es dé bourro dè lèbré è dé lopi!”

The Quail “Oh tell me quail, where is your nest?” “On Bastide Hill by the stream!”

“Oh tell me then quail, what is within it?” “Eggs like the others, but prettier!”

“E, dio mé tu, lo calhé, q’ué l’io dédins?” “Dès ious cuomo lès áutrès mès plus poulits!”

“Oh tell me then quail, of what is it made?” “Of the fur of hare and rabbit!”

Theme from Cinema Paradiso

Ennio Morricone (b. 1928) Mike Tracy, tenor saxophone Craig Wagner, guitar

Turkish March

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) arr. Arcadi Volodos Dror Biran, piano

Chocolates III. Triple Mocha Indulgence

James Grant (b. 1954) Matthew Karr, bassoon Naomi Oliphant, piano

Sonata No. 9 in A Major for Violin & Piano, Op. 47 (“Kreutzer”) Presto

Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827)

J. Patrick Rafferty, violin Dror Biran, piano

from Les Pêcheurs de Perles “Au fond du Temple Saint”

George Bizet (1838-1875) Daniel Weeks, tenor Chad Sloan, baritone Naomi Oliphant, piano

When the two longtime friends, Nadir and Zurga, are reunited after many years apart, they recall the moment in their youth when they each fell in love at first sight with a beautiful woman who was revealed to them for an instant in the ancient temple. After realizing they were in love with the same woman, they dismiss their true feelings and pledge eternal friendship. NADIR Au fond du temple saint Paré de fleurs et d’or, Une femme apparaît! ZURGA Une femme apparaît! NADIR Je crois la voir encore! ZURGA Je crois la voir encore!

NADIR At the back of the holy temple, decorated with flowers and gold, A woman appears! ZURGA A woman appears! NADIR I can still see her! ZURGA I can still see her!

NADIR La foule prosternée La regarde, etonnée, Et murmure tous bas: Voyez, c’est la déesse! Qui dans l’ombre se dresse Et vers nous tend les bras!

NADIR The prostrate crowd looks at her amazed and murmurs under its breath: look, this is the goddess looming up in the shadow and holding out her arms to us.

ZURGA Son voile se soulève! Ô vision! ô rêve! La foule est à genoux!

ZURGA Her veil parts slightly. What a vision! What a dream! The crowd is kneeling.

ZURGA & NADIR Oui, c’est elle! C’est la déesse plus charmante et plus belle! Oui, c’est elle! C’est la déesse qui descend parmi nous! Son voile se soulève et la foule est à genoux!

ZURGA & NADIR Yes, it is she! It is the goddess, more charming and more beautiful. Yes, it is she! It is the goddess who has come down among us. Her veil has parted and the crowd is kneeling.

NADIR Mais à travers la foule Elle s’ouvre un passage!

NADIR But through the crowd she makes her way.

ZURGA Son long voile déjà Nous cache son visage!

ZURGA Already her long veil hides her face from us.

NADIR Mon regard, hélas! La cherche en vain!

NADIR My eyes, alas! Seek her in vain!

ZURGA & NADIR Oui, c’est elle! C’est la déesse! En ce jour qui vient nous unir, Et fidèle à ma promesse, Comme un frère je veux te chérir! C’est elle, c’est la déesse Qui vient en ce jour nous unir! Oui, partageons le même sort, Soyons unis jusqu’à la mort!

ZURGA & NADIR Yes, it is her, the goddess, who comes to unite us this day. And, faithful to my promise, I wish to cherish you like a brother! It is her, the goddess, who comes to unite us this day! Yes, let us share the same fate, let us be united until death!


Stanley Plummer (1916-2006) Jack Ashworth, organ

Fifth Business

Chris Fitzgerald (b. 1964) Faculty Jazz Ensemble Ansyn Banks, trumpet Jerry Tolson, alto saxophone Mike Tracy, tenor saxophone Chris Fitzgerald, piano Craig Wagner, guitar Tyrone Wheeler, bass Mike Hyman, drumset

Odysseus and Argos (2012)

Nikos Xanthoulis (b. 1962) John Hale, narrator Michael Tunnell, trumpet Meme Tunnell, piano

Sonata in D Minor, Op. 40 Allegro

Dimitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) Paul York, cello Dror Biran, piano

Duo for Flute & Piano III. Lively with Bounce

Aaron Copland (1900-1990) Kathleen Karr, flute Naomi Oliphant, piano

Slow Rag

Arthur Frackenpohl (b. 1924) Michael Tunnell, trumpet Brett Shuster, trombone Meme Tunnell, piano

Centennial Horizon 2. Roaring Gunnison

Kevin McKee (b. 1980) Mark Lynn, trumpet Krista Wallace-Boaz, piano

The Ballad of John Henry

Traditional American Folksong arr. Doug Elmore Brittany MacWilliams, violin Sidney King, double bass

Valse Brillante, Op. 34, No. 2

Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) arr. Matthew Karr Kathleen Karr, flute Jennifer Potochnic, oboe Dallas Tidwell, clarinet Bruce Heim, horn Matthew Karr, bassoon

University of Louisville School of Music Leadership Gifts in the Charting Our Course Campaign A very special THANK YOU to the over 1,500 alumni and friends of the School of Music who have made gifts toward the Campaign. Special recognition below includes annual gifts of $1,000 or more, and cumulative gifts over $25,000. Acura at Oxmoor Aebersold Charitable Lead Trust Ms. Ruth E. Atkins and Mr. Luis E. Prada Babb Foundation Ms. Elizabeth Babb Ms. Patricia H. Bailey Dr. Jerry W. Ball and Mrs. Mary Ann Ball Ms. Jean A. Bastian Kenneth M. Beilman, M.D. Dr. Dale B. Billingsley and Mrs. Linda B. Billingsley Mrs. Edith S. Bingham Mrs. Marianne C. Boyd and Mr. Robert Boyd Ms. Cynthia Ann Bronner Dr. I. E. Bronner and Mrs. Patricia Bronner Children’s Hospital Foundation Community Foundation of Louisville, Inc. Ms. Nancy B. Comstock Conrad Music Drs. Polly A. Coombs and David E. Bybee Ms. Frances Cummins Ms. Joan C. Day Mrs. Patricia C. Dooley and Mr. Robert P. Dooley Marie T. Doyle, Ed.D. Estate of Charles D. Ralph Ms. Helen C. Franklin and Mr. Ben Franklin Friends of the School of Music, Inc. Ms. Joan C. George Gist Piano Company, Inc. Mrs. Mary Louise Gorman Ms. Judith G. Hake Mr. Henry V. Heuser, Jr. Mrs. Pamela H. Holden Hubbell Lighting, Inc. Dr. Thomas S. Hutsell and Mrs. Virginia D. Hutsell J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, LLC Mr. Stephen W. Kershner Mr. John H. Keyes and Mrs. Luella B. Keyes

Dr. Stephen Koehler and Mrs. Barbara B. Koehler Dr. Herbert L. Koerselman and Mrs. Arlene Koerselman Mrs. Heddy H. Kurz L.S.Y. International Inc. Mrs. Nancy J. Lafferre and Mr. Bruce A. Lafferre Mr. David Lang Mrs. Mary Celeste Lerman and Mr. Arthur J. Lerman Mrs. Abby A. Lussky and Mr. R. Fairleigh Lussky Dr. Mark E. Lynn and Mrs. Cindy L. Lynn Mrs. Joan D. McCombs and Mr. Stuart C. McCombs Mrs. Mary T. Means Neil Huffman Automotive Group, Inc. Norton Healthcare, Inc. Owsley Brown Frazier Family Foundation Presser Foundation Mrs. Bobbie J. Rafferty and Mr. J. Patrick Rafferty Dr. Sherryl B. Reed and Jeffrey A. Reed, J.D. RLR Charitable Foundation, Inc. Dr. Sheri L. Rolf and Mr. Bradley J. Finn Mrs. Jacqueline R. Rosky and Mr. Theodore S. Rosky Ms. Susan L. Rostov Specialty Foods Group, Inc Ms. Nancy O. Stablein and Mr. George E. Stablein Mr. Samuel G. Swope Mrs. Grace H. Temple and Mr. Thomas M. Temple Ms. Mary K. Treitz U.S. Charitable Gift Trust W. Paul and Lucille Little Foundation Mrs. Mary Shea Watson Mrs. Marianne C. Welch and Mr. James Stirling Welch Mrs. Ardi M. Wilson and Mr. Dick Wilson Mrs. Sue Wise and Mr. Claude T. Wise Ms. Phoebe A. Wood and Mr. Mark F. Wood Ms. Grace Wooding Mr. Lior Yaron Mrs. Jean B. Zehnder and Mr. John L. Zehnder Jr.

Some of our donors have requested to remain anonymous and therefore are not listed.

University of Louisville School of Music Faculty Administration Christopher Doane, Dean Naomi Oliphant, Associate Dean Composition & Creative Studies John Ritz Steve Rouse Marc Satterwhite Krzysztof Wolek Daniel Worley Conducting & Ensemble Pedagogy Amy Acklin, Associate Director of Bands/Director of Marching Band Jack Ashworth, Early Music Ensemble Deborah Dierks, Opera & Vocal Coach Kent Hatteberg, Director of Choral Activities Bomi Lee, Assistant Director of Choral Activities Kimcherie Lloyd, Director of Orchestral Studies & Opera/Conducting Mark Lynn, Assistant Director of Bands Michael Ramach, Opera Workshop Frederick Speck, Director of Bands Jazz Studies Ansyn Banks, Jazz Trumpet Chris Fitzgerald, Jazz Bass/Jazz Piano/Jazz Theory Michael Hyman, Jazz Drumset John La Barbera, Jazz Composition & Arranging Jerry Tolson, Jazz History & Styles Michael Tracy, Jazz Saxophone Craig Wagner, Jazz Guitar Tyrone Wheeler, Jazz Bass Music Education/Teacher Certification Amy Acklin Robert Amchin Timothy Durbin Doug Elmore Amy Ensel Pamela Fleitz Sidney King Alexis Paxton Linda Ratti Jerry Tolson Music History & Literature Jack Ashworth Caroline Ehman Matilda Ertz Jean Hutchinson Sean Mulhall Steve Noble Jennifer Potochnic Seow-Chin Ong Michael Ramach Douglas Shadle Michael Sprowles Christopher White

Music Theory Chris Fitzgerald Rebecca Jemian Stephen Mattingly Mark Yeary Music Therapy Emily Ibershoff Petra Kern Jennifer Peyton Julia Purcell Darcy Walworth Studio Performance & Pedagogy Brass, Percussion & Woodwinds Gregory Byrne, Percussion Don Gottlieb, Flute Bruce Heim, Horn Kathleen Karr, Flute Matthew Karr, Bassoon Herbert Koerselman, Trumpet Clinton McCanless, Euphonium/Tuba Adam McCord, Saxophone Jennifer Potochnic, Oboe Brett Shuster, Trombone Dick Sisto, Vibraphone Dallas Tidwell, Clarinet Michael Tunnell, Trumpet Keyboard Jack Ashworth, Harpsichord Dror Biran, Piano/Piano Ensemble/Piano Literature Karen Griffin, Class Piano Naomi Oliphant, Piano/Piano Ensemble Krista Wallace-Boaz, Piano/Piano Pedagogy Strings Sidney King, Double Bass Brittany MacWilliams, Violin, Viola Stephen Mattingly, Guitar Carol McClure, Harp J. Patrick Rafferty, Violin Paul York, Cello Voice Emily Albrink, Soprano Amanda Boyd, Soprano Deborah Dierks, Vocal & Diction Coach Chad Sloan, Baritone Edith Davis Tidwell, Soprano Daniel Weeks, Tenor Dance Cynthia Bronner Chuck Bronson

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The faculty and staff at the University of Louisville School of Music would like to express their appreciation for the gracious help that has made this event possible. Gist Piano Center, Event Sponsor

Louisville Public Media, Media Partnership

Angela Keene, School of Music Facilities Manager Brad Ritchie, Recording Engineer & House Manager Delta Omicron - Music Honors Fraternity, Ushers & Patron Assistance Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia - Music Honors Fraternity, Ushers & Stage Management


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