Two adaptive control strategies for trajectory tracking ...

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The problem addressed in this paper is to achieve robust motion control of the inertia wheel pendulum. (IWP). Specifically, trajectory tracking control of the ...
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2016

Two adaptive control strategies for trajectory tracking of the inertia wheel pendulum: neural networks vis à vis model regressor Javier Moreno-Valenzuelaa, Carlos Aguilar-Avelara, Sergio Puga-Guzmánb and Víctor Santibáñezc a

Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CITEDI, Ave. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 1310, Nueva Tijuana, Tijuana, B.C., México, 22435; bTecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, Blvd. Industrial y Av. ITR Tijuana S/N, Cd. Industrial de Mesa de Otay, Tijuana, B.C., México, 22500; c Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de La Laguna, Blvd. Revolución y Cuauhtémoc, Torreón, Coah, México, 27000

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The problem addressed in this paper is to achieve robust motion control of the inertia wheel pendulum (IWP). Specifically, trajectory tracking control of the pendulum of the IWP under the assumption of uncertain model is discussed. Two new robust algorithms are introduced whose design departs from a model-based input-output linearization controller. Then, the control problem is firstly solved by means of an adaptive neural network-based controller and secondly by an adaptive regressor-based controller. For both controllers, rigorous analysis of the respective closed-loop system is given, where Barbalat’s lemma is used to conclude asymptotic convergence of the pendulum tracking error. In addition, the wheel velocity and adaptive extension signals are shown to be bounded. An extensive real-time experimental study validates the introduced theory, where the performance of a classical linear PID controller and the two new adaptive schemes are compared.

1. Introduction Recently, the interest in the control of underactuated systems has increased due to their complexity and applications. Various kinds of underactuated mechanical systems such as Furuta pendulum (Åström & Furuta, 2000), pendulum on a cart (Chung & Hauser, 1995), two wheeled pendulum (Kim, Kim, & Kwak, 2005), among others, have been used as reference models in control theory. A special underactuated mechanical system is the inertia wheel pendulum (IWP), which consists in a pendulum with a wheel attached to its tip (See Fig. 1). The wheel and the pendulum rotate in parallel planes, where the rotation axis of the pendulum is passive while a DC motor applies torque directly to the rotation axis of the wheel (Fantoni & Lozano, 2001). The IWP is a classic testbed used to test new control algorithms and also to develop new control strategies and novel mechatronics systems that use inertial wheels as actuators, for example, a satellite (Chou & Liaw, 2014, 2011), robotic bike (Han, An, & Lee, 2013; Kim, An, Yoo, & Lee, 2013; Lee, Han, & Lee, 2013; Miková & Curilla, 2013), robotic sphere (Biswas & Seth, 2008), multibody pendulums (Sanyal & Goswami, 2014), three-dimensional-flywheel robots (Hsiao, Tsai, Tu, & Ting, 2015), the three dimensional inertia wheel pendulum (Mayr, Spanlang, & Gattringer, 2015), mobile robots (Larimi, Zarafshan, & Moosavian, 2014) to mention a few. Theses systems use the change in the momentum of the inertial wheel to control the motion configuration. The classic control problem addressed in the IWP is the stabilization problem, where the control objective is to regulate the pendulum at the upward unstable position. The swing-up problem consists in designing a controller so that

the pendulum is moving from the downward position to the upward position. Finally, motion control problem consists in designing a torque input such that the pendulum exhibits time-varying motion. Next, the literature review on the control of the IWP is presented. Besides, the role of adaptive control schemes will be highlighted. The problems of swinging-up and regulating the pendulum at the upright unstable position have been extensively studied in literature. A variety of control schemes have been proposed, e.g., using state-feedback and passivity based approaches (Spong, Corke, & Lozano, 2001), backstepping (Rudra et al., 2013), Lyapunov-based control (Srinivas & Behera, 2008), an equivalent-input-disturbance approach (She, Zhang, Lai, & Wu, 2012), variable structure control (Aguilar, Boiko, Fridman, & Freidovich, 2012; Hernández, 2003; Jepsen, Sborg, Pedersen, & Yang, 2009), optimal control (Kadam & Seth, 2011), among others. Other interesting problems in stabilization is the consideration of input saturation, which was addressed in (Aguilar-Ibáñez, Guitiérrez-Frias, & Suárez-Castañón, 2008, 2009; Santibáñez, Kelly, & Sandoval, 2005; Ye, Wang, & Wang, 2007). Concerning the motion control problem of pendulum-like systems, motivation of introducing an oscillatory behavior has been well explained in (Canudas-de-Wit, Espiau, & Urrea, 2002; Shiriaev, Perram, & Canudas-de-Wit, 2005). In these documents, methodologies to induce oscillatory behavior in underactuated mechanical systems were introduced, where may also be applied to the IWP. A partial feedback linearization based algorithm for the stable limit cycle generation on the IWP was reported in (Andary, Chemori, & Krut, 2009). Furthermore, the reference trajectory to be tracked is

CONTACT  Javier Moreno-Valenzuela  [email protected] *This work was supported by SIP-IPN, TecNM, and CONACYT Projects 176587 and 134534, Mexico. © 2016 TSI® Press


Inertia wheel pendulum; Motion control; Adaptive control; Neural networks; Model regressor; Real-time experiments


  J. Moreno-Valenzuela et al.

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Figure 1. Inertia Wheel Pendulum.

calculated at the beginning of each cycle in order to minimize the motor rotating speed. In (Andary, Chemori, Benoit, & Sallantin, 2012), a model-free controller for the stable limit cycle generation was presented. Again, the reference trajectory is optimized to minimize the motor rotating speed. A second order sliding mode tracking controller for IWP was presented in (Iriarte, Aguilar, & Fridman, 2013), where the desired trajectories are generated from a reference model. In the work reported in (Huber, Gruber, & Hofbaur, 2013), the motion control problem was addressed by introducing a nonlinear model predictive scheme, which is experimentally tested to solve the swing-up and regulation problems. More recently, an interconnection and damping assignment passivity based controller for a class of port-controlled Hamiltonian systems, including the IWP has been proposed in (Ryalat, Laila, & Torbati, 2015). There, the motion control of the IWP is solved and numerical simulations are given. On the other hand, adaptive control is a methodology to control a system without requiring the exact knowledge of the system. Adaptive control allows maintaining a desired level of control system performance when the parameters of the plant dynamic model are unknown. Adaptive control schemes have been applied to pendulum-type systems. Let us consider the following illustrative research examples, which clearly expose the advantge of the adaptive control in pendulum-type systems. An adaptive backstepping approach was proposed in (Ebrahim & Murphy, 2005) in order to robustly control an inverted pendulum. In the paper (Matsuda, Izutsu, Ishikawa, Furuta, & Åström, 2009), a study on adaptive control of a cart-pendulum system was given, where the control aim is to maintain the pendulum at the upward position. The control development is based in energetic considerations while robustness tests are illustrated by simulations. In (Yang, Li, & Li, 2013), an adaptive control scheme was developed using a variable structure method to achieve motion control of a class of wheeled inverted pendulum vehicle models. More recently, an adaptive controller for a rotatory inverted pendulum was introduced in (Chen & Huang, 2014). The approach is based in a nonlinear transformation and tested by means of numerical simulations. It is worthwhile to say that adaptive neural networks has prompted the attention of many researchers and control practitioners. Neural networks have been applied to control nonlinear systems due to their approximation property (Haykin, 1999; Lewis, Jagannathan, & Yesildirek, 1999), which consists in the expansion of a smooth nonlinear function by means of weighted sigmoid functions plus an approximation error. Examples of application of adaptive neural networks

in pendulum-type systems are the following: In the work in (Zhang &Wang, 2001), recurrent neural networks were proposed for real-time synthesis and auto-tuning of feedback controllers for nonlinear output regulation systems. The scheme was demonstrated in an inverted pendulum on a cart system. In (Matsui, Nishimura, & Peper, 2005), an online training method for a class of neural networks was proposed in order to control a cart-pendulum system. Neural networks plus PID control were developed in (Cong & Liang, 2009) with good performance in single and double pendulums. A recent research was given (Yang, Li, Cui, & Xu, 2014), where adaptive neural networks were proposed to control a wheeled inverted pendulum. Other interesting approaches are found in (Beigi, 1997; Chen & Ge, 2013; Jang, Chung, & Jeon, 2007; Nelson & Kraft, 1994; Sazonov, Klinkhachorn, & Klein, 2003; Wang, Sun, Xiang, & Miao, 2009; Xu, Shi, Yang, & Sun, 2014). An observation is that although there have been important advances in the development of neural network-based algorithms for different pendulum-like systems, not all of them were supported by rigorous stability analysis. Although work has been done in the application of adaptive algorithms in many types of pendulums, motion control of the IWP via adaptive control seems to be unsolved until now. As shown in literature, most of the work in the control of the IWP is focused in the swing up and regulation problems. It should also be noted that the application of adaptive neural networks and adaptive model regressor schemes to solve either regulation or motion control problems of the IWP has not been sufficiently studied. Hence the need to create motion controllers for the IWP with the advantage of the adaptive control approach, either by neural networks or model regressor, motivates this research. In this paper, two solutions for the trajectory tracking problem in the IWP using new adaptive algorithms are provided: A neural network-based and a regressor-based. For the first time, this paper presents adaptive algorithms for the trajectory tracking of the IWP with a rigorous stability analysis. The introduced theory is validated by means of the experimental evaluation and the new controllers are compared with respect to a linear PID control. Experiments show that the pendulum tracking error converges to zero while the wheel velocity remains bounded for all time. The signals resulting from the adaptive extensions are also bounded. The rest of this document is organized as follows: Section 2 is devoted to present the dynamic model of the IWP and to describe the control problem. In Section 3, the model-based controller is derived and the internal dynamics of the system is analyzed. In Section 4, the neural network-based controller is introduced and the corresponding convergence analysis is presented. In Section 5, the new adaptive regressor-based controller and the respective closed-loop analysis are given. Section 6 is devoted to present the experimental results. Finally, in Section 7 some concluding remarks are drawn.

2.  IWP dynamic model and control goal The dynamic model of the IWP in Euler-Langrange form is written as (Fantoni & Lozano, 2001), where

̇ = 𝐮, M 𝐪̈ + 𝐠(𝐪) + 𝐟v (𝐪) [ ] [ ] q1 0 𝐪= and 𝐮 = q2 𝜏


Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 

are the vector of joint position and the torque input vector, respectively, being 𝜏 ∈ ℝ the torque input of the wheel, [ ] 𝜑1 𝜑2 , M= 𝜑2 𝜑2

[ 𝐠(𝐪) =

−𝜑3 g sin(q1 ) 0 [

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̇ = 𝐟v (𝐪)

𝜑4 q̇ 1 𝜑5 q̇ 2



fz1 =


fz2 =


) 1( 𝜑2 𝜑5 q̇ 2 − 𝜑2 𝜑4 q̇ 1 + g𝜑3 𝜑2 sin(q1 ) , 𝛽 ) 1( −𝜑1 𝜑5 q̇ 2 + 𝜑2 𝜑4 q̇ 1 − g𝜑3 𝜑2 sin(q1 ) , 𝛽

1 gz1 = − 𝜑2 , 𝛽

] ,

where M ∈ ℝ2×2 is the positive definite inertia matrix, ̇ ∈ ℝ2 is the 𝐠(𝐪) ∈ ℝ2 is the gravitational torque vector, 𝐟v (𝐪) vector containing the viscous friction terms of each joint, and φi with i = {1, ..., 5} are the parameters related with the physical characteristics of the system. See Table 1 for the physical description of the parameters φi, where m1 and I1 represent the pendulum mass and inertia, respectively. Similarly, m2 and I2 represent the wheel mass and inertia, respectively. Moreover, l1 indicates the pendulum length and lc1 is the distance to the center of mass. The physical meaning of the input vector 𝐮 ∈ ℝ2 is that the system is equipped with one actuator only, which delivers the torque input 𝜏 ∈ ℝ. The IWP dynamic model in (1) can be expressed as follows:

d ̇ + 𝐠z 𝜏, 𝐪̇ = 𝐟z (𝐪, 𝐪) (2) dt [ ]T ̇ = fz1 fz2 where 𝐟z (𝐪, 𝐪) is the dynamics that is not related with the control input, such that (3)

̇ ̇ = M −1 [−𝐠(𝐪) − 𝐟v (𝐪)], 𝐟z (𝐪, 𝐪)

and 𝐠z = [ gz1 gz2 ] is the dynamics that is directly related with the control input, and is given by [ ] −𝜑2 1 . 𝐠z = (4) det(M) 𝜑1 T

The dynamic model (2) can be written explicitly in a spacestate form as follows

d q = q̇ 1 , dt 1


d q̇ = fz1 + gz1 𝜏, dt 1


d q = q̇ 2 , dt 2


Table 1. Physical Description of the Parameters φi. Parameter φ1 φ2 φ3 φ4 φ5

d q̇ = fz2 + gz2 𝜏, dt 2




2 I1 + I2 + m1 lc1 + m2 l12 I2 m1lc1 + m2l1 fv1 fv2

kg ⋅ m2 kg ⋅ m2 kg ⋅ m N ⋅ m ⋅ rad/s N ⋅ m ⋅ rad/s

gz2 =

1 𝜑, 𝛽 1


𝛽 = 𝜑1 𝜑2 − 𝜑22 . 2.1.  Control problem The problem consists in designing a control signal τ(t) such that the pendulum position q1(t) tracks a desired reference trajectory qd(t), while the velocity of the wheel q̇ 2 (t) remains bounded under the actuator constraints, this taking into account that the parameters of the dynamic model are unknown. It is assumed that the desired trajectory qd(t) is a twice-differentiable signal and

| | t | | |qd (t)|, |q̇ d (t)|, | sin(qd (s))ds| < ∞. | |∫0 | |


Hence, defining the trajectory tracking error

e1 = qd − q1 , the control signal τ(t) should guarantee [ ] [ ] e1 (t) 0 . lim = t→∞ ė 1 (t) 0



3.  Model-based controller The error dynamics is obtained by computing the first and second time-derivatives of the tracking error in ((10)), such that

d e = ė 1 , dt 1


𝛽 d 𝛽 ė = q̈ − 𝜑5 q̇ 2 + 𝜑4 q̇ 1 − g𝜑3 sin(q1 ) + 𝜏. (13) 𝜑2 dt 1 𝜑2 d Redefining the constant parameters

𝛽 = 𝜃1 , 𝜑2


𝜑4 = 𝜃2 ,


𝜑5 = 𝜃3 ,



  J. Moreno-Valenzuela et al.

𝜑3 = 𝜃4 ,


ẏ = ė 1 ,


such that the condition

𝛽 = 𝜃5 , 𝜑1


and defining the output function of the system as

y(t) = e1 (t),


the system (12)-(13) can be rewritten as

d y = y, ̇ dt


d ẏ = 𝜃1 q̈ d + 𝜃2 q̇ 1 − 𝜃3 q̇ 2 − 𝜃4 g sin(q1 ) + 𝜏. dt



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𝜏 = −kp y − kd ẏ − 𝛿sign(y) − 𝜃1 q̈ d − 𝜃2 q̇ 1 + 𝜃3 q̇ 2 + 𝜃4 g sin(q1 ), (22) where kp , kd and𝛿 are positive constants. By substituting the controller (22) into (21), the output dynamics is given by

d 𝜃1 ẏ = −kp y − kd ẏ − 𝛿sign(y), dt


𝜃 − 𝜃5 𝜃 − 𝜃5 d q̇ 1 + g𝜃4 1 q̇ 2 = −𝜃1 q̈ d − 𝜃2 1 dt 𝜃1 𝜃1




The closed-loop system in terms of the output dynamics and the wheel dynamics is given by (23)-(24) and (25)-(26). It is possible to prove that y(t) and y(t) ̇ converge to zero as time t approaches to infinity, implying that the limit (11) is satisfied by the application of the model-based controller in (22). 3.1.  Internal dynamics In accordance with the Theorem 13.1 in (Khalil, 2002), the dynamic system given by the equations (23)-(24) and (25)-(26) can be represented in a normal form by using the coordinate transformation

𝜂2 =

q̇ 2 ė 1 − , g2 g1

1 (𝜂 + 𝜃1 y), ̇ 𝜃5 2


𝜃𝜃 𝜃 2 𝜃5 (q̇ d − y) ̇ + g 1 5 sin(qd − y)). (32) 𝛼 𝛼

The set of equations given by (23)-(24) and (31)-(32) results from the transformation of the system (23)-(26). Given that the controller (22) guarantees that the output y(t) → 0 and y(t) ̇ → 0 when t → ∞, then the zero-dynamics is given by

𝜂̇ 1 =

𝜂̇ 2 = 𝜃1 (−̈qd −

1 𝜂 𝜃5 2

𝜃𝜃 𝜃 2 𝜃5 q̇ d + g 1 5 sin(qd )). 𝛼 𝛼



In the rest of this discussion the state η2(t) is only considered, which represents the dynamics of the wheel velocity q̇ 2 (t). Integrating (34) with respect to the time t > 0, yields

𝜂2 (t) = 𝜂2 (0) + 𝜃1 (−q̇ d (t) −

sin(q1 ) − kp y − kd ẏ − 𝛿sign(y).

𝜂1 = q2 ,

𝜂̇ 2 = 𝜃1 (−̈qd −


and the wheel dynamics is obtained from (7)-(8) as

d q = q̇ 2 , dt 2

derivative of (27)-(28) and using the definitions (23)-(26), the internal dynamics is given by

𝜂̇ 1 =

Taking into account the system (20)-(21), a model-based controller is proposed as

d y = y, ̇ dt

𝜕𝛈 𝐠(𝐳) = 𝟎, [ 𝜕𝐳 ]T [ ]T is satisfied, where 𝛈 = 𝜂1 𝜂2 , 𝐳 = e1 ė 1 q2 q̇ 2 [ ]T and 𝐠 = 0 g1 0 g2 . Then, by computing the time-

𝜃𝜃 t 𝜃2 𝜃5 qd (t) + g 1 5 sin(qd (s))ds). 𝛼 𝛼 ∫0

(35) By choosing a desired trajectory qd(t) such that the condition (9) is satisfied for all t ≥ 0, then the solution of η2(t) in (35) satisfies |η2(t)| < ∞. Therefore, there exist enough conditions to ensure that the state η2(t) of the internal dynamics in (32) is bounded, at least for initial conditions in a compact set containing the origin.

4.  Neural network-based controller Given that the parameters of the dynamic model of the IWP given in (14)-(18) are unknown, in this section a neural network-based adaptive controller for the is proposed. This control algorithm is derived taking into account the model-based controller in (22). The output dynamics in (20)-(21) can be expressed as:

d y = y, ̇ dt




d ẏ = f (𝐱) + 𝜏, dt



where the function

y = e1 ,


f (𝐱) = 𝜃1 q̈ d − 𝜃3 q̇ 2 + 𝜃2 q̇ 1 − 𝜃4 g sin(q1 )


Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 

can be approximated by applying the universal approximation theorem (Haykin, 1999; Lewis et al., 1999),

̃̇ = −W ̂̇ is satisfied. With W bounded in W is constant, then W the sense ‖W‖ ≤ 𝜇, μ > 0, the output weights error dynamics is

f (𝐱) = W T 𝛔(V T 𝐱̄ ) + 𝜀,

( ) ̃̇ = − 𝛼y + ẏ N𝛔(V T 𝐱̄ ) + 𝜅 |𝛼y + ẏ |N W. ̂ W | |

where, W ∈ ℝ is the ideal output weights vector, 𝛔 = [ 𝜎1 𝜎2 ... 𝜎L ] ∈ ℝL is the vector of activation functions, V ∈ ℝ5×L is the constant input weights matrix, 𝜀 ∈ ℝ is the approximation error of the neural network, 𝐱 = [ q1 q̇ 1 q̇ 2 q̈ d ]T ∈ ℝ4 is the input vector of the neural network, 𝐱̄ = [ 1 𝐱T ]T ∈ ℝ5 is the augmented input vector of the neural network and L is the number of neurons in the neural network. Taking into account the output dynamics (36)-(37), the following neural network-based controller is proposed L

𝜏 = −f̂ (𝐱) − kp y − kd ẏ − 𝛿sign(𝛼y + y), ̇

̂ T 𝛔(V T 𝐱̄ ) = f̂ (𝐱) = W

L ∑



4 ∑ ŵ i tanh( vij xj + voi ) (40)



̂ ∈ ℝL is the estiis the neural estimation of f (𝐱) in (38), W mated output weights vector, ŵ i and vij are the elements of the ̂ and the matrix V, respectively. vo is the threshold vector W i value of each neuron in the hidden layer. The block diagram implementation of the neural network-based controller in (39) can be seen in Fig. 2. In the estimated function f̂ (𝐱) in (40), the elements of the matrix V ∈ ℝ4×L are selected randomly. By substituting (39) into (37), the output dynamics in (36)(37), which is also the tracking error dynamics by the definition in (29), can be rewritten as d y = y, ̇ dt


d ̃ T 𝛔(V T 𝐱̄ ) − kp y − kd ẏ − 𝛿sign(𝛼y + y) ẏ = W ̇ + 𝜀,(42) dt ̃ =W −W ̂ is the output weights error of the neural where W network. The following adaptation law for the output weights of the neural network is proposed 𝜃1

( ) ̂̇ = 𝛼y + ẏ N𝛔(V T 𝐱̄ ) − 𝜅 |𝛼y + ẏ |N W, ̂ W | |


where N ∈ ℝ is a diagonal positive definite matrix and κ is a positive constant. Given that the ideal output weights vector L×L

Figure 2. Block Diagram Implementation of the Neural Network-based Controller.


The closed-loop system is given by the equations (31)-(32), (41)-(42) and (44). In order to prove that the limit (11) is satisfied, the following positive definite function is proposed [ ]T [ ][ ] kp 𝛼𝜃1 y 1 ̃ T −1 ̃ 1 y N W, (45) + W U= 2 ẏ 2 ẏ 𝛼𝜃1 𝜃1


𝜇2 , 4

⎧ ⎫ kp kd ⎪ kd ⎪ 0 < 𝛼 < min ⎨ , � � ⎬. 1 𝜃 2 ⎪ 1 k + kp 𝜃1 ⎪ 4 d ⎩ ⎭



Thus, the function U is positive definite and U̇ is negative semidefinite if (46), (48) and (49) are satisfied. Notice that (46) and (49) can be expressed as follows

⎧� ⎫ kp kd ⎪ ⎪ kp kd . 0 < 𝛼 < min ⎨ , , 1 2⎬ ⎪ 𝜃1 𝜃1 kp 𝜃1 + 4 kd ⎪ ⎩ ⎭

where 𝜃̂1 (t), 𝜃̂2 (t), 𝜃̂3 (t) and 𝜃̂4 (t) are an estimated version of the IWP parameters θ1, θ2, θ3 and θ4 in (14)-(17). The block diagram implementation of the regressor-based controller in (51) can be seen in Fig. 3. By defining the parameters adaptation errors as follows:


Therefore, by satisfying these conditions the boundedness of ̃ ∈ ℝL is ensured. the solutions y(t), y(t) ̇ ∈ ℝ and W(t) By applying the Barbalat’s lemma (Khalil, 2002), [ ] [ ] y(t) 0 , lim = t→∞ y(t) ̇ 0 which implies that the limit (11) is satisfied. Considering the analysis of the internal dynamics for the model-based controller presented in Section 3.1, it is also possible to conclude that, by the application of the neural

𝜃̃1 = 𝜃1 − 𝜃̂1 ,


𝜃̃2 = 𝜃2 − 𝜃̂2 ,


𝜃̃3 = 𝜃3 − 𝜃̂3 ,


𝜃̃4 = 𝜃4 − 𝜃̂4 ,


the adaptive controller in (51) can be rewritten as

𝜏 = −kp y − kd ẏ − 𝛿sign(ẏ + 𝛼y) − 𝜃1 q̈ d − 𝜃2 q̇ 1 + 𝜃3 q̇ 2 (56) + 𝜃 g sin(q ) + 𝜃̃ q̈ + 𝜃̃ q̇ − 𝜃̃ q̇ − 𝜃̃ g sin(q ). 4


1 d

2 1

3 2



Substituting this expression into the system (20)-(21), the output dynamics is given by

d y = ẏ dt


d ̃ ẏ = −kp y − kd ẏ − 𝛿sign(ẏ + 𝛼y) + Φ𝛉, dt


Figure 3. Block Diagram Implementation of the Regressor-based Adaptive Controller.


[ Φ=

q̈ d

q̇ 1

−q̇ 2

] −g sin(q1 ) ,



Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 

𝛉̃ =






]T ,


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being 𝛷(q⁄ d , q̇ 1 , q̇ 2 , q1 ) the regression matrix and q̃ (t) the adaptation error vector. The following positive definite function is proposed for system (57)-(58) [ ]T [ ][ ] kp 𝛼𝜃1 y 1 1 y ̃ (61) + 𝛉̃ T Γ−1 𝛉, U= 2 ẏ 2 ẏ 𝛼𝜃1 𝜃1 where 𝛤 ∈ ℝ4×4 is √ a symmetric and positive definite matrix. kp The condition 𝛼 < ensures that the function U is positive 𝜃1 definite and radially unbounded. By computing the time-derivative of U in (61), one obtains [ ]T [ ][ ] 1 𝛼k 𝛼kp y y d 2 U̇ = − 1 𝛼k k − 𝛼𝜃 ẏ ẏ d d 1 2


is satisfied, then the function U is positive definite and U̇ is negative semidefinite. By applying the Barbalat’s lemma, [ ] [ ] y(t) 0 , lim = t→∞ y(t) ̇ 0 which implies that the limit (11) is satisfied. Considering the analysis of the internal dynamics for the model-based controller presented in Section 3.1, it is also possible to conclude that, by the application of the regressor-based adaptive controller, the solution η2(t) remains bounded for all t ≥ 0.

6.  Experimental results In this section, the results of the experimental implementation of the neural network-based controller in (39) and the regressor-based controller in (51) are presented. 6.1.  Experimental platform

The experimental tests have been conducted in an experimental platform built at Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CITEDI research center. which suggest the adaptation law 𝛉̃̇ defined as The hardware components of the IWP experimental platform were as follows: PC with dual-core processor. PCI data (63) acquisition (DAQ) board Sensoray 626. Optical encoder US 𝛉̃̇ = −ΓΦT [ẏ + 𝛼y]. Digital model S1-1,000-236-IE-B-D for the pendulum posiApplying the adaptation law (63) into the U̇ in (62), the tion measurement. 24 V DC motor with embedded encoder time-derivative of U can be upper-bounded by PITTMAN model 8222S003 as actuator on the rotating wheel. [ ]T [ ][ ] [ ]T [ ] Servo amplifier AMC model 12A8 to power the DC motor. 1 𝛼kd 𝛼kp y y y y The PC runs Windows XP operative system, Matlab 2007a 2 . U̇ ≤ − =− Q 1 and Simulink, which interacts with the DAQ through the Real𝛼k k − 𝛼𝜃 ẏ y ̇ y ̇ y ̇ d d 1 2 Time Windows Target libraries at 1 × 10−3 [s] sampling rate. (64) Please, see Fig. 4 for an actual picture of the IWP experimental where the matrix Q is symmetric and positive definite if the platform. following condition is satisfied It is assumed that the control input of the system is equal to the input voltage of the servo-amplifier υ(t), as can be seen kp kd in Fig. 4. Without loss of generality, the electrical dynamics . 𝛼< (65) of the actuator can be neglected, and it is possible to consider kp 𝜃1 + 1∕4kd2 that υ(t) = τ(t). Hence, if

̃̇ −𝛿|ẏ + 𝛼y| + 𝛉̃ T [ΦT [ẏ + 𝛼y] + Γ−1 𝛉],

⎧� ⎫ kp kd ⎪ ⎪ kp kd 0 < 𝛼 < min ⎨ , , 1 2⎬ ⎪ 𝜃1 𝜃1 kp 𝜃1 + 4 kd ⎪ ⎩ ⎭


6.2.  Description of the experiment (66)

The following linear PID control has been experimentally tested for comparing the performance of the proposed adaptive controllers:

Figure 4. Description of the Experimental Platform. Without Loss of Generality, it is Assumed that the Servo-amplifier Input Voltage υ(t) is Equal to the Control Input τ(t).


  J. Moreno-Valenzuela et al.

Figure 5. Time-Evolution of the Angular Position q1(t) and the Desired Trajectory qd(t) for the Neural Network-based Controller in (39), the Regressor-based Adaptive Controller in (51) and the PID Algorithm in (67).

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𝜏 = −kp y − ki


y(𝜌)d𝜌 − kd y, ̇



kp = 10, kd = 3,



ki = 10. The desired trajectory is proposed as

qd = a sin(𝜔t) + b,


with amplitude a = 0.25 [rad], angular frequency ω = 10 [rad/s] and offset b = π [rad]. With this values, the desired trajectory (69) represents a periodic oscillation around the downward pendulum position. The signal qd(t) satisfies the assumption in (9). The initial conditions for the system were q1(0) = π [rad], q2(0) = 0 [rad], q̇ 1 (0) = 0 [rad/s] and q̇ 2 (0) = 0 [rad/s]. The new controllers (39) and (51) were implemented with the PD gains in (68) and

𝛿 = 2, 𝛼 = 0.1. For controller (39), the number of neurons in the hidden layer of the neural network was L = 10. The adaptation gains N and the constant κ for the neural network-based controller in (39) were

N = diag10 {1}, 𝜅 = 0.1. Finally, the adaptation gains for the regressor-based controller in ((51)) were selected as

Γ = diag{0.01, 0.00001, 0.00001, 1.0}.

6.3. Results Experimental results of the implementation of the neural network-based controller (NNC) in (39), the regressor-based adaptive controller (RAC) in (51) and the PID algorithm in (67) are depicted in Figures 5–10. Five runs of each control algorithm have been carried out, where Figures 5–10 show the results of the experiment with best performance achieved by each controller. Particularly, the time-evolution of the pendulum position q1(t) and the desired trajectory qd(t) are shown in Figure 5. The time-evolution of the output function y(t) = e1(t) is shown in

Figure 6.  Time-evolution of the Output Function y(t) for the Neural Networkbased Controller in (39), the Regressor-based Adaptive Controller in (51) and the PID Algorithm in (67).

Figure 6. The applied control voltage υ(t) is shown in Figure 7. ̂ Finally, in Figures 8 and 9 the estimated output weights W(t) of the neural network-based controller and the estimated parameters q̂ (t) of the regressor-based adaptive controller are shown, respectively. In order to observe and compare the performance of each algorithm, the same control gains were used. In Figures 5–6 the convergence of the tracking error e1(t) = y(t) can be seen, where the performance of the proposed adaptive controllers is clearly superior than the performance of the PID algorithm. Some remaining error can be observed after some time, which is attributed to the discrete implementation of the control algorithms and the estimations of the velocity signals from the quantified position measurements. Also it is possible to observe that the neural network-based controller presents a slower adaptation with respect to the regressor-based controller, which may possibly be corrected by tunning the adaptation gains N for the output weights estimation. The boundedness of the wheel velocity q̇ 2 (t) can be verified from the input voltage signals υ(t) in Figure 7, which confirms the introduced theoretical results. It is worth mentioning that despite the saturation of the applied voltage υ(t) at the beginning of the experiments, both adaptive algorithms achieve the control objective with

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Figure 7. Control Voltage υ(t) Applied to the Wheel for the Neural Network-based Controller in (39), the Regressor-based Adaptive Controller in (51) and the PID Algorithm in (67).


Figure 10. RMS Value of the Error e1(t) for Five Runs of each Control Algorithm.

Table 2.  Comparison of the RMS Values of the Tracking Error and the Applied Control Voltage during the Time-window 5 ≤ t ≤ 10. ‖e1 (t)‖RMS ‖𝜐(t)‖RMS

̂ Figure 8. Time-evolution of the Estimated Output Weights W(t) of the Neural Network Controller.

PID 0.0809 2.6321

RAC 0.0116 3.7409

NNC 0.0105 4.2025

Furthermore, Table 2 shows the RMS value of the tracking error e1(t) and the RMS value of the applied control voltage υ(t) for the best run of each control algorithm. Only the data of the last five seconds of experiment have been used, i.e., the RMS values for 5 ≤ t ≤ 10 are considered. It is worth pointing out that, for the neural network-based controller, the best performance was ∥e1 (t)∥RMS = 0.0105, for the regressor-based controller was ∥e1 (t)∥RMS = 0.0116, and for the PID was ∥e1 (t)∥RMS = 0.0809 . This means that the RMS error for the NNC is 9.48\ smaller with respect to the RMS error for the RAC, the RMS error for the RAC is 85.66\ smaller with respect to the RMS error for the PID, and the RMS error for the NNC is 87.02\ smaller with respect to the RMS error for the PID. Finally, Figure 10 shows the RMS value of the tracking error e1(t) for five runs of the introduced controllers, showing that the results presented above are reliable.

7.  Concluding remarks

Figure 9.  Time-evolution of the Estimated Parameters q̂ (t) of the Regressorbased Adaptive Controller.

good performance. Also the boundedness of the estimated output weights ŵ i (t) and the estimated parameters 𝜃̂i (t) is verified in Figures 8–9.

In this work, a neural network-based controller and a regressor-based controller for the trajectory tracking of the IWP have been proposed. The structure of the controllers is inspired by a model-based controller derived from the input-output linearization technique. The rigorous stability analysis for the output dynamics, which is equal to the tracking error dynamics, was presented. Furthermore, conditions to ensure that the internal dynamics is bounded were given, which implies that the velocity of the wheel remains under the actuator constraints. The convergence of the tracking error trajectories e1(t) was verified by means of experiments. The boundedness of the output ̂ weights W(t) of the neural network, the estimated parameters q̂ (t) of the regressor-based controller, and the velocity of the wheel q̇ 2 (t) were also verified. Real-time experiments were conducted in an experimental set-up built at our laboratory. The new adaptive controllers


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were compared with respect to a linear PID controller. Better tracking accuracy was obtained with new adaptive controllers, in spite of the uncertainties of the real-time experimental platform.

Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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Notes on contributors Javier Moreno-Valenzuela received a B.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, Mexico, in 1997, and a Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control from CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Mexico, in 2002. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Université de Liège, Belgium, from 2004 to 2005. He is with the Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CITEDI, Tijuana, Mexico and the author of more than 40 journal papers. He has served as reviewer of a number of prestigious scientific journals. He was invited editor of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems and Mathematical Problems in Engineering. His research interests include nonlinear systems, complex systems, mechatronics and intelligent systems. Carlos Aguilar-Avelar received a B.Sc. degree in electronics engineering with specialization in digital systems from the Instituto Tecnológico de Los Mochis, Los Mochis, Mexico, in 2011 and an M.Sc. degree in digital systems with specialization in control systems from the Instituto Politécnico NacionalCITEDI, Tijuana, Mexico, in 2013, where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in digital systems at the Laboratory of Systems and Control. His research interests include the analysis and control of underactuated mechatronic systems, nonlinear control, adaptive control and neural network-based control. Sergio Puga-Guzmán received a B.Sc. degree in electronics and communications engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterey, Monterey, Mexico, in 1988, and a Ph.D. degree digital systems with specialization in control systems from the Instituto Politécnico NacionalCITEDI, Tijuana, Mexico, in 2014. He is currently with the Tecnológico Nacional de México, Tecnológico de Tijuana, Tijuana, Mexico. His research interests include nonlinear systems, analysis and control of underactuated systems, adaptive control, and neural network-based control. Víctor Santibáñez received B.E. and M.Sc. degrees in electronic engineering from the Laguna Institute of Technology, Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, and a Ph.D. degree from CICESE, Mexico, in 1977, 1984, and 1997, respectively. He has coauthored two books on robot control: Control of Robot Manipulators (in Spanish, Prentice Hall, 2003) and Control of Robot Manipulators in Joint Space (Springer, 2005). He is currently Professor with Instituto Tecnológico de la Laguna. His research interests are robot control, nonlinear systems control, fuzzy control and adaptive control.

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