Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
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Two contrasting late Paleozoic magmatic episodes in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt, NW China: Implication for tectonic transition from plate convergence to intra-plate adjustment during accretionary orogenesis Xiangsong Wang a,b,c, Keda Cai a,b,⇑, Min Sun d, Wenjiao Xiao a,b,e, Xiaoping Xia c,f, Bo Wan c,e, Zihe Bao a,b,c, Yannan Wang a,b,c a
Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources and Digital Geology, Urumqi 830011, China c University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China d Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pokflam Road, Hong Kong, China e State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China f State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wushan, Guangzhou 510460, China b
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history: Received 7 September 2016 Received in revised form 1 March 2017 Accepted 16 March 2017 Available online 18 March 2017 Keywords: Tianshan Central Asian Orogenic Belt Terrane assembly Slab break-off Accretionary orogenesis
a b s t r a c t Late Carboniferous to Early Permian is a critical period for the final amalgamation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). However, as most of the accreted terranes of the CAOB are unclear in tectonic nature and origin, the timing and processes of their mutual amalgamation have been poorly constrained. To understand assembly of the West Junggar Terrane with the Yili Block, a suite of the late Paleozoic magmatic rocks, including ignimbrite, rhyolite and granite, in northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt were studied for their petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Our new results of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U-Pb dating reveal two separate magmatic episodes, ca. 300 Ma volcanism (ignimbrite and rhyolite) and ca. 288 Ma plutonsim (biotite granite). Geochemically, for the ca. 300 Ma volcanism, the ignimbrites have low SiO2 (65.8–71.5 wt.%) and Mg# (6–13) values, and exhibit arc affinity with significantly enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE) such as Nb, Ta and Ti. The whole-rock eNd(t) and zircon eHf(t) values range from +6.9 to +7.0 and +9.9 to +14.1 respectively, indicating a juvenile basaltic lower crustal origin. Rhyolites have slightly high SiO2 (72.7–74.0 wt.%) and K2O (3.86–4.53 wt.%) contents, high zircon d18O (11.67–13.23‰) values, and low whole-rock eNd(t) (+2.9 to +3.8) and zircon eHf(t) (+2.8 to +10.0) values, which may suggest sediment involvements during magma generation. In contrast, for the ca. 288 Ma plutonism, the biotite granites have obviously higher SiO2 (74.7–75.5 wt.%) contents and whole-rock eNd(t) (+7.7 to +8.8), zircon eHf(t) (+9.8 to +12.7), and lower zircon d18O (5.99–6.84‰) values, than those of the ca. 300 Ma volcanic rocks, which are consistent with signatures of juvenile magma source. According to our estimates of zircon saturation temperatures, together with their contrasting genesis, we attribute the formation of ca. 300 Ma high temperature (815–938 °C) volcanism to oceanic slab break-off during assembly of the West Junggar Terrane with the Yili Block, and relate the generation of ca. 288 Ma low temperature (723–735 °C) plutonism to subsequent strike-slipping of North Tianshan Fault that facilitated introduction of water-fluxes triggering hydrous partial melting of juvenile lower crust. The sequential magmatic episodes in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt may provide a crucial clue to a tectonic transition from plate convergence to intra-plate adjustment during the formation of the Kazakhstan Orocline in the late Paleozoic. Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction ⇑ Corresponding author at: Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese, Academy of Sciences, 818 South Beijing Road, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China. E-mail address:
[email protected] (K. Cai). 1367-9120/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) covers an immense area of the Asian territory and represents one of the largest and
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
longest-lived accretionary orogenic collages on the Earth (Cai et al., 2011; Jahn, 2004; N.B. Li et al., 2015; P.F. Li et al., 2015; Sengör et al., 1993; Sengör and Natal’In, 1996; Wan et al., 2017; Windley et al., 2007; Xiao et al., 2015). In contrast to other collision-type and/or subduction-type orogenic belts, the CAOB shows a distinctive occurrence of a gigantic tectonic collage after complicated evolutionary processes involving multi-stage accretion and collision of diverse tectonic terranes, such as island arcs, ophiolites, seamounts, accretionary complexes and microcontinents (Cai et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2014; He et al., 2015; Jahn et al., 2000; Windley et al., 2007; Xiao et al., 2009). The presentday tectonic framework of the CAOB is generally regarded as a result of the final amalgamation of the Kazakhstan and TuvaMongol collage systems along the Irtysh Shear Zone as well as the convergence of the Tarim and North China cratons along the
South Tianshan-Solonker suture zone (Sengör et al., 1993; Sengör and Natal’In, 1996; Windley et al., 2007; Xiao et al., 2015). The Kazakhstan collage system occupies a critical tectonic position in the CAOB, and is characterized by a horseshoe-shaped structure, known as the Kazakhstan Orocline. The Tianshan orogenic belt occurs as a backbone along the southern limb of the collage system and separates the Tarim craton to the south from the Junggar terranes to the north (Fig. 1). The tectonic evolution of the Tianshan belt is believed to have a genetic link with the bending of the Kazakhstan Orocline and subduction of ancient oceanic plates, including Junggar Ocean and South Tianshan Ocean (Xiao et al., 2015 and references therein). The Tianshan orogenic belt, which extends for more than 2500 km from Uzbekistan to SW Mongolia, consists mainly of granitoids, metamorphic rocks, sedimentary sequences, and voluminous volcanic rocks (An et al.,
Fig. 1. (a) Geological map of the Kazakhstan collage system in the Western CAOB. Modified after Windley et al. (2007) and Xiao et al. (2015). (b) The Kazakhstan Orocline before and after bending. Modified after Bazhenov et al. (2012).
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2013; B. Wang et al., 2007; Zhu et al., 2006). These rocks are important geologic archives for understanding the geodynamic evolution of the CAOB. The northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt is a part of the Tianshan orogenic belt and is situated inboard in the southern limb of Kazakhstan collage system, and thus retains a record of the bending processes of the Kazakhstan Orocline and the associated evolution of the Junggar Ocean in the late Paleozoic (Windley et al., 2007; Xiao et al., 2013, 2015). The late Paleozoic igneous rocks are widespread in the region, however, due to inadequate high-precision geochronological and geochemical data, their petrogenesis and tectonic implications have been poorly understood (Han et al., 2009; Li et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2010, 2013; Wang et al., 2009; Q. Wang et al., 2007; Xia et al., 2012; Yin et al.,
2016; Zhang et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2016), which impedes our understanding of the regional tectonic evolution. The objectives of this study are to reveal the petrogenesis of the igneous rocks from the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt, and delineate their tectonic settings through systematic analyses of zircon U-Pb dating, Hf-O isotopes, and whole-rock element as well as Sr-Nd isotopic compositions. 2. Geological background The Kazakhstan collage system consists mainly of the Chingiz arc, the Kokchetav microcontinent, and the North Tianshan-Yili arc (Fig. 1). As the southern limb of the Kazakhstan collage system,
Fig. 2. Geological map of the Western Chinese Tianshan and Alataw area with the sample locations (modified from Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources XBGMR, 1993). (a) The Western Chinese Tianshan Belt. (b) The Alataw area in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt.
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the North Tianshan-Yili arc underwent a long-lived evolutionary history, including Paleozoic accretion and collision, Mesozoic thermal subsidence, and Cenozoic thrusting and uplift (Allen et al., 1991; Wang et al., 2011; Windley et al., 1990). The Chinese western Tianshan Orogenic Belt is an important portion of the North Tianshan-Yili arc. It can be subdivided into four tectonic units from south to north, including the South Tianshan Belt (STB), the Central Tianshan Block (CTB), the Yili Block (YB) and the Chinese North Tianshan Belt (NTB) (Fig. 2a). These units are separated by three fault systems of the South Nalati-Kawablak Fault, the North Nalati Fault and the North Tianshan Fault. The STB is commonly considered as a Paleozoic accretionary complex and consists of Paleozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks (Kröner et al., 2013; Ma et al., 2014; Shu et al., 2002). It is dominated by Lower Cambrian black shales and phosphoric silicates, as well as Cambrian-Carboniferous marine/non-marine carbonates, clastic rocks, cherts and inter-layered volcanic materials, which are unconformably overlain by Permian fluvial deposits and volcanic rocks (Allen et al., 1993; Carroll et al., 1995; XBGMR, 1993). A Paleozoic HP/UHP metamorphic belt, several ophiolitic mélanges and numerous granitic intrusions are exposed along the northern margin of the STB (Gao et al., 2011; Han et al., 2011; Long et al., 2008). The CTB is comprised of a Precambrian metamorphic basement that is covered by early to late Paleozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Gao et al., 1998, 2009; He et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2000; Huang et al., 2015; Shu et al., 2004). The basement rocks comprise amphibolite- and granulite-facies metamorphic rocks (Xiao et al., 1992; XBGMR, 1993). The Late Silurian to Carboniferous islandarc volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks were thrust over the Precambrian metamorphic rocks (Gao et al., 1998; Zhu et al., 2005, 2009). The NTB is a Paleozoic accretionary complex that is primarily composed of Devonian-Carboniferous volcanic rocks, turbidites and ophiolitic mélanges, and they form a series of imbricate structures (Gao et al., 1998; Li et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2005, 2006a; Zhu et al., 2013). Permian terrestrial sedimentary and volcanic rocks unconformably overlie these earlier strata (Q. Wang et al., 2007; Zhu et al., 2013). The Bayingou ophiolites that are exposed within this complex have ages of 344–325 Ma, possibly representing slices of the Carboniferous Junggar oceanic lithosphere along the NTB (Xu et al., 2005, 2006a, 2006b). The Sikeshu granitic pluton intruded the ophiolitic mélange, and was considered as a stitching pluton with an age of 316 Ma (Han et al., 2009). During the Permian, large-scale dextral ductile shearing movement occurred along the North Tianshan Fault (NTF) (Allen and Vincent, 1997). The timing of the ductile deformation was constrained at 290–245 Ma (De Jong et al., 2008; Laurent-Charvet et al., 2002, 2003; B. Wang et al., 2006; Yin and Nie, 1996; Zhou et al., 2001). The YB may be formed by the amalgamation of the Chu-Yili and Aktau-Junggar microcontinents in the early Paleozoic (Wilhem et al., 2012; Windley et al., 2007). The Precambrian basement rocks include granitic gneiss and amphibolite, migmatite and schist, which are mainly exposed in the Wenquan region of the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt (Chen et al., 2000; Hu et al., 2000). Cambrian-Ordovician rocks crop out in the southeast of the Sayram Lake (Fig. 2a), consisting of cherts, siltstones and carbonates. The Silurian sequences including flysch, limestone, volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks occurring in the Borohoro area (Fig. 2a) (B. Wang et al., 2006; XBGMR, 1993). The Devonian rocks are distributed in the Alataw and Borohoro areas and include conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, basalt and andesitic porphyry. Carboniferous strata are widespread in the YB and mainly consist of limestone, sandstone, shale and volcanic rocks (Q. Wang et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2009; XBGMR, 1993). The Permian strata occur sporadically in the Alataw and Awulale areas, and they are dominated by intermediate-acid volcanic and sedimentary rocks
(Fig. 2a) (XBGMR, 1993). The Late Devonian to Early Permian igneous rocks crop out widely in the YB (N.B. Li et al., 2015; Tang et al., 2010, 2013). Numerous porphyry-type copper deposits are associated with the Devonian to Late Carboniferous granitoid intrusions in the Lailisigaoer and Lamasu-Dabate areas (Zhang et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2012). In addition, many epithermal gold deposits are also considered to have a close relation to the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Tulasu Basin (Fig. 2a) (An et al., 2013; Zhai et al., 2009). The Alataw area in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt was a late Paleozoic convergent margin, occupies the north part of the YB, and is adjacent to the south of the West Junggar Terrane (WJT) (Fig. 2b). It is mainly composed of Devonian-Permian strata. The Devonian strata consist of shallow marine sedimentary rocks, while the Carboniferous strata are composed of sandstone, limestone, basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite. The Permian strata of the Wulang Formation mainly consist of terrestrial volcanic rocks, which unconformably overlie the older strata (XBGMR, 1993). The granitoid intrusions are widely exposed along the Alataw area and formed at the time interval of 267–306 Ma (Chen et al., 1994, 2000; Chen et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2005; Yin et al., 2016). The NTF is distributed on the east of Alataw area, and some granites occur as spindle shape along the NTF (Fig. 2a; XBGMR, 1993). The WJT is situated on the northeast of the NTF, and is generally considered as a complicated tectonic collage of intra-oceanic arc and accretionary systems, represented by diverse volcanic rocks, granitoids and accretionary complexes (Xiao et al., 2008). 3. Sample description Felsic volcanic rocks and granites were sampled from the Alataw area in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt (Fig. 2b). The volcanic rocks are considered as dominant components of the Wulang Formation, including ignimbrites and rhyolites. The ignimbrites are dark gray, showing depositional lamination and contain possibly volcanic clasts (1–2 cm). These angular to rounded felsic fragments may represent transported debris from a pyroclastic eruption. The phenocrysts are rare and the groundmass shows cryptocrystalline texture (Fig. 3a and b). The rhyolites exhibit porphyritic texture with phenocrysts of K-feldspar (15–20 vol.%), quartz (10–15 vol.%), and biotite (1–2 vol.%). K-feldspar phenocrysts are subhedral to anhedral. Quartz phenocrysts commonly show anhedral and embayed texture. Their groundmass is mainly composed of K-feldspar (45–50 vol.%) and quartz (20–25 vol.%) (Fig. 3c and d). The biotite granite samples were collected from a granitic intrusion that occurs between YB and WJT, and it has a spindle shape extending parallel to the NTF (Fig. 2b). It is a gray medium-fine grained biotite granite, consisting of euhedral plagioclase (35–40 vol.%) with clear zoning, anhedral quartz (25–30 vol. %) and K-feldspar (15–20 vol.%), strip-shaped biotite (5 vol.%) and minor accessory minerals (25 lm non-magnetic fraction were hand-picked and mounted on adhesive tape, then enclosed in epoxy resin and polished to about half of their thickness. In order to investigate internal structures of potential analyzed zircons and choose potential target sites for U-Pb and Hf-O analyses, Cathodoluminescence
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Fig. 3. Field photos and photomicrographs under cross-polarized light of the magmatic rocks from the Alataw area in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt. (a and b) The ignimbrite. (c and d) The rhyolite. (e and f) The biotite granite. Mineral abbreviation: Qtz, quartz; Pl, plagioclase; Bi, biotite; Kfs, K-feldspar.
(CL) images were obtained for zircons prior to analysis, using a JXA-8100 Electron Probe Micro-analyzer with a Mono CL3 Cathodoluminescence System for high resolution imaging and spectroscopy at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIGCAS). Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U-Pb analyses were conducted using a CAMECA IMS1280-HR system at the State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry, GIG CAS. Analytical procedure is similar to that described by Li et al. (2009). The O2 primary ion beam with an intensity of 10 nA was accelerated at 13 kV. The ellipsoidal spot is about 20 lm 30 lm in size. The aperture illumination mode (Kohler illumination) was used with a 200 lm primary beam mass filter (PBMF) aperture to produce even sputtering over the entire analyzed area. Oxygen flooding was used to increase the O2 pressure to 5 10 6 Torr in the sample chamber, enhancing Pb+ sensitivity to a value of 25 cps/nA/ppm for zircon. This great enhancement of Pb+ sensitivity is crucial to improve precision of 207Pb/206Pb zircon measurement. Positive secondary ions were extracted with a 10 kV potential. In the secondary ion beam optics, a 60 eV energy window was used, together with a mass resolution of 5400. Rectangular lenses were activated in the secondary ion optics to increase the transmission at high mass resolution. A single electron multiplier was used in ion-counting mode to measure secondary ion beam intensities by the peak jumping sequence: 196 (90Zr216O, matrix reference), 200 (92Zr216O), 200.5 (background), 203.81 (94Zr216O, for mass
calibration), 203.97 (Pb), 206 (Pb), 207 (Pb), 208 (Pb), 209 (177Hf16O2), 238 (U), 248 (232Th16O), 270 (238U16O2), and 270.1 (reference mass). The integration time for these mass are1.04, 0.56, 4.16, 0.56, 6.24, 4.16, 6.24, 2.08, 1.04, 2.08, 2.08, 2.08, and 0.24 s, respectively. Each measurement consisted of seven cycles, and the total analytical time per measurement was 12 min. Calibration of Pb/U ratios is relative to the standard zircon Plešovice (337.13 Ma) (Sláma et al., 2008), which was analyzed once every four unknowns, based on an observed linear relationship between ln (206Pb/238U) and ln (238U16O2/238U) (Whitehouse et al., 1997). A long-term uncertainty of 1.5% (1 RSD) for 206Pb/238U measurements of the standard zircons was propagated to the unknowns (Q.L. Li et al., 2010), despite that the measured 206Pb/238U error in a specific session is generally around 1% (1 RSD) or less. U and Th concentrations of unknowns were also calibrated relative to the standard zircon Plešovice, with Th and U concentrations of 78 and 755 ppm, respectively (Sláma et al., 2008). Measured compositions were corrected for common Pb using non-radiogenic 204 Pb. Common Pb is very low, and is largely derived from laboratory contamination introduced during sample preparation (Ireland and Williams, 2003). An average of present-day crustal composition (Stacey and Kramers, 1975) is used for the common Pb. A secondary standard zircon Qinghu (Li et al., 2013) was analyzed as unknown to monitor the reliability of the whole procedure. Five analytical spots conducted during the course of this study yield a concordant age of 158.5 ± 3.3 Ma, identical to its recommended
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138 Table 1 SIMS zircon U-Pb isotopic analyses for the magmatic rocks from the Alataw area, North Yili Block. Analysis
Content (ppm)
Isotopic ratios 207
Ignimbrite C14BL21-1 C14BL21-2 C14BL21-3 C14BL21-4 C14BL21-5 C14BL21-6 C14BL21-7 C14BL21-8 C14BL21-9 C14BL21-10 C14BL21-11 C14BL21-12 C14BL21-13 C14BL21-14 C14BL21-15 C14BL21-16 C14BL21-17 C14BL21-18 C14BL21-19
11 15 22 8 55 21 9 20 18 13 14 42 8 39 26 16 45 17 40
37 48 48 27 89 42 29 41 41 27 53 91 25 71 52 51 76 36 73
0.28 0.31 0.47 0.31 0.62 0.49 0.30 0.48 0.45 0.46 0.27 0.46 0.32 0.55 0.50 0.30 0.59 0.47 0.55
Rhyolite C14BL01-1 C14BL01-2 C14BL01-3 C14BL01-4 C14BL01-5 C14BL01-6 C14BL01-7 C14BL01-8 C14BL01-9 C14BL01-10 C14BL01-11 C14BL01-12 C14BL01-13 C14BL01-14 C14BL01-15 C14BL01-16 C14BL01-17 C14BL01-18 C14BL01-19 C14BL01-20 C14BL16-1 C14BL16-2 C14BL16-3 C14BL16-4 C14BL16-5 C14BL16-6 C14BL16-7 C14BL16-8 C14BL16-9 C14BL16-10 C14BL16-11 C14BL16-12 C14BL16-13 C14BL16-14 C14BL16-15 C14BL16-16 C14BL16-17 C14BL27-1 C14BL27-2 C14BL27-3 C14BL27-4 C14BL27-5 C14BL27-6 C14BL27-7 C14BL27-8 C14BL27-9 C14BL27-10 C14BL27-12 C14BL27-13 C14BL27-14 C14BL27-15
107 25 50 62 61 134 65 131 102 121 84 42 74 58 43 90 51 44 69 70 37 116 162 282 78 139 68 67 46 98 65 89 54 81 46 61 47 77 559 86 116 167 210 75 68 95 160 181 56 93 80
234 57 120 137 134 222 122 208 170 194 186 101 162 122 101 152 126 103 160 152 95 246 333 394 165 231 108 147 104 191 131 158 122 175 99 138 108 188 672 243 190 258 330 146 116 196 259 294 140 195 179
0.46 0.44 0.41 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.53 0.63 0.60 0.62 0.45 0.41 0.46 0.47 0.42 0.59 0.41 0.43 0.43 0.46 0.40 0.47 0.49 0.72 0.47 0.60 0.62 0.45 0.44 0.51 0.50 0.56 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.43 0.41 0.83 0.35 0.61 0.65 0.64 0.52 0.59 0.49 0.62 0.62 0.40 0.47 0.44
Isotopic ages (Ma) 1r
0.04196 0.05652 0.05247 0.03346 0.04557 0.05790 0.03638 0.05100 0.04717 0.05296 0.05831 0.04814 0.05053 0.05947 0.06373 0.05145 0.05294 0.05074 0.05475
22.34 13.17 18.07 43.92 6.24 12.74 37.54 32.91 21.66 17.15 16.61 9.04 29.00 12.92 7.36 12.70 11.03 19.03 7.13
0.05094 0.05161 0.05251 0.05270 0.05511 0.05014 0.05260 0.04844 0.04834 0.04961 0.05474 0.04580 0.05188 0.05093 0.05233 0.04847 0.05298 0.04893 0.05286 0.04959 0.05420 0.05017 0.04625 0.05146 0.05164 0.05347 0.05254 0.04926 0.04919 0.05193 0.05360 0.04635 0.05141 0.04921 0.05128 0.05201 0.05117 0.04841 0.05316 0.05287 0.05232 0.05155 0.05147 0.05231 0.05673 0.04926 0.05469 0.05304 0.04915 0.05099 0.05137
2.29 11.00 3.08 4.11 2.65 4.02 5.41 14.24 4.02 5.10 2.77 13.94 4.99 26.18 5.14 6.38 5.15 9.99 3.10 4.67 3.55 5.20 7.62 1.86 3.12 2.20 5.65 5.72 6.28 3.53 5.49 7.58 4.77 3.43 6.41 3.76 5.36 4.71 1.42 2.94 4.66 3.91 3.40 5.35 6.56 3.91 2.84 6.44 8.41 4.18 4.72
0.27475 0.37989 0.33133 0.21907 0.30278 0.37012 0.24387 0.33405 0.31488 0.36259 0.38338 0.31196 0.31907 0.39065 0.42346 0.34308 0.35108 0.34800 0.35731
22.39 13.24 18.12 43.94 6.40 12.81 37.57 32.97 21.70 17.21 16.66 9.14 29.04 13.01 7.48 12.79 11.11 19.12 7.26
0.33069 0.34497 0.35168 0.34438 0.37013 0.32425 0.34320 0.32640 0.32064 0.32541 0.36292 0.29986 0.33800 0.33766 0.35079 0.31869 0.34623 0.32079 0.34080 0.32815 0.35810 0.32395 0.30361 0.33996 0.34121 0.35226 0.34298 0.31902 0.32069 0.34235 0.34582 0.30377 0.33646 0.32102 0.33166 0.34185 0.33570 0.31909 0.35780 0.34812 0.34884 0.34270 0.34929 0.33912 0.37355 0.32150 0.35740 0.34967 0.32252 0.34539 0.34430
2.65 11.09 3.37 4.33 2.97 4.23 5.57 14.31 4.27 5.28 3.08 14.00 5.17 26.23 5.31 6.52 5.34 10.08 3.38 4.86 3.80 5.37 7.74 2.29 3.40 2.58 5.90 5.87 6.47 3.78 5.65 7.71 4.96 3.68 6.55 3.99 5.53 4.85 1.81 3.15 4.80 4.07 3.58 5.47 6.66 4.07 3.05 6.54 8.49 4.34 4.85
0.0475 0.0487 0.0458 0.0475 0.0482 0.0464 0.0486 0.0475 0.0484 0.0497 0.0477 0.0470 0.0458 0.0476 0.0482 0.0484 0.0481 0.0497 0.0473
1.36 1.36 1.36 1.55 1.40 1.36 1.34 1.90 1.40 1.42 1.37 1.40 1.38 1.50 1.36 1.44 1.34 1.81 1.38
0.0471 0.0485 0.0486 0.0474 0.0487 0.0469 0.0473 0.0489 0.0481 0.0476 0.0481 0.0475 0.0473 0.0481 0.0486 0.0477 0.0474 0.0475 0.0468 0.0480 0.0479 0.0468 0.0476 0.0479 0.0479 0.0478 0.0473 0.0470 0.0473 0.0478 0.0468 0.0475 0.0475 0.0473 0.0469 0.0477 0.0476 0.0478 0.0488 0.0478 0.0484 0.0482 0.0492 0.0470 0.0478 0.0473 0.0474 0.0478 0.0476 0.0491 0.0486
1.34 1.44 1.36 1.37 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.45 1.35 1.34 1.35 1.35 1.57 1.35 1.34 1.40 1.35 1.34 1.35 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.35 1.34 1.69 1.35 1.58 1.34 1.34 1.38 1.36 1.35 1.34 1.35 1.35 1.13 1.12 1.13 1.16 1.11 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.12 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.18 1.15
229 473 306 835 25 526 603 241 58 327 541 106 219 584 733 261 326 229 402
485 268 366 942 145 257 799 621 449 348 327 201 561 258 149 268 233 389 152
238 268 308 316 417 202 312 121 116 177 402 13 280 238 300 122 328 144 323 176 379 203 0 262 269 349 309 160 157 283 354 0 259 158 253 286 248 120 335 323 299 265 262 299 481 160 400 330 155 241 258
52 234 69 91 58 91 119 305 92 115 61 306 110 513 113 144 113 219 69 105 78 117 184 42 70 49 124 129 141 79 119 189 106 78 141 84 119 107 32 65 103 87 76 118 139 89 62 140 186 94 105
246 327 291 201 269 320 222 293 278 314 330 276 281 335 359 300 306 303 310
50 38 47 84 15 36 78 87 54 48 48 22 74 38 23 34 30 51 20
299 307 289 299 303 292 306 299 305 312 300 296 289 300 303 304 303 313 298
4 4 4 5 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4
290 301 306 300 320 285 300 287 282 286 314 266 296 295 305 281 302 283 298 288 311 285 269 297 298 306 299 281 282 299 302 269 294 283 291 299 294 281 311 303 304 299 304 297 322 283 310 304 284 301 300
7 29 9 11 8 11 15 36 11 13 8 33 13 70 14 16 14 25 9 12 10 13 18 6 9 7 15 15 16 10 15 18 13 9 17 10 14 12 5 8 13 11 9 14 19 10 8 17 21 11 13
297 305 306 299 307 295 298 308 303 300 303 299 298 303 306 300 299 299 295 302 302 295 300 302 302 301 298 296 298 301 295 299 299 298 296 300 300 301 307 301 304 304 310 296 301 298 299 301 300 309 306
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3
(continued on next page)
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Table 1 (continued) Analysis
Content (ppm)
Isotopic ratios 207
C14BL27-16 C14BL27-17 C14BL27-18 C14BL27-19 C14BL27-20
97 202 74 110 107
193 306 171 230 177
0.51 0.66 0.43 0.48 0.60
Biotite granite C14TL55-1 C14TL55-2 C14TL55-3 C14TL55-4 C14TL55-7 C14TL55-8 C14TL55-9 C14TL55-10 C14TL55-11 C14TL55-12 C14TL55-15 C14TL55-16 C14TL55-17 C14TL55-19
185 342 167 162 438 271 224 222 291 413 459 442 386 74
738 660 438 387 537 531 416 436 1298 956 756 998 582 203
0.25 0.52 0.38 0.42 0.82 0.51 0.54 0.51 0.22 0.43 0.61 0.44 0.66 0.36
Isotopic ages (Ma) 1r
0.05098 0.05244 0.05304 0.05282 0.05422
4.80 2.67 5.78 4.18 4.86
0.33096 0.35114 0.36154 0.34891 0.35928
4.93 2.90 5.89 4.33 4.99
0.05142 0.05057 0.04889 0.04926 0.04942 0.05343 0.05175 0.05058 0.05218 0.05158 0.05167 0.05280 0.04955 0.04535
8.54 5.00 6.15 8.27 3.75 4.85 15.48 8.27 3.56 3.35 1.84 1.38 5.55 17.30
0.32627 0.32229 0.30491 0.30955 0.31350 0.33686 0.32424 0.31901 0.32115 0.32928 0.32105 0.33047 0.30886 0.28905
8.68 5.23 6.34 8.42 4.06 5.09 15.55 8.41 3.88 3.69 2.40 2.06 5.76 17.37
value. Uncertainties on single analyses are reported at the 1r level; mean ages for pooled U-Pb analyses are quoted with a 95% confidence interval. Data reduction was carried out using the Isoplot/ Ex 3 software (Ludwig, 2003). SIMS zircon U-Pb isotopic data are presented in Appendix Table 1. 4.2. Zircon oxygen isotopes Zircon oxygen isotopes were measured using the same CAMECA IMS1280-HR SIMS at the State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry, GIGCAS. The detailed analytical procedures were similar to those described by X.H. Li et al. (2010a). The 133Cs+ primary ion beam with an intensity of 2 nA was accelerated at 10 kV and focused to an area of ɸ 10 lm on the sample surface and the size of analytical spots is about 20 lm in diameter (10 lm beam diameter +10 lm raster). Oxygen isotopes were measured in multicollector mode by using two off-axis Faraday cups. Total analytical time per spot was about 3.5 min, including 30 s of pre-sputtering, 120 s of automatic tuning of the secondary beam, and 64 s of analysis. The measured oxygen isotopic data were corrected for instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) using the Penglai zircon standard (d18OVSMOW = 5.3‰, X.H. Li et al., 2010b), which was analyzed once every four unknowns, using sample-standard bracketing (SSB) method. The internal precision of a single analysis generally was better than 0.1‰ (1r) for the 18O/16O ratio. As discussed by Kita et al. (2009) and Valley and Kita (2009), internal precision for a single spot (commonly < 0.1‰, 1r) is not a good index of analytical quality for stable isotope ratios measured by SIMS. Therefore, the external precision, measured by the spot-to-spot reproducibility of repeated analyses of the Penglai standard, 0.30‰ (2r, n = 24) is adopted for data evaluation. Seven measurements of the Qinghu zircon standard during the course of this study yielded a weighted mean of d18O = 5.54 ± 0.18‰ (2r), which is consistent with the reported value of 5.4 ± 0.2‰ within analytical errors (Li et al., 2013). The Zircon oxygen isotopic compositions are presented in Appendix Table 2. 4.3. Zircon Hf isotope analyses Zircon Hf isotope analyses were carried out using an ArF excimer laser ablation system, attached to a Neptune Plasma multicollector ICP-MS, at GIGCAS. A spot size of 40 lm was used for most analyses and the ablation spot for Hf analysis was sited at the same and/or near domain for the U-Pb dating. The setting
0.0471 0.0486 0.0494 0.0479 0.0481
1.11 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.12
0.0460 0.0462 0.0452 0.0456 0.0460 0.0457 0.0454 0.0457 0.0446 0.0463 0.0451 0.0454 0.0452 0.0462
1.55 1.53 1.54 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.54 1.53 1.54
240 305 331 321 380
107 60 126 92 106
260 221 142 160 168 347 275 222 293 267 271 320 174 37
185 112 138 183 85 106 320 181 79 75 42 31 125 374
290 306 313 304 312
13 8 16 11 13
297 306 311 302 303
3 3 3 3 3
287 284 270 274 277 295 285 281 283 289 283 290 273 258
22 13 15 20 10 13 39 21 10 9 6 5 14 40
290 291 285 287 290 288 286 288 282 292 284 286 285 291
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
yielded a signal intensity of 10 V at 180Hf for the standard zircon 91500. Typical ablation time was 26 s, resulting in pits 20–30 lm deep. Masses 172, 173, 175–180 and 182 were simultaneously measured in static-collection mode. Data were normalized to 176 Hf/177Hf = 0.7325, using exponential correction for mass bias. The isobaric interference of 176Lu on 176Hf is negligible, on account of the extremely low 176Lu/177Hf in zircon (normally < 0.002) (Iizuka and Hirata, 2005). The mean bYb value was applied for the isobaric interference correction of 176Yb on 176Hf in the same spot. The ratio of 176Yb/172Yb (0.5887) was applied for the Yb correction. Detailed instrumental settings and analytical procedures were described by (Wu et al., 2006). The measured 176Lu/177Hf ratios and the 176Lu decay constant of 1.865 10 11 yr 1 were used to calculate initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios (Scherer et al., 2001). The chondritic values of 176Hf/177Hf = 0.0332 and 176Lu/177Hf = 0.282772 were used for the calculation of eHf values (Blichert-Toft and Albarède, 1997). The present-day 176Hf/177Hf = 0.28325 and 176 Lu/177Hf = 0.0384 values were used to calculate the depleted mantle model age (TDM) (Griffin et al., 2004). The Lu-Hf composition of the analyzed spots is presented in Appendix Table 2.
4.4. Major and trace element analyses Major elements were obtained by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) at the ALS Laboratory Group, Guangzhou, using fused lithium tetraborate glass pellets. Loss on ignition (LOI) values was obtained using 1 g of powder heated to 1100 °C for 1 h. The analytical uncertainties are estimated at 1–5%, which is determined on the Chinese National standard GSR-3. Trace elements, including REEs, HFSEs and LILEs, were determined with a Bruker M90 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) at the Guizhou Tuopu Resource and Environment Analysis Center, using the method of Qi and Grégoire (2000). About 0.05 g of powdered sample was placed in a PTFE bomb, and 1 ml of HF and 1 ml of HNO3 were added, and then the sealed bombs were placed in an electric oven and heated to 190 °C for about 36 h. After cooling, the bombs were heated on a hot plate to evaporate to dryness. 500 ng of Rh was added as an internal standard, and then 2 ml of HNO3 and 4 ml of water were added. The bomb was again sealed and placed in an electric oven at 140 °C for about 5 h to dissolve the residue. After cooling, the samples were diluted 3000 times for ICP-MS measurement. By using the normal sensitivity mode, the sensitivity of the
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138 Table 2 Zircon Lu-Hf and O isotopic compositions for the magmatic rocks from the Alataw area, North Yili Block. ±2r
T (Ma)
eHf (t)
TDM (Ma)
0.282974 0.282963 0.282873 0.282961 0.282972 0.282990 0.282959 0.282913 0.282926 0.282908 0.282928 0.282942 0.282944 0.282941 0.282925
0.000014 0.000014 0.000016 0.000014 0.000015 0.000013 0.000013 0.000015 0.000014 0.000015 0.000012 0.000015 0.000014 0.000014 0.000014
300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4 300.4
0.282965 0.282954 0.282864 0.282954 0.282960 0.282983 0.282951 0.282905 0.282921 0.282902 0.282919 0.282935 0.282934 0.282928 0.282917
13.4 13.0 9.9 13.0 13.2 14.1 12.9 11.3 11.9 11.2 11.8 12.4 12.3 12.1 11.7
401 418 546 414 410 373 421 487 460 488 468 443 447 457 470
20.09 19.82 22.88 20.64 22.68 18.85 18.31 21.92 19.34 20.88 18.03 21.00 19.92 21.06 19.80
462 487 691 486 473 419 494 599 561 604 567 530 533 546 572
0.95 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.94 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.96
0.000914 0.000687 0.000856 0.001025 0.001330 0.001219 0.001110 0.001032 0.001287 0.001439 0.000814 0.001158 0.001094 0.000825 0.001357
0.282809 0.282811 0.282838 0.282821 0.282862 0.282820 0.282814 0.282771 0.282858 0.282803 0.282823 0.282777 0.282815 0.282797 0.282777
0.000011 0.000013 0.000012 0.000011 0.000013 0.000012 0.000010 0.000013 0.000013 0.000012 0.000010 0.000012 0.000011 0.000011 0.000012
300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7 300.7
0.282804 0.282807 0.282833 0.282815 0.282855 0.282813 0.282808 0.282766 0.282850 0.282795 0.282819 0.282770 0.282808 0.282792 0.282770
7.7 7.9 8.8 8.1 9.5 8.1 7.9 6.4 9.4 7.4 8.3 6.6 7.9 7.3 6.5
627 620 585 612 558 617 623 682 564 644 605 677 622 643 680
16.13 17.59 17.03 16.11 18.23 17.71 14.80 18.98 18.54 17.69 14.15 16.48 16.31 15.41 16.99
828 820 761 802 712 807 818 914 722 847 794 904 817 855 905
0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.96
Rhyolite 0.033494 0.045796 0.043721 0.067196 0.045204 0.048534 0.044281 0.051073 0.062566 0.053591 0.037208 0.036969 0.024304 0.055851 0.034145
0.000804 0.001119 0.001151 0.001554 0.001072 0.001291 0.001042 0.001216 0.001495 0.001402 0.000889 0.000889 0.000599 0.001334 0.000834
0.282800 0.282732 0.282746 0.282738 0.282874 0.282740 0.282763 0.282770 0.282779 0.282673 0.282776 0.282846 0.282826 0.282824 0.282819
0.000012 0.000013 0.000011 0.000012 0.000012 0.000014 0.000011 0.000011 0.000011 0.000014 0.000011 0.000011 0.000010 0.000011 0.000012
298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6 298.6
0.282795 0.282726 0.282740 0.282729 0.282868 0.282732 0.282757 0.282763 0.282770 0.282665 0.282771 0.282841 0.282822 0.282817 0.282814
7.4 4.9 5.4 5.1 10.0 5.2 6.0 6.3 6.5 2.8 6.5 9.0 8.4 8.2 8.1
638 740 720 740 537 732 695 687 681 830 673 574 598 612 612
16.68 17.89 15.64 16.57 17.45 19.37 15.12 15.16 16.06 19.91 16.07 15.50 14.49 15.76 16.27
848 1006 974 998 683 991 936 921 905 1143 903 745 787 799 805
0.98 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.98
C14BL27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Rhyolite 0.153292 0.045376 0.043520 0.060862 0.058715 0.027054 0.027465 0.066056 0.039441 0.038588 0.033442 0.027493 0.061126 0.034575
0.003602 0.001103 0.001034 0.001422 0.001413 0.000661 0.000670 0.001545 0.000970 0.000933 0.000811 0.000670 0.001518 0.000838
0.282730 0.282867 0.282821 0.282818 0.282853 0.282835 0.282825 0.282753 0.282835 0.282820 0.282814 0.282816 0.282781 0.282774
0.000016 0.000012 0.000011 0.000012 0.000011 0.000011 0.000010 0.000012 0.000011 0.000010 0.000011 0.000011 0.000012 0.000010
303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303
0.282709 0.282860 0.282815 0.282810 0.282845 0.282832 0.282821 0.282745 0.282829 0.282815 0.282810 0.282813 0.282773 0.282769
4.4 9.8 8.2 8.0 9.3 8.8 8.4 5.7 8.7 8.2 8.0 8.1 6.7 6.6
796 548 612 622 572 586 601 718 592 612 618 613 677 675
24.35 16.97 15.79 16.49 15.56 15.78 13.58 17.91 15.30 14.70 16.15 15.65 16.79 13.67
1040 698 801 812 732 763 787 961 769 802 813 807 897 905
0.91 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.98
C14TL55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Biotite granite 0.041192 0.063621 0.067643 0.066791 0.058720 0.090755 0.076223 0.096910
0.001024 0.001631 0.001692 0.001634 0.001414 0.002405 0.001795 0.002314
0.282907 0.282962 0.282880 0.282922 0.282961 0.282899 0.282962 0.282885
0.000011 0.000013 0.000009 0.000011 0.000010 0.000015 0.000012 0.000012
287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5
0.282901 0.282953 0.282871 0.282913 0.282953 0.282887 0.282952 0.282872
10.9 12.7 9.8 11.3 12.7 10.4 12.7 9.9
490 418 538 476 418 520 420 540
15.52 18.17 13.60 15.93 14.85 21.68 16.73 17.03
615 496 684 588 497 649 499 681
0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.94 0.95 0.94
C14BL21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ignimbrite 0.067201 0.068563 0.061793 0.040452 0.087659 0.042716 0.060432 0.059471 0.027621 0.036931 0.067682 0.050545 0.074746 0.093348 0.062569
0.001729 0.001700 0.001566 0.001102 0.002164 0.001133 0.001543 0.001501 0.000724 0.001003 0.001705 0.001295 0.001880 0.002251 0.001555
C14BL01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Rhyolite 0.038181 0.027599 0.033894 0.042870 0.057150 0.051967 0.047011 0.042517 0.056559 0.064577 0.033725 0.047836 0.044477 0.033956 0.055785
C14BL16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
f Lu/Hf
12.04 12.16 12.30 11.69 11.77 11.93 12.87 12.73 12.79 12.25 13.23 12.26 12.50 12.55 12.13
0.21 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.37 0.26 0.22 0.20 0.23 0.16 0.20 0.17 0.21 0.19 0.25
6.84 6.18 6.59 6.59 6.39 6.36 6.22 5.99
0.18 0.18 0.20 0.13 0.18 0.15 0.19 0.14
(continued on next page)
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
Table 2 (continued) Grains
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
0.081725 0.061755 0.083350 0.072624 0.078099 0.070346 0.060405 0.060018
0.001948 0.001437 0.002013 0.001831 0.001941 0.001789 0.001506 0.001621
0.282955 0.282889 0.282905 0.282935 0.282943 0.282933 0.282941 0.282903
T (Ma)
eHf (t)
TDM (Ma)
0.000011 0.000013 0.000010 0.000012 0.000013 0.000012 0.000010 0.000010
287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5 287.5
0.282945 0.282882 0.282894 0.282925 0.282933 0.282923 0.282933 0.282894
12.4 10.2 10.6 11.7 12.0 11.6 12.0 10.6
432 521 507 460 450 463 448 503
16.38 18.37 14.74 17.31 18.84 17.38 13.93 14.79
516 660 632 561 544 566 544 631
f Lu/Hf
0.95 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.96
6.24 6.52 6.48 6.84 6.29 6.31 6.43 6.51
0.16 0.22 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.15 0.13 0.17
The 176Hf/177Hf and 176Lu/177Hf ratios of chondrite and depleted mantle at the present day are 0.282772 and 0.0332, and 0.28325 and 0.0384, respectively, Blichert-Toft and Albarède (1997), Griffin et al. (2000). k = 1.867 10 11 a 1, Söderlund et al. (2004). (176Lu/177Hf)c = 0.015, T = crystallization age of zircon.
instrument was adjusted about 5 105 cps (counts per second) for 1 ng ml 1 of 115In and 2 105 cps for 1 ng ml 1 of 232Th. The AMH-1 (andesite) and OU-6 (slate) as reference materials were used as pure elemental standards for external calibration. Analytical precision is generally better than ±5–10%. The major and trace element results are presented in Appendix Table 3. 4.5. Whole-rock Sr-Nd isotope analyses The whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic compositions were measured at the Guizhou Tuopu Resource and Environmental Analysis Center using the method of Qi and Grégoire (2000). Chemical separation was undertaken by conventional ion-exchange techniques. Approximately 50 mg of powdered sample was placed in a PTFE bomb, after that 1 ml of HF and 1 ml of HNO3 were added. The sealed bombs were placed in an electric oven and heated to 185 °C for 36 h. After cooling, the bombs were heated on a hot plate to evaporate to dryness. 0.5 ml HCl was added and evaporated to dryness. And then 4 ml of 1.5 mol L 1 of HCl was added. In order to dissolve the residue, the bomb was again sealed and placed in an electric oven at 125 °C for about 5 h. The solution was centrifuged at 4 103 rpm for 5 min, and then the supernatant was loaded onto preconditioned Dowex 50 W 8 cation exchange resin columns (8 102 mm) for separation of sample matrix and Sr from Rb using 1.5 mol L 1 of HCl. LREE was eluted with 6 ml of 6 mol L 1 of HCl. The solution was evaporated to dryness and dissolved with 1 ml of 0.25 mol L 1 of HCl. The resulting solution was loaded onto the pre-conditioned Ln resin columns for separation of Nd from La, Ce, Pr, and Sm. A Neptune MC-ICP-MS was used to measure the 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios. NIST SRM987 and JMC-Nd were used as certified reference standard solutions for 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopes ratios, respectively. Analyses of NIST SRM-987 gave 0.710210 ± 0.000037 (2SD, n = 14) while the JMC Nd standard gave 0.511106 ± 0.000002 (2SD, n = 8). BCR-1 was used as the reference material. The Nd-Sr isotope compositions are presented in Appendix Table 4.
5. Analytical results 5.1. Zircon U-Pb age 5.1.1. Ignimbrite The ignimbrite (sample C14BL21) was collected from the Wulang Formation for zircon U-Pb isotopic dating (Table 1; Fig. 2b). Zircon grains of sample C14BL21 are prismatic, transparent, and colorless with lengths ranging from 110 to 150 lm and widths between 60 and 100 lm. In CL images, they display wellpreserved concentric oscillatory zoning. Their Th/U ratios are from 0.27 to 0.62 (Table 1; Fig. 4a), which indicates a magmatic origin (Belousova et al., 2002). Nineteen analyses give relatively coherent apparent 206Pb/238U ages of 289 to 313 Ma, yielding a weighted
mean 206Pb/238U age of 300 ± 3 Ma (Table 1; Fig. 5a), which is considered to represent the eruption age of the ignimbrites. 5.1.2. Rhyolite Three rhyolite samples were collected from the Wulang Formation (Fig. 2b). The zircon grains are light-yellow and transparent to semi-transparent, euhedral stubby prismatic crystals with lengths of 100–300 lm and length/width ratios of 1–3. The clear oscillatory zoning in CL images (Fig. 4b–d), and high Th/U ratios (0.35–0.83), imply a magmatic origin. Twenty zircon grains from sample C14BL01 were analyzed for U-Pb isotopic compositions, generating a weighted mean 206 Pb/238U age of 301 ± 5 Ma (Table 1; Fig. 5b), which are similar to the age of the ignimbrite (C14BL21). Seventeen zircon grain U-Pb isotopic analysis of sample C14BL16 give 206Pb/238U ages varying from 295 to 302 Ma, with a mean age of 299 ± 2 Ma (Table 1; Fig. 5c). Nineteen zircon U-Pb isotopic analysis for sample C14BL27 yield relatively coherent apparent 206Pb/238U ages varying from 296 to 309 Ma and a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 303 ± 1 Ma (Table 1; Fig. 5d). 5.1.3. Biotite granite The biotite granite samples were collected from the intrusion along the NTF in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt (Fig. 2b). Zircon grains from sample C14TL55 are euhedral prismatic crystals 80–150 lm long with the length to width ratios of 2–6 and light-yellow in color (Fig. 4e). The CL images show that zircon grains have clear oscillatory zonation (Fig. 4e), and the moderate U (203–1298 ppm) and Th (74–459 ppm) contents and high Th/U ratios (0.25–0.82) (Table 1) imply a magmatic origin. Fourteen zircon grains were analyzed and showed a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 288 ± 1 Ma (Table 1; Fig. 5e). 5.2. Zircon Hf-O isotopic compositions 5.2.1. Ignimbrite Sample C14BL21 has high initial zircon 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282864–0.282983), positive eHf(t) (+9.9 to +14.1) values and young TCDM (419–691 Ma) ages (Table 2). 5.2.2. Rhyolite Sample C14BL01 is characterized by relatively high zircon initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282766–0.282850), positive eHf(t) (+6.6 to +9.5) values, with relatively young TCDM ages ranging from 712 to 914 Ma, and high zircon d18O values between +11.67‰ and +13.23‰ (Table 2). Zircon grains from sample C14BL16 gave high initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282665–0.282868), positive eHf(t) (+2.8 to +10.0) values, and TCDM ages in range of 683–1143 Ma (Table 2). Zircon Hf isotopic analysis for sample C14BL27 shows high initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282709–0.282860) and positive eHf(t) values from +4.4 to +9.8, with TCDM ages ranging from 698 to 1040 Ma (Table 2).
Table 3 Major (wt.%) and trace element (ppm) data for the magmatic rocks from the Alataw area, North Yili Block. Sample
C14BL22 C14BL23 C14BL24 C14BL25 C14BL26 C14BL02 C14BL03 C14BL04 C14BL05 C14BL06 C14BL07 C14BL08 C14BL09 C14BL10 C14BL11 C14BL12 C14BL13 C14BL14 C14BL15 C14BL17 C14BL18 C14BL19 C14BL20 C14BL28 C14BL29 C14BL30 C14BL31 C14TL56 C14TL57 C14TL58 C14TL59 C14TL60 C14TL61 C14TL62
SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3T MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 L.O.I Total K2O/Na2O A/CNK Mg# T/°C
65.8 0.28 13.85 5.87 0.11 0.18 2.61 3.43 3.08 0.07 3.67 99 0.90 1.01 7 922
65.8 0.31 14.15 6.66 0.12 0.18 1.77 4.2 3.05 0.08 2.75 99.1 0.73 1.05 6 930
67 0.32 14 5.51 0.09 0.27 2.11 3.91 2.75 0.08 3.31 99.4 0.70 1.06 10 934
71.5 0.19 13.7 4.23 0.02 0.17 0.72 4.22 2.55 0.04 1.72 99.1 0.60 1.24 9 888
67.5 0.35 14.85 6.16 0.04 0.38 1 3.02 3.35 0.08 2.69 99.4 1.11 1.43 13 938
73.2 0.28 13 2.05 0.03 0.24 1.14 3.33 4.36 0.04 1.58 99.3 1.31 1.06 21 821
73.2 0.26 12.85 2 0.03 0.25 1.26 3.63 3.99 0.03 1.61 99.1 1.10 1.02 23 825
73.1 0.26 12.9 2.02 0.03 0.24 1.4 3.37 4.26 0.03 1.8 99.4 1.26 1.02 22 824
73.5 0.25 12.8 1.92 0.03 0.24 1.22 3.68 3.96 0.03 1.6 99.2 1.08 1.02 23 822
73 0.26 12.9 1.99 0.03 0.24 1.28 3.15 4.37 0.04 1.74 99 1.39 1.05 22 823
72.9 0.27 12.9 2.08 0.03 0.26 1.42 3.59 3.86 0.04 1.87 99.2 1.08 1.02 23 821
72.9 0.27 12.9 2.07 0.03 0.26 1.34 3.36 4.2 0.04 1.87 99.2 1.25 1.03 23 821
72.9 0.25 12.9 1.88 0.02 0.22 1.31 3.19 4.4 0.03 1.84 98.9 1.38 1.04 21 815
73.2 0.26 13 1.98 0.03 0.24 1.21 3.36 4.2 0.04 1.77 99.3 1.25 1.06 22 815
72.7 0.26 12.95 2.11 0.03 0.26 1.42 3.38 4.25 0.04 1.95 99.4 1.26 1.02 22 820
73.1 0.27 13 2.02 0.03 0.26 1.08 3.26 4.53 0.04 1.6 99.2 1.39 1.06 23 821
72.7 0.26 12.9 2.01 0.03 0.26 1.38 3.27 4.22 0.03 2.02 99.1 1.29 1.04 23 819
72.7 0.27 12.9 2.01 0.03 0.24 1.44 3.53 3.92 0.04 2.04 99.1 1.11 1.02 22 828
73.5 0.26 12.9 2.1 0.03 0.27 1.09 3.36 4.05 0.03 1.31 98.9 1.21 1.08 23 825
74 0.27 12.85 1.63 0.03 0.2 1.4 3.13 4.36 0.04 1.82 99.7 1.39 1.04 22 823
72.7 0.25 12.65 1.92 0.03 0.25 1.63 3.17 4.23 0.03 2.13 99 1.33 0.99 23 821
73 0.26 12.75 2.07 0.03 0.25 1.16 3.51 4.21 0.03 1.68 99 1.20 1.02 22 823
72.9 0.26 12.75 2.07 0.03 0.25 1.4 3.33 4.14 0.03 1.78 98.9 1.24 1.02 22 823
73 0.3 13.3 2.31 0.02 0.3 1.58 3.52 4.17 0.04 0.46 99 1.18 1.01 23 832
73.1 0.31 13.3 2.39 0.03 0.33 1.52 3.67 3.95 0.04 0.4 99 1.08 1.02 24 831
73.1 0.3 13.2 2.38 0.02 0.34 1.24 3.43 4.49 0.04 0.52 99.1 1.31 1.03 25 822
73.7 0.29 13.35 2.26 0.03 0.28 1.5 3.66 4.02 0.04 0.33 99.5 1.10 1.02 22 824
75.5 0.13 13.4 1.25 0.04 0.34 1.54 3.66 3.27 0.04 0.46 99.6 0.89 1.08 39 723
74.9 0.11 13.55 1.11 0.04 0.31 1.54 3.79 3.27 0.04 0.46 99.1 0.86 1.08 39 722
75.1 0.13 13.65 1.28 0.05 0.35 1.63 3.85 3.09 0.04 0.42 99.6 0.80 1.08 39 727
75.3 0.14 13.65 1.36 0.05 0.38 1.56 3.72 3.25 0.04 0.43 99.9 0.87 1.09 39 728
74.7 0.13 13.55 1.31 0.05 0.35 1.63 3.79 3.04 0.05 0.42 99 0.80 1.08 38 735
75.2 0.11 13.45 1.13 0.04 0.3 1.58 3.74 3.18 0.04 0.33 99.1 0.85 1.08 38 723
75.5 0.13 13.35 1.28 0.05 0.34 1.58 3.76 3.12 0.03 0.38 99.5 0.83 1.07 38 732
Li Be Sc V Cr Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Tl Pb Bi Th U (La/Yb)N (Gd/Yb)N dEu RREE HREE
6.687 5.63 19.88 3.16 10.3 1.29 2.97 11.20 129.6 25.6 105 107 60.4 642 6.43 7.54 325 35.5 74.2 9.56 42.3 9.06 1.8 9.1 1.65 9.77 2.02 6.01 0.91 6.29 0.92 13.2 0.19 0.358 0.41 6.77 0.03 6.79 2.13 4.05 1.20 0.60 209.09 36.67
7.596 5.06 20.77 2.3 6.4 1.19 0.9 5.90 132 25.5 98.5 109 60.4 691 9 10.7 398 34.3 72.7 9.26 41.3 8.91 1.76 8.92 1.63 9.46 1.92 5.99 0.90 6.07 0.93 13.7 0.42 1.31 0.45 10.1 0.15 6.59 1.9 4.05 1.22 0.60 204.05 35.82
10.98 4.78 21.74 2.34 9.51 1.3 2.05 12.40 234.4 26.8 99.8 92.1 59.9 718 9.27 8.81 264 35.1 75.6 9.75 43 9.16 1.78 8.71 1.55 9.37 1.99 5.91 0.84 5.92 0.93 13.8 0.45 1.37 0.45 6.91 0.26 6.73 3.09 4.25 1.22 0.60 209.61 35.22
10.62 3.39 13.24 2.69 9.63 0.778 1.48 4.61 82.4 26.1 77.1 78 63.6 468 8.67 5.19 359 50 104 13 55.5 10.8 1.64 10.67 1.82 10.4 2.13 6.48 0.96 6.31 0.92 10.4 0.31 1.03 0.37 4.53 0.06 8.44 2.41 5.68 1.40 0.46 274.63 39.69
15.75 6.01 21.66 1.84 7.63 1.37 1.55 19.12 190.4 28.3 115 60.7 61.1 745 9.72 6.67 331 35.4 75.6 9.74 44.1 9.57 1.83 9.45 1.67 9.84 2.12 6.21 0.93 6.33 1.01 14.6 0.47 1.39 0.47 7.61 0.13 6.84 3.09 4.01 1.23 0.58 213.80 37.56
22.41 3.59 9.1 13.9 11.1 2.46 3.14 12.08 64.56 18.1 130 68 39.8 224 7.51 4.75 537 27 57 7.17 28.7 5.94 0.61 6.19 1.03 6.36 1.33 4.06 0.61 3.7 0.56 5.93 0.51 0.954 0.64 19 0.12 11.4 2.53 5.23 1.38 0.31 150.25 23.83
23.58 3.24 9.96 13.6 5.75 2.29 1.21 6.96 66.88 18.5 122 61 41.7 233 7.39 4.33 559 29.6 61 7.68 30.2 6.4 0.64 6.21 1.11 6.79 1.42 4.24 0.62 3.97 0.60 6.46 0.51 0.895 0.60 18.1 0.07 12.3 2.62 5.35 1.29 0.31 160.48 24.96
21.51 3.15 9.3 13.6 29.7 2.24 5.51 7.38 68.4 18.4 129 69.4 41 231 7.31 4.59 569 28.1 57.1 7.33 28.6 6.19 0.61 5.86 1.08 6.49 1.37 4.03 0.61 3.87 0.58 5.93 0.45 1.27 0.59 17.6 0.06 11.3 2.57 5.21 1.25 0.30 151.82 23.89
24.84 2.82 8.97 13.6 7.15 2.43 2.63 7.68 69.92 18 124 59.2 40.4 227 6.8 3.88 539 28.3 58.8 7.38 29.7 6.01 0.56 6.14 1.1 6.3 1.31 4.07 0.59 3.75 0.60 5.96 0.42 0.806 0.55 17.6 0.04 11.7 2.42 5.41 1.35 0.28 154.61 23.86
18.9 3.17 9.35 14.1 7.63 2.84 2.21 7.82 65.44 18.2 141 54.7 40.8 229 7.13 4.59 545 27.8 58.7 7.48 29.1 6.2 0.61 6.19 1.1 6.47 1.34 3.99 0.59 3.73 0.57 5.81 0.46 0.932 0.63 17.6 0.05 11.8 2.69 5.35 1.37 0.30 153.88 23.99
25.83 2.39 9.88 14.2 6.77 2.57 1.81 7.04 68.48 19.1 137 64.4 43.6 239 7.23 3.76 530 30 63.1 7.69 31.2 6.42 0.66 6.62 1.11 6.71 1.45 4.29 0.60 3.9 0.60 6.09 0.46 1.06 0.55 16.2 0.06 11.7 2.47 5.52 1.40 0.31 164.35 25.28
12.42 2.12 7.41 12.7 7.47 2.11 2.58 7.43 102.4 16.9 124 50.9 41.1 237 7.3 4.26 584 30.3 63.7 8.29 31.9 6.79 0.67 6.84 1.22 7.36 1.55 4.67 0.69 4.34 0.67 7.18 0.62 1.23 0.66 18.4 0.08 13 2.5 5.01 1.30 0.30 168.99 27.34
16.38 3.57 7.78 13 6.8 2.09 1.42 7.11 55.68 17.5 135 62.1 39.6 223 6.92 4.88 558 28.6 59.1 7.32 29.6 6.19 0.63 6.09 1.09 6.64 1.39 4.29 0.61 3.73 0.59 6.27 0.48 0.933 0.65 17 0.09 11.6 2.49 5.50 1.35 0.31 155.86 24.42
15.39 3.49 7.97 12.6 7.55 2.17 1.85 6.40 65.44 17.5 129 55.2 41.2 223 7.52 4.42 533 28.4 58.9 7.56 28.8 6.2 0.61 6.02 1.1 6.66 1.46 4.23 0.62 3.94 0.59 6.18 0.5 1.21 0.62 16.1 0.06 12.3 2.78 5.17 1.26 0.30 155.09 24.62
17.64 2.58 8.38 13.4 6.79 2.44 1.45 7.65 65.2 18.3 129 63 41.9 234 6.61 4.35 558 29.5 59.7 7.85 31.2 6.47 0.6 6.57 1.13 7.03 1.39 4.28 0.62 4.08 0.61 6.38 0.33 0.691 0.63 17.7 0.03 12 2.66 5.19 1.33 0.28 161.02 25.70
25.11 3.32 8.29 13.2 5.63 2.1 0.88 9.36 67.28 17.6 136 56.6 40.8 238 7.08 4.5 584 28.5 58.5 7.47 29.1 6.1 0.6 6.32 1.08 6.59 1.39 4.14 0.59 3.81 0.56 6.34 0.47 1.56 0.67 18.7 0.06 11.3 2.39 5.37 1.37 0.29 154.75 24.48
16.2 3.81 8.37 13.1 8.32 2.55 1.94 7.66 65.12 18.3 131 53.8 41.9 233 7.05 4.37 538 28.8 60.4 7.42 29.7 6.26 0.58 6.18 1.13 6.79 1.42 4.18 0.62 3.93 0.59 6.02 0.46 1.54 0.63 19.7 0.09 12 2.61 5.26 1.30 0.28 158.00 24.84
19.26 2.35 8.79 14.8 10.3 2.28 2.76 8.00 75.84 18.7 127 58.9 42.9 256 7.3 4.07 508 29.1 60.2 7.64 29.2 6.38 0.65 6.36 1.15 6.74 1.43 4.26 0.65 3.97 0.61 6.58 0.46 0.953 0.60 16.6 0.06 12 2.51 5.26 1.33 0.31 158.34 25.17
23.49 2.81 9.61 14.9 13.5 2.51 2.43 8.08 77.68 18.9 130 82.7 42.4 247 7.38 4.69 631 29.2 60.5 7.52 30.1 6.5 0.62 6.24 1.1 6.69 1.4 4.16 0.61 3.9 0.58 6.61 0.47 1.22 0.63 19.2 0.07 12.1 2.69 5.37 1.32 0.29 159.11 24.67
17.1 3.01 9.16 14.3 13.5 1.89 3.04 7.13 68.64 18.4 134 65.7 40.9 242 7.16 5.41 568 27.6 57.1 7.14 28.3 6.03 0.59 5.91 1.1 6.45 1.37 4.11 0.61 3.79 0.60 6.26 0.45 0.918 0.59 18.1 0.07 11.9 2.56 5.22 1.29 0.30 150.70 23.94
26.46 2.51 9.29 13.8 14.2 2.28 4.17 8.32 67.28 17.8 132 66.9 40.6 237 7.02 4.68 563 26.9 54.3 6.89 28 6.16 0.56 5.9 1.1 6.35 1.34 3.77 0.57 3.69 0.54 5.91 0.48 1.02 0.59 18.7 0.09 11.4 3.03 5.23 1.32 0.28 146.07 23.26
21.69 1.98 9.71 13.6 13.7 2.34 2.96 7.28 77.84 18.9 131 60.2 42 242 7.6 3.91 515 28.5 58.7 7.33 29.5 6.4 0.62 6.25 1.12 6.73 1.33 3.93 0.60 3.8 0.58 6.2 0.52 1.2 0.63 18.6 0.05 11.7 2.47 5.38 1.36 0.30 155.38 24.33
28.53 3.81 9.7 14.3 11.9 2.47 3.47 7.82 73.2 19 140 46.7 45.4 243 7.45 4.64 497 29.3 63 7.61 30.9 6.51 0.67 6.33 1.19 6.95 1.43 4.11 0.63 4.05 0.58 5.99 0.52 1.14 0.58 18.5 0.04 12.2 2.21 5.19 1.29 0.31 163.26 25.27
13.41 4.19 10.6 17.6 16.5 2.82 3.46 8.16 64.16 19.7 123 112 31.8 267 7.19 3.18 580 26.1 54.9 6.72 26.9 5.79 0.72 5.2 0.951 5.46 1.05 3.18 0.44 3 0.44 6.88 0.36 0.405 0.49 12.9 0.02 11.1 1.5 6.24 1.43 0.39 140.85 19.72
11.52 4.47 10.56 18.3 12.4 2.95 3.39 10.40 86.4 19.8 116 99.8 39.8 265 6.66 4.11 576 26.8 55.7 6.73 27.9 5.88 0.68 5.85 1.04 6.03 1.26 3.74 0.55 3.63 0.51 6.44 0.27 0.308 0.50 17.6 0.05 11.1 2.19 5.30 1.33 0.35 146.30 22.61
12.96 3.91 8.94 16.5 10.5 2.62 8.79 11.76 65.28 18 131 101 41.7 240 7.92 3.18 618 28.8 60.6 7.59 31.5 6.89 0.68 6.65 1.22 7.38 1.5 4.36 0.65 4.33 0.60 6.57 0.52 1.85 0.65 17 0.20 12.8 2.86 4.77 1.27 0.30 162.76 26.70
8.856 3.11 8.76 15.4 9.09 2.37 2.81 16.56 288.8 17.6 111 92 29.1 246 7.51 6.24 612 27.3 59.3 7.33 30 6.16 0.79 5.79 1.03 5.75 1.1 3.21 0.49 3.37 0.51 6.78 0.44 2.96 0.59 23 0.08 12.1 1.76 5.81 1.42 0.40 152.13 21.25
84.06 5.73 7.3 24.8 7.12 1.93 2.82 9.04 73.84 15.8 94.2 203 13.4 74.8 8.43 8.33 709 17.9 32.6 3.42 12.5 2.42 0.46 2.2 0.351 1.85 0.362 1.14 0.16 1.08 0.17 2.01 0.64 1.49 0.38 14.4 0.09 8.47 0.964 11.89 1.69 0.60 76.62 7.32
75.51 3 7.13 16.1 7.75 1.87 1.84 9.52 66.4 14.9 88.7 202 11.7 73.5 6.93 6.46 734 15.3 28.4 2.95 11.1 1.96 0.39 1.77 0.32 1.7 0.351 0.981 0.16 1.06 0.14 2.05 0.68 0.432 0.35 15.2 0.07 7.6 0.855 10.35 1.38 0.63 66.58 6.48
86.58 3.31 6.84 17 7.1 1.87 1.76 9.68 70.64 15.7 88.1 208 12.1 78.2 7.59 7.51 725 18.8 34.2 3.75 13.1 2.39 0.42 1.97 0.338 1.88 0.335 1.12 0.16 0.99 0.16 2.21 0.6 0.333 0.37 15.1 0.11 8.55 0.957 13.62 1.65 0.57 79.61 6.95
90.9 3.05 6.7 16.8 6.94 1.93 2.2 8.96 56.32 15.3 93.8 200 13.1 79.8 8.18 8.05 745 17.2 31.7 3.47 12.3 2.38 0.46 2.07 0.373 1.87 0.374 1.16 0.17 1.17 0.17 2.33 0.73 0.355 0.37 15.4 0.11 8.35 0.959 10.54 1.46 0.62 74.86 7.35
89.28 3.61 6.96 18.4 13.1 1.99 5.65 9.68 67.04 15.5 90.9 208 13.5 86.8 8.01 9.13 731 19.4 35 3.85 13.9 2.28 0.46 2.29 0.369 1.94 0.398 1.11 0.17 1.13 0.18 2.37 0.64 0.336 0.36 14.9 0.07 9.1 1.08 12.31 1.68 0.61 82.48 7.59
77.76 1.43 6.33 16.9 6.1 1.49 1.05 7.55 52.72 14.4 86.3 206 9.59 74.4 7.06 7.68 765 18.3 34.3 3.8 13.4 2.4 0.45 1.93 0.301 1.52 0.289 0.794 0.12 0.785 0.12 2.06 0.79 0.444 0.36 14.6 0.10 9.13 0.787 16.72 2.03 0.62 78.50 5.85
100.8 3.86 6.55 16.7 5.43 1.73 1.18 9.84 56.56 14.8 104 192 13.5 84.1 7.94 19.4 695 16.6 30.5 3.25 11.8 2.14 0.43 2.11 0.369 1.99 0.398 1.21 0.17 1.12 0.17 2.46 0.76 0.377 0.48 15.1 1.65 7.97 1.01 10.63 1.56 0.61 72.26 7.54
Biotite granite
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
Fe2OT3 is total iron as Fe2O3. Mg# = molar 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe). Subscript N means Chondrite-normalized; dEu = 2 ⁄ EuN/(SmN + GdN).
338 338 8.8 0.7043 0.512718
0.000004 0.512939 0.1178 12.3 2.38 0.000006 0.709849 1.36 200 93.8 287.5 C14TL59
(1) TDM = (1/k)ln{1 + [(143Nd/144Nd)DM (143Nd/144Nd)S ((147Sm/144Nd)DM (147Sm/144Nd)S]}. (2) T2DM = (1/k)ln{1 + [(143Nd/144Nd)S (143Nd/144Nd)DM (147Sm/144Nd)DM]} and (3) k = 6.54 10 6, (147Sm/144Nd)c = 0.118, (147Sm/144Nd)DM = 0.21357, (143Nd/144Nd)DM = 0.513151, (147Sm/144Nd)CHUR = 0.1967.
Biotite Granite
0.34 0.40 0.34 0.35 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.36 0.40 501 497 773 752 755 778 825 751 428 531 498 838 800 818 835 888 786 428 6.9 7.0 3.6 3.8 3.8 3.5 2.9 3.8 7.7 0.512605 0.512608 0.512435 0.512448 0.512446 0.512432 0.512402 0.512449 0.512661 9.06 10.8 6.2 6.19 6.03 6.51 5.88 6.16 2.42 2.84 2.86 7.46 6.29 5.91 8.68 3.37 3.49 1.34 Ignimbrite
C14BL22 C14BL25 C14BL06 C14BL09 C14BL17 C14BL20 C14BL29 C14BL31 C14TL56
300.4 300.4 300.7 300.7 298.6 298.6 303 303 287.5
105 77.1 141 135 134 140 116 111 94.2
107 78 54.7 62.1 65.7 46.7 99.8 92 203
0.719545 0.718293 0.739553 0.735251 0.732664 0.743920 0.721236 0.722823 0.709696
0.000008 0.000006 0.000007 0.000007 0.000006 0.000011 0.000007 0.000007 0.000006
42.3 55.5 29.1 29.6 28.3 30.9 27.9 30 12.5
0.1304 0.1184 0.1297 0.1273 0.1297 0.1282 0.1283 0.1250 0.1178
0.512861 0.512840 0.512690 0.512698 0.512701 0.512683 0.512654 0.512694 0.512883
0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000004 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000004
0.7074 0.7061 0.7077 0.7084 0.7075 0.7069 0.7069 0.7079 0.7042
INd (t) Sm (ppm) (2r) Sr/86Sr 87
Rb/86Sr 87
Sr (ppm) Rb (ppm) Age Rock name Sample
Table 4 Whole Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the magmatic rocks from the Alataw area, North Yili Block.
Nd (ppm)
Isr (t)
TDM (Ma)
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
T2DM (Ma)
5.2.3. Biotite granite Sample C14TL55 has high zircon initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282871–0.282953), relatively high eHf(t) (+9.8 to +12.7) values, with young TCDM (496–684 Ma) ages, and low d18O (+5.99‰ to +6.84‰) values (Table 2). 5.3. Major and trace element geochemistry 5.3.1. Ignimbrites The ignimbrites have low SiO2 (65.8–71.5 wt.%), high K2O (2.55–3.35 wt.%) and total alkali (K2O + Na2O = 6.37–7.25 wt.%) (Table 3). These rocks are medium to high-K calc-alkaline and peraluminous (Fig. 7a, c, and d), with K2O/Na2O ratios ranging from 0.6 to 1.11, and ASI values of 1.01–1.43 (Table 3). The coherent REE patterns are characterized by moderate enrichment of LREE and nearly flat HREE ((La/Yb)N = 4.01–5.68; (Ga/Yb)N = 1.20–1.40), with negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu⁄ = 0.46–0.60) (Table 2; Fig. 8a). It is noted that negative Ba, Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies are apparent on the primitive mantle normalized spider diagrams (Fig. 8b). 5.3.2. Rhyolite The samples of rhyolites have high SiO2 (72.7–74.0 wt.%) and K2O (3.86–4.53 wt.%) contents, with K2O/Na2O ratios ranging from 1.08 to 1.39 (Table 3). In the TAS diagram, all samples plot in subalkaline and rhyolite field (Fig. 7a). These rocks have low Fe2OT3 (1.63–2.39 wt.%), MgO (0.2–0.34 wt.%) and TiO2 (0.25–0.31 wt.%) with low Mg# (21–25) values, which are of typical high-K calcalkaline and metaluminous (ASI = 0.99–1.08) (Table 3; Fig. 7c and d). The rhyolite samples are also characterized by LREE enrichment ((La/Yb)N = 4.77–6.24), with flat HREE patterns ((Ga/Yb)N = 1.25– 1.43) and moderate negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu⁄ = 0.28–0.40) (Table 3; Fig. 8c), similar to those of the ignimbrites. The primitive mantle-normalized trace element spider diagrams of the samples show enrichments of Rb, Th, U, K and depletions of Ba, Nb, Ta, and Ti (Fig. 8d). 5.3.3. Biotite granite Samples of the biotite granites have higher SiO2 (74.7–75.5 wt.%) and Na2O (3.66–3.85 wt.%), and slightly lower K2O (3.04–3.27 wt. %) with K2O/Na2O (0.80–0.89) ratios (Table 3; Fig. 7c), than those of the ignimbrites and rhyolites. The rocks are sub-alkaline and weakly peraluminous (ASI = 1.07–1.09), characterized by low Fe2OT3 (1.11–1.36 wt.%), MgO (0.3–0.38 wt.%) and TiO2 (0.11– 0.14 wt.%), with low Mg# (38–39) values (Table 3). They are significantly enriched in LREE ((La/Yb)N = 10.35–16.72) and less fractionated HREE ((Ga/Yb)N = 1.38–2.03), with weak Eu anomalies (Table 3; Fig. 8e). The primitive mantle-normalized diagrams show obvious enrichment in Rb, Th, U, K and depletion in Nb, Ta, and Ti (Fig. 8f). 5.4. Whole-rock Nd-Sr isotopic compositions Whole-rock Nd-Sr isotopic compositions of the ignimbrites are rather homogeneous, with (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios of 0.7061–0.7074, eNd(t) values of +6.9 to +7.0, and young Nd model ages of 497–501 Ma (Table 4). The rhyolite samples show low eNd(t) (+2.9 to +3.8) values and initial Sr isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7069–0.7084), with Nd model ages varying from 751 to 825 Ma (Table 4). In contrast to the ignimbrites and rhyolites, the biotite granites have the highest eNd(t) (+7.7 to +8.8) values, and lowest initial Sr isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7042–0.7043), with Nd model ages varying from 338 to 428 Ma (Table 4).
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
Fig. 4. Cathodoluminescence images of representative magmatic zircon grains analyzed for U-Pb ages, Lu-Hf and O isotopes. The red and blue circles indicate the SIMS analytical spots for U-Pb and O isotopes, respectively. The yellow circles denote the LA-ICPMS analytical spots for Lu-Hf isotopes. Numbers near the analytical spots are the U-Pb ages (within parentheses), eHf(t) values [within square brackets] and d18O values .
Fig. 5. Zircon U-Pb concordant plots for the magmatic rocks from the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt.
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
Fig. 6. (a) Initial 87Sr/86Sr versus eNd(t) diagram; (b) eHf(t) values versus d18O values, the eHf(t) range for new continental crust is from Dhuime et al. (2011). (c and d) eHf(t) values versus crystallization ages for the magmatic zircon grains from the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt.
Fig. 7. Major element plots for the magmatic rocks from the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt. (a and b) TAS classification diagram, the alkaline and sub-alkaline division is after Irvine and Baragar (1971). (c) SiO2 versus K2O diagram (after Maitre, 1989). (d) A/NK versus A/CNK diagram (Maniar and Piccoli, 1989). Data for the magmatic rocks are from Q. Wang et al. (2007) and Liu et al. (2005) and this study.
6. Discussion 6.1. Timing of the Wulang formation Volcanic rocks in the Alataw area of northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt were collectively assigned to the Wulang Formation, which was mainly distributed in the east of the Alataw area
(Fig. 2b) (XBGMR, 1993). Although previous isotopic dating study reported a Rb-Sr isochron age of 307 ± 15 Ma for these volcanic rocks, the Wulang Formation was envisaged as Early Permian volcanic stratum because it unconformably overlies on the assumed Middle Carboniferous Dongtujinhe Formation (XBGMR, 1993). However, recent study revealed that the Wulang volcanic Formation includes Late Carboniferous adakitic rocks (Q. Wang et al.,
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153 (2018) 118–138
Fig. 8. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams for the magmatic rocks from the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt. (a and b) The ignimbrite. (c and d) The rhyolite. (e and f) The biotite granite. Normalizing values are from Sun and McDonough (1989).
2007), arguing against the formation age of Early Permian. Our four high precise SIMS zircon U-Pb ages (ca. 303–299 Ma) strongly favor a Late Carboniferous deposition age of the Wulang Formation in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt. 6.2. Petrogenesis 6.2.1. Ignimbrites and rhyolite The ignimbrites and rhyolites have coeval crystallization ages (ca. 300 Ma), suggesting that they may represent a same volcanic episode and have a genetic link. The ignimbrites are felsic in composition (SiO2 = 65.8–71.5 wt.%), and peraluminous (ASI = 1.01–1.43). Generally, the felsic volcanic rocks might have been produced by either differentiation of mantle-derived mafic melt through assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes, or partial melting of metabasaltic rocks (Bonin, 2007; Defant and Drummond, 1990; Eby, 1992; Rapp and Watson, 1995). The homogeneous Sr-Nd and Lu-Hf isotopic compositions preclude the possibility of notable wall-rock contamination and/or assimilation. Few feldspar and quartz phenocrysts in the ignimbrites indicate that the parental magma ascent and erupted rapidly (Fig. 3b). There is no contemporary intrusion with comparable isotopic compositions in the area. Thus, their precursor magma may be not significantly affected by fractional crystallization. In addition, the relationship between Mg# values or MgO and SiO2 contents argues against olivine and pyroxene fractionation during magma evolution (Fig. 9d). The ignimbrites display much lower Cr, Co, Ni contents than those of the intermediateacidic volcanic rocks generated by melting of mantle wedge (Fig. 9a–c) (Q. Wang et al., 2007). Moreover, the relatively constant Al2O3 (13.7–14.85 wt.%) contents, nearly uniform REE and trace element abundances, collectively support that fractional crystal-
lization could not be an important magmatic process. Therefore, these geochemical fingerprints of ignimbrites likely record the primitive chemical composition of parental magma, which may result from partial melting of the metabasaltic rocks. Experimental studies suggest that partial melts from basaltic lower crust rocks typically show low Mg# ( 65%, by using medium-to-high K basaltic compositions as starting materials. The rhyolites have much higher K2O, TiO2, Rb, Cs content, higher K2O/Na2O (>1.0) and Rb/Sr (mostly > 1.0) ratios and lower Al2O3/TiO2 (10‰; Valley et al., 2005) due to their interaction with surface water at low temperatures (Hoefs, 2009). Thus granitic melts derived from partial melting of such rocks must have higher d18O values than those originating from partial melting of igneous rocks. The rhyolites have higher zircon d18O (+11.67 to +13.23‰) (Fig. 6b) than mantle-derived melts (+5.3 ± 0.3‰) (Valley et al., 1998), supporting a derivation from a metasedimentary source or involvement of sedimentary materials. The rhyolites have lower wholerock eNd(t) (+2.9 to +3.8) and variable zircon eHf(t) (+2.8 to +10.0) values relative to the ignimbrites, consistent with significant involvement of sedimentary materials. If the Nb-enriched basalts from the Alataw area are taken as mafic end-members, the sedimentary rocks from the basement of the YB are applied as the other, it can be estimated that roughly up to 50% of the sediments were involved. Given that the mafic end-member of the Nb-enriched basalts has the highest eNd(t) (eNd(t) = +11.4), the actual proportion of basement materials may be higher than the estimated value. Based on the above discussion, we propose that the rhyolites may be partial melts from a juvenile basaltic lower crust with involvement of the Neoproterozoic basement sedimentary materials. 6.2.2. Biotite granite The lack of mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) in the biotite granites (Fig. 3e), and their homogeneous Nd-Hf isotopic compositions make magma mixing or mingling unlikely. The biotite granites have low A/CNK ratios (1.07–1.08) and K2O/Na2O ratios (0.80–0.89) (Fig. 7d), inconsistent with melts from greywacke or pelitic source, since their partial melts generally give rise to peraluminous melts (Patiño Douce, 1999). Moreover, the biotite
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granites are characterized by relatively low HREE and Yb contents, with high (La/Yb)N (10.35–16.72) values (Fig. 8f), possibly indicating residual garnet and/or amphibole in their source. If garnet is the primary residual mineral in the source, the partial melts will exhibit a strong HREEs depletion, and have a progressive decrease in HREEs with increasing atomic number as a result of the partition coefficients for these elements. Whereas, if amphibole is dominant in the source, the intermediate and felsic magmas will display concave-upward patterns between the middle and heavy REEs (Rollinson, 1993). Given that amphibole is a major K-bearing mineral and has much higher K2O contents than garnet, the presence of amphibole in the residue phase can depress the potassium content of partial melts and induce low K2O/Na2O ratios (Rapp and Watson, 1995; Sen and Dunn, 1994). Our biotite granite samples show nearly flat HREE patterns with (Gd/Yb)N = 1.38–2.03, and have low K2O/Na2O ratios, indicating that residual amphibole might have been present in the magma source. Experimental studies have shown that the presence of amphibole is largely affected by addition of external aqueous fluids during partial melting (Gardien et al., 2000). Thus the biotite granites are likely products of H2O-saturated partial melting (Beard and Lofgren, 1991; Patiño Douce and Beard, 1995). The biotite granites possess lower d18O (+5.99 to +6.84‰) values than the rhyolites. The zircon crystals that have low d18O values commonly crystallized from 18O-poor magma or underwent post-magmatic zircon-fluid interaction (Gao et al., 2014; Monani and Valley, 2001; Wei et al., 2002; Zheng et al., 2004). The zircon grains of the biotite granites exhibit intact crystal shapes and clear oscillatory zoning (Fig. 4), together with low Th (