Two Problems Concerning the Area-perimeter

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Here we replace the condition of convexity by the condition `simply connected' (through- out this paper a plane region is called simply connected if its boundary ...
Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie Contributions to Algebra and Geometry Volume 37 (1996), No. 1, 1-8.

Two Problems Concerning the Area-perimeter Ratio of Lattice-point-free Regions in the Plane Uwe Schnell and Salvador Segura Gomis Mathematisches Institut, Universitat Siegen D-57068 Siegen, Germany; [email protected] Departamento de Matematicas, Facultad de Matematicas Campus de Espinardo, Universidad de Murcia E-30100 Murcia, Spain; [email protected]

Abstract. We give a generalization of Bender's area-perimeter relation for plane

lattice-point-free convex regions to simply connected regions, thus we solve a problem posed by M. Silver [10]. Further the result is used for a lattice version of the Dido problem. MSC 1991: 52C05, 11H06

1. Introduction and Results For a plane lattice-point-free convex region with area A and perimeter P Bender [1] proved the relation A < 1: P 2 This result has been generalized in di erent ways. There are complete solutions for the generalization to higher dimensions [4] and to arbitrary lattices for d = 2 [9]. Further there are results for convex bodies containing a certain number of lattice points ([2],[7],[8]). The work has been partially supported by Consejeria de Cultura y Educacion de la C.A.R.M. PB 94-10 and by the DGICYT (Spain) Grant no. PB 91-0324. 

c 1996 Heldermann Verlag, Berlin 0138-4821/93 $ 2.50


U. Schnell, S. Segura Gomis: Two Problems Concerning the Area-perimeter Ratio ...

Here we replace the condition of convexity by the condition `simply connected' (throughout this paper a plane region is called simply connected if its boundary is a recti able Jordan curve and hence area and perimeter are de ned). This problem was rst posed by Silver [10] who conjectured that 1=2 has to be replaced by 1= + 1=4 = 0:568 : : :. In this paper we shall prove that the correct constant is 0:582822 : : :.

Theorem 1 Let M be a lattice-point-free simply connected plane region and let P (M ) and

A(M ) denote its perimeter and its area, respectively. Then A(M ) < ; P (M ) where = r(x ) = 0:582822 : : : with 1 cos x sin x r(x) = 4 sin ? x 4x + 2x and x is the unique solution of the equation





sin x(x sin x + 2x cos x + cos x ? 2 sin x) = x cos x: 2



The inequality is asymptotically tight, i.e. cannot be replaced by a smaller number.

A related problem is a lattice version of the well-known Dido problem. Here we add the condition, that there are latticelike arranged trees in the interior of the land and Queen Dido is not allowed to enclose a tree. More exactly, for a given length P we want to nd a simply connected region M  H := f(x; y) 2 R : y  0g with free boundary length `(@M \ int (H )) = P (` denotes the length of a curve) and int (M ) \ Z = ;, which maximizes the enclosed area. Based on Theorem 1 we prove the following result. +




Theorem 2 The optimal region in the Dido problem with lattice constraints consists of a

lattice rectangle with height 1 and its basis on the shoreline, a number of circular caps, each joining two adjacent lattice points of level one and either two congruent caps or two di erent caps which form a semicircle together, joining the rst and the last lattice point with the shoreline. The radii of the circular arcs are identical and this common radius is contained in p [1; 5=2]. The intersection of the boundary of an optimal set and the shoreline is orthogonal. Further the ratio of the area and the perimeter is bounded by  = t(y0 ) = 1:04151 : : :, where

1 cos x sin x t(x) = 4 sin ? x 4x + x


and y0 is the unique solution of the equation

sin x(x sin x + 4x cos x + cos x ? 4 sin x) = x cos x: 2

This bound is also asymptotically tight.



U. Schnell, S. Segura Gomis: Two Problems Concerning the Area-perimeter Ratio ...


The optimal set is sketched for small values of P in Figure 1. ................ ...................... ............................. ... ......... .. ..... ... ..... ...... ........ ... .................................................... ......................................................................................................... p p F   5=2  3:51  5=2  F  4=3  4:18 ...................................... .................................. ... .. .... ... ..... ... ... ... . . ............................................................. ..........................p .............................. 4=3  F  ( + 2 arctan(1=2)) 5=2  4:54 q












Figure 1 If the length P is enlarged the lattice rectangle corresponding to the optimal region will be stepwise increased by one unit. These limit lengths can be determined numerically.

2. The Existence of Optimal Regions We will prove the existence of an optimal region for the rst problem (for the Dido problem the arguments work analogously). Therefore it is convenient to consider open lattice-pointfree simply connected regions bounded by a curve since the limit of closed lattice-point-free sets may have lattice points in its interior. It is sucient to consider curves for which the pieces between two lattice points are convex curves, since one can give for an arbitrary curve a curve of this form with at most the original length and at least the original area by taking the convex hull and eliminating the lattice points in the interior in a suitable way. Now let f ng be a series of such curves n : [0; 1] ! R with `( n) = const = P and let the interior of the enclosed sets Mn contain no lattice points. Further let 2

A(Mn ) ! sup A(M ( )) =: S: `( )=P

We may assume that the sequences of those lattice points passed through are identical. The series of convex caps enclosed by the convex pieces of n and the line segment joining the two lattice points have converging subsequences by the selection theorem of Blaschke (see e.g. [4]) (this subsequence can be chosen such that all caps converge). So we obtain a limit set M as the union of the lattice polygon and all the open convex limit caps with length P (M ) = lim `( n) = P and area A(M ) = lim A(Mn) = S . Since M contains no lattice points it is optimal. Note that two adjacent caps may have a straight line segment in common. In this case the length is counted twice. Further it follows that the boundary consists of circular arcs with equal curvature except the straight line segments, because if that were not the case the set could be improved locally by the usual isoperimetric property.


U. Schnell, S. Segura Gomis: Two Problems Concerning the Area-perimeter Ratio ...

3. Proof of Theorem 1


Let P = P (Mp) be xed. For P   2 = 4:4428 : : : the optimal region is a circle with A=P = r=2  p2=4 < 1=2. For P >  2 an optimal region exists and it consists of a lattice polygon  and a union of convex caps Di; i = 1; : : : ; k, whose boundaries join two adjacent points of @  \ Z . Let pi be the length of @Di n@  and let li be the distance of the two lattice points at the end. Further let ai = A(Di) be the enclosed area. By a generalization of Pick's formula [6] by Hadwiger and Wills [3] for the number of lattice points L of  we have 2

L() = A() + k2 + (); where k is the number of edges of  (counting the edges which are not contained in the closure of the interior of  twice) and  denotes the Euler characteristic. It follows A() + 1  k and hence k k X X A(M ) + 1 = A() + 1 + ai  (ai + 1=2) 2



In the following it suces to prove

ai + 1=2  pi; i = 1; : : : ; k: because then it follows

A(M ) + 1 

k X i=1

pi = P (M ):

(6) (7)

First we shall see that it suces to consider lattice-point-free circular caps Di = C . Assume that we have shown A(C ) + 1=2  ; (8) P (C ) for lattice-point-free circular caps C , then we can prove it for general caps D by induction on dP e, i.e. the least integer greater than the length P = P (D). For dP e = 1 D is necessarily a line segment of length one and A(D) = 0. For general P one may assume that D is an optimal convex cap with length P . If it does not contain a further lattice point in its boundary it is a circular cap by local arguments. If D contains a further lattice point then we can divide D into three parts two of them being caps D0; D00 of this type with dP (D0)e; dP (D00)e < dP (D)e and one lattice triangle with an area of 1=2. By the induction hypothesis we obtain inequalities for D0 and D00 and it follows 1 + A(D) = A(D0) + A(D00) + 1  P (D0) + P (D00) = P (D): 2 In the following we will prove (8) depending on l = li.

U. Schnell, S. Segura Gomis: Two Problems Concerning the Area-perimeter Ratio ...


........................................................ . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. ........ ......................... ........ ........ .......... ........ ....................R ...... ........ .. ...... .. . h = 1=l ..........................................................................................................v........... . . . . . . O .... ... .. .... P .... . . .... ... .. ..... .... . . . w .. . .... .. .. . .... .... . ... . ... .... .... .... ........................ Figure 2 .... .. x. .. .... .. .... ........ Q For this we have to show that the angle x (see Figure 2) corresponding to C = Ci cannot be too large for large l. Let Q be the center corresponding to C and let O and P be the two lattice points at the end of @C . There is a lattice point R with distance h = 1=l to OP whose projection is contained in OP . Let v be the smaller one of the distances of the projection to P and O, without restriction to P . Since kP ? Rk  1 it follows v + (1=l)  1 and hence 2



v  1 ? 1=l =: v 2



Let w be the radius minus the height of the cap, then (l=2) + w = r = (w +1=l) +(l=2 ? v) and hence y = lv=2(l ? v) ? 1=(2l). Since v(l ? v) is increasing for 0  v  l=2 it follows with (9) p w  l=2v (l ? v ) ? 1=(2l) = l=2( l ? 1 ? 1): Hence tan x = l=(2w)  p 1 (10) l ?1?1 For the area and the perimeter of C we have with r = l=(2 sin x) 2









p = P (C ) = 2xr = lx=(sin x) and


x cos x : a = A(C ) = xr ? r sin x cos x = l =4 x ? sin sin x


x ? sin x cos x  x  tan x; 0  x  =2: sin x






It is easy to see that



For l  10 we have with (10) and (13)

a + 1=2  a=p + 1=(2l)  p l + 1=(2l): p 4( l ? 1 ? 1) 2

6 U. Schnell, S. Segura Gomis: Two Problems Concerning the Area-perimeter Ratio ... Since the function f (l) = pl2 ?l ? + 1=(2l) is decreasing it follows 4(



a + 1=2  f (p10) = 0:5533 : : : < : p p p Since OP contains no further lattice point, the cases l = 1; 2; 5 are still to be consid-

ered. p For l = 5 it follows from (10) tan x  1 and

a + 1=2 = p5=20  5 ? 5 cos x + 2 sin x  p sin x x x This function is increasing in [0; =4] and so the ratio is at most its value in x = =4 which is 0:488 : : :